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Hello World Part 2: Service Components and Web Interfaces: Integration Developer

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Integration Developer Version 7.

Version 7 Release 0

Hello World Part 2: Service Components and Web Interfaces

Note Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in Notices on page 35.

This edition applies to version 7, release 0, of WebSphere Integration Developer. Copyright IBM Corporation 2005, 2009.

Chapter 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . 1
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Chapter 3. Run the sample . . . . . . 21

Explore the solution . . . . . . Deploy and test the modules . . . Remove the modules from the server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 . 23 . 32

Chapter 2. Build it Yourself . . . . . . 5

Import the Hello World Part 1 sample . . . . . . 5 Create an integration solution . . . . . . . . 6 Create new interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Create a new module . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Populate the module. . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Create the human task implementation . . . . . 11 Create the business process implementation . . . 13

Chapter 4. Import . . . . . . . . . . 33 Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Terms of use . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2009



WebSphere Integration Developer: Hello World Part 2: Service Components and Web Interfaces

Chapter 1. Introduction
In the Hello World Part 1 sample, you created a mediation service that accepted a title, first name and last name as input and returned "Hello title firstName lastName" as output. In this Hello World Part 2 sample, you extend the Part 1 application by creating a module that contains a business process. The business process uses a human task to prompt users for their name information and it then invokes the module from Hello World Part 1 to produce the resulting string. You will also expose this process as a Web service. The Hello World Part 1 sample contains only mediation modules, which enables the sample to be deployed and run on either WebSphere Process Server or WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus. However, the Hello World Part 2 sample incorporates a standard business integration module to contain the business process, which means that the sample can only be deployed and run on WebSphere Process Server. In the sample, you learn how to complete the following activities: v Create a module for deployment to WebSphere Process Server v Create a human task to interact with your application v Create an import to invoke another module v Create a business process to orchestrate service invocations v v v v Expose a business process as a Web service to remote clients Create an integration solution to group related projects and see their relationships Deploy and test module applications on the server Interact with the Web-based user interface of the Business Process Choreographer Explorer

In this sample you create an SCA import component for invoking the module from Hello World Part 1, a human task component to prompt for the name information, and a business process component that invokes the first two components. This gives you an introduction to some of the capabilities (activities) of a business process and provides an introduction to the other core tools that supplement the business object, interface and mediation flow tools introduced in the Hello World Part 1 sample. In Hello World Part 1 you built a mediation module that provides an interface to an existing Web service. In Hello World Part 2 you will build a business process that uses this interface. At a conceptual level, the Hello World Part 2 sample application is comprised of the following elements: v A module named HelloWorldProcess that contains a business process that is also named HelloWorldProcess v A human task component named HelloWorldTask v An import named HelloWorldImport and an export named HelloWorldExport. These elements are shown in the following figure:

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HelloWorldProcess Hello World Part 2 Module

Component Human task Export Web service HelloWorldExport Component Business process HelloWorldProcess HelloWorldTask

Import SCA binding


HelloWorldMediation Hello World Part 1 Mediation Module

Component Mediation flow

Export SCA binding

Import Web service

Existing Web service

A human task is a unit of work performed by a person. In this sample, the HelloWorldProcess business process assigns a task for completion by a person -- you! The HelloWorldProcess business process is a long-running process, which means that it can come to a complete stop while waiting for input or instructions. The most common form of this interruption would be a human interaction or decision, but it could also be the result of calling a long-running asynchronous service. In the sample, the business process receives text input indicating gender and then sends this text to a To-do human task that displays it while prompting for user name information. You will find and claim the human task in the supplied Web-based user interface (that is used for working with human tasks) and then you will provide the requested name information. When you are finished with the task, you complete it to send the response back to the business process. The business process subsequently decides on an appropriate title string based on the gender input text. It then sends the title and name information to the service implemented by the module from the Hello World Part 1 sample, which results in a concatenated name prefixed by the word Hello. This result is written to the console using a small snippet of visual Java code and it is returned to the waiting caller of the process. This figure shows what the business process for this sample looks like:

