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Electronic controller for food storage and display units



+0300100EN - ENG
Up to date version available on

CAREL bases the development of its products on decades of experience Fig. 1 Fig. 2
in HVAC, on continuous investments in technological innovations to prod-
ucts, procedures and strict quality processes with in-circuit and functional INFORMATION FOR USERS ON THE CORRECT HANDLING OF WASTE
testing on 100% of its products, and on the most innovative production ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT (WEEE)
technology available on the market. CAREL and its subsidiaries/affiliates The product is made up of metal parts and plastic parts. In reference to Eu-
nonetheless cannot guarantee that all the aspects of the product and the ropean Union directive 2002/96/EC issued on 27 January 2003 and related
software included with the product respond to the requirements of the national legislation, please note that:
final application, despite the product being developed according to start- • WEEE cannot be disposed of as municipal waste and such waste must
of-the-art techniques. The customer (manufacturer, developer or installer be collected and disposed of separately;
of the final equipment) accepts all liability and risk relating to the config- • the public or private waste collection systems defined by local legisla-
uration of the product in order to reach the expected results in relation tion must be used. In addition, the equipment can be returned to the
to the specific final installation and/or equipment. CAREL may, based on distributor at the end of its working life when buying new equipment;
specific agreements, act as a consultant for the successful commissioning • the equipment may contain hazardous substances: the improper use or
of the final unit/application, however in no case does it accept liability for incorrect disposal of such may have negative effects on human health
the correct operation of the final equipment/system. The CAREL product and on the environment;
is a state-of-the-art product, whose operation is specified in the technical • the symbol (crossed-out wheeled bin) shown on the product or on the
documentation supplied with the product or can be downloaded, even packaging and on the technical leaflet indicates that the equipment has
prior to purchase, from the website Each CAREL product, been introduced onto the market after 13 August 2005 and that it must
in relation to its advanced level of technology, requires setup/configura- be disposed of separately;
tion/programming/commissioning to be able to operate in the best pos- • in the event of illegal disposal of electrical and electronic waste, the
sible way for the specific application. Failure to complete such operations, penalties are specified by local waste disposal legislation.
which are required/indicated in the user manual, may cause the final prod- Warranty on materials: 2 years (from production date, excluding consum-
uct to malfunction; CAREL accepts no liability in such cases. Only qualified ables).
personnel may install or carry out technical service on the product. The Approval: the quality and safety of CAREL S.p.A. products are guaranteed
customer must only use the product in the manner described in the doc- by the ISO 9001 certified design and production system.
umentation relating to the product. In addition to observing any further
warnings described in this manual, the following warnings must be heed-
ed for all CAREL products: & SIGNAL
• prevent the electronic circuits from getting wet. Rain, humidity and TOGETHER
all types of liquids or condensate contain corrosive minerals that may READ CAREFULLY IN THE TEXT!
damage the electronic circuits. any case, the product should be used or Separate as much as possible the probe and digital input cables from
stored in environments that comply with the temperature and humidity cables to inductive loads and power cables, so as to avoid possible
limits specified in the manual; electromagnetic disturbance. Never run power cables (including the
• do not install the device in particularly hot environments. Too high tem- electrical panel cables) and signal cables in the same conduits.
peratures may reduce the life of electronic devices, damage them and
deform or melt the plastic parts. In any case, the product should be used Key to the symbols:
or stored in environments that comply with the temperature and hu- Caution: to bring critical issues to the attention of those using the product.
midity limits specified in the manual;
Notice: to focus attention on important topics; in particular the practical
• do not attempt to open the device in any way other than described in application of the various product functions.
the manual. Caution: this product is to be integrated and/or incorporated into the
• do not drop, hit or shake the device, as the internal circuits and mecha- final apparatus or equipment. Verification of conformity to the laws and
nisms may be irreparably damaged; technical standards in force in the country where the final apparatus or
• do not use corrosive chemicals, solvents or aggressive detergents to equipment will be operated is the manufacturer’s responsibility. Before
clean the device; delivering the product, Carel has already completed the checks and tests
• do not use the product for applications other than those specified in the required by the relevant European directives and harmonised standards,
using a typical test setup, which however cannot be considered as repre-
technical manual.
senting all possible conditions of the final installation.

All of the above suggestions likewise apply to the controllers, serial cards,
programming keys or any other accessory in the CAREL product portfolio.
CAREL adopts a policy of continual development. Consequently, CAREL HACCP: CAUTION
reserves the right to make changes and improvements to any product
described in this document without prior warning. The technical speci-
fications shown in the manual may be changed without prior warning.
The liability of CAREL in relation to its products is specified in the CAR- Food Safety programs based on procedures such as HACCP and, more
EL general contract conditions, available on the website generally, certain national regulations, require that the devices used for
and/or by specific agreements with customers; specifically, to the extent food storage be periodically checked to ensure that measurement errors
where allowed by applicable legislation, in no case will CAREL, its employ- are within the limits allowed for the application used. Carel recommends
ees or subsidiaries/affiliates be liable for any lost earnings or sales, losses users to follow, for example, the indications of the European standard
of data and information, costs of replacement goods or services, damage “Temperature recorders and thermometers for the transport, storage
to things or people, downtime or any direct, indirect, incidental, actual, and distribution of chilled, frozen, deep-frozen/quick-frozen food and ice
punitive, exemplary, special or consequential damage of any kind whatso- cream - PERIODIC VERIFICATION”, EN 13486 - 2001 (or subsequent updates)
ever, whether contractual, extra-contractual or due to negligence, or any or similar regulations and provisions in force in the country in question.
other liabilities deriving from the installation, use or impossibility to use Further information can be found in the manual regarding the technical
the product, even if CAREL or its subsidiaries/affiliates are warned of the characteristics, correct installation and configuration of the product.
possibility of such damage.

iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022 Warnings 3


1. Introduction ............................................................... 7 7. Parameter table ....................................................... 84
1.1 Functions and main features .....................................................................7 7.1 Parameter table............................................................................................... 84
1.2 Models and accessories ................................................................................8 7.2 Configuring the iJF controller via the Applica app................... 92
2. Installation ............................................................... 13 8. Technical specifications ......................................... 94
2.1 Warnings ............................................................................................................. 13 8.1 Connector/cable table ............................................................................... 96
2.2 Small version for front panel mounting .......................................... 13
2.3 Small version with SPLIT mounting.................................................... 14 9. Alarms and signals .................................................. 97
2.4 Large version for front panel mounting .......................................... 16 9.1 Signals ................................................................................................................... 97
2.5 Large version with SPLIT mounting ................................................... 17 9.2 Types of alarms................................................................................................ 97
2.6 Small version with remote HMI terminal ........................................ 18 9.3 Alarm table ........................................................................................................ 98
2.7 Large version with remote HMI terminal ........................................ 20 9.4 Low and high temperature alarms LO and HI ............................. 99
2.8 Description of the terminals ................................................................... 21 9.5 HACCP alarms (HACCP = Hazard Analysis and Critical Control
2.9 Probe connections........................................................................................ 23 Point) ............................................................................................................................. 100
2.10 Connection diagrams ................................................................................. 24 9.6 Dirty condenser alarm ............................................................................. 101
2.11 Positioning inside the panel ................................................................... 24 9.7 Frost protection alarm ............................................................................. 101
2.12 Electrical installation .................................................................................... 24 9.8 Refrigerant leak alarm rSF ...................................................................... 102
2.13 Serial port connections .............................................................................. 25 9.9 Maintenance alarm.................................................................................... 102
2.14 Installation .......................................................................................................... 25 9.10 VCC compressor alarms with serial control ................................ 103

3. Configuration tools................................................. 26 10. Logs .........................................................................104

3.1 Spark: configuration and commissioning software ................. 26 10.1 Periodic logs................................................................................................... 104
3.2 Sparkly: command-line configuration and commissioning 10.2 Event log .......................................................................................................... 104
software .......................................................................................................................... 26 11. Appendix ................................................................105
3.3 Applica app and Controlla ....................................................................... 27 11.1 ir33 and IJ parameter compatibility table ................................... 105
3.4 Applica Desktop ............................................................................................. 27 11.2 Input/output configuration procedure ........................................ 107
4. User interface........................................................... 28 11.3 Setting the default parameters/loading the parameter sets ...
4.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 28 108
4.2 Models with user terminal or remote HMI..................................... 29 11.4 Copy configuration parameters ........................................................ 109
4.3 SPLIT models without user terminal .................................................. 33 11.5 Preparing and using the configurations ...................................... 109

5. Commissioning........................................................ 34 12. Release notes .........................................................110

5.1 Description of the initial configuration parameters................. 34
5.2 Set date/time and time bands .............................................................. 36
5.3 Checks after commissioning .................................................................. 36
6. Functions .................................................................. 37
6.1 ON/OFF ................................................................................................................ 37
6.2 Inputs and outputs ....................................................................................... 38
6.3 Digital inputs .................................................................................................... 40
6.4 Analogue outputs ......................................................................................... 43
6.5 Digital outputs ................................................................................................. 43
6.6 Control .................................................................................................................. 47
6.7 Control modes................................................................................................. 49
6.8 Night-time operation .................................................................................. 52
6.9 ECO operation ................................................................................................. 53
6.10 Continuous cycle ........................................................................................... 53
6.11 Custom set points ......................................................................................... 54
6.12 Compressor ...................................................................................................... 54
6.13 Compressor protection times ................................................................ 54
6.14 Variable capacity compressor (VCC) .................................................. 55
6.15 Pump down ...................................................................................................... 60
6.16 Defrost .................................................................................................................. 61
6.17 Evaporator fans ............................................................................................... 68
6.18 Condenser fans ............................................................................................... 72
6.19 Humidity management ............................................................................. 74
6.20 Light management....................................................................................... 77
6.21 Door management ....................................................................................... 77
6.22 Door - light interactions ............................................................................ 78
6.23 Curtain management.................................................................................. 78
6.24 Generic functions .......................................................................................... 79
6.25 Anti-sweat heater or fan ............................................................................ 81
6.26 Gasket heater ................................................................................................... 82
6.27 Drain heater....................................................................................................... 82
6.28 Temperature monitoring .......................................................................... 83
6.29 High and low voltage protection (HLVP) ....................................... 83

iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022 Index 5


iJF is the range of CAREL electronic controls designed for commercial refrigeration food storage and display applications. The
range comprises SMALL and LARGE formats, which differ in terms of the number of inputs/outputs and buttons available. Both
formats allow different mounting methods: FRONT PANEL mounting with built-in display or SPLIT mounting, with or without
REMOTE HMI DISPLAY. All models come with 115 - 230 Vac switching power supply and NFC (Near Field Communication) con-
nectivity. All standard iJF display interfaces use backlit buttons with a capacitive touch screen.
A vast catalogue of options for integration into the device is available across the entire iJF range:
• Bluetooth to interact in real time with the chiller and access the data logs stored on the controller. Bluetooth antenna for
connection to the Applica (service) and CONTROLLA apps (end user).
• Modbus over RS485 for connection to Carel or third-party supervisory systems (no external converter needed).
• VCC serial output to directly drive a VCC (variable capacity compressor) via serial link, without external adapters.
• Modulating outputs (0-10 V/PWM) to directly drive modulating loads such as frequency-controlled VCC compressors, dimma-
ble lights or variable-speed fans.
• Humidity input to directly read a 0-5 V ratiometric humidity probe.
• Safety package with compressor protection against high and low power supply voltages (HLVP) and zero crossing function
for the relays.
• RTC clock
• Different combinations of colours and keypads for the display.
The entire iJF range is integrated into the following CAREL support software and apps:
• Spark software for OEM technical departments; connection via RS485, BMS or port ID2 with specific converters.
• Applica Desktop software for OEM technical departments; connection via RS485, BMS or port ID2 with specific converters.
• Sparkly software for OEM production lines; connection via RS485.
• Applica app for technical service in the field; connection via NFC and BT.
• Controlla app for end users; connection via BT.

1.1 Functions and main features

The functions and most of the parameters available on the iJF range are mainly derived from the Carel ir33+ range. In addition
to these, the following functions have been added:
• Read/write parameters via NFC (replacing the programming key).
• Temperature control in the dead band.
• Defrost drain heater.
• Fan cycles to avoid air stratification.
• Fan management for humidity levels (no dedicated probe needed).
• Door gasket heater.
• High and low power supply voltage detection.
• Refrigeration system failure alarm (rSF).

The iJF range has been designed to offer maximum flexibility through the use of modular hardware.
Main features of the basic versions:
• SMALL models, 4 inputs and up to 4 relays.
• LARGE models, 5 inputs and up to 6 relays.
• panel mounting with built-in display.
• split version with remote display.
• split version without remote display.
• 115-230 Vac +-10% (90-264 Vac) switching power supply.
• NFC connectivity.

Fully-integrated options:
• Bluetooth (with real time clock).
• Real time clock.
• 1 RS485 serial port for supervisor with Modbus protocol.
• 1 VCC serial port (*).
• 2 modulating outputs (0-10V/PWM/VCC by frequency) (*).
• 1 x 0-5 V ratiometric input (*).
• Compressor protection against high and low power supply voltages (HLVP) and zero crossing function for the relays.
(*) versions are mutually exclusive

iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022 Introduction 7

1.2 Models and accessories
Below are the features of the iJF models, divided by format and mounting.
Each product group can be identified based on the first 6 digits of the part number; please contact CAREL for the complete part
numbers of the products available and the corresponding technical specifications.

1.2.1 SMALL controllers

FRONT PANEL mounting with built-in display
P/N (first 6 digits) Description
IJFPSA Basic features:
• switching power supply, 115-230 Vac with high and low voltage detection;
• NFC;
• 2 probe inputs, 1 digital input, 1 multifunction input;
• max 4 relays (2HP 8A 5A 5A);
• removable, screw or fast-on terminals;
• single or multiple pack;
• black or white faceplate (*);
• white or red digits (*);
• 6 backlit touch buttons.
(*) Different colours available on custom models.
Optional features:
• Bluetooth with RTC;
• RTC;
• 1 RS485 serial port for supervision.
Mutually-exclusive options:
• 1 VCC serial port;
• 2 modulating outputs (0-10V/PWM/VCC by frequency, selectable for each
• 1 x 0-5 V ratiometric input;
• 1 RS485 Fieldbus serial port (secondary Modbus protocol only).
Fig. 1.a Tab. 1.a

SPLIT mounting

P/N (first 6 digits) Description

IJFSSA Basic features:
• switching power supply, 115-230 Vac with high and low voltage detection;
• NFC;
• 2 probe inputs, 1 digital input, 1 multifunction input;
• max 4 relays (2HP 8A 5A 5A);
• removable, screw or faston terminals;
• single or multiple pack;
• JST connector at front for connection to remote display.
Optional features:
• Bluetooth with RTC;
• RTC;
• 1 RS485 serial port for supervision.
Mutually-exclusive options:
• 1 VCC serial port;
• 2 modulating outputs (0-10V/PWM/VCC by frequency, selectable for each
• 1 x 0-5 V ratiometric input;
• 1 RS485 Fieldbus serial port (secondary Modbus protocol only).

Fig. 1.b Tab. 1.b

Remote HMI terminal

P/N (first 6 digits) Description

300100 016 R01

IJFHSA Basic features:

• low voltage power supply from the controller;
• NFC;
• single or multiple pack;
• mini JST terminal for connection to the controller, fixed screw or remov-
• black or white faceplate (*);
• white or red digits (*);
• 6 backlit touch buttons.
(*) Different colours available on custom models.
Optional features:
• Bluetooth;
• 1 multifunction input, fixed screw or removable terminal.
Fig. 1.c Tab. 1.c

8 Introduction iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022

1.2.2 LARGE controllers
FRONT PANEL mounting with built-in display

Fig. 1.d
P/N (first 6 digits) Description
IJFPLA Basic features:
• switching power supply, 115-230 Vac with high and low voltage detection;
• NFC;
• 3 probe inputs, 1 digital input, 1 multifunction input;
• max 6 relays (2HP 16A 8A 8A 8A 8A or 30A 16A 8A 8A 8A 8A);
• removable, screw or faston terminals;
• single or multiple pack;
• black or white faceplate (*);
• white or red digits (*);
• 8 backlit touch buttons.
(*) Different colours available on custom models.
Optional features:
• Bluetooth with RTC;
• RTC;
• 1 RS485 serial port for supervision.
Mutually-exclusive options:
• 1 VCC serial port;
• 2 modulating outputs (0-10V/PWM/VCC by frequency, selectable for each output);
• 1 x 0-5 V ratiometric input;
• 1 RS485 Fieldbus serial port (secondary Modbus protocol only).
Tab. 1.d

SPLIT mounting

Fig. 1.e
P/N (first 6 digits) Description
IJFSLA Basic features:
• switching power supply, 115-230 Vac with high and low voltage detection;
• NFC;
• 2 probe inputs, 1 digital input, 1 multifunction input;
• max 6 relays (2HP 16A 8A 8A 8A 8A or 30A 16A 8A 8A 8A 8A);
• removable, screw or faston terminals;
• single or multiple pack;
• JST terminal at front for connection to remote display.
Optional features:
• Bluetooth with RTC;
• RTC;
• 1 RS485 serial port for supervision.
Mutually-exclusive options:
• 1 VCC serial port;
• 2 modulating outputs (0-10V/PWM/VCC by frequency, selectable for each output);
• 1 x 0-5 V ratiometric input;
• 1 RS485 Fieldbus serial port (secondary Modbus protocol only).
Tab. 1.e

iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022 Introduction 9

Remote HMI terminal

Fig. 1.f
P/N (first 6 digits) Description
IJFHLA Basic features:
• low voltage power supply from the controller;
• NFC;
• single or multiple pack;
• JST terminal for connection to the controller, fixed screw or removable;
• black or white faceplate (*);
• white or red digits (*);
• 8 backlit touch buttons.
(*) Different colours available on custom models.
Optional features:
• Bluetooth;
• 1 probe input, 1 digital input, 1 multifunction input, with fixed screw or removable terminals.
Tab. 1.f

1.2.3 Accessories
Notice: This list of ACCESSORY part numbers is updated as of the release date of this manual; please contact CAREL for any
additional part numbers available.

Connector kit
P/N Description

BXOPZB35002B1 removable connector kit, 2-pin, 3.5 mm pitch, black (10 pcs)
BXOPZB35003B1 removable connector kit, 3-pin, 3.5 mm pitch, black (10 pcs)
BXOPZB38102G1 removable connector kit, 2-pin, 3.81 mm pitch, green (10 pcs)
BXOPZB38104G1 removable connector kit, 4-pin, 3.81 mm pitch, green (10 pcs)
BXOPZB38105G1 removable connector kit, 5-pin, 3.81 mm pitch, green (10 pcs)
BXOPZB50802O1 removable connector kit, 2-pin, 5.08 mm pitch, orange (10 pcs)
BXOPZB50803G1 removable connector kit, 3-pin, 5.08 mm pitch, green (10 pcs)
BXOPZB50805G1 removable connector kit, 5-pin, 5.08mm pitch, green (10 pcs)
BXOPZB50807G1 removable connector kit, 7-pin, 5.08 mm pitch, green (10 pcs)
Fig. 1.g Tab. 1.g

Fixing brackets
P/N Description

BXOPZMBRC0002 Built-in version panel bracket kit, multiple pack (20 pcs)
ACS00CK001602 panel bracket kit for HMI version multiple pack (20 pcs)
Tab. 1.h

Fig. 1.h

P/N Description
BXOPZC3000050 3-wire cable jst mini/free end 50 cm (1 pc)
BXOPZC3S00250 3-wire cable jst mini/free end shielded 250 cm (1 pc)
Tab. 1.i


Fig. 1.i

10 Introduction iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022

Cables for HMI display
P/N Description
BXOPZC4000150 4-wire cable jst mini/jst mini 150cm (1 pc)
BXOPZC4000300 4-wire cable jst mini/jst mini 300cm (1 pc)
BXOPZC4010300 4-wire cable jst mini/free end 300 cm (1 pc)
Tab. 1.j


Fig. 1.j

Cables for VCC compressor inverters

P/N Description
BXOPZC30E0100 3-pin mini JST/free end shielded cable for Embraco inverter, 100 cm
(1 pc)
BXOPZC30E0104 3-pin mini JST/free end shielded cable for Embraco inverter, 100 cm
(40 pc)
BXOPZC30S0100 3-pin mini JST/free end shielded cable for Secop inverter, 100 cm (1 pc)
Tab. 1.k


Fig. 1.k

Adapter kits
P/N Description
BXOPZC4020010 4-wire cable JST mini/remuvable adapter 10cm (1 pc)
Tab. 1.l


Fig. 1.l

P/N Description
BXOPZIOWD0000 USB/1-wire converter for Digital Input (DI2)
BXOPZI4850000 RS485 converter for TTL serial port
CVSTDUMOR0 USB/RS485 converter
Tab. 1.m

Fig. 1.m

P/N Description
BXOPZMGKS0001 Gasket for rear mounting - Split Small (10 pcs)
BXOPZMGKl0001 Gasket for rear mounting - Split Large (10 pcs)
Tab. 1.n

Fig. 1.n

iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022 Introduction 11

1.2.4 Temperature sensors
P/N Type Description Range
NTC***HP0* 10 kΩ±1%@25°C, Temperature probe -50 to 50°C
IP67 β 3435 (105°C in air)
NTC***HF01 10 kΩ±1%@25°C, Evaporator outlet -50 to 90°C strap-on
IP67 β 3435 temperature probe
PT1060HP01 PT1000 Temperature probe -50T105°C in air
Class B, IP67
PT1***HF01 PT1000 Evaporator outlet 50T105°C in air
Class B, IP67 temperature probe
DPRC* NTC 10KΩ@25°C Ambient temperature -10T60°C -
β3435 - 0...5 Vdc and humidity probe 10...90% U.R
Tab. 1.o
Fig. 1.o

Notice: see manuals +040010025 (ITA- ENG) /+040010026 (FRE-GER) for guidelines on installing the sensors on the unit.

Installation example with one evaporator 300100_027_R01

Sm E


P/N Description
Sr Sm Outlet probe
Sr Intake probe
Sd Defrost probe
E Evaporator
Fig. 1.p Tab. 1.p

12 Introduction iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022


2.1 Warnings
Caution: avoid installing the controller in environments with the following characteristics:
• temperature and humidity that do not comply with the ambient operating conditions (see “Technical specifications”);
• strong vibrations or knocks;
• exposure to water sprays or condensate;
• exposure to aggressive and polluting atmospheres (e.g.: sulphur and ammonia gases, saline mist, smoke) which may cause
corrosion and/or oxidation;
• strong magnetic and/or radio frequency interference (thus avoid installation near transmitting antennae);
• exposure to direct sunlight and the elements in general;
• wide and rapid fluctuations in ambient temperature;
• exposure of the controller to dust (formation of corrosive patina with possible oxidation and reduction of insulation);

2.2 Small version for front panel mounting

2.2.1 Dimensions mm (inch)
28,5 (1.22)

max 95,5 (3.76)

84,80 (3.34) 3,8 (0.15)
75,2 (2.96)
39,6 (1.56)

79 (3.11)

70,5 (2.76)

71 (2.80)
29 (1.14)

dima di foratura
drilling template


Fig. 2.a

2.2.2 Assembly
Caution: before carrying out any maintenance, disconnect the controller from the power supply by moving the main sys-
tem switch to “off ”.

optional = H<2 (0.08)
mandatory = H >2 (0.08)


H= 0,8-2,5 (0.03-0.10)

Fig. 2.b

1. Place the controller in the opening, pressing lightly on the side anchoring tabs.
2. Then press on the front until fully inserted (the side tabs will bend, and the catches will attach the controller to the panel, up
to a maximum thickness of 2 mm).
3. If necessary, fit the fixing brackets.

iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022 Installation 13

Caution: IP65 front protection is guaranteed only if the following conditions are met:
• maximum deviation of the rectangular opening from flat surface: ≤ 0.5 mm (0.02 in);
• thickness of the electrical panel sheet metal: 0.8-2 mm (0.03-0.1 in); for thicknesses from 2-2.5 mm (0.08-0.10 in), the optional
fixing brackets are required;
• maximum roughness of the surface where the gasket is applied: ≤ 120 μm.

Notice: the thickness of the sheet metal (or material) used to make the electrical panel must be adequate to ensure safe and
stable mounting of the product (0.8-2.5 mm / 0.03-0.10 in).

2.2.3 Removal
Caution: before carrying out any maintenance, disconnect the controller from the power supply by moving the main system
switch to “off ”.

3 2


Fig. 2.c

Open the electrical panel and from the rear:

1. remove the fixing brackets (if fitted);
2. gently press the side anchoring tabs on the controller;
3. exert slight pressure on the controller until it is removed.

2.3 Small version with SPLIT mounting

2.3.1 Dimensions - mm (in)
98 86,9 (a seconda del modello)
14,9 10,3 R 2,2 76,8


14,5 71 12,5 115







Fig. 2.d

14 Installation iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022

2.3.2 Assembly
Caution: before carrying out any maintenance, disconnect the controller from the power supply by moving the main sys-
tem switch to “off ”.







Fig. 2.e

1. Place the gasket on the front of the controller (for surface mounting only);
2. Place the controller over the drilling template or in the fixing position;
3. Tighten the fixing screws or insert the clips into the holes provided, as shown in the figure.

Caution: IP20 or IP45 front protection (with or without user interface connected, respectively) is guaranteed only if the
following conditions are met:
• maximum deviation of the rectangular opening from flat surface: ≤ 0.5 mm (0.02 in);
• maximum roughness of the surface where the gasket is applied: ≤ 120 μm.

Notice: the thickness of the sheet metal (or material) used to make the electrical panel must be adequate to ensure safe and
stable mounting of the product (0.8-2.5 mm / 0.03-0.10 in).

2.3.3 Removal
Caution: before carrying out any maintenance, disconnect the controller from the power supply by moving the main sys-
tem switch to “off ”.

Open the electrical panel and from the rear:

1. unscrew the fixing screws or remove the clips.

iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022 Installation 15

2.4 Large version for front panel mounting
2.4.1 Dimensions - mm (in)
163,2 (6.43) max 84,2 (3.31)
71,9 (2.83)

39,6 (1.56)
138,5 (5.45)

29 (1.14)
dima di foratura
drilling template


Fig. 2.f

2.4.2 Assembly
Caution: before carrying out any maintenance, disconnect the controller from the power supply by moving the main sys-
tem switch to “off ”.


1 optional = H<2 (0.08)
H= 0,8-2,5
(0.03-0.10) mandatory = H >2 (0.08)

Fig. 2.g
1. Place the controller in the opening, pressing lightly on the side anchoring tabs.
2. Then press on the front until fully inserted (the side tabs will bend, and the catches will attach the controller to the panel, up
to a maximum thickness of 2 mm).
3. If necessary, fit the fixing brackets.

Caution: IP65 or IP43 front protection (with or without fixing brackets, respectively) is guaranteed only if the following
conditions are met:
• maximum deviation of the rectangular opening from flat surface: ≤ 0.5 mm (0.02 in);
• thickness of the electrical panel sheet metal: 0.8-2 mm (0.03-0.1 in); for thicknesses from 2-2.5 mm (0.08-0.10 in), the optional
fixing brackets are required;
• maximum roughness of the surface where the gasket is applied: ≤ 120 μm.

Notice: the thickness of the sheet metal (or material) used to make the electrical panel must be adequate to ensure safe and
stable mounting of the product (0.8-2.5 mm / 0.03-0.10 in).

2.4.3 Removal
Caution: before carrying out any maintenance, disconnect the controller from the power supply by moving the main sys-
tem switch to “off ”.
Open the electrical panel and from the rear:
1. remove the fixing brackets (if fitted);
2. gently press the side anchoring tabs on the controller;
3. exert slight pressure on the controller until it is removed.

16 Installation iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022

2.5 Large version with SPLIT mounting
2.5.1 Dimensions - mm (in)
86,49 ()
165 ()
74 ()

77,4 ()
89,9 ()

R=2,2 ()

4 ()
38,8 ()
26,8 ()



5 ()

158 ()
165 ()
182 ()

138,25 ()
28,95 ()

13,38 ()

165 () 300100_040_R01

Fig. 2.h

2.5.2 Assembly
Caution: before carrying out any maintenance, disconnect the controller from the power supply by moving the main sys-
tem switch to “off ”.




Ø6 Ø4


Fig. 2.i

iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022 Installation 17

1. Place the gasket on the front of the controller (for surface mounting only);
2. Place the controller over the drilling template or in the fixing position;
3. Tighten the fixing screws or insert the clips into the holes provided, as shown in the figure.

Caution: IP20 or IP45 front protection (with or without user interface connected, respectively) is guaranteed only if the
following conditions are met:
Maximum deviation of the rectangular opening from flat surface: ≤ 0.5 mm (0.02 in);
Maximum roughness of the surface where the gasket is applied: ≤ 120 μm.

Notice: the thickness of the sheet metal (or material) used to make the electrical panel must be adequate to ensure safe and
stable mounting of the product (0.8-2.5 mm / 0.03-0.10 in).

2.5.3 Removal
Caution: before carrying out any maintenance, disconnect the controller from the power supply by moving the main sys-
tem switch to “off ”.
Open the electrical panel and from the rear:
1. unscrew the fixing screws or remove the clips.

2.6 Small version with remote HMI terminal

2.6.1 Dimensions - mm (in)
84,8 (3.34) 27 (1.06)

22,2 3,8 ()
28,5 (1.12)
39,6 (1,56)

24,9 (0.98)

29,7 (1.17)
70,5 (2.77)

71 (2.80)
29 (1.14)

dima di foratura
drilling template


Fig. 2.j

2.6.2 Assembly
Caution: before carrying out any maintenance, disconnect the controller from the power supply by moving the main sys-
tem switch to “off ”.

1 optional = H<2 (0.08)

mandatory = H >2 (0.08)


H= 0,8-2,5 (0.03-0.10) 300100_043_R01

Fig. 2.k

18 Installation iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022

1. Place the controller in the opening, pressing lightly on the side anchoring tabs.
2. Then press on the front until fully inserted (the side tabs will bend, and the catches will attach the controller to the panel, up
to a maximum thickness of 2 mm).
3. If necessary, fit the fixing brackets.

Caution: IP65 front protection is guaranteed only if the following conditions are met:
Maximum deviation of the rectangular opening from flat surface: ≤ 0.5 mm (0.02 in);
Thickness of the electrical panel sheet metal: 0.8-2 mm (0.03-0.1 in); for thicknesses from 2-2.5 mm (0.08-0.10 in), the optional
fixing brackets are required;
Maximum roughness of the surface where the gasket is applied: ≤ 120 μm.

Notice: the thickness of the sheet metal (or material) used to make the electrical panel must be adequate to ensure safe and
stable mounting of the product (0.8-2.5 mm / 0.03-0.10 in).

2.6.3 Removal
Caution: before carrying out any maintenance, disconnect the controller from the power supply by moving the main sys-
tem switch to “off ”.
Open the electrical panel and from the rear:
1. remove the fixing brackets (if fitted);
2. gently press the side anchoring tabs on the controller;
3. exert slight pressure on the controller until it is removed.

2.6.4 HMI connection

Caution: disconnect the controller before carrying out any maintenance.

JST ZH connector
HMI +V +

Plug-in male-female/ + +V
Screw connector max 10 m (32.8 ft)


+ +V

Fig. 2.l

Open the electrical panel and from the rear:

1. using a screwdriver, remove the rubber protection from the front of the Split controller;
2. connect the 4-wire cable to the mini JST connector on the controller;
3. connect the 4-wire cable to the mini JST or screw/removable connector on the user interface.

Caution: for HMIs with screw or removable terminals, respect the order of the wiring.

Notice: see “Introduction” for the cable part numbers.

iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022 Installation 19

2.7 Large version with remote HMI terminal
2.7.1 Dimensions - mm (in)
163,2 (6.42)
27,6 (1,09)

22,2 4,6 (0.18)


39,6 (1.56)

28,5 (1.12)
24,9 (0.98)

29,7 (1.17)

137,4 (5.41)

138,5 (5.45)

29 (1.14)

dima di foratura
drilling template


Fig. 2.m

2.7.2 Assembly
Caution: before carrying out any maintenance, disconnect the controller from the power supply by moving the main sys-
tem switch to “off ”.
1. Place the controller in the opening, pressing lightly on the side anchoring tabs.
2. Then press on the front until fully inserted (the side tabs will bend, and the catches will attach the controller to the panel, up
to a maximum thickness of 2 mm).
3. If necessary, fit the fixing brackets.

Caution: IP65 or IP43 front protection (with or without fixing brackets, respectively) is guaranteed only if the following
conditions are met:
• maximum deviation of the rectangular opening from flat surface: ≤ 0.5 mm (0.02 in);
• thickness of the electrical panel sheet metal: 0.8-2 mm (0.03-0.1 in); for thicknesses from 2-2.5 mm (0.08-0.10 in), the optional
fixing brackets are required;
• maximum roughness of the surface where the gasket is applied: ≤ 120 μm.

Notice: the thickness of the sheet metal (or material) used to make the electrical panel must be adequate to ensure safe and
stable mounting of the product (0.8-2.5 mm / 0.03-0.10 in).

2.7.3 Removal
Caution: before carrying out any maintenance, disconnect the controller from the power supply by moving the main
system switch to “off ”.
Open the electrical panel and from the rear:
1. remove the fixing brackets (if fitted);
2. gently press the side anchoring tabs on the controller;
3. exert slight pressure on the controller until it is removed.

20 Installation iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022

2.7.4 Remote HMI terminal connection
Caution: before carrying out any maintenance, disconnect the controller from the power supply
by moving the main system switch to “off ”.

JST ZH connector
HMI +V +

or... Tx/Rx
max 10 m (32.8 ft)
+ +V

Plug-in male-female/Screw connector


+ +V
GND Tx/Rx 300100_046_R01

Fig. 2.n

Open the electrical panel and from the rear:

1. using a screwdriver, remove the rubber protection from the front of the Split controller;
2. connect the 4-wire cable to the mini JST connector on the controller;
3. connect the 4-wire cable to the mini JST or screw/removable connector on the user interface.

Caution: for HMIs with screw or removable terminals, respect the order of the wiring.

Notice: see “Introduction” for the cable part numbers.

