Pak0329 006910M
Pak0329 006910M
Pak0329 006910M
3rd row: P2 (0-2-0). (K2. P2) 1 (2-2- Shoulder shaping: Cast off 6 (6-7-9) Cont in pat keeping cont of Panel Pat A,
4) time(s). Work 3rd row of Chart. (P2. sts beg next and following alt row. Work inc 1 st each end of needle on next and
C2B) 3 times. P2. Work 3rd row of 1 row even. Cast off rem 6 (7-6-8) sts. following 4th rows to 70 (72-72-86) sts,
Panel Pat A. P2. (C2B. P2) 3 times. With RS of work facing, rejoin yarn then every following 6th row to 76 (80-
Work 3rd row of Chart. (P2. K2) 1 (2- and cast off 12 (14-14-14) sts from 84-90) sts, taking inc sts into side pat.
2-4) time(s). P2 (0-2-0). spare needle. Pat to end of row. Cont even in pat until work from beg
4th row: K2 (0-2-0). (P2. K2) 1 (2-2- Keeping cont of pat, dec 1 st at neck measures 10½ (12-14-15) ins [26.5
4) time(s). Work 4th row of Chart. edge on next 13 (13-14-14) rows. 18 (30.5-35.5-39.5) cm] ending with RS
(K2. P2) 3 times. K2. Work 4th row of (19-20-26) sts. facing for next row. Cast off.
Panel Pat A. K2. (P2. K2) 3 times. Cont even in pat until work from beg
Work 4th row of Chart. (K2. P2) 1 (2- measures same length as Back to beg of Collar: With smaller needles, cast on
2-4) time(s). K2 (0-2-0). shoulder shaping ending with WS 120 (124-132-132) sts.
These 4 rows form pat. facing for next row. Proceed in (K2. P2) ribbing as follows:
Chart and Panel Pat A are now in 1st row: *K2. P2. Rep from * to end row.
position.** Shoulder shaping: Cast off 6 (6-7-9) 2nd row: Rib to last 2 sts, work Sl
sts beg next and following alt row. Work Wrap K or Sl Wrap P on next st on
Cont in pat keeping cont of Chart and 1 row even. Cast off rem 6 (7-6-8) sts. needle and slip it back to left hand
Panel Pat A, until work from beg needle. Turn.
measures 16 (18-20-21) ins [40.5 SLEEVES Rep last row (leaving 2 more sts
(45.5-51-53.5) cm] ending with RS With smaller needles cast on 40 (44- unworked on every row) until 28 (28-
facing for next row. 44-48) sts. 32-32) sts are unworked on each end.
Work 2 ins [5 cm] in (K2. P2) ribbing Turn.
Shoulder shaping: Cast off 6 (6-7-9) as given for Back ending on a 2nd row Next 2 rows: Rib across row, working
sts beg next 4 rows, then 6 (7-6-8) sts and inc 12 (8-16-12) sts evenly across K wrap tog or P wrap tog around
beg following 2 rows. Cast off rem 38 last row. 52 (52-60-60) sts. wrapped sts.
(40-42-42) sts. Cast off in ribbing.
Change to larger needles and proceed
FRONT in pat as follows: FINISHING
Work from ** to ** as given for Back. 1st row: (K2. P2) 2 (2-3-3) times. (P2. Pin pieces to measurements and cover
Cont in pat keeping cont of Chart and K2) 3 times. P2. Work 1st row of Panel with a damp cloth leaving to dry.
Panel Pat A, until work from beg Pat A. P2. (K2. P2) 3 times. (P2. K2) 2
measures 14½ (16½ -18½ -19½) ins (2-3-3) times. Sew shoulder seams. Place markers for
[37 (42-47-49.5) cm] ending with RS 2nd row: (P2. K2) 2 (2-3-3) times. Front and Back side edges 7 (7½-8-
facing for next row. (K2. P2) 3 times. K2. Work 2nd row of 8½) ins [18 (19-20.5-21.5) cm] down
Panel Pat A. K2. (P2. K2) 3 times. (K2. from shoulders. Sew in sleeves between
Neck shaping: Next row: Pat across 31 P2) 2 (2-3-3) times. markers. Sew side and sleeve seams. Sew
(32-34-40) sts (neck edge). Turn. Leave cast on edge of collar to neckline,
rem sts on a spare needle. 3rd row: (P2. K2) 2 (2-3-3) times. (P2. leaving a 1½ inch [3 cm] overlap at
Keeping cont of pat, dec 1 st at neck C2B) 3 times. P2. Work 3rd row of front.
edge on next 13 (13-14-14) rows. 18 Panel Pat A. P2. (C2B. P2) 3 times.
(19-20-26) sts. (K2. P2) 2 (2-3-3) times.
4th row: (K2. P2) 5 (5-6-6) times. K2.
Cont even in pat until work from beg
Work 4th row of Panel Pat A. K2. (P2.
measures same length as Back to beg of
K2) 5 (5-6-6) times.
shoulder shaping ending with RS facing
These 4 rows form pat. Panel Pat A is
for next row.
now in position.
Sl wrap on knit stitches K wrap tog Sl wrap on purl stitches P wrap tog
Bring yarn forward, slip next stitch onto Work to just before the wrapped stitch. In- Take yarn back, slip next stitch onto right- Work to just before the wrapped stitch. In-
right-hand needle, take yarn back, return sert the right-hand needle under the wrap hand needle, bring yarn forward, return sert the right-hand needle from behind into
slipped stitch to left-hand needle. Turn. and knitwise into the wrapped stitch. Knit slipped stitch to left-hand needle. Turn. the back loop of the wrap and place it on
Leave slipped stitch on what is now right- them together. Leave slipped stitch on what is now right- left-hand needle. Purl it together with the
hand needle, do not work. hand needle, do not work. stitch on the left-hand needle.