Regs Test 1
Regs Test 1
Regs Test 1
10. The common mark shall be selected from the series of symbols included in the radio call
signs allocated:
a. to ICAO by the ITU.
b. to the State of Registry by ICAO.
c. to the State of Registry by the ITU.
d. to the State of the Operator.
11. The height of the markings under the wings of a heavier than air aircraft shall be:
a. at least 30 cm.
b. at least 40 cm.
c. at least 50 cm.
d. more than 40 cm but not more than 50 cm.
12. The height of the markings on the fuselage (or equivalent surface) and on themvertical tail
surface of a heavier than air aircraft shall be:
a. at least 20 cm.
b. more than 20 cm but not more than 30 cm.
c. at least 30 cm.
d. at least 40 cm.
. An airline is planning a flight that will require a Technical landing in a neighboring state.
Which freedom of the Air will be exercised ?
4th freedom
4th freedom
3rd freedom
2nd freedom
1st freedom
standards and recommended practices applied without exception by all states, signatory
to the Chicago convention.
16. The International Civil Aviation Organisation (I.C.A.O.) was established by the international
convention of :
The Hague
18. Which body of ICAO finalises the Standard and Recommended Practices (SARPS) for
submission for adoption ?
the Regional Air Navigation meeting
the Regional Air Navigation meeting
the Council
the Assembly
19. The 'Standards' contained in the Annexes to the Chicago convention are to be considered:
binding for all air line companies with international traffic
advice and guidance for the aviation legislation within the member states
binding for the member states that have not notified ICAO about a national difference
ICAO must be informed about new flight crew licenses and any suspended validity of such
22. Any contracting state may denounce the Convention of Montreal by written notification to the
depositary governments. The denounciation shall take effect :
2 months following the date ICAO is informed
24. Any contracting state may denounce the Convention of Tokyo by notification addressed
the other Contracting States
United Nations
25. The convention on offences and certain acts committed on board aircraft, is :
the convention of Paris
crop spraying
The opportunity to operate a commercial flight with passengers on board between two
The right to board passengers from the state where the aircraft is registered and to fly to
an other state.
29. The convention which deals with offences againts penal law, is
the convention of Tokyo
only caused in the territory of a contracting state by an aircraft registered in the territory
of another contracting state
caused in the territory of a contrating state by any aircraft regardless the registration
31. The international convention defining rules relative to the responsibilities of international air
carriers for the carriage of passengers, baggage and freight is the :
Hague Convention
Warsaw Convention.
Tokyo Convention
Montreal Convention
34. Any person who suffers damage on the surface shall, upon proof only that damage was
caused by an aircraft in flight or by any person or thing falling therefore will be entitled to
compensation as provided by :
the Warsaw Convention
35. When letters are used for the registration mark combinations shall not be used which might
be confused with the:
five letter combinations used in the international code of signals
all limiting mass, centres of gravity position, mass distributions and floor loadings
38. The assigment of the common mark to a common mark registering authority will be made by :
the state of registry and accepted by the International Telecommunication Union
39 The common mark shall be selected from the series of symbols included in the radio call
signs allocated :
to the State of registry by the International Telecommunication Union
40. The registration mark shall be letters, numbers or a combination of letters and numbers and
shall be that assigned by :
the International Civil Aviation Organisation
41. When letters are used for registration mark combinations shall not be used which might be
confused with urgent signals for example:
42 When letters are used for registration mark combinations shall not be used which might be
confused with urgent signals for example:
43. When letters are used for the registration mark combinations shall not be used which might
be confused with urgent or distress signals for example:
44. The profeciency check of a pilot took place the 15th of April. The validity of the previous
profeciency check was the 30th of June. The period of the new profeciency check can be and
can't exceed:
30th of October the same year
45. designated medical examination facilities may be deferred at the discretion of the licence
authority, provided that such deferment shall only be made as an exception and shall not exceed:
A single period of six month in the case of a flight crew member of an aircraft engaged in
non-commercial operations.
