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EVD evolution

electronic expansion valve driver

User manual


CAREL bases the development of its products on decades of experience

in HVAC, on the continuous investments in technological innovations
to products, procedures and strict quality processes with in-circuit and
functional testing on 100% of its products, and on the most innovative HANDLING OF WASTE ELECTRICAL AND ELEC-
production technology available on the market. CAREL and its subsidiaries
nonetheless cannot guarantee that all the aspects of the product and the
software included with the product respond to the requirements of the final In reference to European Union directive 2002/96/EC issued on 27 January
application, despite the product being developed according to start-of-the- 2003 and the related national legislation, please note that:
art techniques. The customer (manufacturer, developer or installer of the final 1. WEEE cannot be disposed of as municipal waste and such waste must be
equipment) accepts all liability and risk relating to the configuration of the collected and disposed of separately;
product in order to reach the expected results in relation to the specific final 2. the public or private waste collection systems defined by local legislation must
installation and/or equipment. CAREL may, based on specific agreements, acts be used. In addition, the equipment can be returned to the distributor at
as a consultant for the positive commissioning of the final unit/application, the end of its working life when buying new equipment;
however in no case does it accept liability for the correct operation of the final 3. the equipment may contain hazardous substances: the improper use or
equipment/system. incorrect disposal of such may have negative effects on human health
and on the environment;
The CAREL product is a state-of-the-art product, whose operation is specified 4. the symbol (crossed-out wheeled bin) shown on the product or on the
in the technical documentation supplied with the product or can be packaging and on the instruction sheet indicates that the equipment has
downloaded, even prior to purchase, from the website been introduced onto the market after 13 August 2005 and that it must
Each CAREL product, in relation to its advanced level of technology, requires be disposed of separately;
setup/configuration/programming/commissioning to be able to operate in 5. in the event of illegal disposal of electrical and electronic waste, the penalties
the best possible way for the specific application. The failure to complete such are specified by local waste disposal legislation.
operations, which are required/indicated in the user manual, may cause the
final product to malfunction; CAREL accepts no liability in such cases. Warranty on the materials: 2 years (from the date of production, excluding
Only qualified personnel may install or carry out technical service on the consumables).
The customer must only use the product in the manner described in the Approval: the quality and safety of CAREL INDUSTRIES products are
documentation relating to the product. guaranteed by the ISO 9001 certified design and production system, as well
as by the marks (*).
In addition to observing any further warnings described in this manual, the
following warnings must be heeded for all CAREL products:
• prevent the electronic circuits from getting wet. Rain, humidity and all
types of liquids or condensate contain corrosive minerals that may damage NO POWER
the electronic circuits. In any case, the product should be used or stored & SIGNAL
in environments that comply with the temperature and humidity limits CABLES
specified in the manual;
• do not install the device in particularly hot environments. Too high READ CAREFULLY IN THE TEXT!
temperatures may reduce the life of electronic devices, damage them and
deform or melt the plastic parts. In any case, the product should be used CAUTION: separate as much as possible the probe and digital input signal
or stored in environments that comply with the temperature and humidity cables from the cables carrying inductive loads and power cables to avoid
limits specified in the manual; possible electromagnetic disturbance.
• do not attempt to open the device in any way other than described in the Never run power cables (including the electrical panel wiring) and signal
manual; cables in the same conduits.
• do not drop, hit or shake the device, as the internal circuits and mechanisms
may be irreparably damaged;
• do not use corrosive chemicals, solvents or aggressive detergents to clean
the device;
• do not use the product for applications other than those specified in the
technical manual.

All of the above suggestions likewise apply to the controllers, serial boards,
programming keys or any other accessory in the CAREL product portfolio.
CAREL adopts a policy of continual development. Consequently, CAREL
reserves the right to make changes and improvements to any product
described in this document without prior warning.
The technical specifications shown in the manual may be changed without
prior warning.

The liability of CAREL in relation to its products is specified in the CAREL general
contract conditions, available on the website and/or by
specific agreements with customers; specifically, to the extent where allowed
by applicable legislation, in no case will CAREL, its employees or subsidiaries
be liable for any lost earnings or sales, losses of data and information, costs of
replacement goods or services, damage to things or people, downtime or any
direct, indirect, incidental, actual, punitive, exemplary, special or consequential
damage of any kind whatsoever, whether contractual, extra-contractual or
due to negligence, or any other liabilities deriving from the installation, use or
impossibility to use the product, even if CAREL or its subsidiaries are warned
of the possibility of such damage.

3 “EVD evolution” +0300005EN - rel. 4.2 - 24.01.2024



1.1 Models ...................................................................................................................7 8.1 Unit of measure ...............................................................................................42
1.2 Functions and main characteristics .......................................................7 8.2 Variables accessible via serial connection ......................................42
8.3 Variables used based on the type of control ...............................44
2.1 DIN rail assembly and dimensions .........................................................9 9. ALARMS 45
2.2 Description of the terminals.......................................................................9 9.1 Alarms ...................................................................................................................45
2.3 Connection diagram - superheat control ..........................................9 9.2 Alarm relay configuration .........................................................................46
2.4 Installation ..........................................................................................................10 9.3 Probe alarms......................................................................................................46
2.5 Valve operation in parallel and complementary mode .........11 9.4 Control alarms ..................................................................................................47
2.6 Shared pressure probe................................................................................11 9.5 EEV motor alarm .............................................................................................48
2.7 Connecting the module EVBAT00400...............................................11 9.6 LAN error alarm ...............................................................................................48
2.8 Connecting the USB-tLAN converter ................................................11
2.9 Connecting the USB/RS485 converter..............................................12
2.10 Upload, Download and Reset parameters (display) .................12
2.11 Show electrical connections (display)...............................................12
2.12 General connection diagram..................................................................13
3.1 Assembling the display board (accessory) .....................................14 12.1 Installation ........................................................................................................52
3.2 Display and keypad.......................................................................................14 12.2 Programming (VPM).....................................................................................52
3.3 Display mode (display)................................................................................15 12.3 Copying the setup ........................................................................................53
3.4 Programming mode (display) ................................................................15 12.4 Setting the default parameters .............................................................53
12.5 Updating the driver and display firmware ....................................53
4.1 Commissioning ...............................................................................................16
4.2 Setting the pLAN network address .....................................................16
4.3 Guided commissioning procedure (display).................................17
4.4 Auxiliary refrigerant.......................................................................................19
4.5 Checks after commissioning ...................................................................19
4.6 Other functions ...............................................................................................19

5.1 Main and auxiliary control ........................................................................20
5.2 Superheat control ..........................................................................................20
5.3 Control with Emerson Climate Digital Scroll™ compressor .......21
5.4 BLDC Control with compressor............................................................22
5.5 Superheat regulation with 2 temperature probes ....................22
5.6 Advanced regulation ...................................................................................23
5.7 Programmable control................................................................................25
5.8 Control with refrigerant level sensor..................................................27
5.9 Auxiliary control .............................................................................................27

6.1 Power supply mode .....................................................................................30
6.2 Battery charge delay ....................................................................................30
6.3 Network connection ....................................................................................30
6.4 Inputs and outputs .......................................................................................30
6.5 Control status ..................................................................................................32
6.6 Advanced control status............................................................................34
6.7 Quick probe alarm disabling ...................................................................34

7.1 Protectors ............................................................................................................35

5 “EVD evolution” +0300005EN - rel. 4.2 - 24.01.2024

EVD evolution is a driver for double pole stepper motors designed to 1.1 Models
control the electronic expansion valve in refrigerant circuits. It is designed
for DIN rail assembly and is fitted with plug-in screw terminals. It controls Code Description
refrigerant superheat and optimises the efficiency of the refrigerant circuit, EVD0000E00 EVD evolution universal - tLAN
EVD0000E01 EVD evolution universal - tLAN, multiple pack of 10 pcs (*)
guaranteeing maximum flexibility, being compatible with various types
EVD0000E10 EVD evolution universal - pLAN
of refrigerants and valves, in applications with chillers, air-conditioners EVD0000E11 EVD evolution universal - pLAN, multiple pack of 10 pcs (*)
and refrigerators, the latter including subcritical and transcritical CO2 EVD0000E20 EVD evolution universal - RS485/Modbus®
systems. It features low superheat (LowSH), high evaporation pressure EVD0000E21 EVD evolution universal - RS485/Modbus®, multiple pack of 10 pcs (*)
(MOP), low evaporation pressure (LOP) and high condensing temperature EVD0000E30 EVD evolution for CAREL valves - tLAN
protection (HiTcond) (also for CO2 cascade systems), and can manage, as EVD0000E31 EVD evolution for CAREL valves - tLAN, multiple pack 10 pcs (*)
an alternative to superheat control, special functions such as the hot gas EVD0000E40 EVD evolution for CAREL valves - pLAN
EVD0000E41 EVD evolution for CAREL valves - pLAN, multiple pack 10 pcs (*)
bypass, the evaporator pressure control (EPR) and control of the valve
EVD0000E50 EVD evolution for CAREL valves - RS485/Modbus®
downstream of the gas cooler in transcritical CO2 circuits. EVD0000E51 EVD evolution for CAREL valves - RS485/Modbus®, multiple pack 10 pcs
EVD0002E10 EVD evolution universal - pLAN opto-isolated
In the versions for CAREL valves, if integrated with a specific CAREL pCO EVD0002E20 EVD evolution universal - RS485/Modbus® opto-isolated
controller via LAN, the driver can control one of the following: Tab. 1.a
• an electronic expansion valve in a refrigerant circuit with Emerson (*)The codes with multiple packages are sold without connectors,
Climate Technologies Digital Scroll™ compressor; available separately in code EVDCON0021.
• an electronic expansion valve in a refrigerant circuit with BLDC
compressor. In this case the compressor must be controlled by the
CAREL Power+ speed drive (with inverter), this in turn connected to
the pCO controller. 1.2 Functions and main characteristics
In summary:
The EVD evolution driver can control an electronic expansion valve in • electrical connections by plug-in screw terminals;
a refrigerant circuit with Digital Scroll compressor, if integrated with a • serial card incorporated in the driver, based on the model (tLAN, pLAN,
specific CAREL controller via LAN. In addition, it features adaptive control RS485/Modbus®);
that can evaluate the effectiveness of superheat control and if necessary • compatibility with various types of valves (“universal” models only) and
activate one or more tuning procedures. Together with superheat refrigerants;
control, it can manage an auxiliary control function selected between • activation/deactivation of control via digital input 1 or remote control
condensing temperature protection and “modulating thermostat”. As via LAN, from pCO programmable controller;
regards network connectivity, the driver can be connected to either of • superheat control with protection functions for low superheat, MOP,
the following: LOP, high condensing temperature;
• a pCO programmable controller to manage the controller via pLAN, • adaptive superheat control;
tLAN and RS485/Modbus®; • function to optimise superheat control for air-conditioning units
• a PlantVisorPRO supervisor via RS485/Modbus®. In this case, On/Off fitted with Emerson Climate Digital Scroll™ compressor. In this case,
control is performed via digital input 1 or 2, if suitably configured. As EVD Evolution must be connected to a CAREL pCO series controller
well as control start/stop, digital inputs 1 and 2 can be configured for running an application program that can manage units with Digital
the following: Scroll compressors. This function is only available on the controllers for
- optimised valve control after defrost; CAREL valves;
- Valve forced open (100%); • configuration and programming by display (accessory), by computer
- control backup; using the VPM program or by PlantVisor/PlantVisorPro supervisor and
- control safety. pCO programmable controller;
• commissioning simplified by display with guided procedure for setting
The second digital input is available for optimised defrost management. the parameters and checking the electrical connections;
Another possibility involves operation as a simple positioner with 4 to 20 • multi-language graphic display, with “help” function on various
mA or 0 to 10 Vdc analogue input signal. EVD evolution comes with a LED parameters;
board to indicate the operating status, or a graphic display (accessory) that • management of different units of measure (metric/imperial);
can be used to perform installation, following a guided commissioning • parameters protected by password, accessible at a service (installer)
procedure involving setting just 4 parameters: refrigerant, valve, pressure and manufacturer level;
probe, type of main control (chiller, showcase, etc.). The procedure can • copy the configuration parameters from one driver to another using
also be used to check that the probe and valve motor wiring is correct. the removable display;
Once installation is complete, the display can be removed, as it is not • ratiometric or electronic 4 to 20 mA pressure transducer, the latter can
necessary for the operation of the driver, or alternatively kept in place to be shared between up to 5 drivers, useful for multiplexed applications;
display the significant system variables, any alarms and when necessary • possibility to use S3 and S4 as backup probes in the event of faults on
set the control parameters. The driver can also be setup using a computer the main probes S1 and S2;
via the service serial port. In this case, the VPM program (Visual Parameter • 4 to 20 mA or 0 to 10 Vdc input to use the driver as a positioner
Manager) needs to be installed, downloadable from, controlled by an external signal;
and the USB-tLAN converter EVDCNV00E0 connected. • management of power failures with valve closing (only for drivers with
24 Vac power supply and connected to the EVD0000UC0 accessory);
Only on RS485/ Modbus® models can the installation procedure be • advanced alarm management.
managed as described above by computer, using the serial port (see
paragraph 2.8) in place of the service serial port. The “universal” models Starting from software revision 4.0, new features hve been introduced:
can drive all types of valves, while the CAREL models only drive CAREL • 24 Vac or 24 Vdc power supply, in the latter case without valve closing
valves. in the event of power failures;
• pre-position time settable by parameter;
• use of digital to start/stop control when there is no communication
with the pCO programmable controller;
• possibility to control the electronic expansion valve in a refrigerant
circuit with brushless DC motor (BLDC) compressor, controlled by
CAREL Power+ speed drive (with inverter).

7 “EVD evolution” +0300005EN - rel. 4.2 - 24.01.2024

Starting from software revision 5.0, new features hve been introduced: Ultracap module (P/N EVD0000UC0)
• management of new refrigerants; The module, mounted on DIN rail, guarantees temporary power to the
• possibility to manage CO2 cascade systems, setting the refrigerant on driver in the event of power failures, for enough time to immediately
the primary circuit and on the secondary circuit; close the connected electronic valves (one or two). It avoids the need
• high condensing temperature protection (Reverse HiTcond) for CO2 to install a solenoid valve. The module is made using Ultracap storage
cascade systems; capacitors, which ensure reliability in terms of much longer component
• subcooling measurement; life than a module made with lead batteries. In just 4 minutes the module
• valve position in standby settable by parameter. is ready to power two Carel valves again (or 5 minutes for pairs or other
brand valves).
Starting from software revision 5.4, new features hve been introduced:
• programmable control, both superheat and special, and programmable
positioner: these functions exploit CAREL’s technology and know-how
in terms of control logic;
• custom refrigerant selection;
• control with level sensor for flooded evaporator;
• control with level sensor for flooded condenser.
Starting from software revision 7.2-7.3, new features hve been introduced:
• battery charge delay;
• external signal 0 ... 5 V (for programmable positioner).
Starting from software revision 7.8/7.9, new features hve been introduced,
Fig. 1.e
• probe alarm management; Valve cable E2VCABS*00 (IP67)
• management of new valves. Shielded cable with built-in connector for connection to the valve motor.
The connector code E2VCON0000 (IP65) can also be purchased on its
Starting from software revision 9.0/9.1, new features hve been introduced,
own, to be wired.
• management of new refrigerants;
• quick probe alarm disabling.


Display (code EVDIS00**0)
Easily applicable and removable at any time from the front panel of
the driver, during normal operation displays all the significant system
variables, the status of the relay output and recognises the activation of
the protection functions and alarms. During commissioning, it guides
Fig. 1.f
the installer in setting the parameters required to start the installation
and, once completed, can copy the parameters to other drivers. The
Ferrite for electromagnetic disturbances
models differ in the first settable language, the second language for all
In applications where electromagnetic disturbances may be present, it is
models is English. EVDIS00**0 can be used to configure and monitor all
possible to install ferrites to reduce any disturbances. The available ferrite
the control parameters, accessible via password at a service (installer) and
is P/N: 0907858AXX Ferrite for valve cable.
manufacturer level.

Fig. 1.a Fig. 1.g

USB/tLAN converter (code EVDCNV00E0)

The USB-tLAN converter is connected, once the LED board cover has Float level sensor (P/N LSR0013000)
been removed, to the service serial port underneath. Fitted with cables The level sensor measures the quantity of refrigerant in the heat
and connectors, it can connect EVD evolution directly to a computer, exchanger. This is used when controlling the valve based on the liquid
which, using the VPM program, can configure and program the driver. level in the flooded evaporator or condenser. Available with threaded or
VPM can also be used to update the driver and display firmware. flanged connector.

Fig. 1.b Fig. 1.c

USB/RS485 converter (code CVSTDUMOR0)

The converter is used to connect the configuration computer and the
EVD evolution controllers, for RS485/Modbus® models only.

Fig. 1.h

Fig. 1.d
“EVD evolution” +0300005EN - rel. 4.2 - 24.01.2024 8
2.1 DIN rail assembly and dimensions 2.3 Connection diagram - superheat control
EVD evolution is supplied with screen-printed connectors to simplify


NO 1

1 3 2 4

Power Supply E X V connection Relay

2 12 13
EVD evolution
3 S

110 45 1 shield
230 Vac 24 Vac

2 AT

20VA(*) 1 2 4



Analog – Digital Input Network








70 60 EVDCNV00E0
Fig. 2.a OPEN
EVD4 service USB adapter


EEV driver
2.2 Description of the terminals




1 3 2 4



Power Supply E X V connection A Relay A

EVD evolution
8 9 10

aa Fig. 2.c

(*) in combination with Alco EX7 or EX8 valves, use a 35 VA transformer

(code TRADRFE240)

1 green
2 yellow
3 brown
Analog – Digital Input Network 4 white
5 personal computer for configuration






6 USB/tLAN converter
7 adapter
b 8 ratiometric pressure transducer - evaporation pressure
9 NTC suction temperature
Fig. 2.b 10 digital input 1 configured to enable control
11 free contact (up to 230 Vac)
Terminal Description 12 solenoid valve
G, G0 Power supply 13 alarm signal
VBAT Emergency power supply
Functional earth
1,3,2,4 Stepper motor power supply
COM1, NO1 Alarm relay
• connect the valve cable shield to the electrical panel earth;
GND Earth for the signals • the use of the driver for the superheat control requires the use of the
VREF Power to active probes evaporation pressure probe S1 and the suction temperature probe S2,
S1 Probe 1 (pressure) or 4 to 20 mA external signal which will be fitted after the evaporator, and digital input 1/2 to enable
S2 Probe 2 (temperature) or 0 to 10 V external signal control. As an alternative to digital input 1/2, control can be enabled
S3 Probe 3 (pressure)
via remote signal (tLAN, pLAN, RS485/Modbus®). For the positioning of
S4 Probe 4 (temperature)
DI1 Digital input 1 the probes relating to other applications, see the chapter on “Control”;
DI2 Digital input 2 • inputs S1, S2 are programmable and the connection to the terminals
Terminal for tLAN, pLAN, RS485, Modbus® connection depends on the setting of the parameters. See the chapters on
Terminal for tLAN, pLAN, RS485, Modbus® connection “Commissioning” and “Functions”;
Terminal for pLAN, RS485, Modbus® connection • pressure probe S1 in the diagram is ratiometric. See the general
aa service serial port (remove the cover to access ) connection diagram for the other electronic probes, 4 to 20 mA or
b serial port combined;
Tab. 2.a • four probes are needed for superheat control with BLDC compressors,
two to measure the superheat and two to measure the discharge
superheat and the discharge temperature. See chap. 5.

9 “EVD evolution” +0300005EN - rel. 4.2 - 24.01.2024

2.4 Installation
For installation proceed as follows, with reference to the wiring diagrams: 24 Vac 24 Vac
1. connect the probes: the probes can be installed a maximum distance 230 Vac 230 Vac
of 10 metres away from the driver, or a maximum of 30 metres as long as
shielded cables with a minimum cross-section of 1 mm² are used;
2 AT 2 AT
2. connect any digital inputs, maximum length 30 m;
3. connect the power cable to the valve motors: use 4-wire shielded NO !
cable AWG 22 Lmax=10 m or AWG 14 Lmax=50m; failure to connect
the valve motors after connecting the driver will generate the “EEV



motor error” alarm: see paragraph 9.5;
4. carefully evaluate the maximum capacity of the relay output specified
in the chapter “Technical specifications”;
5. if necessary use a class 2 safety transformer, suitably protected pCO
against short-circuits and voltage surges. For the power ratings see
the general connection diagram and the technical specifications.
6. the minimum size of the connection cables must be 0.5 mm2 Fig. 2.g
7. power up the driver in the event of 24 Vdc power supply the drive
will close the valve.
Important: in the event of 24 Vdc power supply set the “Power supply Installation environment
mode” parameter=1 to start control. See par. 6.1.
8. program the driver, if necessary: see the chapter “User interface”; Important: avoid installing the driver in environments with the
9. connect the serial network, if featured: follow to the diagrams below following characteristics:
for the earth connection. • relative humidity greater than the 90% or condensing;
• strong vibrations or knocks;
Drivers in a serial network • exposure to continuous water sprays;
Case 1: multiple drivers connected in a network powered by the same
• exposure to aggressive and polluting atmospheres (e.g.: sulphur
transformer. Typical application for a series of drivers inside the same
and ammonia fumes, saline mist, smoke) to avoid corrosion and/or
electrical panel.
• strong magnetic and/or radio frequency interference (avoid installing
230 Vac
the appliances near transmitting antennae);
24 Vac • exposure of the driver to direct sunlight and to the elements in general.
2 AT 2 AT 2 AT

Important: When connecting the driver, the following warnings





must be observed:
pCO • if the driver is used in a way not specified in this manual, the level of
protection is not guaranteed.
• incorrect connection to the power supply may seriously damage the
Fig. 2.d driver;
• use cable ends suitable for the corresponding terminals. Loosen each
screw and insert the cable ends, then tighten the screws and lightly
Case 2: multiple drivers connected in a network powered by different tug the cables to check correct tightness;
transformers (G0 not connected to earth). Typical application for a series • separate as much as possible (at least 3 cm) the probe and digital
of drivers in different electrical panels. input cables from the power cables to the loads so as to avoid possible
electromagnetic disturbance. Never lay power cables and probe cables
in the same conduits (including those in the electrical panels);
230 Vac 230 Vac 230 Vac
• install the shielded valve motor cables in the probe conduits: use
24 Vac 24 Vac
24 Vac
2 AT 2 AT 2 AT
shielded valve motor cables to avoid electromagnetic disturbance to
the probe cables;

• avoid installing the probe cables in the immediate vicinity of power

pCO devices (contactors, circuit breakers, etc.). Reduce the path of the
probe cables as much as possible and avoid enclosing power devices;
• avoid powering the driver directly from the main power supply in the
Fig. 2.e panel if this supplies different devices, such as contactors, solenoid
valves, etc., which will require a separate transformer;
• * EVD EVO is a control to be incorporated in the end equipment, do
Case 3: multiple drivers connected in a network powered by different not use for flush mount
transformers with just one earth point. Typical application for a series of • * DIN VDE 0100: Protective separation between SELV circuit and other
drivers in different electrical panels. circuits must be guaranteed. The requirements according to DIN VDE
0100 must be fulfilled. To prevent infringement of the protective
separation (between SELV circuit to other circuits) an additional fixing
230 Vac 230 Vac 230 Vac has to be provided near to the terminals. This additional fixing shall
24 Vac 24 Vac 24 Vac
clamp the insulation and not the conductor”.
2 AT 2 AT 2 AT



Fig. 2.f
Important: earthing G0 and G on a driver connected to a serial
network will cause permanent damage to the driver.

