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Maintenance Management

ICAO and state

Part 2


Chicago Convention The 1944 Convention on International Civil Aviation was signed in Chicago by 52 countries (member States), but didnt officially come into being until 1947, when the 26th State ratified the Convention.

ICAO is Part of the UN System ICAO Is a global body charged with the safety of and development of standards for international civil aviation; Sets international standards for safety and security; Provides a global forum for international aviation issues. Membership: 190 States


Objectives: To promote cooperation between nations and peoples to agree on certain principles and arrangements in order that international civil aviation may be developed in a safe and orderly manner and that international air services may be established on the basis of equality of opportunity and operated soundly and economically.


Standards, recommended practices and guidance material. Coordination of international air navigation activities. Implementation. Safety oversight audits


ICAO regulatory structure

1.The Chicago Convention 2.Annexes to the Convention Standards Recommended Practices 3.PANS/Technical Instructions and Guidance Material

ICAO regulatory structure

Standard: is a specification the uniform application of which is necessary for the safety or regularity of international civil air navigation.

Recommended Practice: is a practice that is agreed to be desirable but not essential.


Applicability of ICAO rules

The Chicago Convention Standards Recommended Practices Technical Instructions and Guidance Material Full Full or differences (exceptions) Recommended
Recommendation and Acceptable means of compliance

ICAO Organization
ICAO is composed of: An Assembly, A Council, The Secretariat.


ICAO Organization
composed of representatives from all contracting States. The Assembly normally meets every 3 years, votes a triennial budget, and sets the work program for the next triennium.

ICAO Organization
the governing body composed of 36 States, elected by the Assembly for three-year terms. The Council establishes Standards And Recommended Practices and incorporates them into Annexes to the Convention. The Council is headed by an elected President, who also serves for three years.


ICAO Organization
The Secretariat, headed by a Secretary General and divided into five bureaus ( Air Navigation, Air Transport, Technical Co-Operation, Legal, and Administration and Services) In addition, there are seven ICAO regional offices in Bangkok, Cairo, Dakar, Lima, Mexico City, Nairobi, and Paris.

ICAO Organization
ICAO Regional Offices
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Bangkok: Asia and Pacific (APAC) Office Cairo: Middle East (MID) Office Dakar: Western and Central African (WACAF) Office Lima: South American (SAM) Office Mexico: North American, Central American and Caribbean (NACC) Office 6. Nairobi: Eastern and Southern African (ESAF) Office 7. Paris: European and North Atlantic (EUR/NAT) Office


Chicago Convention & Annexes

The Chicago Convention is the legal instrument that established ICAO. Article 37 of the Convention charges ICAO with establishing International Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) These SARPs are incorporated as Annexes to the Convention. Over the years, the ICAO Council has developed and adopted 18 technical Annexes to the Convention.

Chicago Convention & Annexes

Annex 1 Personnel Licensing. Licensing of flight crews, air traffic controllers and aircraft maintenance personnel. Annex 2 Rules of the Air. Rules relating to the conduct of visual and instrument flights. Annex 3 Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation. Provision of meteorological services for international air navigation and reporting of meteorological observations from aircraft


Chicago Convention & Annexes

Annex 4 Aeronautical Charts. Specifications for aeronautical charts for use in international aviation. Annex 5 -- Units of Measurement to be Used in Air and Ground Operations. Annex 6 Operation of Aircraft. Specifications which will ensure in similar operations throughout the world at a level of safety above a prescribed minimum. Note: ICAO is considering merging this Annex with Annex 8.

Chicago Convention & Annexes

Annex 7 Aircraft Nationality and Registration Marks. Requirements for registration and identification of aircraft. Annex 8 Airworthiness of Aircraft. Certification and inspection of aircraft according to uniform procedures. Annex 9 Facilitation. Specifications for expediting the entry and departure of aircraft, people, cargo, and other articles at international airports.


Chicago Convention & Annexes Annex 10 Aeronautical Telecommunications.

Standardization of communications equipment, systems, and procedures.

Annex 11 -- Air Traffic Services. Establishment

and operation of air traffic control, flight information, and alerting services.

Annex 12 Search and Rescue. Organization and

operation of facilities.

Chicago Convention & Annexes

Annex 13 Aircraft Accident Investigation.

Uniformity in the notification, investigation of, and reporting on aircraft accidents.

Annex 14 Aerodromes. Specifications for the

design and operations of aerodromes.

Annex 15 Aeronautical Information Services.

Methods for the collection and dissemination of aeronautical information required for flight operations.



Chicago Convention & Annexes

Annex 16 Environmental Protection. Specifications
for aircraft noise certification, noise monitoring, and noise exposure units for land-use planning and aircraft engine emissions. Annex 17 Security Safeguarding International Civil Aviation against Acts of Unlawful Interference. Specifications for safeguarding international civil aviation against acts of unlawful interference.

Annex 18 -- The Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods

by Air. Specifications for the labeling, packing, and shipping of dangerous cargo.

Change in Annexes Adoption of amendments to Annexes requires a 2/3 vote by the Council, then submission to each of the contracting States. Typically, the amendments become effective within three months of Council approval, unless disapproved by a majority of the contracting States during that time.



Change in Annexes
disagrees with a change
Contracting States are expected to implement SARPs unless a particular State gives notice to ICAO that it is unable to comply because a SARP conflicts with State regulations. ICAO publishes these differences in Supplements to Annexes.

Categories of ICAO States

Contracting State: A member State of ICAO. At the present time, there are 190 Contracting States in ICAO. State of Design: The State having jurisdiction over the organization responsible for the type design. State of Manufacture: The State having jurisdiction over the organization responsible for the final assembly of the aircraft. State of Occurrence: The state in which an aviation accident or incident occurs.



Categories of ICAO States

State of the Operator : The State in which the aircraft
operators principal place of business is located or, if there is no such place of business, the operators permanent residence. State of Registry: The State on whose register an aircraft is entered. It is important to recognize, unless a transfer of oversight responsibilities has occurred under Article 83 bis that under ICAO the State of Registry is the accountable and lead organization in matters of international civil aviation involving aeronautical products.

Categories of ICAO States

State of the Operator : The State in which the aircraft
operators principal place of business is located or, if there is no such place of business, the operators permanent residence. State of Registry: The State on whose register an aircraft is entered. It is important to recognize, unless a transfer of oversight responsibilities has occurred under Article 83 bis that under ICAO the State of Registry is the accountable and lead organization in matters of international civil aviation involving aeronautical products.



Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme:









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