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Easy / Easy Compact / Easy Split: User Manual

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easy / easy compact / easy split

electronic digital thermostats with defrost control

User manual


Integrated Control Solutions & Energy Savings

CAREL bases the development of its products on decades of experience Separate as much as possible the probe and digital input signal cables from
in HVAC, on the continuous investments in technological innovations the cables carrying inductive loads and power cables to avoid possible
to products, procedures and strict quality processes with in-circuit and electromagnetic disturbance.
functional testing on 100% of its products, and on the most innovative Never run power cables (including the electrical panel wiring) and signal
production technology available on the market. CAREL and its subsidiaries cables in the same conduits.
nonetheless cannot guarantee that all the aspects of the product and the
software included with the product respond to the requirements of the final
application, despite the product being developed according to start-of-the-
art techniques. The customer (manufacturer, developer or installer of the final
equipment) accepts all liability and risk relating to the configuration of the
product in order to reach the expected results in relation to the specific final DISPOSAL: INFORMATION FOR USERS
installation and/or equipment. CAREL may, based on specific agreements, acts
as a consultant for the positive commissioning of the final unit/application,
however in no case does it accept liability for the correct operation of the final
The CAREL product is a state-of-the-art device, whose operation is specified
in the technical documentation supplied with the product or can be Fig. 1 Fig.2
downloaded, even prior to purchase, from the website PLEASE READ AND KEEP
Each CAREL product, in relation to its advanced level of technology, requires With reference to European Union directive 2012/19/EU issued on 4 July
setup/configuration/programming/commissioning to be able to operate in 2012 and related national legislation, please note that:
the best possible way for the specific application. The failure to complete such 1. Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) cannot be disposed
operations, which are required/indicated in the user manual, may cause the of as municipal waste but must be collected separately so as to allow
final product to malfunction; CAREL accepts no liability in such cases.
subsequent recycling, treatment or disposal, as required by law;
Only qualified personnel may install or carry out technical service on the
2. users are required to take Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE)
The customer must only use the product in the manner described in the at end-of-life, complete with all essential components, to the WEEE
documentation relating to the product. collection centres identified by local authorities. The directive also
In addition to observing any further warnings described in this manual, the provides for the possibility to return the equipment to the distributor
following warnings must be heeded for all CAREL products or retailer at end-of-life if purchasing equivalent new equipment, on
• prevent the electronic circuits from getting wet. Rain, humidity and all a one-to-one basis, or one-to-zero for equipment less than 25 cm on
types of liquids or condensate contain corrosive minerals that may damage their longest side;
the electronic circuits. In any case, the product should be used or stored 3. this equipment may contain hazardous substances: improper use or
in environments that comply with the temperature and humidity limits incorrect disposal of such may have negative effects on human health
specified in the manual. and on the environment;
• do not install the device in particularly hot environments. Too high 4. the symbol (crossed-out wheeled bin – Fig.1) even if, shown on the
temperatures may reduce the life of electronic devices, damage them and product or on the packaging, indicates that the equipment must be
deform or melt the plastic parts. In any case, the product should be used disposed of separately at end-of-life;
or stored in environments that comply with the temperature and humidity 5. if at end-of-life the EEE contains a battery (Fig. 2), this must be
limits specified in the manual. removed following the instructions provided in the user manual
• do not attempt to open the device in any way other than described in the
before disposing of the equipment. Used batteries must be taken to
appropriate waste collection centres as required by local regulations;
• do not drop, hit or shake the device, as the internal circuits and mechanisms
may be irreparably damaged. 6. in the event of illegal disposal of electrical and electronic waste, the
• do not use corrosive chemicals, solvents or aggressive detergents to clean penalties are specified by local waste disposal legislation.
the device.
• do not use the product for applications other than those specified in the
technical manual.

All of the above suggestions likewise apply to the controllers, serial boards,
programming keys or any other accessory in the CAREL product portfolio.

CAREL adopts a policy of continual development. Consequently, CAREL

reserves the right to make changes and improvements to any product
described in this document without prior warning.

The technical specifications shown in the manual may be changed without

prior warning.

The liability of CAREL in relation to its products is specified in the CAREL general
contract conditions, available on the website and/or by
specific agreements with customers; specifically, to the extent where allowed
by applicable legislation, in no case will CAREL, its employees or subsidiaries
be liable for any lost earnings or sales, losses of data and information, costs of
replacement goods or services, damage to things or people, downtime or any
direct, indirect, incidental, actual, punitive, exemplary, special or consequential
damage of any kind whatsoever, whether contractual, extra-contractual or
due to negligence, or any other liabilities deriving from the installation, use or
impossibility to use the product, even if CAREL or its subsidiaries are warned
of the possibility of such damage.

3 easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 - rel. 3.4 - 28.04.2021


1.1 Main characteristics.............................................................................................7
1.2 Models........................................................................................................................7
1.3 Main differences between easy, easy compact and easy split..........8
1.4 NTC and PTC probes..........................................................................................9
1.5 Accessories...............................................................................................................9
1.6 Definitions................................................................................................................9


2.1 Assembly................................................................................................................10
2.2 Electrical connections.....................................................................................11
2.3 Wiring diagram for multiple units .........................................................13


3.1 easy.............................................................................................................................14
3.2 easy compact.......................................................................................................14
3.3 easy split..................................................................................................................14
3.4 Preliminary configurations...........................................................................15
3.5 Functions available from the keypad....................................................15


4.1 Temperature probe settings........................................................................16
4.2 Temperature display........................................................................................16
4.3 Temperature control .......................................................................................17
4.4 Duty Setting.........................................................................................................17
4.5 Continuous cycle ............................................................................................17
4.6 Compressor protection..................................................................................18
4.7 Defrost.....................................................................................................................18
4.8 Alarm parameters.............................................................................................20
4.9 Door open/closed management............................................................23
4.10 Evaporator fan management parameters......................................24
4.11 Clock and time band parameters..........................................................25
4.12 Rapid parameter set selection (EZY)..................................................26
4.13 Other settings ...............................................................................................26


5.1 Table of alarms and signals.........................................................................28
5.2 Description of the main signals and alarms......................................29
5.3 Data error................................................................................................................29
5.4 Modifying the parameters..........................................................................29
5.5 Setting the default parameters................................................................30
5.6 Table of easy parameters..............................................................................30
5.7 Table of easy compact parameters........................................................31
5.8 Table of easy split parameters...................................................................32
5.9 Table of EZY parameter sets.......................................................................33
5.10 Troubleshooting.............................................................................................35

6.1 Easy technical specifications......................................................................36
6.2 easy compact technical specifications................................................36
6.3 easy split technical specifications ...........................................................37
6.4 Electromagnetic compatibility.................................................................38
6.5 Flammable refrigerant gases.....................................................................38

5 easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 - rel. 3.4 - 28.04.2021

easy, easy compact and easy split are electronic microprocessor dynamic and effective management of the temperature control and
controllers with LED display, developed for the management of defrost.
refrigerating units, display cabinets and showcases. They exploit the
easy compact the smallest, most economical easy model, with one relay
experience and the success of the previous PJ32 range, with the objective
only, and a simplified display.
of offering a product that is simpler and more economical. The structure
of the parameters has been enhanced with new functions for more easy split model with separate terminal and power board.

1.1 Main characteristics

The following table lists the main features of the easy, easy compact and
easy split controllers.
Features Models
easy easy compact easy split
Ergonomic polycarbonate keypad with three buttons P P P
Keypad protection to prevent tampering P P P
Access to the configuration parameters by password P P P
Digit display -199…999 -99...99 -199…999
Decimal point P P P
Display in °C or °F P P P
LED display
Defrost (*) - by stopping the compressor P P P
- heater P - P
- hot gas P - P
- heater with temperature control P - P
Duty setting function P P P
Continuous cycle function P P P
Relay outputs (*)
Up to two analogue inputs for NTC or PTC probes (*) P P -
Up to two analogue inputs for NTC/NTC-HT probes - - P
Multifunction analogue or digital input (*) P - P
In the models with at least 2 probes: display second/third probe (*) P P P
Input for CAREL IROPZKEY** programming key (*) P P P
Input for external CAREL IROPZ485 connector (RS485 network) (*) P P P
Buzzer (audible alarm signals) (*) P - P
Fixed or removable terminals P P -
Fastening from rear or front P P P
Easy Set (rapid instrument configuration selection) P P P
Table 1.a
(*) Check that this is available on the model in question.

Important: each of the features should be checked for the model

in question.

1.2 Models
The easy and easy compact controllers differ as regards operation, and
X and Y models P(J,Q)EZX*, P(J,Q)EZY*
These are designed for the management of static units operating at
the number inputs and outputs. easy split models feature a separate
low temperature (that is, below 0ºC), which require active defrost using
terminal and power board. PQEZ* controllers are specifically designed for
electric heaters or the injection of hot gas. The P(J,Q)EZ(Y,X)*, in fact,
use in applications with flammable refrigerants.
as well as working as a thermometer and a thermostat (like the P(J,Q)
easy models:
EZS), also manages the defrost actuator. The frequency and duration
P(J,Q)EZS (0, 1, 6, 7)*; P(J,Q)EZ(X, Y)*; P(J,Q)EZC* controllers and P(J,Q)
of the defrost can be set. The end defrost can occur according to the
EZM(0, 1, 6, 7)* thermometer only.
temperature reached (connecting a probe to the evaporator) or by time.
easy compact models:
In addition these models feature two probe inputs, for the control probe
P(J,Q)EZS(N, P)* controller and PJEZM(N,P)* thermometer only.
(room), the defrost probe, and a digital input (this can also be configured
easy split models:
as a probe). There are two outputs, for controlling the actuator (compressor
PJEZ*8**** controllers with one relay used for the light output.
) and the defrost . Models P(J,Q)EZY and P(J,Q)EZX differ in that:
• P(J,Q)EZY has relays that are electrically connected together;
Models and features • P(J,Q)EZX has independent relays.
S models P(J,Q)EZS*
The ideal solution for the management of static refrigeration units (that is, C models P(J,Q)EZC*
without fan on the evaporator), operating at normal temperature (above 0 The most complete solution for low temperature ventilated units, with
°C). This model, in fact, performs the functions of thermometer, displaying three relays for complete control of the compressor, fan and defrost
the temperature of the unit, and electronic thermostat, activating the functions. The three relays are included in the very compact case in the
compressor (or the solenoid valve in the case of multiplexed units) so as versions with 230 V or 115 V power transformer, without compromising
to maintain the required temperature. In addition, it features compressor the performance or reliability of the product.
protection algorithms and automatic defrost function by shutting down
the compressor. M models P(J,Q)EZM*
Solution for simply measuring the temperature.

7 easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 - rel. 3.4 - 28.04.2021

Summary table of the functions associated with the models
function see easy easy compact easy split
par. mod. mod. mod. mod.S mod.M mod.S mod.M mod. mod.
C X Y 2 probes + 1 2 probes + 1 2 1 2 1 S C
multifun. probe multifun. probe prbs probe prbs probe
input input
temperature display 4.2 P P P P P P P P P P P P P
temperature measurement in °C/°F 4.2 P P P P P P * P P P * P P
parameter access using password 5.4 P P P P P P * P P P * P P
set point modification 3.5 P P P P P P * P P P * P P
night-time set point management 4.3 P P P P - P - - - - - P P
enable/disable direct probe 2 alarm 4.2 - - - - - P - - - P - - -
temperature probe calibration 4.1 P P P P P P * P P P * P P
temperature control in DIRECT mode 4.3 P P P P P - - P P - - P P
temperature control in REVERSE mode 4.3 P P P P P - - P P - - P P
compressor protectors 4.6 P P P P P - - P P - - P P
duty setting 4.4 P P P P P - - P P - - P P
continuous cycle 4.5 P P P P P - - P P - - P P
defrost 4.7 P P P P P - - P P - - P P
high/low temperature alarm 4.8 P P P P P P * P P P * P P
dirty condenser alarm 4.8 P P P P - P - P - P - P P
evaporator fan management 4.10 P - - - - - - - - - - - P
ON/OFF 3.5 P P P P P P * P P P * P P
AUX output configuration 4.13 P P P P P P * P P P * P P
enable/disable keypad 4.13 P P P P P P * P P P * P P
enable/disable buzzer 4.13 P P P P P P * - - - - P P
modified parameter detection 4.13 P P P P P P * P P P * P P
rapid parameter set selection 4.12 P P P P P - - P P - - P P
clock and time band management 4.11 P P P - - - - - - - - P P
door switch with light management 4.8 - - - - - - - - - - - P P
disable high temperature alarm when 5.1 - - - - - - - - - - - P P
second compressor output in parallel 4.13 - - - - - - - - - - - P P
second comp. output with two step control 4.13 - - - - - - - - - - - P P
with or without rotation
fan management with comp. off 4.10 - - - - - - - - - - - - P
night-time operation with light 4.11 - - - - - - - - - - - P P
Table 1.b
* available but cannot be set from the keypad nor the programming key.

1.3 Main differences between easy, easy compact and easy split
Unlike the easy and easy compact models, the easy split models feature a separate terminal and power board. There are also other differences, such as the
auxiliary multifunction relay for managing the light output or a second compressor, and new software functions. The table below highlights the differences
and indicates the page showing the related explanation.
easy, easy easy split
topic easy split page
compact parameter
type of probes connectable (selectable by parameter, easy split only) NTC, PTC NTC, NTC-HT /P 9
dedicated relay for the light output NO YES H1=4 29
light on/off from the keypad defrost only YES H1=4 16
probe display rate function NO YES /3 17
curtain switch (night-time operation) with light management NO YES A4=4 24
light not managed/ managed with door switch and evaporator fan off NO YES A4=7, 10 25
light not managed/ managed with door switch and evaporator fan and compressor off NO YES A4=8, 11 25
door open/closed management NO YES Ado 25
second compressor output in parallel with dedicated relay NO YES H1=5 29
second compressor output with two step control with or without rotation NO YES H1=7/6 29
second compressor delay NO YES c11 19
fan management with compressor off NO YES F2=2, F4, F5 27
night-time operation with light management NO YES A4=4, H1=4 24
year, month, day of month setting NO YES YEr, MOn, dMO 28
disable high temperature alarm when starting NO YES - 31
maintenance request signal (SrC) NO YES HMP, HMd, HMr 30
Table 1.c

easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 - rel. 3.4 - 28.04.2021 8

1.4 NTC and PTC probes
All easy and easy compact models use PTC and NTC probes conforming
to the CAREL standard, with resistance values of 985Ω at 25°C for the
PTC, and 10 kΩ for the NTC. The type of probe installable depends on
the model (order code). The easy split models, on the other hand, only
use NTC and high temperature NTC probes (50 KΩ at 25°C), selected by
parameter. Below are some codes of the more common CAREL.
code description operating index of
range protection
NTC***HP00 NTC probe, 6x15 mm -50T50°C IP67
bulb, plastic
NTC***HT00 High temp. NTC probe, 0T120 °C IP55
5x20 bulb mm, polyester (max 150 °C for
3000 h)
NTC***WP00 NTC probe , 6x40 mm -50T100°C IP67
bulb, metal
PTC***W000 PTC probe, 6x40 mm -50T100°C IP67
bulb, metal, 1.5 m long
Table 1.d

1.5 Accessories
• CAREL IROPZKEY* programming key (for duplicating the parameters);
• CAREL IROPZ485S0 RS485 converter (for the RS485 supervisory
• CAREL USB/RS485 converter CVSTDUMOR0 to interface a RS485
network to a personal computer via the USB port;
• VPM, program downloadable from This tool,
running on a computer, can be used to commission the controller,
program the parameters and update the firmware;
• COM TOOL, program downloadable from This tool
can be used to program the controller from any PC, save the different
configurations in files that can be recalled during final programming,
create custom sets of parameters for rapid programming and configure
the different users with password protected access profiles. Connection
to the PC requires the USB/RS485 converter code CVSTDUMOR0;
• connection cable between terminal and power board (easy split only).
Available in different lengths (PEOPZC1500=1.5 m, PEOPZC3000=3.0
m, PEOPZC5000=5.0 m).

1.6 Definitions
Continuous cycle: function that runs the compressor for the set time.

Defrost: function that controls the defrost of the evaporator.

Duty setting: safety function that in the event of control probe faults
starts the compressor at set time intervals.

easy: trademark of the P(J,Q)EZ(S, X, Y, C, M)* thermostats.

easy compact: more compact and economical version of the easy.