WebSphere Integration Developer: Hello World Part 2: Service Components and Web Interfaces

Chapter 1. Introduction

WebSphere Integration Developer: Hello World Part 2: Service Components and Web Interfaces

Chapter 2. Build it Yourself

You can use the many tools of WebSphere Integration Developer to build the sample yourself. To build the application, complete the following steps: Import the Hello World Part 1 sample. Create an integration solution. Create new interfaces for the process and the human task. Create a new module to contain the process and human task components. Populate the new module with the process and human task components, as well as the import and export components. v Create the human task implementation. v Create the business process implementation. v v v v v

Import the Hello World Part 1 sample

To build the Hello World Part 2 sample application, you need the Hello World Part 1 sample application in your workspace. If you did not build the Part 1 sample yourself and you did not import the ready-made version of the Part 1 sample, you should import it into your workspace now. To import the ready-made Hello World Part 1 sample into your workspace: 1. In WebSphere Integration Developer, select Help > Samples and Tutorials > IBM WebSphere Integration Developer 7.0. The Samples and Tutorials page opens. 2. Under the Hello World Part 2: Service Components and Web Interfaces section, click the Import link. 3. You are presented with two possible options for import, as shown here:

4. Select Starter artifacts and click OK. This imports the Hello World Part 1 sample that you must have in your workspace to build the Hello World Part 2 sample. You should now see two module projects and one library project in your Business Integration view, as shown here:

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Create an integration solution

When you have numerous projects, it is helpful to group related projects together using an integration solution. Integration solutions are simply "super projects" that are used to reference other projects. They enable you to more easily test a group of related projects and work with them in a team environment. To help you visualize the relationships between the projects in an integration solution, an integration solution editor is provided. To create an integration solution: 1. In the Integration Solutions section of the Business Integration view, click the New link shown in the following figure:

The New Integration Solution wizard opens. 2. In the Integration solution name field, type HelloWorldPart2 and click Next. 3. Click the Select All button to select the module and library projects HelloService, HelloWorldLibrary, and HelloWorldMediation, as shown in the following figure:

WebSphere Integration Developer: Hello World Part 2: Service Components and Web Interfaces

If there are other projects listed that are also selected, clear the check boxes beside their names. 4. Click Finish to add the new integration solution to the workspace. In the Integration Solutions section of the Business Integration view, expand the HelloWorldPart2 integration solution and expand Project References. You can see that the HelloService, HelloWorldLibrary, and HelloWorldMediation projects are all referenced by the integration solution, as shown in the following figure:

Note: If necessary, you can grab the sash that separates the Integration Solutions section from the Projects section in the Business Integration view, then drag the sash up or down as needed.

Create new interfaces

Your business process needs an interface of its own that takes a string for the caller's gender as input and returns the final concatenated result string.

Chapter 2. Build it Yourself

Your human task also needs its own interface. It will take a string as input and will be displayed in the user interface form of the claimed task, which will prompt the user for their first name and last name and return it as output from the human task after it is completed. To create the two new interfaces in the existing HelloWorldLibrary library project: 1. Create the interface for the business process by completing the following steps: a. In the Projects section of the Business Integration view, expand HelloWorldLibrary. then right-click on the Interfaces category and select New > Interface. The New Interface wizard opens. b. In the Name field, type HelloWorldProcess and then click Finish. The interface editor opens. c. In the Operations section, click the Add Request Response Operation icon to add a request response operation, then rename the default name operation1 to startHelloWorldProcess. d. Change the default input name from input1 to gender and change the default output name from output1 to result. The interface should now resemble the following figure:

e. Press Ctrl+S to save the interface and then close the interface editor. 2. Create the interface for the business process by completing the following steps: a. In the Projects section of the Business Integration view, expand HelloWorldLibrary, then right-click on the Interfaces category and select New > Interface. The New Interface wizard opens. b. In the Name field, type HelloWorldTask and then click Finish. The interface editor opens. c. In the Operations section, click the Add Request Response Operation icon to add a request response operation, then rename the default operation name operation1 to getName. d. Right-click anywhere in the Outputs row and select Add Output. A new output is added that is named output2. e. Change the default input name from input1 to gender. f. Change the default output name output1 to firstName and then change the default output name output2 to lastName. The interface editor should now resemble the following figure:

WebSphere Integration Developer: Hello World Part 2: Service Components and Web Interfaces

g. Press Ctrl+S to save the interface and then close the interface editor.

