Broadcast March 5 2012
Broadcast March 5 2012
Broadcast March 5 2012
The Williams School works with each child to build an enduring foundation for academic, moral, and social success. Williams School students embody integrity, confidence, discipline, and a love of learning.
Honor before Honors
Dear Williams School Families, Spring Break always comes on the heels of what historically has proven to be one of the busiest times of the year. The bustle of auction preparations, the auction event alongside our usual school happenings, has all proven that this year is no exception. This week, our Boys Gold Basketball Team brought home yet another trophy for TWS after winning the Championship Division of the ETIS Basketball Tournament. The game was quite the nail bitter but the boys prevailed to win the game 37-33 against the Beach Breakers. It has been remarkable to see how these players have developed over the past few years into the championship team of today. Thank you to Coach Gerrard, Steve Minter (parent), the Team Moms, our student support staff and of course the players. Well Done! Linda Ungvarsky, not skipping a beat after auction preparations were completed, organized a collaborative project with Thaler McCormick (parent) for the For Kids cause. For Kids students joined several TWS students after school to complete a collaborative piece of art that will be auctioned off at the 2012 For Kids Art Auction and Casino Night fundraiser. If that wasnt enough happening, a group of parents and Sally Marr met afterschool to learn about the River Star Program. Robin Dunbar, Erin Jackson and Jennifer Cahoon (parent) from the Elizabeth River Project came after school to meet with the Keeping Williams Green group about the Elizabeth River and the River Star Program. We were surprised to learn that even some of our families in Chesapeake, Virginia Beach and Portsmouth can participate in the River Star Program. The group set an ambitious goal to get every home in the Elizabeth River Watershed to become a River Star Home. Contact if you are interested. In addition, our 4th 8th grade students are gearing up for the spring musical. Edna Broadhurst finds every bit of free time during the day when she can meet with actors and actresses for practice. The play this year will be the Williams version of Grease. Save the date for what is sure to be a spectacular performance March 30th. The admissions season is coming to a close as is the end of the second trimester. Teachers spent the day grading papers, completing grades, and constructing comments so report cards would be ready to be mailed next Friday. With things winding down around here, I am hopeful that everyone will have a restful, well-deserved spring break. Safe travels, Melanie
THIS WEEK March 5th- 9th Spring Break (Report Cards mailed out on Friday) Sunday, March 11th Daylight Savings Time Begins - Spring Forward 1 Hour NEXT WEEK Monday, March 12th School Resumes Spring Term Begins Forensics Workshop MPR @ 3:30-5:30 PM Tuesday, March 13th Girls on the Run 3:00 4:30 Library PAC Meeting 3:30 PM Science Room Wednesday, March 14th Assembly Bigs/Littles, Haiti presentation, MS T2 Academic Recognition, Good Citizens for grades 3-5, SCA announcement 3rd Grade grass planting @ the Hermitage Foundation Museum 9:30-10:30AM Spring Sports Begin Winter Sports Reception 5:30 PM Thursday, March 15th Girls on the Run 3:00 4:30 Library Friday, March 16th Kids Night Out 6:00-10:00PM Saturday, March 17th St. Patricks Day LOOKING AHEAD Monday, March 19th Tuesday, March 20th Girls on the Run 3:00 4:30 Library Board Meeting MPR @ 4:00 Wednesday, March 21th Assembly Special Visitor Fifth Grade Guest Lunch @ 12 Noon in 418 Humanities Young Yogis Yoga 3:00-4:00 PM in MPR Thursday, March 22th Girls on the Run 3:00 4:30 Library Friday, March 23th
Last Day of School Festival Day Plans We wanted to update everyone on the decision that was made regarding Festival Day, the last day of school. As a result of comments made on the survey and an overwhelming response from faculty and staff, the last day of school will go on as planned. The day is a celebration for all and the final day when our graduates are recognized by the entire Williams family. For some families, this will be the last time they will gather at the school in celebration of their childrens time here at Williams. As in the past, the day will begin with an assembly which includes a few awards, recognition of our graduates, and band performances. The assembly will be followed by lower school performances in the MPR, visits to the classrooms and activities throughout the school. The day culminates with a picnic and plenty of fellowship before sending us all off on our way to enjoy our summer break. We hope that everyone will be able to join us this year! In regard to comments that were made on the survey, please know that we will be taking this input and including it in on our discussion regarding next years calendar.