Available in models PJEZ(S, M)*.

easy split: version with separate terminal and power board. Versions
available with (PJEZ*8R***) or without (PJEZ*8I***) RTC, and the power
board can be supplied with (PJEZ*8**5*) or without (PJEZ*8**4*) plastic

9 easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 - rel. 3.4 - 28.04.2021

2.1 Assembly • repeat the same operation for the top screw (phase 2);
• apply the front frame (phase 3).
Avoid installing the boards in environments with the following 1 2 3
• relative humidity greater than 90% or where there is condensation;
• strong vibrations or knocks;
• exposure to continuous water sprays; (* )
• exposure to aggressive and polluting atmospheres(e.g.: sulphur and
ammonia fumes, saline mist, smoke) so as to avoid corrosion and/or
• strong magnetic and/or radio frequency interference (there avoid
max 2,5
installing the units near transmitting antennae);
• near transmitting antennae and to the elements in general;
Fig. 2.c
• large and rapid fluctuations in the ambient temperature;
(*) do not over-tighten
3 mm the screws.
• environments where explosives or mixes of flammable gases are
• exposure to dust (formation of corrosive patina with possible oxidation
and reduction of insulation. Dismantling using the screws from the front
To install easy, easy compact and easy split: make an opening in the panel
• unclip the front frame;
based on the drilling template, 71x29 mm.
• unscrew the bottom screw, at the moment the front panel detaches
from the panel keep pressure on the screw and unscrew a further 90°
to make the catch go back into its slot;
Panel installation using 2 rear brackets (Figs. 2.a and 2.b) • repeat for the top screw;
• insert the instrument in the opening (phase 1); • remove the instrument from panel, keeping it horizontal
• secure the instrument by sliding the brackets in the guides on the
instrument until compressing them against the panel (phase 2);
easy easy split: power board dimensions and assembly
Assembly is performed using plastic spacers or plastic turrets. The power
11 22 board is supplied upon fitted in a standard case for panel mounting,
dimensions 190x140x70.

36 8.5
103.5 5

Fig. 2.a

easy compact, easy split

11 22


Fig. 2.b

Fig. 2.d
Removing from the panel with brackets
• release the instrument by pressing both brackets where marked “push” Warnings:
and sliding it back on the guides. • the connection cables must guarantee insulation at least up to 90 °C;
• spade terminals with max. operating temperature at least 100°C
Panel installation from the front using screws (Fig. 2.c) • if the board is installed in an electrical panel with metal cabinet, allow
• the thickness of the fastening panel must not exceed 3 mm; at least 10 mm distance between the cabinet and any point on the
• remove the front frame and make sure that the two catches are in place board (rear, edges and assembly holes);
(these must not protrude from the outline of the drilling template). If • the probe and digital input connections must be less than 10 m long,
necessary, unscrew the two screws. Do not unscrew excessively, the adopt suitable measures to separate the cables for compliance with
screws must not be detached from the front panel (phase 1); immunity standards;
11 22 33
• insert the instrument in the opening in the panel and hold it in position • suitably fasten the output connection cables to avoid contact with
by the centre of the front panel (phase 1); extra low voltage components.
• using the screwdriver, tighten the bottom screw 90°, the catch must
((**)) onto the panel, then tighten until the front
come out of its slot and click
panel is secure. Do not over-tighten, when the front panel is secured
blocks simply make another ½ turn to compress the gasket; If the catch
does not click onto the panel, unscrew the screw, applying pressure at
the same time
max 2,5 with the screwdriver so that the catch moves back. Do
not unscrew too much, the head of the screw must not be raised from
the surface of the front panel (phase 2);

easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 - rel. 3.4 - 28.04.2021 10

2.2 Electrical connections The voltage supplied to these terminals (see the wiring diagrams) must
correspond, within the specified tolerances, to the value shown on the
Warnings: instrument connection label. The insulation of the instrument, for versions
with mains power supply (230 Vac and 115 Vac), is reinforced. The versions with
• the electrical connections must only be completed by a qualified
12 Vac/Vdc power supply, on the other hand, do not feature such insulation.
• a power supply other than the type specified may seriously damage For easy split:
the system; Refer to the following wiring diagram;
• on easy split models supplied with plastic case, given the high • power supply L, N, PE: use cables with a suitable cross-section for the
maximum power supply current (16 A), the unit may heat up: in this load (2.5 mm2 for current ratings up to 16 A and 4 mm2 for current
case, make sure the maximum temperature allowed is not exceeded. ratings up to 24 A);
See the table of technical specifications; • load connection: terminate with 6.3 mm female spade contacts, cable
• separate as much as possible the probes and digital input signal cross-section 2.5 mm2 for current ratings up to 16 A;
cables from the cables carrying inductive loads and power cables to • use:
avoid possible electromagnetic disturbance. Never lay power cables – cables with max. operating temperature at least 90 °C
(including the electrical cables) and probe signal cables in the same – spade terminals with max. operating temperature at least 100 °C
conduits. Do not install the probe cables in the immediate vicinity of • internal jumpers for power supply to loads as per the previous point;
power devices (contactors, circuit breakers or similar); • probe and digital input connections with 0.5 to 1.5 mm2 cables;
• reduce the path of the probe and sensor cables as much as possible, • terminal connection using specified cables.
and avoid spiral paths that enclose power devices. The probes must
be connected using shielded cables (minimum cross-section of each easy wiring diagrams
wire: 0.5 mm2);
• avoid direct contact with internal electronic components; P(J,Q)EZ(S, X)*
• connection errors (and connections other than those indicated in this Compressor SERIAL

manual) may involve danger to the safety of the users and cause faults relay 16A NTC/PTC
on the instruments and the components connected;
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
• fit the unit with all the electromechanical safety devices required to
guarantee correct operation and the complete safety of the user.


230Vac or or
L 115 Vac or
12 Vac/Vdc
Information: N

P(J,Q)EZ(S, X)*
• the probes can be installed up to a maximum distance of 30 m from Compressor

the controller (10 m for easy split). To extend the distance of the probes, relay 2HP NTC/PTC

use cables with a minimum cross-section of 1 mm², shielded where PROBES

possible. In this case, the shield must be connected to the common of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

the probe. Do not earth the other end of the shield (the sensor end);


• only use IP67 probes as end defrost probes; place the probes with the
or or
AUX 230Vac or
L 115 Vac or
vertical bulb upwards, so as to assist the drainage of any condensate. N
12 Vac/Vdc

The thermistor temperature probes (NTC or PTC) have no polarity, so

the order of connection of the ends is not important; P(J,Q)EZ(S, Y)* -10T50 SERIAL
• use cable ends suitable for the corresponding terminals. Loosen each

relay 30A NTC/PTC

screw and insert the cable ends, then tighten the screws. When the

operation is completed, slightly tug the cables to check they are 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

sufficiently tight.

or 230Vac or or
The connections of the inputs and outputs, depending on the models, AUX 115 Vac
may be made: N
• using traditional screw terminals;
• using plug-in terminals with screw cable connection blocks; P(J,Q)EZ(C, Y)* -10T50 SERIAL

• using plug-in terminals with crimped cable connection blocks. Compressor CONV

• using plug-in terminals, which significantly simplify the connection relay 2HP NTC/PTC
of the instrument both during installation and maintenance. This also 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
avoids connection errors, as there are three connection blocks with a


different number of pins. or

230Vac or
AUX 115 Vac or
Connect the inputs and the outputs following the diagram shown on the L
12 Vac/Vdc

instrument label.
P(J,Q)EZ(C)* -10T50
For the 12 Vac versions:
Compressor CONV

• if the power supply available is mains, a safety transformer is required relay 30A NTC/PTC

to ensure double insulation between the power supply and the very
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
low voltage electronics. If required, a fuse must be installed in series


with the primary (32 mAT for code TRA12VDE00). The transformer- L N
or 230Vac or
instrument connection must be as short as possible; L
AUX 115 Vac

• if the power supply available is already low voltage, but not 12 Vac, N

a suitable adapting transformer must be used: double insulation

between the primary and secondary and definition for surge on the -10T50 SERIAL
primary to the appropriate level (2000 V for applications in industrial


• as double insulation cannot be guaranteed between the power supply 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

connectors and the relay outputs, only use loads powered at safety


extra low voltage (effective rating up to 42 V). L 230Vac or or

N 115 Vac or
12 Vac/Vdc

Fig. 2.e

11 easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 - rel. 3.4 - 28.04.2021

easy compact wiring diagrams
PJEZS***0** PJEZS***E**
1 2 3 KEY CONV 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5


1 2 KEY CONV 3 4 5 1 2 3 4

12V~ 12V~

1 2 3 KEY CONV 4 5 6 1 2 3 3 4

Fig. 2.f

easy split wiring diagram


24A (*)

Fig. 2.g

(*) For codes PJEZ*8**5* the temperature range is -10T50 °C and the maximum
current is 16 A. See the table of technical specifications.

----------- = recommended internal power supply connections.

easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 - rel. 3.4 - 28.04.2021 12

2.3 Wiring diagram for multiple units
The RS485 converter (IROPZ485S0) is used to connect the easy, easy
compact and easy split instruments to the supervisor network, allowing
complete control and monitoring of the easy units connected.
The system allows:
- up to 207 easy units without RTC to be connected together.
- up to 30 easy units with RTC to be connected together.
Maximum length of 1000 m.

The connection requires the standard accessories (RS485-USB converter,

CAREL code CVSTDUMOR0) and two 120 Ω terminal resistors.
Connect the RS485 converter to the easy, easy compact or easy split
using a four-wire cable and make the connections as shown in the figure.
The line should be started and ended with a 120 Ω 1/4 W resistor. For
the allocation of the serial address see parameter H0. The recommended
connection cable is a twisted pair with shield and cross-section from 0.5
to 1.5 mm2 (AW6 22-24).



-+ ...

120 ohm GND

- IROPZ485S0

max. 207
easy units

+ IROPZ485S0


+ IROPZ485S0
120 ohm

Fig. 2.h

easy split:
The serial connection for the easy split models with 4 relays depends on
the setting of parameter H7, as the management of the fourth relay (RL4)
and serial communication are mutually exclusive.

The factory setting is H7=1, which means the fourth relay is enabled. To
enable connection to the supervisor network:
1. power down the controller;
2. disconnect the 4-wire cable from the rear of the display;
3. connect the display to converter code IROPZ485S0 and this to the
RS485 network;
4. power up the controller and set H7=0 and the network address for
parameter H0.

To restore the fourth relay output (RL4):

1. power down the controller;
2. disconnect converter code IROPZ485S0 from the rear of the display;
3. connect the 4-wire cable from the power board to the display;
4. power up the controller and set H7=1.

• the RS485 converter (IROPZ485S0) is sensitive to electrostatic
discharges, and therefore must be handled with extreme care;
• check the technical documents on the CAREL IROPZ485S0 option for
the description of the connection methods so as to avoid damaging
the instrument;
• suitably fasten the converter so as to avoid disconnections;
• perform the wiring with the power supply disconnected;
• keep the IROPZ485S0 serial option cables separate from the power
wires (relay outputs and power supply).

13 easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 - rel. 3.4 - 28.04.2021

3.1 easy Keypad (model S)

Display 1

1 7 3

3 Fig. 3.d
4 but. normal operation start up
pressing the button alone pressing with
other buttons
6 1 more than 3 s: switch ON/OFF pressed together -
with 3 activates /
Fig. 3.a deactivates the
continuous cycle
but. function normal operation start up 2 - 1 s: displays/sets the set point - for 1 s RESET pressed
ON OFF flash - more than 3 s: accesses the current EY together
1 compressor on off call ON
parameter setting menu (enter set (2 and 3)
2 fan on off call ON
3 defrost on off call ON password 22) activate
4 auxiliary output output active output not active - ON - mutes the audible alarm (buzzer) parameter
(AUX) 3 more than 3 s: activates / pressed together for 1 s reset
5 clock (RTC) RTC available, enabled RTC not available or ON (if the deactivates the defrost with 1 activates / displays procedure
(tEN=1) and at least not enabled (tEN=0) clock is deactivates the firmware
one time band has or no time band set fitted) continuous cycle version
been set Table 3.d
6 alarm alarm in progress no alarm in progress - ON
7 digits three digits with decimal point and range -199 to 999. See
parameters /4, /5, /6 for the type of probe displayed, values in Keypad functions for easy and easy compact M models
°C/°F and decimal point (models with keypad only)
Table 3.a

Keypad (models C, S, X, Y)


3 Fig. 3.e
but. normal operation start up
Fig. 3.b pressing the button alone
1 more than 3 s: switch ON/OFF -
but. normal operation start up 2 - 1 s: displays/sets the set point - pressed
pressing the button alone pressing with - more than 3 s: accesses the parameter setting together
other buttons menu (enter password 22) activate
1 more than 3 s: switch ON/OFF pressed together - - mutes the audible alarm (buzzer) parameter
with 3 activates / 3 rapid selection of probe displayed for 1 s displays reset
deactivates the firmware version procedure
continuous cycle Table 3.e
2 - 1 s: displays/sets the set point - for 1 s RESET pressed
- more than 3 s: accesses the current EZY together
parameter setting menu (enter set (2 and 3)
password 22) activate 3.3 easy split
- mutes the audible alarm (buzzer) parameter
3 more than 3 s: activates / pressed together for 1 s displays reset Display
deactivates the defrost with 1 activates / firmware procedure
deactivates the version
continuous cycle 1 7
Table 3.b 2

3.2 easy compact 4


Display 6

Fig. 3.f
1 but. function normal operation start up
ON OFF flash
2 1 compressor 1/2 on off call ON
2 fan on off call ON
3 defrost on off call ON
4 auxiliary output output active output not - ON
(AUX) - light active
Fig. 3.c 5 clock (RTC) RTC available, RTC not ON (if the
but. function normal operation start up enabled (tEN=1) available or clock is
no. ON OFF flash and at least one not enabled fitted)
1 compressor on off call ON time band has (tEN=0) or no
2 digits two digits with sign and decimal point, -99 to 99(*). See been set time band set
parameters /4, /5, /6 for the type of probe displayed, values 6 alarm alarm in no alarm in - ON
in °C/°F and decimal point progress progress
Table 3.c 7 digits three digits with decimal point and range -199 to 999. See
parameters /4, /5, /6 for the type of probe displayed, values
(*) The parameters that feature three digit values can be set from the in °C/°F and decimal point
supervisor. In this case, the display will show “--” . Table 3.f

easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 - rel. 3.4 - 28.04.2021 14

Keypad While the following are enabled:
• temperature display, alternating with the message “OFF”;
• parameter display and setting;
• alarms: “E0”, “E1”, “E2”;
• the internal timer relating to parameter ‘dI’ is updated. If ‘dI’ expires in
OFF status, a defrost is performed when restarting;
• auxiliary relay management, only in the following configurations:
– H1= = 1/2 (“E0” alarm only);
Fig. 3.g – H1= 3, A4= 6;
but. normal operation start up – H1=4 (easy split only).
pressing the button alone pressing with other
1 more than 3 s: switch ON/OFF pressed together - Note: when exiting OFF status, the following settings are set to
light (H1=4) or defrost with 3 activates / zero (that is, are not saved prior to OFF): evaporator fan alarm
deactivates the hysteresis and management (A0), temperature control hysteresis (rd), cht
continuous cycle or pre-alarm hysteresis (AE). In addition, the delays are set to zero for the
defrost (see par. H6)
2 - 1 s: displays/sets the set point - for 1 s RESET pressed
display of the temperature alarms (Ad, d8, c6), dripping (dd) and post-
- more than 3 s: accesses the current EZY together dripping (Fd).
parameter setting menu (enter set (2 and 3)
password 22) activate Warnings:
- mutes the audible alarm parameter
(buzzer) reset • when first connected, easy is already on and ready to be used;
3 more than 3 s: activates / pressed together for 1 s displays procedure
deactivates light (H1=4) or with 1 activates / firmware
• the instrument can be switched on from a supervisor PC and via an
defrost deactivates the version external contact (setting A4= 5). The latter has priority over the other
continuous cycle or modes.
defrost (see par. H6)
Table 3.g
Set point setting (desired temperature value)
The easy, easy compact and easy split devices control the desired
3.4 Preliminary configurations temperature (set point) inside the cabinet or cold room directly and
Once the electrical connections have been completed, simply power-up dynamically.
the controller to make it operative. To view and modify the set point:
CAREL then recommends to check that the display does not show any • press SET for 1 s, the set value will start flashing;
alarm signals (see par. “5.1 Table of alarms and signals” on page 31), then • increase or decrease the value using UP or DOWN;
set the time and date (in the models fitted with RTC, see par. “4.11 Clock • press SET to confirm the new value.
and time band parameters” page. 28), and finally set the parameters as
desired. The main parameters are as follows: Important: the PJEZM* models fitted with keypad simply monitor
the deviation from the set point and where necessary signal an
Control parameters alarm. On these models, the set point can only be modified using
st set point parameter “St”.
rd set point differential
/P (only easy split) select type of probe
Manual defrost
Defrost parameters
d0 type of defrost
Not available on the easy thermometer (M) and easy compact models.
dl interval between two defrosts Press DOWN for more than 3 s (activated only if the temperature conditions
dt end defrost temperature are right, for easy split only if the light output is not set, H1≠4). Alternatively,
dP maximum defrost duration on easy split models, if the light output is set (H1=4), the defrost can be
Alarm parameters activated by pressing UP and DOWN together, when H6=1).
Ad temperature alarm delay
AL low temperature alarm threshold/deviation Continuous cycle
AH high temperature alarm threshold/deviation
A0 alarm and fan temperature differential
Not available on the easy thermometer (M) and easy compact models.
Table 3.h Press UP+DOWN for more than 3 s (activated only if the temperature
Note: The procedure for modifying the parameters is described in conditions are right and for easy split only when H6=0).
par. “5.4 Modifying the parameters” page 32. The continuous cycle is used to maintain refrigeration active in the cabinet
or cold room, regardless of the temperature inside the unit. This may be
useful for rapidly bringing the temperature below the set point value.
3.5 Functions available from the keypad
Light (easy split only)
On and off As already mentioned, when a light output is configured (H1=4), the
Switching the instrument ON: press UP for more than 3 s (when pressing DOWN button switches the light on/off, otherwise it starts/stops the
the button, the display shows ON). defrost.