Create a new module

A module is required to hold the components that are necessary for defining your business process. To create a new module: 1. In the Projects section of the Business Integration view, click the New link. The New Business Integration Project wizard opens. 2. Select Module and click Next. The New Module wizard opens. 3. In the Module name field, type HelloWorldProcess and click Next. 4. Select the HelloWorldLibrary check box (to enable the business process to access the interfaces in the library), then click Next. 5. Select the Select an integration solution check box. 6. In the Integration solution field, ensure that HelloWorldPart2 is selected and then click Finish. The assembly editor opens for the new HelloWorldProcess module and a reference to the module is displayed in HelloWorldPart2 integration solution, as shown in the following figure:

Populate the module

In the assembly editor for the new HelloWorldProcess module, you now need to add the business process component, human task component, and import and export components. To populate the module: 1. If the assembly editor is not currently open for the HelloWorldProcess module, expand the HelloWorldProcess module in the Projects section of the Business Integration view, then double-click Assembly Diagram to open the assembly editor.
Chapter 2. Build it Yourself

2. In the palette of the assembly editor, click the Process component and then drag it to the editor canvas. 3. In the canvas, click the new process component and then rename it to HelloWorldProcess and press the Enter key. Note: If you accidentally double-click the process component, an Open dialog box will open to ask you whether you want to implement the component now. If the Open dialog box appears, click No (or press the Esc key). 4. In the canvas, click the new HelloWorldProcess component to display the hover bar above the component, then click the circled I icon to open the Add Interface dialog box. 5. In the Matching interfaces list, select HelloWorldProcess and click OK. The new HelloWorldProcess interface is added to the HelloWorldProcess component, as shown in the following figure:

6. Drag and drop Human task from the palette to the canvas. 7. Rename the new human task component to HelloWorldTask. 8. Using essentially the same steps that you used to add an interface to the HelloWorldProcess component, add the interface HelloWorldTask to the new human task component. 9. Wire the HelloWorldProcess process component to the HelloWorldTask human task component and click OK. When the Add Wire dialog box opens, click OK. Here is what you should have so far:

10. Press Ctrl-S to save your work. 11. Right-click the HelloWorldProcess process component and select Generate Export > Web Service Binding, then select the first transport option of SOAP1.2/HTTP and click Finish. An export is created in the assembly diagram. 12. Rename the new export by right-clicking on the export and selecting Refactor > Rename. (If the Save Modified Resources dialog box opens, click OK.) When the Rename Artifact dialog box opens, type HelloWorldExport in the New name field and click Refactor. Note: Refactoring is an action available throughout WebSphere Integration Developer that allows you to make a change and propagate that change through all of the impacted files. In this case, it is necessary to use refactoring in order to change the WSDL port. 13. In the Projects section of the Business Integration view, expand the HelloWorldMediation project and the Assembly Diagram category, then select HelloWorldMediationExport and drag it to the assembly editor canvas for the HelloWorldProcess module. The Component Creation dialog box opens. 14. Select Import with SCA Binding and click OK. An SCA import component is generated that can be used to invoke the module from the Hello World Part 1 sample. 15. Rename the new import to HelloWorldImport. 16. Wire the HelloWorldProcess process component to the HelloWorldImport import. When the Add Wire dialog box opens, click OK. Your assembly diagram should now look like this:


WebSphere Integration Developer: Hello World Part 2: Service Components and Web Interfaces

17. By default, the assembly editor canvas is in automatic layout mode and each component is positioned automatically. However, if you manually adjust the position of a component, the automatic layout capability is switched off. Look on the status line at the bottom of the workbench to see whether automatic layout is on or off. If the status is off, you can turn automatic layout on again by right-clicking in the assembly editor canvas and selecting Automatic Layout, as shown in the following figure:

Alternatively, you can leave automatic layout off and perform a one-time layout by selecting Layout Contents. 18. Save the contents of the assembly editor.

