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Suburban Furnace NT-16SE NT-20SE

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The manual provides instructions for operating and maintaining a furnace model. It contains various warnings about safety, installation, and maintenance.

Warnings are given about turning off the furnace during refueling or when the vehicle is in motion. It also warns about the risks of fire and carbon monoxide if not installed or maintained properly.

The owner should contact the nearest recommended Suburban Service Center, providing the model and serial numbers and the nature of the defect. Transportation and travel expenses are the owner's responsibility.

SUBURBAN MANUFACTURING COMPANY 676 Broadway Street Dayton, Tennessee 37321


For Models NT-16SE NT-20SE
This book contains instructions for operating and maintaining the furnace. INSTALLER: APPLIANCE. LEAVE THIS MANUAL WITH THE

CONSUMER: RETAIN THIS MANUAL FOR FUTURE REFRENCE. Should you require further information, contact your dealer or nearest Suburban Service Center.

WARNING! Installation of this appliance must be made in accordance with the written instructions provided in this manual. No agent, representative or employee of Suburban or other person has the authority to change, modify or waive any provision of the instructions contained in this manual. WARNING! Be sure the furnace and all ignition systems are OFF during any type of refueling and while vehicle is in motion or being towed. WARNING! Improper installation, adjustment, alteration, service or maintenance can cause property damage, personal injury or loss of life. Refer to the installation instructions and/or owners manual provided with this appliance.

WARNING: If the information in this manual is not followed exactly, a fire or explosion may result causing property damage, personal injury or loss of life. Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance. WHAT TO DO IF YOU SMELL GAS Evacuate all persons from the vehicle. Shut off the gas supply at the gas container or source. Do not touch any electrical switch, or use any phone or radio in the vehicle. Do not start the vehicles engine or electric generator. Contact the nearest gas supplier or qualified service technician for repairs. If you cannot reach a gas supplier or qualified service technician, contact the nearest fire department. Do not turn on the gas supply until the gas leak(s) has been repaired. Installation and service must be performed by a qualified installer, service agency or the gas supplier. Installer: leave this manual with the appliance. Consumer: Retain this manual for future reference.
D ue to high tem peratures , the unit should be located out of traffic and aw ay from furniture and draperies. C hildren and adults should be alerted to the hazards of high surface tem peratures and should stay aw ay to avoid burns or clothing ignition. Young children should be carefully supervised w hen they are in the sam e room as the unit. C lothing or other flam m able m aterial should not be placed on or near the unit. Any safety screen or guard rem oved for servicing the unit m ust be replaced prior to operating the unit. The area around the unit m ust be kept clear from com bustible m aterials, gasoline and other flam m able vapors and liquids. Installation and repairs should be done by a qualified service person. The unit should be inspected befo re u se a n d at least annually by a qualified service perso n. M ore frequent cleaning m ay be required due to excessive lint from carpeting, bedding m aterial, etc. It is im perative that control com partm ents, burne rs, and circulating air passagew ays of the unit be kept clean.


W AR N IN G ! If the user of this appliance fails to m aintain it in the condition in w hich it w as shipped from the factory or if the appliance is not used solely for its intended purpose or if appliance is not m ainta in ed in acco rdance w ith the instructions in this m anu al, then the risk o f a fire and/or the production of carbon m onoxide exists w hich can cause personal injury, property dam age or loss of life. C AU TIO N : Label all w ires before disconnecting for servicing. Proper polarity m ust be observed so the furnace m otor w ill run w ith the proper direction of rotation to insure correct air delivery. (S ee w iring diagram ). C AU TIO N : Label all w ires prio r to disconnection w hen servicing controls. W iring error can cause im proper and dangerous furnace operation. Alw ays verify proper operation of furnace after servicing. Yo ur furnace should be insp ected by a qualified service agency yearly before turning the furnace on. Particular attention should be given to the follow ing item s. 1. Inspect furnace installation and vent term ination to be sure furnace is properly secured in place (S ee Installation Instructions), that vent term ina tes to the atm osphere, and that vent tubes overlap properly (S ee Installing V ent Assem bly). 2. Inspect cham ber and venting to assure that these com ponents are physically s o und, without holes or excessive corrosion and that the installation and/o r reinstallation is in accordance w ith Suburbans Installation Instructions. (R eference installation m anual supplied with furnace.) W AR N IN G ! It is im perative that the products of com bustion be properly vented to atm osphere and that all com bustio n a ir supplied to burner be draw n from outside atm osphere. 3. C heck the base on which furnace is m ounted. Be sure it is physically sound, void of any sagging, deterioration, etc. 4. Inspect furnace, the venting and the gas piping to furnace for obvious signs of deterioration. C orrect any defects at once. 5. Inspect com bustion cham ber for restrictions in e xh a u st or intak e. It is im perative that the flow of intake com bustion air and the flow of exhaust gases being expelled to the outside atm osphere not be obstructed. A n y s o o t or loose debris should be blown out using com pressed air. 6. Inspect all gaskets. If any gaskets show signs of leakage or deterioration, replace them . Safe operation of the furnace depends on all gaskets being tight. 7. Inspect return a ir in le t openings to the furnace. R em ove any restrictions to a ssu re a de qu ate a ir flo w. You, as the o w ner/user, should inspect the furnace m onthly during the heating season for pre se n ce of soot on vent. O perating the furnace under this condition could lead to serious property dam age, personal injury or loss of life. If soot is observed on the vent, im m ediately shut the furnace down and c o n ta c t a qualified service agency. Listed below are several safety related item s that you should follow during the heating season to assure continued safe operation of the furnace. 1. Inspect furnace venting. V enting m ust be free of obstructions, void of soot and properly term inated to the atm osphere. W AR N IN G ! D o not install screens over the vent for any reason. Screens w ill becom e restricted and cause unsafe furnace operation. Accessories are being m ark eted for R V products w hich w e do not recom m end. For your safety, only factory authorized parts are to be used on your furnace.

