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Khandesh College Education Society’s

Moolji Jaitha College, Jalgaon

An “Autonomous College” Affiliated to
KBC North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon


M. Sc. Organic Chemistry

M. Sc. Analytical Chemistry

Under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)

[w. e. f. Academic Year: 2019-20]

M. Sc. I Organic Chemistry Course Structure 2019-20

Term/ Course Subject Title of Paper Credit Hours

Semester Module Code per
DSC CHO-101 Physical Chemistry-I 4 4
DSC CHO-102 Inorganic Chemistry-I 4 4
DSC CHO-103 Practicals in Physical Chemistry 4 8
I DSC CHO-104 Practicals in Inorganic Chemistry 4 8
SEC CHO-105 Laboratory Planning and Safety 4 4
DSE CHO-106 Organic Chemistry-I 4 4
DSC CHO-201 Physical Chemistry-II 4 4
DSC CHO-202 Inorganic Chemistry-II 4 4
DSC CHO-203 Practicals in Organic Chemistry 4 8
II DSC CHO-204 Practicals in Analytical Chemistry 4 8
GE CHO-205 Analysis and Monitoring of 4 4
Environmental Pollution
DSE CHO-206 Organic Chemistry-II 4 4

M. Sc. I Analytical Chemistry Course Structure 2019-20

Term/ Course Subject Title of Paper Credit Hours

Semester Module Code per
DSC CHA-101 Physical Chemistry-I 4 4
DSC CHA -102 Inorganic Chemistry-I 4 4
DSC CHA -103 Practicals in Physical Chemistry 4 8
I DSC CHA -104 Practicals in Inorganic Chemistry 4 8
SEC CHA -105 Laboratory Planning and Safety 4 4
DSE CHA -106 Organic Chemistry-I 4 4
DSC CHA -201 Physical Chemistry-II 4 4
DSC CHA-202 Inorganic Chemistry-II 4 4
DSC CHA-203 Practicals in Organic Chemistry 4 8
II DSC CHA-204 Practicals in Analytical Chemistry 4 8
GE CHA-205 Analysis and Monitoring of 4 4
Environmental Pollution
DSE CHA-206 Organic Chemistry-II 4 4

M. Sc. II Organic Chemistry Course Structure:
Term / Subject Code Hours per
Module Title of Paper Credit
Semester Week
DSC CHO-301 Organic Reaction Mechanism 4 4
DSC CHO-302 Stereochemistry 4 4
DSC CHO-303 Organic Chemistry Practical-I 4 8
DSC CHO-304 Organic Chemistry Practical-II 4 8
SEC CHO-305 A A- Physical Methods in 4
OR Structure Determination OR
B- Advanced Reaction 4
DSE CHO-306 Photochemistry, Free Radical 4
and Pericyclic Reaction 4
DSC CHO-401 Natural Product 4 4
DSC Advanced Synthetic Organic
CHO-402 4 4
DSC Organic Chemistry Practical-
CHO-403 4 8
IV DSC CHO-404 Research Project-IV 4 8
GE CHO-405 A A-Research Methodology 4 4
CHO-405 B B-Bio-organic Chemistry 4
DSE CHO-406 Hetero and Medicinal
Chemistry 4

M. Sc. II Analytical Chemistry Course Structure:

Term / Course Subject Code Hours

Semester Module Title of Paper Credit per
DSC CHA-301 Concepts of Analytical 4 4
DSC CHA-302 Modern Separation Science 4 4
DSC CHA-303 Analytical Chemistry 4 8
DSC CHA-304 Analytical Chemistry 4 8
III Practical-II
CHA-305 A Pharmaceutical Analysis
SEC CHA-305 B Bio-Analysis and Analysis of 4 4

DSE CHA-306 Instrumental Methods of 4 4

DSC Spectroscopic Methods of
CHA-401 Analysis 4 4
DSC Special Analytical Methods
CHA-402 and Analysis of Complex 4 4
DSC CHA-403 Analytical Chemistry 4 8
DSC CHA-404 Research Project-IV 4 8
GE CHA-405 A- Environmental Analytical
Chemistry 4 4
B- Analysis of Organics and
DSE CHA-406 Applications of 4 4

Examination Pattern for the all Courses (60: 40)

Nature Marks

External Marks 60

Internal Marks 40

Total Marks 100

Semester I
CHO-101/CHA-101 Physical Chemistry-I (4 Credits, 60L)
Course objectives:
• To study the theories and basic concepts of quantum mechanics.
• To study the partial molar property, fugacity and its significance.
• To study the statistical entropy and partition functions.
• To study the adsorption phenomenon.