2.8 Description of the terminals

Small model

Model with 3x2 poles input terminals Model with 5x1 poles input terminals
opt. 10 opt. 07 opt. 06 opt. 04 opt. 02 or S3 opt. 01
BMS 0-5Vrat

J9 J10 J9 Tx/Rx
or S3

BMS 0-10V


Y1 Y1


+ +V


5V J7
Y2 Y2



J3a L N








J3 J3 J2
100-240 Vac
J5 J5 J5 J5

Fig. 2.o
Ref. Description Ref. Description
J1 L J5 - BMS serial port (RS485): Rx-/Tx-
Power supply
N + BMS serial port (RS485): Rx+/Tx+
J2 NO1 Digital output (relay) 1 O BMS serial port (RS485): GND
C1 Common for relay 1 J7 - VCC serial port: Rx-/Tx-
NO2 Digital output (relay) 2 + VCC serial port: Rx+/Tx+
NO3 Digital output (relay) 3 O VCC serial port: GND
NO4 Digital output (relay) 4 J9 Y1 Analogue output 1
J3, S1 Analogue input 1 (NTC, PTC or PT1000, NTC_HT and NTC_LT) O GND: analogue output reference
J3a, S2 Analogue input 2 (NTC, PTC or PT1000, NTC_HT and NTC_LT) Y2 Analogue output 2
J3b DI1 Digital input 1/Analogue input 3 O GND: analogue output reference
(NTC, PTC or PT1000, NTC_HT and NTC_LT)
DI2 Digital input 2 J10 5V Ratiometric probe power supply
GND GND: reference for probes, digital inputs and analogue outputs S5 Analogue input 5 (ratiometric probe)
J4 Tx/Rx TTL port: Tx/Rx
Dir TTL port: Dir
+V TTL port: +V
O TTL port: GND Tab. 2.q

iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022 Installation 21

Large model
opt. 10 opt. 07 opt. 06 opt. 04 opt. 02 opt. 01

BMS 0-5Vrat
J9 J10 J9
or S3

BMS 0-10V
0-10V Y1 Y1 Tx/Rx


+ +V


Y2 Y2 J7
S5 +V












J3a J3b J2a J2b J2c J2d
J5 J5 J5 J5 100-240 Vac

Fig. 2.p
Ref. Description Ref. Description
J1 L J4 Tx/Rx TTL port: Tx/Rx
Power supply
N Dir TTL port: Dir
J2a NO1 Digital output (relay) 1 O TTL port: GND
C1 Common for relay 1.2 +V TTL port: +V
NO2 Digital output (relay) 2 J5 - BMS serial port (RS485): Rx-/Tx-
J2b C3 Common for relay 3.4 + BMS serial port (RS485): Rx+/Tx+
NO3 Digital output (relay) 3 O BMS serial port (RS485): GND
NO4 Digital output (relay) 4 J7 - VCC serial port: Rx-/Tx-
J2c NO5 Digital output (relay) 5 + VCC serial port: Rx+/Tx+
C5 Common for relay 5 O VCC serial port: GND
J2d C6 Common for relay 6 J9 Y1 Analogue output 1
NC6 Digital output (relay) 6, normally-closed contact O GND: analogue output reference
NO6 Digital output (relay) 6, normally-open contact Y2 Analogue output 2
j3a S1 Analogue input 1 (NTC, PTC, PT1000, NTC_HT and NTC_LT) O GND: analogue output reference
S2 Analogue input 2 (NTC, PTC, PT1000, NTC_HT and NTC_LT) J10 5V Ratiometric probe power supply
GND GND: reference for probes, digital inputs and analogue outputs S5 Analogue input 5 (ratiometric probe)
DI1 Digital input 1/Analogue input 3
(NTC, PTC, PT1000, NTC_HT and NTC_LT)
j3b DI2 Digital input 2
GND GND: reference for probes, digital inputs and analogue outputs
S4 Analogue input 4 (NTC, PTC, PT1000, NTC_HT and NTC_LT) Tab. 2.r

Plug-in male-female/ Screw connector

J1H + +V or S1H


JST ZH connector

or S1H

+V +

Fig. 2.q

Smart model (IJFHS*)

Plug-in male-female/ Screw connector JST ZH connector

or S1H or S1H

+V +

Fig. 2.r
Ref. small Description
J1H, J1aH - HMI serial port: Rx-/Tx-
+ HMI serial port: Rx+/Tx+
O HMI serial port: GND
+V HMI serial port: power supply
J2H D1H HMI digital input 1/HMI analogue input 1 (NTC)
GND GND: reference for probes, HMI digital inputs
J3H GND GND: reference for probes, HMI digital inputs
S2H HMI analogue input 2 (NTC)
D2H HMI digital input 2
Tab. 2.s

22 Installation iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022

2.9 Probe connections
• the probe connections relate to the default parameter configuration;
• probes S1, S2, S3 can be configured as NTC, PTC, PT1000, NTC_HT or NTC_LT; probes S1H, S2H can only be configured as NTC;
• the temperature probes must all be the same type.

or S3



100-240 Vac

+V or S3







100-240 Vac

Fig. 2.s

RED 0-5Vrat





BMS 100-240 Vac

WHITE 300100_035_R01

shield BROWN

Fig. 2.t

iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022 Installation 23

2.10 Connection diagrams
Notice: the “Applica” app and the configuration tool (see the corresponding chapter) can be used to change the configura-
tion of the probes without needing to rewire or change the assignment of the relays to specific functions, thus taking advantage
of different capacities when needed.

2.10.1 Small model

Options: Option 04





100-240 Vac
220 mAarms max

1 2 1 2
L Correspondence of terminals
1 2 3 4 for serial connection (*)
EN60730 2 hp GND GND O
VCC 8(3) A 8(3) A 5(1) A 5(1) A
- O IN



UL 60730 16 A 8FLA
48 LRA
8 A 2FLA
12 LRA
5 A 1FLA
5 A 1FLA
L1/L L2/N L3 U V W
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
250 Vac 240 Vac 240 Vac 240 Vac + CIK OUT
Tab. 2.t
Fig. 2.u

2.10.2 Large model

Options: Option 04











1 2 1 2
PROBES DI DI 1 2 3 4 5 6

or S3 100-240 Vac
220 mAarms max
2 hp 30 A
EN60730 8(3) A 8(3) A 8(3) A 8(3) A 8(3) A
20(10) A 12(2) A






UL 60730 8 A 2FLA
12 LRA
8 A 2FLA
12 LRA
8 A 2FLA
12 LRA
8 A 2FLA
12 LRA
16 A 8FLA
48 LRA
16 A 16FLA
96 LRA
12 A 5FLA
30 LRA
250 Vac 250 Vac 250 Vac 250 Vac 250 Vac 250 Vac 250 Vac

L1/L L2/N L3 U V W
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Fig. 2.v

2.11 Positioning inside the panel

The position of the controller in the electrical cabinet must be chosen so as to guarantee correct physical separation from the
power components (solenoids, contactors, actuators, inverters, ...) and the connected cables. Proximity to such devices/cables
may create random malfunctions that are not immediately evident. The structure of the panel must allow the correct flow of
cooling air.

2.12 Electrical installation

Caution: when laying the wiring, “physically” separate the power part from the control part. The proximity of these two sets
of wires will, in most cases, cause problems of induced disturbance or, over time, malfunctions or damage to the components.
The ideal solution is to house these two circuits in two separate cabinets. Sometimes this is not possible, and therefore the pow-
er part and the control part must be installed in two separate areas inside the same panel.

24 Installation iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022

For the control signals, it is recommended to use shielded cables with twisted wires. If the control cables have to cross over the
power cables, the intersections must be as near as possible to 90 degrees, always avoiding running the control cables parallel
to the power cables.

Pay attention to the following warnings:

• use cable ends suitable for the corresponding terminals. Loosen each screw and insert the cable ends, then tighten the
screws. When the operation is completed, slightly tug the cables to check they are sufficiently tight;
• separate as much as possible the probe signal, digital input and serial line cables from the cables carrying inductive loads and
power cables to avoid possible electromagnetic disturbance. Never run power cables (including the electrical cables) and
probe signal cables in the same conduits. Do not install the probe cables in the immediate vicinity of power devices (contac-
tors, circuit breakers or similar);
• reduce the path of the probe cables as much as possible, and avoid spiral paths that enclose power devices;
• avoid touching or nearly touching the electronic components fitted on the boards to avoid electrostatic discharges (extreme-
ly damaging) from the operator to the components;
• do not secure the cables to the terminals by pressing the screwdriver with excessive force, to avoid damaging the controller:
maximum tightening torque: 0.22-0.25 N•m.
• for applications subject to considerable vibrations (1.5 mm pk-pk 10/55 Hz), secure the cables connected to the controller
around 3 cm from the connectors using cable ties;
• all the extra low voltage connections (analogue and digital inputs, analogue outputs, serial bus connections, power supplies)
must have reinforced or double insulation from the mains network.

2.13 Serial port connections

For serial connections (FBus and BMS ports), the cables used must be suitable for the RS485 standard (shielded twisted pair,
see the specifications in the following table). The earth connection of the shield must be made using the shortest connection
possible on the metal plate at the bottom of the electrical panel.
Wire/wire Max secondary
Main device Serial port Lmax (m) Resistance on last device Data rate (bit/s)
capacitance (pF/m) devices on bus
IJ% VCC 500 <90 - 1 600
PC (supervision) BMS 500 <90 120 Ω - 19200
PC (supervision) TTL <90 - - 19200 -
Tab. 2.u

Caution: connect the shield to the earth in the electrical panel. Connect a 120 Ω terminating resistor between the Tx/Rx+
and Tx/Rx- terminals on the last controller on the RS485 line. Do not connect GND to earth.

2.14 Installation
For installation proceed as follows, with reference to the wiring diagrams:
• before performing any operations on the control board, disconnect the main power supply by turning the main switch in the
electrical panel OFF;
• avoid touching the control board, as electrostatic discharges may damage the electronic components;
• the index of protection required for the application must be ensured by the manufacturer of the cabinet or by suitable as-
sembly of the controller;
• connect any digital inputs, Lmax = 10 m;
• connect the actuators: the actuators should only be connected after having programmed the controller. Carefully evaluate
the maximum ratings of the relay outputs as indicated in “Controller electrical and physical specifications”;
• program the controller: see “User interface”;
• for safety devices (e.g. circuit breakers), comply with the following requirements:
– IEC 60364-4-41;
– standards in force in the country;
– connection technical requirements of the power company.

Caution: the following warnings must be observed when connecting the controllers:
• incorrect connection to the power supply may seriously damage the controller;
• use cable ends suitable for the corresponding terminals. Loosen each screw and insert the cable ends, then tighten the screws
and lightly tug the cables to check correct tightness;
• separate as much as possible the probe and digital input cables from cables to inductive loads and power cables, so as to
avoid possible electromagnetic disturbance. Never run power cables (including the electrical panel cables) and probe signal
cables in the same conduits;
• do not install the probe cables in the immediate vicinity of power devices (contactors, circuit breakers, etc.). reduce the path
of probe cables as much as possible, and avoid spiral paths that enclose power devices.

iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022 Installation 25


3.1 Spark: configuration and commissioning software
Spark is configuration software for laptops that provides the following functions:
• configure access and password levels;
• change parameter sets and create custom read/write lists to upload to the device;
• add languages and parameter descriptions;
• view the trends of physical quantities in real time, with the possibility to save data in Excel format.
In order to carry out the operations mentioned above, it is necessary to have a specific ‘’ workspace ‘’ file (file with .spark exten-
sion), which can be downloaded from

Notice: the workspace is specific for each firmware version; the correct combination of file-controller firmware version is
required for correct communication.
For the electrical connection, use the USB/RS485 converter CVSTDUMOR0 for models equipped with BMS port option.




300100_002_R01 Shield
USB/RS485 converter
tool (SPARK)
Fig. 3.a

For models without BMS port option, the USB/ID converter BXOPZIOWD000 can be used, connecting to digital input ID2 and
completing the specific procedure on Spark.

or S3




100-240 Vac


USB/ID2 converter
tool (SPARK)
Fig. 3.b

3.2 Sparkly: command-line configuration and commissioning software

Sparkly is the command-line version of the configuration tool, and can be used for configuring and commissioning iJF. Contact
Carel for support.

26 Configuration tools iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022

3.3 Applica app and Controlla
The Carel apps can be used to configure the controller from a mobile device (smartphone, tablet), via NFC (Near Field Commu-
nication) or BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy). Supported devices: Android 5.1, iOS 10, Bluetooth® 4.0 and higher.

Local and remote
NFC BLE technical app
for Service

Local and remote

new interaction app
for End users



Fig. 3.c

Procedure (modify parameters):

• download the CAREL “Applica” or “Controlla“ app from Apple Store or Google Play;
• (on the mobile device) enable NFC and/or Bluetooth communication and mobile data;
• open Applica (or Controlla);
• select NFC or Bluetooth® communication, depending on the model of iJF model;
• move the mobile device near to the user terminal, maximum distance 10 mm (for NFC only), so as to recognise the configu-
• select the access profile and enter the required password (*);
• set the parameters as needed;
• move the mobile device near to the user terminal again to upload the configuration parameters (for NFC only).
(*) pre-assigned by the unit manufacturer to allow maintenance only by authorised service technicians, default “44”. See the
parameter table.

• make sure NFC or Bluetooth have been enabled. Some smartphones may experience problems if location is not enabled.
• during Bluetooth® connection, the iJF user terminal is disabled and shows the message “bLE”.

3.4 Applica Desktop

Applica Desktop is configuration software for laptops that provides the following functions:
• configure the controller;
• change parameter sets and create custom lists to upload to the device;
• view the trends of physical values in real time, with the possibility to save data in Excel format.
For the electrical connection, see “Spark: configuration and commissioning software”’

3.4.1 NFC communication for split and HMI models

All iJF models are equipped with NFC memory, which can be used to set the parameters. Due to its operating characteristics, the
NFC memory is always active, even when the device is turned off. However, there are limitations for setting the parameters on
the SPLIT and HMI models using NFC, as shown in the table.
Programmability via NFC
Controller off Controller on
Split NO YES
Tab. 3.a

• when the HMI is connected to the SPLIT controller, the NFC memory on the controller is disabled.
• If replacing the HMI, when first starting the iJF split controller the working parameters are written to the HMI NFC memory.
Communication with the NFC memory can be disabled at any time by setting parameter “nFE”. If nFE = 0, writes to NFC memory
are ignored by the controller.

iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022 Configuration tools 27


4.1 Introduction
iJF is available in panel versions with front mounting and built-in display, or in the split version with rear panel mounting, with
or without HMI terminal. For rear panel mounting, however, a basic user interface is provided, comprising two status LEDs, while
the front panel and remote terminal feature the display and keypad with backlit or non-backlit buttons (depending on the mod-
els) for carrying out some of the controller programming operations. The user interface display features three digits with sign for
below-zero temperatures and decimal point, a buzzer for signalling alarms and nine icons. The terminal features wireless con-
nectivity and an NFC (Near Field Communication) or Bluetooth interface (depending on the model) for interaction with mobile
devices (on which the CAREL “Applica” app has been installed, available on Google Play for the
Android operating system and on the Apple Store for iOS devices (Bluetooth only).

Notice: for simplicity, the set of parameters accessible from the user interface is a subset of all the parameters available via
the Applica app.
The information available on the user terminal and in the Applica app may vary according to the type of profile, the password
entered and the configuration parameters set by the manufacturer.
See the parameter table.

Notice: the user and service passwords can be changed directly by accessing the parameter list in the Applica app, and can
contain up to 8 alphanumeric and special characters.
Code Description Def. Min Max UOM User User terminal
PDM Manufacturer password 44 0 999 - M NO
PDS Service password 22 0 999 - S NO
PDU User password 0 0 999 - U NO

Parameter /5 can be set to change the unit of measure of the values shown on the display, while parameter /6 selects whether
or not to display the decimal point.

Notice: parameter /5 only affects the controller’s display and not Applica and the configuration tool, which need to be set
Code Description Def. Min Max UOM User
/5 Unit of measure: 0 0 1 - U, S
0 = °C; 1 = °F
/6 Display decimal point (main screen only): 0 0 1 - S
0 = visible; 1 = not visible

Parameter Hb can be set to enable or disable the buzzer (on models where featured).
Code Description Def. Min Max UOM User
Hb Enable buzzer: 1 0 1 - U, S
0 = disabled; 1 = enabled

Parameter /nE can be used to enable or disable navigation via the user terminal, while parameter BtE can be used to disable
Bluetooth communication.
Due to its operating characteristics, the NFC memory is always active, while parameter nFE can be used to have the controller
ignore writes to NFC memory.
Code Description Def. Min Max UOM User
/nE Navigation on the display 0 0 1 - M
0 = Disabled; 1 = Enabled
BtE Bluetooth communication 1 0 1 - M
0 = Disabled; 1 = Enabled
nFE Communication with NFC memory 1 0 1 - M
0 = Disabled; 1 = Enabled

Parameters /Lb and /Sb can be set to change how the terminal behaves in standby; specifically, /Lb enables or disables the
lighting on the status LEDs (icons), including ON/OFF, while /Sb enables or disables the lighting on the PRG button.
writes to NFC memory are ignored by the controller
Code Description Def. Min Max UOM User
/Lb Status LEDs on in standby (including ON/OFF): 0 0 1 - M
0 = off ; 1 = on.
/Sb PRG button always ON in standby: 1 0 1 - M
0 = off ; 1 = on.

28 User interface iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022

4.2 Models with user terminal or remote HMI
User terminal

2 1 2 1 2


1 Display
2 Icons/buttons
3 3
3 Icons
Fig. 4.a Fig. 4.b

• the user terminal can only be used to set the frequent (User) and (Service) parameters and display the value of the probes con-
nected to iJF. The Service- and Manufacturer-level parameters are set using the Applica app or the configuration software, de-
pending on the access profile. See the parameter table and the paragraph “Parameter categories visible on the user terminal”;
• Parameter /t1 is used to choose the variable to be shown on the display during normal operation:
• Parameter /5 is used to change the unit of measure .
• Parameter /d6 is used to choose the value to be shown on the display when defrosting:
Code Description Def. Min Max UOM User User terminal
/5 Unit of measure: 0 = °C; 1 = °F 0 0 1 - S YES
/6 Display decimal point: 0 = Yes; 1 = No 0 0 1 - S NO
/t1 Display on user terminal: 9 0 15 - S NO
0 Not configured 6-8 not available
1 value of S1 9 control probe
2 value of S2 10 virtual probe
3 value of S3 11-14 not available
4 value of S4 15 actual control
5 value of S1H set point
d6 Display on terminals during defrosts: 1 0 2 - U NO
0 = temperature alternating with ‘dEF’;
1 = freeze display;
2 = ‘dEF’
Tab. 4.a

Icon/button Description On Flashing
Set point/Up arrow • Increase value -
• Scroll menu
• Direct access to change set point
Program Pressed briefly: Pressed and held (3 s): -
• enter menu branch • enter programming mode
• save value and return to the parameter • return to the previous level
On-Off/ • Unit ON -
Down arrow • Decrease value
• Scroll menu
• Switch unit on/off
Defrost Active/stop Awaiting/start
Continuous cycle Active/stop Awaiting/start
Lights Active/stop Activation
HACCP • HACCP alarms present -
• Direct access to HACCP menu
Alarm log • Logged alarms present -
• Direct access to the alarm log menu
Auxiliary output Active -
Compressor Active Awaiting
Evaporator Active -
Clock Scheduler active -
°C Unit of measure °C -
°F Unit of measure °F -
Service Active alarms -
Tab. 4.b
Notice: during navigation, the buttons will be on/flashing only if enabled.

iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022 User interface 29

4.2.1 Navigation
The figure shows how to navigate between the screens on the display; specifically, the grey part shows programming mode for
setting the parameters. The screens and functions of the buttons available on each screen are described in detail below.


Fig. 4.c

4.2.2 Screens
The possible states of the terminal are shown in the table below.

Status Status Status Status

Standby Display active loads Direct activation of loads and Programming menu
functions from the keypad

Description Description Description Description

The display shows the main value, The terminal shows any active The loads can be activated or de- Scroll the programming menu
alternating with any alarms and loads, the keypad is locked activated and the direct functions using the arrow buttons
signals accessed from the keypad

Status Status
Parameter programming/display Bluetooth connection

Description Description
Set the parameters using the ar- The display is disabled, as the
row buttons or display read-only controller is connected to an app
values via Bluetooth Low Energy

30 User interface iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022

Standard display
At power on, the user terminal briefly shows the firmware version and then the standard display. The standard display depends
on the setting of parameter /t1:
• control temperature (control probe temperature or calculated based on two probes, see “Functions”);
• value of one of the probes connected to the analogue inputs;
• control/virtual probe;
• temperature set point.

Notice: if there is an active alarm, press any button to mute the buzzer.

Display active actuators/functions and direct activation of actuators/functions

When pressing any button, the display shows the message “Loc” and the icons corresponding to the currently-active actuators/
functions come on to indicate the status of the unit. On pressing PRG for 3 s, the display shows 3 dashes in sequence and enters
actuator/function direct activation mode. In this mode:
• the buttons that are on steady indicate that the corresponding actuator/function is active, and can be deactivated by pressing
the button;
• the buttons that are flashing indicate that the actuator/function is not active and can be activated by pressing the button;
When pressing the button, the display shows information on the status of the selected actuator/function (On/Off ).
Icon iJF small iJF large On/Off
• • Lights
• • Continuous cycle
• • Defrost
• • Direct access to set point
• • Unit On/Off

- • Direct access to HACCP alarms

- • Direct access to alarm log

Tab. 4.c

Notice: if no button is pressed, after 7 seconds the terminal will automatically return to the standard display.

4.2.3 Programming mode

In actuator/function direct activation mode, pressing PRG enters programming mode, where the unit’s main operating param-
eters can be set. To access the Service parameters, go to the “PSD” menu item (see the table below) and enter the password
(default 22). The user terminal only provides access to the basic configuration parameters, such as direct functions and active
alarms without password protection, or, with password protection (Service).

Notice: in the default settings the user password is set to 0 and is not required when entering programming mode; if the
password has been set to a value other than 0, this needs to be entered to access programming mode. Access to the Service
level is also available by entering the default password 22.

Notice: for optimisations use Applica, which provides access to all of the parameters available for the corresponding profile.

Parameter categories visible on the user terminal

The menu items available and parameters visible on the user terminal are listed below. The menu branches/parameters protect-
ed by the Service password (default 22) are shown in bold italics.
dir (*) CtL Pro dEF HcP CnF ALM
(Direct functions) (Control) (Display probes) (Defrost) (HACCP) (Configuration) (Alarms)
See the following St /5 dI HAn Hb AH/AHA
rd /6 dP1 HFn H0 AL/ALA
Sth /t1 dt1 rHP H10 Ad
rdh ESC dP2 ESC H11 Add
HU dt2 ESC rSA
rM d6 rAL
rt (**) d8 ESC
IS (***) ESC
Tab. 4.d
(*) The visibility of the direct functions can be set using the corresponding parameters, and depends on whether the functions are available on the
(**) Visible if the corresponding monitoring function is enabled.
(***) Visible if there is at least one configuration loaded on the controller (see “Appendix”)

iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022 User interface 31

Direct functions
Acr. Description Display alarms Acr. Description Display alarms
Auc Activate auxiliary output DOC > 0 rH Maximum value of control probe rM = 1
BtE Enable Bluetooth if featured rL Minimum value of control probe rM = 1
CnC Activate continuous cycle cc > 0 rtL Reset min/max control probe rM = 1
dFM Start defrost SAh Display alarm log
Ec1 Load embedded configurazion 1 if featured Sc Condenser probe /Fo > 0
Ec2 Load embedded configurazion 2 if featured Sc1 Quick Set point 1
Eco Activate ECO mode Sc2 Quick Set point 2
Fr Firmware version Sc3 Quick Set point 3
HAC Direct access to HACCP menu Sd Defrost probe /Fb > 0
HL Dim Light /AF > 0 SHu Humidity probe /FP > 0
HU Set humidity level F2 = 3 Sm Outlet probe /Fa > 0
Lht Activate lights DOE > 0 SPr Product probe /FR > 0
nFE Enable NFC memory reading SrG Control probe
OnF Unit On/Off St Set control set point
Pd Activate pull down Sth Set humidity set point /SP > 0
Tab. 4.e

To navigate the menu tree, use the following buttons:
• UP and DOWN to navigate the menu and set the values;
• PRG to enter the menu items and save the changes made;
• Select the menu item or ESC to return to the previous branch.

Example of how to set parameter St (set point):



1. Wait for the standard display to be 2. Press PRG to enter display active 3. Press PRG 3 s to access actuator/
shown; actuators/functions mode function direct activation mode


4. Press PRG to enter programming 5. Press DOWN until reaching the pa- 6. Press PRG to display the first
mode; the UP and DOWN buttons rameter category Ctl (=control) menu item: St (=set point).
will flash and the first category of Press PRG to display the parameter
parameters dir (=direct functions) value
will be displayed;


7. Press UP/DOWN to modify the val- 8. Press PRG to save the setting and 9. Press UP/DOWN to select ESC and
ue return to the menu press PRG to return to the parame-
Caution: if the PRG button is not ter categories;
pressed, the new setting will not be

32 User interface iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022


Notice: if no button is pressed, after
20 seconds the terminal will automati-
cally return to the standard display.
10. Press DOWN to move to the next 11. Once the settings have been
category and follow steps 6 to 9 to made, to exit the categories select
set the other parameters; ESC and press PRG.

Mobile device and PC

The controller can be configured via NFC (Near Field Communication) or Bluetooth from a mobile device (smartphone, tablet)
using Applica, or via serial connection (laptop) using the configuration tools. The controller can be programmed according to
the profile used for access to Applica or Spark, with different parameter visibility depending on the rights associated with each
profile (User, Service, Manufacturer). See “Configuration tools”.

Notice: when changing the parameter settings, it is recommended to power the controller off and on again to realign any
timings in progress. Caution: wait at least 5 seconds are changing the parameter settings before powering the controller off, to
allow the data to be correctly saved to the memory.

4.3 SPLIT models without user terminal

For Split mounting versions, a basic user interface is provided, comprising two status LEDs.

1 2

1 HMI connector
2 Status LEDs
Fig. 4.d

The meaning of the status LEDs is described in the table below.

Red White No. Red White No.

Description Description
LED LED flashes LED LED flashes

- Unit OFF 4 Defrost alarms: Ed1, Ed2

1 Unit ON 5 Pumpdown alarms: Pd, LP, AtS

• Defrost active (dEF)

2 • Continuous cycle active 6 Parameter configuration alarms: EE, EF
• ECO mode

1 Probe alarms: rE, E1, E2, E3, E4, E5 7 Refrigerant leak alarm: rSF

Temperature alarms:
2 8 Clock alarm: Etc
LO, HI, Afr, cht, CHt, dor

3 Alarms from external contact: IA, dA 9 HACCP alarms: HA, HF

Tab. 4.f

iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022 User interface 33


Once the electrical connections have been completed (see “Installation”) and the power supply has been connected, the oper-
ations required for commissioning the controller depend on the type of interface used, however essentially involve setting the
so-called initial configuration parameters. The configuration procedure can be run on the user terminal, a mobile device (with
the Applica app), or configuration tool. The parameters used for commissioning are shown in the Parameter table.

• the parameters that can be set on the user terminal and in the Applica app may vary according to the rights assigned to the
access profile, defined by the manufacturer. Therefore, not all of the following parameters may be visible or modifiable.
• Some operations can only be performed using Applica or the configuration tools, for example, configuring the temperature
probe type or setting the date/time and time bands

Commissioning parameters
Par. Menu Desc. Def. Min Max UOM User
St Ctl Temperature control set point 50 r1 r2 °C/°F U, S
/5 Pro Unit of measure: 0 0 1 - U, S
0 = °C; 1 = °F
/6 Pro Display decimal point (main screen only): 0 = visible; 1 = not visible 0 0 1 - S
/t1 Pro Value shown on the LED display: 10 0 16 - S
0: Not config. (decimal point); 1: Probe 1; 2: Probe 2; ..., 7, 8: reserved;
9: Control probe, 10: Virtual probe (Sv); 11 to 14: reserved; 15: Set point (St);
16: Current set point
d6 dEF Display during defrosts: 1 0 2 - S
0 = temperature alternating with dEF; 1 = freeze display; 2 = dEF
dI dEF Maximum interval between defrosts 8 0 240 h S
dP1 dEF Maximum defrost duration 45 1 240 min S
AH ALM Relative high temperature alarm threshold 0 0 555/999 Δ °C/°F S
AL ALM Relative low temperature alarm threshold 0 0 200/360 Δ °C/°F S
Hb CnF Enable buzzer: 0 = disabled; 1 = enabled 1 0 1 - U, S
/P1 - Configure probe: 2 0 4 - M
S1, S2, S4
0 : PT1000; 1 : PTC; 2 : NTC; 3 : NTC-LT; 4 : NTC-HT
/P2 - Configure probe: S3/ ID1 - 0 : S3; 1 : ID1 5 0 5 - M
Tab. 5.a
(*): U = User; S = Service; M = Manufacturer (OEM).

5.1 Description of the initial configuration parameters

St: temperature control set point
Parameter St is used to set the temperature control set point.
Par. Menu Desc. Def. Min Max UOM User
St Ctl Temperature control set point 50/122 r1 r2 °C/°F U, S

rd: temperature control differential

Parameter rd is used to set the temperature control differential (see “Control”).
Par. Menu Desc. Def. Min Max UOM User
rd Ctl Temperature control differential 2.0/3.6 0.1/0.2 99.9/179.2 Δ °C/°F S

/5, /6, /t1: display on user terminal

Parameters /5, /6 and /t1 are used to set the display shown on the user terminal. Parameter /5 sets the unit of measure °C or °F,
parameter /6 sets whether or not the decimal digit is displayed and parameter /t1 sets the value displayed, either the control
probe or virtual probe reading, or one of the set points. By default, the virtual control probe value is displayed, expressed in °C
with one decimal.
Par. Menu Desc. Def. Min Max UOM User
/5 Pro Unit of measure: 0 = °C; 1 = °F 0 0 1 - U, S
/6 Pro Display decimal point (main screen only): 0 = visible; 1 = not visible 0 0 1 - S
/t1 Pro Display on user terminal: 9 0 15 - S
0 = Not configured;
1 to 4 = value of S1 to S4;
5 = value of S1H;
6 to 8 = not available;
9 = control probe;
10 = virtual probe;
11 to 14 = not available;
15 = actual control set point.

34 Commissioning iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022

d6: display on user terminal during defrosts
Parameter d6 is used to set the display shown on the user terminal when defrosting, chosen between the value selected by
parameter /t1 alternating with the message ‘dEF’, the last value shown before defrosting, or ‘dEF’ alone on steady. By default, the
virtual control probe value is shown, alternating with the message dEF.
Par. Menu Desc. Def. Min Max UOM User
d6 dEF Display during defrosts: 1 0 2 - S
0 = temperature alternating with dEF; 1 = freeze display; 2 = dEF

dI, dP1: defrost parameters

Parameter dI is used to set the maximum possible interval between defrosts, while parameter dP1 is used to set the maximum
defrost duration. See “Functions” for more details.
Par. Menu Desc. Def. Min Max UOM User
dI dEF Maximum interval between defrosts 8 0 240 h S
dP1 dEF Maximum defrost duration 45 1 240 min S

Hb: enable buzzer

Parameter Hb is used to enable or disable the buzzer built into the controller; the buzzer is enabled by default.
Par. Menu Desc. Def. Min Max UOM User
Hb CnF Enable buzzer: 0 = disabled; 1 = enabled 1 0 1 - U, S

/P1, /P2: Probe types

Probes S1, S2, S3 can be configured as NTC, PTC, PT1000, NTC_HT or NTC_LT. Parameter /P1 is used to set the type of temperature
Parameter /P2 is used to choose whether the multifunction input S3/ID1 is configured as a temperature probe (and in this case
it will be same type set by parameter /P1) or as a digital input. Parameters /P1 and/P2 can only be set using Applica or config-
uration tool.

Notice: the temperature probes must all be the same type.

Par. Menu Desc. Def. Min Max UOM User
/P1 - Configuration of probes S1, S2, S3, S4, B5 2 0 4 - M
0 = PT1000; 1 = PTC; 2 = NTC; 3 = NTC-LT; 4 = NTC-HT.
/P2 - Configuration of multifunction input S3/ ID1: 5 0 5 - M
0, 1, 2, 3, 4 = S3; 5 = ID1.

AH/AL: relative high and low temperature alarm thresholds

Parameters AH and AL are used to set the thresholds relative to the set point for the high and low temperature alarms. For details
on the high and low temperature alarms, see “Alarms”.
Par. Menu Desc. Def. Min Max UOM User
AH ALM Relative high temperature alarm threshold 0 0 555/999 Δ °C/°F S
AL ALM Relative low temperature alarm threshold 0 0 200/360 Δ °C/°F S

iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022 Commissioning 35

5.2 Set date/time and time bands
The smartphone’s date and time can be used to set the controller’s date/time, via the drop-down menu on the side in Applica,
selecting “settings-->device-->set date/time”.
Procedure for setting the time bands:
1. open Applica on the smartphone;
2. access the controller via NFC or Bluetooth, entering your profile credentials;
3. open the “Scheduler” section;
4. define the time bands for the different days of the week;
5. apply the set schedule to the controller (upload button at the top-right for connection via NFC).

Notice: 8 daily time bands can be configured by setting parameters tS1, tE1 to tS8, tE8.

Notice: always check the correct date and time setting for using the logs and other functions that refer to the RTC.

The correct setting of date and time is necessary for the operation of some features of the iJF control:
• activation of the light or auxiliary output (par. H8) according to the set time bands;
• management of defrosts by time bands;
• monitoring and recording of a temperature;
• counting of operating hours and activation of the maintenance alarm when a settable threshold is exceeded;
• recording of periodic and event logs.

Notice: using parameter dI it is possible to perform cyclic defrosts every “dI” hours, even in the absence of the RTC clock..

Caution: A change in the time set in the iJF control exceeding 140 minutes causes the loss of the stored logs..

5.3 Checks after commissioning

Once having completed the installation, configuration and programming operations, after commissioning
the controller check that:
• the programming logic is suitable to control the unit and the system in question;
• the time has been set on the controller;
• the time bands have been set correctly;
• the standard display has been set on the user terminal;
• the appropriate unit of measure has been set for the temperature probes (°C or °F);

Caution: at the end of the commissioning procedure, the alarm log can be reset via the Applica app. See “Alarms”.

36 Commissioning iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022


The following paragraphs describe how to implement a detailed parameter configuration.
The parameters described below can be configured via the Spark configuration software or the Applica app.

Caution: the information available in Applica may vary according to the password set and the configuration defined by the
unit manufacturer, and consequently not all of the parameters shown may be visible or modifiable.
For details on the parameters and the related access levels, see the “Parameter table”.

6.1 ON/OFF
The unit can be switched on or off in different ways: user interface (button or parameter), supervisor and digital input.
Parameter On is used to switch the controller ON/OFF. If there is a digital input configured as remote ON/OFF, this has higher
priority than the supervisor command or the On parameter.
P/N Desc. Def. Min Max UOM User User terminal
DIF Assign remote ON/OFF digital input - see DIA 0 0 4 - S NO
On ON/OFF command 1 0 1 - U YES
0= OFF; 1 = ON.
In this operating mode, the display shows the standard display set by parameter /t1, alternating with the message “OFF”.

Functions enabled/disabled in OFF status

Function Enabled Disabled
Compressor control (off and pump down valve closed) z
Dead band control z
Auxiliary compressor control with and without rotation z
Defrost z
Evaporator fan control z
Humidity control z
Continuous cycle z
Condensing fan control (if enabled) z
Low temperature alarm LO z
High temperature alarm HI z
Immediate alarm from external contact IA z
Delayed alarm from external contact dA z
Defrost ended due to timeout alarm Ed1, Ed2 z
Pump down ended after maximum time alarm Pd z
Low pressure alarm from external contact LP z
Autostart in pump down alarm AtS z
High condenser temperature warning and alarm cht, CHt z
Open door alarm dor z
Frost protection alarm AFr z
Type HA and HF HACCP alarm z
Buzzer (off ) and alarm relay (non-alarm status) z
HACCP control z
Defrost according to scheduled time bands z
Timed defrost (timer “dI” updated) z
Defrost from digital input (if enabled) z
Defrost from keypad and supervisor z
High and low power supply voltage alarm EHI and ELO z
Generic alarm with high threshold GHI and GLO z
Refrigerant leak alarm rSF z
Maintenance request SrC z
Operating error UFC and VCC communication error COM z
Parameter setting and display z
Auxiliary relay on/off z
Autostart compressor in pump down (if enabled) z
Door switch limited to light management z
Control probe error alarm rE z
Probe error alarm E1, E2, E3, E4 z
Clock not updated (if featured) alarm Etc z
Configuration not terminated correctly alarm SF z
Configuration write error CE z
Light or aux on/off based on scheduled time bands z
Set point changed based on scheduled time bands z
Tab. 6.a

iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022 Functions 37

Notice: in Off status, the defrost interval dI is always updated, in order to maintain the cyclical nature of this interval. If a de-
frost interval expires when the unit is off, the event is recorded and, when the unit is switched on, a defrost request is generated.
The transition from On to Off occurs as follows:
• the compressor protection times are observed;
• pump down is performed (if enabled);
• defrosting is forcibly terminated and will not resume when switching On;
• the continuous cycle is forcibly terminated and will not be resumed when switching On.
The transition from Off to On occurs as follows:
• the compressor protection times are observed;
• defrosting is not performed at power-on (if enabled), this in fact refers to power-on;
• the compressor and fan delay at power-on c0 is not set, and refers to power-on.