Switching the instrument OFF: press UP for more than 3 s. The display
shows the message “OFF”, alternating with the temperature measured by
Rapid display of the temperature read by the other
the set probe. probes (only available for easy and easy compact
In off status, the following functions are disabled (if featured by the thermometer models - M)
model): Press the DOWN button to scroll the temperatures read by the probes.
• compressor control / duty setting / continuous cycle; Each time the DOWN button is pressed, the display will show the name
• defrost; of the probe Pr1, Pr2 or Pr3 (only on the models with 3 inputs and with
• fan control; multifunction input configured as a probe) and after 1 s the temperature
• alarms : ‘LO’, ‘HI’, ‘IA’, ‘cht’, ‘CHT’; measured by the selected probe will be displayed.
• door switch: To display the other probes, press DOWN again.
– easy, easy compact: A4=7/8; To return to the normal display, wait 3 s without pressing any buttons
– easy split: A4=7/8/10/11; (exit by timeout).
• buzzer (when available).

15 easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 - rel. 3.4 - 28.04.2021

This chapter describes all the functions of the easy, easy compact and /C1/C2/C3: probe 1, 2, 3 offset
easy split. See Table 1.b for the compatibility of the functions with the These parameters are used to correct the temperature measured by
model used. the probes (/C1 probe 1, /C2 probe 2 and /C3 probe 3), with an offset in
tenths of a degree. The value assigned to this parameter is in fact added
Important: to (/C1/C2/C2>0) or subtracted from (/C1/C2/C3<0) the temperature
the easy compact models only display two digits. In the range measured by the related probe.
below -99 and above 99, the terminal will display “- -”. The parameter
Important: parameter /C3 is not available on the easy compact
codes with 3 digits are converted as follows:
easy, easy split easy compact
/C1 -C1 /P: select type of probe (easy split only)
/C2 -C2
EZY EY Used to select the type of probe used for the measurements:
Table 4.a /P=0 standard NTC: -50T90°C;
/P=1 high temperature NTC: -40T150°C.
While the messages become:
easy, easy split easy compact
dEF dF 4.2 Temperature display
Pr1 P1
Pr2 P2 The temperature displayed, the unit of measure and the decimal
SEt St resolution can be set according to the following parameters: /4, /5 and /6.
Table 4.b
/4 : select probe displayed
Used to choose whether to display the temperature read by the control
probe (Probe 1), Probe 2 or the status of the multifunction input (analogue
4.1 Temperature probe settings or digital).
Depending on the models, the easy and easy compact controllers feature Digital input =0: contact closed.
one or two analogue inputs. The easy controllers, in addition, also feature Digital input =1: contact open.
a multifunction input (analogue or digital). All easy split models have
two analogue inputs and one multifunction input (analogue or digital). Parameter /4 selects the probe shown on the display, all the other display
After installation, the values measured by the temperature probes can be and control modes remain unchanged.
corrected and stabilised using the following parameters.
Important: the easy compact models can display up to 2 probes.
/2: probe measurement stability
Coefficient used to stabilise the temperature measured by the probes.
/5: select °C/°F
/2 acts as a “filter” on the minimum variations in the temperature
Defines the unit of measure used for temperature control.
measurement, and at the same time calculates the average of the readings.
/5=0 to work in °C
• low values assigned to /2 allow a prompt response of the sensor
/5=1 to work in °F.
to temperature variations (the reading becomes more sensitive to
• high values slow down the response, but guarantee greater immunity Warning:
to disturbance (more stable and more precise reading).
• when changing from one unit of measure to the other, all the values
of the temperature parameters must be modified to the new unit of
/3: probe display rate (easy split only)
This parameter is used to set the rate at which the temperature display
is updated. The temperature shown on the display tends to follow rapid
• The max and min limits of the absolute temperature parameters are
the same for both °C that °F. The range of temperatures allowed is
deviations away from the set point very slowly, and vice-versa, moves very
therefore different between °C and °F:
quickly in the event where the temperature displayed is approaching the
set point. If the control temperature exceeds the high or low temperature
thresholds and an AL or AH alarm is activated, the filtering is immediately
/6: disable decimal point
bypassed and the temperature displayed is the temperature effectively
Used to enable or disable the temperature display with the resolution to
measured, until all the alarms are reset. The action of parameter ‘/3’
the tenths of a degree between -20 and + 20 (easy and easy split) or -10
only affects the temperature displayed, and not the temperature used
and +10 (easy compact).
for the control functions. The update rate decreases as the value of the
/6= 0 temperature displayed to the tenth of a degree;
parameter increases, from 1 to 15.
/6=1 temperature displayed without the tenths of a degree.
Parameter /3
Value 0 = disabled Note: the decimal point is only disabled in relation to the reading
1 = fast update shown on the display (the calculations performed by the controller
… remain unchanged).
15 = slow update
Table 4.c
/7: enable probe 2 alarm (M models only)
Example: In the case of bottle coolers, typically used in supermarkets, In the thermometer models (M), fitted with two probes, setting /7= 1
when the doors are opened frequently, due to the greater thermal inertia enables the alarm relating to the second probe (E1).
of the liquids compared to the air, and the fact that the probe is positioned
in the air and not directly on the products, the instrument measures a
temperature that is higher than effective temperature of the soft drinks,
thus displaying a quite “unrealistic” temperature. Setting parameter ‘/3’ to
a value other than 0, any abrupt variations in temperature are “filtered”
on the display, showing a temperature trend that is “closer” to the actual
trend of the product temperature.

easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 - rel. 3.4 - 28.04.2021 16

4.3 Temperature control Important: the compressor can also be safeguarded using the
parameters that limit the number of activations/hour and the
The following parameters are used to control the temperature: St, r1, r2,
minimum off time (see par. “4.6 Compressor protection” page 19).
r3, r4 and rd.
St: set point, r1 minimum value and r2 maximum value of the set
Parameter St determines the desired temperature to be maintained inside 4.4 Duty Setting
the cabinet or cold room (set point). Parameters r1 (minimum value) and Safety function that ensures the operation of the compressor even in the
r2 (maximum) set the range of temperatures for setting the set point. event of a control probe fault. If alarm E0 occurs, duty setting ensures the
Note: the set point can be set by pressing the SET button (see par. operation of the compressor until the fault is resolved. The compressor,
“Setting the set point (desired temperature value)” page 16). not being able to be activated according to temperature, works cyclically
with an ON time equal to the value assigned to parameter c4 (in minutes)
and a fixed OFF time of 15 minutes, see Fig. 4.b.
r3: select direct/reverse operation
C4 C4
Defines the operating mode of the device:
• r3=0: direct with defrost. Used to request the activation of the ON
compressor when the temperature measured by probe 1 rises above compressor OFF
the set point. This mode also includes defrost (also called “cooling” OFF= 15 min.
mode, see Fig. 4.a)
• r3=1: direct without defrost (Fig. 4.a) Fig. 4.b
• r3=2: reverse without defrost (Fig. 4.a). Used to request the activation
of the compressor when the temperature measured by probe 1 falls
below the set point. This mode does NOT include defrost (also called c4: compressor on time with duty setting
“heating” mode, see Fig. 4.a).
c4= 0 in the event of an ambient probe fault, the
“Direct” mode (cooling) “Reverse” mode (heating) compressor will be always off
c4= 100 the compressor will remain always on; and the
1 1 1 1
(c4=99 15 minute off time is not considered.
ON ON ON ON for easy compact)
0<c4<100 at the moment a probe error (E0) is detected, the
OFF OFF OFF OFF (0<c4<99 duty setting cycle starts from the current status
2 2 2 2 for easy compact) of the compressor (that is, the status of the
set point set point set point set point
rd rd rd rd compressor is maintained) and the time already
elapsed is ignored. The compressor times set by
Fig. 4.a
parameters c1, c2, c3 are always observed.
Key: Table 4.d
1. compressor request;
2. probe 1 Duty setting and defrost
If the control probe error occurs when the controller is in defrost mode,
Important: the operating mode can also be set by external the function is not stopped but rather is completed as required; in
contact connected to the multifunction digital input (parameter addition, the defrost can still be performed when called. During the
A4=9). In this case, the contact controls operation (direct/reverse) with defrost, the duty setting timer is not stopped but rather keeps counting
priority over parameter r3. the ON and OFF times.

Duty setting and continuous cycle

r4: night-time set point delta If the continuous cycle is operating, the controller instantly exits this status
Value that automatically increases the set point temperature during the and activates duty setting (also for safety reasons, given that during the
night-time operation time bands. continuous cycle the low temperature alarm is disabled). To re-activate
r4=0: night-time set point= St continuous cycle operation, the ambient probe fault must be resolved.
r4>0: night-time set point= St + r4 If the probe error is no longer present, the unit returns to normal
Important: operation. The compressor again takes on the logic of the control,
respecting the times c1, c2, c3.
1. to enable night-time operation, not only does r4 need to be set
>0, but the digital input must also be enabled and configured (see
parameter A4=4 curtain switch/night-time operation) or a night-time
time band enables (see par. “4.11 Clock and time band parameters”
page 28); 4.5 Continuous cycle
2. night-time operation does not necessarily mean at night, but rather The continuous cycle is used to maintain refrigeration continuously
the time bands in which the value of the set point is modified. This active, regardless of the temperature inside the unit. The function is used
usually corresponds to the period in which the refrigerated cabinet is to rapidly lower the product temperature, even below the set point, for
not used (shop closed) and when the curtain is down. example after filling the cabinets. In this phase, the temperature may fall
below the set point. To activate or deactivate the continuous cycle from
the keypad, see paragraph 3.5, the display shows “cc” and the icon
rd Control differential flashes (2 flashes, pause).
Value that is added to (or subtracted from, in ‘reverse’ mode) the
temperature set point. cc: continuous cycle duration
rd= low values: This represents the time in hours that the compressor operates
• more precise temperature control; continuously for so as to lower the temperature, even below the set
• high compressor On/Off switching frequency in the event of minimum point. If cc=0 the continuous cycle is not activated. The controller exits
temperature deviations (with the risk of causing damage). the continuous cycle procedure after the time set for parameter “cc” has
rd= high values: expired, or when reaching the minimum temperature (see the minimum
• less precise temperature control; temperature alarm, parameter AL).
• low compressor On/Off switching frequency in the event of minimum
temperature deviations.

17 easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 - rel. 3.4 - 28.04.2021

c6: temperature alarm bypass after continuous cycle c11: second compressor delay (easy split only)
This is the time in hours during which all the temperature alarms This parameter determines the delay in the activation of the second
are deactivated after a continuous cycle. If the temperature of the compressor compared to the main compressor. The parameter has no effect
refrigerated unit, after the continuous cycle, lowers due to inertia below on the deactivation of the compressor.
the minimum temperature threshold (set point-AL), the activation of Important: select the auxiliary output as the second compressor
the low temperature alarm is delayed for the time c6. In any case, the output in parallel (H1 = 5), second compressor with two step control,
continuous cycle is deactivated at the temperature (set point-AL). without rotation (H1 = 6) or second compressor with two step control, with
rotation (H1=7).

4.6 Compressor protection

The easy, easy compact and easy split controllers are fitted with an 4.7 Defrost
automatic compressor protection system to avoid continual starts or For the correct and safe use of the easy, easy compact and easy split
stops of the unit. The protection is based on the times in minutes set for controllers, it is essential to program defrost cycles.
parameters c0; c1; c2; c3:
Type of defrost (parameter d0):
c0 compressor and fan start delay on power-up The defrost may be performed by stopping the compressor, heater or
When the controller is powered-up, this delays the start of the compressor hot gas.
and the evaporator fan (see Fig. 4.c). In addition, it can be managed:
• by temperature: using the defrost probe located on the evaporator. In
c1 minimum time between consecutive compressor starts any case, the defrost will end after a maximum settable safety duration.
Delay between two consecutive starts of the compressor (see Fig. 4.d). The end defrost for maximum duration alarm “Ed” (parameter A8) can
Note: be disabled.
• if the maximum number of starts/hour allowed is 10, simply set c1=6 • by time: when there is no defrost probe.
to ensure this limit is observed. • by time with temperature control (heater only); for a programmable
• as well as c1, also remember that parameter “dd” (dripping time) stops time: the defrost output is only activated when the temperature is
the compressor and the evaporator fan after a defrost.. below the end defrost threshold, guaranteeing energy saving and
defrosting of the evaporator even in more extreme situations (see Fig.
c2/c3 minimum compressor off/on time 4.g).
These determine the minimum off time (c2) and on time (c3) for the
compressor. The compressor will not be controlled until times c2 and c3 1
have elapsed (see Figs. 4.e and 4.f ). dP
ON t
ON 2

dt-1 °C
Fig. 4.c

2 OFF 3
Fig. 4.d
Fig. 4.g
ON Key
2 OFF 1 defrost call;
ON 2 defrost temperature probe;
3 OFF 3 defrost heater.

d0 type of defrost type of end defrost

Fig. 4.e 0 heater by temperature
1 hot gas
ON 2 heater by time
2 OFF 3 hot gas
ON 4 heater with temperature control
3 OFF Table 4.e

Important: on the easy and easy compact models and the easy
Fig. 4.f
models without defrost relay, defrost can only be performed by
stopping the compressor. In these cases, the defrost may be managed by
Key to Figs 4.c…4.f
time (recommended d0=2) or temperature (if the defrost probe is
1 instrument power-up; present, recommended d0=0).
2 compressor call;
3 compressor

easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 - rel. 3.4 - 28.04.2021 18

How to start the defrost: dt: end defrost temperature set point/defrost temperature threshold
• from the keypad pressing the DOWN button for 3 s (manual defrost) with temp. control
(for easy split H1 must be ≠4. If H1=4 the UP and DOWN buttons can For the models fitted with end defrost probe, this parameter allows an
be pressed together, when H6=1); evaporator temperature to be set at which the defrost is stopped (the
• by digital input (in the models where fitted, setting parameter A4=3); evaporator temperature is measured by the defrost probe). The end
• from the supervisor; defrost temperature differential is fixed at 1° C (defrost with temperature
• setting the time bands (if RTC available /enabled); control, d0= 4).
• at the end of the interval between two defrosts (parameter dI>0); If at the start of a defrost cycle with the controlled output by temperature
• when switching the instrument on (parameter d4=1). (d0=0, 1) the temperature measured by the probe is greater than the
value set for “dt”, the defrost is not performed.
Important: the easy compact models, not having the RTC nor
the digital input, cannot be set with defrost time bands and In the event of defrost probe failure, the controller performs a timed
cannot be connected to an external contact for defrost management. defrost with a duration equal to the value set for “dP”. The same is true if
the end defrost set point can not be reached, the defrost is stopped after
The defrost may be called, but not activated, in the following cases: a maximum time equal to the value of dP, and the error Ed is displayed
• continuous cycle; (if enabled by A8) and stays on until a correct defrost cycle is performed.
• dripping (dd>0);
• post-dripping ( Fd>0); dP: maximum defrost duration
• compressor protectors; Determines the maximum duration of the defrost (in minutes or seconds,
• off status; see parameter dC). When defrost by time is set (d0= 2/3/4) dP represents
• disabling from digital input(A4=2); the effective duration of the defrost.
• setting the time delay (d5>0) for the defrost function when the
instrument is switched on (d4=1); d4: defrost when switching the instrument on
• direct control mode only without defrost (r3=1) or reverse (r3=2) (in Starts a defrost when switching the instrument on (d4= 1). This has
this case the defrost is not called); priority over the activation of the compressor and the continuous cycle.
• defrost by temperature (d0=0, 1) and temperature measured by the Running a defrost when switching the instrument on may be useful in
defrost probe above the end defrost set point (dt). special situations (e.g. frequent power failures).

