Rowex 00006 Enp
Rowex 00006 Enp
Rowex 00006 Enp
SIZE C6F: Slip next 3 sts onto cable needle and hold in front of work, K3,
To fit bust (cm/in) then K3 from cable needle.
71-76 81-86 91-97 102-107 112-117 122-127 132-137 142-147 152-157 C8B: Slip next 4 sts onto cable needle and hold in back of work, K4,
28-30 32-34 36-38 40-42 44-46 48-50 52-54 56-58 60-62 then K4 from cable needle.
Actual bust measurement of garment
93 102 113 124 134 142 152 163 174 TWISTED RIB
36½ 40 44½ 49 53 56 60 64 68½ (multiple of 2 sts + 1)
Row 1 (RS): K1tbl, *P1, K1tbl, rep from * to end.
Rowan Alpaca Soft DK (50 gm) Row 2: P1, *K1, P1, rep from * to end.
13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 These 2 rows form Twisted Rib patt.
(photographed in Stone 222)
Or Rowan Pure Cashmere (50 gm) (worked over an odd number of sts)
10 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 16 Row 1 (RS): K1, *P1, K1, rep from * to end.
Rows 2 and 3: P1, *K1, P1, rep from * to end.
NEEDLES Row 4: K1, *P1, K1, rep from * to end.
3.25 mm (no 10) (US 3) circular needle, 80 cm / 32 in long These 4 rows form Double Moss st.
4 mm (no 8) (US 6) circular needle, 80 cm / 32 in long
1 pair 3.25 mm (no 10) (US 3) needles DOUBLE MOSS STITCH
1 pair 4 mm (no 8) (US 6) needles (worked over an even number of sts)
Cable needle Row 1 (RS): *K1, P1, rep from * to end.
Row 2: As Row 1.
TENSION Rows 3 and 4: *P1, K1, rep from * to end.
22 sts and 30 rows to 10 cm / 4 in measured over St st using 4 mm These 4 rows form Double Moss st.
(US 6) needles.
33 sts and 31 rows to 10 cm / 4 in measured over Cable patt (blocked) Notes
using 4 mm (US 6) needles. 1) Back and Front are worked back and forth in rows on circular needles.
Note: To create an accurate swatch for measuring tension, refer to swatch Do not join.
instructions at end of pattern. Use this swatch for measuring tension. 2) Sleeves are worked on straight needles in rows.
Swatch uses approx. 70gm of yarn.
EXTRAS Using 3.25 mm (US 3) circular needle, cast on 155 (171: 189: 207: 223:
Stitch holders 237: 253: 271: 289) sts. Do not join, work back and forth in rows.
Stitch marker Beginning with Row 1, work in Twisted Rib until back meas 10 cm / 4
in from beg, ending with RS facing for next row.
STITCH GLOSSARY Change to 4 mm (US 6) circular needle.
K1tbl: Knit one st through back of loop. Begin Cable Patt
C4B: Slip next 2 sts onto cable needle and hold in back of work, K2, Row 1 (RS): Work Row 1 of Double Moss st over first 3 (11: 7: 3: 11:
then K2 from cable needle. 5: -: 9: 5) sts, working from Row 1 of Sweater Cable Pattern chart, work
C4R: Slip next st onto cable needle and hold in back of work, K3, 13-st Cable A repeat 1 (1: 2: 3: 3: 4: 5: 5: 6) times, work sts 14 to 136, then
then P1 from cable needle. work 13-st Cable B repeat 1 (1: 2: 3: 3: 4: 5: 5: 6) times, work Row 1 of
C4L: Slip next 3 sts onto cable needle and hold in front of work, P1, Double Moss st over last 3 (11: 7: 3: 11: 5: -: 9: 5) sts.
then K3 from cable needle. Row 2: Work Row 2 of Double Moss st over first 3 (11: 7: 3: 11: 5: -:
T4R: Slip next st onto cable needle and hold in back of work, K3, 9: 5) sts, working from Row 2 of Sweater Cable Pattern chart, work 13-st
then K1 from cable needle. Cable B repeat 1 (1: 2: 3: 3: 4: 5: 5: 6) times, work sts 136 to 14, then work
T4L: Slip next 3 sts onto cable needle and hold in front of work, K1, 13-st Cable A repeat 1 (1: 2: 3: 3: 4: 5: 5: 6) times, work Row 1 of Double
then K3 from cable needle. Moss st over last 3 (11: 7: 3: 11: 5: -: 9: 5) sts.