“EVD evolution” +0300005EN - rel. 4.2 - 24.01.2024 10

2.5 Valve operation in parallel and 2.7 Connecting the module EVBAT00400
complementary mode The EVBAT00400 module can close the valve in the event of power failures.
Digital input 1/2 can be configured to detect the “Discharged battery”
EVD evolution can control two CAREL valves (same model) connected
together , in parallel mode, with identical behaviour, or in complementary
mode, whereby if one valve opens, the other closes by the same
percentage. To achieve such behaviour, simply set the “valve” parameter EVBAT00500

(“Two EXV connected together”) and connect the valve motor power
supply wires to the same connector. In the example shown below, for EVD Battery module
operation of valve B_2 with valve B_1 in complementary mode simply 4 AT

swap the connection of wires 1 and 3.


2 CAREL valves connected in parallel 2 CAREL valves connected in comple-
mode mentary mode



4 4
2 2
EVD evolution
1 1



4 4
2 2 230 Vac 24 Vac
3 1
1 3 35 VA
2 AT

1 3 2 4 1 3 2 4
Fig. 2.j
Fig. 2.h
Note: set the “Battery charge delay” parameter, depending on the
Note: operation in parallel and complementary mode can only be application. See the chapter “Functions”.
used for CAREL valves, within the limits shown in the table below, where
OK means that the valve can be used with all refrigerants at the rated
operating pressure. 2.8 Connecting the USB-tLAN converter
CAREL valve model Procedure:
E2V* E3V* E4V* E5V* E6V* E7V* • remove the LED board cover by pressing on the fastening points;
Two EXVs OK E3V45, E4V85, NO NO NO • plug the adapter into the service serial port;
con- MOPD = 35 bars MOPD = 22 bars
nected E3V55, E4V95,
• connect the adapter to the converter and then this in turn to the
together MOPD = 26 bars MOPD = 15 bars computer.
E3V65, • power up the driver.
MOPD = 20 bars

• MOPD = Maximum Operating-Pressure Differential EVD evo
luti on

• The two CAREL ExV valves must be the same model (e.g. 2x E2V, 2x


E3V, 2x E4V).


2.6 Shared pressure probe Fig. 2.k

Only 4 to 20 mA pressure probes (not ratiometric) can be shared. The
probe can be shared by a maximum of 5 drivers. For multiplexed systems

1 3 2 4

where controllers EVD evolution1 to EVD evolution5 share the same

pressure probe, choose the normal option for EVD evolution1 and the 4 1

“remote” option for the other drivers, up to the fifth. EVD evolution6 must EVDCNV00E0

use another pressure probe P2. EVD4 service USB adapter


EEV driver

EVD Evolution1 to EVD Evolution5 EVD Evolution6


Probe S1 -0.5 to 7 barg (P1) to remote, -0.5 to 7 barg -0.5 to 7 barg (P2)


EVD Evolution 1 EVD Evolution 5 EVD Evolution 6 Fig. 2.l

1 service serial port 3 USB/tLAN converter















2 adapter 4 personal computer

Note: when using the service serial port connection, the VPM
P1 P2
program can be used to configure the driver and update the driver and
display firmware, downloadable from
Fig. 2.i
See the appendix.
Key: P1 Shared pressure probe
P2 Pressure probe

11 “EVD evolution” +0300005EN - rel. 4.2 - 24.01.2024

2.9 Connecting the USB/RS485 converter
Only on EVD evolution RS485/Modbus® models can the configuration
computer be connected using the USB/RS485 converter and the serial
port, according to the following diagram.

1 3 2 4








Fig. 2.m

Key: 1 personal computer for configuration

2 USB/RS485 converter

• the serial port can be used for configuration with the VPM program and
for updating the driver firmware, downloadable from http://ksa.carel.
• to save time, up to 8 EVD evolution drivers can be connected to the
computer, updating the firmware at the same time (each driver must
have a different network address).

2.10 Upload, Download and Reset

parameters (display)
10. press the Help and Enter buttons together for 5 seconds;
11. a multiple choice menu will be displayed, use UP/DOWN to select the
required procedure;
12. confirm by pressing ENTER;
13. the display will prompt for confirmation, press ENTER;
14. at the end a message will be shown to notify the operation if the
operation was successful.
• UPLOAD: the display saves all the values of the parameters on the source
• DOWNLOAD: the display copies all the values of the parameters to the
target driver;
• RESET: all the parameters on the driver are restored to the default values.
See the table of parameters in chapter 8.


Fig. 2.n
• the procedure must be carried out with driver powered;
• DO NOT remove the display from the driver during the UPLOAD,
DOWNLOAD, RESET procedure;
• the parameters cannot be downloaded if the source driver and the
target driver have incompatible firmware.

2.11 Show electrical connections (display)

To display the probe and valve electrical connections for drivers A and B,
enter display mode. See paragraph 3.3.

“EVD evolution” +0300005EN - rel. 4.2 - 24.01.2024 12

2.12 General connection diagram

230 Vac power supply with emergency module 24 Vdc power supply

2 G0



1 1green 1 green 16 blue
3 red
14 14red 3
4 2 15
black 4
white 4
2 AT 2 4 white 4 black15 black 15

G G0

230 Vac 24 Vac S

2 AT


with battery
35 VA

1 3 2 4

230 Vac 24 Vac
EVD evolution

without battery
2 AT pCO
20 VA (*)



230 Vac power pCO

supply without EVDCNV00E0

emergency EVD4 service USB adapter



EEV driver




7 pCO
5 6 Modbus®
EVD0000E0*: tLAN version
EVD0000E1*: pLAN version 16
EVD0000E2*: RS485 version

8 9 10

















3 4 1 4
15 14


















1 2
4 14

Fig. 2.o

1 green 10 digital input 1 configured to enable A Connection to EVD0000UC0
2 yellow control B Connection to electronic pressure probe (SPK**0000) or piezoresistive
3 brown 11 free contact (up to 230 Vac) pressure transducer (SPKT00**C0)
4 white 12 solenoid valve C Connection as positioner (0 to 10 Vdc input)
5 configuration computer 13 alarm signal D Connection as positioner (4 to 20 mA input)
6 USB/tLAN converter 14 red E Connection to combined pressure/temperature probe (SPKP00**T0)
7 adapter 15 black F Connection to backup probes (S3, S4)
8 ratiometric pressure transducer 16 configuration/supervision computer G Ratiometric pressure transducer connections (SPKT00**R0)
9 NTC probe H Connections o other types of valves
L Connection to float level sensor (P/N LSR00*3000)
Note: for the configuration of the digital inputs see par. 6.3. The maximum length of the connection cable to the EVD0000UC0 modu-
1 le is 5 m.
(*): in combination with Alco EX7 or EX8 valves, use a 35 VA transformer code The connection cable to the valve motor must be 4-wire shielded, AWG
TRADRFE240. 2 22 with Lmax= 10 m, AWG 14 con Lmax= 50 m

13 “EVD evolution” +0300005EN - rel. 4.2 - 24.01.2024

The user interface consists of 5 LEDs that display the operating status, as 3.2 Display and keypad
shown in the table:
The graphic display shows 2 system variables, the control status of the
driver, the activation of the protectors, any alarms and the status of the



NO 1
1 3 2 4

Power Supply E X V connection Relay relay output.

EVD evolution 6
1 Surriscaldam. ON
4.9 K
2 valvola ALARM
44 % -- Rele 4

Analog – Digital Input Network

Fig. 3.c






Fig. 3.a 1 1st variable displayed
Key: 2 2nd variable displayed
LED ON OFF Flashing 3 relay status
NET Connection available No connection Communication error 4 alarm (press “HELP”)
OPEN Opening valve - Driver disabled (*) 5 protector activated
CLOSE Closing valve - Driver disabled (*) 6 control status
Active alarm - - 7 adaptive control in progress

Driver powered Driver not powered Wrong power supply Display writings
(see chap. Alarms) Control status Protection active
Tab. 3.a ON Operation LowSH Low superheat
(*) Awaiting completion of the initial configuration OFF Standby LOP Low evaporation
POS Positioning MOP High evaporation
WAIT Wait HiTcond High condensing
3.1 Assembling the display board temperature
(accessory) CLOSE
Valve motor error
The display board, once installed, is used to perform all the configuration recognition procedure (*)
and programming operations on the driver. It displays the operating TUN Tuning in progress
status, the significant values for the type of control that the driver Tab. 3.b
is performing (e.g. superheat control), the alarms, the status of the
digital inputs and the relay output. Finally, it can save the configuration (*) The valve motor error recognition procedure can be disabled. See
parameters for one driver and transfer them to a second driver (see the paragraph 9.5
procedure for upload and download parameters).
For installation: Keypad
• remove the cover, pressing on the fastening points; Button Function
• fit the display board, as shown; Prg opens the screen for entering the password to access programming
• the display will come on, and if the driver is being commissioned, the • if in alarm status, displays the alarm queue;
guided configuration procedure will start. • in the “Manufacturer” level, when scrolling the parameters, shows
the explanation screens (Help).
press Esc • exits the Programming (Service/Manufacturer) and Display
• after setting a parameter, exits without saving the changes.
• navigates the display screens;
• increases/decreases the value.
• switches from the display to parameter programming mode;
• confirms the value and returns to the list of parameters.
Tab. 3.c
Note: the variables displayed as standard can be selected by
press configuring the parameters “Display main var. 1” and “Display main var. 2”
Fig. 3.b accordingly. See the list of parameters.

Important: the driver is not activated if the configuration procedure

has not been completed.
The front panel now holds the display and the keypad, made up of 6
buttons that, pressed alone or in combination, are used to perform all the
configuration and programming operations on the driver.

“EVD evolution” +0300005EN - rel. 4.2 - 24.01.2024 14

3.3 Display mode (display) Modifying the Manufacturer parameters
Display mode is used to display the useful variables showing the The Manufacturer level is used to configure all the driver parameters,
operation of the system. and consequently, in addition to the Service parameters, the parameters
The variables displayed depend on the type of control selected. relating to alarm management, the probes and the configuration of the
1. press Esc one or more times to switch to the standard display; valve. See the table of parameters.
2. press UP/DOWN: the display shows a graph of the superheat, Procedure:
the percentage of valve opening, the evaporation pressure and 1. press Esc one or more times to switch to the standard display;
temperature and the suction temperature variables; 2. press Prg: the display shows a screen with the PASSWORD request;
3. press UP/DOWN: the variables are shown on the display, followed by 3. press ENTER and enter the Manufacturer level password: 66, starting
the screens with the probe and valve motor electrical connections; from the right-most figure and confirming each figure with ENTER;
4. press Esc to exit display mode. 4. if the value entered is correct, the list of parameter categories is shown:
- Configuration
For the complete list of the variables shown on the display, see the - Probes
chapter: “Table of parameters”. - Control
- Special
- Alarm configuration
- Valve
5. press the UP/DOWN buttons to select the category and ENTER to
access the first parameter in the category;
211stp 3.8barg 6. press UP/DOWN to select the parameter to be set and ENTER to
69% 1.5°C move to the value of the parameter;
7. press UP/DOWN to modify the value;
8. press ENTER to save the new value of the parameter;
9. repeat steps 6, 7, 8 to modify the other parameters;
10. press Esc to exit the procedure for modifying the Manufacturer
Fig. 3.d parameters.

3.4 Programming mode (display) PROBES
The parameters can be modified using the front keypad. Access differs SPECIAL
according to the user level: Service (Installer) and manufacturer. ALARM CONFIGURATION
Modifying the Service parameters
IThe Service parameters, as well as the parameters for commissioning
the driver, also include those for the configuration of the inputs, the relay Fig. 3.f
output, the superheat set point or the type of control in general, and the
protection thresholds. See the table of parameters.
Procedure: Note:
1. press Esc one or more times to switch to the standard display; • all the driver parameters can be modified by entering the Manufacturer
2. press Prg: the display shows a screen with the PASSWORD request; level;
3. press ENTER and enter the password for the Service level: 22, • if when setting a parameter the value entered is out-of-range, this is
starting from the right-most figure and confirming each figure with not accepted and the parameter soon after returns to the previous
ENTER; value;
4. if the value entered is correct, the first modifiable parameter is • if no button is pressed, after 5 min the display automatically returns to
displayed, network address; the standard mode.
5. press UP/DOWN to select the parameter to be set;
6. press ENTER to move to the value of the parameter;
7. press UP/DOWN to modify the value;
8. press ENTER to save the new value of the parameter;
9. repeat steps 5, 6, 7, 8 to modify the other parameters;
10. press Esc to exit the procedure for modifying the Service parameters.


Fig. 3.e

• if when setting a parameter the value entered is out-of-range, this is
not accepted and the parameter soon after returns to the previous
• if no button is pressed, after 5 min the display automatically returns to
the standard mode;
• to set a negative value move to the left-most digit and press Up/Down.

15 “EVD evolution” +0300005EN - rel. 4.2 - 24.01.2024

Important: if the refrigerant is not available among the refrigerant 4.2 Setting the pLAN network address
parameter options, contact CAREL service to: The pLAN addresses of the devices in the network must be assigned
1. confirm that the system: pCO controller + CAREL electronic expansion according to the following rule:
valve is compatible with the desired refrigerant (custom); the EVD Evolution driver addresses must be assigned in increasing order
2. identify the values that define the custom refrigerant and enter them from left to right, starting with the controllers (A), then the drivers (B) and
for parameters: “Dew a…f high/low” and “Bubble a…f high/low”. See finally the terminals (C).
the parameter table. ADDR = 31 ADDR = 32

4.1 Commissioning
Once the electrical connections have been completed (see the chapter
on installation) and the power supply has been connected, the operations 3
required for commissioning the driver depend on the type of interface 1 3 2 4

1 3 2 4 1 3 2 4

NO 1


1 3 2 4

NO 1
NO 1


NO 1
Pow er Supply E X V conne ction R elay Pow er Supply E V conne ction
R elay Pow er Supply E V conne ction
R elay Pow er Supply E X V conne ction R elay

used, however essentially involve setting just 4 parameters: refrigerant,

ADDR = 9 ADDR=10 ADDR=11 ADDR=12
valve, type of pressure probe S1 and type of main control.
Types of interfaces: Anal og – Digita l Input Netw or k Anal og – Digita l Input Netw or k Anal og – Digita l Input Netw or k Anal og – Digita l Input Netw or k





• DISPLAY: after having correctly configured the setup parameters,























confirmation will be requested. Only after confirmation will the driver
be enabled for operation, the main screen will be shown on the display 2
and control will be able to commence when requested by the pCO


controller via LAN or when digital input DI1/DI2 closes. See paragraph
• VPM: to enable control of the driver via VPM, set “Enable EVD control” pCO
to 1; this is included in the safety parameters, in the special parameters
menu, under the corresponding access level. However, the setup
ADDR = 1 ADDR = 2 A
parameters should first be set in the related menu. The driver will then
be enabled for operation and control will be able to commence when
requested by the pCO controller via LAN or when digital input DI1/
+5 V REF

+5 V REF

DI2 closes. If due to error or for any other reason “Enable EVD control”








should be set to 0 (zero), the driver will immediately stop control and pCO pCO

will remain in standby until re-enabled, with the valve stopped in the
last position; Fig. 4.a
• SUPERVISOR: to simplify the commissioning of a considerable number
of drivers using the supervisor, the setup operation on the display can
be limited to simply setting the network address. The display will then Important: if the addresses are not assigned in this way, as for
be able to be removed and the configuration procedure postponed to a example shown in the following figure, malfunctions will occur if one of
later stage using the supervisor or, if necessary, reconnecting the display. the pCO controllers is offline.
To enable control of the driver via supervisor, set “Enable EVD control”;
this is included in the safety parameters, in the special parameters menu, ADDR = 31 ADDR = 32

under the corresponding access level. However, the setup parameters
should first be set in the related menu. The driver will then be enabled pGD pGD C
for operation and control will be able to commence when requested
by the pCO controller via pLAN or when digital input DI1/DI2 closes.
As highlighted on the supervisor, inside of the yellow information field 3
relating to the “Enable EVD control” parameter, if due to error or for 1 3 2 4

1 3 2 4 1 3 2 4
NO 1



1 3 2 4
NO 1

NO 1


NO 1

Pow er Supply E X V conne ction R elay Pow er Supply E X V conne ction R elay Pow er Supply E X V conne ction R elay Pow er Supply E X V conne ction R elay

any other reason “Enable EVD control” should be set to 0 (zero), the
ADDR = 9 ADDR=17 ADDR=10 ADDR=18
driver will immediately stop control and will remain in standby until
re-enabled, with the valve stopped in the last position; Anal og – Digita l Input Netw or k Anal og – Digita l Input Netw or k Anal og – Digita l Input Netw or k Anal og – Digita l Input Netw or k



























• pCO PROGRAMMABLE CONTROLLER: the first operation to be EVD EVD EVD EVD
performed, if necessary, is to set the network address using the display.
Important: for the driver with pLAN serial port, see the


guidelines described in the following paragraph for setting the address.

If a pLAN, tLAN or RS485/Modbus® driver is used, connected to a pCO
family controller, the setup parameters will not need to be set and ADDR = 1 ADDR = 2 A
confirmed. In fact, the application running on the pCO will manage the
correct values based on the unit controlled. Consequently, simply set the
pLAN, tLAN or RS485/Modbus® address for the driver as required by the
application on the pCO, and after a few seconds communication will
+5 V REF

+5 V REF









commence between the two instruments and the driver automatically pCO pCO
be enabled for control. The main screen will shown on the display, which Fig. 4.b
can then be removed, and control will be able to commence when
requested by the pCO controller or digital input DI1/DI2. If there is no
communication between the pCO and the driver (see the paragraph
“LAN error alarm”), the driver will be able to continue control based on
the status of digital input DI1/DI2. See par. 6.3.

“EVD evolution” +0300005EN - rel. 4.2 - 24.01.2024 16

4.3 Guided commissioning procedure Network address
The network address assigns to the driver an address for the serial
(display) connection to a supervisory system via RS485, and to a pCO controller via
After having fitted the display: pLAN, tLAN, RS485/Modbus®.
Parameter/description Def. Min. Max. UOM
Configurtion 1/3 Configurtion 1/3
Network address Network address CONFIGURATION
198 198 Network address pLAN: 30 1 207 -
others: 198
Tab. 4.d
For network connection of the RS485/Modbus® models the
communication speed also needs to be set, in bits per second, using the
Œ the first parameter is displayed: w press UP/DOWN to modify the
parameter “Network settings”. See paragraph 6.2.
network address; value
v press Enter to move to the
value of the parameter
Configurtion 1/3 Configurtion 1/3 The type of refrigerant is essential for calculating the superheat. In
Network address Network address
1 1 addition, it is used to calculate the evaporation and condensing
temperature based on the reading of the pressure probe.
Parameter/description Def.
Refrigerant: R404A
 press Enter to confirm the value  press UP/DOWN to move to the 0= custom; 1= R22; 2= R134a; 3= R404A; 4= R407C; 5= R410A; 6=
next parameter, refrigerant R507A; 7= R290; 8= R600; 9= R600a; 10= R717; 11= R744; 12= R728;
‘ repeat steps 2, 3, 4, 5 to modify the values of the parameters: 13= R1270; 14= R417A; 15= R422D; 16= R413A; 17= R422A; 18= R423A;
19= R407A; 20= R427A; 21=R245Fa; 22=R407F; 23=R32; 24=HTR01 ;
refrigerant, valve, pressure probe S1, main regulation;
25=HTR02; 26=R23; 27 = R1234yf; 28 = R1234ze; 29 = R455A; 30 = R170;
31 = R442A; 32 = R447A; 33 = R448A; 34 = R449A; 35 = R450A; 36 =


R452A; 37 = R508B; 38 = R452B; 39 = R513A; 40 = R454B; 41 = R458A; 42





TEMP S2 white = R407H; 43 = R454A; 44 = R454C; 45 = R470A; 46 = R515B; 47 = R466A
Tab. 4.e





• for CO2 cascade systems, at the end of the commissioning procedure
’ check that the electrical connections are correct; also set the auxiliary refrigerant. See the following paragraph.
“ if the configuration is correct
• if the refrigerant is not among those available for the “Refrigerant”
exit the procedure, otherwise parameter:
End configuration?
choose NO and return to step 2; 1. set any refrigerant (e.g. R404);
2. select the model of valve, the pressure probe S1, the type of main
control and end the commissioning procedure;
3. enter programming mode and set the type of refrigerant: custom,
and the parameters “Dew a…f high/low” and “Bubble a…f high/
At the end of the configuration procedure the controller activates the low” that define the refrigerant;
valve motor error recognition procedure, showing “INIT” on the display. 4. start control, for example by closing the digital input contact to
See paragraph 9.5 enable operation.
To simplify commissioning and avoid possible malfunctions, the driver
will not start until the following have been configured:
1. network address; Valve
2. refrigerant; Setting the type of valve automatically defines all the control parameters
3. valve; based on the manufacturer’s data for each model.
4. pressure probe S1; In Manufacturer programming mode, the control parameters can then
5. type of main control, that is, the type of unit the superheat control be fully customised if the valve used is not in the standard list. In this case,
is applied to. the driver will detect the modification and indicate the type of valve as
Note: Parameter/description Def.
• to exit the guided commissioning procedure press the DOWN button CONFIGURATION
repeatedly and finally confirm that configuration has been completed. Valve: CAREL
The guided procedure CANNOT be ended by pressing Esc; 0=custom ; 1= CAREL EXV; 2= Alco EX4; 3= Alco EX5; 4= Alco EX6; 5= Alco EXV
• if the configuration procedure ends with a configuration error, access EX7; 6= Alco EX8 330Hz suggested by CAREL; 7= Alco EX8 500Hz specified by
Alco; 8=Sporlan SEI 0.5-11; 9= Sporlan SER 1.5-20; 10= Sporlan SEI 30; 11=
Service parameter programming mode and modify the value of the
Sporlan SEI 50; 12= Sporlan SEH 100; 13= Sporlan SEH 175; 14= Danfoss
parameter in question; ETS 12.5-25B; 15= Danfoss ETS 50B; 16= Danfoss ETS 100B; 17= Danfoss
• if the valve and/or the pressure probe used are not available in the ETS 250; 18= Danfoss ETS 400; 19= two CAREL ExV connected together 20=
list, select any model and end the procedure. Then the driver will Sporlan Ser(I)G, J, K.; 21= Danfoss CCM 10-20-30; 22= Danfoss CCM 40;
be enabled for control, and it will be possible to enter Manufacturer 23=Danfoss CCMT 2-4-8; 24 = Disabled; 25= CAREL Ejector E2J17A-
programming mode and set the corresponding parameters manually. S1N0; 26= CAREL Ejector E2J23AT1N0; 27= CAREL Ejector E3J26AT2N0;
28= CAREL Ejector E3J33AU2N0; 29= CAREL Ejector E3J39AV3N0; 30=
CAREL Ejector E6J50AV3N0; 31= Danfoss CCMT 16; 32= Danfoss CCMT
Important: for 24 Vdc power supply, at the end of the guided 24; 33= Danfoss CCMT 30; 34= Danfoss CCMT 42; 35= Danfoss Colibri
commissioning procedure, to start control set “Power supply mode” Tab. 4.f
parameter=1, otherwise the valve remains in the closed position. See
paragraph 6.1. Note: select Valve = disabled if Main control = I/O expansion for
pCO to prevent the EEV motor error from being displayed. I/O expansion
for pCO control can be selected at the end of the commissioning
procedure, by entering programming mode.