Two consecutive periods each of three month in the case a flight crew member of an
aircraft engaged in non-commercial operations.
Two consecutive periods each of six month in the case of a flight crew member of an
aircraft engaged in non-commercial operations.
A single period of three month in the case of a flight crew member of an aircraft engaged
in commercial operations.
46. When a contracting state renders valid a licence issued by another contracting state, the
validity of the authorization:
Depends on the regulations of the contracting sate which renders valid the licence.
Shall not extend beyond one year for ATPL and PCL.
47. Which of the following Annexes to the Chicago convention contains minimum specifications
for a crew licence to have international validity?
Annex 4
Annex 3
Annex 2
Annex 1
48. You may act as a flight instructor to carry out flight instruction for the issue of a PPL
With a PPL plus flight instructor rating
With an ATPL
With a CPL
2 years
1 year
6 months
18 years
21 years
17 years
51. To be able to execute a public transport flight, the minimum and maximum age (with ATPL)
is :
18 and 60 years
21 and 59 years
17 and 59 years
16 and 60 years
52. The holder of a pilot's licence should inform the Authority of any illness which they are
suffering which involves incapacity to undertake those functions to which the licence relates
throughout a period of a certain number of days or more. The number of days is :
. If a licence holder is unable to perform the flight crew functions appropriate to that licence
due to illness, the authority must be informed :
as soon as possible if the illness is expected to last more than 21days
if still not fit to fly when his/her current medical certificate expires
54. The holder of a pilot licence, when acting as co-pilot of an aircraft required to be operated
with a co-pilot, shall be entitled to be credit with not more than :
60 % of the co-pilot flight time towards, the total flight time required for a higher grade of
a pilot licence
50 % of the co-pilot flight time towards the total flight time required for a higher grade of
pilot licence
100 hours of flying time required for a higher grade of a pilot licence
40 % of the co-pilot flight time towards, the total flight time required for a higher grade of
a pilot licence
55. The age of an applicant for a commercial pilot licence shall not be less than :
16 years of age
21 years of age
18 years of age
17 years of age
a current class medical assessment as prescribed by the state issuing the licence
a current class medical assessment as prescribed by the state issuing the licence
to act as pilot in command in any aeroplane certificate for single pilot operation other than
in commercial air transportation
58. An applicant for a commercial pilot licence-aeroplane shall have completed not less
than ........ hours of cross country flight time as pilot in command including a cross country flight
totalling not less than ........ km (-NM), in the course of which full stop landings at two different
aerodromes shall be made. The hours and distance referred are :
20 hours and 270 km (150NM)
59. An applicant for a commercial pilot licence aeroplane shall have completed in aeroplanes not
less than :
15 hours of cross country flight time as pilot-in-command including a cross country flight
not less than 540 km (300NM)
20 hours of cross country flight time as pilot-in-command including a cross country flight
not less than 540 km (300NM)
25 hours of cross country flight time as pilot-in-command including a cross country flight
not less than 540 km (300NM)
10 hours of cross country flight time as pilot-in-command including a cross country flight
not less than 540 km (300NM)
60. The State of Design is to ensure that a continuing structural integrity programme,including
information concerning corrosion control, is maintained in respect of
a. with maximum certificated take-off mass less than 5700 kg
b. with maximum certificated take-off mass greater than 5700 kg
c. with maximum certificated take-off mass equal to 5700 kg
d. with maximum certificated take-off mass not more than 5700 kg
61. The continuing validity of a Certificate of Airworthiness of an aircraft is subject to the laws
a. the State of Registration
b. the State of Registration or the State of the Operator
c. the State of the Operator
d. the State of Registration and the State of Design
62. When a Contracting State first enters on its register an aircraft and issues or validates a
Certificate of Airworthiness, it shall inform:
a. The State of Registry
b. The State of Manufacture
c. The State of Design
d. The State of the Operator
63. Which document contains information concerning the flight limitations of the aircraft ?
a. The C of A
b. The C of R
c. The C of L
d. The aircraft Flight Manual