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Detailed Lesson Plan in English 10

School Dumingag National High Grade Level Grade 10

Teacher Ms. Jessa L. Deliman Learning Area English
Teaching Dates & Time Quarter 2
Cooperating Teacher Mr. Ian Jim A. Bayson
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates communicative competence
through his/her understanding of literature and other text
types for a deeper appreciation of World Literatures and
other text types serve as vehicles of expressing and
resolving conflicts among individuals or groups; also how
to use strategies in critical reading, and viewing and
affirmation and negation markers to deliver impromptu
and extemporaneous speeches.
B. Performance Standards The learner proficiently delivers an argumentative speech
emphasizing how to resolve conflicts among individual
A. MELC MELC Code: EN10WC-IIb-13.2
Learning Objectives Given the lesson and activities, the students are expected
to do the following with at least 75% level of accuracy:
a. determine claims of fact, policy, and value in
b. formulate claims about some issues in the society;
c. give importance of understanding the claims of
fact, policy, and value through participating in the

II. Lesson/Subject Claims of Fact, Policy, and Value

References English 10 Quarter 2- Module 4 Claims of Fact, Policy
and Value
Materials Power Point presentation, visual aids, laptop, etc.
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
I. Procedures
A. Preliminary Activities
 Greetings
Good morning, class. Good morning ma’am.
 Prayer
Kindly stand for the opening prayer. Denver, kindly (Denver leads the opening prayer.)
lead the opening prayer.
 Checking of Attendance
Do we have any absentees today? Jeschel, kindly (The class secretary checks the attendance.)
list down the names of the absentees and give it to
me later.
 Passing of Assignments
Class did I gave you an assignment last meeting? Yes/No ma’am.

Okay, kindly
(Students do as told.)

pass your
Okay, kindly pass your assignment in front.
 Setting of Classroom Standards Yes/No ma’am.
Before we begin our lesson, please be
reminded of the following class rules:
Yes/No ma’am.
 Listen attentively to the discussion.
 Avoid talking with your seatmates while the
class is still going on.
 Avoid going in and out of the classroom
except for important personal necessities.
 Participate in class activities.
 During group activities, avoid talking and
shouting at your classmates. Refrain also
from doing things that are not related to the
activities you are told to do so. Yes/No ma’am

Is that clear class?

Do you want to establish your own rules? Anyone? Yes/No ma’am.

Yes/No ma’am.
Alright, so I hope that this classroom rules will be
followed so that we will have a smooth and
successful discussion.

A. Motivation

Before we proceed to our discussion for today, let

us first have a short game. The game will be called
“4 Pics One Word”. Are you familiar with that
game? Okay, Class I will post the pictures on the
board then I will call several students to guess the

Are you ready class?

Did you get my instructions class?

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