Create the human task implementation

You will now create the implementation of the human task component. A human task is a unit of work performed by a person. There are several kinds of human tasks, such as a To-do task where the system assigns a task to a person who subsequently supplies the necessary information and completes the task, which results in the information being returned to the process. To create the human task implementation: 1. In the assembly editor, double-click on the HelloWorldTask component. Click Yes on the Open dialog indicating you do want to create the implementation. Click OK on the Generate Implementation dialog indicating you want to create the implementation file in the project's root folder. The human task editor opens, as shown here:

2. Strictly speaking, there is nothing more you need to do here, but you want to learn! So click in the white space of the human task editor canvas near the bottom. Then select the Properties view below the editor and click the Details tab. 3. In the bottom right of the Properties view, select the check box Bind the life cycle to the invoking component, as shown here:

Chapter 2. Build it Yourself


This action ensures that outstanding instances of this task (to-dos) will be cleaned up when the process that invoked the task is cleaned up. 4. Select the Duration tab in the Properties view. Set the Duration until task expires to 6 minutes, as shown here:

This way, it will clean itself up if you forget to claim and complete it in a reasonable amount of time. 5. In the editor canvas, note the People Assignment (Receiver) section, as shown here:

By default, anyone can create instances of this human task (in other words, create to-dos) and anyone can claim those instances and work on them. However, you can restrict this capability. Select the Everybody cell in the Potential Owners row and focus the Properties view. There is only the Assign People tab. In the People assignment criteria field, select User Records by user ID, as shown here:

In the Assign People page, scroll down to the table and set the value of userID to the user ID that was specified for the server at install time. If you did not change the user ID, then specify the default


WebSphere Integration Developer: Hello World Part 2: Service Components and Web Interfaces

user ID admin, as shown in the following figure:

In the People Assignment section near the top of the editor, you see that the table has changed, as shown in the following figure:


Optional: Note the Escalations section, as shown here:

In addition to specifying a duration for how long users must process a task before it expires, you can also specify a series of escalation actions in case the task is not claimed in a certain amount of time after it is created (Ready state), or in case it is not completed in a certain amount of time after it is claimed (Claimed state). Actions include creating a new to-do task for someone else or sending an e-mail notification. This is where you set these escalations up, using the green plus button when one of the state icons is selected. For both durations and escalations, you can specify elapsed time not only with absolute hours, minutes or days, but you can also specify it with a business calendar. By creating and specifying a business calendar, you can identify noncontiguous time. For example, you can specify that escalation should only occur after two business days have elapsed. 7. Save and close the human task editor and then save your work in the assembly editor.

Create the business process implementation

You will now create the implementation of the business process component, which is more complex than the implementation of the human task. Create the business process implementation: 1. In the assembly editor, double-click the HelloWorldProcess process component to start work on it. Click Yes in the Open dialog and click OK in the Generate Implementation dialog. The business process editor opens, as shown here:

Chapter 2. Build it Yourself


2. Your process is going to invoke a human task, which could take a long time to respond. As a result, you need the process to be defined as long running. Click somewhere in the white space of the editor and go to the Properties view and select the Details tab. Notice that the process is identified as a Long-running process, as shown here:

If you want to change the process from a long-running process to a microflow, click the Refactor to Microflow link. This ensures that not only the process definition is changed, but also the process component in the assembly editor. This means that the process changes and all downstream artifacts impacted by the change are updated. 3. A business process is made of activities or individual steps. When a process is initially created for an interface with a request response operation, it has two activities pre-supplied: a Receive activity for starting the process through the operation and a Reply activity for returning the response to the caller. Your own activities will be inserted between these two activities. On the palette, expand the Structures category and drag Generalized Flow and drop it between Receive and Reply, as shown here:


WebSphere Integration Developer: Hello World Part 2: Service Components and Web Interfaces