*Thank you to our Auction Sponsors!* Pints and Quarts - $3,000 Mr. and Mrs. Jason Hirschfeld Big Ben - $2,500 Amerigroup Dr. and Mrs. Tony C. Cetrone Dr. James and Dr. Marybeth Dixon Mr. and Mrs. David Shelton Buckingham Palace - $1,500 Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. McClellan Mr. and Mrs. Paul Robinson Running, Etc. - Mr. and Mrs. Michael Robinson Mr. and Mrs. William L. Taliaferro, Jr. Wynne Volvo & Wynne Ford Tower of London - $750 Icon Limousine Westminster Abbey - $500 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Frank Auerbach Mr. and Mrs. Tom Betz
Dr. and Mrs. John Birknes Mr. Chris Burgess and Ms. Evans McMillion Mr. and Mrs. Ron Chupik Mr. and Mrs. Jason Davis Dupres Salon and Spa Mr. and Mrs. Jason Dupre Mr. Jeffrey and Ms. Aimee Estes Dr. Pierre and Dr. Elizabeth Golpira Dr. C.W. and Dr. Marilyn Gowen Dr. and Mrs. Dan Neumann Old Towne Drug Center Pharmacy and Young Yogis Yoga Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Woods Suffolk Iron Works, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Harrell Taste Unlimited LLC Mr. and Mrs. Jon Pruden Dr. Ken and Dr. Julie Tiffany Dr. Jeff and Dr. Lauren Willis
Dear Williams School Family, For those of you not able to join us on Saturday evening, we report a spectacular trip to LONDON and tremendous results for our students and programs at The Williams School. Thank you to all who worked so hard to make it such a loverly event. Here are some offerings and opportunities available via email. Please consider helping our school by your participation. ROOM WITH A VIEW: When faculty members were asked their greatest wish for The Williams School, the resounding reply was "More room!" Converting our Humanities Center screened porch into a functioning classroom is our only option and our immediate goal. Please help us by throwing in your tuppence with ours to help us give young minds room to grow. Opportunities to share in the building are: Buy a Stud (such a deal there!) $2,500 Windows to the World $2,000 Piece of Promethean $1,500 Wires & Wireless $1,000 Desks & Chairs $ 750 Sheet Rock $ 500 Floor Boards $ 250 Roof Shingles $ 100 Box of Nails $ 50 Paint $ 25 Please email Meredith at Thank you!
SIGN-UP PARTIES: A few spots remain for these GREAT parties: Hague Pub Crawl: May 12, 2012 A Progressive Pub Crawl around the Hague, with food and beverages offered by your successive hosts to entice you as you travel from home to home. The festivities will begin at the Findlays with Paul and Mia Robinson as co-hosts, progress to the Whitmores, then move to the Birknes home with the Shawyers and the Ryans as cohosts. Mode of transportation is on foot; crawling is optional. Party is for 50 people at $75 per person. Scavenger Hunt: September 22, 2012 Back by VERY popular demand, with an "Uptown Twist", this unforgettable evening on September 22, 2012 will include a scavenger hunt for up to thirty people. Personal drivers will conduct our lucky players through Norfolk as teams try to solve the clever clues and unearth silly treasures. Dinner, adult beverages and delicious desserts will be provided. A night of frivolity and fun not to be missed! Price is $75 per person. Due to the frivolous nature of this event, the invitation is restricted to our TWS family members and sign-up is limited to the first thirty (30) people. Your Hosts and Hostesses: Clay and Kristine Beers, Clifton and Anne-Randolph Harrell, Michelle and Jason Hirschfeld, Jon and Tracie Pruden, David and Kathy Shelton, Ken and Julie Tiffany, Anne Marie and Brian Wynne. Benjack's Fall Farm Party: October 27, 2012 Come join the Benjacks at their farm in Franklin for a Pig Pick'n on Saturday, October 27, 2012. Feel free to bring a tent and spend the night. Kids will have a ball running around with opportunities to pet sheep and chickens. See cows grazing and even go fishing if you bring a pole. There are trails in the woods to walk through and even a zip line. Take a hayride out to the pumpkin patch where we hope to provide a pumpkin for every family. BYOB. Speaking from experience, you might want to bring your kids a change of clothes. Cost is $150 per family and this event is limited to 75 families. Expires: 10/27/2012 ITEMS FOR SALE: We have listed these at the MINIMUM bids. Items will be sold first come, first served, by time listed on the email. Thank you! #153 One Kinesiology Taping at Norfolk Acupuncture & Therapy, $20 #156 1 Wellness Workout at Norfolk Acupuncture & Therapeutic Massage, $30 #105 60-day Membership & Lunch at Town Point Club, $150 #131 Mini Facial & Frankincense Collection - Jayne Luna & NYR Organics, $30 #370 $150 GC 1 In-Studio Portrait Session at Holman's Photography Studio, $80 #335 $50 GC Towards Academy of Music Summer Camp, $20 #371 $150 GC & 1 Environmental Portrait Session at Holman's Photography Studio, $80 #367 $1,000 GC for Andrew Carney Portrait, $250 #368 $1,000 GC for Andrew Carney Portrait, $250 #336 Family Membership at The Little Gym & 4 Classes, $30 #369 GC Foto by Eva, $100 #372 GC Foto by Eva, $100 #260 Gregory M. Hutchins, Orthodontist, $65 #102 $50 GC to Aldo's Ristorante, $50 #109 $100 GC to Catch 31, $100 #204 Hand-Fabricated Toni Henkel "Fiona" Shoulder Handbag: $200 Please feel free to call me with questions or for more information, or please email Meredith at if you are interested. Thank you and cheerio! My best, Meredith
Ghent Neighborhood League Please remember, just as we help each other within the school, it is also as important to help others within our school neighborhood. It is right to be an active part of the neighboring community to which the school belongs. With that in mind, we are asking our TWS families to join the school in becoming a member of the Ghent Neighborhood League. A strong membership showing would demonstrate the schools commitment to being a community partner and supportive member of the GNL. The GNL is a civic association for the area bound by the Hague, Colonial Avenue, south of 21st Street and Hampton Boulevard. Membership is open to all property owners and renters living within this area. The membership fee is $10 a year. Membership is open to all property owners and renters living within this area. Membership $10.00 per year Receives one vote in elections Please remit membership to Address: Ghent Neighborhood League P.O. Box 11431 Norfolk, Virginia 23517
Our very own K. McM. was selected by the Shriners and has the honor of starting the game by throwing out the game puck!