17 “EVD evolution” +0300005EN - rel. 4.2 - 24.01.2024

Main control
• two CAREL EXV valves connected together must be selected if two Setting the main control defines the operating mode of the driver.
CAREL EXV valves are connected to the same terminal, to have parallel Parameter/description Def.
or complementary operation; CONFIGURATION
Main control multiplexed
• as described, control is only possible with CAREL EXV valves; Superheat control cabinet/cold
• not all CAREL valves can be connected: see paragraph 2.5. 1= multiplexed cabinet/cold room room
2= cabinet/cold room with on-board compressor
3= “perturbed” cabinet/cold room
Pressure/refrigerant level probe S1 4= cabinet/cold room with subcritical CO2
Setting the type of pressure probe S1 defines the range of measurement 5= R404A condenser for subcritical CO2
and the alarm limits based on the manufacturer’s data for each model, 6= air-conditioner/chiller with plate heat exchanger
7= air-conditioner/chiller with tube bundle heat exchanger
usually indicated on the rating plate on the probe. 8= air-conditioner/chiller with finned coil heat exchanger
Select “CAREL liquid level” and connect the CAREL float level sensor to 9= air-conditioner/chiller with variable cooling capacity
manage the following functions: 10= “perturbed” air-conditioner/chiller
- evaporator liquid level control with CAREL sensor; Advanced control
- condenser liquid level control with CAREL sensor. 11= EPR back pressure
12= hot gas bypass by pressure
See the chapter on “Control” 13= hot gas bypass by temperature
Parameter/description Def. 14= transcritical CO2 tgas cooler
CONFIGURATION 15= analogue positioner (4 to 20 mA)
Sensor S1 Ratiom.: 16= analogue positioner (0 to 10 V)
Ratiometric (OUT=0 to 5V) Electronic (OUT=4 to 20mA) -1 to 9.3 barg 17= air-conditioner/chiller or cabinet/cold room with adaptive
1= -1 to 4.2 barg 8= -0.5 to 7 barg control
2=-0.4 to 9.3 barg 9= 0 to 10 barg 18= air-conditioner/chiller with digital scroll compressor
3= -1 to 9.3 barg 10= 0 to 18,2 barg 19= AC/chiller with BLDC scroll compressor(*)
4= 0 to 17.3 barg 11= 0 to 25 barg 20= superheat control with 2 temperature probes
5= 0.85 to 34.2 barg 12= 0 to 30 barg 21= I/O expansion for pCO
6= 0 to 34.5 barg 13= 0 to 44.8 barg 22= Programmable SH control
7= 0 to 45 barg 14= remote, -0.5 to 7 barg 23= Programmable special control
15= remote, 0 to 10 barg 24= Programmable positioner
16= remote, 0 to 18,2 barg 25= Evaporator liquid level control with CAREL sensor
17= remote, 0 to 25 barg 26= Condenser liquid level control with CAREL sensor
18= remote, 0 to 30 barg Tab. 4.h
19= remote, 0 to 44.8 barg (*) CAREL valve drivers only
20= external signal (4 to 20 mA)
21= -1 to 12.8 barg
22= 0 to 20.7 barg The superheat set point and all the parameters corresponding to PID
23= 1.86 to 43.0 barg control, the operation of the protectors and the meaning and use of
24 = CAREL liquid level probes S1 and/or S2 will be automatically set to the values recommended
25 = 0...60,0 barg by CAREL based on the selected application.
26 = 0...90,0 barg During this initial configuration phase, only superheat control mode
27= external signal (0 to 5 V)(*)
from 1 to 10 can be set, which differ based on the application (chiller,
Tab. 4.g
refrigerated cabinet, etc.).
(*) for programmable positioner. See chapter “Control”.
In the event of errors in the initial configuration, these parameters can
Important: in case two pressure probes are installed S1 and S3, later be accessed and modified inside the service or manufacturer menu.
they must be of the same type. It is not allowed to use a ratiometric probe If the driver default parameters are restored (RESET procedure, see the
and an electronic one. chapter on Installation), when next started the display will again show
the guided commissioning procedure.
Note: in the case of multiplexed systems where the same pressure
probe is shared between multiple drivers, choose the normal option for
the first driver and the “remote” option for the remaining drivers. The same
pressure transducer can be shared between a maximum of 5 drivers.

Example: to use the same pressure probe, -0.5 to 7 bars, for 3 drivers
For the first driver, select: -0.5 to 7 barg
For the second and third driver select: remote -0.5 to 7 barg.
See paragraph 2.6

• the range of measurement by default is always in bar gauge (barg).In
the manufacturer menu, the parameters corresponding to the range
of measurement and the alarms can be customised if the probe used
is not in the standard list. If modifying the range of measurement, the
driver will detect the modification and indicate the type of probe S1
as “Customised”.
• The software on the driver takes into consideration the unit of measure.
If a range of measurement is selected and then the unit of measure is
changed (from bars to psi), the driver automatically updates in limits
of the range of measurement and the alarm limits.BY default, the main
control probe S2 is set as “CAREL NTC”. Other types of probes can be
selected in the service menu.
• Unlike the pressure probes, the temperature probes do not have any
modifiable parameters relating to the range of measurement, and
consequently only the models indicated in the list can be used (see
the chapter on “Functions” and the list of parameters). In any case,
in manufacturer programming mode, the limits for the probe alarm
signal can be customised.

“EVD evolution” +0300005EN - rel. 4.2 - 24.01.2024 18

4.4 Auxiliary refrigerant
In the event of cascade systems comprising a main circuit and a secondary
circuit, the auxiliary refrigerant is the refrigerant in the secondary circuit.
See the paragraphs “Auxiliary control” and “Reverse high condensing
temperature protection (HiTcond) on S3”. The default value 0 sets the
same refrigerant as in the main circuit.
Configuration Def. Min Max UOM
Auxiliary refrigerant 0 - - -
-1=custom; 0 = same as main circuit;
1=R22 ; 2=R134a; 3=R404A; 4=R407C;
5=R410A; 6=R507A; 7=R290; 8=R600;
9=R600a; 10=R717; 11=R744; 12=R728;
13=R1270; 14=R417A; 15=R422D;
16=R413A; 17=R422A; 18=R423A;
19=R407A; 20=R427A; 21=R245FA;
22=R407F; 23=R32; 24=HTR01 ; 25=HTR02; 26= R3;
1=R22 ; 2=R134a; 3=R404A; 4=R407C; 5=R410A;
6=R507A; 7=R290; 8=R600; 9=R600a; 10=R717;
11=R744; 12=R728; 13=R1270; 14=R417A;
15=R422D; 16=R413A; 17=R422A; 18=R423A;
19=R407A; 20=R427A; 21=R245FA; 22=R407F;
23=R32; 24=HTR01; 25=HTR02; 26= R3; 27 =
R1234yf; 28 = R1234ze; 29 = R455A; 30 = R170;
31 = R442A; 32 = R447A; 33 = R448A;
34 = R449A; 35 = R450A; 36 = R452A;
37 = R508B; 38 = R452B; 39 = R513A;
40 = R454B; 41 = R458A; 42 = R407H; 43 = R454A;
44 = R454C; 45 = R470A; 46 = R515B; 47 = R466A
Tab. 4.i

• if main refrigerant= custom and secondary refrigerant = custom, the
secondary refrigerant is the same as the main refrigerant, defined by
parameters dew a...f high/low and bubble a...f high/low;
• if main refrigerant is selected between 1 and 26 and secondary
refrigerant= custom, the secondary refrigerant parameters will be
those pertaining to the custom refrigerant: “Dew a...f high/low” and
“Bubble a...f high/low”.

4.5 Checks after commissioning

After commissioning:
• check that the valve completes a full closing cycle to perform
• set, if necessary, in Service or Manufacturer programming mode, the
superheat set point (otherwise keep the value recommended by
CAREL based on the application) and the protection thresholds (LOP,
MOP, etc.). See the chapter on Protectors.

4.6 Other functions

By entering Service programming mode, other types of main control
can be selected (transcritical CO2, hot gas bypass, etc.), as well as so-
called advanced control functions, which do not involve the superheat,
activating auxiliary controls that use probes S3 and/or S4 and setting the
suitable values for the control set point and the LowSH, LOP and MOP
protection thresholds (see the chapter on “Protectors”), which depend on
the specific characteristics of the unit controlled.
By entering Manufacturer programming mode, finally, the operation of
the driver can be completely customised, setting the function of each
parameter. If the parameters corresponding to PID control are modified,
the driver will detect the modification and indicate the main control as

19 “EVD evolution” +0300005EN - rel. 4.2 - 24.01.2024

5.1 Main and auxiliary control 5.2 Superheat control
EVD evolution features two types of control: main and auxiliary. The primary purpose of the electronic valve is ensure that the flow-rate
Main control is always active, while auxiliary control can be activated by of refrigerant that flows through the nozzle corresponds to the flow-rate
parameter. Main control defines the operating mode of the driver. The required by the compressor. In this way, the evaporation process will take
first 10 settings refer to superheat control, the others are so-called “special” place along the entire length of the evaporator and there will be no liquid
settings and are pressure or temperature settings or depend on a control at the outlet and consequently in the branch that runs to the compressor.
signal from an external controller. The last advanced functions (18, 19, 20) As liquid is not compressible, it may cause damage to the compressor
also relate to superheat control. Programmable control exploits CAREL’s and even breakage if the quantity is considerable and the situation lasts
technology and know-how in terms of control logic. Finally, it is possible some time.
to contorl liquid level in applications with flooded evaporator/condenser.
Parameter/description Def. Superheat control
CONFIGURATION The parameter that the control of the electronic valve is based on is
Main control multi-
Superheat control plexed the superheat temperature, which effectively tells whether or not there
1= multiplexed cabinet/cold room cabinet/ is liquid at the end of the evaporator. The superheat temperature is
2= cabinet/cold room with on-board compressor cold room calculated as the difference between: superheated gas temperature
3= “perturbed” cabinet/cold room
4= cabinet/cold room with subcritical CO2 (measured by a temperature probe located at the end of the evaporator)
5= R404A condenser for subcritical CO2 and the saturated evaporation temperature (calculated based on the
6= air-conditioner/chiller with plate heat exchanger reading of a pressure transducer located at the end of the evaporator and
7= air-conditioner/chiller with tube bundle heat exchanger using the Tsat(P) conversion curve for each refrigerant).
8= air-conditioner/chiller with finned coil heat exchanger
9= air-conditioner/chiller with variable cooling capacity Superheat = Superheated gas temperature (*) – Saturated evaporation
10= “perturbed” air-conditioner/chiller
Advanced control temperature
11= EPR back pressure (*) suction
12= hot gas bypass by pressure
13= hot gas bypass by temperature If the superheat temperature is high it means that the evaporation process
14= gas cooler CO2 transcritical is completed well before the end of the evaporator, and therefore flow-
15= analogue positioner (4 to 20 mA) rate of refrigerant through the valve is insufficient. This causes a reduction
16= analogue positioner (0 to 10 V)
Superheat control in cooling efficiency due to the failure to exploit part of the evaporator.
17= air-conditioner/chiller or cabinet/ cold room with adaptive The valve must therefore be opened further. Vice-versa, if the superheat
control temperature is low it means that the evaporation process has not
18= air-conditioner/chiller with digital scroll compressor concluded at the end of the evaporator and a certain quantity of liquid
19= AC/chiller with BLDC scroll compressor(*)
will still be present at the inlet to the compressor. The valve must therefore
20= superheat control with 2 temperature probes
Advanced control be closed further. The operating range of the superheat temperature is
21= I/O expansion for pCO limited at the lower end: if the flow-rate through the valve is excessive the
22= Programmable SH control superheat measured will be near 0 K. This indicates the presence of liquid,
23= Programmable special control
24= Programmable positioner
even if the percentage of this relative to the gas cannot be quantified. There
25= Evaporator liquid level control with CAREL sensor is therefore un undetermined risk to the compressor that must be avoided.
26= Condenser liquid level control with CAREL sensor Moreover, a high superheat temperature as mentioned corresponds to
Tab. 5.a an insufficient flow-rate of refrigerant. The superheat temperature must
(*) only for CAREL valve drivers therefore always be greater than 0 K and have a minimum stable value
allowed by the valve-unit system. A low superheat temperature in fact
Note: corresponds to a situation of probable instability due to the turbulent
• R404A condensers with subcritical CO2 refer to superheat control for valves evaporation process approaching the measurement point of the probes.
installed in cascading systems where the flow of R404A (or other refrigerant) The expansion valve must therefore be controlled with extreme precision
in an exchanger acting as the CO2 condenser needs to be controlled; and a reaction capacity around the superheat set point, which will almost
• perturbated cabinet/cold room or air-conditioner/chiller refer to units always vary from 3 to 14 K. Set point values outside of this range are quite
that momentarily or permanently operate with swinging condensing infrequent and relate to special applications.
or evaporation pressure.
Auxiliary control features the following settings:
Parameter/description Def.
Auxiliary control Disabled
1=Disabled L
2=High condensing temperature protection on S3 probe
3=Modulating thermostat on S4 probe EVD
4=Backup probes on S3 & S4 evolution
5=Reserved F
6=Reserved CP

8=Subcooling measurement S
9=Reverse high condensing temp. protection on S3
Tab. 5.b
Important: the “High condensing temperature protection” and M
“Modulating thermostat” auxiliary settings can only be enabled if the E
main control is also superheat control with settings 1 to 10 and 17, 18. On
the other hand, the “Backup probes on S3 and S4” auxiliary control can be P T
activated, once the corresponding probes have been connected, only for
settings from 1 to 18.
Fig. 5.a
The following paragraphs explain all the types of control that can be set
on EVD evolution.

“EVD evolution” +0300005EN - rel. 4.2 - 24.01.2024 20

Key: Protector control parameters
CP compressor EEV electronic expansion valve
C condenser V solenoid valve
See the chapter on “Protectors”. Note that the protection thresholds are
L liquid receiver E evaporator set by the installer/manufacturer, while the times are automatically set
F dewatering filter P pressure probe (transducer) based on the PID control values suggested by CAREL for each application.
S liquid indicator T temperature probe
Parameter/description Def. Min. Max. UOM
For the wiring, see paragraph “General connection diagram”. LowSH protection threshold 5 -40 (-72) superh. set K(°F)
LowSH protection integration time 15 0 800 s
Note: superheat control in a refrigerant circuit with BLDC LOP protection threshold -50 -60 (-76) MOP °C(°F)
compressor requires two probes for superheat control and two probes threshold
LOP protection integration time 0 0 800 s
downstream of the compressor for discharge superheat and discharge
MOP protection threshold 50 LOP th- 200 (392) °C(°F)
temperature control. See par. 5.5. reshold
MOP protection integration time 20 0 800 s
High Tcond threshold 80 -60 (-76) 200 (392) °C (°F)
High Tcond integration time 20 0 800 s
PID parameters Tab. 5.d
Superheat control, as for any other mode that can be selected with the
“main control” parameter, is performed using PID control, which in its
simplest form is defined by the law:
5.3 Control with Emerson Climate Digital
1 de(t) Scroll™ compressor
u(t)= K e(t) +T ∫e(t)dt + Td dt
Key: Important: this type of control is incompatible with adaptive
u(t) Valve position Ti Integration time control and autotuning.
e(t) Error Td Derivative time
K Proportional gain
Digital Scroll compressors allow wide modulation of cooling capacity
by using a solenoid valve to active a patented refrigerant bypass
Note that regulation is calculated as the sum of three separate contributions: mechanism. This operation nonetheless causes swings in the pressure
proportional, integral and derivative. of the unit, which may be amplified by normal control of the expansion
• the proportional action opens or closes the valve proportionally to valve, leading to malfunctions. Dedicated control ensures greater stability
the variation in the superheat temperature. Thus the greater the K and efficiency of the entire unit by controlling the valve and limiting
(proportional gain) the higher the response speed of the valve. The swings based on the instant compressor modulation status. To be able
proportional action does not consider the superheat set point, but to use this mode, the pLAN version driver must be connected to a Carel
rather only reacts to variations. Therefore if the superheat value does pCO series controller running a special application to manage units with
not vary significantly, the valve will essentially remain stationary and Digital scroll compressors.
the set point cannot be reached;
Parameter/Description Def.
• the integral action is linked to time and moves the valve in proportion CONFIGURATION
to the deviation of the superheat value from the set point. The greater Main control multiplexed cabinet/
the deviations, the more intense the integral action; in addition, the ... cold room
lower the value of T (integration time), the more intense the action air-conditioner/chiller with Digital Scroll compressor
Tab. 5.e
will be. The integration time, in summary, represents the intensity of
the reaction of the valve, especially when the superheat value is not C
near the set point;
• the derivative action is linked to the speed of variation of the superheat
value, that is, the gradient at which the superheat changes from instant
to instant. It tends to react to any sudden variations, bringing forward L
the corrective action, and its intensity depends on the value of the
time Td (derivative time). EVD
Parameter/description Def. Min. Max. UOM F

Superheat set point 11 LowSH: t.hold 180 (320) K (°F)

PID proport. gain 15 0 800 -
PID integration time 150 0 1000 s S
PID derivative time 5 0 800 s
Tab. 5.c
See the “EEV system guide” +030220810 for further information on V M
calibrating PID control.
Note: when selecting the type of main control (both superheat EV
control and special modes), the PID control values suggested by CAREL
will be automatically set for each application.

Fig. 5.b
CP Compressor V Solenoid valve
C Condenser T Temperature probe
L Liquid receiver EV Electronic valve
F Dewatering filter E Evaporator
S Liquid gauge P Pressure probe

For information on the wiring see paragraph “General connection diagram”.

21 “EVD evolution” +0300005EN - rel. 4.2 - 24.01.2024

5.4 BLDC Control with compressor The pCO controller defines the current set point according to the point of
operation within the envelope:
• superheat setpoint;
Important: this type of control is incompatible with adaptive
• discharge superheat setpoint;
control and autotuning.
• discharge temperature setpoint.
To be able to use this control function, only available for CAREL valve Parameter/Description Def. Min. Max. UOM
drivers, the driver must be connected to a CAREL pCO programmable ADVANCED
controller running an application able to manage a unit with BLDC scroll Superheat setpoint 11 LowSH: 180 (324) K (°F)
compressor. In addition, the compressor must be controlled by the threshold
CAREL Power+ “speed drive” (with inverter), specially designed to manage Discharge superheat setpoint 35 -40 (-72) 180 (324) K (°F)
Discharge temperature setpoint 105 -60 (-76) 200 (392) °C (°F)
the speed profile required by the compressor operating specifications.
Tab. 5.g
Two probes are needed for superheat control (PA, TA) plus two probes
located downstream of the compressor (PB, TB) for discharge superheat Note:
and discharge temperature (TB) control. • this control function is only available CAREL valve drivers.
• no set point needs to be configured by the user.
Parameter/Description Def.
Main control multiplexed showcase/cold
… room
AC/chiller with BLDC compressor
Tab. 5.f 5.5 Superheat regulation with 2
temperature probes
The functional diagram is shown below. This type of control must be used
TB with care, due to the lower precision of the temperature probe compared
L to the probe that measures the saturated evaporation pressure.

POWER + Parameter/Description Def.

speed drive
Main control multiplexed showcase/
0V + -
… cold room
1 2 3 superheat regulation with 2 temperature probes
F Tab. 5.h



RS485 L
F S2


Fig. 5.c
CP Compressor V Solenoid valve
C Condenser S Liquid gauge
L Liquid receiver EV Electronic valve EV
F Dewatering filter E Evaporator
TA, TB Temperature probes PA, PB Pressure probes
For information on the wiring see paragraph “General connection T
To optimise performance of the refrigerant circuit, compressor operation
must always be inside a specific area, called the envelope, defined by the Fig. 5.e
compressor manufacturer. Key:
CP Compressor V Solenoid valve
Inviluppo ⁄ Envelope C Condenser S Liquid gauge
L Liquid receiver EV Electronic valve
F Dewatering filter E Evaporator
T Temperature probe
Temperatura di condensazione (C°)

Parameter/Description Def. Min. Max. UOM

Condensing temperature (C°)

Superheat setpoint 11 LowSH: 180 (324) K (°F)

PID: proportional gain 15 0 800 -
PID: integral time 150 0 1000 s
PID: derivative time 5 0 800 s
Tab. 5.i

Temperatura di evaporazione (C°)

Evaporation temperature (C°)

Fig. 5.d

“EVD evolution” +0300005EN - rel. 4.2 - 24.01.2024 22

5.6 Advanced regulation Hot gas bypass by pressure
This control function can be used to control cooling capacity. If there
EPR back pressure is no request from circuit B, the compressor suction pressure decreases
This type of control can be used in many applications in which a constant and the bypass valve opens to let a greater quantity of hot gas flow and
pressure is required in the refrigerant circuit. For example, a refrigeration decrease the capacity of the circuit.
system may include different showcases that operate at different
temperatures (showcases for frozen foods, meat or dairy). The different
temperatures of the circuits are achieved using pressure regulators
installed in series with each circuit. The special EPR function (Evaporator
Pressure Regulator) is used to set a pressure set point and the PID control
parameters required to achieve this. L



V1 V2
V1 V2


EV V1 V2
V1 V2
Fig. 5.g
Fig. 5.f CP Compressor V1 Solenoid valve
Key: C Condenser V2 Thermostatic expasnion valve
V1 Solenoid valve E Evaporator L Liquid receiver EV Electronic valve
V2 Thermostatic expasnion valve EV Electronic valve F Dewatering filter E Evaporator
S Liquid indicator
For the wiring, see paragraph “General connection diagram”.
For the wiring, see paragraph “General connection diagram”.
This involves PID control without any protectors (LowSH, LOP, MOP, High
This involves PID control without any protectors (LowSH, LOP, MOP, High
Tcond, see the chapter on Protectors), and without auxiliary control.
Tcond, see the chapter on Protectors), and without auxiliary control.
Control is performed on the pressure probe value read by input S1,
Control is performed on the hot gas bypass pressure probe value read by
compared to the set point: “EPR pressure set point”. Control is direct, as
input S1, compared to the set point: “Hot gas bypass pressure set point”.
the pressure increases, the valve opens and vice-versa.
Control is reverse, as the pressure increases, the valve closes and vice-
Parameter/description Def. Min. Max. UOM
EPR pressure set point 3.5 -20 (-290) 200 (2900) barg (psig) Parameter/description Def. Min. Max. UOM
PID proport. gain 15 0 800 - CONTROL
PID integration time 150 0 1000 s Hot gas bypass pressure set point 3 -20 200 barg (psig)
PID derivative time 5 0 800 s (290) (2900)
Tab. 5.j PID proport. gain 15 0 800 -
PID integration time 150 0 1000 s
PID derivative time 5 0 800 s
Tab. 5.k

23 “EVD evolution” +0300005EN - rel. 4.2 - 24.01.2024

Hot gas bypass by temperature CP Compressor EV_1 Electronic valves connected in comple-
This control function can be used to control cooling capacity. On a EV_2 mentary mode
refrigerated cabinet, if the ambient temperature probe measures an C Condenser T Temperature probe
increase in the temperature, the cooling capacity must also increase, and V1 Solenoid valve E Evaporator
so the valve must close. V3 Non-return valve V2 Thermostatic expansion valve
S Heat exchanger (reheating)

Transcritical CO2 gas cooler

L EV This solution for the use of CO2 in refrigerating systems with a transcritical
cycle involves using a gas cooler, that is a refrigerant/air heat exchanger
resistant to high pressures, in place of the condenser. In transcritical
F CP operating conditions, for a certain gas cooler outlet temperature, there is
evolution pressure that optimises the efficiency of the system:

Set= pressure set point in a gas cooler with transcritical CO2

E T T= gas cooler outlet temperature
Default value: A= 3.3, B= -22.7.
In the simplified diagram shown below, the simplest solution in
V1 V2
conceptual terms is shown. The complications in the systems arise due to
Fig. 5.h the high pressure and the need to optimise efficiency.
CP Compressor V1 Solenoid valve
C Condenser V2 Thermostatic expansion valve
L Liquid receiver EV Electronic valve
F Dewatering filter E Evaporator EVD
S Liquid indicator evolution


For the wiring, see paragraph “General connection diagram”. GC
This involves PID control without any protectors (LowSH, LOP, MOP, High P T
Tcond, see the chapter on Protectors), and without auxiliary control. CP
Control is performed on the hot gas bypass temperature probe value
read by input S2, compared to the set point: “Hot gas bypass temperature
set point”.
Control is reverse, as the temperature increases, the valve closes.
Parameter/description Def. Min. Max. UOM
Hot gas bypass temp. set point 10 -60 (-76) 200 (392) °C (°F) E
PID: proportional gain 15 0 800 - M T
PID integration time 150 0 1000 s
PID derivative time 5 0 800 s
Tab. 5.l V1 V2

Another application that exploits this control function uses the connection Fig. 5.j
of two EXV valves together to simulate the effect of a three-way valve, Key:
called “reheating”. To control humidity, valve EV_1 is opened to let the CP Compressor V2 Thermostatic expasnion valve
GC Gas cooler EV Electronic valve
refrigerant flow into exchanger S. At the same time, the air that flows E Evaporator IHE Inside heat exchanger
through evaporator E is cooled and the excess humidity removed, yet the V1 Solenoid valve
temperature is below the set room temperature. It then flows through
exchanger S, which heats it back to the set point (reheating). For the wiring, see paragraph “General connection diagram”.