Note that some activities like Generalized Flow are structured, meaning they are intended to contain other activities. To produce a flow that branches, you must use Parallel Activities, Generalized Flow, or Collaboration Scope. 4. In the tray on the right side of the canvas, expand the Reference Partners category and drag and drop HelloWorldTaskPartner into the GeneralizedFlow structure, then set the name to InvokeTask, as shown here:

This creates a configured Invoke activity that calls this reference, which is wired to the human task component back in the assembly editor. This means that at run time, the activity results in the creation of an instance of your human task; that is, a to do task is created and awaits being claimed by one of its potential owners. It is not fully configured yet, however. You need to define where to get its input parameter data and store its output results. 5. On the canvas, select the InvokeTask activity and open the Properties view below the editor. Select the Details tab. In the Inputs rows of the table, click on none in the cell of the gender row and of the last column named Read from Variable. You see a drop-down list showing all variables currently defined in this process that have a matching type, which at this point consists only of the input and output parameters of the process interface. Select the gender variable, which is the input parameter to this process. This selection means that you will pass this variable's text data as input to the human task. 6. Similarly, in the Outputs rows, click on none in the cell of the firstName row and of the last column named Store into Variable, but this time select New and create a new variable named firstname. Do the same for the lastName row and create a new variable named lastname. Note that the variables
Chapter 2. Build it Yourself


are created with the appropriate type for this reference partner parameter. Your table should look like this:

7. At run time when the InvokeTask returns, you will have variables containing the first name and last name of the user. The Hello World Part 1 sample service that you need to invoke also requires a title like Mister, which means that you need to define a variable to hold the value. Beside the Variables category in the tray, click the plus (+) icon as shown in the following figure:

The Add a Variable dialog box opens. 8. In the Name field, type the variable name fullname and select the type FullName, which is a business object created in the Hello World Part 1 sample. Click OK. This is the matching data type of the variable that the service from the first sample requires as input. Your variable list should now look like this:

The fullname variable has three fields defined in it, all of type string: title, firstName and lastName. You will need to set a value for all three fields before you can invoke the service, as described in the following steps. 9. From the palette, expand the Basic Actions category and drag and drop the Assign activity to the inside of the GeneralizedFlow structure on the canvas. Rename it to AssignM. 10. While AssignM is selected, go to the Properties view and the Details tab. In the Assign To column of the table, click on Select To. In the drop-down list, expand fullname and select title. 11. In the same table, in the Assign From column, click on Select From. Select String (enter a value) from the drop-down list and type Mr, as shown here:

12. In the canvas, wire the InvokeTask activity to the AssignM activity and select Add a Link from the pop-up dialog box. 13. Once again, drag and drop the Assign activity from the palette to the interior of the GeneralizedFlow structure and name it AssignF. Configure it to assign Ms to the title field, as shown here:


WebSphere Integration Developer: Hello World Part 2: Service Components and Web Interfaces

14. Wire the InvokeTask activity to the AssignF activity. In the resulting popup, select Add a Link. Your flow should now look like this:

15. It is time to assign values to the remaining two fields in fullname: namely firstName and lastName. You will set these from the values that are returned from the human task. Drag and drop Assign again from the palette to the inside of the GeneralizedFlow structure and then rename it to AssignNames. Using the Add button to add another row to the Assign table, configure it as shown in the following figure:

16. Wire both the AssignF and AssignM activities to this new AssignNames activity and select Add a link when prompted. The GeneralizedFlow should look like this:

17. You need to condition the two links coming from InvokeTask so that there is some criteria about when to follow each link. Select the blue link that goes into AssignF and go to the Details tab of the Properties view. In the Expression Language field, select XPath 1.0 and then click the Edit button. The XPath Expression Builder opens. 18. Set the gender condition to female using one of the following approaches:
Chapter 2. Build it Yourself


v Type the expression $gender='female' directly and click OK. v Click Insert Simple XPath and select $gender in the list of data types, then select the equals sign (=) as the Operator in the Add an optional condition area and type female in the corresponding Value field. Click OK twice. 19. Select the link that goes into AssignM, and for its properties set the Expression Language to XPath 1.0 and the Condition to $gender!='female' as shown here:

Optional: It is possible to give your links a label by setting the Display Name in the Description tab of the Properties view, then showing the label by right-clicking the link and selecting Show Labels on Links. 20. In the tray, drag and drop HelloWorldPartner to a position immediately above the Reply activity and name it InvokeHW1, as shown here:

21. In the Details tab of the Properties view, for the InvokeHW1 activity, bind the input and output parameters to the fullname and result variables, as shown here:


WebSphere Integration Developer: Hello World Part 2: Service Components and Web Interfaces

22. From the Basic Actions category in the palette, drag Snippet to immediately above Reply. In the Details tab of the Properties view, there is a visual Java snippet editor. Double-click the Properties tab to go full screen. Click on Standard in the palette. The Add a Standard Visual Snippet dialog appears. Expand utility and select print to log and then click OK. Click in the visual snippet editor canvas. A print to log node appears. 23. Drag the result variable from the tray on the right to the visual snippet editor canvas. Wire from the result node to the print to log node, so that your snippet looks like this:

Restore the Properties view to its normal size. You have now visually authored Java code to emit the contents of the result variable to SystemOut. Technically, by wiring one node to another, you supply an input parameter to a method. 24. You are done authoring the process! Save your process. It should look like this:

25. Switch to the assembly editor and save your changes, then switch back to the business process editor. 26. Optional: In your process, you sometimes want to know which activities use a particular variable. There is a way to do that. In the tray, select the fullname variable. From the Window menu, select Show View > References. The References view opens in the lower left of the perspective, where you see a graph showing as input to the variable all those activities that set the variable, as shown in the following figure:

Chapter 2. Build it Yourself


Congratulations! The authoring steps are complete. It is now time to test.


WebSphere Integration Developer: Hello World Part 2: Service Components and Web Interfaces

Chapter 3. Run the sample

After you have finished building the sample, you can run it. However, you will first explore the integration solution to view the projects that make up the entire application and to learn about the relationships between the projects.

Explore the solution

Sometimes you need to obtain a high-level view of your application to see all of the various elements and how they fit together. The integration solution editor can help with this task. To explore the solution: 1. In the Business Integration view, expand the integration solution HelloWorldPart2, as shown here:

2. Double-click Solution Diagram. The integration solution diagram opens in the integration solution editor, as shown in the following figure:

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In the solution editor, you see all three modules inside the integration solution. The left edge of each module displays an export and the right edge of each module displays an import (except for the HelloService module). Any non-SCA imports and exports are connected to the edge of the integration solution. SCA imports and exports are not connected to the edge of the integration solution because they are only designed for direct communication between modules. If a module invokes another module through an SCA binding, a connection is displayed between the two modules. 3. In the solution editor, display the library HelloWorldLibrary by clicking the Show All Projects icon, as shown in the following figure:

The integration solution diagram now displays the HelloWorldLibrary library with connections to the modules that reference it, as shown in the following figure:

If you want to see the contents in a module, click the Expand module icon in the upper right corner of the module. For example, if you click the Expand module icon on the HelloWorldMediation module, you should see the contents shown in the following figure:


WebSphere Integration Developer: Hello World Part 2: Service Components and Web Interfaces

If you want, you can explore the other icons on the toolbar as well as the context menu items. For example, the icons and menu items enable you to open the assembly editor, add sticky notes for comments, set the background color of a module, and perform numerous other tasks. 4. Close the solution diagram. If you are prompted to save your settings, click No. Now that you have some familiarity with the integration solution, it is time to test it.