6.2 Inputs and outputs

On the panel models, the iJF controller has a maximum of 3 analogue inputs, 2 digital inputs and 1 multifunction input. In
addition, on some models, an additional analogue input is available for connecting a humidity probe. iJF has a maximum of 6
digital outputs, and on some models a maximum of 2 analogue outputs. The HMI models have a maximum of 1 analogue input,
1 digital input and 1 multifunction input, in addition to those available on the connected panel version. See the description of
the terminals in “Description of the terminals”.
NTC, PT1000, PTC, NTC HT or NTC LT temperature probes can be connected to the analogue inputs; all probes must be the same
type, except for any connected to the HMI terminal, which can only be NTC. The analogue outputs are PWM or 0-10 V and are
independently configurable. See the parameter table.

Analogue inputs and outputs

Probes Outputs
Passive Active (Y1, Y2)
Model Code
NTC Pt1000 PTC NTC HT NTC LT 0 to 5 V ratio- 0 to 10
(–50T90°C) (–60T120°C) (–50T150°C) (–40T150°C) (–80T105°C) metric Vdc
panel or split IJ**SA**06***** YES YES YES YES YES NO YES YES
panel or split IJ**LA**06***** YES YES YES YES YES NO YES YES
Tab. 6.b

6.2.1 Probes (analogue inputs)

Analogue input S1 S2 S3 S1 S2 S3 S4 S1H S1H S2H
Parameter for type of probe /P1 /P1 /P2 /P1 /P1 /P2 /P1 /P7 /P7 -
0 : PT1000 z z z z z z z
1 : PTC z z z z z z z
2 : NTC z z z z z z z z z z
3 : NTC-LT z z z z z z z
4 : NTC-HT z z z z z z z
5 : Digital input z z z z
Tab. 6.c
The 0-5 V ratiometric humidity probe, available on some models, does not need to be configured.

Caution: for the maximum current that can be supplied to the ratiometric probes, see the Technical specifications table.

To assign the function to each physical probe, configure parameters /FA, /Fb, ... /FR. See the parameter table.
Probe Par. Probe Par. Probe Par.
Outlet (Sm) /FA Auxiliary temperature 1 (Saux 1) /FG Condensing temperature /Fo
Defrost (Sd) /Fb Auxiliary temperature 2 (Saux 2) /FH Ambient humidity /Fp
Intake (Sr) /Fc Ambient temperature /FI Frost protection temperature /Fq
Defrost probe 2 (Sd2) /FF Glass temperature /FM Product temperature /FR
Tab. 6.d

38 Functions iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022

Example of probe configuration.
To associate a function with a physical probe, set the value of the corresponding parameter /Fx to the value corresponding to
the probe, as shown in the following table. For example, to assign the outlet temperature to probe S1, set parameter /FA to 1.

Code Desc. Def. Min Max UOM User User terminal

/FA Outlet probe configuration: 1 0 7 - S No
0: Disabled - 1: S1 - 2: S2 - 3: S3 - 4: S4 - 5: S5 - 6: S1H - 7: S2H

The default configuration for assigning the control probes is as follows:

• S1 = Outlet probe (Sm);
with the default settings, this probe corresponds to the virtual control probe Sv.
The default configuration also sets these three probes as standard CAREL NTC. However, other types of probes can be connected
by setting parameter /P1.

• the configuration /FA = 0 and /Fc = 0 will cause the ‘rE’ alarm (control probe alarm), as it means that no control probe is asso-
• For a description of the probe functions, see the following paragraphs.

Calibration (parameters /cA to /cr)

iJF allows the possibility to calibrate values read by the probes associated with the various functions set by parameters /FA to /
FR. In particular, parameters /cA to /cy are used to increase or decrease the values read by the probes connected to the analogue
inputs, consistently with the unit of measure.

Caution, HACCP: this modification may not be allowed by HACCP procedures as it alters the measured value. Verify that
you have authorisation and record the changes where required.

T1 Temperature read by the probe
T2 Calibrated temperature
A Calibration offset

min, max Field of measurement

min max T1
Fig. 6.a

/2: Analogue probe measurement stability and refresh display

Code Desc. Def. Min Max UOM User User terminal
/2 Analogue probe measurement stability: 5 0 9 - M No
0 = probe reading not delayed;

15 = maximum probe reading delay
/3 Display probe value: 0 1 15 - M No
0 = disabled;
1 = fast update;
15 = slow update.

Parameter /2 defines the coefficient used to stabilise the temperature measurement. Low values assigned to this parameter
allow a prompt response of the sensor to temperature variations; the reading however become more sensitive to disturbance..
High values slow down the response, but guarantee greater immunity to disturbance, that is, a more stable, precise and filtered

Parameter /3 is used to refresh the probe readings displayed; low values of /3 mean the display is refreshed quickly, high values
mean it is refreshed slowly.

Note: parameter /3 only affects the display of the probe readings and not the value used for control.

iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022 Functions 39

6.3 Digital inputs
iJF manages up to 2 physical digital inputs and 1 multifunction input on the PANEL and SPLIT models, and up to 1 additional
digital input and 1 multifunction input on the HMI models. See “Installation”.
To associate an input to each available function, set parameters DIA, DIb, … DIr to the value relating to the physical or virtual
digital input. See the parameter table.

Digital input functions

Contact (*)
Digital input assignment for: Par.
Open Closed
immediate external alarm DIA Alarm active Alarm not active
delayed external alarm DIb Alarm active Alarm not active
enable defrost DIc Defrost not enabled Defrost enabled
start defrost DId No effect Start defrost
door switch with stopping control DIE Door open Door closed
curtain switch/light DIG Day status Night status (ECO mode)
start/stop continuous cycle DIH Stop continuous cycle Start continuous cycle
change set of parameters DIo Set 1 Set 2
door switch without stopping control DIP Door open Door closed
generic alarm function DIS Alarm active Alarm not active
low pressure switch DIt Alarm active Alarm not active
auxiliary input DIU Auxiliary input deactivated Auxiliary input activated
Tab. 6.e
(*) Default configuration with parameters rIA, rIb, ..., rIU = 0; by setting the corresponding parameters rIA, rIb, ..., rIU = 1, the con-
tact logic is reversed and therefore the meanings of open/closed are also reversed.

Example of digital input configuration.

To associate a function with a digital input, set the value of the corresponding parameter DIx to the value corresponding to the
input, as shown in the following table. For example, to assign the immediate external alarm to input ID1, set parameter DIA to 1.
Code Desc. Def. Min Max UOM User User terminal
DIA Immediate external alarm configuration: 1 0 4 - S No
0: Disabled - 1: ID1 - 2: ID2 - 3: D1H - 4: D2H

The default configuration does not include an assigned input.

If the opposite logic to the default setting is required, or to correct a wiring error, the logic of the functions associated with the
digital inputs using parameters rIA, rIb, ... rIU can be reversed.
Code Desc. Def. Min Max UOM
rIA, rIb, ...,rIU Reverse digital input logic 0 - 0 1

Immediate external alarm (par. DIA)

Activation of the alarm causes:
• message ‘IA’ shown on the display and the “Service” icon flashing;
• activation of the buzzer (see par. Hb);
• activation of the alarm relay (see par. DOb);
• deactivation of the compressor output (see par. DOA).

Notice: activation of the external alarm shuts down the evaporator fan only if this follows the status of the compressor
output, as set for parameter /F2. The compressor is shut down immediately due to an external alarm, and consequently the
compressor ON time is ignored (parameter c3).
Code Desc. Def. Min Max UOM User User terminal
DIA Assign digital input for immediate external alarm. 0 0 4 - S No
0: Disabled - 1: ID1 - 2: ID2 - 3: D1H - 4: D2H

Delayed external alarm (par. DIb)

The behaviour of this alarm is the same as for the immediate external alarm, with a delay in activation set by parameter A7. If set
to 0, the alarm is signal-only.
Code Desc. Def. Min Max UOM User User terminal
DIb Assign delayed external alarm digital input - see DIA 0 0 4 - S No

40 Functions iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022

Enable defrost (par. DIc)
Used to disable any defrost requests. When the contact is open, all defrost calls are ignored. Par. d5 can be used to delay activation.
• if the contact is open while a defrost is in progress, this is immediately stopped, the defrost icon flashes on the display indicat-
ing the defrost request is active (this starts again when the contact closes);
• this function may be useful to prevent defrosts on units exposed to the public during store opening hours.
Code Desc. Def. Min Max UOM User User terminal
DIc Assign enable defrost digital input - see DIA 0 0 4 - S No
dS Defrost delay at power on or after command from digital input 0 0 240 min M No

Start defrost (par. DId)

Closing the digital contact starts a defrost, if enabled.

Notice: if the defrost is disabled by another digital input configured as “enable defrost”, the defrost calls are ignored.
Code Desc. Def. Min Max UOM User User terminal
DId Assign start defrost digital input - see DIA 0 0 4 - S No
dS Defrost delay at power on or after command from digital input 0 0 240 min M No

Door switch with compressor stop (par. DIE)

Door open:
• stop compressor and evaporator fan; alternatively, the compressor can stay on by setting parameter DIP (see the description
• light on (see par. DOE);
• ALARM flashing;
• disable temperature alarms.
Door closed:
• resume control;
• light off (see par. DOE) with delay set by par. H14;
• ALARM stops flashing;
• enable temperature alarms with delay Ad after bypass time defined by par. Add.
Code Desc. Def. Min Max UOM User User terminal
DIE Assign digital input for door switch with solenoid/compressor 0 0 4 - S No
and evaporator fans OFF - see DIA
DOE Assign light digital output - see DOA 4 (small)/ 0 6 - S No
3 (large)
H14 Time light stays on after closing the door 0 0 240 min U No
Add High temp. alarm bypass time for door open 30 1 240 min U No

Caution: check compatibility of disabling/delaying the alarm with the site’s HACCP procedures.

• when control resumes, the compressor times are observed (see the paragraph “Compressor”);
• if the door remains open for longer than the value of par. Add, control resumes in any case. The light remains on, the meas-
urement shown on the display flashes, the buzzer and the alarm relay (if enabled) are activated, and the temperature alarms
are enabled with delay Ad.

Door switch without compressor stop (par. DIP)

Operating mode that allows the door to be opened without stopping the compressor.
In this case, when opening the door, the evaporator fan will stop. This operating mode can be configured by setting parameter
DIP with one of the digital inputs. Opening the door introduces a temperature alarm delay as described for the door switch
function (par. DIE).
Code Desc. Def. Min Max UOM User User terminal
DIP Assign door switch without control stop digital input - see DIA 0 0 4 - M No

Remote ON/OFF (par. DIF)

When the controller is OFF:
• the user terminal shows the value measured by the set probe (parameter /t1) alternating with the message OFF;
• the auxiliary relays set as AUX and light remain active, while the other auxiliary outputs are deactivated;
• the buzzer and alarm relay are deactivated;
• the following are not performed: control, defrosts, continuous cycle, temperature alarm signals;
• in the transition from ON to OFF the compressor protection times are observed.

iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022 Functions 41

When the controller is ON again, the compressor times are observed and all of the functions are reactivated, except for the de-
frost on start-up and compressor and evaporator fan delay at power on (par. c0).
• the OFF command from digital input has priority over those from the keypad or supervisor;
• if the controller remains OFF for a longer time than the value set for parameter dI, a defrost is performed when the controller
is switched on again.
Code Desc. Def. Min Max UOM User User terminal
DIF Assign remote ON/OFF digital input - see DIA 0 0 4 - S No
dI Maximum interval between consecutive defrosts 8 0 240 hours S Yes
c0 Delay to enable solenoid/compressor and evaporator fans at power on 0 0 240 min M No

Curtain switch (par. DIG)

Digital input used to manage a curtain and switch from day to night (ECO).
During night status (ECO mode):
• the night-time set point Stn is used for control, calculated based on the set point St plus the offset defined by parameter r4
(Stn = St + r4) and r4d is used as the control differential. The control probe can also be modified according to the setting of
parameter r6a (0 = virtual probe, 1 = probe), see the paragraph “Control”;
• the AUX or light output is deactivated according to the setting of parameter H8.
During day status:
• normal operation resumes: set point = St, virtual probe used as control probe;
• AUX or light output activated according to the setting of parameter H8.
Code Desc. Def. Min Max UOM User User terminal
DIG Assign curtain switch digital input - see DIA 0 0 4 - S No
H8 Output switched with time bands 0 0 1 - S No
0 = Light - 1 = AUX
r4 Automatic night set point variation 0 -50/-90 50/90 °C/°F S No
r4d Night control differential 4/7.2 0.1/0.2 99.9/ 179.2 °C/°F S
r6a Night control probe 0/1 = virtual probe Sv/intake probe Sr 0 0 1 - S No

Start/stop continuous cycle (par. DIH)

When the contact is closed, the continuous cycle is activated, based on parameters cc and ccE (see “Functions”).
When the contact opens again, the continuous cycle is deactivated.
Code Desc. Def. Min Max UOM User User terminal
DIH Assign start/stop continuous cycle digital input - see DIA 0 0 4 - S No

Change working set (par. DIo)

In this case, it is possible to choose between the configuration set for parameter rS1 (digital input open) and the configuration
set for parameter rS2 (digital input closed). The changeover between sets occurs during the transition in status.

Caution: when changing sets, the default parameters for the chosen configuration are loaded, and any settings made by
the user to the current set of parameters may be overwritten.

Notice: use the Spark configuration software to set the two default configurations. (see “Installation”).
Code Desc. Def. Min Max UOM User User terminal
DIo Assign working parameter set change digital input - see DIA 0 0 4 - S No
rS1 Configuration assigned to open digital input 1 0 max - M No
rS2 Configuration assigned to closed digital input 2 0 max - M No

Generic alarm from digital input (par. DIS)

Activation of the alarm depends on parameter GFA_E. Activation of the alarm causes:
• message GHI shown on the display and ALARM flashing;
• activation of the buzzer (see par. Hb);
• activation of the alarm relay (see par. DOb);
Code Desc. Def. Min Max UOM User User terminal
DIS Assign digital input for generic alarm from digital input - see DIA 0 0 4 - S No
GFA_E Generic alarm function, enable 0 0 10 - M No
0 = always; 1 = unit ON; 2 = unit OFF; 3 = defrost; 4 = not used; 5 =
continuous cycle; 6 = duty setting; 7 = standby; 8 = control;
9 = door open; 10 = active alarm.

42 Functions iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022

Low pressure switch (par. DIt)
If a low pressure switch is connected, the LP alarm is activated on opening. if pump down by pressure is enabled, the pressure
switch is used to switch off the compressor and the autostart procedure.
Code Desc. Def. Min Max UOM User User terminal
DIt Assign low pressure switch digital input - see DIA 0 0 4 - M No

Digital input for activating the output configured as AUX (par. DIU)
Digital input that can be used to activate/deactivate the output configured as AUX (parameter DOC).
Code Desc. Def. Min Max UOM User User terminal
DIU Assign AUX output activation digital input - see DIA 0 0 4 - M No
DOC Assign AUX auxiliary digital output - see DOA 0 (small)/ 0 6 - M No
1 (large)

6.4 Analogue outputs

On some models iJF has up to two 0-10 V or PWM analogue outputs (Y1, Y2), which can be configured separately by setting the
corresponding parameter. The analogue outputs set as PWM can be used as a control signal to manage VCC compressors (up to
a maximum of 3 in parallel for each output). The 0-10 V outputs can be used as a control signal for fans, anti-sweat heaters, LED
dimmers or generic loads.
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
/AA Assign analogue output for modulating evaporator fans: 0 = not 0 0 2 - S NO
1 = analogue output 1 (Y1);
2 = analogue output 2 (Y2)
/Ac Assign analogue output for modulating anti-sweat heaters - see /AA 0 0 2 - S NO
/Ad Assign analogue output for generic function - see /AA 0 0 2 - S NO
/AE Assign analogue output for generic function - see /AA 0 0 2 - S NO
/AF Assign analogue output for modulating lights - see /AA 0 0 2 - S NO
/AG Assign analogue output for modulating compressor - see /AA 0 0 2 - S NO

6.5 Digital outputs

iJF features up to 6 digital outputs - NO1 to NO6. To associate the digital outputs with the available functions, set parameters
DOA, DOb, ... DOz to the value of the physical digital output. See the parameter table.

Digital output functions

Digital output assignment for: Par. Default iJF small Default iJF large
Solenoid/compressor DOA Digital output 1 (NO1) Digital output 5 (NO5)
Alarm DOb - Digital output 2 (NO2)
Auxiliary DOC - Digital output 1 (NO1)
Light DOE Digital output 4 (NO4) Digital output 3 (NO3)
Defrost DOG Digital output 2 (NO2) Digital output 6 (NO6)
Auxiliary evaporator defrost DOH - -
Evaporator fans DOI Digital output 3 (NO3) Digital output 4 (NO4)
Dehumidification DOj - -
Auxiliary compressor without rotation DOk - -
Liquid valve DOn - -
Condensate drain heater DOP - -
Anti-sweat heater DOQ - -
Generic digital output DOS - -
Condenser fans DOt - -
Humidifier DOU - -
Heading in dead band DOv - -
Auxiliary parallel compressor DOw - -
Gasket heater DOx - -
Auxiliary compressor with rotation DOy - -
External dehumidifier DOz - -
Tab. 6.f

If the opposite logic to the default setting is required, or to correct a wiring error, the logic of the functions associated with the
digital outputs using parameters rOA, rOb, ... rOz can be reversed.
Code Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
rOA, rOb, ...,rOz Digital output logic: 0 0 1 - S NO
0=direct; 1=reverse

iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022 Functions 43

Solenoid/compressor (par. DOA)
This is used to assign the compressor or liquid solenoid valve output.
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
DOA Assign solenoid/compressor digital output 1 (small) 0 6 - S NO
0 = not configured 4 = digital output 4 (NO4) 5 (large)
1 = digital output 1 (NO1) 5 = digital output 5 (NO5)
2 = digital output 2 (NO2) 6 = digital output 6 (NO6)
3 = digital output 3 (NO3)

Alarm (par. DOb)

This is used to assign the alarm output. The relay associated with the alarm function can work as follows:
• normally de-energised: the relay is energised when an alarm occurs (rOA = 0);
• normally energised: the relay is de-energised when an alarm occurs (rOA = 1);

Notice: operation with the relay normally energised (rOA = 1) when an alarm occurs ensures maximum safety when the
alarm is due to a power failure or power cable disconnection.
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
DOb Assign alarm digital output - see DOA 0 (small) 0 6 - S NO
2 (large)

AUX auxiliary output (par. DOc)

The relay can be activated/deactivated from the supervisor and on changeover between day/night status (linked to the curtain
switch or the time band settings). Activation/deactivation of the actuator is signalled by the icon switching on/off (if present).
The AUX output to be activated or deactivated based on the night/day time band can be selected (see parameters tS1...8, tE1...8
and H8).
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
DOC Assign AUX auxiliary digital output - see DOA 0 (small) 6 - S NO
1 (large)

Light (par. DOE)

The relay can be activated/deactivated using the direct functions on the user terminal, from the supervisor and on changeover
between day/night status (linked to the curtain switch or the time band settings). Activation/deactivation of the actuator is
signalled by the light icon switching on/off (if present). The light output to be activated or deactivated based on the night/day
time band can be selected (see parameters tS1...8, tE1...8 and H8).
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
DOE Assign light digital output - see DOA 4 (small) 0 6 - S NO
3 (large)

Defrost (par. DOG)

The relay is activated/deactivated based on the defrost settings (see “Defrost”). Activation/deactivation of the actuator is sig-
nalled by the defrost icon switching on/off on the user terminal (if present).

Auxiliary evaporator defrost (par. DOH)

The relay is activated/deactivated based on the defrost settings (see “Defrost”).
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
DOH Assign auxiliary evaporator defrost digital output - see DOA ... 0 6 - S NO

Evaporator fans (par. DOI)

The relay is activated/deactivated based on the evaporator fan settings (see “Evaporator fans”). Activation/deactivation of the
relay is signalled by the evaporator fan icon switching on/off on the display (if present).
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
DOI Assign evaporator fan digital output - see DOA 3 (small) 0 6 - S NO
4 (large)

Dehumidification (par. DOj)

Select the digital output used to manage the dehumidification function. See “Control”.
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
DOj Assign dehumidification digital output - see DOA ... 0 6 - S NO

44 Functions iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022

Auxiliary compressor without rotation (par. DOk)
Select the output for the auxiliary compressor without rotation (see “Control”). Setting this output enables an auxiliary compres-
sor that is activated as a second control step, without rotation, i.e. always switching on after the main compressor. In the event
of simultaneous request for both steps, the auxiliary compressor is activated after a delay time set by parameter c11, to avoid
simultaneous starts.
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
DOk Assign auxiliary compressor without rotation digital output - see DOA ... 0 6 - S NO
c11 Second compressor start delay 4 0 250 s M NO

Pump down valve (par. DOn)

Digital output for pump down valve management.
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
DOn Assign pump down valve digital output - see DOA ... 0 6 - S NO

Condensate drain heater (par. DOP)

During defrosting there may be frozen condensate on the bottom of the cabinet that prevents the water thawed from the
evaporator from being drained correctly. The digital output can be configured to manage the condensate drain heater function.
The heater is switched on before defrosting (dHA) and remains on after the defrost ends, for the time dHE. The heater can be
activated by selecting a digital output with par. DOP.
Notice: the heater must be protected against overheating (e.g. thermal protector).
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
DOP Assign drain heater digital output - see DOA ... 0 6 - S NO
dHA Drain heater activation time before defrosting 3 1 120 min M No
dHE Drain heater activation time after defrosting 3 1 120 min M No

Anti-sweat heater (par. DOQ)

Select the digital output for demisting the glass (see “Anti-sweat heater or fan”).
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
DOQ Assign anti-sweat heater digital output - see DOA ... 0 6 - S NO

Generic function output (par. DOS)

Select the digital output for the generic function with ON/OFF output (see “Generic functions”).
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
DOS Assign generic function digital output- see DOA ... 0 6 - S NO

Condenser fans (par. DOt)

The relay is activated/deactivated based on the condenser fan settings (see “Condenser fans”).
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
DOt Assign condenser fan digital output - see DOA ... 0 6 - S NO

Humidifier output (par. DOu)

Select the humidification output (see “Humidity management”).
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
DOu Assign humidification digital output - see DOA ... 0 6 - S NO

Reverse dead band output (par. DOv)

Select reverse output for dead band control (see “Control”).
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
DOv Assign reverse digital output with dead band control - see DOA ... 0 6 - S NO

Auxiliary parallel compressor (par. DOw)

Select the auxiliary parallel compressor output (see “Control”). Setting this output enables an auxiliary compressor that works in
parallel with the main compressor. A delay time can be set using parameter c11 to avoid simultaneous starts.
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
DOw Assign auxiliary parallel compressor digital output - see DOA ... 0 6 - S NO
c11 Second compressor start delay 4 0 250 s M NO

iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022 Functions 45

Gasket heater (par. DOx)
Select the digital output for the door gasket heater (see “Gasket heater”).
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
DOx Assign gasket heater digital output - see DOA ... 0 6 - S NO

Auxiliary compressor with rotation (par. DOy)

Select the output for the auxiliary compressor with rotation (see “Control”). Setting this output enables an auxiliary compressor
that is activated as a second control step, with rotation, i.e. alternating with the compressor that starts first so as to balance the
operating hours of the two compressors. In the event of simultaneous request for both steps, the second compressor is activated
after a delay time set by parameter c11, to
avoid simultaneous starts.
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
DOy Assign auxiliary compressor with rotation digital output - see DOA ... 0 6 - S NO
c11 Second compressor start delay 4 0 250 s M NO

External dehumidifier (par. DOz)

Select the digital output for activation of an external dehumidifier (see “Humidity management”).
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
DOz Assign external dehumidifier digital output - see DOA ... 0 6 - S NO

6.5.1 Test output mode

The iJF control provides the possibility to test the operation of the analogue and digital outputs, either from the configuration
tool or via the Applica app, by accessing Service area > Test mode.
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
MA1 Test mode, activate analogue output 1: 0 0 1 - S NO
0 = disabled; 1 = automatic; 2 = activated at the value of MAr1
MA2 Test mode, activate analogue output 2 - see MA1 0 0 1 - S NO
MAr1 Test mode, analogue output 1 request 0 0 100 % S NO
MAr2 Test mode, analogue output 2 request 0 0 100 % S NO
Mr1 Test mode, activate relay1: 1 0 2 - S NO
0 = disabled; 1 = automatic; 2 = activated
Mr2 Test mode, activate relay 2 - see Mr1 1 0 2 - S NO
Mr3 Test mode, activate relay 3 - see Mr1 1 0 2 - S NO
Mr4 Test mode, activate relay 4 - see Mr1 1 0 2 - S NO
Mr5 Test mode, activate relay 5 - see Mr1 1 0 2 - S NO
Mr6 Test mode, activate relay 6 - see Mr1 1 0 2 - S NO
Mt Manual mode duration (0 = manual mode always active) 10 0 90 min S NO

Parameters Mr* are used to activate the relays manually:

• Mr* = 0 the corresponding relay is deactivated;
• Mr* = 1 the corresponding relay is activated/deactivated automatically by the controller based on the associated function;
• Mr* = 2 the corresponding relay is activated.
Parameters MA* are used to activate the analogue outputs manually:
• MA* = 0 the corresponding output is deactivated;
• MA* = 1 the corresponding output is activated/deactivated automatically by the controller based on the associated function;
• MA* = 2 the corresponding output is activated at the value set by parameter MAr*.
The message ‘Man’ is shown on the display when at least one output is set in manual mode.
After a time set using parameter Mt, automatic operation resumes.

Caution: if Mt = 0 operation remains in manual mode until automatic operation resumes.

Test outputs via BMS serial port

On iJF models with the BMS serial option, output test mode can also be activated via the BMS serial port. To activate test mode,
a certain value needs to be sent within 60 s from controller power on, using the Modbus address assigned for enabling the test
function (see the table). The value to be sent is 0x00A5, alternating with 0x005A every 30 s. When the iJF controller receives the
value 0x00A5 alternating with 0x005A, the inputs are read and control is active as normal, however the outputs are overridden
manually with the values set using parameters RelayActTestMode [1] to AoutActTestMode [2].

46 Functions iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022

In test mode via BMS serial port, the display shows the message tSt.
Test mode ends when the value 0x00A5/0x005A is no longer updated within 30 s (in this case, the controller needs to be restart-
ed) or when one of the following values is written:
• 0x0039: test mode ends and the controller is restarted.
• 0x0089: test mode ends without the controller restarting.
Par. Description Register Register Address
Def. Min Max UOM Type (*) (**)
(dec.) (hex.) (hex.)
RelayActTestMode[1] Test via BMS serial port 0 0 1 - CS 5 0x0005 0x0004 R/W
activate relay 1
RelayActTestMode[2] Test via BMS serial port 0 0 1 - CS 6 0x0006 0x0005 R /W
activate relay 2
RelayActTestMode[3] Test via BMS serial port 0 0 1 - CS 7 0x0007 0x0006 R/W
activate relay 3
RelayActTestMode[4] Test via BMS serial port 0 0 1 - CS 8 0x0008 0x0007 R/W
activate relay 4
RelayActTestMode[5] Test via BMS serial port 0 0 1 - CS 9 0x0009 0x0008 R/W
activate relay 5
RelayActTestMode[6] Test via BMS serial port 0 0 1 - CS 10 0x000A 0x0009 R/W
activate relay 6
CompFreqActTestMode Test via BMS serial port 0 0 255 hz HR 49 0x0031 0x0030 R/W
VCC compressor frequency
AoutActTestMode[1] Test via BMS serial port 0 0 1000 % x 10 HR 83 0x0053 0x0052 R/W
value of analogue output Y1:
AoutActTestMode[2] Test via BMS serial port 0 0 1000 % x 10 HR 84 0x0054 0x0053 R/W
value of analogue output Y2:
TestMode Enable test via BMS serial port 0 0 255 - HR 60 0x003C 0x003B R/W
Tab. 6.g
(*) CS= Coil Status; HR = Holding Register
(**) R = read; W = write

6.6 Control
Various modes are available for controlling the air temperature for the preservation of foodstuffs, depending on which probes are
installed and their position. The following figure shows the position of the intake probe (air on) Sr and the outlet probe (air off )
Sm. The virtual probe Sv is a weighted average of these two probes, based on parameter /4, according to the following formula:
Sm Ƹ (100 –/4) + Sr Ƹ (/4)
Sv = 100

Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal

/4 Virtual probe composition: 0 0 100 % S NO
0 = Outlet probe Sm; 100 = Intake probe Sr

For example, if /4=50, Sv=(Sm+Sr)/2 represents an estimated value of the air temperature around the refrigerated food.
Notice: HACCP: parameter /4 can be set to change the temperature used for control and for display. This operation may be
prohibited by HACCP procedures or require record keeping and authorisation.

Example: vertical showcase



Ref. Description
Sm Outlet probe
Sr Intake probe
Sv Virtual probe
Fig. 6.b

iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022 Functions 47

During the day, most of the load in a refrigerated showcase is due to warm air that enters from the outside and mixes with the
cold air inside. Control based on the intake probe, due to high temperature outside the showcase and the mixing of the air, may
not manage to reach the set point. Displaying the intake temperature would show a temperature that is too high. Setting a set
point that is too low for the intake probe Sr may cause the food to freeze. On the other hand, displaying the outlet temperature
would show a temperature that is too low. Consequently, the display of the control probe, set point or virtual probe can be
configured using parameter /t1.
ON/OFF control on the outlet probe is defined by:
• set point;
• differential
These values determine the control request and consequently, allowing for the protection times, disabling functions or activa-
tion/deactivation delays, the activation/deactivation of the compressor.
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
St Temperature control set point 50/122 r1 r2 °C/°F U YES
rd Temperature control differential 2/3.6 0.1/0.2 99.9/179.2 Δ °C/°F S YES

Notice HACCP: the set point and differential are critical parameters for food storage.
Modifications to these settings may be prohibited by HACCP procedures or require record keeping and authorisation.
The minimum and maximum value of the set point can be set by parameter.
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
r1 Minimum set point -50/-58 -99 /-146.2 r2 °C/°F S NO
r2 Maximum set point 50/122 r1 200/392 °C/°F S NO

Control offset with probe error

Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
ro Control offset with probe error 0 0 20/36 Δ °C/°F M NO

The iJF controller in standard mode uses the virtual probe Sv for control, that is, the weighted average of the outlet and intake
probe (see parameter /4). If one of the two probes making up the virtual probe is broken or has an error, parameter ro is used to
continue normal control in controlled conditions, without the need for immediate intervention by maintenance personnel. The
recommended value of ro is the temperature difference between the outlet probe and intake probe reading in steady operating
conditions of the refrigeration unit:

ro = Sr – Sm
The following cases may occur:
• outlet probe Sm error: control starts based on the intake probe Sr alone, considering a new set point (St*) determined by the
(100 –’/4’)
St* = St + ro Ƹ 100
• intake probe Sr error: based starts on the outlet probe Sm alone, considering a new set point (St*) determined by the formula:
St* = St – ro Ƹ 100

• if ro = 0 the function is not active;
• for night-time operation the new set point is added to the value defined by r4 (= automatic night-time set point variation);
• in the event of errors on both probes, the controller switches to duty setting operation.

Sm fault in daytime operation, with /4=50, St=-4, Sr=0, Sm=-8, ro (recommended) = 0-(-8) = 8.
Then the new control probe will be Sr with:
(100 –’/4’)
St* = St + ro Ƹ 100
St*= -4+8 (100-50)/100=0.

If the fault is on Sr, the new control probe will be Sm with:

St* = St – ro Ƹ 100
St*= -4-8 ·50/100=-8.

48 Functions iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022

Duty setting operation
Duty setting is a special function used to maintain control in emergency situations with errors in the temperature control probes,
until a service intervention.
In the event of a temperature probe error, the controller uses the other probe available and adjusts the set point according to
the setting of parameter ro. In the event of errors on both probes, the controller switches to a special mode called “duty setting”.
Control is activated at regular intervals, operating for a time equal to the value set for the duty setting parameter c4, and off for
a fixed time of 15 minutes.
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
c4 ON time for duty setting operation (Toff = 15 minutes, fixed value): 0 0 100 min M NO
0 = compressor/valve always OFF;
100 = compressor/valve always ON.


OFF Ref. Description

R Control
t c4 ON time
c4 15 min
t Time
Fig. 6.c

With duty setting active, during the ON time the solenoid/compressor icon remains on, while it flashes during the OFF time.
The table below describes the possible fault situations relating to the control probes and the function that is activated.
Control probe fault
Type of system Control Parameter
Sm Sr
1 probe z Duty setting c4
z Duty setting c4
2 probes z control on Sr ro(*)
z control on Sm ro(*)
z z Duty setting c4
Tab. 6.a
* Only when ro>0.

6.7 Control modes

Three control modes are available, based on the setting of parameter r30:
• r30 = 0, direct with defrost control (default);
• r30 = 1 direct;
• r30 = 2 reverse; operation suitable for hot food showcases;

Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal

r30 Control mode: 0 0 2 - M NO
0 = direct with defrost; 1 = direct; 2 = reverse

The figure shows the behaviour of direct and reverse mode. The difference between direct control and direct control with de-
frost control is that in the former case defrosting is disabled, while in the latter case it is enabled; defrosting is enabled by default.



Ref. Description
OFF OFF St Set point
Sreg Sreg rd Differential
rd rd Sreg Control probe
St St R Control request
Fig. 6.d

ON/OFF control depends on the capacity of the produce to absorb and release heat, as well as on the evaporator cooling time.
The temperature therefore fluctuates above and below the set point, and this may cause a decline in the quality of food preser-
vation. Decreasing the differential to make control more precise increases the frequency of compressor on/off cycles. Precision
of the measurement is in any case limited by the tolerance of both the controller and the probe.

iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022 Functions 49

6.7.1 Control with auxiliary compressor
In addition to the main compressor, the iJF controller can manage a second compressor output that either acts as a second
control step, with or without rotation, or in parallel with the main compressor:
• auxiliary compressor without rotation (parameter DOk)
• auxiliary compressor with rotation (parameter DOy)
• parallel compressor without rotation (parameter DOw)

Stepped control
Control with the auxiliary compressor enabled is illustrated in the figure. If the auxiliary compressor is configured without rota-
tion (par. DOk), the main compressor is always activated first, while if the auxiliary compressor is configured with rotation (par.
DOy), on each activation request the compressor that starts first is alternated, with FIFO rotation, so as to balance the operating
hours of the two compressors.

The auxiliary compressor is activated with a delay that can be set using parameter c11, to avoid simultaneous starts.
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
c11 Second compressor start delay 4 0 250 s M NO
DOA Assign solenoid/compressor digital output 1 (small)/ 0 6 - M NO
0 = Function disabled 5 (large)
1 = NO1; 2 = NO2; 3 = NO3; 4 = NO4
DOk Assign auxiliary compressor without rotation digital output 0 0 6 - M NO
0 = Function disabled
1 = NO1; 2 = NO2; 3 = NO3; 4 = NO4
DOy Assign auxiliary compressor with rotation digital output 0 0 6 - M NO
0 = Function disabled
1 = NO1; 2 = NO2; 3 = NO3; 4 = NO4



Ref. Description
St Set point
OFF OFF rd Differential
Sreg Control probe
rd/2 rd/2 Sreg rd/2 rd/2 Sreg
CMP Compressor request
St St CMP2 Auxiliary compressor request
Fig. 6.e

Parallel control
If the second compressor is configured as an auxiliary parallel compressor, control behaviour and activation of the two outputs
are shown in the figure. The delay set by parameter c11 is always observed.
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
c11 Second compressor start delay 4 0 250 s M NO
DOw Assign auxiliary parallel compressor digital output - see DOA 0 0 6 - M NO



Ref. Description
St Set point
OFF OFF rd Differential
Sreg Control probe
rd Sreg rd Sreg
CMP Compressor request
St St CMP2 Auxiliary parallel compressor request
Fig. 6.f

50 Functions iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022

6.7.2 Dead band control
If a digital output has been configured for reverse control in the dead band (par. DOv), control takes into account a dead band
around the set point, with an amplitude that can be set using parameter rn. The reverse output is activated with a differential set
using parameter rr. Control with dead band varies according to the control mode selected using parameter r30 and whether or
not the second auxiliary or parallel compressor is available. The figures show the different behaviour with or without an auxiliary
compressor; the behaviour with parallel compressor is similar to when the main compressor only is used.