EV_2 This involves PID control without any protectors (LowSH, LOP, MOP, High
Tcond, see the chapter on Protectors), and without auxiliary control.
Control is performed on the gas cooler pressure probe value read by
input S1, with a set point depending on the gas cooler temperature read
by input S2; consequently there is not a set point parameter, but rather
a formula:
EVD “CO2 gas cooler pressure set point”= Coefficient A * Tgas cooler (S2) +
Coefficient B. The set point calculated will be a variable that is visible in
display mode. Control is direct, as the pressure increases, the valve opens.

Parameter/description Def. Min. Max. UOM
CO2 regul. ‘A’ coefficient 3.3 -100 800 -
CO2 regul. ‘B’ coefficient -22.7 -100 800 -
E PID proport. gain 15 0 800
PID integration time 150 0 1000 s
PID derivative time 5 0 800 s
V1 V2
Tab. 5.m

Fig. 5.i

“EVD evolution” +0300005EN - rel. 4.2 - 24.01.2024 24
Analogue positioner (4 to 20 mA) I/O expander for pCO
The valve will be positioned linearly depending on the value of the “4 to The EVD Evolution driver is connected to the pCO programmable
20 mA input for analogue valve positioning” read by input S1. controller via LAN, transferring the probe readings quickly and without
There is no PID control nor any protection (LowSH, LOP, MOP, High Tcond, filtering. The driver operates as a simple actuator, and receives the
see the chapter on Protectors), and no auxiliary control. information needed to manage the valves from the pCO.
Parameter/Description Def.
Main control multiplexed showcase/cold
… room
T I/O expander for pCO
evolution regulator Tab. 5.n

4-20 mA

4 20 mA


Fig. 5.k
Key: T
EV Electronic valve A Valve opening
For the wiring, see paragraph “General connection diagram”.

Forced closing will only occur when digital input DI1 opens, thus pCO
switching between control status and standby. The pre-positioning and
repositioning procedures are not performed. Manual positioning can be P
enabled when control is active or in standby. shield

Fig. 5.m
Analogue positioner (0 to 10 Vdc) T Temperature probe P Pressure probe
EV Electronic valve
The valve will be positioned linearly depending on the value of the “0 to
10 V input for analogue valve positioning” read by input S1.
There is no PID control nor any protection (LowSH, LOP, MOP, High Tcond),
and no auxiliary control, with corresponding forced closing of the valve
and changeover to standby status. 5.7 Programmable control
The following types of programmable control are available:
• Programmable superheat control (SH);
• Programmable special control;
EVD T • Programmable positioner.
evolution regulator Parameter/description Def Min Max U.M.
P Main control Multiplexed - - -

… cabinet
22= Programmable SH control ¦ / cold room
0-10 Vdc 23 = Programmable special control¦
24 = Programmable positioner
100% …
Programmable control configuration 0 0 32767 -
Programmable control input 0 0 32767 -
Programmable SH control options 0 0 32767 -
0% Programmable control set point 0 -800 800
0 10 Vdc (-11603) (11603)
Tab. 5.o
Fig. 5.l The table shows the programmable control functions and the related
Key: parameter settings.
EV Electronic valve A Valve opening
Function Parameter to be set
For the wiring, see paragraph “General connection diagram”. Direct/reverse setting Programmable control
Type of physical value controlled Programmable control
Important: the pre-positioning and repositioning procedures configuration
are not performed. Manual positioning can be enabled when control is Input processing to determine measurement Programmable control
active or in standby. configuration
Correction to each individual input for integra- Programmable control input
tion in measurement calculation
Association between physical inputs and logical Programmable control input

25 “EVD evolution” +0300005EN - rel. 4.2 - 24.01.2024

Note: the control error is the result of the difference between the
set point and the measurement:
setpoint error

Pressure [MPa]

Direct operation: error = measurement - set point
Reverse operation: error = set point - measurement

Programmable control configuration Enthalpy [kJ/kg]

Each digit in the “Programmable control configuration” parameter has a
special meaning, depending on its position: Fig. 5.n
POSITION DESCRIPTION NOTE TA Saturated evaporation temperature = Tdew
Tens of thou- Control: direct/ Select type of control action: direct/reverse TB Superheated gas temperature = suction temperature
sands (DM) reverse TB – TA Superheat
Thousands Auxiliary control Selection any auxiliary control or protector TD Condensing temperature (TBUBBLE)
(M) used for superheat control TE Subcooled gas temperature
Hundreds Do not select - TD – TE Subcooling
Tens Controlled value Select the type of controlled physical value
(temperature, pressure…)
Units Measurement Select the function for calculating the value Options/ programmable control set point
function controlled by the PID (measurement)
Tab. 5.p Note:
Direct/reverse control – Tens of thousands • if Control = Programmable special control, the setting of the
Value Description “Programmable control options” parameter has no affect;
0 PID in direct control • if Control = “Programmable positioner”, the settings of the
1 PID in reverse control “Programmable control options” and “Programmable control set point”
2,….9 - parameters have no affect.
AUX control - Thousands The physical value measured is assigned to the individual probes S1 to
Value Description S4 by the “Programmable control options” parameter. The parameter has
0 None
1 HITCond protection
16 bits and is divided into 4 digits, as described in “Programmable control
2 Modulating thermostat configuration”, corresponding to the 4 probes, S1, S2, S3, S4. The control
3 HiTcond protection in reverse set point si sets to the “Programmable control set point” parameter.
4,….9 -
Hundreds – DO NOT SELECT Thousands Function of probe S1
Hundreds Function of probe S2
Controlled value - Tens Tens Function of probe S3
Value Description Units Function of probe S4
0 Temperature (°C/°F), absolute
Value Input function
1 Temperature (K/°F), relative 0 None
2 Pressure (bar/psi), absolute 1 Suction temperature
3 Pressure (barg/psig), relative 2 Evaporation pressure
4 Current (mA) for control 3 Evaporation temperature
5 Voltage (V) for control 4 Condensing pressure
6 Voltage (V) for positioner 5 Condensing temperature
7 Current (mA) for positioner 6 Temperature (modulating thermostat)
8.9 - 7,8,9 -
Measurement function - Units
Value Description Note: if several inputs are associated with the same logical
0 f1(S1)+ f2(S2)+ f3(S3)+ f4(S4) meaning, EVD Evolution considers the one associated with the input that
1,….9 - has the highest index.

Programmable control input

The function assigned to each input is defined by parameter - Examples
“Programmable control input”. The parameter has 16 bits and is divided EXAMPLE 1
into 4 digits, as described in “Programmable control configuration”, • Main control = 22à Programmable SH control;
corresponding to the 4 probes, S1, S2, S3, S4. • Programmable control configuration = 01010; Direct PID temperature
control; high condensing temperature protection (HITCond) enabled;
Thousands Function of probe S1 • Programmable control input = 0041à Measurement =S4-Tdew(S3)
Hundreds Function of probe S2 • Programmable control options = 4021:
Tens Function of probe S3 S1= condensing pressure,
Units Function of probe S4
Value Input function S3=evaporation pressure,
0 0 S4=suction temperature.
1 + Sn • Programmable control set point = 8.0 (°C).
2 - Sn
3 + Tdew (Sn)(*) Examing each digit, it can be seen that this involves superheat control
4 - Tdew (Sn)
5 + Tbub (Sn)(**) performed by measuring the suction temperature with probe S4
6 - Tbub (Sn) and determining the evaporation temperature by converting the
7,8,9 - pressure read by probe S3 to temperature. Moreover, high condensing
(*): Tdew() = function for calculating the saturated evaporation temperature protection (HITCond) is selected on probe S1. PID control is
temperature according to the type of gas. direct, with a set point of 8°C.
(**): Tbubble = function for calculating the condensing temperature.

“EVD evolution” +0300005EN - rel. 4.2 - 24.01.2024 26

EXAMPLE 2 The action is reverse: if the liquid level measured by the float level sensor
• Main control = 23à Programmable special control; is higher (lower) than the set point, the EEV valve closes (opens).
• Programmable control configuration=00040, direct control current;
• Programmable control input = 1000à Measurement =S1
• Programmable control options = XXXX: no affect TO COMPRESSOR
• Programmable control set point = 16.0 (mA) EVD
This involves PID control of refrigerant liquid level with flooded evaporator,
using the current at input S1 as the measurement and a set point of 16

mA, with direct PID control of the valve. E
MAX = 100 %
Setpoint = 50 %
• Main control = 23à Programmable special control;
• Programmable control configuration = 10050à reverse PID voltage S
• Programmable control input = 0100à Measurement =S2
• Programmable control options = XXXX: no affect
• Programmable control set point = 7.0 (V) EEV
This involves control of refrigerant liquid level with flooded evaporator, SHELL AND
using the voltage value at input S2 as the measurement and a set point
of 7.0 V, with reverse PID control of the valve.
Fig. 5.o
EXAMPLE 4 S Float level sensor
• Main control = 24à Programmable positioner; EEV Electronic valve
• Programmable control configuration = 00070à current (mA) for E Flooded evaporator
• Programmable control input = 00010à Measurement =S3; With the condenser, the action is direct: if the liquid level measured by
• Programmable control options = XXXX: no affect; the float level sensor is lower (higher) than the set point, the EEV valve
• Programmable control set point = XXXX: no affect. closes (opens).
This involves a 4 to 20 mA analogue positioner (without PID): the valve
will be positioned linearly, depending on the “4 to 20 mA input value for For the wiring, see paragraph “General connection diagram”.
analogue valve positioning”, read by input S3.

5.9 Auxiliary control

5.8 Control with refrigerant level sensor Auxiliary control can be activated at the same time as main control, and
In the flooded shell and tube evaporator and in the flooded condenser, uses the probes connected to inputs S3 and/or S4.
the refrigerant vaporises outside of the tubes, which are immersed in Parameter/description Def.
the liquid refrigerant. The hot fluid flowing through the tubes is cooled, CONFIGURATION
transferring heat to the refrigerant surrounding the tubes, so that this Auxiliary control: Disabled
1=Disabled; 2=High condensing temperature protection on S3 pro-
boils, with gas exiting from the top, which is taken in by the compressor.
be; 3=Modulating thermostat on S4 probe; 4=Backup probes on S3 &
Parameter/description Def Min Max UOM S4; 5, 6, 7 = Reserved; 8 = Subcooling measurement; 9 = Reverse high
CONFIGURATION condensing temperature protection on S3
Probe S1 Ratiometric:-1…9.3 - - - Tab. 5.q
… barg
24 = CAREL liquid level For the high condensing temperature protection (only available with
… superheat control), an additional pressure probe is connected to S3 that
Main control Multiplexed cabinet/ - - -
measures the condensing pressure.
… cold room
25 = Evaporator liquid level con- For the modulating thermostat function (only available with superheat
trol with CAREL sensor control), an additional temperature probe is connected to S4 that
26 = Condenser liquid level measures the temperature on used to perform temperature control (see
control with CAREL sensor the corresponding paragraph).
CONTROL The last option (available if “main control” = 1 to 18) requires the installation
Liquid level set point 50 0 100 %
of both probes S3 & S4, the first pressure and the second temperature.
Note: if only one backup probe is fitted, under the manufacture
parameters, the probe thresholds and alarm management can be set

27 “EVD evolution” +0300005EN - rel. 4.2 - 24.01.2024

HITCond protection (high condensing temperature) Examples of operation:
The functional diagram is shown below.
set point + diff
set point
1. offset too low (or function
L disabled) ON
F S1
S S4
set point + diff

set point
E 2. offset too high

Fig. 5.p
CP Compressor EEV Electronic expansion valve S4
C Condenser V Solenoid valve set point + diff
L Liquid receiver E Evaporator
set point
F Dewatering filter P Pressure probe (transducer)
S Liquid indicator T Temperature probe 3. offset correct
For the wiring, see paragraph “General connection diagram”. ON
As already mentioned, the HITCond protection can only be enabled if the OFF
controller measures the condensing pressure/temperature, and responds t
moderately by closing the valve in the event where the condensing
temperature reaches excessive values, to prevent the compressor from
shutting down due to high pressure. The condensing pressure probe Fig. 5.q
must be connected to input S3. Key:
diff= differential
SV= solenoid valve (showcase temperature control)
S4= temperature
Modulating thermostat
This function is used, by connecting a temperature probe to input
S4, to modulate the opening of the electronic valve so as to limit the
lowering of the temperature read and consequently reach the control
set point. This is useful in applications such as the multiplexed cabinets
to avoid the typical swings in air temperature due to the ON/OFF control L
(thermostatic) of the solenoid valve. A temperature probe must be
connected to input S4, located in a similar position to the one used for EVD
the traditional temperature control of the cabinet. In practice, the close F
the controlled temperature gets to the set point, the more the control CP


function decreases the cooling capacity of the evaporator by closing the

expansion valve. By correctly setting the related parameters (see below),
a very stable cabinet temperature can be achieved around the set point,
without ever closing the solenoid valve. The function is defined by three
parameters: set point, differential and offset.
Parameter/description Def. Min. Max. UOM T E
Modul. thermost setpoint 0 -60 200 °C (°F)
(-76) (392)
Modul. thermost differential 0.1 0.1 100 °C (°F)
(0.2) (180) Fig. 5.r
Modul. thermost SHset offset (0= function 0 0 (0) 100 K (°R)
disabled) (180) Key:
Tab. 5.r CP Compressor EEV Electronic expansion valve
C Condenser V Solenoid valve
The first two should have values similar to those set on the controller for L Liquid receiver E Evaporator
the cabinet or utility whose temperature is being modulated. F Dewatering filter P Pressure probe (transducer)
The offset, on the other hand, defines the intensity in closing the valve S Liquid indicator T Temperature probe
as the temperature decreases: the greater the offset, the more the valve
will be modulated. The function is only active in a temperature band For the wiring, see paragraph “General connection diagram”.
between the set point and the set point plus the differential.

Important: the “Modulating thermostat” function should not be

used on stand-alone refrigeration units, but only in centralised systems.
In fact, in the former case closing the valve would cause a lowering of the
pressure and consequently shut down the compressor.

“EVD evolution” +0300005EN - rel. 4.2 - 24.01.2024 28

Backup probes on S3 & S4 The subcooling measurement uses the difference between the
condensing temperature taken from the relative pressure reading and
Important: this type of control is compatible with the “main the temperature of the liquid refrigerant exiting the condenser. This
control” parameter setting between 1 and 18. measurement indicates the refrigerant charge in the circuit.
A value near 0 K indicates possible insufficient refrigerant, which may
In this case, pressure probe S3 and temperature probe S4 will be used
cause a decline in circuit cooling efficiency, a reduction in mass flow
to replace probes S1 and S2 respectively in the event of faults on one or
through the expansion valve and swings in superheat control. In addition,
both, so as to guarantee a high level of reliability of the controlled unit.
it may indicate a refrigerant leak in circuits where the nominal subcooling
value is known.
C A subcooling value that is too high, for example above 20 K, when not
required by the application may indicate excessive refrigerant charge in
the circuit, and can cause unusually high condensing pressure values
L with a consequent decline in circuit cooling efficiency and possible
compressor shutdown due to the high pressure switch tripping.
CP Reverse high condensing temperature protection

S (HiTcond) on S3
The aim of reverse HiTcond protection is to limit the condensing pressure
in the refrigerant circuit by opening the valve rather than closing it. This
M function is recommended, rather than the HiTcond protection function
described previously, in refrigerant circuits without a liquid receiver and
E where the condenser is smaller than the evaporator (e.g. air-to-water
P T P T heat pumps). In this case, in fact, closing the valve would obstruct the
flow of refrigerant to the condenser that, lacking sufficient volume for
the refrigerant to accumulate, would cause an increase in condensing
pressure. This function is especially useful for condensers in CO2 cascade
Fig. 5.s systems. See the chapter on Protectors.
CP Compressor EEV Electronic expansion valve C
C Condenser V Solenoid valve
L Liquid receiver E Evaporator
F Dewatering filter P Pressure probe (transducer)
S Liquid indicator T Temperature probe
For the wiring, see paragraph “General connection diagram”.

Subcooling measurement S

This function measures subcooling using a pressure probe and a

temperature probe connected to inputs S3 and S4 respectively. The
reading can be sent to a controller connected in the serial network (e.g.

Fig. 5.u

CP Key:
F EVD CP Compressor EEV Electronic expansion valve
evolution C Condenser V Solenoid valve
F Filter-drier E Evaporator
S S1 S2 S3 S4 S Liquid gauge P Pressure probe (transducer)
T Temperature probe

For the wiring, see paragraph “General connection diagram”



Fig. 5.t
CP Compressor EEV Electronic expansion valve
C Condenser V Solenoid valve
L Liquid receiver E Evaporator
F Filter-drier PA, PB Pressure probes
S Liquid gauge TA, TB Temperature probes

For the wiring, see paragraph“General connection diagram”

29 “EVD evolution” +0300005EN - rel. 4.2 - 24.01.2024

6.1 Power supply mode 6.4 Inputs and outputs
EVD evolution can be powered at 24 Vac or 24 Vdc. In the event of direct Analogue inputs
current power supply, after completing the commissioning procedure, to
The parameters in question concern the choice of the type pressure/
start control set “Power supply mode” parameter=1.
liquid probe S1 and S3 and the choice of the temperature probe S2 and
Parameter/Description Def. Min. Max. UOM S4, as well as the possibility to calibrate the pressure and temperature
ADVANCED signals. As regards the choice of pressure/liquid probe S1 and S3 , see the
Power supply mode 0 0 1 -
chapter on “Commissioning”.
0=24 Vac
1= 24 Vdc
Tab. 6.a Inputs S2, S4
The options are standard NTC probes, high temperature NTC, combined
Important: with direct current power supply, in the event of power temperature and pressure probes and 0 to 10 Vdc input. For S4 the 0
failures emergency closing of the valve is not performed, even if the to 10 Vdc input is not available. When choosing the type of probe, the
EVD0000UC0 module is connected. minimum and maximum alarm values are automatically set. See the
chapter on “Alarms”. The auxiliary probe S4 is used in various applications
(e.g.: superheat control with BLDC compressor, I/O expansion for pCO,
subcooling measurement) or can be used as a backup probe for the main
6.2 Battery charge delay probe S2.
Battery charge delay to allow battery charging. In the presence of a Type CAREL code Range
battery to close the valve, to avoid missing emergency closing in case CAREL NTC (10KΩ at 25°C) NTC0**HP00 -50T105°C
of repeated and close blackouts, a regulation start delay has been NTC0**WF00
introduced, configurable by the user depending on the backup system NTC0**HF00
CAREL NTC-HT HT (50KΩ at 25°C) NTC0**HT00 -30T150°C
used (ultracap or lead battery). This delay, if set to a value> 0, occurs every NTC built-in SPKP**T0 -40T120°C
time the driver is turned on to allow the battery to recharge. NTC low temperature NTC*LT* -80T60°C
Parameter/description Def. Tab. 6.d
Battery charge delay 0 min Important: in case of NTC built-in probe, select also the parameter
Tab. 6.b relevant to the corresponding ratiometric pressure probe.
Parameter/description Def.
6.3 Network connection Probe S2: CAREL NTC
1= CAREL NTC; 2= CAREL NTC-HT high T; 3= NTC built-in SPKP**T0; 4=
0-10 V external signal; 5= NTC – LT CAREL low temp.
Important: to set the pLAN address, follow the guidelines in chap.4. Probe S4: CAREL NTC
To connect an RS485/Modbus® controller to the network, as well as the 1= CAREL NTC; 2= CAREL NTC-HT high T; 3= NTC built-in SPKP**T0;
network address parameter (see paragraph 4.2), using the “Network 4= -- ; 5= NTC – LT CAREL low temperature
settings” parameter. Tab. 6.e
Parameter Description Def. Input S3
Set configuration parity Bit stop Baud rate The auxiliary probe S3 is associated with the high condensing
0 none parity 2 bit stop 4800 bps temperature protection or can be used as a backup probe for the main
1 none parity 2 bit stop 9600 bps probe S1. If the probe being used is not included in the list, select any
2 none parity 2 bit stop 19200 bps x 0 to 5 V ratiometric or electronic 4 to 20 mA probe and then manually
4 none parity 1 bit stop 4800 bps
5 none parity 1 bit stop 9600 bps modify the minimum and maximum measurement in the manufacturer
6 none parity 1 bit stop 19200 bps parameters corresponding to the probes.
16 even parity 2 bit stop 4800 bps
17 even parity 2 bit stop 9600 bps Important:
18 even parity 2 bit stop 19200 bps
20 even parity 1 bit stop 4800 bps
• probes S1 and S3 must be the same type, therefore if S1 is a ratiometric
21 even parity 1 bit stop 9600 bps probe (pressure probe or CAREL liquid level probe), S3 must also be
22 even parity 1 bit stop 19200 bps ratiometric;
24 odd parity 2 bit stop 4800 bps • probes S3 and S4 are shown as NOT USED if the “auxiliary control”
25 odd parity 2 bit stop 9600 bps parameter is set as “disabled”. If “auxiliary control” has any other setting,
26 odd parity 2 bit stop 19200 bps
28 odd parity 1 bit stop 4800 bps the manufacturer setting for the probe used will be shown, which can
29 odd parity 1 bit stop 9600 bps be selected according to the type.
30 odd parity 1 bit stop 19200 bps • Probe S1 = CAREL liquid level must be set with “Main control“=“Evaporator
Tab. 6.c liquid level control with CAREL sensor” or “Condenser liquid level control
with CAREL sensor”. Probe S3 = CAREL liquid level is set in the case of liquid
Note: To use the Carel protocol you must use the default settings: level control with programmable control.
• byte size: 8 bits;
• stop bits: 2; Auxiliary control Variable displayed
High condensing temperature protection S3
• parity: none. Modulating thermostat S4
Backup probes S3,S4
Subcooling measurement S3, S4
Reverse high condensing temp. protection on S3 S3
Tab. 6.f

