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Visualize with Rational Software Modeler: UML 2.

A tour of Rational Software Modeler's Visual UML 2.0 modeling
Skill Level: Introductory
Eric Long (
Software Engineer
23 May 2006
For the architect, system analyst, or designer immersed in the development process,
Rational Software Modeler offers a completely customizable, UML 2.0-based visual
modeling and design tool that makes it simple to clearly document and communicate
processes, flows, and designs. Teams find it easier to collaborate, since Rational
Software Modeler integrates with other tools such as WebSphere Business
Integration Modeler. Using easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions, this tutorial lets
you sample some of the visual UML 2.0 modeling capabilities. By the end, you'll
know how to create a variety of different UML 2.0 diagrams, import existing modeling
projects, and edit models.
Section 1. Before you start
About this tutorial
Learn how to create and import UML 2.0 modeling projects, models, and diagrams
using Rational Software Modeler. This tutorial demonstrates several Rational
Software Modeler UML 2.0 diagrams:
Class diagrams
Sequence diagrams
Activity diagrams
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If you are a business analyst, architect, developer, or someone who is interested in
learning about Rational Software Modeler's UML 2.0 visual tooling capabilities, this
tutorial is for you.
After completing this tutorial, you will know how to use Rational Software Modeler's
visual tools to create class, sequence, and activity diagrams.
This tutorial assumes that you have some understanding of the Unified Modeling
Language (2.0). Knowledge of UML 2.0 diagrams is helpful, but not required.
System requirements
To run the examples as demonstrated in this tutorial, you need to have Rational
Software Modeler installed on your machine.
If you don't already have a copy, you can download a free trial version of Rational
Software Modeler. You also need to download the sample payroll application. During
the tutorial, you will import this file into Rational Software Architect.
Section 2. Models and designs supported by Rational
Software Modeler
Rational Software Modeler lets you create, import, and edit many types of UML 2.0
models and the diagrams associated with those models. Here is a list of the
"out-of-the-box" models and diagrams you can create:
Use-Case Model
Activity diagrams
State machine diagrams
Use-case diagrams
Analysis Model
Class diagrams
Sequence diagrams
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Design Model
Class diagrams
Communication diagrams
Component diagrams
Composite structure diagrams
Deployment diagrams
Sequence diagrams
Enterprise IT Design Model
Corba Template Model
XSD Model
Section 3. Import a UML Modeling Project
To get started with this tutorial, you need to do some initial set up. First, import a
project into Rational Software Modeler using the Project Interchange option.
Import the Payroll Application Project
Importing a project using Rational Software Modeler is very easy:
1. Open Rational Sofware Modeler.
2. From the Window menu, select Open Perspective > Modeling to open
the Modeling perspective.
3. Make sure all of your open projects are closed.
4. Select File > Import....
5. Select Project Interchange (or zip file).
6. Click Next.
7. Next to the From zip file: field, click Browse...:
Figure 1. Import Project Interchange Contents window developerWorks
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8. Find (where you downloaded the file at the
beginning of this tutorial).
9. Click Open.
10. Select ACMEPayrollApplication in the Import Projects list:
Figure 2. Import Projects window
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11. Click Finish.
12. You should see the ACMEPayrollApplication project in the Model Explorer
view. Double-click on both of the .emx files and explore their contents.
Figure 3. Model Explorer view developerWorks
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Now on to the more exciting part of the tutorial. Let's create UML class diagrams.
Section 4. Create and edit a UML activity diagram
In this section of the tutorial, you will create an activity diagram in the
ACMEPayrollApplication project to illustrate the flow in a use-case.
1. In the Model Explorer view, expand the Administration package in the Use
Case Model.
2. Right-click the Maintain Employee Information
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3. Select Add Diagram > Activity Diagram.
4. Name the activity and the diagram AddEmployeeActivities:
Figure 4. Model Explorer view
5. The activity diagram opens in the Diagram editor.
Figure 5. Activity diagram 1 developerWorks
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6. From the Palette (right of the editor), add the
following nodes to the diagram:
1. An Initial node with no name.
2. An Action node named Receive Employee Information.
3. An Action node named Validate Employee Information.
4. A Decision node (which is a type of Control node) with no name.
5. A Fork node (size appropriately) with no name.
6. An Action node named Assign Paycheck Delivery.
7. An Action node named Generate Employee ID.
8. A Join node (size appropriately) with no name.
9. An Action node named Add Employee.
10. An Activity Final node with no name.
7. Arrange the nodes to look similar to this:
Figure 6. Activity diagram 2
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8. From the Palette, add the following Control Flow relationships (only
provide names where indicated):
1. From the Initial node to the Receive Employee Information action.
2. From the Receive Employee Information action to the Validate
Employee Information action.
3. From the Validate Employee Information action to the Decision
4. From the Decision node to the Receive Employee Information
action named Invalid Information Provided (you might
need to adjust the line to route around other actions).
5. From the Decision node to the Fork node named Valid
Employee Information.
6. From the Fork node to the Assign Paycheck Delivery action.
7. From the Fork node to the Generate Employee ID action. developerWorks
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8. From the Assign Paycheck Delivery action to the Join node.
9. From the Generate Employee ID action to the Join node.
10. From the Join node to the Add Employee action.
11. From the Add Employee action to the Activity Final node.
9. Your diagram should look similar to this:
Figure 7. Activity diagram 3
Great! Now, on to creating a sequence diagram.