C5R: Slip next 2 sts onto cable needle and hold in back of work, K3, These 2 rows set Chart patt.
then P2 from cable needle. Keeping first and last 3 (11: 7: 3: 11: 5: -: 9: 5) sts in Double Moss st, cont
C5L: Slip next 3 sts onto cable needle and hold in front of work, P2, straight in established patt, working 56-row rep of chart until back meas
then K3 from cable needle. 27.5 (27.5: 27.5: 29: 29: 30.5: 30.5: 32: 32) cm / 10¾ (10¾: 10¾: 11½:
C6B: Slip next 3 sts onto cable needle and hold in back of work, K3, 11½: 12: 12: 12½: 12½) in from beg, ending with RS facing for next row.
then K3 from cable needle. | Please review our full terms of use of this pattern on our website ROWEX-00006-ENP
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Shape armholes 3rd: 3rd) row to 134 (142: 148: 154: 124: 128: 116: 188: 188) sts, then
Cast off 8 sts at beg of next 2 rows. 139 (155: 173: 191: 207: 221: 237: every foll - (-: -: -: 3rd: 3rd: 3rd: -: 2nd) row to - (-: -: -: 164: 174:
255: 273) sts. 180: -: 194) sts, bringing increase sts into Double Moss patt.
Next (dec) row (RS): K1, Patt2tog, work in patt to last 3 sts, Patt2tog Work straight in patt until sleeve meas 45 (45: 46: 46: 46: 46: 47: 47: 47) cm
tbl, K1. 137 (153: 171: 189: 205: 219: 235: 253: 271) sts. / 17¾ (17¾: 18: 18: 18: 18: 18½: 18½: 18½) in, ending with RS facing for
Next (dec) row (WS): P1, Patt2tog, work in patt to last 3 sts, Patt2tog next row.
tbl, P1. 135 (151: 169: 187: 203: 217: 233: 251: 269) sts. Shape Sleeve Cap
The last 2 rows set decrease. Cast off 8 sts at beg of next 2 rows. 118 (126: 132: 138: 148: 158: 164:
Dec as set in next 3 rows, then every foll alt row 5 times. 119 (135: 153: 172: 178) sts.
171: 187: 201: 217: 235: 253) sts. Next (dec) row (RS): K1, Patt2tog, work in patt to last 3 sts, Patt2tog
Work straight in patt until armhole meas 21 (22: 23: 24: 25.5: 27: 28: tbl, K1. 116 (124: 130: 136: 146: 156: 162: 170: 176) sts.
29: 30) cm / 8¼ (8½: 9: 9½: 10: 10½: 11: 11½: 12) in from marker, ending Next (dec) row (WS): P1, Patt2tog, work in patt to last 3 sts, Patt2tog
with RS facing for next row. tbl, P1. 114 (122: 128: 134: 144: 154: 160: 168: 174) sts.
Shape shoulders and back neck The last 2 rows set decrease.
Keeping cable patt correct, cast off 7 (8: 10: 12: 13: 14: 16: 17: 19) sts at Dec as set in next 3 rows, then every foll alt row 5 times, ending with RS
beg of next 6 rows. 77 (87: 93: 99: 109: 117: 121: 133: 139) sts. facing for next row. 98 (106: 112: 118: 128: 138: 144: 152: 158) sts.