The defrost ends correctly: Case 1: the system is subject to frequent power failures
• at the end of the pre-set time (see parameter “dP”); In the event of power failures the instrument’s internal clock, which calculates
• once having reached the set temperature (dt). the interval between two defrosts, starting from zero, is reset. If the frequency
When the defrost ends correctly, the dripping (equal to the time set for of the power failure were, in an extreme case, greater than the defrost
parameter dd) and post-dripping (parameter Fd) phases start. frequency (e.g. a power failure every 8 hours against a defrost every 10
hours), the controller would never perform a defrost. In this type of situation
The defrost ends early: it is better to activate the defrost when the unit is turned on (d4=1), above
• from the keypad, pressing the DOWN button for 3 s (manual end all if the defrost is controlled by temperature (probe on the evaporator), so
defrost, for easy split H1 must be ≠4 or pressing UP+DOWN together unnecessary defrosts are avoided or at least reduced in duration.
3 s when H6=1);
• due to an immediate external alarm “IA” ; Case 2: Systems with many refrigeration units
• due to a dirty condenser alarm “CHt”; In this situation, if the defrost on power-up is activated (d4= 1) after a
• by setting direct mode only without defrost (r3=1) or reverse (r3=2); power failure all the units will start a defrost. This may cause overloads.
• switching off; To avoid this, parameter “d5” can be exploited, which allows a delay to be
• when requested from the supervisor; set before the defrost starts, a delay which obviously must be different
• from digital input (see parameter A4=2) (the defrost call remains for each unit.
ON 2
In these cases, the early end of the defrost is not followed by dripping
and post-dripping.
dP (1)
Important: OFF unit 1
• the defrost is only available in direct mode, that is, when parameters [d4(1)= 1]

r3=0 or A4=9 (the latter has priority over r3); ON

• using parameter d0, and according to the model available, type of d5 (2) dP (2)
OFF unit 2
defrost to be activated can be selected; [d4(2)= 1]
• the defrost has priority over normal temperature control; it may also
have priority over the compressor protectors (see parameter d9); d5 (3) dP (3)
• during the defrost, the temperature display can be frozen (see OFF unit 3
parameter d6); 1
[d4(3)= 1]
• the continuous cycle has priority over the defrost
Fig. 4.h
Parameters for configuring the defrost 1 power-up 2 voltage
dI: interval between defrosts
The defrost is performed periodically at a frequency of every “dI” (in hours d5: defrost delay on power-up or when enabled by digital input
or minutes, see parameter dC). Represents the time which must elapse between when the controller is
The interval starts counting from the start of the current defrost. If the turned on and the start of the defrost.
time is equal to 0 (dI=0), the defrost is not performed, except when The digital input can be used to start a defrost from external contact (see
activated from the keypad, by digital input, from the supervisor or by parameter A4=3); d5 represents the delay between when the defrost is
time band. enabled, or called, and when it effectively starts. The defrost from digital
During defrosts the temperature alarms are inhibited. input can be exploited to perform defrosts in real time when is the RTC
option is not fitted. Simply connect a timer to the multifunction digital

19 easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 - rel. 3.4 - 28.04.2021

The defrost will be activated when the timer contact is closed. In the case The parameter dC=1 can be useful to:
where more than unit is connected to the same timer, it is recommended • test the operation of the defrost function with reduced times;
to set parameter d5 to delay the defrosts to a different time for each • manage air driers. The defrost cycle thus becomes the condensate
unit. Furthermore, to avoid unnecessary defrosts controlled by the drain cycle, which must occur at close intervals (minutes) and for very
instrument’s internal clock, it is suggested to set parameter dI=0 (only brief durations (seconds).
manual defrosts from the keypad or multifunction contact) or to set dI to
a value which is greater than the maximum set interval. Important: this parameter should not be used (dC= 1) if the
A4 Meaning d5 defrost requires the activation of the compressor (hot gas) and
3 start defrost on closing delay between call and effective start when d9=1, as otherwise the compressor may be damaged due to a
Table 4.f number high of consecutive starts.

d6: freeze control temperature display during defrost

This function locks the display of the ambient temperature during the
defrost cycle at the last value read before the current defrost (d6= 1). 4.8 Alarm parameters
d6= 0 display the message “dF” alternating with the temperature The alarms can be set as regards the threshold, type and activation delays.
measured by the control probe; When an alarm occurs, the unit may stop normal operation and warn that
d6= 1 freeze the display on the last temperature measured before the the alarm situation has occurred, based on the type of alarm.
The display normally returns when the measurement first reaches the
set point or, in any case, after the set alarm bypass time after defrost A0: alarm and fan temperature differential
(parameter d8). This represents the differential used to activate the high and low
The freeze mode is also valid for the display of the second and third temperature alarms (“AH”, “AL”) and for the management of the fan.
probe, if enabled (parameter /4). In the event of an alarm, as seen in the figure, the value of “A0” determines
the actual activation of the temperature alarms.
dd: dripping time The value of “A0” (negative or positive) defines the nature of alarms “AL”
This parameter forces the compressor and the evaporator fans off after a and “AH” (absolute or relative, respectively), in detail:
defrost, in order to allow the evaporator to drip.
A0≤ 0 AL and AH expressed as absolutes
The value of this parameter indicates the number of minutes the A0> 0 AL and AH expressed relative to the set point (St or St + r4 in
compressor and fan are off. If dd = 0 no dripping is set, therefore at end night-time operation)
defrost the compressor starts immediately.

1 ON 1 2
ON A0 A0


3 OFF set point

Fig. 4.j
Fig. 4.i Key:
Key: 1 low temperature alarm;
1 defrost; 2 high temperature alarm.
2 start compressor call;
3 compressor.
AL: absolute or relative temperature for low temperature alarm
d8: alarm bypass time after defrost Determines the activation threshold of the low temperature alarm.
The parameter has two effects:
AL Low temperature Low temperature Alarm disabled
1. it delays the temperature alarm signal after a defrost;
alarm (normal) if... alarm (night-time) if...
2. it delays the temperature alarm signal after opening the door. In this if...
case, it is only active when A7=0.
absolute temp. probe 1 ≤ AL temp. probe 1 ≤ AL AL= -50
d9: defrost priority over compressor protectors relative temp. probe 1 ≤ temp. probe 1 ≤ St + AL= 0
Cancels the compressor protection times (c0, c1, c2, c3) at the start of the St - AL r4 - AL
defrost. The possible values are: Table 4.h
d9= 0 protection times observed;
d9= 1 protection times ignored; the defrost has higher priority and AH: absolute or relative temperature for high temperature alarm
the compressor times are not observed. Determines the activation threshold of the high temperature alarm.
It is useful, for example, with hot gas defrost to avoid delaying the AH High temperature High temperature Alarm disabled
defrost in the case where the compressor has just stopped and there is a alarm (normal) if... alarm (night-time) if...
minimum time between two starts. Remember, however, that in this case if...
the maximum number of activations per hour of the compressor may absolute temp. probe 1 ≥ AH temp. probe 1 ≥ AH AH= 150
not be respected. relative Temp. probe 1 ≥ St temp. probe 1 ≥ St + AH= 0
+ AH r4 + AH
d/: defrost probe reading Table 4.i
Used to display the value measured by the defrost probe on the Note: the low and high temperature alarms are automatically
instruments where this is fitted. reset - this means that if the temperature returns within the
allowed range, the alarm signal is automatically cancelled. During a high
dC: time base or low temperature alarm, the message “HI” or “LO”, respectively, flashes on
Used to modify the unit of measure used to count the times for the display alternating with the temperature; if fitted, the buzzer is
parameters dI (defrost interval) and dP (defrost duration). activated.
The following values are available:
dC dI dP
0 hours minutes
1 minutes seconds
Table 4.g

easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 - rel. 3.4 - 28.04.2021 20

Ad: temperature alarm delay If the external alarm is detected during a defrost or a continuous cycle,
Indicates after how many minutes the temperature alarm is signalled from the controller stops these (without completing dripping and post-
when it is detected. If the temperature, after the delay Ad, is within the dripping for defrosts). When the alarm ceases, the unit resumes normal
allowed limits, the alarm is not signalled. Setting a delay to signal of the operation, and then:
temperature alarms may help eliminate false alarms due to interference • the continuous cycle (cc) can be performed again;
on the probe signal or situations lasting a short time (for example, • defrosts can be performed;
opening the cold room door briefly). The temperature alarm delay has • the compressor will start after the time set for parameter c2 (minimum
no effect on two special functions: defrost and continuous cycle. To delay compressor off time.
any temperature alarms after these functions, parameter d8 for defrost
and c6 for continuous cycle must be modified. Remember that during A4=2 Enable defrost
defrost and continuous cycle no temperature alarms are generated. contact open= not enabled
Def.: Ad=0 (instant temperature alarm). contact closed= enabled.
When A4=2 easy can be connected to an external contact for enabling
A4: 3rd input configuration (easy compact)
the defrost; this will then be activated only if the contact is closed and
The multifunction input is only available on the easy models with three
after the delay set for parameter d5.
inputs; is not available on the easy compact models.
If the contact is closed when a defrost in progress, the defrost is immediately
This parameter is used to set the functions of the input.
stopped and the unit resumes normal operation (without performing the
easy, easy compact dripping or post-dripping phases). The LED starts flashing indicating
A4 Meaning that the defrost call is still pending, awaiting enabling (closing of the
0 Input not active contact), when the defrost restarts (the timer dP is set to zero).
1 External alarm: instant (A7= 0) or delayed (A7>0)
Input open= alarm
Input closed= ok A4=3 Start defrost on closing
2 Enable defrost The defrost call is generated when the digital input switches from open
Input open= disabled to closed.
Input closed= enabled When A4=3 easy can be connected to an external contact for starting
3 Start defrost when closing
the defrost when the contact closes. Setting dI=0 (no interval between
MODEL M: select probe displayed
Input open= probe 1
two defrosts) and without any time bands enabled, closing the external
Input closed= probe 2 contact will immediately start the defrost.
4 Curtain switch or night-time operation
Input open= normal set point This function is useful for running timed defrosts without the RTC on
Input closed= night-time set point [r4] board (used to set the defrost time bands). To do this, simply connect
5 Remote ON – OFF a mechanical or electronic timer to the digital input and set A4=3 to
Input open= OFF guarantee the defrost cycles.
Input closed= ON
6 Direct operation of AUX output when H1= 3 A series of units can be connected to the same timer. In this case, to
Input open= AUX de-energised prevent all the defrosts from starting at the same time, set parameter d5
Input closed= AUX energised
to different times for each unit connected (see Fig. 4.k).
7 Door switch with evaporator fans off
‘dor’ alarm: - instant (A7= 0) or delayed (A7>0) In models PJEZM* this is used to select the probe whose value is displayed
- operation of AUX output (H1= 3) by the instrument:
Input open= door open contact open= probe 1
Input closed= door closed contact closed= probe 2.
8 Door switch with evaporator fans and compressor off
‘dor’ alarm: - instant (A7= 0) or delayed (A7>0) 2
- operation of AUX output (H1= 3)
Input open= door open 3
Input closed= door closed
9 Direct / reverse operating mode
IF r3 = 0 input open= direct + defrost dP (1)
input closed= reverse unit 1
IF r3 = 1 / 2 input open= direct
input closed= reverse
10 Probe for dirty condenser alarm
11 Product probe d5 (2) dP (2)
Table 4.j unit 2

A4=0 multifunction input disabled

d5 (3) dP (3)
The multifunction input is not activated and cannot be used as a digital
unit 3
or analogue input.
Fig. 4.k
A4=1 external alarm Key:
contact open= alarm detected 1 defrost call;
contact closed= normal operation. 2 open;
3 closed.
When A4=1 easy can be connected to an external contact for immediately
signalling alarms. The alarm signal can be delayed by setting parameter A7.
A4=4 Curtain switch and night-time operation
contact open= curtain raised, normal operation
The activation of the alarm brings about a message on the display ((see
contact closed= curtain lowered and night-time operation
par. “5.1 Table of alarms and signals” on page 31), activates the buzzer (if
featured), and stops the compressor due to external alarm (immediate When A4=4 easy can be connected to an external contact for managing
if A7=0), while the fan continues operating according to parameters F0, the opening and the closing of the curtain on the refrigerated cabinet
F1, F2, F3, Fd. and activating night-time operation.

21 easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 - rel. 3.4 - 28.04.2021

“cht” dirty condenser pre-alarm:
• indicates that the limit between Ac and AE has been exceeded
1. when the contact is closed the temperature set point becomes the (deriving from the calculation: Ac-AE/2, see Fig. 4.l);
night-time setting and consequently the value of “st” is increased • easy continues normal operation;
(“direct” mode) or decreased (“reverse” mode) by the value of r4; • automatic reset (if the temperature measured by probe 3 falls below
2. night-time operation does not necessarily mean at night, but rather Ac-AE);
the time bands in which the value of the set point is modified. This • “cht” is shown on the display, alternating with the current temperature.
usually corresponds to the period in which the refrigerated cabinet is
not used (shop closed) and when the curtain is down. “CHt” dirty condenser alarm:
Contact Operation Operating mode Set point • indicates that the temperature set point Ac has been exceeded (see
open normal direct / reverse St Fig. 4.l);
closed night-time direct St + r4 • the delay time Acd has elapsed;
reverse St - r4 • easy stops all functions;
Table 4.k • the buzzer sounds (to mute this, press SET or to disable deactivate set
A4=5 Remote ON – OFF • “CHt” is shown on the display, alternating with “cht” and the current
contact open= controller off temperature.
contact closed= controller on.
When A4=5 easy can be connected to an external contact for switching Important: the “CHt” alarm (see par. “5.1 Table of alarms and
instrument on/off. ON–OFF from external contact has priority over the signals” on page 31) can only be reset manually, or alternatively by
keypad and the supervisor. switching the controller off, pressing UP for 3 s or powering down (on
See par. “3.5 Functions available from the keypad” page 15 for further power-up, if the temperature is still above the “Ac”, the alarm will go off
details on the functions of the instrument when OFF. again).

A4=6 Direct operation of AUX output with H1=3 AC-AE/2 3

contact open= AUX output not active
contact closed= AUX output active 1
When A4=6 easy can be connected to an external contact for controlling 2
the auxiliary output (H1=3 auxiliary output linked to the digital input).
Fig. 4.l
A4=7 Door switch with evaporator fans off
contact open= door open
1 condensing temperature;
contact closed= door closed 2 “cht” pre-alarm, display only (automatic reset);
3 “CHt” alarm and refrigeration “OFF” (manual reset).
This is used to signal the door open alarm and stop the evaporator fan.
See paragraph 4.9 “Door open/closed management“. A4= 11: Product probe
3rd input (terminal 11) configured as product probe
A4=8 Door switch with evaporator fan and compressor off
The input is used in analogue mode for probe 3 (product).
contact open= door open
contact closed= door closed Below is a summary table of the relation between parameter A4 and the
See A4=7 with the addition of shutting down the compressor during the
pre-alarm (A7 or d8). Enabling the digital input A4=8 has priority over
the compressor protection parameters (c0, c1, c2, c3). See paragraph 4.9
A4= 1 ”IA” - - P
“Door open/closed management“.
A4= 6 - P - -
A4= 7 ”dor” P P -
A4= 9 Direct/reverse operating mode
contact open= direct operation A4= 8 ”dor” P P P
contact closed= reverse operation Table 4.m

Parameter A4=9 has priority over parameter r3; only r3= 0 specifies the A4: 3rd input configuration (easy split)
activation of the defrost control. This paragraph highlights the differences in the setting of parameter A4
r3 contact result for easy, easy compact and easy split.
0 open Direct operation with defrost control
closed Reverse operation easy split
1 open Direct operation A4 Meaning
closed Reverse operation 0 Input not active
2 open Direct operation 1 Instant (A7= 0) or delayed (A7 >0) external alarm
closed Reverse operation Input open= alarm
Table 4.l Input closed= ok
2 Enable defrost
A4= 10 Probe for dirty condenser alarm Input open= disabled
Multifunction analogue alarm input and dirty condenser pre-alarm, using Input closed= enabled
the third probe. 3 Start defrost when closing
FOR MODEL M: select probe displayed
To enable this function, set: Input open=probe 1
1. third probe; Input closed=probe 2
2. parameter Ac: temperature set point above which easy signals the 4 Curtain switch or night-time operation
dirty condenser alarm; Input open= normal set point and light on (H1=4)
3. parameter AE: temperature differential that, together with Ac, Input closed= night-time set point [r4] and light off (H1=4)
5 Remote ON–OFF
determines the dirty condenser pre-alarm;
Input open= OFF
4. parameter Acd: dirty condenser alarm signal delay; Input closed= ON
5. parameter A4=10: enable the probe and dirty condenser alarm. 6 Direct operation of AUX output when H1=3
Input open= AUX de-energised
Input closed= AUX energised

easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 - rel. 3.4 - 28.04.2021 22

easy split Other alarm parameters
A4 Meaning A7: digital input alarm delay
7 Door switch with fan off and light not managed (see parameter Ado)
“dor” alarm: - instant (A7= 0) or delayed (A7 >0) Sets the delay (in minutes) for detecting the external alarm when A4= 1,
- operation of AUX output (H1= 3) 7 or 8. For easy split A4 must be =1,7,8,10,11.
Input open = door open
Input closed = door closed A8: enable alarm “Ed” (end defrost by timeout)
8 Door switch with fan and compressor off and light not managed (see The alarm ‘Ed’ signals the end defrost due to the “maximum defrost time”
parameter Ado)
(dP) being reached. This can be disabled, by setting A8=0.
“dor” alarm : - instant (A7= 0) or delayed (A7 >0)
- operation of AUX output (H1= 3) The signal “Ed” disappears when the next defrost is called.
Input open = door open
Input closed = door closed Ac: Dirty condenser alarm set point
9 Direct / reverse operating mode Sets the temperature set point above which the dirty condenser alarm
IF r3= 0 input open= direct + defrost
input closed= reverse
“CHt” is signalled (see parameter A4=10 for easy, easy compact and
IF r3= 1/2 input open= direct A4=13 for easy split).
input closed= reverse
10 Door switch with evaporator fan off and light managed (see parameter AE: Dirty condenser alarm differential temperature
Ado) Sets the temperature value for determining the dirty condenser pre-
11 Door switch with evaporator fan and compressor off and light alarm “cht” interval (see parameter A4=10 for easy, easy compact and
managed (see parameter Ado)
12 Select EASY SET from digital input
A4=13 for easy split).
13 Probe for dirty condenser alarm
14 Product probe Acd: dirty condenser alarm delay
Table 4.o Sets the delay in minutes before activating the dirty condenser alarm
“CHt”’ (see par. A4=10 for easy, easy compact and A4=13 for easy split).
A4=0, 1, 2, 3: see A4=0, 1, 2, 3 for easy, easy compact in previous paragraph.