Deploy and test the modules

You must deploy (publish) your module to your test environment server before you can run and test your mediation. In the Hello World Part 1 sample, you learned how to use the Servers view and the Add and Remove Programs dialog box to deploy module applications to the server. You also learned how to use the Build Activities view to subsequently republish the modules to the server whenever it was needed. However, in the Hello World Part 2 sample, you do not use these tools to deploy or republish the modules. Instead, you open the integration test client to perform your testing and the test client performs the deployment and republishing of your modules. To deploy and test the modules: 1. In the Business Integration view, right-click the HelloWorldPart2 integration solution and select Test > Test Solution, as shown here:

Chapter 3. Run the sample


The integration test client opens. 2. In the test client, click the Configurations tab. The Configurations page opens and lists all of the modules in your solution. Ensure that only the HelloWorldProcess module is expanded, as shown here:


WebSphere Integration Developer: Hello World Part 2: Service Components and Web Interfaces

The Configurations page is where you can configure your test session, such as identifying the modules to include in the test, which ensures that the modules are deployed and up-to-date on the server. (By launching the test client from an integration solution, the modules are pre-populated in the test configuration.) 3. You can also configure your test session so that variable data is shown for each event when a process is tested, which can be very helpful. Under the Fine-Grained Traces category of the module, select HelloWorldProcess. On the right side of the Configurations page, you see all of the variables in the selected business process. Click Select All, as shown here:

Another useful capability (which is not explored in this sample) is the emulation of components and imports, which means that you do not actually need to run them during your testing. This capability encompasses the testing of human task components, where you can emulate different users and claim and complete the tasks. Note: You can also save your integration test client sessions to reuse them at another time. 4. Click the Events tab. In the Detailed Properties section, specify the module and component that you want to test: namely, the HelloWorldProcess module and the HelloWorldProcess process. In the value editor, specify a value of male for the gender variable. The Detailed Properties section should look like the following figure:

Chapter 3. Run the sample


5. At the top of the Events area, click the Continue icon opens, as shown here:

. The Deployment Location dialog box

If you have different servers defined, you could choose to deploy your modules to different servers. However, for the purposes of this sample, simply click Finish to accept the default server associations. The User Login dialog box opens. 6. If you did not change the default user ID and password for the server when you installed it, simply click OK. (The default user ID and password are both admin.) However, if you did change the default


WebSphere Integration Developer: Hello World Part 2: Service Components and Web Interfaces

user ID or password when you installed the server, specify the user ID and password and then click OK. The server is started (if required) and all of the modules in the test configuration are deployed or republished as necessary, as shown here:

Finally, the actual test begins to run. In the Events area of the test client, you can see events that display the execution path through the components in the assembly diagram. You can also see fine-grained trace events that display the execution path through the activities in the business process, as shown in the following figure:

At this point, the execution pauses. The Request event (highlighted in the above figure) is appended with the text (HelloWorldProcess -> HelloWorldTask:getName), which indicates that the component HelloWorldProcess has invoked the component HelloWorldTask through its getName operation. The Request event is currently the last event in the Events area, which means that the process is waiting for user input...yours! There is a to-do task that is waiting to be claimed and completed before the test can continue. In the following steps, you will locate and process the to-do task. 7. In the Servers view, right-click your server and select Launch > Business Process Choreographer Explorer. The Business Process Choreographer Explorer opens in the built-in Web browser. 8. When you are prompted for a user name and password, specify the user name and password that you have been using for administration and for which you are specified as the only potential owner for the human task. By default, the user name and password are both admin. 9. Click Login. The My To-dos page opens. This page contains a list of to-do tasks for the user name that you used to log into the Business Process Choreographer Explorer, as shown here:

Chapter 3. Run the sample


Remember, it is possible for multiple people to see the same to-do task if they are part of the same Potential Owners list. However, once a person claims a to-do task, only that person will be able to see it. 10. Select the check box in front of the HelloWorldTask task and then click the Work on button to claim the task. The Task Message page opens and displays a form that contains the input parameter data as well as the prompts used for specifying the output parameter data, as shown here:


WebSphere Integration Developer: Hello World Part 2: Service Components and Web Interfaces