Next row (RS): Cast off 7 (9: 10: 11: 13: 14: 16: 17: 19) sts, work in patt Cast off in patt.
until there are 11 (14: 15: 16: 18: 20: 20: 23: 24) sts on right needle and
turn, leaving rem sts on a holder. MAKING UP
Work each side of neck separately. Press as described on the information page.
Next row (WS): Cast off 5 sts, patt to end. Join right shoulder seam.
Cast off rem 6 (9: 10: 11: 13: 15: 15: 18: 19) sts. Neckband
With RS facing and using 3.25 mm (US 3) needle, pick up and knit
Return to sts left on holder and slip centre 41 (41: 43: 45: 47: 49: 49: 70 (72: 74: 78: 82: 86: 92: 96: 98) sts evenly along left front neck edge,
53: 53) sts onto another holder (for neckband). Rejoin yarn with RS place marker, K1 from front holder, place marker, pick up and knit 76 (78:
facing and patt to end. Complete to match first side, reversing shapings. 80: 84: 88: 92: 98: 102: 104) sts along right side of front/back neck edge,
decreasing 1 st at centre K40 (40: 42: 44: 46: 48: 48: 52: 52) from back
FRONT neck holder, then pick up and K6 sts along left back neck edge. 193 (197:
Work as given for back until armhole shaping. 203: 213: 223: 233: 245: 257: 261) sts.
Shape armholes and front neck Row 1 (WS): *P1, K1, rep from * to 2 sts before marker, P2tog, sm, P1,
Cast off 8 sts at beg of next 2 rows. 139 (155: 173: 191: 207: 221: 237: sm, P2tog tbl, *K1, P1, rep from * to end of row. 191 (195: 201: 211: 221:
255: 273) sts. 231: 243: 255: 259) sts.
Next row (RS): K1, Patt2tog, patt 66 (74: 83: 92: 100: 107: 115: Row 2 (RS): *K1tbl, P1, rep from * to 1 st before marker, K1tbl, sm,
124: 133) sts and turn, leaving rem sts on a holder. K1tbl, sm, K1tbl, *P1, K1tbl, rep from * to end of row.
Work each side of neck separately. Row 3: Work in est rib to 2 sts before marker, K2tog, sm, P1, sm, K2tog
Next row (WS): Patt to last 3 sts, Patt2tog tbl, P1. 67 (75: 84: 93: 101: tbl, work in est rib to end of row. 189 (193: 199: 209: 219: 229: 241:
108: 116: 125: 134) sts. 253: 257) sts.
Continuing armhole shaping as given for back, dec 1 st at neck edge of Row 4: Work in est rib to marker, sm, K1tbl, sm, work in est rib to end
next row, then every foll alt row 7 (6: 5: 4: 5: 5: 3: 3: 2) times, then every of row.
foll 3rd row 17 (18: 20: 22: 22: 23: 25: 27: 28) times, at same time, when Work as now set, working dec’s before and after centre marker for a
armhole meas same as back to shoulder shaping, cast off 7 (8: 10: 12: 13: further 4 rows, ending with WS facing for next row. 185 (189: 195: 205:
14: 16: 17: 19) sts at beg of next 4 (3: 5: 3: 5: 4: 4: 4: 5) RS rows, then 6 (9: 215: 225: 237: 249: 253) sts.
-: 11: -: 15: 15: 18: -) sts at beg of next 1 (2: -: 2: -: 1: 1: 1: -) RS rows. Cast off loosely in rib, dec’ing 1 st either side of centre front st.
Return to sts left on holder and slip centre st onto another holder (for Join left shoulder and neckband seam. Set in sleeve. Join side and sleeve
neckband). Rejoin yarn with RS facing and patt to last 3 sts, Patt2tog tbl, seams.
K1. 68 (76: 85: 94: 102: 109: 117: 126: 135) sts. Complete to match first
side, reversing shapings. Swatch:
Width 38.5 cm / 15 in
SLEEVES (Make two) Length 24.5 cm / 9½ in
Using 3.25 mm (US 3) needles, cast on 88 (92: 92: 96: 100: 108: 108:
112: 116) sts. Using 3.25 mm (US 3) needles, cast on 127 sts.