“EVD evolution” +0300005EN - rel. 4.2 - 24.01.2024 30

Parameter/description Def. Digital inputs
Probe S3: Ratiom.: The functions of digital inputs 1 and 2 can be set by parameter, as shown
0 = custom -1 to 9.3 barg in the table below:
Ratiometric (OUT=0 to 5 V) Electronic (OUT=4 to 20 mA) Parameter/description Def. Min. Max. UOM
1= -1 to 4.2 barg 8= -0.5 to 7 barg CONFIGURATION
2= 0.4 to 9.3 barg 9= 0 to 10 barg DI1 configuration 5/6 1 7 -
3= -1 to 9.3 barg 10= 0 to 18,2 barg 1= Disabled
4= 0 to 17.3 barg 11= 0 to 25 barg 2= Valve regulation optimization after defrost
5= 0.85 to 34.2 barg 12= 0 to 30 barg 3= Discharged battery alarm management
6= 0 to 34.5 barg 13= 0 to 44.8 barg 4= Valve forced open (at 100%)
7= 0 to 45 barg 14= remote, -0.5 to 7 barg 5= Regulation start/stop
15= remote, 0 to 10 barg 6= Regulation backup
16= remote, 0 to 18,2 barg 7= Regulation security
17= remote, 0 to 25 barg CONTROL
18= remote, 0 to 30 barg Ratiom.: Start delay after defrost 10 0 60 min
19= remote, 0 to 44.8 barg -1 to 9.3 barg Tab. 6.i
20= 4-20 mA external signal
( cannot be selected) Valve regulation optimization after defrost: the selected digital input
21= -1 to 12.8 barg
22= 0 to 20.7 barg tells the driver the current defrost status.
23= 1.86 to 43.0 barg Defrost active = contact closed.
24 =CAREL liquid level Access Manufacturer programming mode to set the start delay after
25 = 0...60,0 barg
26 = 0...90,0 barg defrost.
27 = external signal 0...5 V
Tab. 6.g Discharged battery alarm management: if the selected digital input is
(*) for programmable positioner. See chapter “Control”. connected to the battery charge module for EVD evolution, EVBAT00400,
the controller signals discharged or faulty batteries, so as to generate an
Calibrating pressure probes S1, S3 and temperature alarm message and warn the service technicians that maintenance is
required. See the connection diagram in chapter 2.
probes S2 and S4 (offset and gain parameters)
In case it is necessary to make a calibration: Valve forced open: when the digital input closes, the valve opens
• of the pressure probe, S1 and/or S3 it is possible to use the offeset completely (100%), unconditionally. When the contact opens again the
parameter, which represents a constant that is added to the signal valve closes and moves to the position defined by the parameter “valve
across the entire range of measurement, and can be expressed in opening at start-up” for the pre-position time. Control can then start.
barg/psig. If the 4 to 20 mA signal coming from an external controller
on input S1 needs to be calibrated, both the offset and the gain Regulation start/stop:
parameters can be used, the latter which modifies the gradient of the digital input closed: control active;
line in the field from 4 to 20 mA. digital input open: driver in standby (see the paragraph “Control status”);
• of the temperature probe, S2 and/or S4 it is possible to use the offset
parameter, which represents a constant that is added to the signal
Important: this setting excludes activation/deactivation of control
across the entire range of measurement, and can be expressed in °C/°F.
via the network. See the following functions.
If the 0 to 10 Vdc signal coming from an external controller on input
S2 needs to be calibrated, both the offset and the gain parameters can
• Regulation backup: if there is a network connection and
communication fails, the driver checks the status of the digital input to
be used, the latter which modifies the gradient of the line in the field
determine whether control is active or in standby;
from 0 to 10 Vdc.
• Regulation security: if there is a network connection, before control is
activated the driver must receive the control activation signal and the
selected digital input must be closed. If the digital input is open, the
driver always remains in standby.

Priority of digital inputs

B B In certain cases the setting of digital inputs 1 and 2 may be the same
or alternatively may be incompatible (e.g.: digital input 1 = regulation
A A backup, digital input 2 = regulation security). The problem thus arises to
determine which function the driver needs to perform.
mA Vdc Consequently, each type of function is assigned a priority, primary (PRIM)
Fig. 6.a or secondary (SEC), as shown in the table:
Key: DI1/DI2 configuration Type of function
A= offset B= gain 1=Disabled SEC
2=Valve regulation optimization after defrost SEC
3=Discharged battery alarm management SEC
Parameter/description Def. Min. Max. UOM 4=Valve forced open (at 100%) SEC
PROBES 5=Regulation start/stop PRIM
S1 calibration offset 0 -60 (-870), 60 (870), barg (psig), 6=Regulation backup PRIM
-60 60 mA 7=Regulation security PRIM
S1 calibration gain on 4-20 mA 1 -20 20 -
S2 calibration offset 0 -20 (-290), 20 (290), °C (°F), volt There are four possible cases of digital input configurations with primary
-20 20 or secondary functions.
S2 calibration gain, 0 to 10 V 1 -20 20 - Function set Function performed by digital input
S3 calibration offset 0 -60 (-870) 60 (870) barg (psig) DI1 DI2 PRIM SEC
S4 calibration offset 0 -20 (-36) 20 (36) °C (°F)
Tab. 6.h PRIM SEC DI1 DI2
SEC SEC Regulation backup DI1
(supervisor variable)

31 “EVD evolution” +0300005EN - rel. 4.2 - 24.01.2024

Note that:
• if digital inputs 1 and 2 are set to perform a PRIM function, only the Note: delayed control start to recharge battery. If a battery is used
function set for input 1 is performed; to close the valve in the event of a power failure, to prevent emergency
• if the digital inputs 1 and 2 are set to perform a SEC function, only closing from failing due to repeated blackouts, a delay has been
the SEC function set for input 1 is performed; the driver will be set to introduced that can be set by the user depending on the backup system
“Regulation backup” with the value of the digital input determined by used (Ultracap or lead-acid battery). This delay, if configured (default =
the “Regulation backup from supervisor” variable. 0), is applied every time the driver is powered on, to allow the battery to
Relay output Parameter/description Def. Min. Max. UoM
The relay output can be configured as: 0 0 255 min.
• alarm relay output. See the chapter on Alarms; Tab. 6.l
• solenoid valve control;
• electronic expansion valve status signal relay. The relay contact is only Standby
open if the valve is closed (opening=0%). As soon as control starts
Standby corresponds to a situation of rest in which no signals are received
(opening >0%, with hysteresis), the relay contact is closed
to control the electronic valve. This normally occurs:
• relay control signal: the relay is managed by a digital variable accessible • when the refrigeration unit stops operating, either when switched
via serial (direct relay control signal).
off manually (e.g. from the button, supervisor) or when reaching the
Parameter/description Def. control set point;
CONFIGURATION • during defrosts, except for those performed by reversing of the cycle
Relay configuration: Alarm relay
1= Disabled; 2= alarm relay (opened in case of alarm); 3= Solenoid
(or hot gas bypass).
valve relay (open in standby); 4= valve + alarm relay (open in In general, it can be said that the electronic valve driver is in standby when
standby and control alarms); 5= Reversed alarm relay (closed in case the compressor stops or the solenoid valve closes. LThe valve is closed or
of alarm); 6= Valve status relay (open if valve is closed); 7 = Direct
open according to the setting of “Valve open in standby”. The percentage
control; 8 = Failed closing alarm relay (open with alarm); 9 = reverse
failed closing alarm relay (closed with alarm) of opening is set using “Valve position in standby”. In this phase, manual
Tab. 6.j positioning can be activated.

Parameter/description Def. Min. Max. UOM

6.5 Control status CONTROL
The electronic valve driver has 6 different types of control status, each Valve open in standby 0 0 1 -
0=disabled=valve closed;
of which may correspond to a specific phase in the operation of the
1=enabled = valve open according to parame-
refrigeration unit and a certain status of the driver-valve system. ter “Valve position in standby”
The status may be as follows: Valve position in standby 0 0 100 %
• forced closing: initialisation of the valve position when switching the 0 = 25 % (*)
instrument on; 1…100% = % opening (**)
• standby: no temperature control, unit OFF; Tab. 6.m
• wait: opening of the valve before starting control, also called pre-
positioning, when powering the unit and in the delay after defrosting; These two parameters determine the position of the valve in standby
• control: effective control of the electronic valve, unit ON; based on the minimum and maximum number of valve steps.
• positioning: step-change in the valve position, corresponding to the Parameter/description Def. Min. Max. UOM
start of control when the cooling capacity of the controlled unit varies VALVE
(only for LAN EVD connected to a pCO); Minimum EEV steps 50 0 9999 step
• stop: end of control with the closing of the valve, corresponds to the Maximum EEV steps 480 0 9999 step
end of temperature control of the refrigeration unit, unit OFF; Tab. 6.n
• valve motor error recognition: see paragraph 9.5 (*) The formula used is:
• tuning in progress: see paragraph 5.3. Apertura / Opening =

Forced closing
Forced closing is performed after the driver is powered-up and
corresponds to a number of closing steps equal to the parameter “Closing
steps”, based on the type valve selected. This is used to realign the valve
to the physical position corresponding to completely closed. The driver 0 25%
and the valve are then ready for control and both aligned at 0 (zero). On Min_step_EEV Max_step_EEV
power-up, first a forced closing is performed, and then the standby phase
starts. Fig. 6.b

Parametro/description Def. Min. Max. UOM (**) In this case, the formula used is:
VALVE Apertura / Opening = P*(Max_step_EEV / 100)
EEV closing steps 500 0 9999 step
P = Posizione valvola in stand-by / Position valve in stand-by
Tab. 6.k
The valve is closed in the event of power failures with 24 Vac power
supply when the EVD0000UC0 module is connected. In this case, the
parameter “Forced valve closing not completed”, visible only on the
supervisor, is forced to 1. If when restarting forced closing of the valve
1% 99% steps
was not successful: 0% 100%
1. the Main programmable controller checks the value of the parameter Min_step_EEV Max_step_EEV
and if this is equal to 1, decides the best strategy to implement based
on the application; Fig. 6.c
2. the driver on restart positions the valve as explained in the paragraph Note: if “Valve open in standby=1”, the positions of the valve when
“Pre-positioning/start control The parameter is reset to 0 (zero) by setting “Valve position in standby”=0 and 25 do not coincide.
the Main controller (e.g. pCO), once the parameter has been set to Refer to the above formulae.
1 the driver returns it to 0 (zero) only if forced emergency closing is
completed successfully.

“EVD evolution” +0300005EN - rel. 4.2 - 24.01.2024 32

Pre-positioning/start control
Important: if the superheat temperature should fall below the set
If during standby a control request is received, before starting control the point, control resumes even if the delay has not yet elapsed.
valve is moved to a precise initial position.
IThe pre-position time is the time the valve is held in a steady position
based on the parameter “Valve opening at start-up”. ON
Parameter/description Def. Min. Max. UOM
Pre-positioning time 6 0 18000 s
Valve opening at start-up (evaporator/valve 50 0 100 % ON t
capacity ratio) S
Tab. 6.o OFF

The valve opening parameter should be set based on the ratio between
the rated cooling capacity of the evaporator and the valve (e.g. rated ON t
evaporator cooling capacity: 3kW, rated valve cooling capacity: 10kW, P
valve opening = 3/10 = 33%).

If the capacity request is 100%: ON t

Opening (%)= (Valve opening at start-up); R
If the capacity request is less than 100% (capacity control):
Opening (%)= (Valve opening at start-up) · (Current unit cooling capacity),
Fig. 6.d t
where the current unit cooling capacity is sent to the driver via LAN by the
pCO controller. If the driver is stand-alone, this is always equal to 100%. A Control request W Wait
S Standby T1 Pre-positioning time
Note: P Pre-positioning T2 Start-up delay after defrost
• this procedure is used to anticipate the movement and bring the valve R Control t Time
significantly closer to the operating position in the phases immediately
after the unit starts;
• if there are problems with liquid return after the refrigeration unit starts Positioning (change cooling capacity)
or in units that frequently switch on-off, the valve opening at start-up This control status is only valid for the driver connected to the pCO via
must be decreased. If there are problems with low pressure after the LAN. If there is a change in unit cooling capacity of at least 10%, sent
refrigeration unit starts, the valve opening must be increased. from the pCO via the pLAN, the valve is positioned proportionally. In
practice, this involves repositioning starting from the current position in
Wait proportion to how much the cooling capacity of the unit has increased or
decreased in percentage terms. When the calculated position has been
When the calculated position has been reached, regardless of the
reached, regardless of the time taken (this varies according to the type
time taken (this varies according to the type of valve and the objective
of valve and the position), there is a constant 5 second delay before the
position), there is a constant 5 second delay before the actual control
actual control phase starts.
phase starts. This is to create a reasonable interval between standby, in
which the variables have no meaning, as there is no flow of refrigerant, Note: if information is not available on the variation in unit cooling
and the effective control phase. capacity, this will always be considered as operating at 100% and therefore
the procedure will never be used. In this case, the PID control must be
more reactive (see the chapter on Control) so as to react promptly to
Control variations in load that are not communicated to the driver.
The control request can be received by the closing of digital input 1
or via the network (LAN). The solenoid or the compressor are activated ON
when the valve, following the pre-positioning procedure, has reached A
the calculated position. The following figure represents the sequence of OFF
events for starting control of the refrigeration unit. t
Control delay after defrost
Some types of refrigerating cabinets have problems controlling the
electronic valve in the operating phase after defrost. In this period (10 to NP
20 min after defrosting), the superheat measurement may be altered by OFF
the high temperature of the copper pipes and the air, causing excessive
opening of the electronic valve for extended periods, in which there is
return of liquid to the compressors that is not detected by the probes ON
connected to the driver. In addition, the accumulation of refrigerant in OFF
the evaporator in this phase is difficult to dissipate in a short time, even
after the probes have started to correctly measure the presence of liquid
T3 W
(superheat value low or null). Fig. 6.e
The driver can receive information on the defrost phase in progress, via Key:
digital input 2. The “Start-up delay after defrost” parameter is used to set A Control request T3 Repositioning time
a delay when control resumes so as to overcome this problem. During C Change capacity W Wait
this delay, the valve will remain in the pre-positioning point, while all the NP Repositioning t Time
R Control
normal probe alarms procedures, etc. managed.
Parameter/description Def. Min. Max. UOM
CONTROL Stop/end control
Start-up delay after defrost 10 0 60 min The stop procedure involves closing the valve from the current position
Tab. 6.p until reaching 0 steps, plus a further number of steps so as to guarantee
complete closing. Following the stop phase, the valve returns to standby.

33 “EVD evolution” +0300005EN - rel. 4.2 - 24.01.2024

Recover physical valve position
ON Parameter/description Def. Min. Max. UOM
OFF EEV opening synchroniz. 1 0 1 -
EEV closing synchroniz. 1 0 1 -
ON t Tab. 6.r
OFF This procedure is necessary as the stepper motor intrinsically tends to
lose steps during movement. Given that the control phase may last con-
t tinuously for several hours, it is probable that from a certain time on the
ST estimated position sent by the valve driver does not correspond exactly
OFF to the physical position of the movable element. This means that when
the driver reaches the estimated fully closed or fully open position,
t the valve may physically not be in that position. The “Synchronisation”
ON procedure allows the driver to perform a certain number of steps in the
OFF suitable direction to realign the valve when fully opened or closed.
T4 t • realignment is in intrinsic part of the forced closing procedure and is
Fig. 6.f
activated whenever the driver is stopped/started and in the standby
A Control request R Control phase;
S Standby T4 Stop position time • the possibility to enable or disable the synchronisation procedure
ST Stop t Time depends on the mechanics of the valve. When the setting the “valve”
parameter, the two synchronisation parameters are automatically
defined. The default values should not be changed.

6.6 Advanced control status

As well as normal control status, the driver can have 3 special types of status
related to specific functions:
• manual positioning: this is used to interrupt control so as to move the 6.7 Quick probe alarm disabling
valve, setting the desired position; From firmware version 9.0-9.1 it is possible to disable the quick probe
• recover physical valve position: recover physical valve steps when alarm management.
fully opened or closed. By default this is disabled.
Parameter/Description Def. Min. Max. U.M.
Manual positioning PROBES
Manual positioning can be activated at any time during the standby or Quick probe alarm disable 0 0 1 -
control phase. Manual positioning, once enabled, is used to freely set
the position of the valve using the corresponding parameter. Caution: to be able to see the parameters in paragraph 6.7, a
Control is placed on hold, all the system and control alarms are enabled, Display P/N EVDIS00**0 is required, version 4.9 or higher, or a VPM with
however neither control nor the protectors can be activated. Manual firmware version 9.0-9.1.
positioning thus has priority over any status/protection of the driver
When the driver is connected to the network (for example to a pCO
controller), in presence of an communication-error (LAN error), manual
positioning can be inhibited temporarily by the parameter and the
driver recognizes the start/stop regulation, depending on the configura-
tion of the digital inputs.
Parameter/description Def. Min. Max. UOM
Enable manual valve position 0 0 1 -
Manual valve position 0 0 9999 step
Stop manual positioning on network error 0 0 1 -
0 = Normal operation; 1 = Stop
Tab. 6.q
• the manual positioning status is NOT saved when restarting after a
power failure.
• in for any reason the valve needs to be kept stationary after a power
failure, proceed as follows:
- remove the valve stator;
- in Manufacturer programming mode, under the configuration
parameters, set the PID proportional gain= 0. The valve will remain
stopped at the initial opening position, set by corresponding

“EVD evolution” +0300005EN - rel. 4.2 - 24.01.2024 34

These are additional functions that are activated in specific situations that When the superheat value falls below the threshold, the system enters
are potentially dangerous for the unit being controlled. They feature an low superheat status, and the intensity with which the valve is closed is
integral action, that is, the action increases gradually when moving away increased: the more the superheat falls below the threshold, the more
from the activation threshold. They may add to or overlap (disabling) intensely the valve will close. The LowSH threshold, must be less than
normal PID superheat control. By separating the management of these or equal to the superheat set point. The low superheat integration time
functions from PID control, the parameters can be set separately, allowing, indicates the intensity of the action: the lower the value, the more intense
for example, normal control that is less reactive yet much faster in the action.
responding when exceeding the activation limits of one of the protectors. The integration time is set automatically based on the type of main

7.1 Protectors
The protectors are 5:
• LowSH, low superheat;
• LOP, low evaporation temperature; t
• MOP, high evaporation temperature; Low_SH
• High Tcond, high condensing temperature; OFF
• Reverse HiTcond.
Note: the HiTcond protectors require an additional probe (S3) to ON t
those normally used, either installed on the driver, or connected via tLAN,
pLAN, RS485/ Modbus® to a controller.
The protectors have the following main features: D B t
• activation threshold: depending on the operating conditions of the Fig. 7.a
controlled unit, this is set in Service programming mode; Key:
• integration time, which determines the intensity (if set to 0, the SH Superheat A Alarm
protector is disabled): set automatically based on the type of main Low_SH_TH Low_SH protection threshold D Alarm timeout
Low_SH Low_SH protection t Time
B Automatic alarm reset
• alarm, with activation threshold (the same as the protector) and
timeout (if set to 0 disables the alarm signal).

Note: The alarm signal is independent from the effectiveness of the

protector, and only signals that the corresponding threshold has been LOP (low evaporation pressure)
exceeded. If a protector is disabled (null integration time), the relative LOP= Low Operating Pressure
alarm signal is also disabled. The LOP protection threshold is applied as a saturated evaporation
temperature value so that it can be easily compared against the technical
Each protector is affected by the proportional gain parameter (K) for the specifications supplied by the manufacturers of the compressors. The
PID superheat control. The higher the value of K, the more intense the protector is activated so as to prevent too low evaporation temperatures
reaction of the protector will be. from stopping the compressor due to the activation of the low pressure
switch. The protector is very useful in units with compressors on board
(especially multi-stage), where when starting or increasing capacity the
Characteristics of the protectors evaporation temperature tends to drop suddenly.
Protection Reaction Reset When the evaporation temperature falls below the low evaporation
LowSH Intense closing Immediate temperature threshold, the system enters LOP status and is the intensity
LOP Intense opening Immediate with which the valve is opened is increased. The further the temperature
MOP Moderate closing Controlled falls below the threshold, the more intensely the valve will open. The
High Tcond Moderate closing Controlled integration time indicates the intensity of the action: the lower the value,
Reverse HiTcond Moderate opening Controlled
the more intense the action.
Tab. 7.a
Parameter/description Def. Min. Max. UOM
Reaction: summary description of the type of action in controlling the CONTROL
valve. LOP protection threshold -50 -60 Protection MOP: °C (°F)
Reset: summary description of the type of reset following the activation (-76) threshold
of the protector. Reset is controlled to avoid swings around the activation LOP protection integration time 0 0 800 s
threshold or immediate reactivation of the protector.
Low evaporation temperature 300 0 18000 s
alarm timeout (LOP)
(0= alarm DISABLED)
LowSH (low superheat) Tab. 7.c
The protector is activated so as to prevent the return of liquid to the The integration time is set automatically based on the type of main
compressor due to excessively low superheat valves from. control.
Parameter/description Def. Min. Max. UOM
LowSH protection threshold 5 -40 (-72) set point K (°F)
superheat • the LOP threshold must be lower then the rated evaporation
LowSH protection integration 15 0 800 s temperature of the unit, otherwise it would be activated unnecessarily,
time and greater than the calibration of the low pressure switch, otherwise
ALARM CONFIGURATION it would be useless. As an initial approximation it can be set to a value
Low superheat alarm timeout 300 0 18000 s exactly half-way between the two limits indicated;
(LowSH) (0= alarm DISABLED)
• the protector has no purpose in multiplexed systems (showcases)
Tab. 7.b
where the evaporation is kept constant and the status of the individual
electronic valve does not affect the pressure value;

35 “EVD evolution” +0300005EN - rel. 4.2 - 24.01.2024

• the LOP alarm can be used as an alarm to highlight refrigerant leaks by As the action is integral, it depends directly on the difference between
the circuit. A refrigerant leak in fact causes an abnormal lowering of the the evaporation temperature and the activation threshold. The more the
evaporation temperature that is proportional, in terms of speed and evaporation temperature increases with reference to the MOP threshold,
extent, to the amount of refrigerant dispersed; the more intensely the valve will close. The integration time indicates the
• if the measured superheat is lower than the set point the LOP intensity of the action: the lower the value, the more intense the action.
protection does not work.