11. In the Task Message page, specify phil in the firstName field and specify bar in the lastName field, then click the Complete button to complete your to-do task. The My To-dos page opens again, but the to-do task no longer appears. 12. At the top of the Business Process Choreographer Explorer, click Logout and then close the browser window. Note: This Web user interface is the default one supplied for your convenience. There is also another supplied user interface for human tasks in the Business Space, which you can also launch from the Servers view. As well, you can create your own user interfaces for processing human tasks. This can be done by starting from scratch and using only the business process and human task APIs that IBM supplies, or you can get a head start on your custom user interface by using the module context menu item Generate Human Task User Interface. For each task, a default form will be generated if no customized forms are found. You can optionally create and customize the forms for each task in the User Interface section of the human task editor. 13. In the workbench, click the HelloService_Test tab to refocus the integration test client. You will note that the test automatically continued and ran to completion. In the value editor, you can see the contents that were returned for the result output variable, as shown in the figure below:

In the Events area, you can also see the fine-grained trace event flow for the business process as well as the request and response mediation flows from the mediation module in the Hello World Part 1 sample, as shown in the following figure:

Chapter 3. Run the sample


14. In the Events area, click the Reply fine-grained trace event to see the contents of the business process variables as they existed at that point in the execution path, as shown in the following figure:


WebSphere Integration Developer: Hello World Part 2: Service Components and Web Interfaces

15. Optional: If you want, you can perform some additional testing. At the top of the Events area, click the drop-down arrow beside the Invoke icon and then select Invoke, as shown here:

A new Invoke event is displayed in the Events area and the original input data for the earlier test is displayed in the Initial request parameters value editor. In the value editor, change male to female and then click the Continue icon to run the test again. You will need to once again launch Business Process Choreographer Explorer to claim the task and you should again specify phil as the first name and bar as the last name for the output parameters. When you complete the task in Business Process Choreographer Explorer, you should see a result of Hello Ms phil bar returned in the test client. 16. Use File > Close All to close all of the open editors. When a Save Test Trace dialog box asks whether you want to save your changes, click No.

Chapter 3. Run the sample


Remove the modules from the server

Generally, when you have finished testing a module, you should remove it from the server. This will ensure that the only modules that are deployed to the server are those that you are preparing to test, which will reduce the load on the server and enhance its performance. To remove the modules from the server: 1. Click the Servers tab. The Servers view opens. 2. In the Servers view, right-click WebSphere Process Server or WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus and select Add and Remove Projects. The Add and Remove Projects dialog box opens, as shown in the following figure:

3. Click Remove All. The applications are removed from the Configured projects list. 4. Click Finish. If a dialog box opens and informs you that the project is being removed from the server, click OK. The applications no longer appear under the server in the Servers view, as shown here:

Congratulations! You have completed the Hello World Part 2: Service Components and Web Interfaces sample.


WebSphere Integration Developer: Hello World Part 2: Service Components and Web Interfaces

Chapter 4. Import
You can either import a complete ready-made version of the Hello World Part 2: Service Components and Web Interfaces sample, or you can import starter artifacts and build the sample yourself. To import the sample: 1. Open WebSphere Integration Developer and select a new workspace. 2. If the Getting Started page is not open in the workspace, select Help > Getting Started > IBM WebSphere Integration Developer. The Getting Started page opens. 3. On the Getting Started - IBM WebSphere Integration Developer page, select the Go to Samples and Tutorials link, as shown in the following figure:

The Samples and Tutorials page opens. 4. Under the Hello World Part 2: Service Components and Web Interfaces section, click the Import link. You are presented with two options, as shown here:

5. If you want to build the sample yourself, select Starter artifacts and click OK. You should now see the following three projects in your Business Integration view: v HelloService v HelloWorldLibrary v HelloWorldMediation Open the "Build it yourself" instructions and begin with the topic "Create an integration solution". 6. If you want to import the complete ready-made sample, select the option Complete artifacts and click OK. You will see the following projects in the Business Integration view:
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v v v v

A mediation module named HelloService. A mediation module named HelloWorldMediation. A library named HelloWorldLibrary. A module named HelloWorldProcess.

Instructions for running the sample are found in the topic "Run the sample".


WebSphere Integration Developer: Hello World Part 2: Service Components and Web Interfaces

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WebSphere Integration Developer: Hello World Part 2: Service Components and Web Interfaces

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WebSphere Integration Developer: Hello World Part 2: Service Components and Web Interfaces

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WebSphere Integration Developer: Hello World Part 2: Service Components and Web Interfaces

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