Patons Sock Slippers PDF
Patons Sock Slippers PDF
Patons Sock Slippers PDF
SLIPPER-SOCKS 2nd row: (Sl1. K1) 15 times. K1. Shape toe: Next rnd: 1st
**With smaller needles cast on 3rd row: Sl1. Purl to end of needle: Knit to last 3 sts.
60 sts. Divide sts onto 3 needles row. K2tog. K1.
(20 sts on each needle). Join in Rep last 2 rows until heel measures 2nd needle: K1. Sl1. K1.
rnd. Place marker on first st. 2¼ ins [5.5 cm], ending with 3rd psso. Pat to last 3 sts. K2tog. K1.
1st rnd: *K1. P1. Rep from * row. 3rd needle: K1. Sl1. K1. psso.
around. Knit to end of needle.
Rep this rnd of (K1. P1) ribbing Shape heel: 1st row: P20. Rep last rnd to 32 sts. Cast off.
for 4 ins [10 cm]. P2tog. P1. Turn. Sew (or graft) front seam.
Next rnd: (Increase row). Rib. 2nd row: Sl1. K10. Sl1. K1.
(M1. Rib 6 sts) 10 times. 70 sts. psso. K1. Turn. Sew Leather Slipper Sole to sole
3rd row: Sl1. P10. P2tog. P1. of sock using a blanket st.
Change to larger needles and Turn.
proceed as follows: Rep last 2 rows to 13 sts.
1st rnd: Work 1st row of Panel Grafting Diagram
Pat A. C2B. Work 1st row of With RS of work facing, pick up
Panel Pat C. C2F. Work 1st row and knit 12 sts along side of left
of Panel Pat B. C2B. Work 1st heel. With 2nd needle (K3. P2.
row of Panel Pat C. C2F. K2. Work 1st row of Panel Pat
2nd rnd: Knit all knit sts and C. K2. P2. K3) from instep. With
purl all purl sts as they appear. 3rd needle pick up and knit 12 sts
3rd rnd: Work 3rd row of Panel along side of right heel. Knit first
Pat A. C2B. Work 3rd row of 7 sts from heel onto end of 3rd
Panel Pat C. C2F. Work 3rd row needle. Slip rem 6 sts from heel
of Panel Pat B. C2B. Work 3rd onto beg of first needle. 72 sts
row of Panel Pat C. C2F. are now divided 18 sts on 1st
4th rnd: As 2nd rnd. needle, 35 sts on 2nd needle and
Panel Pats A, B and C are now in 19 sts on 3rd needle.
position. These 4 rows form pat. Cont in pat as follows:
Cont even in pat until 2 reps of 1st rnd: 1st needle: Knit to
Panel Pat C have been completed, last 3 sts. K2tog. K1.
ending with 1st row of Panel 2nd needle: K3. P2. C2F.
Pat C. Work 3rd row of Panel Pat C.
C2B. P2. K3.
Make heel: Slip first 4 sts from 3rd needle: K1. Sl1. K1. psso.
1st needle onto 3rd needle. Slip Knit to end of needle.
sts from 2nd needle onto 3rd 2nd rnd: Work in pat even.
needle to 35 sts for heel. Leave Rep last 2 rnds to 60 sts divided
35 sts on 1st and 2nd needles for as 12 sts on 1st needle, 35 sts on
instep. Break yarn. 2nd needle and 13 sts on 3rd
With WS facing rejoin yarn to 35
heel sts and work back and forth Cont even in pat until foot from
as follows: picked up sts at heel measures
1st row: (WS). Sl1. (P2tog. P6) 6¼ (6¾-7-7½) ins [16 (17-18-
4 times. K2. 31 sts. 19) cm].