2. P eriodically observe the m ain burner flam e to assure it is burning with a hard blue flam e with well defined burner ports (S ee Figure 2). If flam e appears yellow or burner has a lazy flam e, shut furnace down. It is possible that burner needs cleaning or replaced. T o inspect the m ain burner, rem ove the four (4) screws (A , B , C and D) securing the burner access door to the com bustion cham ber (S ee Figure 1). If excessive rust and corrosion are present on burner surface, the burner m ust be thoroughly cleaned or replaced. The burner m ay be cleaned using a steel wire brush and blown clean using high com pression air. C ontact a qualified service person for assistance. N O T E : To observe flam e, cabinet front m ust be rem oved. O peration of burner can then be observed through the viewing window on front of cham ber. (S ee Figure 1.) 3. P eriodically in s p e c t the vent for obstructions or presence of soot. S oot is form ed whenever com bustion is incom plete. This is your visual warning that the furnace is operating in an unsafe m anner. If soot is present, im m ed iately shut furnace down and contact your dealer or a qualified service person. 4. K eep furnace clean. More frequen t cleaning m ay be required due to excessive lint from carpeting, bedding m aterial, etc. It is im perative that control com partm ents, burners and circulating air passageways of the appliance be kept clean. 5. T he m otor is perm anently lubricated and requires no oiling. 6. K eep the furnace area clear of any com bu stible m aterials, gasoline or other flam m able vapor and liquids. 7. B efore operating furnace, check the location of the furnace vent to m ak e sure it will not be blocked by the opening of any door on the trailer. If it can be blocked, do not operate the furnace with the door open. 8. D o not restrict the flow of com bustion air or the warm air circulation to the furnace. To do so could cause personal injury and/or death. 9. N ever operate the furnace if you sm ell gas. D o not assum e that the sm ell of g a s in your R V is norm al. A ny tim e you detect the odor of gas, it is to be considered life threatening and corrected im m ediately. E xtinguish any open flam es including cigarettes and evacuate all persons from the vehicle. S hut off gas supply at LP gas bottle. (S ee safety notice on front cover of this m anual.) 10. Im m ediately shut furnace down and call a service agency if furnace cycles erratically or delays on ignition. W AR N IN G ! S hould overheating occur, or the gas supply fail to shut off, shut off the m anual gas valve to the appliance before shutting off the electrical supply. 11. N ever attem pt to repair dam aged parts. A lways have them re p la ced by a qualified service agency. 12. N ever attem pt to repair the furnace yourself. Seek the h elp of a qualified service person. 13. C lothing or other flam m able m aterial should no t b e placed on or near the appliance. 14. Always follow the O perating Instructions. D o not deviate from the step-by-step procedures. 15. In any installation in which the vent of this appliance can be covered due to the construction of the R V or som e special feature of the R V such as slide out, pop-up etc. always insure that the appliance cannot be operated by setting the therm ostat to the positive O FF position and shutting off all electrical and gas supply to the appliance. N ever operate furnace with vent covered. 16. W hen considering add-on room s, porch or patio, atte ntion m ust be given to the venting of your furnace. For your safety, do not term inate furnace vent inside add-on room s, s creen p orch or onto patios. D oing so will result in products of com bustion being vented into the room or occupied areas.

Figure 2

Figure 1

W AR N IN G : D o not operate furnace w hile vehicle is in m otion or being tow ed. N O T E : D uring initial firing of this furnace a burn-off of excess paint and oils rem aining from m anufacturing process m ay caus e sm ok ing for 5 - 10 m inutes.