A4=4 Curtain switch and night-time operation

See the previous paragraph. In easy split models if the light output is
configured (H1=4) in normal operation the light is on and in night-time
4.9 Door open/closed management
operation it is off. Procedure for setting the digital input:
1. make sure that the cold room door is fitted with a contact for signalling
A4=5, 6 see A4=5, 6 for easy, easy compact in previous paragraph. when the door is opened and closed;
2. establish the time required (parameters: A7 time in minutes or d8
A4=7 Door switch with evaporator fan off and light not managed in hours ≠0) to enable the pre-alarm on the display and to stop the
See A4=7 for easy, easy compact in previous paragraph. In easy split models evaporator fan;
with light output configured (H1=4), the status of the light output remains 3. enable the digital input A4=7, 8. For easy split A4 must be =7,8,10,11.
unchanged. See paragraph 4.9 “Door open/closed management”.
When the door is opened, the controller will start counting the pre-
A4=8 Door switch with evap. fan and comp. off and light not managed. alarm time if A7 or d8 are other than zero. If, on the other hand, A7=0
See A4=8 for easy, easy compact in previous paragraph. In easy split models and d8=0 the alarm will be activated immediately and the display will
with light output configured (H1=4), the status of the light output remains show “dor” alternating with the temperature reading. The alarm can only
unchanged. See paragraph 4.9 “Door open/closed management”. be reset when the door is closed, or alternatively when switching off the
controller by pressing UP for 3 s (on power-up, if the door is still open, the
A4=9: See A4=9 for easy, easy compact in previous paragraph. pre-alarm time will start counting again).

A4=10: Door switch with evaporator fan off and light managed Important: setting A7=0 and d8=0 ignores the pre-alarm times,
See paragraph 4.9 “Door open/closed management”. the display will show “dor” alternating with the temperature and
the fan will not stop.
A4=11: Door switch with evaporator fan and comp. off and light managed
See paragraph 4.9 “Door open/closed management”. Special cases:
• continuous cycle: performed normally, however the evaporator fan is
A4=12: Select EASY SET from digital input stopped based on the times set for A7;
Used to select the set of control parameters control according to the status • defrost: performed normally and the activation of the fan is controlled
of the digital input. using parameter F3 (evaporator fan status during defrost). If F3=1 the
Digital input open = easy set 1 digital input will only signal the opening of the door, without having
Digital input closed = easy set 2 any effect on the fan.
The easy set from digital input has higher priority than parameter EZY; this
means that any attempt to change the easy set using parameter EZY is
ignored if A4 = 12.
Easy and easy compact
A4 = 13: Probe for dirty condenser alarm During the pre-alarm (A7 or d8≠0):
See A4=10 for easy, easy compact in previous paragraph. • the fan is stopped;
• the LEDs and temperature display flash (excluding the compressor
A4 = 14: Product probe LED, if on);
See A4=11 for easy, easy compact in previous paragraph. • the high temperature alarms are disabled.
Summary table of relationship between parameter A4 and the actuators: During the “dor” alarm (at the end of the pre-alarm A7 or d8):
• the fan resumes normal operation;
output • the display will show “dor” alternating with the temperature;
alarm light AUX FAN COMP • the high temperature alarms are enabled;
A4=1 ”IA” - - - P • the buzzer sounds (to mute this, press SET or to disable set H4=1);
A4=6 - - P - - • if the auxiliary AUX output is “linked” to the digital input (H1=3) the
A4=7 ”dor” - P P - auxiliary relay will be activated.
A4=8 ”dor” - P P P
A4=10 - P P P -
A4=11 - P P P P
Table 4.p

23 easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 - rel. 3.4 - 28.04.2021

Example: Setting A4=7 and A7=10 on a cold room with door contact, Closing the door the first time:
when the door is opened, the LED and the temperature will flash on the the controller maintains the previous status:
display for 10 minutes (excluding the compressor LED) and the fan will • the fans and/or compressor (see parameter ‘A4’) remain off;
stop. After 10 minutes, if the door is still open, the fan will resume normal • the light is kept on if an output is configured as the light output (H1
operation and the display will show the “dor” signal alternating with the = 4);
temperature value displayed. • the temperature and the alarm icon (bell) flash;
• the high temperature alarms remains disabled.
Easy split If, after first closing, the door remains closed for a time greater than A7,
In easy split models the algorithm for managing the door depends on the controller resumes normal operation:
the type of unit selected, according to parameter Ado, and the setting • the fans and/or compressors are switched on if called; when the
of parameter A4. compressor restarts the protection times must be observed (‘c’
Ado = 0: display case • the light remains on if an output is configured as the light output (H1 = 4);
Opening the door: • the high temperature alarm is enabled after the delay Ad;
When opening the door, if parameter A7 or d8 ≠0, the controller goes • the temperature stops flashing and the alarm icon (bell) goes off.
into pre-alarm status:
• the temperature displayed and the alarm icon (bell) flash; Note: assuming the user has already left the cold room, and in
• the high temperature alarm is disabled; that case will be able to turn off the light from the outside by
• if A4=7, 10 the fan is stopped; pressing the DOWN button, or alternatively is still working inside.
• if A4=8, 11 the fan and the compressor are stopped; If, after first closing, the light is switched off manually (the user is outside
• if A4=10, 11 and if the light output is configured (H1=4), the light is on. the cold room), the controller resumes normal operation without waiting
for the door to open a second time:
If the door remains open for a time greater than A7, the controller goes
• the fans and/or compressors are switched on if called; when the
into alarm status:
compressor restarts the protection times must be observed (‘c’
• the temperature displayed flashes alternating with ‘dor’;
• the buzzer is activated;
• the high temperature alarm is enabled after the delay Ad;
• the light remains on if an output is configured as the light output
• the temperature stops flashing and the alarm icon (bell) goes off.
• the high temperature alarm is enabled, after the delay Ad;
Opening the door the second time: status unchanged.
• the auxiliary relay is activated if H1 = 3;
• the fan is ON;
Closing the door the second time:
• if A4=8, 11 the compressor is restarted, observing any protection times
• the fans and/or compressors are switched on if called; when the
(‘c’ parameters);
compressor restarts the protection times must be observed (‘c’
Closing the door:
• the high temperature alarm is enabled after the delay Ad;
The controller resumes normal operation:
• the light is off if an output is configured as the light output (H1= 4).
• the fans and the compressor are started if called (observing any
protection times – ‘c’ parameters)
• the light is switched off if an output is configured as the light output
(H1= 4); 4.10 Evaporator fan management
• the auxiliary relay is deactivated if H1 = 3;
• the buzzer is deactivated; parameters
• the temperature stops flashing and the alarm icon (bell) goes off; The fan is activated based on the parameter settings and the status of
• the high temperature alarm is enabled after the delay Ad. the controller.
The evaporator fan control temperature is measured by probe 2,
Ado = 1: cold room (connector 10).
Assuming the user enters the cold room, closing the door behind him, To know which output is associated with the fan, see the wiring diagram
and then exits the room, closing the door a second time. If the user for the “easy” model used (see par. “2.2 Electrical connections” page 11).
enters the cold room and then leaves immediately, closing the door, the
controller waits until the door is opened a second time and if this does Important: these parameters are not available in the compact
not occur within a certain time (A7 or d8), normal operation resumes. models.
Opening the door the first time: In normal operation, the evaporator fan can be managed as follows:
When opening the door, if parameters A7 and d8 are≠0, the controller • always on (F0= 0);
goes into pre-alarm status: • on according to the evaporator temperature (F0= 1; F1);
• the temperature displayed and the alarm icon (bell) flash; • off when the compressor is off (F2= 1);
• the high temperature alarm is disabled; • activated in cyclical on/off mode (when the compressor is off - easy
• if A4=7, 10 the fan is stopped; split only).
• if A4=8, 11 the fan and the compressor are stopped;
• if A4=10, 11 and if the light output is configured (H1=4), the light is During defrost, the status of the evaporator fan is determined by
activated; parameter F3:
• controlled according to F0 (F3= 0);
If the door remains open for a time greater than A7, the controller goes • off (F3= 1).
into alarm status:
• the fans and compressor are started if called; when restarting the The fan remains off:
compressor the protection times are observed (‘c’ parameters); • during the dripping period, if parameter dd≠0;
• the light remains on if an output is configured as the light output (H1= • during the post-dripping period, if parameter Fd≠0;
4); • for a time equal to c0 after instrument power-on, if parameter c0≠0.
• the auxiliary relay is energised if H1 = 3;
• the temperature displayed flashes alternating with ‘dor’; F0: enable evaporator fan control
• the buzzer is activated; F0= 0 the fan is on;
• the high temperature alarm is enabled after the delay Ad. F0= 1 the fan is controlled based on a set point (see parameter F1). If
the evaporator probe is faulty, the fan operates.

easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 - rel. 3.4 - 28.04.2021 24

F1: evaporator fan control set point 4.11 Clock and time band parameters
The controller starts the fans only when the temperature of the
The RTC (Real Time Clock), not available on the easy compact models,
evaporator is below the value F1-A0. F1 is the real temperature value and
is used to manage the defrost function, curtain switch/night-time
not the deviation from the set point. Once off, the fans start again when
operation and AUX output in real time. The user can enable/disable the
the difference between the probe reading and the set point is equal to
clock and set the current time using dedicated parameters.
+A0, where A0 is the fan controller differential.
In particular, up to 4 time bands can be set for managing the defrosts,
one band for managing night-time operation and one for activating the
When F0= 1:
AUX output.
• evaporator temperature < F1– A0, the fan is ON;
The clock alarm fault “EtC” is activated only if the clock is effectively used,
• evaporator temperature > F1, the fan is off.
that is, has been enabled, the time has been set and there is at least one
evap. temp. valid time band.
Setting the clock:
1. press the SET button for more than 3 s (if there are active alarms,
first mute the buzzer) the display shows the parameter code “PS”
evap. (password);
fan t
OFF 2. press the SET button to access the password setting and use the
UP and DOWN buttons to scroll the numbers until displaying “22”
Fig. 4.m
(password to access the configuration parameters);
3. press the SET button to confirm the password;
F2: stop evaporator fans if compressor stops
4. use the UP and DOWN buttons to scroll the names of the parameters
F2= 0 the fan operates according to F0 even when the compressor is off;
until reaching the parameter tEn;
F2= 1 the fan is off when the compressor is off;
5. press SET to display the value associated with the parameter;
F2=2 (easy split only): the fan is managed in cyclical on/off mode.
6. use the UP and DOWN buttons until reaching the value 1 for enabling
The on and off times can be configured by parameters F4
the clock;
and F5 respectively. The on and off sequence after control is
7. press SET to temporarily save the new value and display the parameter
deactivated starts with the ON phase, so as to exploit the fact
that the evaporator is still cold.
8. repeat the operation to set the values of the parameters dAY (day of
the week), hr (hours), Min (minutes). For easy split, also set YEr, Mon,
ON dMo;
CP 9. at the end of the operations, press the SET button for more than 3
OFF seconds to permanently save the selected values and exit.

FAN Setting the time bands:
Perform the operations from point 1 to point 7 above, then:
• select the parameter relating to the required band (e.g. d1d= DEFROST
F4 F5 F4 F4 F5 F4 F5
TIME BAND 1 DAY setting);
• press SET to display the status of the parameter;
• use the UP and DOWN buttons until reaching the desired value;
Fig. 4.n • press SET to temporarily save the new value and return to the previous
Key display;
F4 Fan ON time t time • repeat the operation to set the values of the parameters d1h
F5 Fan OFF time FAN fans (TIME BAND 1 HOUR setting), d1m (TIME BAND 1 MINUTES setting)
CP Compressor • at the end of the operations, press the SET button for more than
3 seconds to permanently save the selected values and exit.
F3: evaporator fan status during defrost
F3= 0 the fan is on during the defrost;
RTC clock parameters
F3= 1 the fan is off during the defrost.
tEn enable RTC (tEn=1 RTC enabled)
Fd: post-dripping time YEr (easy split only): current year;
The fans, after the defrost, can stay off for a further period (in minutes) Mon (easy split only): current month;
beyond dd, defined by the value of Fd. This is useful to allow the evaporator dMo (easy split only): day of the month;
to return to operating temperature after defrost, thus avoiding blowing dAY: current day of the week (1…7= Monday to Sunday);
hr current hour (24 h)
“warm” air into the refrigerated environment.
Min current minutes
If management by fan controller is selected, no time needs to be set
for Fd as the controller starts the fans again when the evaporator has Example: to set the current time and date to 15.07 on Thursday 3 May
reached the correct temperature. If the fan controller is active (F0 = 1), 2007, set:
setting to Fd a value ≠ 0, the fans remain off for a time equal to the value tEn=1,
of Fd regardless of the evaporator temperature. YEr=07, Mon=05, dMo=03 (easy split only)
dAY=4, hr=15, Min=7
F4: fan ON time (with F2 = 2) (easy split only) The controller will save the time and the day of the week, month and year
This parameter only has meaning when F2 = 2. (on easy and easy compact controllers the month and year are ignored).
It defines the time expressed in minutes within the period (F4 + F5)
Note: the instrument does not manage automatic changeover to
during which the fans are on without being called.
daylight saving.
F5: fan OFF time (with F2 = 2) (easy split only)
This parameter only has meaning when F2 = 2.
It defines the time expressed in minutes within the period (F4 + F5)
during which the fans are off without being called.

25 easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 - rel. 3.4 - 28.04.2021

Parameters for setting up to 4 defrost time bands 4.12 Rapid parameter set selection (EZY)
d1d…d4d Defrost event day setting
The easy, easy compact and easy split controllers feature the EZY
d1d…d4d=0 no defrost event
parameter (on the compact models, this is called EY), which is used to
d1d…d4d=1…7 Monday to Sunday
quickly choose a list of parameters, with corresponding values, for the
d1d…d4d=8 from Monday to Friday
control of the refrigeration system.
d1d…d4d=9 from Monday to Saturday
By setting parameter EZY=1, 2, 3, 4, one of the 4 lists made up of a
d1d…d4d=10 Saturday & Sunday
maximum of 25 parameters (for the lists see par. “5.9 Table of EZY
d1d…d4d=11 every day
parameter sets” page 36). The values in the chosen list overwrite the
d1h…d4h Defrost event hour setting (24h)
corresponding operating parameters.
d1M…d4M Defrost event minutes setting

Example: To program a defrost call (d1d) every Saturday & Sunday at

• to restore the selected rapid parameter set at any time, turn the
controller off and on again, while holding SET. The display shows
19.31, set: d1d=10 (days) d1h=19 (hours), d1M=31 (min).
“CE” to indicate that the selected rapid set (EZY= 1, 2, 3, 4) has again
Important: the defrost event only involves a defrost call. Whether overwritten the operating parameters, thus restoring the original set
the defrost is effectively run and the duration of the cycle depend of parameters;
on the status of the controller when the call is activated. • to restore all the parameters and return to the original default values
(factory settings), turn the controller off and on again while holding
DOWN and SET, until the display shows “CF”. Use this procedure with
Parameters for setting the night-time set point time band extreme care, as it may compromise the fundamental control settings;
nOd Night-time set point time band day setting • EZY=0 brings no change;
nOd= 0 no event set • on the thermometer models (PJEZM*), the EZY parameter (EY for the
nOd= 1…7 Monday to Sunday easy compact models) is not featured.
nOd= 8 from Monday to Friday
nOd= 9 from Monday to Saturday
nOd= 10 Saturday & Sunday
nOd=11 every day 4.13 Other settings
nOh Night-time band set point start hours The operation of the device is completed by a series of additional
nOM Night-time band set point start minutes functions, such as the assignment of a supervisor serial network address,
nFd Night-time band set point end day the configuration of the AUX relay, the enabling of the keypad and the
nFh Night-time band set point end hours buzzer.
nFM Night-time band set point end minutes
In easy split models, entering night time band involves the automatic H0: serial address
modification of the set point and the light output (if H1=4) Assigns the instrument an identification address for connecting to a
supervisory or telemaintenance system (def. H0=1).
Example: To program the night-time set point (nOd) every day from
12.31 to 13.29, set: nOd=11 (days), nOh=12 (start hours), nOM=31 (start
minutes), nFh=13 (end hours) and nFM=29 (end minutes). H1: AUX output configuration
During night-time operation, the set point is varied: night-time set point Establishes the operating logic of the auxiliary relay; in particular defines
= st +r4 (in direct mode), night-time set point = st -r4 (in reverse mode). whether it is used as an alarm output or as an auxiliary output linked to
Where featured, the protective curtain also closes the cabinet (A4=4). the digital input. On easy split models there are also the light and second
compressor outputs, with or without rotation.
H1= 0 no function associated with the output
Parameters for setting the AUX output activation time band H1=1 alarm output: norm. energised (relay de-energised with
AOd AUX output activation time band day setting H1=2 alarm output: norm. de-energised (relay energised with
AOd= 0 no event set alarm)
AOd= 1…7 Monday to Sunday H1=3 AUX output related to Dig. in.
AOd= 8 from Monday to Friday
- easy, easy compact : A4 = [6/7/8];
AOd= 9 from Monday to Saturday
- easy split: A4 = [6/7/8/10/11];
AOd= 10 Saturday & Sunday
AOd= 11 every day Dig. in. OPEN = AUX de-energised
AOh AUX output activation time band start hours Dig. in. CLOSED = AUX energised + LED “AUX” display”
AOM AUX output activation time band start minutes H1=4 light output (easy split only): the light can be switched on
AFd AUX output deactivation time band end day pressing the corresponding button from the keypad or
AFh AUX output activation time band end hours when opening the door if the door switch is activated with
AFM AUX output activation time band end minutes light management (see parameter Ado)
H1=5 second compressor output in parallel (easy split only):
the output is activated a few seconds after the activation of
Example: To program the activation of the AUX output every day from the first compressor (delay = c11). The second compressor
12.31 at 13.29, set: AOd=11 (days), AOh=12 (start hours), AOM=31 (start observes the protection times c0, c1, c2, c3 for the first
minutes), AFh=13 (end hours) and AFM=29 (end minutes). compressor;
H1=6 second compressor output with two step control without
Important: the activation the AUX output activation time band is
rotation (easy split only): the second compressor is called
linked to parameters H1=3 and A4≠6/7/8 and for easy split
when the temperature measured by the room probe
deviates by more than half the differential (rd/2) from the
set point;

easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 - rel. 3.4 - 28.04.2021 26