For the auxiliary compressor, the delay set by parameter c11 is always observed.
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
r30 Control mode: 0 0 2 - M NO
0 = direct with defrost; 1 = direct; 2 = reverse
rn Dead band 4.0 0.0 60.0 /108 °C/°F S NO
rr Reverse output differential 2.0 0.0 20.0 /36 °C/°F S NO
DOv Assign reverse digital output with dead band 0 0 6 - M NO
0 = Function disabled
1 = NO1; 2 = NO2; 3 = NO3; 4 = NO4

Direct control in dead band without auxiliary compressor

Ref. Description
300100_129_R01 St Set point
rd Differential
rn Dead band
OFF rr Reverse output differential
Sreg Control probe
CMP Compressor request
rr rn/2 rn/2 rd Sreg REV Reverse output request in dead band
St COMP2 Auxiliary compressor request (par. DOk or par. DOy)
Fig. 6.g

Direct control in dead band with auxiliary compressor

Ref. Description

St Set point
rd Differential
rn Dead band
OFF rr Reverse output differential
Sreg Control probe
CMP Compressor request
rr rn/2 rd/2 rd/2 Sreg REV Reverse output request in dead band
St COMP2 Auxiliary compressor request (par. DOk or par. DOy)
Fig. 6.h

Reverse control in dead band without auxiliary compressor


REV ON CMP Ref. Description

St Set point
rd Differential
rn Dead band
rr Reverse output differential
rd Sreg Sreg Control probe
CMP Compressor request
rr rn/2 rn/2 REV Reverse output request in dead band
St COMP2 Auxiliary compressor request (par. DOk or par. DOy)
Fig. 6.i

Reverse control in dead band with auxiliary compressor


REV ON CMP2 CMP Ref. Description

St Set point
rd Differential
rn Dead band
rr Reverse output differential
rd/2 rd/2 Sreg Sreg Control probe
CMP Compressor request
rr rn/2 rn/2 REV Reverse output request in dead band
St COMP2 Auxiliary compressor request (par. DOk or par. DOy)
Fig. 6.j

iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022 Functions 51

6.8 Night-time operation
During night-time operation there may be a decrease in thermal load. To avoid excessively low temperatures and high energy
consumption, the set point needs to be increased at night by setting parameter r4. Parameter r6a can then be used to select the
virtual probe Sv or intake probe Sr as the control probe.
Night-time operation
Daytime operation
r6a = 0 r6a = 1
Control probe Sv Sv Sr
Set point St St + r4 St + r4
Tab. 6.h
Night-time operation can be activated by a digital input configured as a curtain switch, on the user interface, from the supervisor
or time bands, with different priorities. If the digital input has been selected, this has the highest priority and the other actions
are ignored, while if the digital input has not been selected, the other actions have the same priority and the last one controls
the action.
To set the time bands, see “Setting the date/time and time bands”.
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
DIG Assign curtain switch digital input - see DIA 0 0 4 - S NO
H8 Output switched with time bands 0 = Light; 1 = AUX. 0 0 1 - M NO
r4 Automatic night set point variation 0 -50/-90 50/90 °C/°F S NO
r6 Control probe for night-time operation: 0 0 1 - S NO
0 = virtual probe Sv; 1 = intake temperature probe Sr
r4d Night control differential 4/7.2 0.1/0.2 99.9/ 179.2 °C/°F S NO
tS1..8-d Start time band 1 to 8 day: day - see (td1...8-d) 0 0 11 day U NO
tS1..8-hh Start time band 1 to 8 day: hours 0 0 23 hours U NO
tS1..8-mm Start time band 1 to 8 day: minutes 0 0 59 minutes U NO
td1..8-time Start time band 1 to 8: type of time data for Applica 00:00:00 00:00:00 23:59:59 - U NO
tE1..8-d End time band 1 to 8 day: day - see (td1...8-d) 0 0 11 day U NO
tE1..8-hh End time band 1 to 8 day: hours 0 0 23 hours U NO
tE1..8-mm End time band 1 to 8 day: minutes 0 0 59 minutes U NO

Notice HACCP: verify that modification of the night-time set point (parameter /4) is permitted by site HACCP procedures. If
required, obtain the required authorisation and record the changes.



t t


t t

St + r4 St + r4

St St

t t
Fig. 6.k Fig. 6.l

Ref. Description Ref. Description

St Set point St Set point
r4 Night set point variation r4 Night set point variation
DI Control from digital input BMS Control from supervisor
ACT St Effective set point KB Control from keypad
t time t time

By setting the time bands and setting the light as the switched output (H8 = 0), the set point follows the day/night settings of
the time bands:


tS1 tE1 tS2 tE2 tS8 tE8 t

Fig. 6.m

During day status: During night status:

• Set point= St • Set point= St + r4
• Regulation probe Sv • Regulation probe Sv or Sr, according r6a
• light on • light on

52 Functions iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022

6.9 ECO operation
During ECO operation, the iJF uses the same control set point St+r4, but with a different differential. This reduces the number of
compressor starts/stops and reduces energy consumption.
ECO operation can be activated on the user interface, from the supervisor or time bands, with the same priority.
To set the time bands, see “Setting the date/time and time bands”.

Note: the time bands for ECO operation and night operation are the same; the effect depends on the setting of parameters
r4 and r4d.
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
rd Temperature control differential 2 /3.6 0.1/0.2 99.9/ 179,2 Δ °C/°F S YES
r4d Night control differential 4/7,2 0.1/0.2 99.9/ 179,2 Δ °C/°F S NO
tS1..8-d Start time band 1 to 8 day: day - see (td1...8-d) 0 0 11 day U NO
tS1..8-hh Start time band 1 to 8 day: hours 0 0 23 hours U NO
tS1..8-mm Start time band 1 to 8 day: minutes 0 0 59 minutes U NO
td1..8-time Start time band 1 to 8: type of time data for Applica 00:00:00 00:00:00 23:59:59 - U NO
tE1..8-d End time band 1 to 8 day: day - see (td1...8-d) 0 0 11 day U NO
tE1..8-hh End time band 1 to 8 day: hours 0 0 23 hours U NO
tE1..8-mm End time band 1 to 8 day: minutes 0 0 59 minutes U NO



St + r4
set point

Ref. Description
r4d Differential in ECO operation
ACT diff
r4d r4 Night set point variation
KB Control from keypad
rd BMS Control from supervisor
ACT Diff Effective differential
ECO ECO operation
night day night Night-time operation
t Time
Fig. 6.n
Notice: if the door switch digital input is configured, opening the door causes the changeover from ECO operation to normal

6.10 Continuous cycle

Continuous cycle is a function used to keep the refrigeration cycle active continuously for a settable duration (parameter cc),
irrespective of the temperature inside the unit. This may be useful when requiring a rapid decrease in the temperature, even
below the set point. Continuous cycle ends when the time set for cc is reached or when the temperature falls below the set
point by the value set for parameter ccE.

Caution: the unit of measure of parameter cc is hours.

Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
c7 Defrost priority over continuous cycle: 0 0 1 - M NO
0 = same priority; 1 = defrost has priority.
cc Continuous cycle running time, 0 = disabled 0 0 15 h M NO
ccE Set point delta to end continuous cycle 1.5 /2.7 0.0 9.9/17.8 Δ °C/°F M NO

Continuous cycle can be activated by digital input, from the supervisor, on reaching the high temperature threshold AH or from
the user interface. When the continuous cycle is running:
• the icon comes on (see “User interface” for details)
• the solenoid valve/compressor output (with icon) is activated;
• the low temperature alarm with threshold AL is enabled.

1. the continuous cycle cannot be activated if:
• the duration of the continuous cycle is set to 0 (cc = 0);
• the temperature is below the control set point
• the device is OFF.

iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022 Functions 53

2. The continuous cycle remains in standby if:
• the compressor is waiting for the times to elapse (c1, c3);
• the immediate or delayed alarm from external digital input is active;
• defrost, dripping, post-dripping are running;
• the door is open. When the door is opened, the continuous cycle is interrupted. It restarts for the remaining time when
the door is closed.
3. The continuous cycle ends:
• when deactivating the direct function from the user terminal (see “Direct functions”);
• when reaching the low temperature threshold (AL or AL2 with double thermostat), whichever is reached first;
• at the end of the time cc;
• when the controller is switched off from the supervisor (logical OFF);
• from the supervisor.
The continuous cycle ends:
• on deactivation by digital input, from the supervisor or user interface;
• on reaching the time cc;
• on reaching the threshold St-ccE;
• when there is a defrost request (if c7 = 1);
• when the iJF controller is placed in OFF status.

Defrost priority over continuous cycle

Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
c7 Defrost priority over continuous cycle: 0 0 1 - M NO
0 = same priority; 1 = defrost has priority.

If c7 = 0, the continuous cycle has priority over defrosting: any defrost requests remain on hold while the continuous cycle is run-
ning. If c7=1, defrost requests that are activated when the continuous cycle is running terminate the latter and the defrost starts.

6.11 Custom set points

On the iJF controller the temperature and humidity set points can be selected from sets of preset values. This is done using the
Applica app or the commissioning tools, by setting parameter St_Idx. Furthermore, on some iJF models the set points can be
changed directly by pressing a button or activating a direct function on the display. The preset set point values can be changed
by setting parameters Sc1, Sc2, Sc3, Sh1, Sh2, Sh3 in the Applica app or commissioning tools.
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
Sc1 Custom temperature set point 1 0 r1 r2 °C/°F M NO
Sc2 Custom temperature set point 2 0 r1 r2 °C/°F M NO
Sc3 Custom temperature set point 3 0 r1 r2 °C/°F M NO
St_Idx Custom set point index 0 0 3 - M NO
Sh1 Custom humidity set point 1 0 0 100 %RH M NO
Sh2 Custom humidity set point 2 0 0 100 %RH M NO
Sh3 Custom humidity set point 3 0 0 100 %RH M NO

6.12 Compressor
The iJF controller can manage both On/Off and modulating compressors (VCC - Variable Capacity Compressors, with serial com-
mand in the models with VCC option, or directly via the analogue output, appropriately configured). The control request is sent
to the main compressor and the auxiliary compressor, as described in “Control”.

6.13 Compressor protection times

The controller features the following compressor protection parameters.
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
c0 Delay to enable solenoid/compressor and evaporator fans at power on 0 0 240 min M NO
c1 Min time between consecutive compressor starts 0 0 15 min M NO
c2 Min compressor OFF time 0 0 15 min M NO
c3 Min compressor ON time 0 0 15 min M NO
d9 Defrost priority over compressor protection times: 10 0 1 - M NO
0 = compressor (the protection times are observed);
1 = defrost (the protection times are ignored, therefore defrosting has
higher priority and overrides the compressor times).

54 Functions iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022

• c0 is used to delay the start of control when the device is powered on. This function is useful for protecting the compressor
and the driving relay from repeated on cycles in the event of frequent voltage drops.
• c1 sets the minimum time between two successive starts of the compressor, irrespective of the request. This parameter can
be used to limit the maximum number of starts per hour;
• c2 sets the minimum compressor off time. The compressor will not be started again until the minimum time set has elapsed;
• c3 sets the minimum compressor running time. The compressor will not be started again until the minimum time set has
• d9 disables the compressor protection times when defrosting:
– d9 = 0: the compressor protection times are observed;
– d9 = 1: the compressor protection times are ignored, therefore defrosting has higher priority over the compressor protec-
tion times.


c3 c2 t Ref. Description
c1 CMP Compressor
t time
Fig. 6.o

Notice: in the event of duty setting operation (see the corresponding paragraph), if the on time c4 is less than c3, the com-
pressor remains on for the time c3.

6.14 Variable capacity compressor (VCC)

The iJF controller calculates the optimum compressor speed based on the value read by the control probe, and sends this data
to the VCC inverter, which then drives the compressor, based on the model, in one of two modes: frequency or serial protocol.

6.14.1 VCC with frequency control

For frequency-controlled inverters, some iJF models are equipped with a dedicated analogue output. The output signal is a
digital square wave, with a voltage amplitude from 0 to +10 Vdc and a range defined as described below. The duty cycle is 50%.
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
/AG Assign analogue output for modulating compressor - see /AA 0 0 2 - S NO
/P5 Configuration of analogue output Y1: 7 = 0-10 V; 8 = PWM. 8 7 8 - S NO
/P6 Configuration of analogue output Y2: 7 = 0-10 V; 8 = PWM. 8 7 8 - S NO

The analogue output to be used, Y1 or Y2, is selected by parameter /AG, with the corresponding parameter /P5 or /P6 then set
as a PWM output.

10 Vdc


Fig. 6.p

The compressor speed follows the input frequency signal, with a relationship such as the one shown in the figure.

Notice: the reference frequencies and speeds vary according to the type of compressor and the parameter settings (see

iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022 Functions 55


output (RPM)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 input fraquency
signal (Hz)
Fig. 6.q

The following diagrams show two examples of connection to the Embraco and Secop inverters. It is recommended to refer to
the inverter manufacturer’s user manual for more detailed instructions and installation instructions.

Inverter Secop















SWI Freq.
1 2 3 1 2 3
Fig. 6.r Fig. 6.s

6.14.2 VCC with serial control

For inverters with serial control, some iJF models feature a dedicated serial port. The inverter is connected directly, as shown
in the following table. The following diagrams show two examples of connection to the Embraco and Secop inverters. It is
recommended to refer to the inverter manufacturer’s user manual for more detailed instructions and installation instructions.

Inverter Secop

Correspondence of termi-


IN nals for serial connection


OUT iJF VCC Secop Embraco



+V Not used Not used






Inverter IN


Embraco - O IN
1 2 3 1 2 3

Fig. 6.t Fig. 6.u Tab. 6.i

The serial communication protocol complies with the following technical specifications:
Asynchronous communication (start-stop)
Baud rate 600 baud
Start bits 1
Data bits 8
Stop bits 1
Parity None
Flow control None
Unit size 5 bytes 5 bytes
Tab. 6.j
The compressor speed is sent to the inverter via a specific serial protocol command. The compressor speed follows the sent
value, with a relationship such as the one shown in the figure:

Notice: the reference frequencies and speeds vary according to the type of compressor and the parameter settings (see

56 Functions iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022


output (RPM)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 input fraquency
signal (Hz)
Fig. 6.v

6.14.3 VCC compressor configuration

All of the VCC configuration parameters are expressed in units of frequency (Hz). The corresponding compressor rotation speed
(rpm) depends on the relationship:
Compressor speed (rpm) = Frequency (Hz) * cuF
where cuF is the conversion factor between frequency and compressor speed.
Par. Description Def. Min Max UOM User User terminal
cdf VCC compressor frequency for hot gas defrost 140 0 255 hz M NO
cMA Maximum VCC compressor rotation frequency 150 0 250 hz M NO
cMf Maximum VCC compressor control frequency 100 0 255 hz M NO
cMi VCC compressor switch-off frequency 30 0 250 hz M NO
cnf Minimum VCC compressor control frequency 100 0 255 hz M NO
cuF Conversion factor from frequency (Hz) to compressor speed (rpm) 30 0 999 - M NO
cSc Soft start frequency 53 0 255 hz M NO
cSt Soft start time 5 0 999 s M NO

Each VCC model works between two operating limit frequencies, the switch-off frequency and the maximum rotation frequen-
cy. The iJF controller uses the following preset values:
• cMi = switch-off frequency = 30 Hz (thermostat present signal, but VCC is off, 0 rpm)
• cMA = maximum rotation frequency = 150 Hz (4500 rpm)
For VCCs that use values other than those shown previously, see “Advanced VCC configuration”.
To adapt the cooling capacity of the VCC to the actual needs of the application, set the following parameters:
• cnf = minimum control frequency; preset value = 52 Hz (1560 rpm);
• cMf = maximum control frequency; preset value = 100 Hz (3000 rpm).

During normal control, when the conditions require the VCC to restart, the compressor runs at the soft-start frequency for the
soft-start time (a few seconds). To adapt this frequency to the VCC oil recovery specifications, set the following parameters:
• cSc = soft-start frequency; preset value = 53 Hz (1590 rpm);
• cSt = soft-start time; preset value = 5 s.
When defrosting, if set in hot gas mode, the compressor runs at a fixed frequency, defined by the following parameter:
• cdf = hot gas defrost frequency; preset value = 140 Hz (4200 rpm).

6.14.4 VCC compressor control

The VCC compressor speed is controlled using a PID algorithm. The compressor remains off until the control temperature ex-
ceeds the value St + rd, at which point the compressor starts at the soft-start frequency cSc. After the soft-start time cSt, the PID
algorithm manages the compressor speed within the operating range defined by cnF and cMF.
Par. Description Def. Min Max UOM User User terminal
cct VCC compressor off time 1 0 250 min M NO
cdt PID control derivative term 1 0 255 s M NO
cPr PID control proportional term 2 0 800 - M NO
ctl PID control integral term 120 0 999 s M NO

iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022 Functions 57


PID regulation
MAX freq.
Ref. Description
Sv Control probe
Start freq. cSc
St Set point
rd Control differential
MIN freq.
cnf Minimum control frequency
cSc Soft start frequency
St+rd Temperature
cMf Maximum control frequency
Fig. 6.w

The PID control algorithm can be adapted to the needs of the application by setting the following parameters:
• cPr = PID control proportional term;
• ctl = PID control integral term;
• cdt = PID control derivative term.
The preset values are suitable and safe for starting any application the first time. When making adaptations, it is recommended
to modify one parameter at a time and check the behaviour of the application in a controlled environment.
If the compressor is on, the controller switches it off when the temperature read by the control probe Sv reaches the low tem-
perature alarm threshold or the set point St for a time equal to cct:
• if cct is set to 0, the compressor stops immediately when Sv = St.
• if cct is set to 255, the compressor never stops.

AL / cct St
ON Ref. Description
VCC Sv Control probe
Compressor St Set point
rd Control differential
AL / cct Low temperature
Temperature threshold or off time
Fig. 6.x

To protect the refrigerated products, management of the two alarm thresholds overlaps normal control:
• AL = low temperature alarm threshold; when the temperature read by the control probe Sv is lower than the threshold AL, the
controller immediately stops the compressor.
• AH = high temperature alarm threshold; when the temperature read by the control probe Sv is higher than the threshold AH,
the controller activates the continuous cycle for the compressor (if cc> 0). See “Continuous cycle”.
Par. Description Def. Min Max UOM User User terminal
AH High temperature alarm threshold 0 0 555/999 Δ °C/°F U YES
AHA Absolute high temperature alarm threshold 537/999 -100 /-148 537/999 °C/°F U YES
AL Low temperature alarm threshold 0 0 200/360 Δ °C/°F U YES
ALA Absolute low temperature alarm threshold -100/-148 -100 /-148 537/999 °C/°F U YES


Compressor ON at MAXIMUM speed


Cooling capacity / compressor speed modulation

St + rd


Compressor ON
at MINIMUM speed

Compressor OFF

Compressor status Ref. Description
ON St Set point
rd Control differential
AH High temperature alarm
OFF threshold
cct t AL Low temperature alarm
Fig. 6.y

58 Functions iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022

6.14.5 Defrost with VCC compressor
When there is a hot gas defrost request, the variable speed compressor operates at the speed set by cdF. The defrost relay is
delayed by the drain heater activation time dHA. At the end of the defrost, the compressor switches back to normal control and
the drain heater remains on for the post-heating time dHE.

Notice: if at the end of the defrost the temperature is higher than the alarm threshold AH or AHA, and parameter cc > 0, the
compressor is activated at the maximum frequency cMA to bring the temperature down in the shortest possible time.

The following diagram describes hot gas defrost with drain heater management.
Par. Description Def. Min Max UOM User User terminal
cdf VCC compressor frequency for hot gas defrost 140 0 255 hz M NO
ddF VCC compressor frequency for dripping 140 cMi 255 hz M NO
dHA Drain heater activation time before defrosting 3 1 120 min M NO
dHE Drain heater activation time after defrosting 3 1 120 min M NO

Status Drain Defrost Dripping (Post Dripping)



Fig. 6.z

6.14.6 Continuous cycle with VCC compressor

When the continuous cycle is activated, the compressor is switched on (if off, otherwise it stays on). The compressor runs at the
speed set by parameter cMA until the end of the continuous cycle.
Par. Description Def. Min Max UOM User User terminal
cMA Maximum VCC compressor rotation frequency 150 0 250 hz M NO

6.14.7 Dead band and VCC compressor

If the reverse output is set for dead band control, the VCC compressor starts when St + rn/2 + rd, as described in “Dead band
control”. To activate the reverse output, the compressor must be off.
Par. Description Def. Min Max UOM User User terminal
cct VCC compressor off time 1 0 255 min M NO

Note the following:

• The compressor stops when the control temperature Sv < St and the time cct elapses.
• If cct is set to 0, the compressor stops immediately when the temperature reaches the set point St
• If cct is set to 255, the compressor never stops and the reverse output can never be activated.

6.14.8 On/Off compressor and VCC compressor

If the auxiliary compressor without rotation is configured, the first compressor to be activated is the VCC, as described in “VCC
compressor control”. The On/Off compressor will be activated second.
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
c1 Min time between consecutive compressor starts 0 0 15 min M NO
c2 Min compressor OFF time 0 0 15 min M NO
c3 Min compressor ON time 0 0 15 min M NO

iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022 Functions 59




Ref. Description
Sv Control probe
St Set point
Sv rd Control differential
rd/2 rd/2 VCC VCC compressor request
St COMP2 Auxiliary compressor request
Fig. 6.aa

The time set by parameter c11 is always observed between activation of the VCC compressor and activation of the On/Off
If the auxiliary compressor is configured as a parallel compressor, the auxiliary compressor is activated together with the VCC
compressor, after the delay time c11.

6.15 Pump down

When the compressor stops, the pump down procedure can be performed to empty the evaporator. The pump down proce-
dure can end by pressure or by time, as set by parameter c10.

Par. Description Def. Min Max UOM User User terminal

cPt Maximum pump down time (0 = pump down disabled) s 0 900 0 M NO
c8 Compressor start delay after opening the pump down valve s 0 60 5 M NO
c9 Restart during pump down: - 0 1 1 M NO
0 = disabled; 1 = enabled.
c10 Pump down by pressure or time: 0 1 1 - M NO
0 = pressure; 1 = time.
DIt Assign low pressure switch digital input: - 0 4 0 M NO
0 = disabled; 1 = ID1; 2 = ID2; 3 = D1H; 4 = D2H
DOn Assign liquid valve digital output: - 0 6 0 M NO
0 = disabled;
1 = NO1; 2 = NO2; 3 = NO3; 4 = NO4; 5 = NO5; 6 = NO6

The pump down procedure can be activated if the liquid valve digital output is configured and parameter cPt > 0. When there
is a request to stop the compressor, the liquid valve is closed until the low pressure switch is activated or the time cPt elapses,
based on the setting of parameter c10.
If pump down is set to end by pressure and the pressure switch is not activated before the time cPt, the procedure is terminated
when the time expires, and the Pump down ended after maximum time alarm Pd is generated.

Notice: for VCC compressors, during pump down the compressor is operated at the minimum frequency cnf.

ON Ref. Description
Alarm Pd St Set point
OFF rd Control differential
Sv Control threshold
Sv PRESSURE SWITCH Low pressure switch
St CMP, FAN Compressor request
VPD Liquid valve output
t ALARM Pd Pump down ended after maximum time alarm
cPt cPt
cPt Pump down time
Fig. 6.ab

60 Functions iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022

Notice: for VCC compressors, take care when setting parameter cct for stopping the compressor. To perform the pump
down procedure, set cct = 0.
If during pump down the status of the low pressure switch changes again and restart during pump down is enabled by setting
parameter c9 = 1, the procedure ends, the compressor restarts and a Restart in pump down alarm Ats is generated. Alarm Ats is
reset when a pump down procedure is completed correctly.

AlS Ref. Description
St Set point
rd Control differential
Sv Sv Control threshold
St PRESSURE SWITCH Low pressure switch
CMP, FAN Compressor request
t VPD Liquid valve output
cPt Ats Restart in pump down alarm
cPt cPt Pump down time

When the compressor starts, the liquid valve is opened for the time set by parameter c8, to allow the pressure to equalise. If c8
= 0 pump down at power on is disabled.

6.16 Defrost
The iJF controller can manage different types of defrosts, based on the setting of parameter d0.
The defrost can end by temperature, in which case the defrost probe Sd must be installed, or by time. At the end of the defrost
the dripping phase may begin (if dd>0), during which the compressor and the fans are off, followed by the post-dripping phase
(if Fd>0), during which control resumes and the fans work based on the setting of parameter Fpd. The type of display on user
terminal during the defrost can be selected by setting parameter d6.
Code Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
DIc Assign enable defrost digital input - see DIA 0 0 4 - S NO
DId Assign start defrost digital input - see DIA 0 0 4 - S NO
/d1 Assign end defrost probe: 2 1 16 - M YES
1 outlet temperature (Sm) 9 ambient temperature
2 defrost temperature (Sd) 10 not used
3 intake temperature (Sr) 11 glass temperature
4 not used 12 not used
5 not used 13 condensing temperature
6 auxiliary evaporator 14 humidity
defrost temperature (Sd2) 15 frost protection temperature
7 auxiliary probe 1 16 product temperature
8 auxiliary probe 2
/d2 Assign auxiliary evaporator end defrost probe - see /d1 6 1 16 - M YES
d0 Type of defrost 0 0 4 - M NO
0 heater by temperature 3 hot gas by time
1 hot gas by temperature 4 heater by time
2 heater by time with temperature control
dt1 End defrost temperature (read by Sd) 4/ 39.2 -50/ -58 50/122 °C/°F S YES
dt2 Auxiliary evaporator end defrost temperature (read by Sd2) 4/ 39.2 -50/ -58 50/122 °C/°F S YES
dP1 Maximum defrost duration 45 1 240 min S YES
dP2 Max auxiliary evaporator defrost duration 45 1 240 min S YES
d6 Display on terminals during defrosts: 1 0 2 - S YES
0 = temperature alternating with ‘dEF’; 1 = freeze display; 2 = ‘dEF’.
dd Dripping time after defrost (fans off ) 2 0 15 min M NO
0 = no dripping
d7 Skip defrost: 0 = Disabled - 1 = Enabled 0 0 1 - M NO
d8 Bypass high temperature alarm time after defrost 1 1 240 hours S SI
d10 Compressor on time for defrost running time mode 0 0 240 min M NO
0 = function disabled
d11 Defrost temperature threshold in running time mode -50 /-58 -50 /-58 50 / 122 °C/°F M NO
d15 Start defrost delay 0 0 240 min M NO

iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022 Functions 61

Code Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
dn Nominal defrost duration for skip defrost 75 0 100 % M NO
dnM Maximum defrost duration for skip defrost 45 0 240 min M NO
F2 Evaporator fans with compressor off : 1 0 1 - M YES
0 = see F0; 1 = always off
F3 Evaporator fans during defrosts: 0 = on - 1 = off 1 0 1 - M NO
Fd Post-dripping time after defrost 2 0 15 min M NO
(fans off with control active)
Fpd Evaporator fans during post-dripping 1 0 1 - M NO
0/1 = On/Off
Fsh Modulating evaporator fan speed in dehumidification 40 0 100 % S NO
A3 Defrost terminated after maximum time signal: 0 0 0 - S YES
0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled

Below is the trend of the defrost output based on the setting of parameter d0.


ON d0=0
ON d0=2
DEF Ref. Description
t t time
ON d0=4 dt1 End defrost temperature
DEF dP1 Maximum defrost duration
t Sd Defrost probe
DEF Defrost
d0 Type of defrost

The heater defrost by time with temperature control (d0=4) activates the defrost output only if the evaporator temperature (Sd)
is less than the value of parameter dt1, and ends after the time defined by dP1. This function is useful for energy saving and to
prevent excessive temperatures on the evaporator.
Parameters td1 to td8 can be used to set up to 8 defrost events based on the controller’s clock (RTC), on models where featured.
To set parameters td1 to td8, use the supervisor, the configuration tool or the Applica app. See “Configuration tools”.
Code Description Def. Min Max UOM User
td1..8-d Defrost 1 to 8 - day 0 0 11 - S NO
0 event disabled 9 Monday to Saturday
1 to 7 Monday to Sunday 10 Saturday & Sunday
8 Monday to Friday 11 every day
td1..8-hh Defrost 1 to 8 - hours 0 0 23 hours S NO
td1..8-mm Defrost 1 to 8 - minutes 0 0 59 min S NO
td1..8-time Defrost 1 to 8 - data type for Applica 00:00:00 00:00:00 23:59:59 - S NO

Input and output settings

Code Description Def. Min Max UOM User
/Fb Assign defrost temperature probe (Sd) - see /FA 0 0 7 - M NO
/cb Defrost temperature probe (Sd) calibration 0 -20/ -36 20/ 36 Δ °C/°F S NO
/FF Assign auxiliary evaporator defrost temperature probe (Sd2) - see /FA 0 0 7 - M NO
/cF Auxiliary evaporator defrost temperature probe (Sd2) calibration 0 -20/ -36 20/ 36 Δ °C/°F S NO
DOG Assign defrost digital output - see DOA 2 (small) / 0 6 - M NO
6 (large)
rOG Defrost digital output logic - see rOA 0 0 1 - S NO
DOH Assign auxiliary evaporator defrost digital output - see DOA 0 0 6 - M NO
rOH Auxiliary evaporator defrost digital output logic - see rOA 0 0 1 - S NO

62 Functions iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022

Start defrost
The events that activate a defrost are shown in the table.
Event Defrosting
Interval between defrosts expired Dependent on enabling (dI > 0)
Time band Dependent on enabling (time bands set) and presence of the RTC
Compressor running time Dependent on enabling (d10 > 0)
Start-up Dependent on enabling (Sd < d11)
At each compressor start Dependent on enabling (Sd < d11)
Digital input Dependent on enabling (DId > 0)
Supervision Always
Keypad/Direct function Dependent on the presence of the button/enabling of the direct function
App/Commissioning tool Always
Opening the door Dependent on enabling (dcL > 0)
Tab. 6.k

Start defrost
The iJF controller can manage the following types of defrosts, based on the setting of parameter d0:
1. heater (placed near the evaporator) by temperature;
2. hot gas by temperature;
3. heater by time;
4. hot gas by time;
5. heater by time with temperature control.
The details of each type of defrost are illustrated in the following paragraphs.
If defrost by temperature is selected, it is performed only if the value read by the evaporation temperature probe Sd is lower than
the defrost end value (dt1 and dt2) or has an error. This also applies when there are two evaporators.
For heater defrosts:
• first the time d15 elapses;
• the compressor stops (performing pump down, if enabled);
• the main and secondary evaporator defrost relays are activated to switch on the heaters.
During hot gas defrost:
• first the time d15 elapses;
• then the compressor stops;
• the time dHG/2 elapses;
• the main and secondary evaporator defrost relays are activated to activate the hot gas valve.
• the time dHG/2 elapses;
• the compressor starts;

Notice: if parameter dHG has a vlaue other than zero, pump down is not performed during hot gas defrost.

Notice: if the control temperature is lower than the low temperature alarm threshold (parameter AL or ALA), the compressor
cannot start and therefore the hot gas defrost will not be performed. If the temperature falls below the alarm threshold during
defrosting, the compressor will stop immediately.

End defrost
The defrost ends by temperature when the values set by parameters dt1 and dt2 are reached, or by time, when the values dP1
and dP2 are reached, based on the setting of parameter d0. If defrost by temperature is selected, the defrost probe Sd needs to
be installed; the defrost ends when the probe Sd measures a value greater than the setting of dt1 or by timeout after the maxi-
mum time dP1 has elapsed; in this case, based on the setting of parameter A3, Ed1 is displayed.
If set to end by time, the defrost ends after the time dP1.
The heater defrost by time with temperature control (d0=4) activates the defrost output only if the evaporator temperature Sd
is less than the value of parameter dt1, and ends after the time defined by dP1. This function is useful for energy saving and to
avoid excessively heating the evaporator.
For units with two evaporators, the defrost ends when both evaporators have reached the end defrost condition. If one evap-
orator ends defrosting (by time or by temperature) before the other, the corresponding defrost relay is de-energised, while the
compressor remains in the status required by the defrost.
For hot gas defrost, when the defrost ends:
• the compressor stops;
• the time dHG/2 elapses;
• the main and secondary evaporator defrost relays are deactivated to deactivate the hot gas valve.
• the time dHG/2 elapses;
• the compressor starts;
At the end of the defrost, the controller can activate the dripping phase (if dd>0), during which the compressor and the fans are
off, followed by the post-dripping phase (if Fd>0), during which control resumes with the fans off. If the defrost ends prematurely
(e.g. interrupted by keypad/BMS), the dripping and post-dripping phases are skipped.
The type of display on the user terminal during defrosting can be selected by setting parameter d6.

Notice: high temperature alarms can be disabled after defrosting by setting par. d8.

iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022 Functions 63

6.16.1 Heater defrost (d0 = 0, 2, 4): duty cycle
The duty cycle refers to the default values of parameters F2 and F3.

refrig pump def drip post drip refrig

down (dd) (Fd)

CMP c8
V_Pd cP1
V_Pd t
Fig. Fig.
Ref. Description Ref. Description
t Time RES Defrost heater
FAN Fan V_Pd Pump down valve
DEF Defrost C Condenser
DRIP Dripping E Evaporator
CMP Compressor L Liquid receiver
POST DRIP Post-dripping HOT GAS Hot gas valve
REFRIG Control

6.16.2 Hot gas defrost (d0 = 1, 3): duty cycle

The duty cycle refers to the default values of parameters F2 and F3.

refrig pump def drip post refrig


C down drip
CMP c8
V_Pd c8
Sv V_def
Fig. Fig. 6.ah
Ref. Description Ref. Description
t Time REFRIG Control
FAN Fan HOT GAS Hot gas valve
DEF Defrost V_Pd Pump down valve
DRIP Dripping C Condenser
CMP Compressor E Evaporator
POST DRIP Post-dripping L Liquid receiver

Notice: the defrost output (DEF) is used to control the hot gas valve V_def.
Pump down is the period in which the evaporator is emptied of liquid refrigerant, and can be disabled by setting cPt=0 (see
“Pump down phase duration”). Operation of the fan during the pump down phase depends on parameters F2 and F3. During
the dripping phase the fan is always off, while during the post-dripping phase operation depends on the setting of parameter
Code Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
dd Dripping time after defrost (fans off ) 2 0 15 min M NO
0 = no dripping
cPt Pump down phase duration 0 = pump down disabled 0 0 900 s M NO
F2 Evaporator fans with compressor off : 1 0 1 - M NO
0 = see F0; 1 = always off
F3 Evaporator fans during defrosts: 0 = on - 1 = off 1 0 1 - M NO
Fd Post-dripping time after defrosting 2 0 15 min M NO
(fans off with control active)

64 Functions iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022

6.16.3 Advanced defrosting features
Maximum interval between consecutive defrosts (par. dI)
Code Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
dl Maximum interval between consecutive defrosts 8 0 240 hours S YES
Tab. 6.l

Parameter dI is a safety parameter used to perform cyclical defrosts every “dI” hours, event without the real time clock (RTC). At
the start of each defrost, irrespective of the duration, an interval starts being counted. If this interval exceeds dI without a defrost
being performed, one is started automatically. The count is always active even if the controller is OFF.

If the defrost programmed by time td3 is not carried out due to a fault in the RTC, a new defrost starts after the safety time dI.


OFF Ref. Description
dl Maximum interval between consecutive defrosts
td1 t td1…td3 Scheduled defrosts
td2 t time
DEF Defrost

• if the interval dI expires when the controller is OFF, a defrost will be performed when it is switched ON;
• to ensure correct defrosting, the interval between defrosts must be greater than the maximum defrost duration, increased by
the dripping and post-dripping times.

Notice: to avoid unwanted defrosts controlled by the timer, set parameter dI=0 (defrosts from keypad, RTC, compressor
running time or digital input only).