The Shamrock Operation Smile Final Mile is the culmination of an ongoing running and walking program for elementary aged children which promotes lifelong fitness and combats childhood obesity. Participants run the "final mile" of the marathon on race day, finishing in the same place as the Shamrock marathoners who will run the following day. Many children also raise money for the event's title sponsor, Operation Smile, making it possible for children just like themselves to receive new smiles and to live happier and healthier lives. These young fundraisers learn at an early age the rewards of helping others. All Final Milers receive a time for their one mile run, but there are no awards given in an effort to keep the emphasis on fitness and fun, not competition. All finishers receive a unique, commemorative medal. School pride is evident throughout event weekend, and the energy, spirit, and enthusiasm displayed by every Final Miler is inspirational--and contagious! Prizes are awarded to the school wtih the highest percentage of participants, and to the school representatives voted the "Silliest Shamrock" by the students themselves.
Hi Parents, We're wondering if any classmates would like to join Benjamin and Jasmine in running the "Operation Smile Final Mile" of the Shamrock marathon course on Saturday, 17 March. It's a chance to run the last mile of the actual course, one day early, and perhaps raise some cash for a great cause. We put together an impromptu Williams School Team open to all grades. Specific details are located below and on the team page at: ms/General?team_id=19330&pg=team&fr_id=1320 We envision "running" this mile as a group, with parental supervision, at a very leisurely pace and taking plenty of rest breaks... To register for the team, click "join" at the top of the roster. The password is "williamssmile". Registration for the race costs $25 and can be found at: All the best, Emalee and Ben
Carpool Reminder
Carpool Arrival Information We have many carpools and a small area to receive or dismiss children. The following basic patterns have been established and will continue to be enforced. Morning drop off will take place in front of the school along Colonial Avenue. Please pull forward as far as possible so that more cars can stop behind you. If you need to enter the building even for a brief errand, please park elsewhere so we can keep this spot open for arrivals. Please do not drop your child off at the door earlier than 7:50 AM without any school personnel present to receive your child. Children arriving prior to 7:50 AM will be assigned to early morning extended care and parents will be charged. When leaving from morning drop off, DO NOT MAKE A U-TURN on Colonial Avenue. It is an unsafe practice. Cars may exit the neighborhood by turning either left or right on Pembroke Avenue, or by circling Beechwood Park in the next block. Dismissal A regular school day for grades K-4 dismisses at 3:00 PM and grades 5-8 at 3:15 PM. Days with other dismissal times are highlighted in the calendar or through a school memo. Carpool Dismissal Information Carpool pick-ups are made on Colonial Avenue. If you have children in both grades K-4 and grades 5-8, please arrive in the carpool line after 3:15 PM. Usually the first five cars can stop right in front of the school and others may double park on Colonial Avenue between Olney and Fairfax Avenues. Please do not back up onto Olney Road. Police will ticket you if you do. Should traffic back up that far, please circle the block until space on Colonial becomes available. If you are double parked, the last car in the double park line should turn on flashing warning lights until someone else arrives and takes the last spot. As cars in front of the school leave, the first double-parked car will be signaled to pull up in front of the school, and the other cars may follow. PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE YOUR CAR WHILE WAITING FOR CHILDREN. Do not pick up children while double-parked. It is dangerous! Children may cross the street only at the corner where there are crossing guards. Please do not encourage your child to cross to your car in the middle of the block. When leaving from afternoon pickup, DO NOT MAKE A U-TURN on Colonial Avenue. It is not a safe practice. Cars may exit the neighborhood by turning either left or right on Pembroke Avenue, or by circling Beechwood Park in the next block.