Course outcomes:
After successful completion of the course the students:
• Can understand wave function, operator and quantum mechanical properties and rigid
• Can study concept of partial molar properties and third law of thermodynamics.
• Can show the partition function and application of statistical thermodynamics.
• Can understand the surface phenomenon and adsorption types.

Unit I. Quantum Mechanics (20L)

Introduction of quantum mechanics, wave function, acceptability of wave functions,
normalized and orthogonal wave functions, Operators, Operator algebra, Eigen functions and
Eigen values Quantum mechanical properties linear, Angular momentum, Hermitian
operators, Orbital and generalized angular momentum, Postulates of Quantum mechanics,
Problems on operator algebra, Eigen values and Average values of quantities.

Application of Schrodinger wave equation to simple systems: Degeneracy in 3-Dimensional

Box, Rigid rotor, Potential well of finite depth (Tunneling Effect), Simple Harmonic
Oscillator, The Hydrogen atom.

Unit II. Thermodynamics (15 L)

State functions, exact and inexact differentials, test of exactness. Brief resume of the concept
of enthalpy, entropy, free energy and laws of thermodynamics.

Partial molar properties, Chemical potential, Effect of temperature and pressure,

Determination of partial molar properties by: (1) Direct Method (ii) Apparent method (iii)
Method of intercept.

Concept of fugacity and its determination by (i) Graphical method (ii) From equation of state
(iii) Approximation method, Nernst heat theorem and its application to solid, Third law of
thermodynamics, Experimental determination of entropy by third law.

Unit III. Statistical Thermodynamics ( 15 L)

Statistical entropy, microcanonical and canonical ensembles, Maxwell-Boltzmann
distribution, Thermodynamic quantities and canonical partition function, molecular partition
functions, translational, rotational, vibrational and electronic partition functions. Ideal
monoatomic and diatomic gases. Heat capacities-Einstein theory and Debye theory.
Applications of statistical thermodynamics to activated complex theory.

Unit IV. Adsorption and Surface Phenomenon ( 10 L)

Physisorption and chemisorptions, adsorption isotherms, Langmuir and B. E. T. equation and
significance in surface area determination, surface films, states of insoluble films, L. B. films
and their application, adsorption from solution, adsorption types, surface excess
concentration, Gibb's adsorption equation: derivation, significance and experimental
verification, catalytic activity of surfaces.
Micelles–Surface active agents, classification. Micelles, process of micellisation, CMC,
factors affecting CMC, thermodynamics of micellisation, and cleansing action of soap and

• I. N. Levine, Quantum Chemistry, 2000, 5th edition, Pearson educ., Inc. New Delhi.
• A. K. Chandra, Introductory Quantum Chemistry, 1994, 4th edition, Hill, New Delhi.
• L. Pauling, E. B. Wilson, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics with Applications to
Chemistry, 1935, McGraw Hill, New York
• R. K. Prasad, Quantum Chemistry, 1997, New Age International, Delhi.
• R. K. Prasad, Quantum Chemistry through problems and solutions, 2009, New Age
International, Delhi.
• B. C. Reed, Quantum Mechanics, 2010, Jones and Bartlett, Bolingbrook, IL.
• R. P. Rastogi and R. R. Mishra, An Introduction to Chemical Thermodynamics, 2010,
Vikas Publication, Gorakhpur.
• P. W. Atkin'sand D. Paula, Physical Chemistry, 2010, 8th Edition, Oxford University
• G. K. Vemulapalli, Physical Chemistry, 1997, Prentice– Hall of India.