FOR YOUR SAFETY READ BEFORE OPERATING WARNING: If you do not follow these instructions exactly, a fire or explosion may result causing property damage, personal injury or loss of life.
A . T his appliance does not have a pilot. It is equipped w ith a n ign ition device which autom atically lights the burner. D o not light the burner by hand. B . B E FO R E O P E R A T IN G sm ell all around the appliance are a fo r g as. Be sure to sm ell next to the floor because som e gas is heavier than air and w ill settle on the floor. W H AT T O D O IF Y OU SM ELL G AS E xtinguish any open flam e. Evacuate all persons from the vehicle. Shut off the gas supply at the gas container or source. D o not touch any electric switch or use any phone or radio in the vehicle. D o not start the vehicles engine or electric generator. C ontact the nearest gas supplier or qualified service technician for repairs. If you cannot reach a gas supplier or qualified service technician, contact the nearest fire departm ent. D o not turn on the gas supply until the gas leak(s) has been repaired. C . U se only your hand to turn the handle o n the m anual shut off valve. N ever use tools. If the handle will not turn by hand, dont try to repair it, call a qualified service technician. Force or attem pted repair m ay result in a fire or explosion. D . D o not use this applia n c e if any part has been under water. Im m ediately call a qualified service technician to inspect the appliance and to replace any part of the control system and any gas control which has been under water.

1. S TO P ! R ead the safety inform ation above on this label. 2. S et the therm ostat to lowest setting. 3. T urn off all electric power to the appliance. 4. T he appliance is equipped with an ignition device which autom atically lights the burner. D o not try to light the burner by hand. 5. T urn shut-o ff valve to O FF. T his furnace is equipped with a valve shut-off switch . W ith switch in O FF position, gas will not flow to burner nor will the furnace operate. 6. W ait five (5) m inutes to clear out any gas. T hen sm ell for gas including near the floor. If you then sm ell gas, S TO P ! Follow B in the safety inform ation above on this label. If you dont sm ell gas, go to next step. 8. 9. 7. T urn on all electric power to the appliance. These units are for use with LP gas only. LP gas is heavier then air. Therefore, to better clear out any gas, the heater should be operated for five (5) m inutes with the blower on and the gas off. If blower does not com e on or stops before ignition cycle, g o to sh ut do wn and contact your dealer or a local recreational vehicle service agency. T urn shut-off valve to O N . S et therm ostat to desired setting.

10. If the appliance will not operate, follow the instructions T o Turn O ff G as to A ppliance and call your service technician or gas supplier. N O T E : If the furnace should lock -out, the blower will go off in 5 m in u te s a nd rem ain off until unit is reset by reactivating therm ostat.


1. 2. S et the therm ostat to lowest setting, then m ove lever to "O FF" position. T urn off all electric power to the appliance if service is to be perform ed. 3. T urn shut-off valve to O FF. D o not force.

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5


O nly factory authorized parts are to be used. D o not attem pt to repair defective parts.

W hen ordering repair parts from your dealer, a S uburban S ervice C enter, or distributor, always give the following inform ation. 1. 2. 3. 4. P art N um ber (N ot Item N o.) P art D escription M odel N o., S erial N o. and D ate C ode of Furnace N um ber of Parts R equired

Item No. 1 4

NT-16SE 161154 030785PW ----------101887 070569 050712 050711 050708 260572 062476 121247 230933 121951 021187BK 070243 230635 230714 070270 520820 062392 070450 350082 390876 390874 121928 520950 350083 063447 231931 070163 030621 070398 170374 161123 063531 170744 180224 070449 010614 063249 232351

Part Number NT-20SE 161154 030785PW 030785SG 030785GL 101887 070569 050712 050711 050708 260572 062476 121247 230933 121951 021187BK 070243 230849 230714 070270 520820 062392 070450 350082 390876 390874 121928 520950 350083 063447 231931 070163 030621 070398 170374 161123 063531 170744 180231 070449 010614 063249 232351

5 6 7

8 10 10A 11 11A 12 15 17 20 22 24 27 29 32 34 38 39 41 42 43 45 46 50 51 54 55 56 58 60 61 62 63 64

Description Thermostat (Suburban supplied thermostat not applicable to some models) Cabinet Front (White) Cabinet Front (Gray) Cabinet Front (Light Gray) Cabinet Bushing Tube, Intake (Standard) (5" Long) Tube, Intake (Special) (2 3/4" Long) Tube, Intake (Special) (7 3/4" Long) Vent Cap and Exhaust Tube Assembly Bracket, Microswitch Mounting Screw, #2 - 56 x 5/8 (2 Required) Microswitch Assembly Nut, #2-56 (2 Required) Combustion Chamber/Shield Assembly Grommet Limit Switch Splicer Bushing Module Board Stiffener Bracket, Combustion Air Housing Gasket, Burner Tunnel Wheel, Combustion Air Housing Combustion Air (Rear) Housing Combustion Air (Front) Screw 6-19 X PH. P.H. (10 Required) Motor Impeller, Room Air Bracket, Combustion Air Housing Mounting Electrode Gasket, Electrode Door, Burner Access Gasket, Burner Access Door Gas Fitting Valve Bracket, Manifold Mounting (2 Required) Manifold Assembly Orifice, Main Burner Gasket, Manifold Burner Assembly Bracket, Switch, Mounting Switch, ON/OFF