Running time defrost (par. d10, d11)

Running time is a special function that determines when the refrigeration unit needs defrosting. In particular, it is assumed that
if the compressor is on for a certain time (d10) and the evaporator temperature measured by probe Sd remains continuously
below a certain set threshold (d11), the evaporator may be frozen and a defrost is activated. The time is reset if the temperature
returns above the threshold.
Code Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
dt1 End defrost temperature (read by Sd) 4/ 39.2 -50 /-58 50/122 °C/°F S YES
dt2 Auxiliary evaporator end defrost temperature (read by Sd2) 4/ 39.2 -50 /-58 50/122 °C/°F S YES
d10 Compressor on time for defrost running time mode 0 0 240 min M NO
0 = function disabled
d11 Defrost temperature threshold in running time mode -50 /-58 -50 /-58 50/122 °C/°F M NO


t Ref. Description
ON Sd Defrost probe
OFF t time
DEF Defrost
d10 CMP Compressor
Fig. 6.aj

Defrost at each compressor start

With defrosts controlled by temperature, if the evaporator temperature is lower than d11 when there is a cooling request, pre-
ventive defrosting is required before starting the compressor. This avoids starting the compressor and then stopping immedi-
ately afterwards, thus reducing the number of compressor starts.

Notice: this condition is not verified the first time the compressor is started after switching the unit on.

iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022 Functions 65

Defrost after opening the door
Opening the door allows humid air into the showcase, which can condense and freeze on the evaporator. Consequently, the
controller records the number of door openings that occur when the evaporation temperature is below zero. When the door
is opened a number of times equal to the setting of DoL, a defrost is activated. The controller checks the defrost duration and
adjusts the number of door openings that must be reached before the
next defrost.
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
dCH Defrost after opening the door: maximum number of openings 50 dcL 99 - M NO
dcL Defrost after opening the door: minimum number of openings 0 0 dCH - M NO
dPH Defrost after opening the door: maximum defrost duration 15 dPL dP1 min M NO
dPL Defrost after opening the door: minimum defrost duration 5 0 dPH min M NO

If the defrost duration:

• is less than dPL, the number of openings is increased by 10;
• is more than dPH, the number of openings is decreased by 5;
• is between dPL and dPH, the number of openings remains unchanged.
In any case, the number of door openings always remains between the minimum and maximum limits dcL and dcH.

Notice: the door opening counter is reset every time a defrost is performed.

Skip defrost (par. d7, dn)

If defrosts ending by temperature are set, the skip defrost function evaluates whether the defrost duration is less than a certain
threshold dn1 (dn2) and based on this establishes whether or not the following defrosts can be skipped.
Code Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
dP1 Maximum defrost duration 45 1 240 min S YES
dP2 Max auxiliary evaporator defrost duration 45 1 240 min S YES
d7 Skip defrost: 0 = Disabled - 1 = Enabled 0 0 1 - M NO
dn Nominal defrost duration for skip defrost 75 0 100 % M NO

Thresholds dn1 (evaporator 1) and dn2 (evaporator 2) are calculated based on the parameter settings:
dn dn
dn1 = 100
· dP1 dn2 = 100
· dP2

The algorithm keeps a counter of the defrosts to be skipped:

• when switching the controller on, the defrost is performed 7 times without increasing the counter, from the eighth on the
counter is updated;
• if the defrost ends in a time less than dn1 (dn2), the counter of the defrosts to be skipped is increased by 1;
• when the counter reaches 1, the next defrost is skipped; if the next defrost ends in a time less than dn1 (dn2), the counter is
increased to 2 and 2 defrosts are skipped; if also the next defrost ends in a time less than dn1 (dn2), the counter is increased
to 3 and 3 defrosts are skipped, the counter is reset and the algorithm restarts (see table).
Defrost sequence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
“short defrost”? - - - - - - - Y - Y - - Y - - - Y - Y - - Y
Counted - - - - - - - 1 - 2 - - 3 - - - 1 - 2 - - 3
Defrost Skipped N N N N N N N N Y N Y Y N Y Y Y N Y N Y Y N
Algorithm restart

Notice: whenever a defrost ends after dn1 (dn2), the next defrost is performed and the counter is reset.

Nota: the algorithm is applied only in case of defrosts programmed by scheduler or cyclic defrosts (par. dI), manual defrosts
or defrosts started from the supervisory system are always performed and don’t have effects on the counter.

Auxiliary evaporator defrost

Up to two defrost probes and up to two evaporator outputs can be configured, activating a heater on the main evaporator and
another on the auxiliary evaporator. The controller recognises the basic configuration shown in the following table.
Defrost outputs Evaporator probes Start defrost
1 1 Normal
2 1 Defrosting managed on two outputs with reference to the same evaporator probe
1 2 Defrosting managed on the same output with reference to the two evaporator probes (minimum
evaporation temperature)
2 2 Defrosting managed independently on the two evaporator circuits
Tab. 6.m

66 Functions iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022

6.16.4 Other defrost parameters
End defrost signal by timeout (par. A3)
Code Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
A3 End defrost signal by timeout 0 0 1 - M NO
0 = disabled; 1 = enabled

Defrost at power on (par. d4)

Code Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
d4 Enable defrost at power on: 0 0 1 - M NO
0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled

The defrost request at power on has priority over the control request and activation of the continuous cycle.

Defrost delay at power on (parameter d5)

Code Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
d5 Defrost delay at power on or after command from digital input 0 0 240 min M NO

Also active when d4=0. If the digital input is set to enable or start a defrost from an external contact, parameter d5 represents
the delay between when the defrost is enabled or requested, and when it effectively starts.

Dripping time after defrost (par. dd)

Code Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
dd Dripping time after defrost (0 = no dripping) 2 0 15 min M NO

This parameter is used to stop the compressor and the evaporator fans following a defrost so as to allow the evaporator to drip.
The value of the parameter indicates the off time in minutes. If dd=0 no dripping time is enabled, and at the end of the defrost
control resumes immediately, without stopping the compressor and the fan, if active.

Pump down phase duration (par. cPt)

Code Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
cPt Pump down phase duration 0 = pump down disabled 0 0 999 s M NO

The pump down phase is the period in which the evaporator is emptied of liquid refrigerant. Parameter cPt defines the duration
of the pump down phase whenever control stops.

Defrost priority over compressor protection (par. d9)

Code Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
d9 Defrost priority over compressor protection times: 0 0 1 - M NO
0 = the compressor protection times are observed;
d9 = 1: the compressor protection times are ignored, therefore
defrosting starts without waiting for the compressor protection
times to elapse

Parameter d9 is used to set the priority of defrosts over the compressor times c1, c2, c3 when there is a defrost request.

Defrost priority over continuous cycle (par. c7)

Code Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
c7 Defrost priority over continuous cycle: 0 0 1 - M NO
0 = continuous cycle has priority;
1 = defrost has priority.

Parameter c7 is used to set the priority of defrosts over the continuous cycle:
• if c7 = 0, the continuous cycle has priority over the defrost requests;
• if c7 = 1, if the continuous cycle is in progress and there is a defrost request, the continuous cycle ends and the defrost starts.

Defrost interval unit of measure (par. dC)

Code Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
dC Time base for defrosts 0 0 1 - S NO
0: dI in hours, dP1 and dP2 in minutes
1: dI in minutes, dP1 and dP2 in seconds

Parameter dC is used to change the unit of measure (hours/minutes or minutes/seconds) used to count the times for parameters dI
(defrost interval, hours or minutes), dP1 and dP2 (defrost duration) . This feature is particularly useful when configuring the defrosts.

iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022 Functions 67

6.17 Evaporator fans
The evaporator fans can be fixed speed (On/Off ) or variable speed (modulating 0-10 V).

Notice: variable speed fans are only available on models with analogue outputs Y1 and Y2, PWM or 0-10 V, see “Introduction”.
To assign the On/Off or modulating output, use the parameters shown in the table.
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
DOI Assign evaporator fan digital output - see DOA 3 (small)/ 0 6 - S NO
4 (large)
rOI Evaporator fan digital output logic - see rOA 0 0 1 - S NO
/AA Assign analogue output for modulating evaporator fan 0 0 2 - S NO
0 = not configured;
1 = analogue output 1 (Y1)
2 = analogue output 2 (Y2)
/P5 Configuration of analogue output Y1: 8 7 8 - S NO
7 = 0..10V; 8 = PWM
/P6 Configuration of analogue output Y2: 8 7 8 - S NO
7 = 0-10 V; 8 = PWM

Notice: if an analogue output is assigned to the variable-speed evaporator fan function and the evaporator fan is also assigned
to a relay output, both outputs will be active at the same time; if the speed is greater than 0, the relay will remain active (closed):
• if speed (Y1) > 0 –› “FAN” relay ON (NO* closed)
• if speed (Y1) = 0 –› “FAN” relay OFF (NO* open)

6.17.1 Fixed-speed evaporator fans

To activate the algorithm, simply assign a relay output to the evaporator fan function (on some models this is already assigned
by default, see the product label). In addition, the defrost probe needs to be configured if this is required for control. See “Inputs
and outputs”. The parameters used to manage fixed-speed fans are shown below (see the connection diagram).
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
F0 Evaporator fan management: 0 0 3 - S NO
0 = always on;
1 = activation based on Sd – Sv;
2 = activation based on Sd;
3 = activation based on Sv.
F1 Evaporator fan activation threshold (only if F0 = 1, 2, 3) 5/ 41 -50/-58 50/122 °C/°F S NO
F2 Evaporator fans with compressor off : 1 0 3 - S NO
0 = see F0;
1 = always off with compressor off ;
2 = on for anti-stratification;
3 = on for humidity control.
Frd Fan activation differential (including variable speed) 2/ 3.6 0.1/0.2 20/ 36 °C/°F S YES

iJF controller manages the evaporator fans as follows:

• F0 = 0 always on;
• F0 = 1 on/off based on difference between probes Sd and Sv;
• F0 = 2 on/off based on defrost probe Sd;
• F0 = 3 on/off based control probe Sv.
If parameter F0 = 0, the evaporator fans are on when the compressor is on (based on the setting of parameter F2), regardless of
the defrost or control temperature.

ON F0=0
Evap. fan EC FAN

Fig. 6.ak

If parameter F0=1 or 2, the evaporator fans are on/off based on the difference between the defrost and control probe tempe-
ratures, or based on the defrost probe reading. The fans switch on when the control variable falls below the threshold F1 value
minus the control differential Frd, and switch off when the control variable rises above the threshold F1.
If parameter F0=3, the evaporator fans are on/off based on the control probe reading. The fans switch on when the control
variable falls below the threshold St minus the control differential rd, and switch off when the control variable rises above the
threshold St.

68 Functions iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022

Ref. Description
Sd Defrost probe
Sv Control probe
ON t F1 Fan activation threshold (St if F0=3)

FAN Frd Differential (rd if F0=3)
t time
t FAN Evaporator fans

The fans can be switched off in the following situations:

• when the compressor is off (parameter F2);
• during defrosts (parameter F3).

The evaporator fans can be forced on during control (parameter F2) and during defrosts (parameter F3).

Evaporator fans during defrosts

When defrosting (parameter F3), the fans can be forced off. During the dripping time (parameter dd > 0) the fans are always off,
while during the post-dripping time (parameter Fd > 0), the status of the fans can be defined by setting parameter Fpd.
This is useful to allow the evaporator to return to temperature after defrosting, thus avoiding blowing warm hot and moist air
into the refrigerated environment.
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
dd Dripping time after defrost (0 = no dripping) 2 0 15 min M NO
F3 Evaporator fans during defrosts: 1 0 1 - S NO
0 = on; 1 = off.
Fd Post-dripping time after defrosting 2 0 15 min M NO
(fans off with control active)
Fpd Evaporator fans during post-dripping: 1 0 1 - M NO
0 = on; 1 = off.

Set parameter F2 = 2 to prevent stratification of the air inside the showcase when the compressor is off. The fan performs a series
of ON and OFF cycles with settable times that differ depending on the time (day or night). When the compressor is switched off,
the fan remains ON.
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
F2 Evaporator fans with compressor off : 1 0 3 - S NO
0 = see F0;
1 = always off with compressor off ;
2 = on for anti-stratification;
3 = on for humidity control.
Fd0 Evaporator fan ON time for anti-stratification during the day 5 1 100 min M NO
FdF Evaporator fan OFF time for anti-stratification during the day (0 = 10 0 100 min M NO
always ON during the day)
Fn0 Evaporator fan ON time for anti-stratification at night 5 1 100 min M NO
FnF Evaporator fan OFF time for anti-stratification at night (0 = always ON 20 0 100 min M NO
at night)


Day Night
FdF Fd0 FdF Fd0
FAN Duty

iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022 Functions 69

Humidity management with evaporator fan cycles
If F2 = 3, when the compressor is off, the fan is controlled based on the humidity level set by parameter HU, selected between
three humidity levels: low, medium and high, which correspond to three different sets of fan on/off times and three different
control temperature differentials for compressor activation.
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
HU Humidity level: 0: low; 1: medium; 2: high. 1 0 2 - U NO
F2 Evaporator fans with compressor off : 1 0 3 - S NO
0 = see F0;
1 = always off with compressor off ;
2 = on for anti-stratification;
3 = on for humidity control.
F11 Fan ON time with low humidity level 60 0 600 Sec M NO
F12 Fan OFF time with low humidity level 120 0 600 Sec M NO
F13 Fan ON time with medium humidity level 120 0 600 Sec M NO
F14 Fan OFF time with medium humidity level 120 0 600 Sec M NO
F15 Fan ON time with high humidity level 180 0 600 Sec M NO
F16 Fan OFF time with medium humidity level 120 0 600 Sec M NO
F17 Temperature control differential for compressor activation with low 2.0/ 3.6 0.1/0.2 20/36 °C/°F M NO
humidity level
F18 Temperature control differential for compressor activation with 2.0/ 3.6 0.1/0.2 20/36 °C/°F M NO
medium humidity level
F19 Temperature control differential for compressor activation with high 2.0/ 3.6 0.1/0.2 20/36 °C/°F M NO
humidity level


FAN Duty Ref. Description
Cycle TON F11/F13/F15
OFF TOFF F12/F14/F16

6.17.2 Variable-speed evaporator fans (EC fans)

Variable-speed fans may be useful for optimising energy consumption. In this case, the fans are powered by the mains, while the
control signal may come via output Y1 or Y2 on the iJF controller, set as 0-10 Vdc.

Notice: variable speed fans are only available on models with analogue outputs Y1 and Y2, PWM or 0-10 V, see “Introduction”.
To activate the algorithm, simply assign an analogue output to the variable-speed evaporator fan function by setting the type
of output accordingly. In addition, the evaporation temperature probe needs to be configured if this is required for control. See
“Inputs and outputs”.
The maximum and minimum fan speed can be set using parameters F6 and F7 (as a percentage of the range 0-10 V). The fan
speed varies proportionally across the range of modulation.
For example, considering the default values of the parameters, if F0 = 2 and Sd = F1-Frd/2 = 6°C –› output Y1 corresponds to the
percentage (F6+F7)/2 = 50%. Nel caso si utilizzi il regolatore di velocità per i ventilatori, F5 rappresenta la temperatura sotto la
quale si attivano i ventilatori, con un’isteresi fissa di 1°C per lo spegnimento.
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
F0 Evaporator fan management: 0 0 3 - S NO
0 = always on;
1 = activation based on Sd – Sv;
2 = activation based on Sd;
3 = activation based on Sv.
F1 Evaporator fan activation threshold (only if F0=1 or 2) 5/ 41 -50/-58 50/122 °C/°F S NO
F5 Evaporator fan cut-off temperature (hyst. 1°C) 50 F1 50 °C/°F M NO
F6 Maximum evaporator fan speed 100 F7 100 % M NO
F7 Minimum evaporator fan speed 0 0 F6 % M NO
F8 Evaporator fan start-up time (0 = function disabled) 0 0 240 s M NO
F10 Evaporator fan forcing time at maximum speed 0 0 240 min M NO
(0 = function disabled)
Frd Evaporator fan activation differential (including variable speed) 2/ 3.6 0.1/0.2 20/36 °C/°F S NO

Ref. Description
T temperature
FAN F1 Fan activation threshold
SPEED F7 Frd Differential
0% F5 Fan cut-off temperature
F1-Frd F1 T F6 Maximum speed
F5 F5+1 F7 Minimum speed

70 Functions iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022

If parameter F0=0, the evaporator fans are on when the compressor is on (based on the setting of parameter F2), regardless of
the defrost or control temperature.
If parameter F0 = 1, the evaporator fan speed is modulated based on the evaporator temperature and the control temperature,
with the speed increasing the further the temperature is below Sv-F1.

Sv - (F5+1) Defrost probe (Sd)
Sv - F1

(Sv - F1) -Frd

Ref. Description
t Sv Control probe
Speed F1 Fan activation threshold
100% Frd Differential
F6 F5 Fan cut-off temperature
F6 Maximum evaporator fan speed
F7 Minimum evaporator fan speed
F7 Evaporator fan
t time
t Speed Evaporator fan speed
Fig. 6.ap

If parameter F0=2, the evaporator fan speed is modulated based on the evaporator temperature alone, with the speed increas-
ing the further it falls below F1.

F5+1 Defrost probe (Sd)

F1 - Frd
Ref. Description
t Sv Control probe
Speed F1 Fan activation threshold
100% Frd Differential
F6 F5 Fan cut-off temperature
F6 Maximum evaporator fan speed
F7 Minimum evaporator fan speed
F7 Evaporator fan
t time
t Speed Evaporator fan speed

If parameter F0=3, the evaporator fan speed is modulated based on the control temperature alone, with the speed increasing
the further it rises above the set point.

St + rd Defrost probe (Sd)

F5 Ref. Description
F5 - 1
Sv Control probe
F1 Fan activation threshold
t Frd Differential
Speed St Temperature control set point
100% rd Temperature control differential
F6 Evaporator fan
F5 Fan cut-off temperature
F6 Maximum evaporator fan speed
F7 Minimum evaporator fan speed
t time
t Speed Evaporator fan speed

Notice: The behaviour of the variable speed fans can be influenced not only by the “cooling” request and by the tempera-
ture, but also by other control functions (dehumidification, humidification and heating), if available.

Notice: if two defrost probes are configured (Sd1 and Sd2), the fan speed is calculated in relation to the probe that measur-
ers the higher temperature (to limit the influx of warm air):
• if Sd>Sd2 –› control on Sd;
• if Sd<Sd2 –› control on Sd2.

iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022 Functions 71

Advanced evaporator fan parameters
Due to the mechanical inertia of the motor, some EC fans cannot start at the minimum speed set by parameter F7. To solve this
problem, the fans can start at the maximum speed set by parameter F6 for a “start-up time”, defined by parameter F8, regardless
of the defrost temperature Sd. Vice-versa, if the fan operates too long at low speed, ice may form on the blades; to avoid this, at
intervals of every F10 minutes, the fan is switched on at maximum speed for the time set for parameter F8.
Code Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
F6 Maximum evaporator fan speed 100 F7 100 % M NO
F7 Minimum evaporator fan speed 0 0 F6 % M NO
F8 Evaporator fan start-up time 0 = Function disabled 0 0 240 s M NO
F10 Evaporator fan forcing time at maximum speed 0 0 240 min M NO
0 = Function disabled

speed fans defined by Sd



F8 F8 F8
F10 F10

Variable-speed evaporator fans with humidity control

When the humidity control function is active, the fans will operate at maximum between the fixed speed set by parameter F7h
and the speed calculated by the controller, for the entire duration of the process.
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
F7h Minimum evaporator fan speed during humidification 10 0 100 % M NO

If F2 = 3, when the compressor is off, the fan is controlled based on the humidity level set by parameter HU, selected between
three humidity levels: low, medium and high, which correspond to three different fan speeds.
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
F2 Evaporator fans with compressor off : 1 0 3 - S NO
0 = see F0;
1 = always off with compressor off ;
2 = on for anti-stratification;
3 = on for humidity control.
F20 Modulating evaporator fan speed with low humidity level 10 0 100 % M NO
F21 Modulating evaporator fan speed with medium humidity level 10 0 100 % M NO
F22 Modulating evaporator fan speed with high humidity level 10 0 100 % M NO
HU Humidity level: 1 0 2 - U NO
0 = low;
1 = medium;
2 = high

During the dehumidification phase, when the compressor is off, the fan operates at the speed set for FSh.
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
FSh Modulating evaporator fan speed in dehumidification 40 0 100 % M NO

6.18 Condenser fans

The condenser fans can be fixed speed (On/Off ) or variable speed (modulating 0-10 V).

Notice: variable speed fans are only available on models with analogue outputs Y1 and Y2, PWM or 0-10 V, see “Introduction”.
To assign the On/Off or modulating output, use the parameters shown in the table.
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
DOt Assign condenser fan digital output - see DOA 0 0 6 - M NO
rOt Condenser fan digital output logic - see rOA 0 0 1 - M NO
/AE Assign analogue output for modulating condenser fan - see /AA 0 0 2 - M NO
/P5 Configuration of analogue output Y1: 8 7 8 - M NO
7 = 0-10 V; 8 = PWM
/P6 Configuration of analogue output Y1: 8 7 8 - M NO
7 = 0-10 V; 8 = PWM

Notice: if an analogue output is assigned to the variable-speed condenser fan function and the condenser fan is also as-
signed to a relay output, both outputs will be active at the same time; if the speed is greater than 0, the relay will remain active
• if speed (Y2) > 0 –› “FAN” relay ON (NO* closed)
• if speed (Y2) = 0 –› “FAN” relay OFF (NO* open)

72 Functions iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022

6.18.1 Fixed-speed condenser fans
To activate the algorithm, simply assign a relay output to the condenser fan function. The condensing temperature probe also
needs to be configured if required for control. See “Inputs and outputs”.
The parameters used to manage fixed-speed fans are shown below (see the connection diagram).
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
F00 Condenser fan management: 0 0 3 - S NO
0 = always on with compressor on
1 = activation based on Sc, off with compressor off.
F4 Condenser fan deactivation temperature 40/104 -50/-58 200/392 °C/°F S NO
F5d Condenser fan activation differential 5/9 0.1/0.2 60/108 °C/°F S NO

iJF manages the condenser fans as follows:

• F00 = 0 on when the compressor is on;
• F00 = 1 on/off based on the condensing temperature probe Sc; off with the compressor off.
If parameter F00 = 0, the condenser fans are on when the compressor is on, regardless of the condensing temperature.

ON F00=0


If parameter F00 = 1, the condenser fans are on/off based on the condensing temperature. When the compressor is first started,
the condenser fan will start at F4+0.2°C (3.6°F) degrees to compensate for rapid increases in temperature that the probe reading
cannot react to. Subsequently, the fan switches on and off at F4 + F5d and F4.
F4 + F5d
F4 + 0.2
First Ref. Description
Sc Condensing temperature probe
t F4 Fan deactivation threshold

FAN F5d Differential

t time
t FAN Condenser fans

6.18.2 Variable-speed condenser fans (EC fans)

Variable-speed fans may be useful for optimising energy consumption. In this case, the fans are powered by the mains, while the
control signal may come via output Y1 or Y2 on the iJF controller, set as 0-10 Vdc.

Notice: variable speed fans are only available on models with analogue outputs Y1 and Y2, PWM or 0-10 V, see “Introduction”.
To activate the algorithm, simply assign an analogue output to the variable-speed condenser fan function by setting the type of
output accordingly. The condensing temperature probe also needs to be configured. See “Inputs and outputs”.
The maximum and minimum fan speed can be set using parameters FCH and FCL (as a percentage of the range 0-10 V). The
fan speed varies proportionally across the range of modulation. For example, if Sc=F4-F5d/2 –› output Y2 corresponds to the
percentage (FCH + FCL)/2.
If using the fan speed controller, F4 represents the temperature below which the fans are activated, with a deactivation hyster-
esis equal to FCC.

Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal

FCC Modulating condenser fan cut-off temperature 2/3.6 0 50/90 °C/°F M NO
FCL Minimum modulating condenser fan speed 0 0 100 % M NO
FCH Maximum modulating condenser fan speed 100 0 100 % M NO

iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022 Functions 73



Max value
Ref. Description
Sc Condenser probe
FCH F4 Fan deactivation threshold
Min value F5d Differential
FCC F5d Sc FCC Fan cut-off temperature
(condenser FCH Maximum speed
temperature) FCL Minimum speed
Fig. 6.av

6.19 Humidity management

iJF can manage humidity with or without a humidity probe.
If a probe is available, iJF can interact with external systems by managing the humidity level in combination with cooling control.
iJF is compatible with the CAREL humiSonic, MC Multizone and humiDisk humidification systems.


humiSonic mc multizone humiDisk


6.19.1 Humidity control without probe

If no humidity probe is available, humidity control can be performed in three levels, through evaporator fan duty cycles and
changing the control temperature differential. See “Humidity management with evaporator fan cycles”.

6.19.2 Humidity control with probe

Notice: the humidity probe is only available on models with an option that includes the 0-5 V analogue input, see “Intro-
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
/FP Assign humidity probe (fixed on S5) 5 5 5 - M NO
/cP Humidity probe calibration 0 -20 20 % rH M NO

The probe reading can be shown on the display by setting parameter /t1 or can be read under item SHu in the direct functions
menu. Furthermore, parameter /ta can be used to alternate the display of the temperature/humidity values.

6.19.3 Humidification output settings

To activate the humidifier, a relay needs to be assigned to the “humidifier” function.
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
DOu Assign humidification digital output - see DOA 0 0 6 - M NO
rOu Humidification digital output logic - see rOA 0 0 1 - M NO

74 Functions iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022

6.19.4 Dehumidification output settings
To activate an external dehumidifier, a relay needs to be assigned to the “external dehumidifier” function, and in this case its logic
will be completely uncoupled from the compressor logic.
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
DOz Assign external dehumidifier digital output - see DOA 0 0 6 - M NO
rOz External dehumidifier digital output logic - see rOA 0 0 1 - M NO

As well as by an external dehumidifier, dehumidification can also be controlled through simultaneous action of the compressor
and a heater; in this case, a relay needs to be assigned to the “heating for dehumidification” function.
To activate dehumidification, simultaneous cooling (compressor) and heating (heater resistance) are required. The effect of cool-
ing is to lower the air relative humidity, while the heater then offsets the excessive cooling, so as to maintain a virtually constant
temperature during the process.
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
DOj Assign dehumidification digital output - see DOA 0 0 6 - M NO
rOj Dehumidification digital output logic - see rOA 0 0 1 - M NO

6.19.5 Humidity control

The control logic for humidity control with probe is shown in the figure. When the humidity falls below the humidity set point
Sth plus the humidity differential rdh, the humidification output is activated.
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
Sth Humidity control set point 90 0.0 100.0 % rH U YES
rdh Humidity control differential 5 0.1 99.9 % rH S YES
F4r Humidification output during defrosts: 0 0 1 - M YES
0 = active based on humidity control;
1 = deactivated during defrosts



OFF Ref. Description

SHu Humidity control probe
rdH SHu Sth Humidity control set point
rdh Humidity control differential
StH DOU Humidification outlet

Notice: parameter F4r is used to decide whether or not to disable the humidification output during defrosts:
• F4r=0 -> humidification output active based on humidity control;
• F4r=1 -> humidification output disabled during defrosts, regardless of the request.

Notice: the humidification output is always deactivated in the event of an alarm that stops the compressor immediately.
• Alarm CHt;
• Alarm IA (when A6 = 0).

For humidity control with probe, the dehumidification function can also be managed. The control logic is shown in the figure.
When the humidity rises above the humidity set point Sth plus the humidity differential rdh, the dehumidification output is
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
Sth Humidity control set point 90 0.0 100.0 % rH U YES
rdh Humidity control differential 5 0.1 99.9 % rH S YES



OFF Ref. Description

SHu Humidity control probe
SHu Sth Humidity control set point
rdh Humidity control differential
StH DOz Dehumidification output
Fig. 6.ay

iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022 Functions 75

Dead band
Humidity control in the dead band can be enabled by setting both the humidifier and dehumidifier outputs.
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
Sth Humidity control set point 90 0.0 100.0 % rH U YES
rdh Humidity control differential 5 0.1 99.9 % rH S YES
rrH Dehumidification differential 5 0 50.0 Δ % rH S NO
rnH Dead band for humidity control 5 0 50.0 Δ % rH S NO

rrH rnH rdH Ref. Description
= = SHu Humidity control probe
Sth Humidity control set point
rdh Humidity control differential
DOz DOu rrH Control differential for dehumidification
rnH Humidity dead band
DOu Humidification outlet
StH SHu DOz Dehumidification output

Notice: parameter F4r is used to decide whether or not to disable the humidification output during defrosts:
• F4r=0 -> humidification output active based on humidity control;
• F4r=1 -> humidification output disabled during defrosts, regardless of the request.

6.19.6 Simultaneous humidity and temperature control

With simultaneous humidity and temperature control, humidity control is generally independent of temperature control.
Humidity control can be restricted to within a well-defined temperature range (parameters TLL and THL and the corresponding
differential TdL), so as not to risk excessive temperature drift during humidity control.
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
TLL Minimum temperature to enable humidity control 0 -60/-76 60/140 °C/°F S NO
THL Maximum temperature to enable humidity control 0 -60/-76 60/140 °C/°F M NO
TdL Differential to enable humidity control 0 0 20/36 °C/°F M NO

Notice: if parameters TLL and/or THL are set to 0, they are ignored for control purposes

Case 1: Humidity control
independent of temperature (default)
The temperature is only controlled after the humidity reach- OFF
es the set point. This is the default setting, with TLL and THL
=0 Temperature TLL = 0°C
THL = 0°C
TdL = ...

Case 2: Humidity control
within a set range
Priority is given to temperature control: humidity is con- OFF
trolled in a series of cycles, while always keeping
Temperature TTL = 1°C
the temperature in the range TLL-THL. TdL TdL
THL = 8°C

Case 3: Humidity control management
with high temperature limit ON
This configuration prevents the
temperature from exceeding the limit (THL) during OFF
dehumidification, for example if the Temperature TLL = 0°C
heater is oversized. THL = 20°C
THL TdL = 5°C
Fig. 6.bc

Case 4: Humidity control management
with low temperature limit ON
This configuration allows humidification
to be stopped below the threshold TLL threshold OFF
to avoid excessive cooling and lowering the temperature, Temperature TTL = -0,5°C
for example if the heater is undersized. THL = 0°C
TTL TdL = 2°C

76 Functions iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022

6.19.7 Humidity probe error
In the event of a humidity probe error, humidification and dehumidification are managed in duty cycles. This is only possible for
humidification alone and dehumidification alone; with dead band control, both outputs remain off.
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
uof OFF time for humidity duty setting operation 60 c2 120 min M NO
uon ON time for humidity duty setting operation 10 c3 120 min M NO



Ref Description
Temperature Hum Humidification outlet
uon uof
Dehum Dehumidification output

6.20 Light management

The light can be controlled by several sources: button, supervisor, door switch, curtain switch and time band.
The light is switched on or off based on an event:
Light Action
Button Pressing the button
Supervisor Variation of the value from the supervisor (parameter Lht)
Door switch Contact transition (opening/closing)
Curtain switch Contact transition (opening/closing)
Time band based on the on/off day, hours, minutes
Tab. 6.n
When the digital inputs are stable (door switch or curtain switch), the light can be switched on and off from the keypad or
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
DOE Assign light digital output - see DOA 4 (small) / 0 6 - S NO
3 (large)
rOE Light digital output logic - see rOA 0 0 1 - S NO
/AF Assign analogue output for modulating lights - see /AA 0 0 2 - S NO
HL Modulating light output activation percentage: 2 0 4 - U NO
0 = 0%; 1 = 25%; 2 = 50%: 3 = 75%; 4 = 100%

By setting the analogue output as a light (on part numbers where available), the output can be modulated with four intensity
levels, using parameter HL (0, 25, 50, 75 and 100%).




0 1 2 3 4 HL / Button

6.21 Door management

iJF can manage the opening of the door with or without stopping temperature control, based on the setting of the door switch.
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
DIE Assign door switch with compressor OFF 0 0 4 - M NO
digital input - see DIA
DIP Assign door switch without compressor OFF 0 0 4 - S NO
digital input - see DIA
rIE Door switch with compressor OFF digital input logic - see rIA 0 0 1 - M NO
rIP Door switch without compressor OFF digital input logic - see rIA 0 0 1 - S NO

If the digital input is configured as a door switch with compressor off (parameter DIE), when the door is opened both the com-
pressor and the evaporator fans are stopped; on the other hand, if configured as a door switch without compressor off (param-
eter DIP), when the door is opened only the evaporator fans are stopped.

iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022 Functions 77

Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
H14 Time light stays on after closing the door 0 0 240 min U NO
Ad Delay time for high and low temp. alarms (AH, AL) 120 0 240 min U YES
Add High temp. alarm bypass time for door open 5 1 240 min U YES

When the door is open, the high temperature alarm is ignored for the time set using parameter Add, to avoid false alarms, and
the service icon flashes to signal a warning condition. When time Add has elapsed, the following occur:
• the open door alarm (dor) is signalled;
• compressor and evaporator fan control resumes;
• the light stays on;
• after the delay time set by parameter Ad, the high temperature alarm is activated.
When closing the door:
• control resumes, restarting the compressor and evaporator fans if required;
• the light switches off after the time set by parameter H14 and the high temperature alarm is activated after the delay Ad.
When control resumes, the compressor safety times c1 and c2 are observed.

6.22 Door - light interactions

In the absence of time bands, opening the door always ac- If time bands are set to define eco/normal mode, the light
tivates normal operating mode, which lasts until a different will follow these rules by switching on in normal mode and
mode is selected via keypad or BMS. The light switches on off in eco mode. Opening the door will switch back to nor-
when the door is opened and switches off when it closes, mal mode and switch on the light.
with a delay equal to H14, if set.

Door Door

Open Open
Close Close
Light Scheduler
H14 H14
8:00 12:30 15:00 18:30
ON Normal

Mode Light

Normal ON
Forse ECO
by key Mode

Fig. Fig.

Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal

H8 Output switched with time bands 0 0 1 - S NO
0 = Light; 1 = AUX

The time bands can be associated with the AUX output rather than the light, by setting parameter H8. In this case, the light will
reflect the position of the door, switching on and off respectively when the door is opened and closed.

6.23 Curtain management

Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
DIG Assign curtain switch digital input - see DIA 0 0 4 - S NO
rIG Curtain switch digital input logic - see rIA 0 0 1 - S NO

If the digital input is associated with the curtain switch, when the curtain is closed the iJF controller activates eco mode and the
set point is modified by adding the value of parameter r4. When the curtain is open, the light is always switched on.

Notice: in eco mode, the value St+r4 is used for all of the functions that involve the set point (e.g. relative high and low
temperature alarms, control with dead band, two-stage compressor control, etc.).

78 Functions iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022

6.24 Generic functions
iJF can exploit unused inputs and outputs to configure a “generic function”. Each generic function can be enabled/disabled in
the Applica app or Spark program.

Caution: the generic functions available vary according to the model of controller.
The following can be activated (maximum configuration):
• 1 generic function with On/Off output;
• 1 generic function with modulating output (only for models where this is available);
• 1 generic alarm function (signal only).
The generic function can be controlled based on one of the following:
• 1 specific probe;
• difference between 2 suitably configured probes.

Caution: the controller cannot verify the consistency of the settings, if two analogue functions are mistakenly assigned to
the same analogue inputs or the same digital output.