ON t
ON t
Fig. 7.b
T_EVAP Evaporation temperature D Alarm timeout D t
LOP_TH Low evaporation temperature ALARM Alarm Fig. 7.c
protection threshold Key:
LOP LOP protection t Time T_EVAP Evaporation temperature MOP_TH MOP threshold
B Automatic alarm reset PID PID superheat control ALARM Alarm
MOP MOP protection t Time
D Alarm timeout

MOP (high evaporation pressure) Important: the MOP threshold must be greater than the rated
MOP= Maximum Operating Pressure. evaporation temperature of the unit, otherwise it would be activated
unnecessarily. The MOP threshold is often supplied by the manufacturer
The MOP protection threshold is applied as a saturated evaporation
of the compressor. It is usually between 10 °C and 15 °C.
temperature value so that it can be easily compared against the technical
specifications supplied by the manufacturers of the compressors. The
If the closing of the valve also causes an excessive increase in the suction
protector is activated so as to prevent too high evaporation temperatures
temperature (S2) above the set threshold – only set via supervisor
from causing an excessive workload for the compressor, with consequent
(PlantVisor, pCO, VPM), not on the display - the valve will be stopped
overheating of the motor and possible activation of the thermal protector.
to prevent overheating the compressor windings, awaiting a reduction
The protector is very useful in self-contained units if starting with a high
in the refrigerant charge. If the MOP protection function is disabled by
refrigerant charge or when there are sudden variations in the load. The
setting the integral time to zero, the maximum suction temperature
protector is also useful in multiplexed systems (showcases), as allows all
control is also deactivated.
the utilities to be enabled at the same time without causing problems
of high pressure for the compressors. To reduce the evaporation Parameter/description Def. Min. Max. UOM
temperature, the output of the refrigeration unit needs to be decreased.
MOP protection: suction temperature 30 -60 (-72) 200 (392) °C(°F)
This can be done by controlled closing of the electronic valve, implying threshold
superheat is no longer controlled, and an increase in the superheat Tab. 7.e
temperature. The protector will thus have a moderate reaction that tends
to limit the increase in the evaporation temperature, keeping it below the At the end of the MOP protection function, superheat regulation restarts
activation threshold while trying to stop the superheat from increasing in a controlled manner to prevent the evaporation temperature from
as much as possible. Normal operating conditions will not resume based exceeding the threshold again.
on the activation of the protector, but rather on the reduction in the If the suction temperature is greater than or equal to the set temperature
refrigerant charge that caused the increase in temperature. The system protection threshold, the MOP protection does not work.
will therefore remain in the best operating conditions (a little below the
threshold) until the load conditions change. High Tcond (high condensing temperature)
Parameter/description Def. Min. Max. UOM To activate the high condensing temperature protector (High Tcond), a
CONTROL pressure probe must be connected to input S3.
MOP protection threshold 50 Protection LOP: 200 °C (°F) The protector is activated so as to prevent too high evaporation
threshold (392)
temperatures from stopping the compressor due to the activation of the
MOP protection integration time 20 0 800 s
ALARM CONFIGURATION high pressure switch.
High evaporation temperature 600 0 18000 s Parameter/description Def. Min. Max. UOM
alarm timeout (MOP) ADVANCED
(0= alarm DISABLED) High Tcond threshold 80 -60 200 °C (°F)
Tab. 7.d (-76) (392)
High Tcond integration time 20 0 800 s
The integration time is set automatically based on the type of main ALARM CONFIGURATION
control. High condensing temperature alarm timeout 600 0 18000 s
(High Tcond)
When the evaporation temperature rises above the MOP threshold, the (0= alarm DISABLED)
system enters MOP status, superheat control is interrupted to allow the Tab. 7.f
pressure to be controlled, and the valve closes slowly, trying to limit the The integration time is set automatically based on the type of main
evaporation temperature. control.

“EVD evolution” +0300005EN - rel. 4.2 - 24.01.2024 36

Note: C
• the protector is very useful in units with compressors on board if the
air-cooled condenser is undersized or dirty/malfunctioning in the
more critical operating conditions (high outside temperature); L1
• the protector has no purpose in multiplexed systems (showcases), A CP1
where the condensing pressure is maintained constant and the status
of the individual electronic valves does not affect the pressure value.
To reduce the condensing temperature, the output of the refrigeration EVD
unit needs to be decreased. This can be done by controlled closing of S1 evolution

the electronic valve, implying superheat is no longer controlled, and S1 S2 S3 S4

an increase in the superheat temperature. The protector will thus have V M
a moderate reaction that tends to limit the increase in the condensing
temperature, keeping it below the activation threshold while trying EEV
to stop the superheat from increasing as much as possible. Normal CHE
operating conditions will not resume based on the activation of the
protector, but rather on the reduction in the outside temperature. The P1 T1
system will therefore remain in the best operating conditions (a little
below the threshold) until the environmental conditions change. P2



t S2
T V2 E
V1 M
ON t
Fig. 7.e
t Key:
ON CP1/2 Compressor 1/2 EEV Electronic expansion
OFF CHE Cascade heat exchanger C Condenser
L1/2 Liquid receiver 1/2 V Solenoid valve
D t F1/2 Filter-drier 1/2 E Evaporator
Fig. 7.d S1/2 Liquid gauge 1/2 P1/2 Pressure probe
Key: T1 Temperature probe V2 Thermostatic
T_COND Condensing temperature T_COND_TH High Tcond expansion valve
High Tcond High Tcond protection status ALARM Alarm For the wiring, see paragraph “General connection diagram”
PID PID superheat control t Time
D Alarm timeout
Note: for this type of application, the auxiliary refrigerant must be
Note: set as CO2 (R744).
• the High Tcond threshold must be greater than the rated condensing Parameter / Description Def.
temperature of the unit and lower then the calibration of the high Refrigerant Alls refrigerants, not R744
Main regulation Subcooling regulation 1...10
pressure switch;
Auxiliary refrigerant R744
• the closing of the valve will be limited if this causes an excessive
decrease in the evaporation temperature. The driver controls refrigerant superheat in the primary circuit (A), and
at the same time measures the refrigerant condensing pressure in the
secondary circuit (B). When the condensing temperature exceeds the
Reverse HiTcond (for CO2 cascade systems) HiTCond protection threshold, normal superheat control is overridden by
forced opening of the valve, at a rate that is inversely proportional to the
As mentioned earlier, reverse high condensing temperature protection
HiTCond protection integral time. Opening the EEV lowers the superheat
(HiTcond) on S3, opens the valve to limit refrigerant circuit condensing
in the primary circuit, which increases the heat exchange coefficient and
pressure by filling part of the evaporator. The graph of how the function
consequently reduces the condensing pressure in the secondary circuit.
works is similar to the one shown for HiTCond protection.
The reverse HiTcond threshold for CO2 cascade applications should be
Important: opening the valve will probably also cause activation of set in relation to the expected evaporation temperature in the primary
the low superheat protection LowSH, which tends to limit the opening of circuit. The threshold must be set to a value that is at least 3-5°C higher
the valve. The ratio between the integral times of these two concurrent than the minimum evaporation temperature in the primary circuit. Lower
yet opposing protectors determines how effective one is compared to values make achieving the set pressure limit incompatible with heat
the other. exchange efficiency. In addition, swings in operation may occur due the
This function is especially useful for condensers in CO2 cascade systems, attempt to limit low superheat in the primary circuit and the pressure in
where condensation in the low temperature circuit (also called the secondary circuit at the same time.
“secondary”, B) takes place when evaporating the refrigerant in the
medium temperature circuit (“primary”, A).

37 “EVD evolution” +0300005EN - rel. 4.2 - 24.01.2024



Type **
Parameter/description Def. Min. Max. UOM


A Network address pLAN: 30 1 207 - I 11 138
others: 198
A Refrigerant: 0= user defined; R404A - - - I 13 140
1= R22 2= R134a 3= R404A 4= R407C 5= R410A
6= R507A 7= R290 8= R600 9= R600a 10= R717
11= R744 12= R728 13= R1270 14= R417A 15= R422D
16= R413A 17= R422A 18= R423A 19= R407A 20= R427A
21= R245FA 22= R407F 23= R32 24= HTR01 25= HTR02
26= R23 27= R1234yf 28= R1234ze 29= R455A 30= R170
31= R442A 32= R447A 33= R448A 34= R449A 35= R450A
36= R452A 37= R508B 38= R452B 39= R513A 40= R454B
41= R458A 42 = R407H 43 = R454A 44 = R454C 45 = R470A
46 = R515B 47 = R466A
A Valve: CAREL EXV - - - I 14 141
0= user defined 13= Sporlan SEH 175 26= CAREL ejector E2J23AT1N0
1= CAREL EXV 14= Danfoss ETS 12.5-25B 27= CAREL ejector E3J26AT2N0
2= Alco EX4 15= Danfoss ETS 50B 28= CAREL ejector E3J33AU2N0
3= Alco EX5 16= Danfoss ETS 100B 29= CAREL ejector E3J39AV3N0
4= Alco EX6 17= Danfoss ETS 250 30= CAREL ejector E6J50AV3N0
5= Alco EX7 18= Danfoss ETS 400 31= Danfoss CCMT 16
6= Alco EX8 330Hz 19= Two EXV CAREL 32= Danfoss CCMT 24
recommend CAREL connected together
7= Alco EX8 500Hz 20= Sporlan SER(I)G,J,K 33= Danfoss CCMT 30
specific Alco
8= Sporlan SEI 0.5-11 21= Danfoss CCM 34= Danfoss CCMT 42
9= Sporlan SER 1.5-20 22= Danfoss CCM 40 35= Danfoss Colibri
10= Sporlan SEI 30 23= Danfoss CCM T 2-4-8
11= Sporlan SEI 50 24= Disabled
12= Sporlan SEH 100 25= CAREL ejector
A Probe S1: 0= user defined Ratiometric: -1 - - - I 16 143
Ratiometric (OUT=0…5 V) Electronic (OUT=4…20 mA) to 9.3 barg
1= -1…4,2 barg 8= -0,5…7 barg
2= -0,4…9,3 barg 9= 0…10 barg
3= -1…9,3 barg 10= 0…18,2 bar
4= 0…17,3 barg 11= 0…25 barg
5= 0,85…34,2 barg 12= 0…30 barg
6= 0…34,5 barg 13= 0…44,8 barg
7= 0…45 barg 14= remoto, -0,5…7 barg
21= -1…12,8 barg 15= remoto, 0…10 barg
22= 0…20,7 barg 16= remoto, 0…18,2 barg
23= 1,86…43,0 barg 17= remoto, 0…25 barg
24= Livello liquido CAREL 18= remoto, 0…30 barg
25 = 0...60,0 barg 19= remoto, 0…44,8 barg
26 = 0...90,0 barg 20= external signal 4…20 mA
27= external signal 0…5 V
A Main control: Multiplexed - - - I 15 142
0= user defined 14= transcritical CO2 gas cooler cabinet/cold
1= Centralized cabinet/cold room 15= analog positioner (4 to 20 mA) room
2= Self contained cabinet/cold room 16= analog positioner (0 to10 V)
3= Perturbated cabinet/control room 17= AC/chiller or cabinet/cold room
with adaptative regulation
4= Subcritical CO2 cabinet/cold room 18= AC or chiller with Digital Scroll
5= R404A condenser for subcritical CO2 19= AC/chiller with BLDC compressor (*)
6= AC or chiller with plate evaporator 20= superheat regulation with 2
temperature probes
7= AC or chiller with shell tube 21= I/O expander for pCO
8= AC or chiller with battery coil 22= Programmable SH regulation
9= AC or chiller with variable cooling 23= Programmable special regulation
10= AC or chiller perturbated unit 24= Programmable positioner
11= EPR Back pressure 25= Evaporator liquid level regulation
with CAREL sensor
12= Hot gas by-pass by pressure 26= Condenser liquid level regulation
with CAREL sensor
13= Hot gas by-pass by temperature (*)= only for controls for CAREL valves
A Probe S2: CAREL NTC - - - I 17 144
0= user defined 1= NTC CAREL
2= CAREL NTC- HT high 3= combined NTC SPKP**T0
4= 0 to 10V external signal 5= NTC – LT CAREL low temperature
A Auxiliary control: Disabled - - - I 18 145
0= user defined
1= Disabled
2= high condensing temperature protection on S3 probe
3= modulating thermostat on S4 probe
4= backup probes on S3 and S4
5, 6, 7 = Reserved
8= Subcooling measurement
9= Inverse high condensation temperature protection on S3 probe
10= Reserved

“EVD evolution” +0300005EN - rel. 4.2 - 24.01.2024 38



Type **
Parameter/description Def. Min. Max. UOM


A Probe S3 Ratiometric: -1 - - - I 19 146

0= user defined to 9.3 barg
Ratiometric (OUT=0 to 5 V) Electronic (OUT=4 to 20 mA)
1= -1…4,2 barg 8= -0,5…7 barg
2= -0,4…9,3 barg 9= 0…10 barg
3= -1…9,3 barg 10= 0…18,2 bar
4= 0…17,3 barg 11= 0…25 barg
5= 0,85…34,2 barg 12= 0…30 barg
6= 0…34,5 barg 13= 0…44,8 barg
7= 0…45 barg 14= remote, -0,5…7 barg
21= -1…12,8 barg 15= remote, 0…10 barg
22= 0…20,7 barg 16= remote, 0…18,2 barg
23= 1,86…43,0 barg 17= remote, 0…25 barg
24= CAREL liquid level 18= remote, 0…30 barg
25 = 0...60,0 barg 19= remote, 0…44,8 barg
26 = 0...90,0 barg 20= 4…20 mA external signal
27 = external signal 0…5 V
A Relay configuration: Alarm relay - - - I 12 139
1= Disabled
2= alarm relay (opened in case of alarm)
3= Solenoid valve relay (open in standby)
4= valve + alarm relay (opened in stand-by and control alarms)
5= Reversed alarm relay (closed in case of alarm)
6= Valve status relay (open if valve closed)
7= Direct command
8= Faulty closure alarm relay (opened if alarm)
9= Reverse faulty closure alarm relay (closed if alarm)
A Probe S4: Not used - - - I 20 147
0= User defined
2= CAREL NTC-HT high temperature
3= NTC built-in SPKP**T0
4= ---
5= NTC-LT CAREL low temperature
A DI2 configuration: Disabled - - - I 10 137
1= Disabled
2= valve regulation optimization after defrost
3= Battery alarm management
4= Valve forced open (at 100%)
5= Regulation start/stop
6= Regulation backup
7= Regulation security
C Display main var. 1: Superheat - - - I 45 172
1= Valve opening 13= Hot gas bypass pressure
2= Valve position 14= Hot gas bypass temperature
3= Current cool. capacity 15= CO2 gas cooler outlet temperature
4= Control set point 16= CO2 gas cooler outlet pressure
5= Superheat 17= CO2 gas cooler pressure set point
6= Suction temperature 18= S1 probe measurement
7= Evaporation temperature 19= S2 probe measurement
8= Evaporation pressure 20= S3 probe measurement
9= Condensing temperature 21= S4 probe measurement
10= Condensing pressure 22= 4-20 mA input value
11= Modulating thermostat 23= 0-10 V input value
12= EPR pressure
C Display main var. 2 (See display main var. 1) Valve opening - - - I 46 173
C S1 probe alarm manag.: Valve at fixed - - - I 24 151
1= No action position
2= Valve forced closed
3= Valve at fixed posit.
4= Use backup probe S3
C S2 probe alarm manag.: Valve at fixed - - - I 25 152
1= No action position
2= Valve forced closed
3= Valve at fixed posit.
4= Use backup probe S4
C S3 probe alarm manag.: No action - - - I 26 153
1= No action
2= Valve forced closed
3= Valve at fixed posit.
C S3 probe alarm manag.: No action - - - I 27 154
1= No action
2= Valve forced closed
3= Valve at fixed posit.
C Unit of measure: °C/K/barg; °F/psig °C(K), barg - - - I 21 148
A DI1 configuration Regulation - - - I 85 212
1= Disabled start/stop
2= Valve regulation optimization after defrost (tLAN-RS485)
3= Discharged battery alarm management / Regulation
4= Valve forced open (at 100%) backup (pLAN)
5= Regulation start/stop
6= Regulation backup
7= Regulation security
A Language: Italian; English English - - - - - -

39 “EVD evolution” +0300005EN - rel. 4.2 - 24.01.2024



Type **
Parameter/description Def. Min. Max. UOM


C Auxiliary refrigerant 0 - - - I 96 223

-1= user defined; 0 = same as main regulation
1= R22 2= R134a 3= R404A 4= R407C 5= R410A
6= R507A 7= R290 8= R600 9= R600a 10= R717
11= R744 12= R728 13= R1270 14= R417A 15= R422D
16= R413A 17= R422A 18= R423A 19= R407A 20= R427A
21= R245FA 22= R407F 23= R32 24= HTR01 25= HTR02
26= R23 27= R1234yf 28= R1234ze 29= R455A 30= R170
31= R442A 32= R447A 33= R448A 34= R449A 35= R450A
36= R452A 37= R508B 38= R452B 39= R513A 40= R454B
41= R458A 42 = R407H 43 = R454A 44 = R454C 45 = R470A
46 = R515B 47 = R466A
C S1 calibration offset 0 -60(-870) 60(870) barg (psig)mA A 34 33
C S1 calibrat gain on 4-20 mA 1 -20 20 - A 36 35
C S1 pressure MINIMUM value -1 -20 (-290) S1 pressure MA- barg (psig) A 32 31
XIMUM value
C S1 pressure MAXIMUM value 9.3 S1 pressure MINI- 200 (2900) barg (psig) A 30 29
MUM value
C S1 alarm MIN pressure -1 -20 (-290) S1 alarm MAX barg (psig) A 39 38
C S1 alarm MAX pressure 9.3 S1 alarm MIN 200 (2900) barg (psig) A 37 36
C S2 calibration offset 0 -20 (-36), -20 20 (36), 20 °C (°F), volt A 41 40
C S2 alarm MIN temperat -50 -85(-121) S2 alarm MAX °C(°F) A 46 45
C S2 alarm MAX temperat 105 S2 alarm MIN 200 (392) °C(°F) A 44 43
C S3 calibrat offset 0 60(-870) 60(870) barg (psig) A 35 34
C S3 calibration gain on 4 to 20 mA (cannot be selected) 1 -20 20 - A 83 81
C S3 pressure MINIMUM value -1 -20 (-290) S3 pressure MA- barg (psig) A 33 32
XIMUM value
C S3 pressure MAXIMUM value 9.3 S3 pressure MINI- 200 (2900) barg (psig) A 31 30
MUM value
C S3 alarm MIN pressure -1 -20 (-290) S3 alarm MAX barg (psig) A 40 39
C S3 probe alarm MAX pressure 9.3 S3 alarm MIN 200 (2900) barg (psig) A 38 37
C S4 calibrat. offset 0 -20 (-36) 20 (36) °C (°F) A 42 41
C S4 alarm MIN temperat. -50 -85(-121) S4 alarm MAX °C (°F) A 47 46
C S4 alarm MAX temperat. 105 S4 alarm MIN 200 (392) °C (°F) A 45 44
C S1/S3 Maximum difference (pressure) 0 0 200(2900) bar(psig) A 114 113
C S2/S4 Maximum difference (temperature) 0 0 180(324) °C (°F) A 115 114
C Alarm delay S1 0 0 240 s I 131 258
C Alarm delay S2 0 0 240 s I 132 259
C Alarm delay S3 0 0 240 s I 133 260
C Alarm delay S4 0 0 240 s I 134 261
C Enable S1 1 0 1 - D 16 15
C Enable S2 1 0 1 - D 17 16
C Enable S3 1 0 1 - D 18 17
C Enable S4 1 0 1 - D 19 18
C Quick probe alarm disabling 0 0 1 - D 66 65
A Superheat set point 11 LowSH: threshold 180 (324) K(°R) A 50 49
A Valve opening at start-up 50 0 100 % I 37 164
C Valve opened in standby 0 0 1 - D 23 22
(0=disabled=valve closed; 1=enabled = valve open according to parameter
“Valve position in stand-by”)
C Valve position in stand-by: 0 = 25%; 1…100% = % opening 0 0 100 % I 91 218
C start-up delay after defrost 10 0 60 min I 40 167
A Pre-position time 6 0 18000 s I 90 217
A Hot gas bypass temperature set point 10 -85(-121) 200 (392) °C (°F) A 28 27
A Hot gas bypass pressure set point 3 -20 (-290) 200 (2900) barg (psig) A 62 61
A EPR pressure set point 3.5 -20 (-290) 200 (2900) barg (psig) A 29 28
C PID proportional gain 15 0 800 - A 48 47
C PID integral time 150 0 1000 s I 38 165
C PID derivative time 5 0 800 s A 49 48
A LowSH protection threshold 5 -40 (-72) superheat set K(°F) A 56 55
C LowSH protection integral time 15 0 800 s A 55 54
A LOP protection threshold -50 -85(-121) MOP protection °C (°F) A 52 51
C LOP protection integral time 0 0 800 s A 51 50
A MOP protection threshold 50 LOP protection 200 (392) °C (°F) A 54 53
C MOP protection integral time 20 0 800 s A 53 52
A Enable manual valve position 0 0 1 - D 24 23
A Manual valve position 0 0 9999 step I 39 166
C Discharge superheat setpoint 35 -40(-72) 180 (324) K (F°) A 100 99
C Discharge temperature setpoint 105 -85(-121) 200 (392) °C (°F) A 101 100
C Liquid level perc. set point 50 0 100 % A 118 117
A High Tcond threshold 80 -85(-121) 200 (392) °C (°F) A 58 57
C High Tcond integral time 20 0 800 s A 57 56
A Modul thermost setpoint 0 -85(-121) 200 (392) °C (°F) A 61 60
A Modul thermost differential 0, 1 0.1 (0.2) 100 (180) °C (°F) A 60 59
C Modul thermost SHset offset 0 0 (0) 100 (180) K (°F) A 59 58
C CO2 regul. 'A' coefficient 3.3 -100 800 - A 63 62
C CO2 regul. 'B' coefficient -22.7 -100 800 - A 64 63