AMB_T example 2
St+rd ON
St+rd/2 REQ1


Fig. 4.q
rd/2 rd/2
example 3
Fig. 4.o REQ1
AMB_T Control probe CP2 Compressor 2 t
CP1 Compressor 1 rd Differential
t time St Set point ON
H1=7 second compressor output with two step control with t
rotation (easy split only). The roles of main and secondary
compressor alternate following each shutdown, so that CP1 ON
when next started (stopped) the output not involved in OFF
the previous start (stop). will be activated (deactivated). t
Both the compressors must observe the protection times
c0, c1, c2 and c3. ON
Examples of operation:
Fig. 4.r
example 1

ON example 4
Fig. 4.p
Fig. 4.s
REQ1 Compressor 1 call CP1 Compressor 1
REQ2 Compressor 2 call CP2 Compressor 2
t time

27 easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 - rel. 3.4 - 28.04.2021

Note: H6: select control associated with UP + DOWN buttons (easy split only)
The following values are allowed:
• in mode H1= 1/2, the alarms that act on the AUX output are: “LO”, “HI”, • H6 = 0: start/stop continuous cycle;
“E0”, “IA”, “CHT”; • H6 = 1: start/stop defrost.
• mode H1= 1 is useful for signalling an alarm when a power failure occurs
H7: management of fourth relay/serial communication (easy split only)
H2: enable keypad This parameter is used to enable the fourth relay output (RL4). In
Used to prevent the set point and the other operating parameters models with four relays, management of the fourth relay and serial
from being changed when the instrument is located in a place that is communication are mutually exclusive.
accessible to the public. H7 = 0: fourth relay disabled and serial communication enabled;
H2= 0 keypad disabled: H7 = 1: fourth relay enabled and serial communication disabled.
- F parameters read-only (see paragraph “2.3 Wiring diagram for multiple units” page 13).
- C parameters modifiable (with password)
PS: password
- no set point modification
Protection code for modifying the configuration parameters (default=
- no manual defrost
22). The value of the password can be customised from the supervisor.
- no continuous cycle
- no ON/OFF HMP: Maximum maintenance interval (easy split only)
H2=1 keypad enabled This function requires the internal clock (RTC) to be enabled (tEn=1).
H2=2 keypad enabled except for ON/OFF If HMP = 0, the maintenance request is deactivated. Parameter HMP,
expressed in days, is used to set the maximum time interval after which
H4: disable buzzer the controller generates a maintenance request (the counter HMd has
Setting H4= 1 disables the operation of the audible buzzer. exceeded the threshold HMP), which involves a message shown on the
display (SrC) and the alarm icon on. The signal can be deactivated by
H5: ID code setting parameter HMr = 1 from the keypad or supervisor. This operation
Display-only value: this can only be modified via serial connection (key or saves the current date and restarts the counter HMd.
supervisor). When set to a positive value (values from 0 to 31 are used by
HMd: Days elapsed since last maintenance (easy split only)
CAREL for the basic models), if a parameter, including the set point, is modified
Read-only parameter. See the explanation of parameter HMP.
from the keypad, the value becomes negative. This allows any modifications
made the parameters compared to the initial settings to be monitored. HMr: reset maintenance signal and restart HMd (easy split only)
If set to 1, this deactivates the signal SrC and restarts the counter HMd.
Operation available from the keypad and supervisor.


5.1 Table of alarms and signals
When an alarm is activated, the display shows the corresponding message Note: in easy split controllers, when starting control (powering up
that flashes alternating with the temperature; if fitted and enabled, the the controller and/or switching from OFF status), the high
buzzer and the alarm relay are also activated. temperature alarm signal is disabled until the first time the compressor
All the alarms have automatic reset (that is, they stop when the causes stops, to avoid false signals. The first time the compressor stops indicates
are no longer present), except for alarm ‘CHt’ which has manual reset that the set temperature has been reached, and, consequently, the high
(instrument on/off using the UP button or by disconnecting the power temperature alarm signal is enabled. This function is always active.
supply). Pressing the SET button mutes the buzzer, while the code
displayed and the alarm relay only go off when the causes of the alarm
have been resolved. The alarm codes are shown in the table below:

The possible alarm codes are shown in the following table:

alarm buzzer and LED alarm description reset ENABLE ALARM parameters easy easy easy
code alarm relay involved compact split
E0 active ON probe 1 error= control automatic -   
E1 not active ON probe 2 error= defrost automatic d0= 0 / 1 / 4, F0= 1   
E2 not active ON probe 3 error= condenser/product automatic easy, easy compact [A4=10/11]  - 
easy split [A4=13/14]
IA active ON external alarm automatic [A4 = 1] [+A7]  - 
dOr active ON open door alarm automatic easy, easy compact [A4=7/8][+A7]  - 
easy split [A4=7/8/10/11][+A7]
LO active ON low temperature alarm automatic [AL] [Ad]   
HI active ON high temperature alarm automatic [AH] [Ad]   
EE not active ON unit parameter error not possible -   
EF not active ON operating parameter error manual -   
Ed not active ON defrost ended by timeout on first defrost ended [dP] [dt] [d4] [A8]   
dF not active OFF defrost running automatic [d6=0]   
cht not active ON dirty condenser pre-alarm automatic easy, easy compact [A4=10]  - 
easy split [A4=13]
CHt active ON dirty condenser alarm manual easy, easy compact [A4=10]  - 
easy split [A4=13]
EtC not active ON clock alarm by setting the time if bands are active  - 
SrC (easy not active ON maintenance request signal manual, [HMP] [HMd] [HMr] - - 
split only) set HMr=1
Table 5.a

easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 - rel. 3.4 - 28.04.2021 28

5.2 Description of the main signals and 5.3 Data error
alarms In certain operating conditions, the instrument may detect errors in the
data saved. These errors may compromise the correct operation of the
LED flashing
instrument. If the microprocessor detects a data saving error, the display
The activation of the corresponding function is delayed by a timer,
shows the message “EE”. If the fault persists, the controller needs to be
awaiting an external signal or disabled by another procedure that is
replaced. If, on the other hand, the message disappears, it can continue
already in progress. e.g. if is a continuous cycle in progress and a defrost
to be used. When “EE” error occurs frequently and/or remains for some
is called, the latter will remain pending until the end of the continuous
time, the controller should be checked, as the original precision may not
cycle, and the corresponding LED (defrost) will flash.
be guaranteed.
E0 steady or flashing
control probe error:
• probe not working: the probe signal is interrupted or short-circuited;
• probe not compatible with the instrument; 5.4 Modifying the parameters
The alarm signal E0 is steady if it is the only active alarm (the temperature
value is not displayed), while it flashes if other alarms are active or the Parameter navigation
second probe is displayed. The operating parameters, modifiable using the keypad, are divided into
two types: frequent (type F) and configuration (type C). Access to the
E1 flashing
latter is protected by password (default= 22) to prevent accidental or
evaporator probe or food conservation probe error:
unauthorised modifications.
• probe not working, the probe signal is interrupted or short-circuited;
• probe not compatible with the instrument; Accessing the type F parameters:
• press the SET button for more than 3 s (if there are active alarms, mute
E2 flashing the buzzer). The display shows the parameter code ‘PS’ (password);
condenser probe or food conservation probe error: • use the UP and DOWN buttons to scroll the parameters. The LED
• probe not working, the probe signal is interrupted or short-circuited; corresponding to the category of parameters will be on (see Table 5.b);
• probe not compatible with the instrument; • press SET to display the value associated with the parameter
IA flashing
• increase or decrease the value using the UP or DOWN button
immediate or delayed alarm from multifunction digital input:
• check the multifunction input and parameters A4 and A7. • press SET to temporarily save the new value and display the param. again;
• repeat the procedure for any other parameters that need to be
dOr flashing modified;
open door alarm: • press the SET button for more than 3 s to permanently save the
• check the multifunction input and parameters A4 and A7. parameters and exit the parameter setting procedure.
LO flashing
low temperature alarm. The probe has measured a temperature lower Accessing the type C parameters:
than the set point by a value that exceeds parameter AL: • press the SET button for more than 3 s (if there are active alarms, mute
• check parameters AL, Ad and A0. the buzzer), the display shows the parameter code “PS” (password);
The alarm is automatically reset when the temperature returns within the • press the SET button to access the password setting;
set limits (see parameter AL). • use the UP and DOWN buttons to scroll the numbers until displaying
“22” (password to access the parameters);
HI flashing • press the SET button to confirm the password;
high temperature alarm. The probe has measured a temperature higher • use the UP and DOWN buttons to scroll the parameters. The LED
than the set point by a value that exceeds parameter AH. corresponding to the category of parameters will be on (see Table 5.b);
• check parameters AH, Ad and A0. • press SET to display the value associated with the parameter;
The alarm is automatically reset when the temperature returns within the • increase or decrease the value using the UP or DOWN button
set limits (see parameter AH). respectively;
EE displayed during operation or on power-up • press SET to temporarily save the new value and display the param. again;
unit parameter reading error. See Data errors. • repeat the procedure for any other parameters that need to be
EF displayed during operation or on power-up • press the SET button for more than 3 s to permanently save the
operating parameter reading error. See Data errors. parameters and exit the parameter setting procedure.
Ed flashing
The last defrost ended after exceeding the maximum duration rather Warnings: if no button is pressed for 60 s, all the changes made
than when reaching the end defrost set point. to the parameters, temporarily saved in the RAM, will be cancelled
• check parameters dt, dP and d4; and the previous settings restored.
• check the efficiency of the defrost.
The message disappears when the next defrost ends correctly. The dAY, hr, Min dMo*, Mom*, YEr* parameters are not restored, as these
are saved instantly when entered(*= easy split only).
dF flashing If power is disconnected from the instrument before saving the settings
defrost running: (pressing the SET button for 3 s), all the changes made to the parameters
• this is not an alarm signal, but rather a message that the instrument is and temporarily saved will be lost.
running a defrost. Only shown if d6= 0.
Category Initial Icon
cht flashing Probe parameters / -
dirty condenser pre-alarm: Control parameters r -
• check parameters A4, Ac, AE and Acd. Compressor parameters c
Defrost parameters d
CHt flashing
dirty condenser alarm: Alarm parameters A
• check parameters A4, Ac, AE and Acd. Fan parameters F
AUX output configuration parameters H1
EtC flashing
RTC parameters -
internal clock error.
Table 5.b
SrC flashing (easy split only)
Maintenance request signal. Displayed only if parameter HMP≠0.

29 easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 - rel. 3.4 - 28.04.2021

5.5 Setting the default parameters
running this procedure overwrites any custom parameter settings.

To reset the default parameters:

• disconnect power from the instrument;
• reconnect power while holding the SET and DOWN buttons;
• the display will show the message “CF”;
• after a few seconds the instrument starts operating with the default
configuration. Any different parameter settings will need to be

5.6 Table of easy parameters

Par. Description Type Min Max UOM. Def. Parameter visible in models
PS password F 0 200 - 22 M/S (with 1 & 2 probes), X, Y, C
/2 probe measurement stability C 1 15 - 4 M/S (with 1 & 2 probes), X, Y, C
/4 select probe displayed F 1 3 - 1 M/ S (with 2 probes), X, Y, C
/5 select °C/°F C 0(°C) 1(°F) - 0 M/ S (with 1 & 2 probes), X, Y, C
/6 disable decimal point C 0 1 - 0 M/S (with 1 & 2 probes), X, Y, C
/7 enable probe 2 alarm (model M only) C 0 1 - 0 M
/C1 probe 1 offset F -50.0 50.0 (°C/°F) 0 M/S (with 1 & 2 probes), X, Y, C
/C2 probe 2 offset F -50.0 50.0 (°C/°F 0 M/S (with 2 probes), X, Y, C
/C3 probe 3 offset F -50.0 50.0 (°C/°F) 0 M/S (with 2 probes), X, Y, C
St set point S r1 r2 °C/°F 4 M/S (with 1 & 2 probes), X, Y, C
rd control differential F 0 19.0 °C/°F 2 S (with 1 & 2 probes), X, Y, C
r1 minimum set point value C -50 r2 °C/°F -50 M/S (with 1 & 2 probes), X, Y, C
r2 maximum set point value C r1 200 °C/°F 90 S (with 1 & 2 probes), X, Y, C
r3 select direct/reverse operation C 0 2 - 0 M/S (with 2 probes), X, Y, C
r4 night-time set point delta C -50 50 °C/°F 3 S (with 1 & 2 probes), X, Y, C
c0 compressor and fan start delay on power-up C 0 100 min 0 S (with 1 & 2 probes), X, Y, C
c1 minimum time between consecutive compressor starts C 0 100 min 0 S (with 1 & 2 probes), X, Y, C
c2 minimum compressor off time C 0 100 min 0 S (with 1 & 2 probes), X, Y, C
c3 minimum compressor on time C 0 100 min 0 S (with 1 & 2 probes), X, Y, C
c4 compressor on time with duty setting C 0 100 min 0 S (with 1 & 2 probes), X, Y, C
cc continuous cycle duration C 0 15 h 4 S (with 1 & 2 probes), X, Y, C
c6 temperature alarm bypass after continuous cycle C 0 15 h 2 S (with 1 & 2 probes), X, Y, C
d0 type of defrost C 0 4 - 0 S (with 1 & 2 probes), X, Y, C
dI interval between defrosts F 0 199 h/min (see dC) 8 S (with 1 & 2 probes), X,Y, C
dt end defrost temperature set point/defrost temperature F -50 130 °C/°F 4 S (with 2 probes), X, Y, C
threshold with temp. control
dP maximum defrost duration F 1 199 min/s (see dC) 30 S (with 1 & 2 probes), X, Y, C
d4 defrost when switching the instrument on C 0 1 - 0 S (with 1 & 2 probes), X, Y, C
d5 defrost delay on power-up or when enabled by digital input C 0 199 min 0 S (with 1 & 2 probes), X, Y, C
d6 freeze control temperature display during defrost C 0 1 - 1 S (with 1 & 2 probes), X, Y, C
dd dripping time F 0 15 min 2 S (with 1 & 2 probes), X, Y, C
d8 alarm bypass time after defrost F 0 15 h 1 S (with 1 & 2 probes), X, Y, C
d9 defrost priority over compressor protectors C 0 1 - 0 S (with 1 & 2 probes), X, Y, C
d/ defrost probe reading (2) F - - °C/°F - S (with 2 probes), X, Y, C,
dC time base C 0 1 - 0 S (with 1 & 2 probes), X, Y, C
A0 alarm and fan temperature differential C -20 20.0 °C/°F 2 M/S (with 1 & 2 probes), X, Y, C
AL absolute/relative temperature for low temperature alarm F -50 250 °C/°F 0 M/S (with 1 & 2 probes), X, Y, C
AH absolute/relative temperature for high temperature alarm F -50 250 °C/°F 0 M/S (with 1 & 2 probes), X, Y, C
Ad temperature alarm delay C 0 199 min 0 M/S (with 1 & 2 probes), X, Y, C
A4 3rd input configuration C 0 11 - 0 M/S (with 2 probes), X, Y, C
A7 digital input alarm delay C 0 199 min 0 M/S (with 2 probes), X, Y, C
A8 enable alarm “Ed” (end defrost by timeout) C 0 1 - 0 S (with 2 probes), X, Y, C
Ac set point dirty condenser alarm C -50 250 °C/°F 70 M/S (with 2 probes), X, Y, C
AE dirty condenser alarm differential temperature C 0.1 20.0 °C/°F 5.0 M/S (with 2 probes),X, Y, C
Acd dirty condenser alarm delay C 0 250 min 0 M/S (with 2 probes), X, Y, C
F0 enable evaporator fan control C 0 1 - 0 C
F1 evaporator fan control set point F -50 130 °C/°F +5 C
F2 stop evaporator fan if compressor off C 0 1 - 1 C
F3 evaporator fan status during defrost C 0 1 - 1 C
Fd post-dripping time F 0 15 min 1 C
H0 serial address C 0 207 - 1 M/S (with 1 & 2 probes), X, Y, C
H1 AUX output configuration C 0 3 - 0 M/S (with 1 & 2 probes), X, Y, C
H2 enable keypad C 0 1 - 1 M/S (with 1 & 2 probes), X, Y, C
H4 disable buzzer C 0 1 - 0 M/S (with 1 & 2 probes), X, Y, C
H5 ID code (read-only) F 0 199 - - M/S (with 1 & 2 probes), X, Y, C
EZY rapid parameter set selection C 0 4 - 0 S (with 1 & 2 probes), X, Y, C
tEn enable RTC C 0 1 - 0 X, Y, C (*)
d1d defrost time band 1st day C 0 11 days 0 X, Y, C (*)
d1h time band 1st hour C 0 23 h 0 X, Y, C (*)
d1M time band 1st minute C 0 59 min 0 X, Y, C (*)
d2d defrost time band 2nd day C 0 11 days 0 X, Y, C (*)
d2h time band 2nd hour C 0 23 h 0 X, Y, C (*)

easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 - rel. 3.4 - 28.04.2021 30