6.24.1 Enabling
The generic function can be enabled always, or when the unit is in a certain status.
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
GFA_E Generic alarm function: enable 0 0 10 - M NO
0 Always 6 Duty setting
1 Unit ON 7 Standby
2 Unit OFF 8 Compressor or reverse output
3 Defrost 9 Door open
4 Not used 10 Alarm active
5 Continuous cycle
GFM_E Generic modulating function: enable - see GFA_E 0 0 10 - M NO
GFS_E Generic On/Off function: enable - see GFA_E 0 0 10 - M NO

Assign control probe

Select the control probes for the generic function.
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
GFA_1 Generic alarm function: control probe 1 0 0 20 - M NO
0 Not configured 11 Glass temperature
1 Outlet temperature (Sm) 12 Not used
2 Defrost temperature (Sd) 13 Condensing temperature
3 Intake temperature (Sr) 14 Humidity
4 Not used 15 Frost protection temperature
5 Not used 16 Product temperature
6 Auxiliary evaporator 17 Not used
defrost temperature (Sd2)
7 Auxiliary probe 1 18 Power present
8 Auxiliary probe 2 19 Evaporator fan request
9 Ambient temperature 20 Control probe
10 Not used
GFA_2 Generic alarm function: control probe 2 - see GFA_1 0 0 20 - M NO
GFM_1 Generic modulating function: control probe 1- see GFA_1 0 0 20 - M NO
GFM_2 Generic modulating function: control probe 2- see GFA_1 0 0 20 - M NO
GFA_1 Generic On/Off function: control probe 1 - see GFA_1 0 0 20 - M NO
GFS_2 Generic On/Off function: control probe 2 - see GFA_1 0 0 20 - M NO

iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022 Functions 79

6.24.2 On/Off output
Assign the digital output for the generic function, the type (direct/reverse) and the activation logic (see parameter rOA).
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
DOS Assign generic On/Off function digital output - see DOA 0 0 6 - S NO
rOS Generic On/Off function digital output logic - see rOA 0 0 1 - S NO
GFS_D Generic On/Off function: differential 0 0 99.9 - S NO
GFS_S Generic On/Off function: set point 0 -99 999 - M NO
GFS_T Generic On/Off function: type 0 0 1 - M NO
0= Direct; 1= Reverse



Ref. Description
ON ON Set Set point (GFS_S)
Diff Differential (GFS_D)
OFF OFF Sreg Control probe 1
Diff Diff Sreg Sreg Control probe1 - Control
Diff Diff
probe 2
Set Set OUT Digital output
Fig. Fig.

6.24.3 Modulating output

Notice: the generic function with modulating output is only available on models with analogue outputs Y1 and Y2, PWM
or 0-10 V, see “Introduction”.
Assign the modulating output for the generic function and the type (direct/reverse). It is possible to use proportional control
only or PID, as well as a cut-off differential with hysteresis.
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
/Ad Assign analogue output for generic modulating function - see 0 0 2 - S NO
/P5 Configuration of analogue output Y1: 7 = 0-10 V; 8 = PWM 8 7 8 - S NO
/P6 Configuration of analogue output Y2: 7 = 0-10 V; 8 = PWM 8 7 8 - S NO
GFM_CD Generic modulating function: cut-off differential 0 0 20 - S NO
GFM_D Generic modulating function: differential 0 0 99.9 - S NO
GFM_H Generic modulating function: hysteresis 0.1 0.1 20 - M NO
GFM_Kp Generic modulating function: proportional gain 0 0 100 - M NO
GFM_Max Generic modulating function: max output value 0 0 100 % M NO
GFM_Min Generic modulating function: min output value 0 0 100 % M NO
GFM_S Generic modulating function: set point 0 -99 999 - S NO
GFM_T Generic modulating function: type 0 0 1 - M NO
0=direct; 1=reverse
GFM_Td Generic modulating function: derivative time 0 0 100 s S NO
GFM_Ti Generic modulating function: integral time 0 0 900 s S NO


Ref. Description
Set Set point (GFM_S)
MIN Diff Differential (GFM_D)
H Hysteresis (GFM_H)
Sreg Control probe 1
Sreg or
H Diff Diff Control probe1 - Control probe 2
Cutoff_Diff Set OUT Digital output
CutOff_Diff Cut-off differential (GFM_CD)
Fig. 6.bk

80 Functions iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022

6.24.4 Alarm signal
The alarm can be signalled for two reasons:
1. switching of the digital input, assigned by parameter DIS: the display shows “GHI”
2. if the difference between the values of the control probes exceeds the high or low threshold for a time longer than GFA_De:
the display shows GHI or GLO respectively.

Notice: check that the alarm is generated by only one of the two causes.
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
GFA_D Generic alarm function: differential 0 0 99.9 - S NO
GFA_De General alarm function: delay 0 0 30000 s S NO
GFA_Ht Generic alarm function: high temperature threshold 0 GFA_Lth 999 - S NO
GFA_Lth General alarm function: low temperature threshold 0 -99 GFA_Ht - S NO

LTh Ref. Description
Lth Low temperature threshold (GFA_Lth)
t HTh High temperature threshold (GFA_Hth)
GHI diff Differential (GFA_D)
OFF Del Delay (GFA_De)
t Sreg Control probe 1
ON or
OFF Control probe1 - Control probe 2
t Time
t GHI High temperature alarm message
Del Del
GLO Low temperature alarm message

6.25 Anti-sweat heater or fan

The anti-sweat function in iJF has fixed activation (not based on a glass temperature probe reading) and can control a heater or
fan, with the purpose of demisting the showcase glass using the activation and deactivation times set for parameters rHU and
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
DOQ Assign anti-sweat heater digital output - see DOA 0 0 6 - S NO
rOq Anti-sweat heater digital output logic - see rOA 0 0 1 - S NO
/Ac Assign analogue output for modulating anti-sweat heaters 0 0 2 - S NO
- see /AA
rHt Manual anti-sweat heater activation period 5 0 180 min M NO
(0 = function disabled)
rHU Percentage of manual anti-sweat heater activation in period rHt 70 0 100 % M NO
(0 = function disabled)

ON 10 Vdc
Ref. Description
A Relay output
t t B Modulating output (0-10 V)
rHU rHU rHU Anti-sweat heater/fan activation percentage
rHt rHt rHt Anti-sweat heater/fan activation time
t time
If either or both of the parameters rHu or rHt is set to zero, the function is disabled.

iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022 Functions 81

6.26 Gasket heater
The function activates gasket heating cycles to make it easier to open the door when the control temperature is very low.
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
DOx Assign gasket heater digital output - see DOA 0 0 6 - S NO
rOx Gasket heater digital output logic - see rOA 0 0 1 - S NO
OfT Gasket heater OFF time 3 0 250 min M NO
OnT Gasket heater ON time 5 0 250 min M NO
Rdrh Gasket heater control differential 2 /3.6 0.1/0.2 20 / 36 Δ °C/°F M NO
Strh Gasket heater control set point -18/-0.4 -50/-58 200/ 392 °C/°F S NO

When the control temperature reaches the set point Strh, the output is enabled and will start being activated cyclically based on
the times set for parameters OnT and OfT.






The output is deactivated when the temperature rises above Strh+Rdrh.

6.27 Drain heater

This function heats the water drained during defrosting to prevent the drain line from freezing.
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
DOP Assign drain heater digital output - see DOA 0 0 6 - S NO
rOP Drain heater digital output logic - see rOA 0 0 1 - S NO
dHA Drain heater activation time before defrosting 3 1 120 min M NO
dHE Drain heater activation time after 3 1 120 min M NO

If drain heating is configured, the output is activated for the time set by parameter dHA before defrosting, and remains active for
a time set by parameter dHE after defrosting.

6.27.1 Anti-heating
This function keeps the light and AUX outputs deactivated until the control temperature falls below St+Hdh when the following
conditions occur:
• controller powered on;
• switching from Off to On;
• after resetting alarms HI, IA, dA, CHt, rE.
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
Hdh Delta for anti-heating function 0 0 200/360 Δ °C/°F M NO
St Temperature control set point 50/122 r1 r2 °C/°F U YES

82 Functions iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022

6.28 Temperature monitoring
The iJF controller can record the minimum value rL and maximum value rH read by one of the probes, selected by setting pa-
rameter r5c, across a time interval rt spanning from the last reset by parameter rtL to the present. The monitoring session can
be reset at any time, after which the new maximum and minimum values are logged. Monitoring is active when parameter rM
is set to 1.
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
rM Enable temperature monitoring: 0 0 1 - S NO
0 = disabled; 1 = enabled
r5c Select probe to monitor 3 0 16 - M NO
0 not configured 8 auxiliary probe 2
1 outlet temperature (Sm) 9 ambient temperature
2 defrost temperature (Sd) 10 not used
3 intake temperature (Sr) 11 glass temperature
4 not used 12 not used
5 not used 13 condensing temperature
6 auxiliary evaporator 14 humidity
defrost temperature (Sd2) 15 frost protection temperature
7 auxiliary probe 1 16 product temperature
rtL Reset monitoring period 0 0 1 - U NO



Ref. Description
rL rtL reset, restart monitoring
rL minimum temperature value in the monitored period
rH maximum temperature value in the monitored period
rt Monitoring period
rt rt rSc Variable monitored
rtL = 1 rtL = 1 t time

Notice: temperature monitoring can only be activated on models fitted with RTC and with the clock set correctly.

6.29 High and low voltage protection (HLVP)

Some iJF models feature protection against high and low power supply voltages, allowing the compressor to operate only at
voltages within the operating limits. This function stops the compressor if the mains voltage is outside of a range specified by
parameters uHo and uLo. The compressor is switched off after a delay that can be set by parameter ucd. The compressor starts
again when the voltage returns within the limits set by parameters uHI and uLI.
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
c1 Min time between consecutive compressor starts 0 0 15 min M NO
c2 Min compressor OFF time 0 0 15 min M NO
c3 Min compressor ON time 0 0 15 min M NO
ucd Compressor stop delay after HLVP protection activated 5 0 60 s M NO
udE Enable display of HLVP protection alarms (EHI and ELO, see alarm table) 0 0 1 - M NO
uHi High voltage protection start threshold 245 0 350 V M NO
uHo High voltage protection end threshold 255 0 350 V M NO
uEn Enable HLVP protection: 0 = disabled; 1 = enabled 0 0 1 - M NO
uLi Low voltage protection start threshold 205 0 350 V M NO
uLo Low voltage protection end threshold 195 0 350 V M NO

voltage uHo
Notice: the compressor protection times c1 and
c3 are ignored when the high or low voltage condi-
tions occur, while c2 is always observed.
uLo Caution:
• this function cannot be considered a compressor
safety function;
ON • operation of the controller outside of the rated oper-
OFF ating voltage range described in the technical speci-
ucd ucd
fications is the customer’s responsibility.
Fig. 6.bp

iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022 Functions 83


Below is the table of the parameters that can be displayed on the terminal or can be modified using the configuration software
or Applica app. The Applica app and configuration tools have three predefined parameter access levels: User (U), Service (S) and
Manufacturer (M).
The default passwords to access the Service and Manufacturer parameters from the Applica app are 22 and 44 respectively. The
Manufacturer level password also allows access to the Service parameters, and the level S password also allows access to the
User parameters.
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
PDM Manufacturer password (OEM) 44 0 999 - M NO
PDS Service password 22 0 999 - S NO
PDU User password 0 0 999 - U NO

• the read-only parameters are not visible from the Applica app using NFC, as NFC memory cannot be overwritten frequently;
• to avoid any fraudulent activities, the default password values should be changed at the end of the commissioning procedure.
For example, with the Applica app, parameters PDM, PDS and PDU can be used to set new passwords, with a maximum length
of 3 numbers.

Caution: the operation to reset the default values is not reversible, unless a user recipe has been previously saved for load-
ing using the configuration tool/Applica app, see the paragraph on the configurations.

7.1 Parameter table

Code Description Def. Min Max UOM User

Analogue inputs
/2 Analogue probe measurement stability: 5 0 9 - M NO
0 = probe reading not delayed;

15 = maximum probe reading delay.
/3 Display probe value: 0 0 15 - M NO
0 = disabled;
1 = fast update;
15 = slow update.
/4 Virtual probe composition: 0 0 100 % S NO
0 = Outlet probe Sm; 100 = Intake probe Sr
/5 Unit of measure: 0 = °C; 1 = °F. 0 0 1 - S YES
/6 Display decimal point: 0 = Yes; 1 = No. 0 0 1 - S YES
/AA Assign analogue output for modulating evaporator fan: 0 0 2 - S NO
0 = not configured;
1 = analogue output 1 (Y1);
2 = analogue output 2 (Y2).
/Ac Assign analogue output for modulating anti-sweat heaters - see /AA 0 0 2 - S NO
/Ad Assign analogue output for generic modulating function - 0 0 2 - S NO
see /AA
/AE Assign analogue output for modulating condenser fan - 0 0 2 - S NO
see /AA
/AF Assign analogue output for modulating lights - see /AA 0 0 2 - S NO
/AG Assign analogue output for modulating compressor - see /AA 0 0 2 - S NO
/cA Outlet temperature probe (Sm) calibration 0 -20/ -36 20/ 36 Δ °C/°F S NO
/cb Defrost temperature probe (Sd) calibration 0 -20/ -36 20/ 36 Δ °C/°F S NO
/cc Intake temperature probe (Sr) calibration 0 -20/ -36 20/ 36 Δ °C/°F S NO
/cF Auxiliary evaporator defrost temperature probe (Sd2) 0 -20/ -36 20/ 36 Δ °C/°F S NO
/cG Auxiliary temperature probe 1 calibration 0 -20/ -36 20/ 36 Δ °C/°F S NO
/cH Auxiliary temperature probe 2 calibration 0 -20/ -36 20/ 36 Δ °C/°F S NO
/cI Ambient temperature probe calibration 0 -20/ -36 20/ 36 Δ °C/°F S NO
/cM Glass temperature probe calibration 0 -20/ -36 20/ 36 Δ °C/°F S NO
/co Condensing temperature probe calibration 0 -20/ -36 20/ 36 Δ °C/°F S NO
/cp Humidity probe calibration 0 -20 20 Δ %rh S NO
/cq Frost protection temperature probe calibration 0 -20/ -36 20/ 36 Δ °C/°F S NO
/cr Product temperature probe calibration 0 -20/ -36 20/ 36 Δ °C/°F S NO

84 Parameter table iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022

Code Description Def. Min Max UOM User
/d1 Assign end defrost probe: 2 1 16 - M NO
1 = outlet temperature (Sm);
2 = defrost temperature (Sd);
3 = intake temperature (Sr);
4 = not used;
5 = not used;
6 = auxiliary evaporator defrost temperature (Sd2);
7 = auxiliary probe 1;
8 = auxiliary probe 2;
9 = ambient temperature;
10 = not used;
11 = glass temperature;
12 = not used;
13 = condensing temperature;
14 = humidity;
15 = frost protection temperature;
16 = product temperature
/d2 Assign auxiliary evaporator end defrost probe - see /d1 6 1 16 - M NO
/FA Assign outlet temperature probe (Sm) 1 0 7 - S NO
0 = Function disabled 4 = Probe S4
1 = Probe S1 5 = Reserved
2 = Probe S2 6 = Probe S1H
3 = Probe S3 7 = Probe S2H
/Fb Assign defrost temperature probe (Sd) - see /FA 0 0 7 - S NO
/Fc Assign intake temperature probe (Sr) - see /FA 0 0 7 - S NO
/FF Assign auxiliary evaporator defrost temperat. probe (Sd2) - see /FA 0 0 7 - S NO
/FG Assign auxiliary temperature probe 1 (Saux1) - see /FA 0 0 7 - S NO
/FH Assign auxiliary temperature probe 2 (Saux1) - see /FA 0 0 7 - S NO
/FI Assign ambient temperature probe (SA) - see /FA 0 0 7 - S NO
/FM Assign glass temperature probe (Svt) - see /FA 0 0 7 - S NO
/Fo Assign condensing temperature probe - see /FA 0 0 7 - S NO
/FP Assign humidity probe (fixed on S5) 5 5 5 - S NO
/Fq Assign frost protection temperature probe - see /FA 0 0 7 - S NO
/FR Assign product temperature probe - see /FA 0 0 7 - S NO
/Lb Status LEDs on in standby (including ON/OFF): 0 0 1 - M NO
0 = off ; 1 = on.
/nE Enable user terminal navigation: 0 0 1 - M NO
0 = enabled; 1 = disabled.
/P1 Configuration of probes S1, S2, S3, S4, B5 2 0 4 - M NO
0 = PT1000; 1 = PTC; 2 = NTC; 3 = NTC-LT; 4 = NTC-HT.
/P2 Configuration of multifunction input S3/ DI1: 5 0 5 - M NO
0, 1, 2, 3, 4 = S3; 5 = DI1.
/P5 Configuration of analogue output Y1: 8 7 8 - S NO
7 = 0-10 V; 8 = PWM.
/P6 Configuration of analogue output Y2: 8 7 8 - S NO
7 = 0-10 V; 8 = PWM.
/P7 Configuration of multifunction input S2H/ DIH: 2 0 2 - M NO
0 = S2H; 5 = DI1.
/P8 Configuration of probe S1H, S2H: 2 0 4 - M NO
0 = not used; 1 = not used; 2 = NTC;
3 = not used; 4 = not used
/Sb PRG button always ON in standby: 0 = off ; 1 = on. 1 0 1 - M NO
/ta Alternating (temperature/humidity): 0 0 1 - S NO
0 = disabled; 1 = enabled.
/t1 Display on user terminal: 9 0 15 - S YES
0 = Not configured; 1 = value of S1;
2 = value of S2; 3 = value of S3;
4 = value of S4; 5 = value of S1H; 6 to 8 = not available;
9 = control probe; 10 = virtual probe; 11 to 14 = not available; 15 =
current control set point.
A0 High and low temp. alarm reset differential 2/ 3.6 0.1/0.2 20/ 36 Δ °C/°F M NO
A1 Alarm thresholds (AL, AH) relative to the set point St or absolute: 0 0 1 - S NO
0 = relative; 1 = absolute.
A3 Defrost terminated after maximum time signal: 0 0 1 - S NO
0 = disabled; 1 = enabled.
A6 Stop compressor with external alarm (Toff = 15 minutes, fixed): 0 0 100 min M NO
0 = compressor always OFF; 100 = compressor always ON.
A7 Delay time for delayed external alarm (0 = signal-only alarm) 0 0 240 min M NO
Ac Dirty condenser alarm threshold 70/158 0/ 32 250/482 °C/°F M NO
Acd Dirty condenser alarm delay time 0 0 240 min M NO
Ad Delay time for high and low temp. alarms (AH, AL) 120 0 240 min U YES
Add High temp. alarm bypass time for door open 5 1 240 min U YES
AE Dirty condenser alarm reset differential 5 0.1/0.2 20/ 36 Δ °C/°F S NO
AF Frost protection alarm threshold -5/ -9 -50/ -58 200/392 °C/°F S NO
AFd Frost protection alarm delay time 1 0 15 min S NO
AH Relative high temperature alarm threshold 0 0 555/999 Δ °C/°F U YES
AHA Absolute high temperature alarm threshold 537/999 -100/-148 537/999 °C/°F U YES
AL Relative low temperature alarm threshold 0 0 200/360 Δ °C/°F U YES
ALA Absolute low temperature alarm threshold -100/-148 -100/-148 537/999 °C/°F U YES
AoutActTestMode[1] Test via BMS serial port, analogue output Y1 value 0 0 1000 % x 10 (*) NO
AoutActTestMode[2] Test via BMS serial port, analogue output Y2 value 0 0 1000 % x 10 (*) NO
AuC Activate auxiliary output 0 0 1 - S NO

iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022 Parameter table 85

Code Description Def. Min Max UOM User
BtE Enable Bluetooth™ connection: 1 0 1 - M NO
0 = disabled; 1 = enabled.
c0 Delay to enable compressor and evaporator fan at power on 0 0 15 min M NO
c1 Min time between consecutive compressor starts 0 0 15 min M NO
c10 End pump down: 0 = time; 1 = pressure. 0 0 1 - M NO
c11 Second compressor start delay 4 0 250 s M NO
c2 Min compressor OFF time 3 0 15 min M NO
c3 Min compressor ON time 0 0 15 min M NO
c4 ON time for duty setting operation 0 0 100 min M NO
(Toff = 15 minutes, fixed value):
0 = compressor always OFF;
100 = compressor/valve always ON
c7 Defrost priority over continuous cycle: 0 0 1 - M NO
0 = continuous cycle has priority; 1 = defrost has priority.
c8 Compressor start delay after opening the pump down valve 5 0 60 s M NO
c9 Restart during pump down: 0 = disabled; 1 = enabled 0 0 1 - M NO
cc Continuous cycle running time (0 = disabled) 0 0 72 hours M NO
ccE Set point delta to end continuous cycle 1.5/ 2.7 0.0/ 0.0 9.9/ 17.8 Δ °C/°F M NO
cct VCC compressor off time 1 0 255 min M NO
cdf VCC compressor frequency for hot gas defrost 140 0 255 hz M NO
cdt VCC compressor PID control derivative term 1 0 255 s M NO
cMA Maximum VCC compressor rotation frequency 150 0 250 hz M NO
cMf Maximum VCC compressor control frequency 100 0 255 hz M NO
cMi VCC compressor switch-off frequency 30 0 250 hz M NO
CnC Continuous cycle request 0 0 1 - S NO
cnf Minimum VCC compressor control frequency 52 0 255 hz M NO
CoA Display alarms detected by the inverter: 1 0 1 - U YES
0 = display disabled; 1 = display enabled.
CompFreqAct Test via BMS serial port, VCC compressor frequency 0 0 255 hz (*) NO
cPr VCC compressor PID control proportional term 2 0 800 - M NO
cPt Maximum pump down time (0 = pump down disabled) 0 0 900 s M NO
cSc Soft start frequency 53 0 255 hz M NO
cSt Soft start time 5 0 240 s M NO
Ctd Maximum VCC inverter communication failure time before alarm is 15 0 60 s M NO
shown on the display (0 = display disabled)
ctI VCC compressor PID control integral term 120 0 999 s M NO
cuF Conversion factor from frequency (Hz) to compressor speed (rpm) 30 0 999 - M NO
d0 Type of defrost: 0 = heater by temperature; 0 0 4 - M NO
1 = hot gas by temperature;
2 = heater by time; 3 = hot gas by time;
4 = heater by time with temperature control.
d10 Compressor on time for defrost running time mode 0 0 240 min M NO
0 = function disabled
d11 Defrost temperature threshold in running time mode -50/ -58 -50/ -58 50/ 122 °C/°F M NO
d15 Start defrost threshold 0 0 240 min M NO
d16 Time with no temperature decrease before starting defrost 30 Add 240 min M NO
d20 Sampling time for alarm rSF 0 0 240 min M NO
d21 Number of defrosts allowed before signalling alarm rSF 2 1 5 - M NO
d22 Temperature difference to verify decrease 0.1/ 0.2 0.1/ 0.2 0.5/ 0.9 Δ °C/°F M NO
d4 Enable defrost at power on: 0 0 1 - M NO
0 = disabled; 1 = enabled.
d5 Defrost delay at power on or after command from digital input 0 0 240 min M NO
d6 Display on terminals during defrosts: 1 0 2 - S YES
0 = temperature alternating with ‘dEF’;
1 = freeze display;
2 = ‘dEF’.
d7 Skip defrost: 0 0 1 - M NO
0 = disabled; 1 = enabled.
d8 Bypass high temperature alarm time after defrost 1 1 240 hours S YES
d9 Defrost priority over compressor protection times: 0 0 1 - M NO
0 = the compressor protection times are observed;
1 = the compressor protection times are ignored, therefore defrosting
starts without waiting for the compressor protection times to elapse
dAS Activate ECO mode 0 0 1 - S NO
dC Time base for defrosts: 0 0 1 - S NO
0 = dI in hours, dP1 and dP2 in minutes;
1 = dI in minutes, dP1 and dP2 in seconds.
dC1 Time base for d8: 0 = d8 in hours; 1 = d8 in minutes 0 0 1 - S NO
dcH Defrost after opening the door: 50 dcL 99 - M NO
maximum number of openings
dcL Defrost after opening the door: 0 0 dCH - M NO
minimum number of openings
dd Dripping time after defrosting 2 0 15 min M NO
(0 = no dripping)
ddF VCC compressor frequency for dripping 140 cMi 255 hz M NO
dfM Start defrost 0 0 1 - S NO
dHA Drain heater activation time before defrosting 3 1 120 min M NO
dHE Drain heater activation time after defrosting 3 1 120 min M NO
dHG Waiting time for compressor start to reverse cycle 0 0 300 s M NO
dI Maximum interval between consecutive defrosts 8 0 240 hours S YES
DIA Assign immediate external alarm digital input: 0 0 4 - S NO
0 = Disabled; 1 = ID1; 2 = ID2; 3 = D1H; 4 = D2H
DIb Assign delayed external alarm digital input - see DIA 0 0 4 - S NO

86 Parameter table iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022

Code Description Def. Min Max UOM User
DIc Assign enable defrost digital input - see DIA 0 0 4 - S NO
DId Assign start defrost digital input - see DIA 0 0 4 - S NO
DIE Assign door switch with compressor OFF digital input - 0 0 4 - S NO
see DIA
DIF Assign remote ON/OFF digital input - see DIA 0 0 4 - S NO
DIG Assign curtain switch digital input - see DIA 0 0 4 - S NO
DIH Assign start/stop continuous cycle digital input - see DIA 0 0 4 - S NO
DIo Assign working parameter set changeover digital input - 0 0 4 - S NO
see DIA
DIP Assign door switch without compressor OFF digital input - 0 0 4 - S NO
see DIA
DIS Assign generic function alarm digital input logic - see DIA 0 0 4 - S NO
DIt Assign low pressure switch digital input - see DIA 0 0 4 - S NO
DIU Assign AUX output activation digital input - see DIA 0 0 4 - S NO
dn Nominal defrost duration for skip defrost 75 0 100 % M NO
dnM Maximum defrost duration for skip defrost 45 0 240 min M NO
DOA Assign solenoid/compressor digital output 1 (small) / 0 6 - S NO
0 = not configured 4 = digital output 4 (NO4) 5 (large)
1 = digital output 1 (NO1) 5 = digital output 5 (NO5)
2 = digital output 2 (NO2) 6 = digital output 6 (NO6)
3 = digital output 3 (NO3)
DOb Assign alarm digital output - see DOA 0 (small) / 0 6 - S NO
2 (large)
DOC Assign AUX auxiliary digital output - see DOA 0 (small) / 0 6 - S NO
1 (large)
DOE Assign light digital output - see DOA 4 (small) / 0 6 - S NO
3 (large)
DOG Assign defrost digital output - see DOA 2 (small) / 0 6 - S NO
6 (large)
DOH Assign auxiliary evaporator defrost digital output - see DOA 0 0 6 - S NO
DOI Assign evaporator fan digital output - see DOA 3 (small) / 0 6 - S NO
4 (large)
DOj Assign dehumidification digital output - 0 0 6 - S NO
see DOA
DOn Assign pump down valve digital output - 0 0 6 - S NO
see DOA
DOP Assign drain heater digital output - 0 0 6 - S NO
see DOA
DOQ Assign anti-sweat heater digital output - 0 0 6 - S NO
see DOA
DOS Assign generic On/Off function digital output - see DOA 0 0 6 - S NO
DOt Assign condenser fan digital output - see DOA 0 0 6 - S NO
DOu Assign humidification digital output - see DOA 0 0 6 - S NO
DOv Assign reverse digital output with dead band control - 0 0 6 - S NO
see DOA
DOw Assign auxiliary parallel compressor digital output - 0 0 6 - S NO
see DOA
DOx Assign gasket heater digital output - see DOA 0 0 6 - S NO
DOy Assign auxiliary compressor with rotation digital output - 0 0 6 - S NO
see DOA
DOz Assign external dehumidifier digital output - 0 0 6 - S NO
see DOA
dP1 Maximum defrost duration 45 1 240 min S YES
dP2 Max auxiliary evaporator defrost duration 45 1 240 min S YES
dPH Defrost after opening the door: maximum defrost duration 15 dPL dP1 min M NO
dPL Defrost after opening the door: minimum defrost duration 5 0 dPH min M NO
dS1 Compressor off time in sequential stop defrost mode 0 0 45 min M NO
(0 = function disabled)
dS2 Compressor operating time in sequential stop defrost mode 120 0 240 min M NO
dt1 End defrost temperature (read by Sd) 4/39.2 -50/ -58 50/ 122 °C/°F S YES
dt2 Auxiliary evaporator end defrost temperature (read by Sd2) 4/39.2 -50/ -58 50/ 122 °C/°F S YES
F0 Evaporator fan management: 0 0 3 - S NO
0 = always on;
1 = activation based on Sd – Sv;
2 = activation based on Sd; 3 = activation based on Sv.
F00 Condenser fan management: 0 0 1 - S NO
0 = always on with compressor on
1 = activation based on Sc, off with compressor off.
F1 Evaporator fan activation threshold 5/ 41 -50/ -58 50/ 122 °C/°F S NO
(only if F0 = 1, 2, 3)
F10 Evaporator fan forcing time at maximum speed 0 0 240 min M NO
(0 = function disabled)
F11 Fan ON time with low humidity level 60 0 600 s M NO
F12 Fan OFF time with low humidity level 120 0 600 s M NO
F13 Fan ON time with medium humidity level 120 0 600 s M NO
F14 Fan OFF time with medium humidity level 120 0 600 s M NO
F15 Fan ON time with high humidity level 180 0 600 s M NO
F16 Fan OFF time with medium humidity level 120 0 600 s M NO
F17 Temperature control differential for compressor activation with low 2.0/ 3.6 0.1/ 0.2 20/ 36 Δ °C/ °F M NO
humidity level
F18 Temperature control differential for compressor activation with 2.0/ 3.6 0.1/ 0.2 20/ 36 Δ °C/ °F M NO
medium humidity level

iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022 Parameter table 87

Code Description Def. Min Max UOM User
F19 Temperature control differential for compressor activation with high 2.0/ 3.6 0.1/ 0.2 20/ 36 Δ °C/ °F M NO
humidity level
F2 Evaporator fans with compressor off : 1 0 3 - S NO
0 = see F0; 1 = always off with compressor off ;
2 = on for anti-stratification;
3 = on for humidity control.
F20 Modulating evaporator fan speed with low humidity level 10 0 100 % M NO
F21 Modulating evaporator fan speed with medium humidity level 20 0 100 % M NO
F22 Modulating evaporator fan speed with high humidity level 30 0 100 % M NO
F3 Evaporator fans during defrosts: 0 = on; 1 = off. 1 0 1 - S NO
F4 Condenser fan deactivation temperature 40/ 104 -50/ -58 200/ 392 °C/°F S NO
F4r Humidification output during defrosts: 1 0 1 - M NO
0 = active based on humidity control;
1 = deactivated during defrosts
F5 Evaporator fan cut-off temperature (hyst. 1°C) 5/41 F1 200/392 °C/°F M NO
F5d Condenser fan activation differential 5/ 9 0.1/ 0.2 60/ 108 Δ °C/ °F S NO
F6 Maximum evaporator fan speed 100 F7 100 % M NO
F7 Minimum evaporator fan speed 0 0 F6 % M NO
F7h Minimum evaporator fan speed during humidification 10 0 100 % M NO
F8 Evaporator fan start-up time 0 0 240 s M NO
(0 = function disabled)
FCC Modulating condenser fan cut-off temperature 2/ 3.6 0 50/ 90 °C/°F M NO
FCH Maximum modulating condenser fan speed 100 0 100 % M NO
FCL Minimum modulating condenser fan speed 0 0 100 % M NO
Fct_ALr_disable Disable “Display alarms” direct function: 0 0 1 - (**) NO
0 = direct function visible (if available);
1 = direct function not visible.
Fct_Auc_disable Disable “Activate auxiliary output“ direct function - 0 0 1 - (**) NO
see Fct_ALr_disable
Fct_BtE_disable Disable “Enable Bluetooth“ direct function - see Fct_ALr_disable 0 0 1 - (**) NO
Fct_CnC_disable Disable “Activate continuous cycle“ direct function - 0 0 1 - (**) NO
see Fct_ALr_disable
Fct_dFM_disable Disable “Start defrost “ direct function - see Fct_ALr_disable 0 0 1 - (**) NO
Fct_Ec1_disable Disable “Load embedded configurazion 1“ direct function - 0 0 1 - (**) NO
see Fct_ALr_disable
Fct_Ec2_disable Disable “Load embedded configurazion 2“ direct function - 0 0 1 - (**) NO
see Fct_ALr_disable
Fct_Eco_disable Disable “Activate ECO mode“ direct function - see Fct_ALr_disable 0 0 1 - (**) NO
Fct_Fr_disable Disable “Firmware version“ direct function - see Fct_ALr_disable 0 0 1 - (**) NO
Fct_HAC_disable Disable “Direct access to HACCP menu“ direct function - 0 0 1 - (**) NO
see Fct_ALr_disable
Fct_HL_disable Disable “Dim Light“ direct function - see Fct_ALr_disable 0 0 1 - (**) NO
Fct_HU_disable Disable “Set humidity level“ direct function - see Fct_ALr_disable 0 0 1 - (**) NO
Fct_Lht_disable Disable “Activate lights“ direct function - 0 0 1 - (**) NO
see Fct_ALr_disable
Fct_nFE_disable Disable “Enable NFC memory reading“ direct function - 0 0 1 - (**) NO
see Fct_ALr_disable
Fct_OnF_disable Disable “Unit On/Off “ direct function - 0 0 1 - (**) NO
see Fct_ALr_disable
Fct_Pd_disable Disable “Activate pull down“ direct function - 0 0 1 - (**) NO
see Fct_ALr_disable
Fct_rH_disable Disable “Maximum value of control probe“ direct function - 0 0 1 - (**) NO
see Fct_ALr_disable
Fct_rL_disable Disable “Minimum value of control probe“ direct function - 0 0 1 - (**) NO
see Fct_ALr_disable
Fct_rtL_disable Disable “Reset min/max control probe“ direct function - 0 0 1 - (**) NO
see Fct_ALr_disable
Fct_SAh_disable Disable “Display alarm log“ direct function - 0 0 1 - (**) NO
see Fct_ALr_disable
Fct_Sc_disable Disable “Condenser probe“ direct function - 0 0 1 - (**) NO
see Fct_ALr_disable
Fct_Sc1_disable Disable “Quick Set point 1“ direct function - 0 0 1 - (**) NO
see Fct_ALr_disable
Fct_Sc2_disable Disable “Quick Set point 2“ direct function - 0 0 1 - (**) NO
see Fct_ALr_disable
Fct_Sc3_disable Disable “Quick Set point 3“ direct function - 0 0 1 - (**) NO
see Fct_ALr_disable
Fct_Sd_disable Disable “Defrost probe“ direct function - 0 0 1 - (**) NO
see Fct_ALr_disable
Fct_SHu_disable Disable “Humidity probe“ direct function - 0 0 1 - (**) NO
see Fct_ALr_disable
Fct_Sm_disable Disable “Outlet probe“ direct function - 0 0 1 - (**) NO
see Fct_ALr_disable
Fct_SPr_disable Disable “Product probe“ direct function - 0 0 1 - (**) NO
see Fct_ALr_disable
Fct_SrG_disable Disable “Control probe“ direct function - 0 0 1 - (**) NO
see Fct_ALr_disable
Fct_St_disable Disable “Set control set point“ direct function - 0 0 1 - (**) NO
see Fct_ALr_disable
Fct_Sth_disable Disable “Set humidity set point“ direct function - 0 0 1 - (**) NO
see Fct_ALr_disable
Fd Post-dripping time after defrost 2 0 15 min M NO
(fans off with control active)