Row 1 (RS): *K1tbl, P1, rep from * to end. Row 1 (RS): Work Row 1 of Swatch Chart to end of row.
Row 2: *K1, P1, rep from * to end. Row 2: Work Row 2 of Swatch Chart to end of row.
These 2 rows form Twisted Rib patt. These 2 rows set Swatch Chart patt.
Cont in Twisted Rib until sleeve meas 8 cm / 3 in from beg, ending with Work Rows 3–20 of chart, ending with RS facing for next row.
RS facing for next row. Change to 4 mm (US 6) needles.
Change to 4 mm (US 6) needles. Work Rows 11–76 of chart, ending with RS facing for next row.
Begin Sleeve Cable Patt Cast off in patt.
Row 1 (RS): Work Row 1 of Double Moss st over first 6 (8: 8: 10: 12: Block to measurements.
16: 16: 18: 20) sts, work Row 1 of Sleeve Chart over next 76 sts, work
Row 1 of Double Moss st over last 6 (8: 8: 10: 12: 16: 16: 18: 20) sts.
Row 2: Work Row 2 of Double Moss st over first 6 (8: 8: 10: 12: 16:
16: 18: 20) sts, work Row 2 of Chart over next 76 sts, work Row 2 of
Double Moss st over last 6 (8: 8: 10: 12: 16: 16: 18: 20) sts.
These 2 rows set Sleeve Chart patt.
Keeping first and last 6 (8: 8: 10: 12: 16: 16: 18: 20) sts in Double Moss st,
cont in established patt, increasing 1 st at each end of 5th (5th: 5th: 5th:
5th: 5th: 5th: 5th: 3rd) row, then every foll 4th (4th: 4th: 4th: 4th: 4th: 4th: | Please review our full terms of use of this pattern on our website ROWEX-00006-ENP
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20 (20½: 20¾: 21¾: 22½: 23½: 24: 25: 25½) in
51 (52: 53: 55.5: 57: 60: 61: 63.5: 64.5) cm | Please review our full terms of use of this pattern on our website ROWEX-00006-ENP
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K on A R T
P on WS
P on RS,
on RS,
P on WS
on RS,
K on WS
K1tbl | Please review our full terms of use of this pattern on our website ROWEX-00006-ENP
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K on RS,
P on WS 70
P on RS,
K on WS
10 | Please review our full terms of use of this pattern on our website ROWEX-00006-ENP
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When stitching the pieces together, remember to
match areas of colour and texture very carefully where
they meet. Use a seam stitch such as mattress stitch or
back stitch if preferred for all main knitting seams and
Chest width join all ribs and neckband with mattress stitch, unless
otherwise stated.
Each square on a chart represents a stitch and each line of
squares a row of knitting. When working from the charts, Having completed the pattern instructions, join left
read odd rows from right to left and even rows from left shoulder and neckband seams as referenced under
to right, unless otherwise stated. STITCHING. Sew the top of the sleeve to the body
of the garment using the method detailed in the
pattern, referring to the appropriate guide:
KNITTING WITH COLOUR Straight cast-off sleeves: Place centre of cast-off
edge of sleeve to shoulder seam. Sew top of sleeve
There are two main methods of working colour into a
to body, using markers as guidelines where applicable.
knitted fabric: Intarsia and Fairisle techniques.The first
Square set-in sleeves: Place centre of cast-off edge of
method is usually used where a colour is only required in
sleeve to shoulder seam. Set sleeve head into armhole, the
a particular area of a row. Whereas the fairisle technique
straight sides at top of sleeve to form a neat right-angle
is suitable for a pattern which repeats across a row. | Please review our full terms of use of this pattern on our website ROWEX-00006-ENP
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I N F O R M AT I O N | Please review our full terms of use of this pattern on our website ROWEX-00006-ENP
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FITTING | Please review our full terms of use of this pattern on our website ROWEX-00006-ENP
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