“EVD evolution” +0300005EN - rel. 4.2 - 24.01.2024 40



Type **
Parameter/description Def. Min. Max. UOM


C Network settings 2 0 30 bit/s I 74 201 CO

Parity Bit di stop Baud rate
0 no parity 2 stop bits 4800 bps
1 no parity 2 stop bits 9600 bps
2 no parity 2 stop bits 19200 bps
4 no parity 1 stop bit 4800 bps
5 no parity 1 stop bit 9600 bps
6 no parity 1 stop bit 19200 bps
16 even 2 stop bits 4800 bps
17 even 2 stop bits 9600 bps
18 even 2 stop bits 19200 bps
20 even 1 stop bit 4800 bps
21 even 1 stop bit 9600 bps
22 even 1 stop bit 19200 bps
24 odd 2 stop bits 4800 bps
25 odd 2 stop bits 9600 bps
26 odd 2 stop bits 19200 bps
28 odd 1 stop bit 4800 bps
29 odd 1 stop bit 9600 bps
30 odd 1 stop bit 19200 bps
A Power supply mode: 0= 24 Vac; 1= 24 Vdc 0 0 1 - D 47 46
C Enable mode single on twin (parameter disabled): 0= Twin; 1= Single 0 0 1 - D 58 57
C Stop manual positioning if net error: 0 = Normal operation; 1 = Stop 0 0 1 - D 59 58
C Programmable regulation configuration 0 0 32767 - I 101 228
C Programmable regulation input 0 0 32767 - I 102 229
C Programmable SH regulation options 0 0 32767 - I 103 230
C Programmable regulation set point 0 -800(-1233) 800(1233) barg (psig) A 112 111
Dew a high -288 -32768 32767 - I 107 234
Dew a low -15818 -32768 32767 - I 108 235
Dew b high -14829 -32768 32767 - I 109 236
Dew b low 16804 -32768 32767 - I 110 237
Dew c high -11664 -32768 32767 - I 111 238
Dew c low 16416 -32768 32767 - I 112 239
Dew d high -23322 -32768 32767 - I 113 240
Dew d low -16959 -32768 32767 - I 114 241
Dew e high -16378 -32768 32767 - I 115 242
Dew e low 15910 -32768 32767 - I 116 243
Dew f high -2927 -32768 32767 - I 117 244
Dew f low -17239 -32768 32767 - I 118 245
Bubble a high -433 -32768 32767 - I 119 246
Bubble a low -15815 -32768 32767 - I 120 247
Bubble b high -15615 -32768 32767 - I 121 248
Bubble b low 16805 -32768 32767 - I 122 249
Bubble c high 30803 -32768 32767 - I 123 250
Bubble c low 16416 -32768 32767 - I 124 251
Bubble d high -21587 -32768 32767 - I 125 252
Bubble d low -16995 -32768 32767 - I 126 253
Bubble e high -24698 -32768 32767 - I 127 254
Bubble e low 15900 -32768 32767 - I 128 255
Bubble f high 10057 -32768 32767 - I 129 256
Bubble f low -17253 -32768 32767 - I 130 257
C Faulty closure alarm status 0 0 1 - D 49 48
C Battery charge delay 0 0 250 min I 135 262
C Low superheat alarm timeout (LowSH) 300 0 18000 s I 43 170
(0= alarm DISABLED)
C Low evap temp alarm timeout (LOP) 300 0 18000 s I 41 168
(0= alarm DISABLED)
C High evap temp alarm timeout (MOP) 600 0 18000 s I 42 169
(0= alarm DISABLED)
C High cond temp alarm timeout (High Tcond) 600 0 18000 s I 44 171
(0= alarm DISABLED)
C Low suction temperature alarm threshold -50 -85 (-121) 200 (392) °C(°F) A 26 25
C Low suct temp alarm timeout 300 0 18000 s I 9 136
(0= alarm DISABLED)
C Alarm delay S1 0 0 240 s I 131 258
C Alarm delay S2 0 0 240 s I 132 259
C Alarm delay S3 0 0 240 s I 133 260
C Alarm delay S4 0 0 240 s I 134 261
C EEV minimum steps 50 0 9999 step I 30 157
C EEV maximum steps 480 0 9999 step I 31 158
C EEV closing steps 500 0 9999 step I 36 163
C EEV nominal step rate 50 1 2000 step/s I 32 159
C EEV nominal current 400 0 800 mA I 33 160
C EEV holding current 100 0 250 mA I 35 162
C EEV duty cycle 30 1 100 % I 34 161
C EEV opening synchroniz. 1 0 1 - D 20 19
C EEV closing synchroniz. 1 0 1 - D 21 20
Tab. 8.a
* User: A= Service (installer), C= Manufacturer.
**Type of variable: A= analogue, D= digital, I= integer

41 “EVD evolution” +0300005EN - rel. 4.2 - 24.01.2024

8.1 Unit of measure
In the configuration parameters menu, with access by manufacturer
password, the user can choose the unit of measure for the driver:
• international system (°C, K, barg);
• imperial system (°F, psig).

Important: the drivers EVD evolution-pLAN (code EVD000E1* and
EVD0000E4*), connected in pLAN to a pCO controller, do not manage the
change of the unit of measure.

Note: the unit of measure K relate to degrees Kelvin adopted for

measuring the superheat and the related parameters.

When changing the unit of measure, all the values of the parameters
saved on the driver and all the measurements read by the probes will
be recalculated. This means that when changing the units of measure,
control remains unaltered.
Example 1: The pressure read is 100 barg, this will be immediately
converted to the corresponding value of 1450 psig.
Example 2: The “superheat set point” parameter set to 10 K will be
immediately converted to the corresponding value of 18 °F.
Example 3: The “S4 alarm MAX temp.” parameter, set to 150 °C, will be
immediately converted to the corresponding value of 302 °F

Note: due to limits in the internal arithmetic of the driver, pressure

values above 200 barg (2900 psig) and temperature values above 200 °C
(392 °F) cannot be converted.

8.2 Variables accessible via serial

Description Default Min Max Type CAREL SVP Modbus® R/W
Probe S1 reading 0 -20 (-290) 200 (2900) A 1 0 R
Probe S2 reading 0 -85(-121) 200 (392) A 2 1 R
Probe S3 reading 0 -20 (-290) 200 (2900) A 3 2 R
Probe S4 reading 0 -85(-121) 200 (392) A 4 3 R
Suction temperature 0 -85(-121) 200 (392) A 5 4 R
Evaporation temperature 0 -85(-121) 200 (392) A 6 5 R
Evaporation pressure 0 -85(-121) 200 (2900) A 7 6 R
Hot gas bypass temperature 0 -85(-121) 200 (392) A 8 7 R
EPR pressure (back pressure) 0 -20 (-290) 200 (2900) A 9 8 R
Superheat 0 -40 (-72) 180 (324) A 10 9 R
Condensing pressure 0 -20 (-290) 200 (2900) A 11 10 R
Condensing temperature 0 -85(-121) 200 (392) A 12 11 R
Modulating thermostat temperature 0 -85(-121) 200 (392) A 13 12 R
Hot gas bypass pressure 0 -20 (-290) 200 (2900) A 14 13 R
CO2 gas cooler outlet pressure 0 -20 (-290) 200 (2900) A 15 14 R
CO2 gas cooler outlet temperature 0 -85(-121) 200 (392) A 16 15 R
Valve opening 0 0 100 A 17 16 R
CO2 gas cooler pressure set point 0 -20 (-290) 200 (2900) A 18 17 R
4-20 mA input value 4 4 20 A 19 18 R
0-10 V input value 0 0 10 A 20 19 R
Control set point 0 -60 (-870) 200 (2900) A 21 20 R
Driver firmware version 9.2** 0 10 A 25 24 R
MOP: suction temperature threshold (S2) 30 -85(-121) 200(392) A 102 101 R/W
Discharge superheat 0 -40(-72) 180(324) A 104 103 R
Discharge temperature 0 -85(-121) 200(392) A 105 104 R
Thermal time constant NTC probe S4 50 1 800 A 106 105 R/W
MOP: High evaporation temperature threshold 50 LOP: threshold 200 (392) A 107 106 R/W
Condensation pressure for subcooling measure 0 -20(-290) 200(2900) A 108 107 R
Condensation bubble point 0 -85(-121) 200(392) A 109 108 R
Condensation liquid temperature 0 -85(-121) 200(392) A 110 109 R
Subcooling 0 -40(-72) 180(324) A 111 110 R
Liquid regulation evaporator/ condenser level percentage 0 0 100 A 116 115 R
Valve position 0 0 9999 I 4 131 R
Current cooling capacity 0 0 100 I 7 134 R/W
Adaptive control status 0 0 6 I 75 202 R
Last tuning result 0 0 8 I 76 203 R
Extended measured probe S1 (*) 0 -2000 (-2901) 20000 (29007) I 83 210 R
Extended measured probe S3 (*) 0 -2000 (-2901) 20000 (29007) I 84 211 R
Valve emergency closing speed 150 1 2000 I 86 213 R/W
Control mode (BLDC comp.) 1 1 3 I 89 216 R/W
Type of unit for serial comm. 0 0 32767 I 94 221 R
HW code for serial comm. 0 0 32767 I 95 222 R
Reading of probe S1*40 0 -32768 32767 I 97 224 R
Reading of probe S2*40 0 -32768 32767 I 98 225 R
Reading of probe S3*40 0 -32768 32767 I 99 226 R
Reading of probe S4*40 0 -32768 32767 I 100 227 R

“EVD evolution” +0300005EN - rel. 4.2 - 24.01.2024 42

Description Default Min Max Type CAREL SVP Modbus® R/W
Low suction temperature 0 0 1 D 1 0 R
LAN error 0 0 1 D 2 1 R
EEPROM damaged 0 0 1 D 3 2 R
Probe S1 0 0 1 D 4 3 R
Probe S2 0 0 1 D 5 4 R

Probe S3 0 0 1 D 6 5 R
Probe S4 0 0 1 D 7 6 R
EEV motor error 0 0 1 D 8 7 R
Relay status 0 0 1 D 9 8 R
LOP (low evaporation temperature) 0 0 1 D 50 49 R

MOP high evaporation temperature) 0 0 1 D 51 50 R

LowSH (low superheat) 0 0 1 D 52 51 R
HiTcond (high condensing temperature) 0 0 1 D 53 52 R
LOP (low evaporation temperature) 0 0 1 D 10 9 R

MOP (high evaporation temperature) 0 0 1 D 11 10 R

LowSH (low superheat) 0 0 1 D 12 11 R
High Tcond (high condensing temperature) 0 0 1 D 13 12 R
DI1 digital input status 0 0 1 D 14 13 R
DI2 digital input status 0 0 1 D 15 14 R
Guided initial procedure completed 0 0 1 D 22 21 R/W
Adaptive control ineffective 0 0 1 D 40 39 R

Mains power failure 0 0 1 D 45 44 R

DI Control backup 0 0 1 D 46 45 R/W
Forced valve closing not completed 0 0 1 D 49 48 R/W
Direct relay control 0 0 1 D 57 56 R/W
Enable LAN mode on service serial port (RESERVED) 0 0 1 D 60 59 R/W
Tab. 8.b
(*) The displayed variable is to be divided by 100, and allows us to appreciate the hundredth of a bar (psig).
Type of variable:
A= analogue,
D= digital,
I= integer
SVP= variable address with CAREL protocol on 485 serial card.
Modbus®: variable address with Modbus® protocol on 485 serial card.

** or 9.3 for drivers for Carel valves only.

43 “EVD evolution” +0300005EN - rel. 4.2 - 24.01.2024

8.3 Variables used based on the type of
The following table shows the variables used by the driver depending on
the values of the Main control and Auxiliary control parameters.
These variables can be shown on the display by accessing display mode
(see paragraph 3.3 Display mode and via a serial connection with VPM,
PlantVisorPRO. Proceed as follows to display the variables:
• press UP/DOWN;
• press the DOWN button to move to the next variable/screen;
• press Esc to return to the standard display.
Main control

BLDC compres.
Hot gas by-pass

pass / pressure
Superheat control

AC/chiller with

2 temperature
/ temperature

Superheat re-
gulation with

I/O expander
Scroll compr.

Control with
AC or chiller
Auxiliary control


level sensor
with Digital
Hot gas by-

EPR back
HiTcond/ Subco-

Variable displayed

for pCO

HiTcond oling

inverse measure
Valve opening(%) Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ
Valve position (step) Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ
Current unit cooling capacity Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ
Control setpoint Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ
Superheat Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ
Suction temperature Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ
Evaporation temperature Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ
Evaporation pressure Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ
Condensing temperature Ÿ Ÿ
Condensing pressure Ÿ Ÿ
Modulating thermostat temperature Ÿ
EPR pressure (back pressure) Ÿ
Hot gas bypass pressure Ÿ
Hot gas bypass temperature Ÿ
CO2 gas cooler outlet temperature Ÿ
CO2 gas cooler outlet pressure Ÿ
CO2 gas cooler pressure set point Ÿ
Condensation pressure for subcooling Ÿ
measure (SBC)
Condensation Temperature bubble Ÿ
for subcooling measure (SBC)
Liquid temperature for subcooling Ÿ
measure (SBC)
Subcooling measurement Ÿ
S1 probe measurement Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ
S2 probe measurement Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ
S3 probe measurement Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ
S4 probe measurement Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ
4 to 20 mA input value Ÿ
0 to 10 Vdc input value Ÿ
DI1 digital input status (*) Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ
DI2 digital input status (*) Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ
EVD firmware version Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ
Display firmware version Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ
Adaptative regulation status Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ
0= Not enabled or stopped
1= Monitoring superheat
2= Monitoring suction temperature
3= Wait superheat stabilisation
4= Wait suction temperature stabilisation
5= Applying step
6= Positioning valve
7= Sampling response to step
8=Wait stabilisation in response to step
9= Wait tuning improvement
10= Stop, max attempts exceeded
Last tuning result Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ
0= No attempt performed
1= Attempt interrupted
2= Step application error
3= Time constant/delay error
4= Model error
5= Tuning ended successfully on suction
6= Tuning ended successfully on superheat
Discharge superheat Ÿ
Discharge temperature Ÿ
Liquid level percentage Ÿ
Tab. 8.c
(*) Digital input status: 0= open, 1= closed.

Note: the readings of probes S1, S2, S3, S4 are always displayed,
regardless of whether or not the probe is connected.

“EVD evolution” +0300005EN - rel. 4.2 - 24.01.2024 44

9.1 Alarms The display shows both types of alarms, in two different modes:
• system alarm: on the main page, the ALARM message is displayed,
There are two types of alarms:
flashing. Pressing the Help button displays the description of the alarm
• system: valve motor, EEPROM, probe and communication; and, at the top right, the total number of active alarms.
• control: low superheat, LOP, MOP, high condensing temperature, low
suction temperature.
The activation of the alarms depends on the setting of the threshold and Surriscaldam. OFF
activation delay (timeout) parameters. Setting the timeout to 0 disables 4.9 K
the alarms. The EEPROM unit parameters and operating parameters alarm valvola ALARM danneggiata
44 %
always stops control. Rele

All the alarms are reset automatically, once the causes are no longer
present. The alarm relay contact will open if the relay is configured as
alarm relay using the corresponding parameter. The signalling of the
alarm event on the driver depends on whether the LED board or the Fig. 9.b
display board is fitted, as shown in the table below. • control alarm: next to the flashing ALARM message, the main page
Note: the alarm LED only comes on for the system alarms, and not shows the type of protector activated.
for the control alarms.
Surriscaldam. ON
Example: display system alarm on LED board: 4.9 K
valvola ALARM
EVD evolution
44 % Rele

Fig. 9.c

• to display the alarm queue, press the Help button and scroll using the
Fig. 9.a UP/DOWN buttons;
• the control alarms can be disabled by setting the corresponding
Note: the alarm LED comes on to signal a mains power failure only timeout to zero.
if the EVBAT*** module (accessory) has been connected, guaranteeing
the power required to close the valve.

Table of alarms
Type of alarm Cause of alarm LED Display Relay Reset Effect on control Checks/ solutions
Probe S1 Probe S1 faulty or red alarm ALARM flashing Depends on confi- automatic Depends on pa- Check the probe connections. Check the
exceeded set alarm LED guration parameter rameter “S1 probe “S1 probe alarm manag.”, and “S1 alarm
range alarm manag.” MIN & MAX pressure” parameters
Probe S2 Probe S2 faulty or red alarm ALARM flashing Depends on confi- automatic Depends on pa- Check the probe connections. Check the
exceeded set alarm LED guration parameter rameter “S2 probe “S2 probe alarm manag.”, and “S2 alarm
range alarm manag.” MIN & MAX temperature” parameters
Probe S3 Probe S3 faulty or red alarm ALARM flashing Depends on confi- automatic Depends on pa- Check the probe connections. Check the
exceeded set alarm LED guration parameter rameter “S3 probe “S3 probe alarm manag.”, and “S3 alarm
range alarm manag.” MIN & MAX pressure” parameters
Probe S4 Probe S4 faulty or red alarm ALARM flashing Depends on confi- automatic Depends on pa- Check the probe connections. Check the
exceeded set alarm LED guration parameter rameter “S4 probe “S4 probe alarm manag.”, and “S4 alarm
range alarm manag.” MIN & MAX temperature” parameters
(LowSH) low LowSH protection - ALARM & LowSH Depends on confi- automatic Protection action Check the “LowSH alarm threshold and
superheat activated flashing guration parameter already active timeout” parameters
(LOP) low evapora- LOP protection - ALARM & LOP Depends on confi- automatic Protection action Check the “LOP alarm threshold and
tion temperature activated flashing guration parameter already active timeout” parameters
(MOP) high evapo- MOP protection - ALARM & MOP Depends on confi- automatic Protection action Check the “MOP alarm threshold and
ration temperature activated flashing guration parameter already active timeout” parameters”
(High Tcond) high High Tcond protec- - ALARM & MOP Depends on confi- automatic Protection action Check the “Hitcond alarm threshold and
conden tempe- tion activated flashing guration parameter already active timeout” parameters”
Low suction tem- Threshold and - ALARM flashing Depends on confi- automatic No effect Check the threshold and timeout
perature timeout exceeded guration parameter parameters.
EEPROM damaged EEPROM for red alarm ALARM flashing Depends on confi- Replace Total shutdown Replace the driver/Contact service
operating and/or LED guration parameter driver/Contact
unit parameters service
EEV motor error Valve motor fault, red alarm ALARM flashing Depends on confi- automatic Interruption Check the connections and the condi-
not connected LED guration parameter tion of the motor
Switch driver off and on again
LAN error LAN network com- green ALARM flashing Depends on confi- automatic Control based on Check the network address settings
munication error NET LED guration parameter DI1/DI2
LAN network con- NET LED ALARM flashing Depends on confi- automatic Control based on Check the connections and that the pCO
nection error off guration parameter DI1/DI2 is on and working

45 “EVD evolution” +0300005EN - rel. 4.2 - 24.01.2024

Type of alarm Cause of alarm LED Display Relay Reset Effect on control Checks/ solutions
Display No communication - Error message No change replace the No effect Check the driver/display and the
connection error between driver and driver/display connectors
Adaptive control Tuning failed - ALARM flashing No change automatic No effect Change “Main control” parameter setting
Battery Battery discharged red alarm Alarm flashing No change replace the No effect If the alarm persists for more than 3
discharged (**) or faulty or elec- LED battery hours (recharge time for EVBAT00500)
trical connection flashing replace the battery
Wrong power DC driver power Green PO- - Depends on the Change Total shutdown Check the “Power supply mode” parame-
supply mode (*) supply with “Power WER LED configuration “Power supply ter and power supply
supply mode” flashin- parameter mode” para-
parameter set to AC gRed meter setting
power supply alarm LED
Pressure difference Maximum pres- Red alarm ALARM flashing Depends on the Automatic Depends on the Check the probe connections. Check the
sure difference LED configuration "Probe S1/S3 alarm "Probe S1/S3 alarm management" and
threshold exceeded parameter management" "Pressure S1/S3: MINIMUM and MAXI-
(S1-S3) parameters MUM alarm values" parameters
Temperature Maximum pres- Red alarm ALARM flashing Depends on the Automatic Depends on the Check the probe connections. Check
difference sure difference LED configuration "Probe S2/S4 alarm the "Probe S2/S4 alarm management"
threshold exceeded parameter management" and "Temperature S2/S4: MINIMUM and
(S2-S4) parameters MAXIMUM alarm values" parameters
Tab. 9.a
(*) In the event of AC power supply with the “Power supply mode” parameter set to DC no alarm is displayed
(**) Alarm only visible if driver connected to EVDBAT00400 battery module and digital input configured accordingly.

9.2 Alarm relay configuration

The relay contact is open when the driver is not powered. Note:
During normal operation, it can be disabled (and thus will be always the “Battery discharged” alarm:
open) or configured as: • has no affect on the positioning of the valve, it is signal-only;
• alarm relay: during normal operation, the relay contact is closed, and • is not activated if the driver has a direct current power supply (Vdc).
opens when any alarm is activated. It can be used to switch off the
compressor and the system in the event of alarms. Parameter/description Def.
• solenoid valve relay: during normal operation, the relay contact is Relay configuration: Alarm
closed, and is open only in standby. There is no change in the event 1=Disabled relay
of alarms. 2=alarm relay (opened in case of alarm)
3=Solenoid valve relay (open in standby)
• solenoid valve relay + alarm: during normal operation, the relay 4=valve + alarm relay (opened in stand-by and control alarms)
contact is closed, and opens in standby and/or for LowSH, MOP, High 5= Reversed alarm relay (closed in case of alarm)
Tcond and low suction temperature alarms. This is because following 6= Valve status relay (open if valve is closed)
such alarms, the user may want to protect the unit by stopping the 7= Direct control
flow of refrigerant or switching off the compressor. 8= Failed closing alarm relay(open with alarm)
• direct control: the relay is managed using a variable accessible via 9= Reverse failed closing alarm relay (closed with alarm)
serial; Tab. 9.b
• failed closing alarm relay (open with alarm);
• reverse failed closing alarm relay (closed with alarm).
9.3 Probe alarms
In the event of a mains power failure, if the driver is connected to the The probe alarms are part of the system alarms. When the value measured
Ultracap module, the forced emergency valve closing procedure starts by one of the probes is outside of the field defined by the parameters
and the red LED comes. At the end of the emergency closing procedure, corresponding to the alarm limits, an alarm is activated. The limits can be
the outcome is indicated by the value of the parameter “Failed closing set independently of the range of measurement. Consequently, the field
alarm status”: outside of which the alarm is signalled can be restricted, to ensure greater
0 = Closing successful; safety of the controlled unit.
1 = Closing failed.
Important: in applications that use programmable control it may
The driver will then switch off. If the closing procedure fails, when next be necessary to exclude the alarms generated by the probes:
restarting, if the parameter “Relay configuration” = 8 or 9 the display will
show the “Battery discharged” alarm and the relay will be activated based Parameter/description Def. Min. Max. UOM
on the setting (open or closed). Enable S1 1 0 1 -
Enable S2 1 0 1 -
Enable S3 1 0 1 -
Enable S4 1 0 1 -
Tab. 9.c