• A. W. Adamson, A. P. Gast, Physical chemistry of surfaces, 1973, Willey India.
• A. Clark, The Theory of Adsorption and Catalysis, 1970, Academic Press, New York.
• D. O. B. M. W. Hayward, Trapnell, Chemisorption, 1964, 2nd ed Edition. Butterworth.
• D. J. Shaw, Introduction to colloide and surface chemistry, 2013, 4th edition,
• A. J. K. Laidler, Theories of chemical reaction rates, 1969, McGraw-Hill Book Co. New
• J. J. Bikermann, Surface Chemistry: Theory and Applications, 2013, Academic Press.

CHO-102/CHA-102 Inorganic chemistry-I (4 Credits, 60L)

Course objectives:
• To study wave mechanics wave nature of the electron.
• To understand the electronic spectra and magnetic properties of transition metal
• To know general properties of metals.
• To study the interpretation on orientation of bonds.
• To study Infrared and Raman spectroscopy techniques.

Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course the students:
• Can understand nature of electron in anatom.
• Can apply concept of metallurgy.
• Can understand electronic properties using spectral data.
• Can apply concept of hybridization and wave mechanical description.
• Gain the concepts of vibrations in simple molecules.

Unit I: Wave Mechanics (10 L)

Origin of quantum theory, black body radiation, atomic spectra, photoelectric effect, matter
waves, wave nature of the electron, the wave equation, the theory of hydrogen atom, and
particle in one dimensional box.

Unit II: The Metallic Bond (10 L)
General properties of metals, conductivity, Luster, malleability and cohesive force. Theories
of Bonding in metals–free electron theory, valence bond theory, molecular orbital or band
theory. Conductors, Insulators and semiconductors. Alloys–interstitial alloys and related
compounds, alloys, Cu/Ni (Phase diagram expected), and super conductivity.

Unit III: Inorganic Stereochemistry (10 L)

Hybridization and wave mechanical description for sp, sp2, sp3 orbital, qualitative idea about
3 and d2sp3, VSEPR theory, shapes of simple molecules like N2O, F2O, ICl2, PCl5,
dsp, , dsp
ClF3, SF6, IF7, TeCl4, XeOF4, and XeF6. Linnet's double quartet theory and spectra of simple

Unit IV:

Electronic Spectra and Magnetic Properties of Transition Metal Complexes (15 L)

Spectroscopic ground states, correlation, Orgal and Tanabe-Sugano diagrams for transition
metal complexes (d1-d9 states), calculation of Dq B and β-parameters, charge transfer
spectra, spectroscopic method of assignment of absolute configuration in optically active
metal chelates and their stereo chemical information, anomalous magnetic moments, magnetic
exchange coupling and spin crossover.

Unit V: Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy (15 L)

Vibrations in simple molecules (H2O and CO2) and their symmetry notation for molecular
Combined uses of IR and Raman spectroscopy in the structural elucidation of simple
Effect of coordination on ligand vibrations–uses of groups vibrations in the structural
elucidation of metal complexes. Applications of IR and Raman spectroscopy to inorganic

• F. A. Cotton, G. Wilkinson, C. A. Murillo, M. Bochmann, 2007, Advanced Inorganic
Chemistry, John Wiley.

• J. E. Huhey, Inorganic Chemistry: Principles of Structure and Reactivity, 1983, Harper
International SI edition.

• G. Wilkinson, R. D. Gillards, J. A. McCleverty, Comprehensive Co-ordination

Chemistry, 1987, Pergaman Press, Oxford.
• D. Banerjea, Coordination Chemistry, 2009, Asian Books Pvt. Ltd.

• J. Lewis, R. G. Wilkers, Modern Coordination Chemistry, 1960, Interscience; First


• M. Chanda, Atomic Structure and Chemical bond: A problem Solving Approach, 2019,
I K International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.

