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Brampton Bulletin: Ueen S Uide Ward

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Brampton Bulletin

B r a m p t o n P r i m a r y S c h o o l S t r i v i n g t o R e a c h t h e B e s t Week ending: 4.11.11 Autumn Term: Issue 8

Inside this weeks issue: Miss Hopes Guide Award Forthcoming Dates Green Means Gold Request from RB/RJ Week 3 Menu Governor News Sports News Gold Book Entries Weekly Attendance And finally Scooters

We are very proud to announce that Miss Hope has recently received the prestigious Queens Guide Award, the highest award a Guide can achieve. Its a hat-trick for her family as she is the third in her family to gain this award! She has spent the last 18 months working towards the award, which involved a variety of tasks. She took on the role of Young Leader Guider and Marketing and Information Adviser for Hurst Division, enabling her to work closely with Young Leaders in her area, suggesting ways for them to get more out of their Guiding experience, and publicising Girl-guiding UK far and wide. She has ensured that the movement has recruited new members through a variety of events, has gained a license to enable her to take members away overnight and has helped Thames21 in their work clearing local waterways, alongside a year-long project studying water pollution, she was deputy First Aider at a large scale Girlguiding UK camp in May, and led a group to Brighton where she and her team studied the film locations, producing a series of walks and quizzes for adults and children, that have been sent to Guide units in the Brighton and Hove area. As a full-time teacher, she has worked tirelessly to complete her Award alongside her many school commitments. Her Mum said: We could not be prouder of her achievements. She has had to juggle many commitments whilst working towards the Queens Guide Award, and has finally accomplished her goal. To know that she joins my sister and I as Queens Guides is an honour. The presentation was made by County Commissioner, Caroline Thomas, in the presence of her family, friends, Guiding colleagues and her Rainbows at a ceremony held on Saturday 22nd October at Our Lady of the Rosary Church Hall, Blackfen, where she started her Guiding career when she joined Rainbows at the age of 5, and where she now Guides herself as the Assistant Rainbow Leader. Miss Hope said: There are so many people who have helped me complete my Queens Guide Award, from the youngest Rainbow to the oldest Trefoil member, and I feel proud to be part of such an amazing group that recognises achievements of all its members. Miss Hope will also be invited to attend a national presentation in London to be formally recognised as a Queens Guide, at a Royal palace, in the near future. Well done to Miss Hope!!

Forthcoming Dates: Friday 4th November 2nd Family SEAL group Y1/2 Tuesday 8th November Police Road safety in Y3 Governors Meeting Friday 11th November FOB Childrens Disco Tuesday 15th November 12.30 FOB AGM Thursday 24th November Year 5 to Science Museum Friday 25th November Mayor Opening Infants Monday 28th November Peter Pan to whole school Tuesday 13th December Infant concert Wednesday 14th December Infant Concert

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Brampton Bulletin

Following the successful implementation of our traffic light behaviour code a number of years ago, staff have agreed to make a few changes to streamline it and to ensure its continuing success. We wish to reward positive behaviour more through consistent implementation. Raffle tickets will be reward for positive behaviour and hard work. Staff will be looking for examples that are mentioned in our Golden Rules, things like kindness, opening doors, please and thank yous, being helpful, helping others, respectful, good manners, gentleness, honesty, looking after our school and others, as well as listening well, sitting patiently and working hard. A lot more raffle tickets will be given out to promote these standards in behaviour. Children will note their raffle tickets5 will make a house point. 10 house- points (ie 50 raffle tickets) will be rewarded with a bronze sticker, 20 house-points a silver and 50 a gold. When the whole class has achieved a bronze sticker the class will be entitled to a special treat; 20 entitles the class to a half day treat and 50 will be a whole day treat. Therefore teachers will no longer be using pasta shells to win golden time etc. GREEN on the traffic lights is now GOOD. If a child misbehaves they will be given a warning, if the behaviour continues or is repeated they will be put on to AMBER and given a time out. If it still continues they will be placed on RED and sent to a senior member of staff. Being on red will be recorded and could mean that their participation on school trips and clubs could be at risk. All the class will be working towards the common goal of achieving special treats and will encourage and support classmates to work towards this end. Children were introduced to this change on Monday and everyone will be following it by this coming Monday with charts up to show progress. It is expected that in order for the class to gain their Gold award it may take all year. Raffle tickets will continue to be pulled out for the treat with Miss Fisher for the present but will be phased out as classes can offer their own treats. We hope this will helps us eliminate the little irritating behaviour from a few children that spoil one or two classes. AND RJ.. We would love any donations from parents/carers to help us re-stock our lovely new outdoor area. Please send any of the following to Miss Beament or Miss Jarmyn over the next few weeks. Large pieces of material eg curtains, sheets, blankets, carpet samples, squares. Fabric swatches, ribbon, beads, buttons, wool and thread. Old clocks, watches, mobile phones, torches and microphones. Wooden spoons, pots, pans and plastic jugs. Necklaces, bracelets and ties. Corks, keys, bottle tops and cork coasters. Handbags, wallets and foreign currency. Old tyres. Seeds, sieves, funnels and large plastic or cardboard tubes. Natural materials, conkers, fir cones, shells etc. Childrens comics, magazines and catalogues. Stationary e.g. envelopes, used stamps notelets etc. Many thanks in anticipation of your support and donations.