Par. Description Type Min Max UOM. Def. Parameter visible in models
d2M time band 2nd minute C 0 59 min 0 X, Y, C (*)
d3d defrost time band 3rd day C 0 11 days 0 X, Y, C (*)
d3h time band 3rd hour C 0 23 h 0 X, Y, C (*)
d3M time band 3rd minute C 0 59 min 0 X, Y, C (*)
d4d defrost time band 4th day C 0 11 days 0 X, Y, C (*)
d4h time band 4th hour C 0 23 h 0 X, Y, C (*)
d4M time band 4th minute C 0 59 min 0 X, Y, C (*)
nOd night time band ON day C 0 11 days 0 X, Y, C (*)
nOh night time band ON hours C 0 23 h 0 X, Y, C (*)
nOM night time band ON minutes C 0 59 min 0 X, Y, C (*)
nFd night time band OFF day C 0 11 days 0 X, Y, C (*)
nFh night time band OFF hours C 0 23 h 0 X, Y, C (*)
nFM night time band OFF minutes C 0 59 min 0 X, Y, C (*)
AOd AUX time band ON day C 0 11 days 0 X, Y, C (*)
AOh AUX time band ON hours C 0 23 h 0 X, Y, C (*)
AOM AUX time band ON minutes C 0 59 min 0 X, Y, C (*)
AFd AUX time band OFF day C 0 11 days 0 X, Y, C (*)
AFh AUX time band OFF hours C 0 23 h 0 X, Y, C (*)
AFM AUX time band OFF minutes C 0 59 min 0 X, Y, C (*)
dAY RTC day of the week C 1 7 days 1 X, Y, C (*)
hr RTC hours C 0 23 h 0 X, Y, C (*)
Min RTC minutes C 0 59 min 0 X, Y, C (*)
Table 5.c
(*) Parameters not visible in models without RTC

5.7 Table of easy compact parameters

Par. Description Type Min Max UOM. Def. Parameter visible in models
PS password F 0 99 - 22 S (with 1 & 2 probes), M (with 1 & 2 probes)
/2 probe measurement stability C 1 15 - 4 S (with 1 & 2 probes), M (with 1 & 2 probes)
/4 select probe displayed F 1 2 - 1 S (with 2 probes), M (with 2 probes).
/5 select °C/°F C 0 1 - 0 S (with 1 & 2 probes), M (with 1 & 2 probes)
/6 disable decimal point C 0 1 - 0 S (with 1 & 2 probes), M (with 1 & 2 probes)
/7 enable probe 2 alarm (model M only) C 0 1 0 0 M
/C1 probe 1 offset F -50.0 50.0 °C/°F 0 S (with 1 & 2 probes), M (with 1 & 2 probes)
/C2 probe 2 offset F -50.0 50.0 °C/°F 0 S (with 2 probes), M (with 2 probes)
St set point S r1 r2 °C/°F 4 S (with 1 & 2 probes), M (with 1 & 2 probes)
rd control differential F 0 19.0 °C/°F 2 S (with 1 & 2 probes)
r1 minimum set point value C -50.0 r2 °C/°F -50 S (with 1 & 2 probes), M (with 1 & 2 probes)
r2 maximum set point value C r1 99 °C/°F 90 S (with 1 & 2 probes), M (with 1 & 2 probes)
r3 select direct/reverse operation C 0 2 - 0 S (with 1 & 2 probes)
c0 compressor and fan start delay on power-up C 0 100 min 0 S (with 1 & 2 probes)
c1 minimum time between consecutive compressor starts C 0 100 min 0 S (with 1 & 2 probes)
c2 minimum compressor off time C 0 100 min 0 S (with 1 & 2 probes)
c3 minimum compressor on time C 0 100 min 0 S (with 1 & 2 probes)
c4 compressor on time with duty setting C 0 100 min 0 S (with 1 & 2 probes)
cc continuous cycle duration C 0 15 h 4 S (with 1 & 2 probes)
c6 temperature alarm bypass after continuous cycle C 0 15 h 2 S (with 1 & 2 probes)
d0 type of defrost C 0 4 - 0 S (with 1 & 2 probes)
dI interval between defrosts F 0 199 h/min(dC) 8 S (with 1 & 2 probes)
dt end defrost temperature set point F -50 130 °C/°F 4 S (with 2 probes)
dP maximum defrost duration F 1 199 min/s (dC) 30 S (with 1 & 2 probes)
d4 defrost when switching the instrument on C 0 1 - 0 S (with 1 & 2 probes)
d5 defrost delay on power-up or when enabled by digital input C 0 199 min 0 S (with 1 & 2 probes)
d6 freeze control temperature display during defrost C 0 1 - 1 S (with 1 & 2 probes)
dd dripping time F 0 15 min 2 S (with 1 & 2 probes)
d8 alarm bypass time after defrost F 0 15 h 1 S (with 1 & 2 probes)
d9 defrost priority over compressor protectors C 0 1 - 0 S (with 1 & 2 probes)
d/ defrost probe reading (2) F - - °C/°F - S (with 2 probes)
dC time base C 0 1 - 0 S (with 1 & 2 probes)
A0 alarm and fan temperature differential C -20 +20 °C/°F 2 S (with 1 & 2 probes)
AL absolute/relative temperature for low temperature alarm F -50 +99 °C/°F 0 S (with 1 & 2 probes)
AH absolute/relative temperature for high temperature alarm F -50 +99 °C/°F 0 S (with 1 & 2 probes)
Ad temperature alarm delay C 0 199 min 0 S (with 1 & 2 probes)
A8 enable alarm “Ed” (end defrost by timeout) C 0 1 - 0 S (with 2 probes)
H0 serial address C 0 207 - 1 S (with 1 & 2 probes), M (with 1 & 2 probes)
H1 AUX output configuration C 0 2 - 0 S (with 1 & 2 probes), M (with 1 & 2 probes)
H2 enable keypad C 0 2 - 1 S (with 1 & 2 probes), M (with 1 & 2 probes)
H5 ID code (read-only) F 1 +199 - 0 S (with 1 & 2 probes), M (with 1 & 2 probes)
EY rapid parameter set selection C 0 4 - 0 S (with 1 & 2 probes)
Table 5.d

Warning the easy compact models only display two digits. If the
range is below -99 and above 99, the terminal will display “- - “.

31 easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 - rel. 3.4 - 28.04.2021

5.8 Table of easy split parameters
Par. Description Type Min Max UOM Def. Visibility
PS password F 0 200 - 22 S,C
/2 probe measurement stability C 1 15 - 4 S,C
/3 probe display rate C 0 15 - 0 S,C
/4 select probe displayed F 1 3 - 1 S,C
/5 select °C/°F C 0 1 - 0 S,C
/6 disable decimal point C 0 1 - 0 S,C
/C1 probe 1 offset F -50 50 (°C/°F) 0 S,C
/C2 probe 2 offset F -50 50 (°C/°F) 0 S,C
/C3 probe 3 offset F -50 50 (°C/°F) 0 S,C
/P select type of probe C 0 1 - 0 S,C

St set point F r1 r2 °C/°F 4 S,C

rd differential F 0 19 °C/°F 2 S,C
r1 minimum set point value C -50 r2 °C/°F -50 S,C
r2 maximum set point value C r1 300 °C/°F 90 S,C
r3 select direct/reverse operation C 0 2 - 0 S,C
r4 night-time set point delta C -50 +50 °C/°F 3 S,C
c0 compressor and fan start delay on power-up C 0 100 min 0 S,C
c1 minimum time between consecutive compressor starts C 0 100 min 0 S,C
c2 minimum compressor off time C 0 100 min 0 S,C
c3 minimum compressor on time C 0 100 min 0 S,C
c4 compressor on time with duty setting C 0 100 min 0 S,C
cc continuous cycle duration C 0 15 h 4 S,C
c6 temperature alarm bypass after continuous cycle C 0 15 h 2 S,C
c11 second compressor delay C 0 250 s 4 S,C
d0 type of defrost C 0 4 - 0 S,C
dI interval between defrosts F 0 199 h/min 8 S,C
(see dC)
dt end defrost temperature set point/defrost temperature threshold with temp. control F -50 300 °C/°F 4 S,C
dP maximum defrost duration F 1 199 min/s 30 S,C
d4 defrost when switching the instrument on C 0 1 - 0 S,C
d5 defrost delay on power-up or when enabled by digital input C 0 199 min 0 S,C
d6 freeze control temperature display during defrost C 0 1 - 1 S,C
dd dripping time F 0 15 min 2 S,C
d8 alarm bypass time after defrost F 0 15 h 1 S,C
d9 defrost priority over compressor protectors C 0 1 - 0 S,C
d/ defrost probe reading F - - °C/°F - S,C
dC time base C 0 1 - 0 S,C
A0 alarm and fan temperature differential C -20 20 °C/°F 2 S,C
AL absolute/relative temperature for low temperature alarm F -50 300 °C/°F 0 S,C
AH absolute/relative temperature for high temperature alarm F -50 300 °C/°F 0 S,C
Ad temperature alarm delay C 0 199 min 0 S,C
A4 3rd input configuration C 0 14 - 0 S,C
A7 digital alarm input delay C 0 199 min 0 S,C
A8 enable alarm “Ed” (end defrost by timeout) C 0 1 - 0 S,C
Ac dirty condenser alarm set point C -50 300 °C/°F 70 S,C
AE dirty condenser alarm differential temperature C 0.1 20.0 °C/°F 5 S,C
Acd dirty condenser alarm delay C 0 250 min 0 S,C
Ado door management algorithm C 0 1 - 0 S,C
F0 enable evaporator fan control C 0 1 - 0 C
F1 evaporator fan control set point F -50 300 °C/°F 5 C
F2 stop evaporator fan if compressor off C 0 2 - 1 C
F3 evaporator fan status during defrost C 0 1 - 1 C
Fd post-dripping time F 0 15 min 1 C
F4 fan ON time (when F2=2) C 0 100 min 5 C
F5 fan OFF time (when F2=2) C 0 100 min 10 C
H0 serial address C 0 207 - 1 S,C
H1 AUX output configuration C 0 7 - 4 S,C
H2 enable keypad C 0 2 - 1 S,C
H4 disable buzzer C 0 1 - 0 S,C
H5 ID code (read-only) F 1 199 - 0 S,C
H6 select control associated with UP + DOWN buttons C 0 1 - 1 S,C
H7 management of fourth relay/serial communication C 0 1 - 1 C
EZY rapid parameter set selection C 0 4 - 0 S,C
tEn enable RTC C 0 1 - 0 S,C (*)
d1d defrost time band 1st day C 0 11 day 0 S,C (*)
d1h time band 1st hour C 0 23 h 0 S,C (*)
d1M time band 1st minutes C 0 59 min 0 S,C (*)
d2d defrost time band 2nd day C 0 11 day 0 S,C (*)
d2h time band 2nd hours C 0 23 h 0 S,C (*)
d2M time band 2nd minutes C 0 59 min 0 S,C (*)
d3d defrost time band 3rd day C 0 11 day 0 S,C (*)
d3h time band 3rd hours C 0 23 h 0 S,C (*)
d3M time band 3rd minutes C 0 59 min 0 S,C (*)
d4d defrost time band 4th day C 0 11 day 0 S,C (*)
d4h time band 4th hours C 0 23 h 0 S,C (*)
d4M time band 4th minutes C 0 59 min 0 S,C (*)
nOd night time band ON day C 0 11 day 0 S,C (*)
nOh night time band ON hours C 0 23 h 0 S,C (*)
nOM night time band ON minutes C 0 59 min 0 S,C (*)
nFd night time band OFF day C 0 11 day 0 S,C (*)

easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 - rel. 3.4 - 28.04.2021 32

Par. Description Type Min Max UOM Def. Visibility
nFh night time band OFF hours C 0 23 h 0 S,C (*)
nFM night time band OFF minutes C 0 59 min 0 S,C (*)
AOd AUX time band ON day C 0 11 day 0 S,C (*)
AOh AUX time band ON hours C 0 23 h 0 S,C (*)
AOM AUX time band ON minutes C 0 59 min 0 S,C (*)
AFd AUX time band OFF day C 0 11 day 0 S,C (*)
AFh AUX time band OFF hours C 0 23 h 0 S,C (*)
AFM AUX time band OFF minutes C 0 59 min 0 S,C (*)
YEr RTC: year C 0 99 year 0 S,C (*)
Mon RTC: month C 1 12 month 1 S,C (*)
dMo RTC: day of the month C 1 31 day 1 S,C (*)
dAY RTC: day of the week C 1 7 day 1 S,C (*)
hr RTC: hours C 0 23 h 0 S,C (*)
MIn RTC: minutes C 0 59 min 0 S,C (*)
HMP maximum maintenance interval C 0 999 day 0 S,C (*)
HMd days elapsed since last maintenance C 0 999 day 0 S,C (*)
HMr reset maintenance signal and restart HMd F 0 1 - 0 S,C (*)
Table 5.e
(*) Parameters not visible in models without RTC

5.9 Table of EZY parameter sets

easy parameter sets (EZY)
Par. Description models S-X (normal temperature) models Y-C (low temperature)
/4 select probe displayed 1 1 1 1 - - - -
/5 select °C/°F 0 0 0 0 - - - -
rd control differential 3.0 3.0 5.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 2.0
r1 minimum set point value -10.0 -15.0 -20.0 -30.0 -30.0 -30.0 -30.0 -30.0
r2 maximum set point value 15.0 20.0 20.0 40.0 20.0 20.0 30.0 40.0
r3 select direct/reverse operation 1 0 2 0
r4 night-time set point delta - - - - 5.0 5.0 2.0 4.0
c1 minimum time between consecutive compressor 3 5 0 6 4 5 3 6
c2 minimum compressor off time 2 4 0 4 2 3 0 5
d0 type of defrost 2 2 0 4 1 2 3 4
dl interval between defrosts 6 10 6 12 5 7 10 12
dt end defrost temperature set point/defrost temperature 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 4.0
threshold with temp. control
dP maximum defrost duration 40 40 40 40 20 40 10 50
d6 freeze control temperature display during defrost 1 1 1 1 - - - -
dC time base 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
A0 alarm and fan temperature differential 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
AL temperature alarm threshold/deviation 20.0 25.0 20.0 20.0 22.0 15.0 18.0 20.0
AH high temperature alarm threshold/deviation 20.0 25.0 20.0 20.0 22.0 25.0 20.0 25.0
Ad temperature alarm delay 60 70 60 60 20 40 30 25
A4 3rd input configuration - - - - 0 4 1 0
A7 digital input alarm delay - - - - 0 20 30 20
Ac set point dirty condenser alarm 55.0 50.0 70.0 55.0 55.0 55.0 55.0 55.0
AE dirty condenser alarm differential temperature 10.0 8.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0
Acd dirty condenser alarm delay 60 40 200 60 60 60 60 60
F0 enable evaporator fan control - - - - 1 0 1 0
F1 evaporator fan control set point - - - - 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
F2 stop evaporator fan if compressor off - - - - 1 1 1 1
F3 evaporator fan status during defrost - - - - 1 1 1 1
Fd post-dripping time - - - - 3 4 5 6
Table 5.f

EZY= normal temperature low temperature
1 no defrost defrost by hot gas
2 defrost by time automatic night-time set point variation from digital input
3 heating output (reverse) digital input alarm management
4 defrost with temp. control (d0= 4) defrost by temperature (d0=4)