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This Suburban product is warranted to the original purchaser to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and maintenance for a period of two years from date of purchase whether or not actual use begins on that date. It is the responsibility of the consumer/owner to establish the warranty period. Suburban does not use warranty registration cards for its standard warranty. You are required to furnish proof of purchase date through a Bill of Sale or other payment records. Suburban will replace any parts that are found defective within the first two years and will pay a warranty service allowance directly to the recommended Suburban Service Center at rates mutually agreed upon between Suburban and its recommended service centers. Replacement parts will be shipped FOB the shipping point within the Continental United States, Alaska and Canada to the recommended service center performing such repairs. All freight, shipping and delivery cost shall be the responsibility of the owner. The exchanged part or unit will be warranted for only the unexpired portion of the original warranty. Before having warranty repairs made, confirm that the service agency is a recommended service center for Suburban. DO NOT PAY THE SERVICE AGENCY FOR WARRANTY REPAIRS; SUCH PAYMENTS WILL NOT BE REIMBURSED. For warranty service, the owner/user should contact the nearest recommended Suburban Service Center, advising them of the model and serial numbers (located on the furnace) and the nature of the defect. Transportation of the RV to and from the Service Center and/or travel expenses of the Service Center to your location is the responsibility of the owner/user. A current listing of recommended service centers may be obtained from Suburbans website, If you cannot locate a recommended service center locally, the service agency chosen to perform warranty repairs must contact our Service Department at 423-775-2131 for authorization before making repairs. Unauthorized repairs made will not be paid by Suburban.


The furnace heat exchanger is further warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship during the third through fifth year after the date of original purchase. A replacement heat exchanger will be provided under the same conditions as stated in the two year warranty EXCEPT no labor reimbursement will be provided.



1. Normal maintenance as outlined in the installation, operating and service instructions owners manual including cleaning of component parts; such as, orifices and burners. 2. Initial checkouts and subsequent checkouts which indicate the furnace is operating properly, or diagnosis without repair. 3. Damage or repairs required as a consequence of faulty or incorrect installation or application not in conformance with Suburban instructions. 4. Failure to start and/or operate due to loose or disconnected wires; water or dirt in controls, fuel lines and gas tanks; restriction or alteration of return air circulation; low voltage. 5. Routine adjustments that may be required to the thermostat, electrode and burner. 6. Costs incurred in gaining access to the furnace. 7. Parts or accessories not supplied by Suburban. 8. Freight charges incurred from parts replacements. 9. Damage or repairs needed as a consequence of any misapplication, abuse, unreasonable use, unauthorized alteration, improper service, improper operation or failure to provide reasonable and necessary maintenance. 10. Suburban products whose serial number has been altered, defaced or removed. 11. Suburban products installed or warranty claims originating outside the Continental U.S.A., Alaska, Hawaii and Canada. 12. Damage as a result of floods, winds, lightning, accidents, corrosive atmosphere or other conditions beyond the control of Suburban. 13. ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL PROPERTY, ECONOMIC OR COMMERCIAL DAMAGE OF ANY NATURE WHATSOEVER. Some states do not allow the exclusion of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation may not apply to you. NO REPRESENTATIVE, DEALER, RECOMMENDED SERVICE CENTER OR OTHER PERSON IS AUTHORIZED TO ASSUME FOR SUBURBAN MANUFACTURING COMPANY ANY ADDITIONAL, DIFFERENT OR OTHER LIABILITY IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE OF THIS SUBURBAN PRODUCT. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.


FIRST: If your RV has its original furnace and is still under the RV manufacturers warranty, follow the steps described in your RV owners manual. SECOND: Contact a conveniently located recommended Suburban Service Center. Describe to them the nature of your problem, make an appointment, if necessary, and provide for delivery of the furnace to the selected service center. THIRD: For the location of the nearest service center, refer to the listing provided or contact: Suburban Manufacturing Company Customer Service Department 676 Broadway Street Dayton, Tennessee 37321 For future reference, you should record the following inform ation (423) 775-2131, Ext. 7101 M O D E L NU M B E R _________________________________
S E R IA L NU M B E R _________________________________ S T O C K N U M B E R _________________________________ D A T E O F PU R C H A S E _____________________________

Part Number 204389 7-16-07

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