• M. C. Day, J. Selbin, Theoretical Inorganic Chemistry, Affiliated East West Press Pvt. Ltd. 2nd
Edition, 1985

• B. R. Puri, L. R. Sharma, K. C. Kalia, Principles of Inorganic Chemistry, 2017, Vishal

Publishing Co.
• B. R. Puri, L. R. Sharma, Pathania, Principles of Physical Chemistry, 2017, Vishal
Publishing Co.
• A. B. P Lever, Inorganic Electronic Spectroscopy, 1986, 2nd Sub. Edition, Elsevier.
• J. E. Huheey, E. A. Keiter, R. L. Keiter, Inorganic Chemistry Principles of Structures
and Reactivity, 1993, Pearsnon, 4th edition.

CHO-103/CHA-103 Practicals in Physical Chemistry

Course objectives:
• To study behavior of electrolyte.
• To study the dissociation constants and know pH values.
• To determine the stability constants.

Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course the students:

• Can use various instruments likes conductometer, pH meter, potentiometer,

spectrophotometer, and polarimeter for various analysis.

• Can understand the kinetics of reaction.
• Can determine stability constant, dissociation constant and Hammet tconstant.

Attempt Any 14 Experiments:

1. Conductometry:
• Determine the conductance of strong electrolyte (KCl/ NaCl/ AgNO3/HCl) at various
concentrations and verify the applicability of DHO equation.
• Determination of degree of hydrolysis and hydrolysis constant of sodium acetate
• Study the second order velocity constant of hydrolysis of ethyl acetate by sodium
hydroxide using conductance measurement.
• Determination of critical micellar concentration (CMC) of sodium lauryl sulphate from
the measurement of conductivities at different concentrations.

2. pH-Metry:
• To determine acidic and basic dissociation constants of an amino acid and hence the iso-
electric point of the acid.
• To determine the three dissociation constants of polybasic acid such as H3PO4 by pH
• Determination of Hammett constant of a given substituted benzoic acid by pH
• To determine the amount of aspirin in the given tablet.

3. Potentiometry:
• To determine the stability constant of a complex ion [Ag2(S2O3)]-3 potentiometrically.
• To determine the standard free energy change G0 and equilibrium constant for the
reaction Cu + 2Ag+ = Cu+2 + 2Ag Potentiometrically.
• To determine the amount of each halide in a mixture of halides containing KI and
KBr/KCl Potentiometrically.

4. Colorimetry/Spectrophotometry:
• Determination of iron in water using a colorimeter.
• To determine pKa and Ka of given indicator by colorimetry/spectrophotometry.

• Record the UV spectrum of Benzene, Pyridine and Pyrimidine in methanol. Compare
and discuss the various transition involved in terms of MO theory.

5. Polarimetry:
• Polarimetric determination of the specific rotation of camphor in benzene and carbon
• Determine the percentage of two optically active substances (d-glucose and d-tartaric
acid) in a mixture polarimetrically.

6. Chemical kinetics:
• To investigate the kinetics of iodination of acetone.
• To determine energy of activation of the hydrolysis of methyl acetate in presence of
hydrochloric acid.
• To determine the order of the reaction between potassium persulphate and potassium
iodide by fractional change method.

7. Non instrumental:
• Investigate the adsorption of acetic acid in aqueous solution by using activated charcoal
and verify Freundlich’s adsorption isotherm.
• Determination of partial molar volume of ethanol in dilute aqueous solutions.

• To study the effect of addition of an electrolyte (KCl /NaCl /NH4Cl / Na2SO4/ K2SO4)
on solubility of an organic acid (benzoic acid or salicylic acid).

• S. W. Rajbhoj, T. K. Chondekar, Systematic Experimental Physical Chemistry, 2013,
3rd edition, Anjali Publication, Aurangabad.
• V. D. Athawale, P. Mathur, Experimental physical Chemistry, 2001, New Age
International Ltd, New Delhi.
• J. B. Yadav, Advanced Practical Physical, 1981, 19th edition or latest edition, Goel
Publishing House, Meerut.

• Pande, Datar, Bhadane, Advanced Practicals in Physical Chemistry, 4th edition, Manali
Publication Pune.
• P. C. Kamboj, University Practical Chemistry, 2013, Vishal Publishing Co. Jalandhar,

• A. M. James, F. E. Prichard, Practical Physical Chemistry, 1974, Longman Group Ltd.
New York.