88 Parameter table iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022

Code Description Def. Min Max UOM User
Fd0 Evaporator fan ON time for anti-stratification during the day 5 1 100 min M NO
FdF Evaporator fan OFF time for anti-stratification during the day 10 0 100 min M NO
(0 = always ON during the day)
Fn0 Evaporator fan ON time for anti-stratification at night 5 1 100 min M NO
FnF Evaporator fan OFF time for anti-stratification at night 20 0 100 min M NO
(0 = always ON at night)
Fpd Evaporator fans during post-dripping: 1 0 1 - M NO
0 = on; 1 = off.
Frd Evaporator fan activation differential 2/ 3.6 0.1/ 0.2 20/ 36 Δ °C/°F S NO
(including variable speed)
FSh Modulating evaporator fan speed in dehumidification 40 0 100 % M NO
GFA_1 Generic alarm function, control probe 1 0 0 16 - M NO
0 = not configured;
1 = outlet temperature (Sm);
2 = defrost temperature (Sd);
3 = intake temperature (Sr);
4 = not used;
5 = not used;
6 = auxiliary evaporator defrost temperature (Sd2);
7 = auxiliary probe 1;
8 = auxiliary probe 2;
9 = ambient temperature;
10 = not used;
11 = glass temperature;
12 = not used;
13 = condensing temperature;
14 = humidity;
15 = frost protection temperature;
16 = product temperature.
GFA_2 Generic alarm function, control probe 2 - see GFA_1 0 0 20 - M NO
GFA_D Generic alarm function, differential 0.1 0.1 99.9 - S NO
GFA_De General alarm function, delay 0 0 30000 S S NO
GFA_E Generic alarm function, enable 8 0 10 - M NO
0 = always; 1 = unit ON; 2 = unit OFF;
3 = defrost; 4 = not used;
5 = continuous cycle; 6 = duty setting; 7 = standby;
8 = compressor or reverse output active;
9 = door open; 10 = active alarm.
GFA_Hth Generic alarm function, high temperature threshold 0 GFA_Lth 999 - S NO
GFA_Lth General alarm function, low temperature threshold 0 -99 GFA_Hth - S NO
GFM_1 Generic modulating function, control probe 1 - see GFA_1 0 0 20 - M NO
GFM_2 Generic modulating function, control probe 2 - see GFA_1 0 0 20 - M NO
GFM_CD Generic modulating function, cut-off differential 0.1 0.1 20 - S NO
GFM_D Generic modulating function, differential 0.1 0.1 99.9 - S NO
GFM_E Generic modulating function, enable - see GFA_E 8 0 10 - M NO
GFM_H Generic modulating function, hysteresis 0.1 0.1 20 - M NO
GFM_Kp Generic modulating function, proportional gain 0 0 100 - M NO
GFM_Max Generic modulating function, max output value 0 0 100 % M NO
GFM_Min Generic modulating function, min output value 0 0 100 % M NO
GFM_S Generic modulating function, set point 0 -99 999 - S NO
GFM_T Generic modulating function, type: 0 0 1 - M NO
0 = direct; 1 = reverse.
GFM_Td Generic modulating function, derivative time 0 0 100 s S NO
GFM_Ti Generic modulating function, integral time 0 0 900 s S NO
GFS_1 Generic On/Off function, control probe 1 - see GFA_1 0 0 16 - M NO
GFS_2 Generic On/Off function, control probe 2 - see GFA_1 0 0 16 - M NO
GFS_D Generic On/Off function, differential 0 0 99.9 - S NO
GFS_E Generic On/Off function, enable - see GFA_E 8 0 10 - M NO
GFS_S Generic On/Off function, set point 0 -99 999 - M NO
GFS_T Generic On/Off function, type: 0 0 1 - M NO
0 = direct; 1 = reverse.
H0 Serial address 1 1 247 - S YES
H10 BMS serial port baud rate (bit/s) 4 0 8 - S YES
0 = 1200 3 = 9600 6 = 57600
1 = 2400 4 = 19200 7 = 115200
2 = 4800 5 = 38400
H11 BMS serial port configuration (stop bits and parity) 1 0 5 - S YES
0 = 1 stop bit, no parity; 1 = 2 stop bits, no parity;
2 = 1 stop bit, even parity; 3 = 2 stop bits, even parity;
4 = 1 stop bit, odd parity; 5 = 2 stop bits, odd parity;
H14 Time light stays on after closing the door 0 0 240 min U NO
H8 Output switched with time bands: 0 0 1 - S NO
0 = Light;
1 = AUX.
HA1, HA2, HA3 Activation date and time of the first, second and third type HA alarm - - - - U NO
HAn Number of type HA alarms 0 0 6 - U YES
Hb Buzzer: 0 = disabled; 1 = enabled. 1 0 1 - U YES
Hdh Delta for anti-heating function 0 0 200/360 Δ °C/°F M NO
HF1, HF2, HF3 Activation date and time of the first, second and third type HF alarm - - - - U NO
HFn Number of type HF alarms 0 0 6 - S YES
HL Modulating light output activation percentage: 2 0 4 - U NO
0 = 0%: 1 = 25%; 2 = 50%: 3 = 75%; 4 = 100%.
HMP Operating hour threshold for maintenance alarm hx1000 0 45 0 M NO

iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022 Parameter table 89

Code Description Def. Min Max UOM User
HMr Reset operating hours - 0 1 0 S NO
Htd HACCP alarm delay (0 = monitoring disabled) 0 0 240 min S NO
HU Humidity level: 0: low; 1: medium; 2: high. 1 0 2 - U YES
IS Working configuration 0 0 IS_Max - S YES
IS_max Number of embedded configurations 0 0 999 M NO
MA1 Test mode, activate analogue output 1: 0 0 1 - S NO
0 = disabled; 1 = automatic; 2 = activated at the value of MAr1.
MA2 Test mode, activate analogue output 2 - see MA1 0 0 1 - S NO
MAr1 Test mode, analogue output 1 request 0 0 100 % S NO
MAr2 Test mode, analogue output 2 request 0 0 100 % S NO
Mr1 Test mode, activate relay1: 1 0 2 - S NO
0 = disabled; 1 = automatic; 2 = activated.
Mr2 Test mode, activate relay 2 - see Mr1 1 0 2 - S NO
Mr3 Test mode, activate relay 3 - see Mr1 1 0 2 - S NO
Mr4 Test mode, activate relay 4 - see Mr1 1 0 2 - S NO
Mr5 Test mode, activate relay 5 - see Mr1 1 0 2 - S NO
Mr6 Test mode, activate relay 6 - see Mr1 1 0 2 - S NO
Mt Manual mode duration (0 = manual mode always active) 10 0 90 min S NO
nFE Enable NFC memory: 1 0 1 - M NO
0 = copy parameters disabled; 1 = copy parameters enabled.
OfT Gasket heater OFF time 3 0 250 min M NO
On On/Off command 1 0 1 - U YES
0 = Off ; 1 = On. (button)
OnT Gasket heater ON time 5 0 250 min M NO
PDM Manufacturer password (OEM) 44 0 999 - M NO
PDS Service password 22 0 999 - S NO
PDU User password 0 0 999 - U NO
r1 Minimum set point -50/ -58 -99/ - 146.2 r2 °C/°F M NO
r2 Maximum set point 50/ 122 r1 200/ 392 °C/°F M NO
r30 Control mode: 0 0 2 - M NO
0 = direct with defrost; 1 = direct; 2 = reverse
r4 Automatic night set point variation 3/5.4 -50/ -90 50/ 90 Δ °C/°F S NO
r4d Temperature control differential in ECO mode 4/ 7.2 0.1/ 0.2 99.9/179.2 Δ °C/°F S NO
r5c Select probe to monitor: 3 0 16 - M NO
0 = not configured;
1 = outlet temperature (Sm);
2 = defrost temperature (Sd);
3 = intake temperature (Sr);
4 = not used;
5 = not used;
6 = auxiliary evaporator defrost temperature (Sd2);
7 = auxiliary probe 1;
8 = auxiliary probe 2;
9 = ambient temperature;
10 = not used;
11 = glass temperature;
12 = not used;
13 = condensing temperature;
14 = humidity;
15 = frost protection temperature;
16 = product temperature.
r6a Control probe for night-time operation: 0 0 1 - S NO
0 = virtual probe Sv;
1 = intake temperature probe Sr
rAL Reset alarm log 0 0 1 - S YES
rd Temperature control differential 2/ 3.6 0.1/ 0.2 99.9/179.2 Δ °C/°F S YES
rdh Humidity control differential 5 0.1 99.9 % rH S YES
Rdrh Gasket heater control differential 2/ 3.6 0.1/ 0.2 20/ 36 Δ °C/°F M NO
RelayActTestMode[1] Test via BMS serial port, activate relay 1 0 0 1 - (*) NO
RelayActTestMode[2] Test via BMS serial port, activate relay 2 0 0 1 - (*) NO
RelayActTestMode[3] Test via BMS serial port, activate relay 3 0 0 1 - (*) NO
RelayActTestMode[4] Test via BMS serial port, activate relay 4 0 0 1 - (*) NO
RelayActTestMode[5] Test via BMS serial port, activate relay 5 0 0 1 - (*) NO
RelayActTestMode[6] Test via BMS serial port, activate relay 6 0 0 1 - (*) NO
rHP Reset HACCP event log 0 0 1 - U YES
rHt Anti-sweat heater or fan activation time 5 0 180 min M NO
(0 = function disabled)
rHU Anti-sweat heater or fan activation % 70 0 100 % M NO
(0 = function disabled)
rIA Immediate external alarm digital input logic: 0 0 1 - S NO
0 = direct logic;
1 = reverse logic.
rIb Delayed external alarm digital input logic - see rIA 0 0 1 - S NO
rIc Enable defrost digital input logic - see rIA 0 0 1 - S NO
rId Start defrost digital input logic - see rIA 0 0 1 - S NO
rIE Door switch with compressor OFF digital input logic - see rIA 0 0 1 - S NO
rIF Remote ON/OFF digital input logic - see rIA 0 0 1 - S NO
rIG Curtain switch digital input logic - see rIA 0 0 1 - S NO
rIH Start/stop continuous cycle digital input logic - see rIA 0 0 1 - S NO
rIo Working parameter set changeover digital input logic - 0 0 1 - S NO
see rIA
rIP Door switch without compressor OFF digital input logic - 0 0 1 - S NO
see rIA
rIS Generic function alarm digital input logic - see rIA 0 0 1 - S NO

90 Parameter table iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022

Code Description Def. Min Max UOM User
rIt Low pressure switch digital input logic - see rIA 0 0 1 - S NO
rIU AUX output activation digital input logic - see rIA 0 0 1 - S NO
rM Enable temperature monitoring: 0 0 1 - S YES
0 = disabled;
1 = enabled
rn Dead band 4/ 7.2 0 60/ 108 Δ °C/°F S NO
rnH Dead band for humidity control 5 0 50.0 Δ % rH S NO
ro Control offset with probe error 0 0 20/ 36 Δ °C/°F M NO
rOA Compressor digital output logic: 0 0 1 - S NO
0=direct; 1=reverse
rOb Alarm digital output logic - see rOA 0 0 1 - S NO
rOc AUX auxiliary digital output logic - see rOA 0 0 1 - S NO
rOE Light digital output logic - see rOA 0 0 1 - S NO
rOG Defrost digital output logic - see rOA 0 0 1 - S NO
rOH Auxiliary evaporator defrost digital output logic - see rOA 0 0 1 - S NO
rOI Evaporator fan digital output logic - see rOA 0 0 1 - S NO
rOj Dehumidification digital output logic - see rOA 0 0 1 - S NO
rOk Auxiliary compressor without rotation digital output logic - see rOA 0 0 1 - S NO
rOn Pump down valve digital output logic - see rOA 0 0 1 - S NO
rOP Drain heater digital output logic - see rOA 0 0 1 - S NO
rOq Anti-sweat heater digital output logic - see rOA 0 0 1 - S NO
rOS Generic On/Off function digital output logic - see rOA 0 0 1 - S NO
rOt Condenser fan digital output logic - see rOA 0 0 1 - S NO
rOu Humidification digital output logic - see rOA 0 0 1 - S NO
rOv Reverse digital output with dead band control logic - see rOA 0 0 1 - S NO
rOw Auxiliary parallel compressor digital output logic - see rOA 0 0 1 - S NO
rOx Gasket heater digital output logic - see rOA 0 0 1 - S NO
rOy Auxiliary compressor with rotation digital output logic - see rOA 0 0 1 - S NO
rOz External dehumidifier digital output logic - see rOA 0 0 1 - S NO
rr Reverse output differential 2/ 3.6 0 20/ 36 Δ °C/°F S NO
rrH Dehumidification differential 5 0 50.0 Δ % rH S NO
rS1 Working parameter set associated with open digital input 1 0 IS_max - M NO
(see par. DIo)
rS2 Working parameter set associated with closed digital input 2 0 IS_max - M NO
(see par. DIo)
rSA Reset alarms 0 0 1 - S YES
rSC Restore default values 0 0 1 - S YES
rtL Reset monitoring period 0 0 1 - U YES
Sc1 Custom temperature set point 1 0 r1 r2 °C/°F M NO
Sc2 Custom temperature set point 2 0 r1 r2 °C/°F M NO
Sc3 Custom temperature set point 3 0 r1 r2 °C/°F M NO
Sh1 Custom humidity set point 1 0 0 100 % rH M NO
Sh2 Custom humidity set point 2 0 0 100 % rH M NO
Sh3 Custom humidity set point 3 0 0 100 % rH M NO
St Temperature control set point 50/ 122 r1 r2 °C/°F U YES
St_Idx Custom set point index 0 0 3 - M NO
Sth Humidity control set point 90 0.0 100.0 % rH U YES
Strh Gasket heater control set point -18/ -0.4 -50/ -58 200/392 °C/°F S NO
td1..8-d Defrost 1 to 8 - day: 0 0 11 - S NO
0 = event disabled; 1-7 = Monday to Sunday;
8 = Monday to Friday; 9 = Monday to Saturday;
10 = Saturday & Sunday; 11 = every day.
td1..8-hh Defrost 1 to 8 - hours 0 0 23 hours S NO
td1..8-mm Defrost 1 to 8 - minutes 0 0 59 minutes S NO
td1..8-time Defrost 1 to 8 (Applica) 0:00:00 0:00:00 23:59:59 - S NO
TdL Differential to enable humidity control 0 0 20/ 36 Δ °C/°F S NO
tE1...8-d End time band 1 to 8 - day, see (td1...8-d) 0 0 11 - U NO
tE1...8-hh End time band 1 to 8 - hours 0 0 23 hours U NO
tE1...8-mm End time band 1 to 8 - minutes 0 0 59 minutes U NO
tE1...8-time End time band 1 to 8 (Applica) 0:00:00 0:00:00 23:59:59 - U NO
TestMode Enable test via BMS serial port 0 0 255 - (*) NO
THL Maximum temperature to enable humidity control 0 -60/ -76 60/ 140 °C/°F M NO
TLL Minimum temperature to enable humidity control 0 -60/ -76 60/ 140 °C/°F M NO
tS1...8-d Start time band 1 to 8 - day, see (td1...8-d) 0 0 11 - U NO
tS1...8-hh Start time band 1 to 8 - hours 0 0 23 hours U NO
tS1...8-mm Start time band 1 to 8 - minutes 0 0 59 minutes U NO
tS1...8-time Start time band 1 to 8 (Applica) 0:00:00 0:00:00 23:59:59 - U NO
ucd Compressor stop delay after HLVP protection activated 5 0 60 s M NO
udE Enable display of HLVP protection alarms (EHI and ELO, see alarm 0 0 1 - M NO
uHi High voltage protection start threshold 245 0 350 V M NO
uHo High voltage protection end threshold 255 0 350 V M NO
uEn Enable HLVP protection: 0 = disabled; 1 = enabled. 0 0 1 - M NO
uLi Low voltage protection start threshold 205 0 350 V M NO
uLo Low voltage protection end threshold 195 0 350 V M NO
uof OFF time for humidity duty setting operation 60 c2 120 min M NO
uon ON time for duty setting operation 10 c3 120 min M NO
Tab. 7.a
(*) Parameter only available via BMS serial.
(**) Parameter only available via the configuration tool.

iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022 Parameter table 91

7.2 Configuring the iJF controller via the Applica app
The “Applica” app can be used to configure the controller from a mobile device (smartphone, tablet), via NFC (Near Field Commu-
nication) or BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy). The app is used to configure the commissioning parameters and set groups of preset
parameters according to specific needs (configurations).

1. download the CAREL “Applica” app;
2. (on the mobile device) start the app for commissioning the controller;
3. activate NFC and/or BLE;
4. If using an NFC connection: move the device near to the controller, maximum distance 10 mm, to upload the configuration
5. If using a BLE connection:
– 1. select “BLUETOOTH SCAN” to view the iJF controller devices available within a range of 10 m.
– 2. select the device to connect to



Fig. 7.a

Notice: during the first connection, the Applica app aligns itself with the software version on the iJF controller via a cloud
connection; this means a mobile data connection is needed at least for this first connection. If the data connection is not avail-
able, the required packet can be retrieved from the could as soon as the connection is restored (access the “Packet Manager”
section of Applica).
Applica makes it easy to set the parameters on the iJF controller and manage parameter configurations using the hamburger
menu at the top left of the screen.

92 Parameter table iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022

7.2.1 Configurations
Parameter configurations can be created and saved, and then uploaded to the iJF controller using the configuration software or
Applica app. Configurations can be created either using the default values loaded by Carel, or starting from user-set values on
the iJF controller, or alternatively only certain specific values can be modified.
To create a configuration using the SPARK configuration software - released under license directly by Carel - and starting from
the default values on the controller, connect the PC to the BMS connector (RS485) using converter P/N CVSTDUMOR0, as shown
in the figure:
Main Secondary

J5 FBus J4 BMS J5 FBus J4 BMS


n et wo r k
RS4 85

CAR EL isol ated USB -RS4 85 coverter

Shield USB/RS485 converter

Commissioning tool
Fig. 7.b

Proceed as follows:
1. After starting the configuration software, from the “File” tab open the configuration file (workspace) provided by Carel;
2. In the “Target” tab add a “target”, i.e. the iJF controller to communicate with.
3. Set the type of serial communication and change the connection parameters (default for the iJF baud rate 19200, parity
None and 2 stop bit)
4. Select “Connect”.
5. From the “Configurations” tab, select “Add configuration” (e.g. 1).
6. After having created and selected the chosen configuration, select “Copy values to configuration”.
7. The “Configuration value” column will now be populated with the current values on the iJF controller. The values can now be
modified to create a custom configuration.
8. The configuration created as above can be immediately uploaded to the iJF controller by selecting “Applica configuration”
or saved for future use by selecting “Export configuration”.

Notice: to create a configuration based on the default values loaded by Carel on the iJF controller, simply follow the same
procedure as described above, and in step 6 select “Applica default values” rather than “Copy values to configuration”.

7.2.2 Profiles
Different profiles can be created for displaying the parameters using the configuration software.
Proceed as follows:
1. After starting the configuration software, open the configuration file provided by Carel;
2. From the “Profiles” tab select “Add profile”;
3. Select “Profiling”’;
4. Select the variables to assign to the profile. These will only be the variables that are visible via the configuration/commission-
ing software and the Applica app to any M-level user who has the password for profile MyProfile1;
5. Now, selecting profile MyProfile1, the variables to assign to the profile as read-only can be selected by checking the check
box in the corresponding column;
6. Select “Edit” to set the password associated with the profile;
7. The profile is now ready to be exported; select “Export profile” and upload it to the cloud service used by the Applica app.

iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022 Parameter table 93


Physical specifications Case Polycarbonate
Ball pressure test temperature 125 °C
Ingress protection IEC: UL:
• Rear: IP20 • Type 1 (Panel small, Panel large
• Front: IP65 (Panel small, Panel from -5°C to 60°C, Split small
large with springs, Split small without HMI cable, Split large,
without HMI cable, HMI small, HMI small, HMI large from -5°C
HMI large with springs); IP45 to 60°C)
(Split large without HMI cable); • Open type (Panel large from
IP43 (Panel large without sprin- -20°C to 60°C, HMI large from
gs, HMI large without springs); -20°C to 60°C)
IP20 (Split with HMI cableI)
Front cleaning Use soft, non-abrasive cloth and neutral detergent or water

Environmental conditions Operating temperature -20T60 °C, <90% RH non-condensing

Storage temperature -40T80 °C, <90% RH non-condensing;
-20T80 °C, <90% RH non condensing for models with battery

Electrical specifications Rated power supply • 100-240 Vac (Panel, Split);

• 12 Vdc, supplied by Carel controller SELV/Class 2 (HMI)
Operating power supply voltage • 90-264 Vac (Panel, Split);
• 12 Vdc, supplied by Carel controller SELV/Class 2 (HMI)
Input frequency 50/60Hz (Panel, Split)
Maximum current draw • 100 mA rms (Panel small, Split small);
• 220 mA rms (Panel large, Split large);
• 200 mA, power supply supplied by Carel controller SELV/Class 2 (HMI)
Min power consumption 700 mW (Small, HMI)
800 mW (Large)
Clock Precision: 20 ppm at 25°C;
100 ppm in the temperature range -20T60 ˚C.
Date/time storage with controller off up to 10 years for models with
battery (-20T60°C).
Software class and structure A
Environmental pollution class 2 (Panel small, Split small)
3 (Panel large, Split large, HMI)
Class of protection against electric shock To be incorporated in class I or II appliances
Type of action and disconnection 1.C
Rated impulse voltage 100 - 240 Vac input and relay output: 2.5 kV (Small)
100 - 240 Vac input and relay output: 4 kV (Large)
0.5 kV (HMI)
Surge immunity category 100 - 240 Vac input and relay outputs: II (Small)
100 - 240 Vac input and relay outputs: III (Large)
Control device construction Device to be incorporated
Terminal block NO1, C1, NO2, NO3, NO4, NO5, C5, C6, NC6, NO6, L, N:
• Removable male-female 30-12 AWG/0.05-3.3 mm2
• Screw terminals 30-14 AWG/0.05-2 mm2
• Faston connectors
S1, S2, S3, S4, DI1, DI2, S1H, S2H, D1H, D2H, GND (Small, HMI):
• Removable male-female 30-17 AWG/0.05-1 mm2
• Screw terminals 30-17 AWG/0.05-1 mm2
S1, S2, S3, S4, DI1, DI2, GND (Large):
• Removable male-female 30-12 AWG/0.05-3.3 mm2
• Screw terminals 30-14 AWG/0.05-2 mm2
BMS, 0-5 Vrat:
• Removable male-female 30-17 AWG/0.05-1 mm2
FieldBus, 0-10 V/PWM:
• JST ZH connector 32-26 AWG/0.03-0.13 mm2
Power supply and communication with Carel controller (HMI):
• JST ZH connector 32-26 AWG/0.03-0.13 mm2
• Removable male-female 30-17 AWG/0.05-1 mm2
• Screw terminals 30-17 AWG/0.05-1 mm2
Purpose of the controller Eelectrical control device

User interface Buzzer Built-in (Panel, HMI)

Display 3 digits, decimal point and multifunction icons (Panel, HMI); external
HMI (optional, Split)
Keypad Max 6 buttons (Panel small, HMI small); max 8 buttons (Panel large, HMI
large); external HMI (optional, Split)
LEDs 1 red LED and 1 white LED (Split)

Connectivity NFC Max distance 10 mm, variable according to the mobile device used
Bluetooth Low Energy (opt.) Max distance 10 m, variable according to the mobile device used
BMS serial interface (opt.) RS485 not optically-isolated
FieldBUS serial interface (opt.) RS485, not opto-isolated, maximum number of devices that can be
connected: 20
HMI interface RS485, not opto-isolated
TTL serial interface (opt.) Not opto-isolated, 3.3 V power supply, maximum number of devices
connected: 1

94 Technical specifications iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022

Analogue inputs S1, S2, S3, S4: NTC: resolution 0.1°C; 10 kΩ@25°C; beta 3435; error: ±1°C in the range
(Lmax=10m) NTC/ NTC-HT/ NTC-LT/ PT1000/ PTC -50T50°C, ±3°C in the range 50T90°C
NTC-HT: resolution 0.1°C; 50 kΩ@25°C; beta 3977; error: ±1.5°C in the
range -15T115°C, ±4°C in the range 40T-15°C and 115T150°C:
NTC_LT: resolution 0.1°C; 750Ω@25°C; beta 3969; error: ±1.5°C in the
range -20T10°C, ±4°C in the range 80T-20°C and 10T55°C
PT1000: resolution 0.1°C; 1 kΩ@0°C; error: ± 1°C in the range - 60T120°C
PTC: resolution 0.1°C; 985 Ω@25°C; error: ±2 °C in the range -50T50°C,
±4 °C in the range 50T150°C
5: 0-5 Vrat (opt.) 0-5 Vrat: error 2% fs, typical 1%
S1H: D1H configurable as NTC S2H: NTC: resolution 0.1°C; 10 kΩ@25°C; beta 3435; error: ±1°C in the range
NTC (models IJFHL*) -50T50°C, ±3°C in the range 50T90°C

Digital inputs DI1, DI2 configurable as fast digital inputs Voltage-free contact, not optically-isolated, typical closing current 5
mA, voltage with contact open 12 V, max contact resistance 50 Ω Fast
digital inputs: 0-10 V: error 2 % fs, typical 1 %
D1H, D2H (HMI) Voltage-free contact, not optically-isolated, typical closing current 5
mA, voltage with contact open 12 V, max contact resistance 50 Ω
Analogue outputs Y1, Y2, independently configurable as DC 0-10V: 1 kΩ ,10 mA max
or PWM outputs (opt.) PWM: 100 Hz, max amplitude 10 V, 10 mA max
Digital outputs (Small) NO1, NO2, NO3, NO4 NO1 (2 hp):
EN60730: 10(6) A, 250 Vac; UL60730: 16A, 250 Vac; 8FLA, 48LRA, 250 Vac;
Pilot duty B300, 250 Vac
with screw or removable terminals, NO1:
NO2 (8 A): EN60730: 8(3) A, 240 Vac; UL60730: 8A, 240 Vac; 2FLA, 12LRA,
max 12 A.
240 Vac; Pilot duty C300, 240 Vac
• NO1: max 12 A;
NO3, NO4 (5 A): EN60730: 5(1) A, 240 Vac; UL60730: 5A, 240 Vac; 1FLA,
• NO2+NO3+NO4: max 12 A
6LRA, 240 Vac; Pilot duty C300, 240 Vac
With faston terminals:
• NO1: max 14 A;
• NO2+NO3+NO4: max
• 14 A
Digital outputs (Large) NO1, NO2, NO3, NO4, NO5, NO6, NC6 NO1, NO2, NO3, NO4 (8 A):
IEC60730: 8(3) A, 250 Vac;
Notice: UL60730: 8 A, 250 Vac; 2FLA, 12LRA, 250 Vac;
• NO1+NO2: max 10 A; Pilot duty C300, 250 Vac
• NO3+NO4: max 10 A. NO5 (30 A): NO5 (2 hp):
NO5: 30 A or 2 hp depending IEC60730: 20(10) A, 250 Vac; IEC60730: 10(6) A, 250 Vac;
on the model, see label. UL60730: 16 A, 250 Vac; UL60730: 16A, 250 Vac; 8FLA,
For 30 A version, NO5: 16FLA, 96LRA, 250 Vac 48LRA, 250 Vac;
• with screw or removable terminals max Pilot duty B300, 250 Vac
12 A. NO6, NC6 (16 A SPDT):
• with faston terminals max 16 A. EN60730: 12(2) A, 250 Vac NO; 12(2) A, 250 Vac NC; 2(2) A, 250 Vac CO;
For 2 hp version, NO5: UL60730: 12 A, 250 Vac NO; 12 A, 250 Vac NC; 5FLA, 30LRA,
• with all terminals max 12 A. 250 Vac NO; Pilot duty C300, 250 Vac NO

Probe power supply 5V 5 Vdc ± 2 % to power the 0 to 5 V ratiometric probes.

Maximum current delivered: 10 mA
+V 12 Vdc ± 10% to power the repeater terminal
Cable lengths Analogue inputs/outputs, digital inputs/ < 10 m
outputs, probe power
BMS and Fieldbus serial cables < 500 m with shielded cable
TTL serial cables <2m
Controller-HMI < 10 m. NOTICE: in domestic environments, for connections over 2 m,
in applications where controller and HMI are not installed on the same
chassis, shielded cable is recommended
Conformity Electrical safety compliance - IEC/EN/UL 60730-1, CSA E60730-1, IEC 60335-1 (sections 29 & 30)
LVD directive and UL certification
Electromagnetic compatibility - IEC/EN 61000-6-1, IEC/EN 61000-6-2, IEC/EN 61000-6-3, IEC/EN 61000-6-
EMC directive 4
For use with flammable refrigerants, the controllers described in this document have been tested and found to com-
ply with the following requirements of the IEC 60335 series standards:
• Annex CC of IEC 60335-2-24: 2010, referred to in clause 22.109, and Annex BB of IEC 60335-2-89: 2010, referred to
in clause 22.108; components that produce arcs or sparks during normal operation have been tested and found to
comply with the requirements of UL/IEC 60079-15;
• IEC/EN/UL 60335-2-24 (clauses 22.109, 22.110) for household refrigerators and freezers;
• IEC/EN/UL 60335-2-40 (clauses 22.116, 22.117) for electric heat pumps, air conditioners and dehumidifiers;
• IEC/EN/UL 60335-2-89 (clauses 22.108, 22.109) for commercial refrigerating appliances.
The controllers have been verified for the maximum temperatures of all components, which during the tests required
by IEC 60335 cl. 11 and 19 do not exceed 272°C. The acceptability of these controllers in the final application where
flammable refrigerants are used needs to be reviewed and verified depending on the final application.
Wireless compliance RED directive (EN 301489-1), FCC (section 15, subsection B), IC.
Tab. 8.a

iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022 Technical specifications 95

8.1 Connector/cable table
Ref. Description Wiring terminals Wire cross-section (mm2) Lmax (m)
L, N Controller power supply Removable screw terminal, 2-pin, 0.05-3.3 (30-12 AWG) 10
pitch 5 mm
(Small without options)/5.08 mm
(Small with options, Large)
Screw terminals, 2-pin, pitch 5 mm 0.05-2 (30-14 AWG)
(Small without options)/5.08
mm (Small with options, Large)
Faston connectors -
S1 to S3, S4 Probes Removable terminal; 0.05-3.3 (30-12 AWG) 10
(Large) 5-pin, pitch 3.81 mm (Small, without options)
2x3 pins, pitch 3.5 mm (Small, with options)
4+3 pins, pitch 5.08 mm (Large)
Screw terminals: 0.05-2 (30-14 AWG)
5-pin, pitch 3.81 mm (Small, without options)
2x3 pins, pitch 3.5 mm (Small, with options)
4+3 pins, pitch 5.08 mm (Large)
S1H HMI probe Removable terminal 0.05-1 (30-17 AWG) 10
Screw terminal
S5, 5 V Ratiometric probe Removable screw terminal, 2-pin, 0.05-1 (30-17 AWG) 10
power supply pitch 3.5 mm
ID1, ID2 Digital inputs Removable screw terminal, 5-pin, 0.05-3.3 (30-12 AWG) 10
pitch 5.08 mm (Small, without options)
2x3 pins, pitch 3.5 mm (Small, with options)
4+3 pins, pitch 5.08 mm (Large)
Screw terminals, 5-pin, pitch 5.08 mm 0.05-2 (30-14 AWG)
(Small without options)
2x3 pins, pitch 3.5 mm (Small, with options)
4+3 pins, pitch 5.08 mm (Large)
ID1H, ID2H HMI digital inputs Removable screw terminal, 5-pin, 0.05-1 (30-17 AWG) 10
pitch 3.5 mm
Screw terminals, 5-pin, pitch 3.5 mm
NO1 to Digital outputs Removable terminal, 5-pin (Small), 0.05-3.3 (30-12 AWG) 10
NO6 4x3-pin (Large), pitch 5.08 mm
Screw terminal, 5-pin (Small), 0.05-2 (30-14 AWG)
4x3-pin (Large), pitch 5.08 mm
Faston connectors -
Y1, Y2 0-10 V/PWM outputs JST ZH connector, 4-pin, pitch 2 mm 0.03-13 (32-26 AWG) 10
- Connection cable part number
(see “Introduction”).
BMS BMS serial Removable screw terminal, 3-pin, 0.05-1 (30-17 AWG) 500, 6 with shielded cable
pitch 3.5 mm
Fieldbus FieldBus serial (future JST ZH connector, 4-pin, pitch 2 mm 0.03-13 (32-26 AWG) 500, 6 with shielded cable
uses) - Connection cable part number
(see “Introduction”).
TTL TTL serial JST ZH connector, 4-pin, pitch 2 mm 0.03-13 (32-26 AWG) 2
- Connection cable part number
(see “Introduction”).
VCC VCC serial output JST ZH connector, 4-pin, pitch 2 mm 0.03-13 (32-26 AWG) 500, 6 with shielded cable
- Connection cable part number
(see “Introduction”).
HMI HMI remote terminal JST ZH connector, 4-pin, pitch 2 mm 0.03-13 (32-26 AWG) 10
- Connection cable part number Notice: in domestic environments,
(see “Introduction”). for connections over 2 m, in appli-
Removable screw terminal, 4-pin, 0.05-1 (30-17 AWG) cations where controller and HMI
pitch 5.08 mm are not installed on the same
Screw terminals, 4-pin, pitch 5.08 mm chassis, shielded cable is recom-
Tab. 8.b

96 Technical specifications iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022



9.1 Signals
Signals are messages shown on the display to notify the user of the control procedures in progress (e.g. defrost) or to confirm
keypad input.
Display code Description
Ble Bluetooth™ connection in progress
dEF Defrost running
Loc Display locked
Off Switch OFF
On Switch ON
tSt Test outputs via BMS serial port active
Tab. 9.a

9.2 Types of alarms

The iJF controller can display two types of malfunctions:
• warning, when this type of error occurs, the alarm code is shown on the display, alternating with the main value, the “Service”
icon is shown on the display, however the buzzer does not sound, no relay is activated; errors belonging to this category
include defrost ended after maximum time, dirty condenser, HACCP alarms, configuration errors.
• alarms, when this type of error occurs, the alarm code is shown on the display, alternating with the main value, and the “Ser-
vice” icon comes on, the buzzer flashes and the relay is activated; this category includes alarms for which with the relay is
configured as an alarm, probe errors, temperature alarms, frost protection, communication errors with the VCC compressor,
power supply over and under voltage, etc.

• the digital outputs can be configured to signal the alarm status, normally open or normally closed. See “Digital outputs”.
• An alarm can also be activated from an external contact, immediate or delayed. See “Digital inputs”.
The warning and alarm signals can be immediate or delayed by parameter (see the Alarm table).
Both warnings and alarms can be reset automatically, manually or semi-automatically:
• automatic, when the cause is no longer present, the alarm also ceases;
• manual, when the cause is no longer present, the alarm remains active until manually reset by parameter;
• semi-automatic, reset is automatic 3 times in an hour, after which manual reset is required.
Active alarms are signalled by the buzzer (see parameter Hb) and the flashing of the “Service” icon . The alarm code is shown
on the display, alternating with the main value. Pressing any button mutes the buzzer. If more than one error occurs, these are
displayed in sequence. When an alarm is cleared, it is stored in the alarm log containing a maximum of five alarms, in a FIFO
list (the 6th alarm overwrites the 1st alarm, and so on). The error log can be accessed from the user terminal, via supervisor or
Applica app (Bluetooth connection only).

Display after HI error.

Fig. 9.a

The alarms can be reset manually using parameter rSA, from the user terminal or configuration tool, or in Applica (Bluetooth
connection only) using the specific command on the Alarms page (“Service” or “Manufacturer” level access is required). If the
condition that generated the alarm is still present, the alarm will be reactivated after resetting.
The alarm log can be deleted using parameter rAL, accessible from the user terminal, configuration tool or in Applica (Bluetooth
connection only) using the specific command on the Alarms page (“Service” or “Manufacturer” level access is required).