Section 5. Create and edit a sequence diagram
Create a sequence diagram for the RemoveDeletedEmployees flow you created in
the Maintain Employee Information use-case realization in part two of this tutorial.
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1. In the Model Explorer view, expand Design Model
> ACMEPayroll Design Contracts > ACMEPayroll Design-Level Use
Case Realizations > Administration.
2. Right-click [[use-case realization]] Maintain Employee Information.
3. Select Add Diagram > Sequence Diagram.
4. Name both the interaction and the diagram
Figure 8. Model Explorer view
5. In the Model Explorer view, expand Use Case Model.emx >
Administration to find the Payroll Administrator actor.
6. Drag-and-drop the Payroll Administrator actor on to the sequence
diagram and press F2, then Delete, then Enter (this removes the
auto-assigned name of payrolladministrator).
Figure 9. Add PayrollAdministrator developerWorks
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7. From the Palette, select the Sequence Diagram
drawer .
8. Select the Lifeline tool and click on the diagram.
9. Select Create New Class.
10. Name the class RemoveMarkedRecordsForm and click OK.
11. If prompted for a name for the element, press Delete and then Enter.
12. Repeat the same steps to add two more unnamed classes to the diagram:
13. You should now see:
Figure 10. Sequence diagram 1
14. From the Palette, select the Sequence Diagram drawer.
15. Select the Synchronous Message tool.
16. Click-and-hold on the Payroll Administrator lifeline and drag it to the
RemoveMarkedRecordsForm lifeline, then release.
17. Name the operation removeMarkedEmployees and click OK.
18. Repeat these steps to create the removeMarkedEmployess message
from the RemoveMarkedRecordsForm lifeline to the
RemoveDeletedEmployeesController lifeline.
19. Your sequence diagram should looks like this:
Figure 11. Sequence diagram 2
20. From the Palette, click Interaction Occurrence.
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21. Click on the execution occurrence on the
RemoveDeletedEmployeesController lifeline.
22. Select Create New Interaction and name it
23. Resize the interaction occurrence box to span the PayrollDB lifeline.
24. When prompted, select :PayrollDB in the Add Covered Lifelines window,
then click OK:
Figure 12. Add Covered Lifelines window
25. The retrieveMarkedEmployeeList interaction occurrence should look like
Figure 13. Sequence diagram 3 developerWorks
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26. From the Palette, select Option Combined Fragment.
27. Click on the execution occurrence on the
RemoveDeletedEmployeesController lifeline (just below the interaction
occurence you just created).
28. Type hasMoreEmployees as the guard condition.
29. Resize the interaction occurrence box to span the PayrollDB lifeline.
30. Again, when prompted, select :PayrollDB in the Add Covered Lifelines
window, then click OK.
31. From the Palette, click the arrow beside the Option Combined Fragment
tool and select Loop Combined Fragment:
Figure 14. Loop Combined Fragment
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32. Click on the execution occurrence for RemoveDeletedEmployeeController
within the area of the Option Combined Fragment box you previously
33. Click Enter to accept the default parameters of 0,*.
34. Resize the interaction occurrence box to span the PayrollDB lifeline.
35. Again, when prompted, select :PayrollDB in the Add Covered Lifelines
window, then click OK.
36. Within the Loop Combined Fragment, create the deleteEmployee
synchronous message from the RemoveDeletedEmployeesController
lifeline to the PayrollDB lifeline.
37. Whew! Well, after all of that, your sequence diagram should look like this:
Figure 15. Sequence Diagram 5 developerWorks
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On to UML class diagrams.
Section 6. Populate and edit a UML class diagram
So, you created a few different classes in the last section. This section is going to
show how easy it is to take those same classes and view them in a class diagram.
Populate a Class Diagram
1. In the Model Explorer view, expand Design Model > ACMEPayroll
Design Contracts > ACMEPayroll Design-Level Use Case
Realizations > Adminstration > [[use-case realization]] Maintain
Employee Information.
Figure 16. Model Explorer view
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2. Double-click the Participants diagram.
3. From the Model Explorer view, drag-and-drop the following classes onto
the diagram:
4. Your diagram should look like this:
Figure 17. Class Diagram
That's it! Feel free to add relationships, elements, and other components to the class
diagram using the Palette.
Section 7. Conclusion developerWorks
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Congratulations! In this tutorial, you imported a UML Modeling Project and created a
UML 2.0 activity diagram, sequence diagram, and class diagram. Even though the
examples you created were fairly simple, you could see how easy it is to use
Rational Software Modeler to create meaningful UML 2.0 models and diagrams.
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Visit the developerWorks Ratoinal zone to expand your Rational skills.
Visualize with Rational Application Developer (developerWorks, February 2006)
details the visual tools available to visualize a number of different Java
elements in Rational Application Developer.
Visualize with Rational Software Architect (developerWorks, March 2006)
details the visual tools available to create UML projects and models, apply
design patterns to those models (new or existing), and transform UML models
into source code or into a different type of model.
Discover IBM Rational visual tools for application developement
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About the author
Eric Long
Eric Long is a Software Engineer in the IBM Developer Skills Program. Eric
graduated from The University of Texas with a degree in Computer Science. He
joined in July of 2004 and currently works in Austin, Texas. As a Software Engineer,
he provides technical information to developers on open source and industry trends
and technologies through speaking engagements, web content, and faculty
consultations at IBM Academic Initiative member universities. His work also includes
technical demos and content available at developerWorks
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