CHO-104/CHA-104 Practicals in Inorganic Chemistry

Course objective:
• To study Analysis of ores.
• To understand the iodometric method.
• To know Inorganic Preparations and purity of complexes.
• To study the determination of concentration of metal in ppm by flame photometer.
• To study instrumental methods of quantitative analysis.

Course Outcome:

After successful completion of the course the students:

• Can understand the concept of ore extraction.
• Can apply the concept of point potentiometric titration.
• Can understand the synthesis of inorganic compounds and determination of its purity.
• Can apply concept to calculate number ppm of metal by flame.
• Gain the concepts of handling instruments.

1. Analysis of ore (Any One)

• Pyrolusite ore-Estimation of silica gravimetrically and Manganese volumetrically.
• Haematite-Estimation of copper volumetrically and Iron gravimetrically.
• Chromite ore–Estimation of Iron gravimetrically and chromium volumetrically.

2. To determine the amount of copper present in given solution by iodometric method


3. Inorganic Preparations and purity (AnyFour)

• Bis (ethylene diamine) copper (II) sulphate.
• Tris (acetylacetonato) Iron (III).
• Nitropentammino cobalt (III) chloride.
• 8-hydroxy QuinolineNi(II).

• Potassium trioxalato Chromate(III)
• Tris(acetylacetonato) iron(III)

4. To determine the Li/Na/K/Ca in given solution flame photometrically by calibration

curve method.

5. Analysis of binary mixtures by gravimetric and volumetric methods from the mixture
solutions (Any Three)
• Copper- Nickel
• Copper-Magnesium
• Copper-Zinc
• Iron-Magnesium
• Silver-Zinc

6. To determine the strength of given mixture of carbonate and bicarbonate in the given
mixture by pH metric method.

7. Drug Analysis: Determination of iron from given drug sample.

8. To determine the lattice energy of binary salts (NaCl, KCl, CaCl2, MnCl2, CuCl2). (Any
two salts)

9. Chromatography (Any One)

• Determination of the Rf value of Pb, Cu, Cd ions by using paper chromatographic

• Determination of the Rf value of Fe, Al, and Cr ions by using paper chromatographic
• Determination of the Rf value of Ba, Sr, and Ca ions by using paper chromatographic


• A. I. Vogel, A text book of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis, 1966, Longman.

• W. G. Palmer, Experimental Inorganic Chemistry, 1962, Cambridge University Press.
• W. R. Schoeller, A. R. Powell, The analysis of minerals and ores of the rarer elements,
1919, Griffin and Company Limited.
• G. Raj, Advanced Practical Inorganic Chemistry, 2013, Goel Publishing House.
• H. N. Patel, S. P. Turakhia, S. S. Kelkar, S. R. Puniyani, P.G. Practical Chemistry (Part-
I), Himalaya Publishing House.

CHO-105/CHA-105 Laboratory Planning and Safety
(4 Credits, 60L)
Course objectives:

• Demonstrate safe laboratory skills (including proper handling of materials and chemical
waste) for particular laboratory experiments.
• To understand importance of safety and health in laboratory.
• Learn and observe the safety and laboratory rules.
• To study safety management guidelines.
• To describe hazard information: material safety data sheets (MSDSS), understand and
communicate about laboratory hazards.
• To describe what is GLP and Principles of Good Laboratory Practice (GLP).
• To understand types of chemicals / chemical products.
• To study importunes and benefits standard operating procedures(SOPs).

Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course the students:

• Apply laboratory skills such as proper handling of materials and chemical waste for
particular laboratory experiments.
• Apply safety management guidelines, material safety data sheets (MSDS) about
laboratory hazards.
• Apply Chemical Management, Storage, Waste and Security.
• Use standard operating procedures (SOPs).

• Apply Personal Protections during laboratory experiments.

• Apply Emergency Planning and Process planning

Unit I: Laboratory Planning (15 L)

• Introduction- definition of Laboratory, setting up aLaboratory.