Notice: deleting the alarm log is irreversible.

iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022 Alarms and signals 97

9.3 Alarm table
Display Log Delay Icon Alarm
Description Buzzer Reset Effects on control
code code (*) (default) display relay
Afr 29 Frost protection Afd (1 min) YES YES YES Automatic Compressor
AtS 30 Restart in pump down - NO NO NO Automatic -
CE 28 Configuration write error - NO NO NO Automatic -
cht 17 High condensing - NO NO NO Automatic -
temperature warning
CHt 18 High condensing Acd (0 min) NO NO NO Manual Compressor OFF
temperature alarm
COM 34 VCC communication error Ctd (15 s) YES YES YES Automatic -
dA 14 Delayed alarm A7 (1 min) YES YES YES Automatic Compressor operation in duty
from external contact setting mode (par. A6);
dead band, lights and auxiliary
output OFF
dor 15 Door open Add (5 s) YES YES YES Automatic See
“Door management”
E1 1 Probe 1 faulty or disconnected - NO NO NO Automatic According to the
E2 2 Probe 2 faulty or disconnected - NO NO NO Automatic associated function
E3 3 Probe 3 faulty or disconnected - NO NO NO Automatic
E4 4 Probe 4 faulty or disconnected - NO NO NO Automatic
E5 5 Probe 5 faulty or disconnected - NO NO NO Automatic
E6 6 Probe S1H faulty or discon- - NO NO NO Automatic
E7 7 Probe S2H faulty or discon- - NO NO NO Automatic
Ed1 10 Defrost terminated - NO NO NO Automatic -
after maximum time
Ed2 11 Defrost on second - NO NO NO Automatic -
evaporator terminated
after maximum time
EHI 36 High power supply - YES YES YES Automatic -
voltage alarm
ELO 37 Low power supply - YES YES YES Automatic -
voltage alarm
Etc 9 Clock error - NO NO NO Manual Time bands disabled
GHI 19 Generic alarm GFA_De YES YES YES Automatic -
high threshold (0 s)
GLO 20 Generic alarm GFA_De YES YES YES Automatic -
low threshold (0 s)
HA 21 Type HA HACCP alarm - NO NO NO Manual -
(high temp. during operation)
HF 22 Type HF HACCP alarm - NO NO NO Manual -
(high temp. after blackout)
HI 24 High temperature Ad (120 s) YES YES YES Automatic -
IA 13 Immediate alarm - YES YES YES Automatic Compressor operation
from external contact in duty setting mode (par. A6);
dead band OFF
LO 23 Low temperature Ad (120 s) YES YES YES Automatic -
LP 32 Low pressure - YES YES YES Semi-auto- Compressor OFF
MAn 38 Output status overridden - YES YES YES Automatic -
in manual mode
Pd 26 Maximum pump - YES YES YES Automatic -
down time
rE 12 Control probe - YES YES YES Automatic Compressor operation
faulty or disconnected in duty setting mode (par. c4);
dead band OFF
rSF 31 Refrigerant leak alarm - YES YES YES Manual Switch off all
SF 27 Configuration not completed - NO NO NO Manual -
SrC 35 Maintenance request - YES YES YES Manual -
UCF 33 VCC operation error - YES YES YES Automatic -
Tab. 9.b
(*) This is the code used to record and display the alarm in Applica.

98 Alarms and signals iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022

9.4 Low and high temperature alarms LO and HI
The high and low temperature alarm thresholds can be relative or absolute, depending on the value of parameter A1:
• A1 = 0: the relative thresholds AL and AH are considered and represent the deviation from the set point; the low temperature
alarm is activated at set point - AL, and the high temperature alarm at set point + AH. If the set point changes, the alarm ac-
tivation point also changes automatically.
• A1 = 1, the absolute thresholds ALA and AHA are considered, representing the absolute low temperature and high tempera-
ture alarm threshold, respectively. If the set point changes, the activation point remains the same.

Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal

d8 Bypass high temperature alarm time after defrost 30 1 240 min S YES
A0 High and low temp. alarm reset differential 2 0.1 20 °C/°F M NO
A1 Alarm thresholds (AL, AH) relative to the set point St or absolute: 0 0 1 - S YES
0 = relative; 1 = absolute
A6 Stop compressor with external alarm (Toff = 15 minutes, fixed): 0 0 100 min M NO
0 = compressor always OFF; 100 = compressor always ON
Ad Delay time for high and low temp. alarms (AH, AL) 120 0 240 min U YES
Add High temp. alarm bypass time for door open 30 1 240 min U YES
AH Relative high temperature alarm threshold 0 0 555/999 Δ °C/°F U YES
AHA Absolute high temperature alarm threshold 537/999 -100/-148 537/999 °C/°F U YES
AL Relative low temperature alarm threshold 0 0 200/360 Δ °C/°F U YES
ALA Absolute low temperature alarm threshold -100/-148 -100/-148 537/999 °C/°F U YES
Tab. 9.c

Relative thresholds
Parameter AL is used to set the activation threshold for the low temperature alarm LO. The value measured by the control probe
is continuously compared against the value of St-AL, and if it falls below this value for a time longer than Ad, the low temperature
alarm LO is activated. The low temperature alarm LO ceases automatically when the temperature rises back above St-AL+A0.
Similarly, parameter AH is used to set the activation threshold for the high temperature alarm HI. The value measured by the
control probe is continuously compared against the value of St+AH, and if it rises above this value for a time longer than Ad, the
high temperature alarm HI is activated. The high temperature alarm HI ceases automatically when the probe reading falls below

LO HI Ref. Description
LO Low temperature alarm
ALARM HI High temperature alarm
OFF S1 Control probe
St Set point
A0 A0 S1 AL Relative low temperature alarm threshold
AH Relative high temperature alarm threshold
A0 Return differential
Fig. 9.b

Absolute thresholds
Parameter ALA is used to set the activation threshold for the low temperature alarm LO. The value measured by the control probe
is continuously compared against the value of ALA, and if it falls below this value for a time longer than Ad, the low temperature
alarm LO is activated. The low temperature alarm LO ceases automatically when the temperature rises back above ALA+A0.
Similarly, parameter AHA is used to set the activation threshold for the high temperature alarm HI. The value measured by the
control probe is continuously compared against the value of AHA, and if it rises above this value for a time longer than Ad, the
high temperature alarm HI is activated.
The high temperature alarm HI ceases automatically when the probe reading falls below AHA-A0.

ON Ref. Description
ALARM LO Low temperature alarm
HI High temperature alarm
S1 Control probe
S1 AL Low temperature alarm threshold
A0 A0
AH Low temperature alarm threshold
AL A AH A A0 Return differential
Fig. 9.c

The high temperature alarm is ignored for a time set by parameter Add after opening the door, and for parameter d8 after de-
frosting, to avoid false signals. Once the times set by parameter Add or d8 have elapsed, the delay set by parameter Ad starts
counting and the alarm is signalled when it elapses.
The active low temperature alarm LO is signalled by the buzzer and the code LO shown on the display, while the active high
temperature alarm HI is signalled by the buzzer and the code HI.

iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022 Alarms and signals 99

9.5 HACCP alarms (HACCP = Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point)
These are specific alarms for controlling the operating temperature, recording any anomalies due to power failures or an increase
in the temperature due to other causes (breakages, extreme operating conditions, user errors, etc.); see “HACCP alarm parame-
ters and activating monitoring” for details.
Two types of potentially critical HACCP events are managed:
• type HA alarms, high temperature during operation;
Example: The critical temperature was exceeded, the alarm was not managed and the temperature remained above the
threshold for longer than the maximum tolerable time (thresholds defined by site HACCP procedures). The event is critical
and potentially hazardous.
• type HF alarms, high temperature after power failure;
Example: The unit was powered off. When restarted, the temperature is above the threshold and does not return to an ac-
ceptable level within an appropriate time (parameters defined by site HACCP procedures). The event is critical and potentially
When an alarm occurs, the HACCP icon comes on (if featured), the display shows the alarm code, the alarm is logged and the
alarm relay and buzzer are activated.

9.5.1 HACCP alarm parameters and activating monitoring

Type HA alarms
The type HA alarm is generated if during normal operation the temperature read by the control probe exceeds the high temper-
ature threshold for the time Ad+Htd. Consequently, compared to the normal high temperature alarm already signalled by the
controller, the type HA HACCP alarm is delayed by a further time Htd specifically for HACCP recording.
Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
Htd HACCP alarm delay 0 0 240 min M NO
0 = monitoring disabled

Ref. Description
S Control probe
t St Set point
OFF Ad Delay time for high and low temperature alarms
AH Low temperature alarm threshold
t Htd HACCP alarm delay - 0 = monitoring disabled
Ad Htd
t Time
Fig. 9.d
Code Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
HAn Number of type HA alarms 0 0 6 - U YES
HA1, HA2, HA3 (*) Activation date and time of the first, second and third ... ... ... - U NO
type HA alarm

Type HF alarms
The type HF HACCP alarm is generated following a power failure, if when power returns the temperature read by the control
probe exceeds the AH high temperature threshold. HFn indicates the number of type HF alarms activated.
Par. Description Def. Min Max UOM User User terminal
HFn Number of type HF alarms 0 0 6 - U YES
HF1, HF2, HF3 (*) Activation date and time of the first, second and third ... ... ... - U NO
type HF alarm


ON Ref. Description
ALARM S Control probe
OFF St Set point
black out
AH Low temperature alarm threshold
t Time
Fig. 9.e
(*) Parameters visible in APPLICA.

100 Alarms and signals iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022

The HA and HF alarms can be reset using parameter rSA.
The HACCP event log can be deleted using parameter rHP, from the configuration tool or in the Applica app (Bluetooth con-
nection only).

Notice: deleting the HACCP event log is irreversible.

9.6 Dirty condenser alarm

If the condensing temperature probe is fitted, the iJF controller can monitor the reading so as to signal a dirty condenser alarm.
Par. Description Def. Min Max UOM User User terminal
/Fo Assign condensing temperature probe: 0 0 7 - S NO
0 disabled 4 S4
1 S1 5 reserved
2 S2 6 S1H
3 S3 7 S2H
Ac Dirty condenser alarm threshold 70/158 0/32 250/482 °C/ °F S NO
AE Dirty condenser alarm differential 5/9 0.1/0.2 20/36 Δ °C/ °F S NO
ACd Dirty condenser alarm delay 0 0 240 min M NO

Ac - AE/2 Alarm CHt Ref. Description
Sc Condensing temperature probe reading
Ac Dirty condenser alarm threshold
AE Dirty condenser alarm differential
Ac - AE Ac Sc ACd Dirty condenser alarm delay
cht Dirty condenser warning
Warning cht
CHt Dirty condenser alarm
Fig. 9.f
When the temperature Ac-AE/2 is exceeded, warning cht is generated to signal that the condenser is possibly obstructed. If the
temperature subsequently returns below Ac-AE, the warning ceases automatically. If on the other hand the condensing temper-
ature rises above the alarm threshold Ac for a time greater than the value set for parameter Acd, alarm CHt is generated and the
compressor is stopped. Alarm CHt is reset manually; this is done
by setting parameter rSA.

9.7 Frost protection alarm

If the frost protection temperature probe is fitted, the iJF controller can manage the frost protection alarm.
Par. Description Def. Min Max UOM User User terminal
/Fq Assign frost protection probe: 0 7 1 - S NO
0 disabled 4 S4
1 S1 5 reserved
2 S2 6 S1H
3 S3 7 S2H
AF Frost protection alarm threshold -5/-9 -50/-58 250/392 °C/ °F S NO
AFd Frost protection alarm delay 1 0 15 min S NO

Ref. Description
t t Time
Alarm AFr AF Frost protection alarm threshold
AFd Frost protection alarm delay
AFd t AFr Frost protection alarm
S Frost protection temperature
Fig. 9.g

When the frost protection temperature falls below the alarm threshold AF for a time greater than the value set for parameter
AFd, alarm Afr is generated and the compressor is stopped. Alarm Afr is reset automatically when the temperature rises above
the threshold Af.

iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022 Alarms and signals 101

9.8 Refrigerant leak alarm rSF
The iJF controller manages an algorithm that checks if the temperature decreases after the compressor is switched on; if the
temperature does not decrease sufficiently, the controller attempts to perform a number of defrosts. If even after defrosting
the temperature still does not fall, it is assumed that there has been a refrigerant leak and manual-reset alarm rSF is generated,
which stops the unit.
Code Description Def. Min Max UOM User User terminal
d20 Sampling time for alarm rSF 0 0 240 min M NO
d16 Time with no temperature decrease before starting defrost 30 Add 240 min M NO
d21 Number of defrosts allowed before signalling alarm rSF 2 1 5 - M NO
d22 Temperature difference to verify decrease 0.1/0.2 0.1/0.2 0.5/0.9 Δ °C/°F M NO

Sv Regulation Defrost

Download tendency
reset time d16

Ref. Description

Sv Control probe
St Control set point
d20 rd Control differential
d16 Time with no temperature
time decrease
before starting defrosting
ON d20 Sampling time
OFF for alarm rSF
t Time
Fig. 9.h

After switching on the compressor, the iJF controller checks at the intervals set for d20 that the control temperature falls by at
least by the value set for parameter d22; at the end of each interval, if the temperature decreases, the time with no temperature
decrease is reset; on the other hand, if the temperature remains constant or increases, the controller starts counting the time
with no temperature decrease, and on reaching the threshold set by parameter d16, a defrost is started. This operating cycle is
repeated for a maximum number of defrosts set by parameter d21, after which alarm rSF is activated and the unit is switched off.
Alarm rSF is reset manually using parameter rSA.

9.9 Maintenance alarm

The iJF controller can count the time that elapses since maintenance was last carried out, and signal a maintenance request
Code Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
HMP Operating hour threshold for maintenance alarm hx1000 0 0 45 h/1000 M NO
HMr Reset operating hours 0 0 1 - S YES

If the RTC clock is available and working correctly, the iJF controller can count the number of hours that have elapsed since the
last time the operating hours were reset. When the threshold set by parameter HMP is exceeded, the maintenance request alarm
SrC is signalled. Alarm SrC is reset manually by resetting the operating hours using parameter HMr. Parameter HMr can be used
to reset the count of operating hours since maintenance was last carried out even if the alarm has not been activated. If the
operating hour threshold HMP=0 (default), the alarm is disabled.

Notice: the maintenance alarm can only be activated on models fitted with RTC and with the clock set correctly.

102 Alarms and signals iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022

9.10 VCC compressor alarms with serial control
For VCC compressors with serial control, the iJF controller manages several additional alarms, either detected by the inverter or
by the controller itself:
Description Message on the display
Detected by the inverter Failed start-up UCF
Overload condition
Short circuit
Incorrect rotor position
Serial communication errors COM
Detected by the controller Offline
Tab. 9.d

Par. Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal

CoA Display alarms detected by the inverter: 1 0 1 - M NO
0 = display disabled; 1 = display enabled.
Ctd Maximum VCC inverter communication failure time before 15 0 60 s M NO
alarm is shown on the display (0 = display disabled)

To stop these alarms being shown on the display, set the following parameters:
• CoA = display alarms detected by the inverter; when the inverter detects a VCC malfunction, alarm UCF is shown on the
• Ctd = maximum time with no communication before the alarm is shown on the display; when the iJF controller detects no
communication with the inverter for a time equal to Ctd, alarm COM is shown on the display.

Notice: to disable the alarms relating to VCC compressors on models with the VCC option yet without the inverter connect-
ed, set parameters cct and ctd to zero.

iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022 Alarms and signals 103


10. LOGS
The iJF controller can record both periodic and event logs, which can then be viewed and downloaded using the Applica app
and commissioning tools. To view the logs from Applica, select Service Area -> Trend -> (tab) Logs for the periodic logs, or Ser-
vice Area -> Trend -> (tab) Events for event logs:

1 2


Ref. Description
1 Preset
2 Periodically logged variables
3 Tools to modify
the display
3 4 Alarm status

(0= not active; 1 = active)
5 Alarm code
(See the Alarm table)
Fig. 10.a Fig. 10.b
The log view is pre-set, however it can be changed using the editing tools. In addition, the pre-set views loaded on the device
allow the main values to be filtered (temperature, HACCP alarms, blackouts, etc.). To download the logs, use the drop-down
menu at the top right.

10.1 Periodic logs

The periodic logs record the main values at regular intervals, as shown in the table.
Logged value UOM Period
Control temperature °C/°F 5 min
Current temperature set point. °C/°F 1h
Current humidity % rh 1h
Current humidity set point % rh 1h
Maximum temperature in the period °C/°F 1h
Minimum temperature in the period °C/°F 1h
Current evaporation temperature °C/°F 1h
Current condensing temperature °C/°F 1h
Compressor, minutes ON in the period min 1h
Compressor, starts in the period - 1h
Evaporator fan, minutes ON in the period min 1h
Lights, minutes ON in the period min 1h
Defrost, minutes ON in the period min 1h
Low temperature alarm relative threshold Δ °C 1h
Low temperature alarm relative threshold Δ °C 1h
Tab. 10.a

10.2 Event log

Event logs are recorded when specific conditions occur, and can be used to store certain related values, as shown in the table.
Logged value Event Other recorded values Number of samples (*) Limits
Alarm Alarm activation Number of the active alarm with highest priority. 100 max 255
Alarm status (active/ceased) alarm
Blackout Device ON Power failure duration in minutes 100 1000 hours
HACCP alarms HA or HF alarm Type HA or HF alarm 50 -
Tab. 10.b
(*) The samples are stored in a circular FIFO list (e.g. for the alarms, the 21st alarm overwrites the 1st alarm, and so on).
The type of alarm recorded in the log can be identified using the alarm code (see the Alarm table).

Caution: changing the time set on the iJF controller by more than 140 minutes will clear the stored logs.

104 Logs iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022


11.1 ir33 and IJ parameter compatibility table
The table below shows the parameters from the Carel PJ and IR33 platforms that have changed name or function in the IJ plat-
form. The parameters not listed in this chapter have retained the same name and the same function.
ir33 iJ Description Default Min Max UOM
AF - Not present - - - -
AP - Not present - - - -
Apd - Not present - - - -
H6 - Not present - - - -
H9 - Not present - - - -
/c1, /c2, /cA Outlet temperature probe (Sm) calibration 0 -20/ -36 20/ 36 Δ °C/ °F
/c3, /c4, /c5 /cb Defrost temperature probe (Sd) calibration 0 -20/ -36 20/ 36 Δ °C/ °F
/cc Intake temperature probe (Sr) calibration 0 -20/ -36 20/ 36 Δ °C/ °F
/cF Auxiliary evaporator defrost temperature probe (Sd2) calibration 0 -20/ -36 20/ 36 Δ °C/ °F
/cg Auxiliary temperature probe 1 calibration 0 -20/ -36 20/ 36 Δ °C/ °F
/cH Auxiliary temperature probe 2 calibration 0 -20/ -36 20/ 36 Δ °C/ °F
/cI Ambient temperature probe calibration 0 -20/ -36 20/ 36 Δ °C/ °F
/cM Glass temperature probe calibration 0 -20/ -36 20/ 36 Δ °C/ °F
/co Condensing temperature probe calibration 0 -20/ -36 20/ 36 Δ °C/ °F
/cp Humidity probe calibration 0 -20/ -36 20/ 36 Δ °C/ °F
/cq Frost protection temperature probe calibration 0 -20/ -36 20/ 36 Δ °C/ °F
/cr Product temperature probe calibration 0 -20/ -36 20/ 36 Δ °C/ °F
/A2, /A3, /FA Assign outlet temperature probe (Sm) 1 0 7 -
/A4, /A5 0 = Function disabled 4 = Probe S4
1 = Probe S1 5 = Reserved
2 = Probe S2 6 = Probe S1H
3 = Probe S3 7 = Probe S2H
/Fb Assign defrost temperature probe (Sd) - see /FA 0 0 7 -
/Fc Assign intake temperature probe (Sr) - see /FA 0 0 7 -
/FF Assign auxiliary evaporator defrost temperature probe (Sd2) - see 0 0 7 -
/FG Assign auxiliary temperature probe 1 (Saux1) - see /FA 0 0 7 -
/FH Assign auxiliary temperature probe 2 (Saux1) - see /FA 0 0 7 -
/FI Assign ambient temperature probe (SA) - see /FA 0 0 7 -
/FM Assign glass temperature probe (Svt) - see /FA 0 0 7 -
/Fo Assign condensing temperature probe - see /FA 0 0 7 -
/FP Assign humidity probe (fixed on S5) 5 5 5 -
/Fq Assign frost protection temperature probe - see /FA 0 0 7 -
/FR Assign product temperature probe - see /FA 0 0 7 -
H2 /nE Enable user terminal navigation: 0 1 1 -
0 = enabled; 1 = disabled
/P /P1 Configuration of probes S1, S2, S3, S4, B5 2 0 4 -
0 = PT1000; 1 = PTC; 2 = NTC; 3 = NTC-LT; 4 = NTC-HT.
/P2 Configuration of multifunction input S3/DI1: 5 0 5 -
0, 1, 2, 3, 4 = S3; 5 = DI1.
/tI /t1 Display on user terminal: 9 0 15 -
0 = Not configured 6 to 8 = not available
1 = value of S1 9 = control probe
2 = value of S2 10 = virtual probe
3 = value of S3 11 to 14 = not available
4 = value of S4 15 = actual control set point
5 = value of S1H
/tE /t2 Display on remote display - see /t1 0 0 15 -
A8 A3 Defrost terminated after maximum time signal: 30 1 240 min
0 = disabled; 1 = enabled
d8d Add High temp. alarm bypass time for door open -5.0 -50.0 200.0 °C/°F
ALF AF Frost protection alarm threshold 1 0 15 min
AdF Afd Frost protection alarm delay time 1 0 15 min
d9 c7 Defrost priority over continuous cycle: 0 0 1 -
0 = continuous cycle has priority; 1 = defrost has priority
cc, cPd cc Continuous cycle running time (0 = disabled) 0 0 72 h
c7 cPt Maximum pump down time (0 = pump down disabled) 0 0 900 s
d3 d15 Start defrost threshold 0 0 240 min
d12 d7 Skip defrost: 0 = disabled; 1 = enabled 0 0 1 -

iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022 Appendix 105

ir33 iJ Description Default Min Max UOM
A4, A5, A9 DIA Assign immediate external alarm digital input: 0 0 4 -
0 = Disabled; 1 = ID1; 2 = ID2; 3 = D1H; 4 = D2H.
DIb Assign delayed external alarm digital input - see DIA 0 0 4 -
DIc Assign enable defrost digital input - see DIA 0 0 4 -
DId Assign start defrost digital input - see DIA 0 0 4 -
DIE Assign door switch with compressor OFF digital input - see DIA 0 0 4 -
DIF Assign remote ON/OFF digital input - see DIA 0 0 4 -
DIG Assign curtain switch digital input - see DIA 0 0 4 -
DIH Assign start/stop continuous cycle digital input - see DIA 0 0 4 -
DIo Assign working parameter set changeover digital input - see DIA 0 0 4 -
DIP Assign door switch without compressor OFF digital input - see DIA 0 0 4 -
DIS Assign generic function alarm digital input logic - see DIA 0 0 4 -
DIt Assign low pressure switch digital input - see DIA 0 0 4 -
DIU Assign AUX output activation digital input - see DIA 0 0 4 -
H1, H5 DOA Assign solenoid/compressor digital output 1 (small) 0 6 -
0 = not configured 4 = digital output 4 (NO4) / 5 (large)
1 = digital output 1 (NO1) 5 = digital output 5 (NO5)
2 = digital output 2 (NO2) 6 = digital output 6 (NO6)
3 = digital output 3 (NO3)
DOb Assign alarm digital output - see DOA 0 (small) / 0 6 -
2 (large)
DOC Assign AUX auxiliary digital output - see DOA 0 (small) / 0 6 -
1 (large)
DOE Assign light digital output - see DOA 4 (small) / 0 6 -
3 (large)
DOG Assign defrost digital output - see DOA 2 (small) / 0 6 -
6 (large)
DOH Assign auxiliary evaporator defrost digital output - see DOA 0 0 6 -
DOI Assign evaporator fan digital output - see DOA 0 0 6 -
DOj Assign dehumidification digital output - see DOA 0 0 6 -
DOk Assign auxiliary compressor without rotation digital output - see 0 0 6 -
DOn Assign pump down valve digital output - see DOA 0 0 6 -
DOP Assign drain heater digital output - see DOA 0 0 6 -
DOQ Assign anti-sweat heater digital output - see DOA 0 0 6 -
DOS Assign generic On/Off function digital output - see DOA 0 0 6 -
DOt Assign condenser fan digital output - see DOA 0 0 6 -
DOu Assign humidification digital output - see DOA 0 0 6 -
DOv Assign reverse digital output with dead band control - see DOA 0 0 6 -
DOw Assign auxiliary parallel compressor digital output - see DOA 0 0 6 -
DOx Assign gasket heater digital output - see DOA 0 0 6 -
DOy Assign auxiliary compressor with rotation digital output - see DOA 0 0 6 -
DOz Assign external dehumidifier digital output - see DOA 0 0 6 -
F5 F5d Condenser fan activation differential 5/ 9 0.1/ 0.2 60/ 108 °C/°F
Ado H14 Time light stays on after closing the door 0 0 240 min
H4 Hb Buzzer: 0 = disabled; 1 = enabled 1 0 1 -
HF HF1 Activation date and time of the first, second and third type HF ... ... ... -
Hdn IS Configuration to be loaded (0 = no configuration selected) 0 0 ... -
Pw PDM Manufacturer password (OEM) 44 0 999 -
PDS Service password 22 0 999 -
PDU User password 0 0 999 -
r3 r30 Control mode: 0 0 2 -
0 = direct with defrost; 1 = direct; 2 = reverse
r5 rM Enable temperature monitoring: 0 0 1 -
0 = disabled; 1 = enabled
tof_ d_ tE1- d, …, tE8-d End time band 1 to 8 - day, see (td1...8-d) 0 0 11 -
tof_ h_ tE1-hh, …, tE8-hh End time band 1 to 8 - hours 0 0 23 hours
tof_m_ tE1-mm, …, tE8- mm End time band 1 to 8 - minutes 0 0 59 minutes
toF tE1- time, …, tE8- time End time band 1 to 8 (Applica) 0:00:00 0:00:00 23:59:59 -
ton_d_ tS1- d, …, tS8-d Start time band 1 to 8 - day, see (td1...8-d) 0 0 11 -
ton_h_ tS1-hh, …, tS8-hh Start time band 1 to 8 - hours 0 0 23 hours
ton_m__ tS1- mm, …, tS8-mm Start time band 1 to 8 - minutes 0 0 59 minutes
ton tS1- time, …, tS8- mm Start time band 1 to 8 (Applica) 0:00:00 0:00:00 23:59:59 -
- cuF Conversion factor from frequency (Hz) to compressor speed (rpm) 30 0 999 rpm *1/
Tab. 11.a

106 Appendix iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022

11.2 Input/output configuration procedure
The inputs and outputs can be configured in the Applica app or configuration tool by setting the corresponding parameters.



Fig. 11.a Fig. 11.b

1. open Applica on the smartphone;
2. access the controller via NFC or Bluetooth, entering the profile credentials;
3. move the device closer to the iJF from to modify the input/output configuration on (NFC connection only);
4. access Service Area-> I/O;
5. select the Inputs or Outputs tab;
6. select the modification tool corresponding to the group of inputs/outputs to be modified;
7. select the parameter corresponding to the function to be added or modified (
8. the example in the figure shows the defrost probe assignment) and set the input/output to be associated with the function;
press OK to confirm;
9. select “Write” from the drop-down menu at the top right, move the device closer to the iJF and tap “Applica” (NFC connection only).

Analogue inputs
Code Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
/P1 Configuration of probes S1, S2, S3, S4, B5 2 0 4 - M NO
0 = PT1000; 1 = PTC; 2 = NTC; 3 = NTC-LT; 4 = NTC-HT
/P2 Configuration of multifunction input S3/ DI1: 5 0 5 - M NO
0, 1, 2, 3, 4 = S3; 5 = DI1
/FA Assign outlet temperature probe (Sm) 1 0 7 - M NO
0 = Function disabled 4 = Probe S4
1 = Probe S1 5 = Reserved
2 = Probe S2 6 = Probe S1H
3 = Probe S3 7 = Probe S2H
/Fb Assign defrost temperature probe (Sd) - see /FA 0 0 7 - M NO
/Fc Assign intake temperature probe (Sr) - see /FA 0 0 7 - M NO
To set the type of probe, use parameter /P1.

Digital inputs
Code Description Def Min Max UOM User User terminal
DIb Assign delayed external alarm digital input - see DIA 0 0 4 - M NO
DIc Assign enable defrost digital input - see DIA 0 0 4 - M NO
DId Assign start defrost digital input - see DIA 0 0 4 - M NO
DIE Assign door switch with compressor OFF digital input - see DIA
DIF Assign remote ON/OFF digital input - see DIA
DIG Assign curtain switch digital input - see DIA 0 0 4 - M NO
DIH Assign start/stop continuous cycle digital input - see DIA 0 0 4 - M NO
DIo Assign working parameter set changeover digital input - see DIA 0 0 4 - M NO
DIP Assign door switch without compressor OFF digital input - see DIA 0 0 4 - M NO
DIS Assign generic function alarm digital input logic - see DIA 0 0 4 - M NO
DIt Assign low pressure switch digital input - see DIA 0 0 4 - M NO
DIU Assign AUX output activation digital input - see DIA 0 0 4 - M NO
rS1 Working parameter set associated with open digital input - see DIo 1 0 IS_max - M NO
rS2 Working parameter set associated with closed digital input - see DIo 2 0 IS_max - M NO

iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022 Appendix 107

11.3 Setting the default parameters/loading the parameter sets
The working set contains the group of parameters used by the iJF controller during normal operation. This set is loaded when-
ever the iJF controller is started, and the parameters can be modified at any time from the terminal, supervisor, Applica app
and configuration software. This set of parameters, customised by the user to control their refrigeration system, can be saved
in a configuration using Applica. Subsequently the configuration can be retrieved and loaded onto the controller again using
iJF also stores a default parameter set in its memory; this set can never be overwritten, being stored in a non-modifiable memory
area. The default configuration can be loaded to restore the system to factory conditions.
Various parameter configurations can also be loaded into the device’s internal memory, and then selected as the working set as
desired. A specific parameter can therefore be set to apply the different configurations directly from the terminal or in Applica.
The configurations can be created, modified and applied using specific configuration tools distributed by Carel (Spark and
Sparkly) or can be loaded during production phase (see “Preparing and using the configurations” for details).

11.3.1 Procedure for setting the default parameters/loading the parameter sets
Par. Description Def. Min. Max. UoM
IS Working configuration 0 0 IS_Max -
IS_max Number of embedded configurations 0 0 999 -
rSC Restore default values 0 0 1 -

User terminal (see “User interface” for details)

1. unlock the keypad by holding the PROGRAM button for 3 s;
2. access the parameter setting menu by pressing the PROGRAM button;
3. use the UP and DOWN buttons to scroll the submenus until selecting “Ctl”;
4. use the UP and DOWN buttons to scroll the parameters until selecting “rSC” to restore the Carel default values, or “IS” to load
one of the parameter sets available on the controller;
5. to reset the parameters to the default values, after having selected parameter “rSC”, press UP/DOWN to set the value 1 and
confirm by pressing PROGRAM;
6. to load one of the parameter sets available on the controller, after selecting parameter “IS”, press UP/DOWN to choose the
value corresponding to the parameter set to be loaded as the working set, and confirm by pressing PROGRAM.

1. open Applica on the smartphone;
2. access the controller via NFC or Bluetooth, entering your profile credentials;
3. scroll to parameter “rSC” (if enabled in the access profile) to restore the Carel default values, or “IS” to load one of the param-
eter sets available on the controller;
4. set parameter “rSC” or “IS” and confirm.

Notice: the visibility of parameters “rSC” and “IS” depends on the access profile used and whether or not there are any
preloaded configurations, respectively.

Applying a configuration means copying the set values of the configuration parameters to the working parameters. Any emp-
ty parameters (parameters without values set in that configuration) will remain unaffected. The copy procedure is started by
changing the value of parameter IS.
Once the configuration has been applied, the value of any of the parameters can be modified without affecting the configura-
tion loaded on the controller, which can thus be recalled at any time, firstly setting the corresponding parameter to 0 and then
to the value associated with the desired configuration.

• the parameters contained in a configuration cannot be modified in any way.
• Any parameters that are not included in the configuration will remain unchanged, even if the configuration used is changed.
• Recalling the factory parameters resets the settings without however changing the configurations.

108 Appendix iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022

11.4 Copy configuration parameters
To simplify operations in the field, Applica includes a “Clone” feature to acquire the configuration from one iJF and replicate it on
other controllers.
1. open Applica on the smartphone;
2. access the controller via NFC or Bluetooth, entering the profile credentials;
3. follow the path “Configurations/Clone”;
4. move the smartphone closer to the iJF controller to acquire the configuration from (NFC connection only);
5. following the acknowledgement message, move the smartphone closer to the iJF controller to apply the same configura-
tion to (NFC connection only);
6. wait for the cloning confirmation message to be shown.

Notice: cloning copies all of the parameters, even those not visible to the user based on the access profile. On the other
hand, to copy only the parameters that are visible to the user, use the “Create configuration” option, accessible from Service Area
-> Setup -> Parameter list.

11.5 Preparing and using the configurations

A configuration is a set of code-value pairs that can contain all, some, or just one parameter.
Example: configuration “1”:
rd = 3
St = 2.5
dI = 10
d0 = 1

Notice: it is strongly recommended for all configurations to contain the same parameters, to avoid any parameter setting
errors that may cause alarms or malfunctions.
The following procedure describes how to create the configurations, load them onto the controller and recall them using the
tools described under “Configuration tools”.

11.5.1 Creating configurations

Spark is the tool used to create configurations.
1. open Spark;
2. open the workspace provided by Carel (unique for each software version)
3. select the “Configurations” tab;
4. select “New configuration” and enter the configuration name, which must be a progressive number;
5. in the parameter list, enter the values corresponding to the parameters to be included in the configuration in the “Configu-
ration value” column.

Notice: the configuration name must be a progressive number, with the following format: 1, 2, 3 … n, other names or
non-consecutive values are not allowed.

Fig. 11.c

Fig. 11.d

iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022 Appendix 109

Installing the configurations
Sparkly is the tool used to install configurations on iJF.
1. create a folder on the PC or laptop (C:\Temp);
2. create configurations using Spark and save them in the folder created previously;
3. save the .pack file containing the iJF software version supplied by Carel in the same folder (e.g. HQ000IJF000B0.pack);
4. run Sparkly and write the following command: pack- file embed - - src “C:\Temp\HQ000IJF000B0.pack” - - configurations “C:\
Temp\1.stconfiguration” “C:\Temp\2.stconfiguration” “C:\Temp\n.stconfiguration”
5. Press “Enter”.

Notice: the configurations must be named with progressive numbers (1.stconfiguration, 2.stconfiguration, etc.). All of the
configurations must be entered, no skipped or missing numbers are allowed.
The new .pack file containing the configurations will be generated in the folder and is ready to be installed on the controller.

“Auto-start” configuration
When the .pack file containing the configurations has been created, the configuration that iJF will use at power-on (auto-start)
can be selected, rather than using parameter IS (see “Selecting a configuration”) by simply adding the configuration name to
the end of the string.
Example: the command pack- file embed - - src “C:\Temp\HQ000IJF000B0_ 1_ 3_ 1.pack” - - configurations “C:\Temp\1.stconfig-
uration” “C:\Temp\2.stconfiguration” - - auto- start “2” will create a .pack file with the second configuration as auto-start.

Installing configurations via BMS using the CVSTDUMOR0 converter

To install the new .pack file containing the configurations on the iJF controller, run Sparkly and write the following command:
app download - - src “HQ000IJF000B0.pack” - - connection Serial,COM4,1152008N2,1 - - working directory “C:\Temp”, where
COMx is the COM port the converter is connected to, and then press “Enter”. Where:
• HQ000IJF000B0: is the name of the .pack file containing the configurations; if modified, it must be replaced by the name of
the new .pack file generated using Sparkly;
• COM4: this must be replaced with the COM port used for connection to iJF;
• 115200: the serial communication speed must correspond to the value of parameter H10 on iJF; recommended value at
115200 bps (H10 = 7) for faster loading;
• C:\Temp: is the folder containing the files described above;
• 1: must be replaced with the device’s serial address (parameter H0, factory set to 1)

Installing configurations via digital input ID2 using the BXOPZIOWD0000 converter
To install the new .pack file containing the configurations on the iJF controller, run Sparkly and write the following command
to enable digital input ID2 as a serial port on iJF: device enable-serial-on-ID --port COMx --interval 30 and then power on the
From this point on the commands are the same as those used via BMS.

Notice: the serial communication speed for ID2 is fixed at 57600 bps, regardless of the value set for H10.


The software version is shown for a few seconds when the controllers with user interface are switched on (first two digits only),
via the BMS variable or Applica app.
The correspondence between the software version and the manual version is shown below.

Software version Manual version Description

1.2.2 1.2 First release
1.3.1 20-09-2021
1.5.0 1.3 Typos corrected

110 Release notes iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022

Via dell’Industria, 11 - 35020 Brugine - Padova (Italy)
Tel. (+39) 049.9716611 - Fax (+39) 049.9716600
e-mail: - iJF +0300100EN rel. 1.3 - 29.04.2022

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