33 easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 - rel. 3.4 - 28.04.2021

easy compact parameter sets (EY)
Par. Description S models (normal temperature)
EY=1 EY=2 EY=3 EY=4
/4 select probe displayed 1 1 1 1
/5 select °C/°F 0 0 0 0
rd control differential 3.0 3.0 5.0 2.0
r1 minimum set point value -10.0 -15.0 -20.0 -30.0
r2 maximum set point value 15.0 20.0 20.0 40.0
r3 select direct/reverse operation 1 0 2 0
c1 minimum time between consecutive compressor starts 3 5 0 6
c2 minimum compressor off time 2 4 0 4
d0 type of defrost 2 2 0 4
dI interval between defrosts 6 10 6 12
dt end defrost temperature set point 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
dP maximum defrost duration 40 40 40 40
d6 freeze control temperature display during defrost 1 1 1 1
dC time base 0 0 0 0
A0 alarm and fan temperature differential 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
AL absolute temperature or deviation for low temperature alarm 20.0 25.0 20.0 20.0
AH absolute temperature or deviation for high temperature alarm 20.0 25.0 20.0 20.0
Ad temperature alarm delay 60 70 60 60
Table 5.g

EY= normal temperature
1 no defrost
2 defrost by time
3 heating output (reverse)
4 defrost with temp. control (d0= 4)

easy split parameter sets (EZY)

Par. Description models S-X (normal temperature) models Y-C (low temperature)
/4 select probe displayed 1 1 1 1 - - - -
/5 select °C/°F 0 0 0 0 - - - -
rd control differential 3.0 3.0 5.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 2.0
r1 minimum set point value -10.0 -15.0 -20.0 -30.0 -30.0 -30.0 -30.0 -30.0
r2 maximum set point value 15.0 20.0 20.0 40.0 20.0 20.0 30.0 40.0
r3 select direct/reverse operation 1 0 2 0
r4 night-time set point delta - - - - 5.0 5.0 2.0 4.0
c1 minimum time between consecutive compressor 3 5 0 6 4 5 3 6
c2 minimum compressor off time 2 4 0 4 2 3 0 5
d0 type of defrost 2 2 0 4 1 2 3 4
dl interval between defrosts 6 10 6 12 5 7 10 12
dt end defrost temperature set point/defrost temperature 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 4.0
threshold with temp. control
dP maximum defrost duration 40 40 40 40 20 40 10 50
d6 freeze control temperature display during defrost 1 1 1 1 - - - -
dC time base 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
A0 alarm and fan temperature differential 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
AL temperature alarm threshold/deviation 20.0 25.0 20.0 20.0 22.0 15.0 18.0 20.0
AH high temperature alarm threshold/deviation 20.0 25.0 20.0 20.0 22.0 25.0 20.0 25.0
Ad temperature alarm delay 60 70 60 60 20 40 30 25
A4 3rd input configuration - - - - 0 4 1 0
A7 digital input alarm delay - - - - 0 20 30 20
Ac set point dirty condenser alarm 55.0 50.0 70.0 55.0 55.0 55.0 55.0 55.0
AE dirty condenser alarm differential temperature 10.0 8.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0
Acd dirty condenser alarm delay 60 40 200 60 60 60 60 60
F0 enable evaporator fan control - - - - 1 0 1 0
F1 evaporator fan control set point - - - - 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
F2 stop evaporator fan if compressor off - - - - 1 1 1 1
F3 evaporator fan status during defrost - - - - 1 1 1 1
Fd post-dripping time - - - - 3 4 5 6
Table 5.h

EZY= normal temperature low temperature
1 no defrost defrost by hot gas
2 defrost by time automatic night-time set point variation from digital input
3 heating output (reverse) digital input alarm management
4 defrost with temp. control (d0= 4) defrost by temperature (d0=4)

easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 - rel. 3.4 - 28.04.2021 34

5.10 Troubleshooting
The following table shows a number of anomalous situations that may
occur on the various models.
The most frequent causes and corresponding checks are described:

problem cause checks

the compressor does not start (signalled by the • compressor delay set parameters c0, c1 and c2 and dd
compressor LED flashing) • defrost post dripping in progress
the temperature is over the set limits but there is alarm delay set parameters Ad, c6, d8
no alarm message and the buzzer, if fitted, does not
alarm IA is signalled (multifunction input) without the multifunction input generates an alarm when connection of the input and whether this is closed in
actually being active the contact opens normal operation
the alarm connected to the multifunction input is alarm delay set or parameter programming error 1. if A4=1
not detected 2. the status of digital input A7
the defrost is not activated • defrost duration too short (dP) parameters dP and dI and H1 for S models
• interval between defrosts dI=0: in this case the
defrost is not activated
the end defrost temperature is too low or the parameters dt and d/ (defrost probe)
evaporator temperature is too high
the manual defrost is not activated and the defrost compressor protection times set parameter d9 (select d9=1)
LED flashes
the high temperature alarm is shown after a defrost the alarm delay after defrost is too short or the alarm parameters d8 and AH
threshold is too low
the display remains frozen even after the defrost the ambient temperature has not yet reached the wait or reduce d8
set point or alternatively the time d8 has not elapsed
after modifying a parameter the controller continues the instrument has not updated the old value or turn the instrument off and on again or alternatively
working with the old values alternatively the parameter setting procedure has reprogram the parameters correctly
not been ended correctly by pressing the SET button
for 3 s
for C models, the fan does not start 1. a compressor and fan start delay has been set 1. parameter c0
2. if F0=1 (fan managed by fan controller) 2. parameters F0, F1, Fd, dd and d/
• the evaporator is “hot”: the evaporator 3. parameters F0, F2, dd and Fd
temperature can be read by selecting
parameter /d;
• dripping in progress;
• F1 (evaporator fan control set point) too low.
• post-dripping delay set
3. if F0=0
• F2=1 and the compressor is off
• dripping in progress
• post-dripping in progress
Table 5.i

35 easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 - rel. 3.4 - 28.04.2021

6.1 Easy technical specifications 6.2 easy compact technical specifications
power supply 230 Vac +10 /-15% 50/60 Hz; power supply (*) 230 Vac, -10+15 % 50/60 Hz;
(*) 115 Vac +10 /-15% 50/60 Hz 115 Vac, -10+15 % 50/60 Hz;
12 Vac 10/-15 %, 50/60 Hz class 2 12 Vdc ±10% or 12 Vac, ±10% 50/60 Hz (PJEZM*
12 Vdc (11…16 Vdc) class 2 only, without AUX relay);
rated power 1.5 VA rated power 0.5 VA
inputs (*) NTC or PTC probes, 1 or 3 inputs. Digital input as alternative inputs (*) NTC or PTC probes, 1 or 2 inputs
to third probe relay output (*) 2HP relay:
relay outputs (*) UL: 12A 10 FLA 60 LRA 250 Vac 30000 cycles;
PJEZ PQEZ EN60730-1: 10(10)A 250Vac 100000 cycles (**);
2 HP UL: 12 A Res. 12 FLA 72 LRA - 240 Vac (***), UL60730: 12 A Res. 8 FLA 48 LRA - 240 Vac, 16A relay
relay UL: 12 A Res. 10 FLA 60 LRA - 240 Vac (****) EN60730: 10(6) A 250 Vac UL: 12A resistive 5FLA, 30LRA 250Vac 30000 cyc.
EN60730-1: 10(10) A 250 Vac (**)
16 A UL: 12 A Res. 5 FLA 30 LRA - 240 Vac C300, UL60730: 12 A Res. 5 FLA 30 LRA - 240 Vac C300,
EN60730-1: 12(2)A or 10(4)A (N.O. only) 250VAC
relay EN60730-1: 12(2) A NO/NC, 10(4) A up to 60 °C NO, EN60730: 12(2) A NO 100k cycles, 12(2)A NC 30k 100000 cycles;
2(2) A CO - 250 Vac cycles, 2(2) A CO 30k cycles - 250 Vac Type of probe (*) Std CAREL NTC 10 KΩ at 25 °C
8A UL: 8 A Res. 2 FLA 12 LRA - 240 Vac C300, UL60730: 8 A Res. 2 FLA 12 LRA - 240 Vac C300, Std CAREL PTC 985 Ω at 25 °C
relay EN60730-1: 8(4) A NO, 6(4) A NC, 2(2)A CO - 250 Vac EN60730: 8(3) A NO, 6(3) A NC, 2(2) A CO - 250 Vac Power supply/relay screw terminals, 5 mm pitch for cables with cross-
30 A UL: 16 A Res. 16 FLA 96 LRA - 240 Vac (**) UL60730: 12 A Res. 12 FLA 72 LRA - 240 Vac output connector (*) sect. from 0.5 mm2 to 1.5 mm2; 12A max;
relay EN60730-1: 20(10) A 250 Vac (**) EN60730: 12(10) A 250 Vac plug-in terminals, 5.08 mm pitch for screw blocks
UL: 12 A Res. 12 FLA 72 LRA - 240 Vac
or with crimped contacts for cables with cross-
EN60730-1: 12(10) A 250 Vac
5A UL: 5 A Res. 1 FLA 6 LRA - 240 Vac C300, UL60730: 5 A Res. 1 FLA 6 LRA - 240 Vac C300, sect. from 0.5 mm2 up to 2.5 mm2; 12A max;
relay EN60730-1: 5(1) A - 250 Vac EN60730: 5(1) A - 250 Vac Probe connector (*) screw terminals:
probe type (*) Std CAREL NTC 10 KΩ at 25 °C - 2 pin, 5 mm pitch for models with 1 probe
Std CAREL PTC 985 Ω at 25 °C (cable cross-section from 0.5 mm2 to 1.5 mm2);
connections screw terminals for cables with cross-sect. from 0.5 mm2 12A max;
(*) to 1.5 mm2. Plug-in terminals for screw blocks or with - 3 pin, 3.81 mm pitch for models with 2 probes
crimped contacts (cable cross-sect. up to 2.5 mm2). (cable cross-section from 0.08 mm2 to 1.5 mm2);
Maximum rated current per terminal 12 A. 6A max;
assembly (*) terminal: using screws from the front or with rear brackets plug-in terminals for screw blocks or with
display 3 digit LED display with sign, -199 to 999 and decimal crimped contact:-
point; six status LEDs 2 pin, 5.08 mm pitch for models with 1 probe
operating conditions -10T50 °C - humidity <90% RH non- (cable cross-section from 0.5 mm2 to 1.5 mm2);
condensing 12A max;
storage conditions -20T70 °C - humidity <90% RH non- - 3 pin, 3.81 mm pitch for models with 2 probes
condensing (cable cross-section from 0.08 mm2 to 1.5 mm2);
detection range -50T90 °C (-58T194 °F) - resolution 0.1 °C/°F 8 A max;
front panel index of protection panel installation with IP65 gasket Serial connector 1 connector for the network of supervisor
case plastic terminal, 81x36x65 mm
connection or for the parameter programming
classification according to Class 2 when suitably integrated
protection against electric shock key (only on the models where featured);
environmental pollution normal Assembly using screws from the front or with rear brackets
PTI of the insulating materials 250 V Display LED display, 2 digits plus sign, decimal point and
period of stress across the long compressor icon
insulating parts Keypad 3 membrane buttons
category of resistance to heat category D (UL94 - V0) Table 6.b
and fire
immunity against voltage surges category 1 (*) The features shown depend on the model.
type of action and 1 C relay contacts (**) Minimum T OFF between two starts must be greater than 1 min.
no. of relay automatic EN60730: 100,000 operations 74
operating cycles (*) UL: 30,000 operations (250 Vac)
software class and structure Class A

cleaning the instrument only use neutral detergents and water


max. cable length 1 km serial; 30 m probes; 10 m relay

Table 6.a 81 31 10
38,29 3
(*) The features shown depend on the model.
(**) Minimum T OFF between two starts must be greater than 1 min. 71x29
(***) only for models PJEZ (M, S, X) *.
(****) only for models PJEZ (C, Y) *.
Fig. 6.b
Warning: do not run the power cable less than 3 cm from the bottom
of the device or the probes; for the connections, only use copper wires.


65,29 3


Fig. 6.a

easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 - rel. 3.4 - 28.04.2021 36

6.3 easy split technical specifications
power supply (*) 230 Vac +10/-15%, 50/60 Hz;
115 Vac +10/-15%, 50/60 Hz
power input (controller only) 7 VA: 30 mA~ at 230 Vac;
7 VA: 60 mA~ at 115Vac
inputs 2 probe inputs, NTC (-50T90°C) or HT NTC(-40T150°C);
1 digital input as alternative to third probe
relay outputs (***) RL1: EN60730-1: 12(10)A 250Vac 100000 cycles,
UL: 16A Res. 16FLA 96LRA 250Vac (**) 30000 cycles
RL4: EN60730-1: 12(10)A 250Vac 100000 cycles,
UL: 12A Res. 12FLA 72LRA 250Vac (**) 30000 cycles
RL3, RL2: EN60730-1: 12(2)A 250Vac 100000 cycles (N.O. contact only),
UL: 12A Res. 2FLA 12LRA 250Vac (**) 30000 cycles
type of probe Std CAREL NTC 10kΩ ±1% at 25°C
Std CAREL NTC-HT 50kΩ ±1% at 25°C
connections - input/output signals: screw terminals with cables from 0.5 to 1.5 mm2 ;
- faston terminals: recommended cable cross-section 2.5 mm2 for current ratings up to 16 A;
- use:
- cables with max. operating temperature at least 90 °C;
- fully insulated faston terminals with max. operating temperature at least 100 °C;
- power supply: cable cross-section 2.5 mm2 for current ratings up to 16 A and 4 mm2 for current ratings up
to 24 A;
- earth connections: see the instructions about power supply connections.
PJEZ*8**4* (without plastic case): maximum supply current 24 A
PJEZ*8**5* (with plastic case): maximum supply current 16 A
assembly - terminal: using screws from front panel or with rear brackets
- power board: on models PJEZ*8**5* supplied with plastic case
display 3 digit LED display with sign -199 to 199 and decimal point, 6 status LEDs
operating conditions PJEZ*8**4* (without plastic case):- PJEZ*8**5* (with plastic case):
- 10T60°C for power board; - 10T50°C for power board;
- 10T60°C for display; humidity <90% RH non- - 10T60°C for display; humidity <90% RH non-
condensing. condensing.
storage conditions -20T70°C, humidity <90% RH non-condensing
range of measurement - NTC probe: -50T90°C(-58T194°F), resolution 0.1 °C/°F
- NTC-HT probe: -40T150°C(-40T302°F), resolution 0.1 °C/°F
index of protection - display (front): IP65
- box-mounted power board: IP00
dimensions plastic terminal: 81x36x38.29 mm
power board: plastic box 190x140x70 mm
classification according to protection against electric class 1
environmental pollution grade 3
PTI of insulating materials 250 V
period of stress across the insulating parts long
category of resistance to heat and fire category D (UL94 – V0)
immunity against voltage surges category 3
type of action and disconnection 1C relay contacts
construction of the control device integrated electronic control device
no. of relay automatic operating cycles EN60730-1: 100000 operations;UL873: 30000 operations.
software class and structure class A
cleaning only use neutral detergents and water
max cable length serial: 1 km; probes/digital inputs: 10 m; relay: 10 m
conformity EN60730-1, EN61000-6-1, EN61000-6-2, EN61000-6-3, EN61000-6-4, EN61000-4-2, EN61000-4-3,
EN61000-4-4, EN61000-4-5, EN61000-4-6, EN61000-4-11
Table 6.c
*) The features shown depend on the model.
(**) Minimum T OFF between two starts must be greater than 1 min.
(***) Conformity to UL873 only corresponds to models without plastic case.

Terminal Power board

36 8.5
103.5 5


81 31
38,29 5


Fig. 6.c RL1 RL4 RL3 RL2


Fig. 6.d

37 easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 - rel. 3.4 - 28.04.2021

6.4 Electromagnetic compatibility
The easy and easy compact series is compliant with the EU standards on
electromagnetic compatibility:
• for household appliances EN 55014-2 and EN 55014-1;
• for residential, commercial and light industrial environments EN 50082-
1 and EN 50081-1;
• for industrial environments EN 50082-2 and EN 50082-1;
• as regards safety, the devices are compliant with standards EN60730-1
and EN60730-2-9.

6.5 Flammable refrigerant gases

The PJEZ models of easy series use components and, more specifically,
electromechanical relays tested in accordance to UL 60079-15 ed. 4 / ISA
12.12.01:2013 (Sealed or Enclosed Break Device). Acceptability of these
relays in end use application where flammable refrigerants are employed
shall be reviewed and judged in the end use application.

For use of PQEZ models of easy series with flammable refrigerant gases,
the controllers have been evaluated and judged compliant with the
following requirements of IEC 60335 series standards:
• Annex CC of IEC 60335-2-24:2010 referenced by clause 22.109 and
Annex BB of IEC 60335-2-89:2010 referenced by clause 22.108;
components that produce arcs or sparks during normal operation
have been tested and found to comply with the requirements in UL/
IEC 60079-15;
• IEC/EN/UL 60335-2-24 (clauses 22.109, 22.110) for household
refrigerators and freezers
• IEC/EN/UL 60335-2-40 (clauses 22.116, 22.117) for electrical heat
pumps, air-conditioners and dehumidifiers
• IEC/EN/UL 60335-2-89 (clauses 22.108, 22.109) for commercial
refrigerated appliances

The controllers have been verified for the maximum temperatures of all
components, which during the tests required by IEC 60335 cl. 11 and 19
do not exceed 272 ° C.

Acceptability of these controllers in end use application where flammable

refrigerant gases are used shall be reviewed and judged in the end use

easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 - rel. 3.4 - 28.04.2021 38

easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 - rel. 3.4 - 28.04.2021

Agenzia / Agency:


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