Issue 8

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SCHOOL M EALS W E E K B E G I N N I N G - M O N DAY 7 T H N OV E M B E R 2 0 1 1

Monday Meat
Spaghetti Bolognaise

Sausage Pin Wheel with Jacket Potatoes & Homemade Ketchup Spicy Beans with Jacket Wedges

Roast Chicken Thigh with Stuffing & Roast Potatoes Vegetable Slice with Roast Potatoes

Cottage Pie

Breaded Fish with Chips

Fish or alternative Vegetarian

Tomato, Chilli Tuna & Salsa Spaghetti

Vegetable Cottage Pie Oven Baked Fish with New Potatoes

Red Onion Frittata Cheesy Stuffed Jacket Iced Bun with Fruit Wedges

Sweet Potato Stir Macaroni Cheese served with Crusty Bread Steamed Jam Sponge with Custard Chocolate Shortbread & Frozen Yoghurt Ginger Sponge with Orange Cream


Fruit Flapjack

A choice of salads, seasonal vegetables, fresh bread, fresh fruit platter, fruit yoghurt, milk and drinking water are also available daily. Peanut Allergies Please can we remind everyone that we are a Peanut Free school in our cooked meals and we ask parents not to put any nuts or items containing nuts in their childs packed lunches. Thank you School News The Mayor of Bexley, Councillor Ray Sams, will be visiting Brampton on Friday November 25th to attend a whole school assembly followed by an official opening of the new Infant classrooms. Governor News Before half term the Finance and Personnel Committee met. On the agenda was monitoring the school budget and school fund account. The performance management and pay policies were reviewed. Sports News Congratulations to ex-pupil, Tate Rayner, who has been selected to play in the North West Kent under 12 football team. Well done Tate we are very proud of your achievement. Brampton girls played in a tournament at Goals last week, losing to Longlands in the first game 1-0. But managed to stay focused for the next two games winning with two great goals from Patsy Callaghan and beating St Thomas more 1-0 with a goal from Aaliyeah Weise Forbes meaning they had to face Longlands again in the final. Unfortunately they lost2-0. Many thanks to Mr Capelli and parents for supporting. Good luck for the rest of the season!

BRAMPTON GOLD BOOK Striving to Reach the Best Every week we print the names of those children who have achieved in either their work, conduct or behaviour around school and have been entered in the Gold Book. They have been mentioned in Mondays celebratory assembly. After 3 mentions children receive a bronze certificate, 6 mentions for a silver, 9 mentions for a gold, 12 mentions for a Super Gold and 15 mentions for a Platinum certificate, 18 for Diamond, 21+ for a Head teachers Award and 24 for a Special Head teacher Award and Badge. RB:
1W Louis West 1W Ben Poole (Bronze) 1W Flynn Cox (Bronze) 1W Daniel Heasman (Bronze) 1W Izzy Lewis (Bronze) 4CMacy Adams (Gold) 4C William Adomako (Platinum) 4CLibby McKenzie 4CLouie Panayiotou 5C Sam Whiterod 6S Hope Kyne 6S Holly Eagles 6S Megan Collins 6S Megan Smith 6S Bethany Collins (Headteacher 2) 6SFrancesca Capelli (Diamond) 6SSade Morris 6S Toby Smith (Headteacher 2) 6SKaitlyn Searle 6SCallum Puszyk 6S Ria Bailey 6SLily McNally Unfortunately there is not enough space to mention the childrens achievements here but if you are interested to see your childs mention please pop in and ask to see it.

Weekly Attendance

Week ending 20.10.11 90.8% 93.8% 99.6% 92.5% 94.8% 99.6% 96.3% 97.1% 98.3% 98.8% 95.2% 95% 94.2% 95.6% RJ: 1B: 1W: 2PW: 2B: 3W: 3WH: 4C: 4H: 5B: 5C: 6S: 6M:

HOUSE POINTS Week ending 21.10.11

1st Yellow = 221 3rdRed= 182 2nd Blue = 187 4th Green= 181

Congratulations to Yellow House members!

And finally.......Scooters Please may we remind parents of toddlers and children in Year 1 and Reception that they are not allowed to ride their scooters on the playground or past Year 2, either before or at the end of the day. We have had children and parents hurt by scooters on the pavement and as they leave the Year 2 classrooms by younger children not following this rule. Please ensure you supervise your child/ren at all times. Remember if you like what were doing tell us and others! If you dont, please help us improve! School Office; 020 8303 2873 Fax; 020 8298 0286

Well done to 1B, 2B and the other classes above 96.1%

Our School Total was 95.8%. Raffle Prize Winners The winners in this weeks draw for tea with Miss Fisher were Jessica Foley in 1B and Joe Kavanagh in 3WH. Well done to them for showing the appropriate behaviour.

Were on the web!

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