“EVD evolution” +0300005EN - rel. 4.2 - 24.01.2024 46

Note: 9.4 Control alarms
• the alarm limits can also be set outside of the range of measurement, These are alarms that are only activated during regulation.
to avoid unwanted probe alarms. In this case, the correct operation
of the unit or the correct signalling of alarms will not be guaranteed; Protector alarms
• by default, after having selected the type of probe used, the alarm The alarms corresponding to the LowSH, LOP, MOP and High Tcond
limits will be automatically set to the limits corresponding to the range protectors are only activated during control when the corresponding
of measurement of the probe. activation threshold is exceeded, and only when the timeout defined by
Parameter/description Def. Min. Max. UOM the corresponding parameter has elapsed. If a protector is not enabled
PROBES (integration time= 0 s), no alarm will be signalled. If before the expiry
S1 alarm MIN pressure -1 -20 (-290) S1_AL_MAX barg (psig) of the timeout, the protector control variable returns back inside the
(S1_AL_MIN) corresponding threshold, no alarm will be signalled.
S1 alarm MAX pressure 9.3 S1_AL_MIN 200 (2900) barg (psig)
(S1_AL_MAX) Note: this is a likely event, as during the timeout, the protection
Alarm delay S1 0 0 240 s function will have an effect.
S2 alarm MIN temp. -50 -60 S2_AL_MAX °C/°F
(S2_AL_MIN) If the timeout relating to the control alarms is set to 0 s, the alarm is
S2 alarm MAX temp. (S2_ 105 S2_AL_MIN 200 (392) °C (°F) disabled. The protectors are still active, however. The alarms are reset
AL_MAX) automatically.
Alarm delay S2 0 0 240 s
S3 alarm MIN pressure -1 -20 S3_AL_MAX barg (psig)
(S3_AL_MIN) Low suction temperature alarm
S3 alarm MAX pressure 9.3 S3_AL_MIN 200 (2900) barg (psig)
The low suction temperature alarm is not linked to any protection
Alarm delay S3 0 0 240 s function. It features a threshold and a timeout, and is useful in the event
S4 alarm MIN temp. -50 -60 S4_AL_MAX °C/°F of probe or valve malfunctions to protect the compressor using the relay
(S4_AL_MIN) to control the solenoid valve or to simply signal a possible risk. In fact,
S4 alarm MAX temp. (S4_ 105 S4_AL_MIN 200 (392) °C (°F) the incorrect measurement of the evaporation pressure or incorrect
AL_MAX) configuration of the type of refrigerant may mean the superheat
Alarm delay S4 0 0 240 s
calculated is much higher than the actual value, causing an incorrect and
Tab. 9.d excessive opening of the valve. A low suction temperature measurement
may in this case indicate the probable flooding of the compressor, with
The behaviour of the driver in response to probe alarms can be configured,
corresponding alarm signal. If the alarm timeout is set to 0 s, the alarm is
using the manufacturer parameters. The options are:
disabled. The alarm is reset automatically, with a fixed differential of 3°C
• no action (control continues but the correct measurement of the above the activation threshold.
variables is not guaranteed);
• forced closing of the valve (control stopped);
• valve forced to the initial position (control stopped); Relay activation for control alarms
• use the backup probe (valid only for probe S1 and S2 alarms, control As mentioned in the paragraph on the configuration of the relay, in the
continues). event of LowSH, MOP, High Tcond and low suction temperature alarms,
Parameter/description Def.
the driver relay will open both when configured as an alarm relay and
CONFIGURATION configured as a solenoid + alarm relay. In the event of LOP alarms, the
S1 probe alarm manag.: Valve at fixed position driver relay will only open if configured as an alarm relay.
1=No action
Parameter/description Def. Min. Max. UOM
2=Valve forced closed CONTROL
3=Valve at fixed position
LowSH protection threshold 5 -40 (-72) superheat set K (°F)
4=Use backup probe S3
S2 probe alarm manag.: Valve at fixed position
LowSH protection integration time 15 0 800 s
1=No action LOP protection threshold -50 -60 (-76) MOP th- °C (°F)
2=Valve forced closed reshold
3=Valve at fixed position LOP protection integration time 0 0 800 s
4=Use backup probe S4 MOP protection threshold 50 LOP th- 200 (392) °C (°F)
S3 probe alarm manag.: No action reshold.
1=No action MOP protection integration time 20 0 800 s
2=Valve forced closed ADVANCED
3=Valve at fixed position High Tcond threshold 80 -60 (-76) 200 (392) °C (°F)
S4 probe alarm manag.: No action High Tcond integration time 20 0 800 s
2=Valve forced closed Low superheat alarm timeout (LowSH) 300 0 18000 s
3=Valve at fixed position (0= alarm DISABLED)
CONTROL Low evaporation temperature alarm 300 0 18000 s
Valve opening at start-up (evaporator/valve ca- 50 timeout (LOP)
pacity ratio) (0= alarm DISABLED)
Tab. 9.e High evaporation temperature alarm 600 0 18000 s
timeout (MOP)
(0= alarm DISABLED)
High condensing temperature alarm 600 0 18000 s
timeout (High Tcond)
(0= alarm DISABLED)
Low suction temperature alarm -50 -60 (-76) 200 (392) °C (°F)
Low suction temperature alarm 300 0 18000 s

47 “EVD evolution” +0300005EN - rel. 4.2 - 24.01.2024

9.5 EEV motor alarm
At the end of the commissioning procedure and whenever the driver is
powered up, the valve motor error recognition procedure is activated.
This preceded the forced closing procedure and lasts around 10 s.
The valve is kept stationary to allow any valve motor faults or missing
or incorrect connections to be detected. In any of these cases, the
corresponding alarm is activated, with automatic reset. The driver will go
into wait status, as it can longer control the valve. The procedure can be
avoided by keeping the respective digital input closed for each driver. In
this case, after having powered up the driver, forced closing of the valve
is performed immediately.

Important: after having resolved the problem with the motor,

it is recommended to switch the driver off and on again to realign the
position of the valve. If this is not possible, the automatic procedure for
synchronising the position may help solve the problem, nonetheless
correct regulation will not be guaranteed until the next synchronisation.

9.6 LAN error alarm

Note: in the event of LAN error, a parameter can be set to disable
“Manual positioning”.
If the connection to the LAN network is offline for more than 6s due to an
electrical problem, the incorrect configuration of the network addresses
or the malfunction of the pCO controller, a LAN error alarm will be
The error affects the control of the driver as follows:
• case 1: unit in standby, digital input DI1/DI2 disconnected; the driver will
remain permanently in standby and control will not be able to start;
• case 2: unit in control, digital input DI1/DI2 disconnected: the driver
will stop control and will go permanently into standby;
• case 3: unit in standby, digital input DI1/DI2 connected: the driver will
remain in standby, however control will be able to start if the digital input
is closed. In this case, it will start with “current cooling capacity”= 100%;
• case 4: unit in control, digital input DI1/DI2 connected: the driver will
remain in control status, maintaining the value of the “current cooling
capacity”. If the digital input opens, the driver will go to standby and
control will be able to start again when the input closes. In this case, it
will start with “current cooling capacity”= 100%

“EVD evolution” +0300005EN - rel. 4.2 - 24.01.2024 48

The following table lists a series of possible malfunctions that may occur
when starting and operating the driver and the electronic valve. These
cover the most common problems and are provided with the aim of
offering an initial response for resolving the problem.


The superheat value measu- The probe does not measure correct values Check that the pressure and the temperature measured are correct and that the probe posi-
red is incorrect tion is correct. Check that the minimum and maximum pressure parameters for the pressure
transducer set on the driver correspond to the range of the pressure probe installed. Check
the correct probe electrical connections.
The type of refrigerant set is incorrect Check and correct the type of refrigerant parameter.
Liquid returns to the compres- The type of valve set is incorrect Check and correct the type of valve parameter.
sor during control The valve is connected incorrectly (rotates in Check the movement of the valve by placing it in manual control and closing or opening it
reverse) and is open completely. One complete opening must bring a decrease in the superheat and vice-versa. If
the movement is reversed, check the electrical connections.
The superheat set point is too low Increase the superheat set point. Initially set it to 12 °C and check that there is no longer
return of liquid. Then gradually reduce the set point, always making sure there is no return of
Low superheat protection ineffective If the superheat remains low for too long with the valve that is slow to close, increase the
low superheat threshold and/or decrease the low superheat integration time. Initially set the
threshold 3 °C below the superheat set point, with an integration time of 3-4 seconds. Then
gradually lower the low superheat threshold and increase the low superheat integration
time, checking that there is no return of liquid in any operating conditions.
Stator broken or connected incorrectly Disconnect the stator from the valve and the cable and measure the resistance of the win-
dings using an ordinary tester.
The resistance of both should be around 36 ohms. Otherwise replace the stator. Finally, check
the electrical connections of the cable to the driver.
Valve stuck open Check if the superheating is always low (<2 °C) with the valve position permanently at 0
steps. If so, set the valve to manual control and close it completely. If the superheat is always
low, check the electrical connections and/or replace the valve.
The “valve opening at start-up” parameter is Decrease the value of the “Valve opening at start-up” parameter on all the utilities, making
too high on many cabinets in which the con- sure that there are no repercussions on the control temperature.
trol set point is often reached (for multiplexed
cabinets only)
Liquid returns to the compres- The pause in control after defrosting is too Increase the value of the “valve control delay after defrosting” parameter.
sor only after defrosting (for short
multiplexed cabinets only) The superheat temperature measured by the Check that the LowSH threshold is greater than the superheat value measured and that the
driver after defrosting and before reaching corresponding protection is activated (integration time >0 s). If necessary, decrease the value
operating conditions is very low for a few of the integration time.
The superheat temperature measured by the Set more reactive parameters to bring forward the closing of the valve: increase the propor-
driver does not reach low values, but there is tional factor to 30, increase the integration time to 250 s and increase the derivative time to
still return of liquid to the compressor rack 10 sec.
Many cabinets defrosting at the same time Stagger the start defrost times. If this is not possible, if the conditions in the previous two
points are not present, increase the superheat set point and the LowSH thresholds by at least
2 °C on the cabinets involved.
The valve is significantly oversized Replace the valve with a smaller equivalent.
Liquid returns to the compres- The “valve opening at start-up” parameter is Check the calculation in reference to the ratio between the rated cooling capacity of the
sor only when starting the set too high evaporator and the capacity of the valve; if necessary, lower the value.
controller (after being OFF)
The superheat value swings The condensing pressure swings Check the controller condenser settings, giving the parameters “blander” values (e.g. increase
around the set point with an the proportional band or increase the integration time). Note: the required stability involves
amplitude greater than 4°C a variation within +/- 0.5 bars. If this is not effective or the settings cannot be changed, adopt
electronic valve control parameters for perturbed systems
The superheat swings even with the valve set Check for the causes of the swings (e.g. low refrigerant charge) and resolve where possible. If
in manual control (in the position correspon- not possible, adopt electronic valve control parameters for perturbed systems.
ding to the average of the working values)
The superheat does NOT swing with the As a first approach , decrease (by 30 to 50 %) the proportional factor. Subsequently try incre-
valve set in manual control (in the position asing the integration time by the same percentage. In any case, adopt parameter settings
corresponding to the average of the working recommended for stable systems.
The superheat set point is too low Increase the superheat set point and check that the swings are reduced or disappear. Initially
set 13 °C, then gradually reduce the set point, making sure the system does not start swin-
ging again and that the unit temperature reaches the control set point.
In the start-up phase with MOP protection disabled or ineffective Activate the MOP protection by setting the threshold to the required saturated evaporation
high evaporator temperatures, temperature (high evaporation temperature limit for the compressors) and setting the MOP
the evaporation pressure is integration time to a value above 0 (recommended 4 seconds). To make the protection more
high reactive, decrease the MOP integration time.
Refrigerant charge excessive for the system or Apply a “soft start” technique, activating the utilities one at a time or in small groups. If this is
extreme transitory conditions at start-up (for not possible, decrease the values of the MOP thresholds on all the utilities.
cabinets only).

49 “EVD evolution” +0300005EN - rel. 4.2 - 24.01.2024

In the start-up phase the low The “Valve opening at start-up” parameter is Check the calculation in reference to the ratio between the rated cooling capacity of the
pressure protection is activa- set too low evaporator and the capacity of the valve; if necessary increase the value.
ted (only for self-contained The driver in pLAN or tLAN configuration does Check the pLAN / tLAN connections. Check that the pCO application connected to the driver
units) not start control and the valve remains closed (where featured) correctly manages the driver start signal. Check that the driver is NOT in
stand-alone mode.
The driver in stand-alone configuration does Check the connection of the digital input. Check that when the control signal is sent that the
not start control and the valve remains closed input is closed correctly. Check that the driver is in stand-alone mode.
LOP protection disabled Set a LOP integration time greater than 0 s.
LOP protection ineffective Make sure that the LOP protection threshold is at the required saturated evaporation tem-
perature (between the rated evaporation temperature of the unit and the corresponding
temperature at the calibration of the low pressure switch) and decrease the value of the LOP
integration time.
Solenoid blocked Check that the solenoid opens correctly, check the electrical connections and the operation
of the relay.
Insufficient refrigerant Check that there are no bubbles in the sight glass upstream of the expansion valve. Check
that the subcooling is suitable (greater than 5 °C); otherwise charge the circuit.
The valve is connected incorrectly (rotates in Check the movement of the valve by placing it in manual control and closing or opening it
reverse) and is open completely. One complete opening must bring a decrease in the superheat and vice-versa. If
the movement is reversed, check the electrical connections.
Stator broken or connected incorrectly Disconnect the stator from the valve and the cable and measure the resistance of the win-
dings using an ordinary tester.
The resistance of both should be around 36 ohms. Otherwise replace the stator. Finally, check
the electrical connections of the cable to the driver (see paragraph 5.1).
Valve stuck closed Use manual control after start-up to completely open the valve. If the superheat remains
high, check the electrical connections and/or replace the valve.
The unit switches off due to LOP protection disabled Set a LOP integration time greater than 0 s.
low pressure during control LOP protection ineffective Make sure that the LOP protection threshold is at the required saturated evaporation tem-
(only for self-contained units) perature (between the rated evaporation temperature of the unit and the corresponding
temperature at the calibration of the low pressure switch) and decrease the value of the LOP
integration time.
Solenoid blocked Check that the solenoid opens correctly, check the electrical connections and the operation
of the control relay.
Insufficient refrigerant Check that there are no bubbles of air in the liquid indicator upstream of the expansion valve.
Check that the subcooling is suitable (greater than 5 °C); otherwise charge the circuit.
The valve is significantly undersized Replace the valve with a larger equivalent.
Stator broken or connected incorrectly Disconnect the stator from the valve and the cable and measure the resistance of the win-
dings using an ordinary tester.
The resistance of both should be around 36 ohms. Otherwise replace the stator. Finally, check
the electrical connections of the cable to the driver.
Valve stuck closed Use manual control after start-up to completely open the valve. If the superheat remains
high, check the electrical connections and/or replace the valve.
The cabinet does not reach Solenoid blocked Check that the solenoid opens correctly, check the electrical connections and the operation
the set temperature, despite of the relay.
the value being opened to Insufficient refrigerant Check that there are no bubbles of air in the liquid indicator upstream of the expansion valve.
the maximum (for multiplexed Check that the subcooling is suitable (greater than 5 °C); otherwise charge the circuit.
cabinets only) The valve is significantly undersized Replace the valve with a larger equivalent.
Stator broken or connected incorrectly Disconnect the stator from the valve and the cable and measure the resistance of the win-
dings using an ordinary tester.
The resistance of both should be around 36 ohms. Otherwise replace the stator. Finally, check
the electrical connections of the cable to the driver.
Valve stuck closed Use manual control after start-up to completely open the valve. If the superheat remains
high, check the electrical connections and/or replace the valve.
The cabinet does not reach The driver in pLAN or tLAN configuration does Check the pLAN/tLAN connections. Check that the pCO application connected to the driver
the set temperature, and the not start control and the valve remains closed (where featured) correctly manages the driver start signal. Check that the driver is NOT in
position of the valve is always stand-alone mode.
0 (for multiplexed cabinets The driver in stand-alone configuration does Check the connection of the digital input. Check that when the control signal is sent that the
only) not start control and the valve remains closed input is closed correctly. Check that the driver is in stand-alone mode.
Tab. 10.a

“EVD evolution” +0300005EN - rel. 4.2 - 24.01.2024 50

Power supply • 24 Vac (+10/-15%) to be protected by external 2 A type T fuse.
(Lmax= 5 m) • 24 Vdc (+10/-15%) to be protected by external 2 A type T fuse. Use a dedicated class 2 transformer (max 100 VA).
Power input • 16.2 W with ALCO EX7/EX8 valves, 9.2 W with all other valves
• 35 VA with EVBAT00400; 35 VA with ALCO EX7/EX8 valves; 20 VA without EVBAT00400 and with all other valves
Emergency power supply 22 Vdc+/-5%. (If the optional EVBAT00200/300 module is installed), Lmax= 5 m
Insulation between relay output and other reinforced; 6 mm in air, 8 mm on surface; 2900 V insulation
Motor connection 4-wire shielded cable i.e. CAREL code E2VCABS*00, or 4-wire shielded cable AWG 22 Lmax= 10 m; or 4-wire shielded cable
AWG 14 Lmax= 50 m
Digital input connection Digital input to be activated from voltage-free contact or transistor to GND. Closing current 5 mA; Lmax= 30 m
Probes (Lmax=10 m; S1 ratiometric pressure probe (0 to 5 V):
less than 30 m with • resolution 0.1 % FS; • measurement error: 2% FS maximum; 1% typical
shielded cable) electronic pressure probe (4 to 20 mA):
• resolution 0.5 % FS; • measurement error: 8% FS maximum; 7% typical
remote electronic pressure probe(4 to 20 mA), maximum number of drivers connected= 5:
• resolution 0.1 % FS; • measurement error: 2 % FS maximum; 1 % typical
4 to 20 mA input (max 24 mA):
• resolution 0.5 % FS; • measurement error: 8% FS maximum; 7% typical
0 to 5 V input:
• resolution 0.1 % FS; • measurement error: 2% FS maximum; 1% typical
S2 low temperature NTC:
• 10kΩ at 25°C, -50T90 °C; • measurement error: 1°C in the range -50T50°C; 3 °C in the range +50T90 °C
high temperature NTC:
• 50kΩ at 25°C, -30T150°C; • measurement error: 1.5 °C in the range -20T115°C, 4 °C in the range outside of -20T115 °C
NTC built-in:
• 10kΩ at 25 °C, -40T120 °C; • measurement error: 1 °C in the range -40T50°C; 3 °C in the range +50T90 °C
0 to 10 V input (max 12 V):
• resolution 0.1 % FS; • measurement error: 9% FS maximum; 8% typical
S3 ratiometric pressure probe (0 to 5 V):
• resolution 0.1 % FS; • measurement error: 2% FS maximum; 1% typical
electronic pressure probe (4 to 20 mA):
• resolution 0.5 % FS; • measurement error: 8% FS maximum; 7% typical
electronic pressure probe (4 to 20 mA) remote. Maximum number of controllers connected=5
combined ratiometric pressure probe (0 to 5 V):
• resolution 0.1 % FS • measurement error: 2 % FS maximum; 1 % typical
0 to 5 V input:
• resolution 0.1 % FS; • measurement error: 2% FS maximum; 1% typical
S4 low temperature NTC:
• 10kΩ at 25°C, -50T105 °C; • measurement error: 1 °C in the range -50T50 °C; 3°C in the range 50T90°C
high temperature NTC:
• 50kΩ at 25 °C, -30T150°C; • measurement error: 1.5 °C in the range -20T115 °C 4 °C in the range outside of -20T115 °C
NTC built-in:
• 10kΩ at 25 °C, -40T120 °C; • measurement error 1 °C in the range -40T50 °C; 3 °C in the range +50T90 °C
Relay output normally open contact; 5 A, 250 Vac resistive load; 2 A, 250 Vac inductive load (PF=0 .4); Lmax=10 m; VDE: 1(1)A PF=0.6
Power to active probes (VREF) programmable output: +5 Vdc+/-2% or 12 Vdc+/-10%
RS485 serial connection Lmax=1000 m, shielded cable
tLAN connection Lmax=30 m, shielded cable
pLAN connection Lmax=500 m, shielded cable

Assembly DIN rail

Connectors plug-in, cable size 0.5 to 2.5 mm2 (12 to 20 AWG)

Dimensions LxHxW= 70x110x60
Operating conditions -25T60°C (don’t use EVDIS* under -20°C); <90% RH non-condensing
Storage conditions -35T60°C (don’t store EVDIS* under -30°C), humidity 90% RH non-condensing
Index of protector IP20
Environmental pollution 3 (normal)
Resistance to heat and fire Category D
Immunity against voltage surges Class III
Rated impulse voltage 4000V
Type of relay action 1C microswitching
Class of protection against electric shock To be incorporated in class I or II appliances
Software class and structure A
Conformity Electrical safety: EN 60730-1, EN 61010-1; UL 60730-1
Electromagnetic compatibility: EN 61000-6-1, EN 61000-6-2, EN 61000-6-3, EN 61000-6-4; EN61000-3-2, EN55014-1, EN55014-
2, EN61000-3-3.
Flammable refrigerants EVD Evolution complies with standard IEC 60335-2-40:2018 in case of using A2L refrigerants (e.g. R32); in detail, electrical com-
ponents that could be a source of ignition under normal operation are in compliance with Annex JJ, and the maximum surface
temperature of all components does not exceed values given in Annex BB for A2L refrigerants reduced by 100K, during normal
Tab. 11.a

51 “EVD evolution” +0300005EN - rel. 4.2 - 24.01.2024

12.1 Installation
On the website, under the Parametric Controller
Software section, select Visual Parameter Manager.
A window opens, allowing 3 files to be downloaded:
1. for burning to a CD;
2. Upgrade setup;
3. Full setup: the complete program.
For first installations, select Full setup, for upgrades select Upgrade setup.
The program is installed automatically, by running setup.exe.

Note: if deciding to perform the complete installation (Full setup),

first uninstall any previous versions of VPM.

12.2 Programming (VPM)

When opening the program, the user needs to choose the device being
Fig. 12.c
configured: EVD evolution. The Home page then opens, with the choice
to create a new project or open an existing project. Choose new project
5. select the model from the range and create a new project or choose an
and enter the password, which when accessed the first time can be set
existing project: select “Device model”.
by the user.
A new project can be created, making the changes and then connecting
later on to transfer the configuration (OFFLINE mode). Enter at the Service
or Manufacturer level.

• select Device model and enter the corresponding code

Fig. 12.a Fig. 12.d

Then the user can choose to: • go to Configure device: the list of parameters will be displayed,
4. directly access to the list of parameters for the EVD evolution saved to allowing the changes relating to the application to be made.
EEPROM: select “tLAN”;
This is done in real time (ONLINE mode), at the top right set the network
address 198 and choose the guided recognition procedure for the USB
communication port. Enter at the Service or Manufacturer level.

Fig. 12.e

At the end of the configuration, to save the project choose the following
command, used to save the configuration as a file with the .hex extension.
Fig. 12.b File -> Save parameter list.
To transfer the parameters to the driver, choose the “Write” command.
During the write procedure, the 2 LEDs on the converter will flash.

“EVD evolution” +0300005EN - rel. 4.2 - 24.01.2024 52


Fig. 12.f
Note: the program On-line help can be accessed by pressing F1.

12.3 Copying the setup

On the Configure device page, once the new project has been created, to
transfer the list of configuration parameters to another driver:
• read the list of parameters from the source driver with the “Read”
• remove the connector from the service serial port;
• connect the connector to the service port on the destination driver;
• write the list of parameters to the destination driver with the “Write”

Important: the parameters can only be copied between controllers

with the same code. Different firmware versions may cause compatibility

12.4 Setting the default parameters

When the program opens:
• select the model from the range and load the associated list of
• go to “Configure device”: the list of parameters will be shown, with the
default settings.
• connect the connector to the service serial port on the destination
• during the write procedure, the LEDs on the converter will flash.

The driver parameters driver will now have the default settings.

12.5 Updating the driver and display

The driver and display firmware must be updated using the VPM program
on a computer and the USB/tLAN converter, which is connected to
the device being programmed (see paragraph 2.5 for the connection
diagram). The firmware can be downloaded from
See the VPM On-line help.

53 “EVD evolution” +0300005EN - rel. 4.2 - 24.01.2024


55 “EVD evolution” +0300005EN - rel. 4.2 - 24.01.2024

“EVD evolution” +0300005EN - rel. 4.2 - 24.01.2024

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