• Process Planning -Standard operating procedure, special procedure, Orderingmaterials
• Emergency Planning-Posting and signs, Emergency action plan, Alarm system
activation, Evacuation procedure, Fire emergencies, spill/release containment and

Cleanup method, Intruders, Vandalism or Theft, Medical emergencies, accident
reporting, safety equipment and supplies, utility outages.

• Equipment- Safety equipment, bio-safety cabinet, containment/safety shields, eyewash

fountains, fire extinguishers, First aid kits, Flammable safety cans, laboratory fume
hoods, Laboratory Refrigeration / Freezers, safety showers, spill kits.
• Training- Laboratory specific training, refresher training, and documentation.

Unit II: Safety Training (15 L)

General lab safety, Emergency Management, Waste Management, Chemical safety,

Biosafety, Radiation safety, Laser safety, Compressed gas safety, Fume Hood safety, Personal
protective equipment, Chem. watch, Electrical safety, Machine shop safety, Mechatronics lab
safety, Clean room Safety and Laboratory Specific training.

Unit III: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (5 L)

Introduction, Hazard Assessment, Eye and face protection, Head protection, Hand protection,
Protective clothing, Respiratory protection, Hearing protection, and Foot protection.

Unit IV: Glassware Safety and OSHA laboratory (5 L)

Inspecting glassware before use, Safe handling and storage, Working with glass rods or
tubing, Vacuum and pressure operations, Cleaning and drying glassware, Disposal and spill
clean-up. OSHA Laboratory Practices.

Unit V: Chemical Safety (15 L)

Safety data sheet, General chemical procedure, Chemical Exposure monitoring, Chemical
spills, Compressed gas safety, Carcinogenic, Reproductive and highly toxic chemicals, and
Chemical storage guideline

Unit VI: Waste and Recycling (5 L)

Biohazardous waste materials, Chemical waste materials, Equipment Disposal, and
Radiological waste materials.

• Laboratory Safety Manual, IOWA State University.
• stedition, Sabanci University ISBN-
FENS Laboratory, Laboratory safety handbook, 1

• OSHA Laboratory Practices. Laboratory Safety Guidance.

CHO-106/CHA-106 Organic Chemistry-I(4 Credits, 60L)

Course objectives:
• 1, SN2 reaction, NGP concept, and
Understand the features of substitution reaction: SN
factors affecting on SN1 and SN2reaction.
• Learn in detail reactions, mechanisms and stereochemistry of different reactions in
organic chemistry.
• Application of key concepts from organic chemistry including chemical bonding and
basis of reactivity.
• Recognize and understand stereochemistry and be able to apply E/Z, D/L configuration,
stereospecific and stereoselective reactions, and optical activity in different types of
Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course the students:

• Understand concept of organic chemistry and different reactionmechanisms.

• Use Hammett plot for understanding concept of structure andreactivity.
• Draw the mechanisms for Aliphatic and Aromatic Nucleophilic substitutions reactions.
• Explain the mechanism of different electrophilic substitution reactions andunderst and
their applications.
• Apply concept of chirality, chiral centers, Prochiral relationship, homotopic,
enantiotopic and disteriotopic andoptical activity in different types ofmolecules.

Unit I: Nucleophilic Substitution (15 L)
a) Aliphatic Nucleophilic Substitution:
2, SN1, mixed SN2and SN2and SNi mechanism, the neighbouring group mechanism,
The SN
neighbouring group participation by π&bonds, Anchimeric assistance. The SN1 mechanism,

Nucleophilic substitutions at an allylic, aliphatic and a vinylic carbon. Reactivity effects of

substrate structure, attacking nucleophile, leaving group and reaction medium.

b) Aromatic Nucleophilic Substitution :

SNAr, Benzyne mechanism. Reactivity: Effect of substrate, leaving group and attacking
nucleophile. The Von Richter, Sommelet-Hauser and Smiles rearrangements.

Unit II: Aromatic Electrophilic Substitution (15 L)

Arenium ion mechanism, orientation and reactivity, energy profile diagram, calculation of
partial rate factor, the ortho/ para ratio, Ipso substitution, Orientation in other ring systems
such as Naphthalene, Anthracene, six and five membered heterocycles, Diazonium coupling,
Vilsmeier reaction, and Gattermann–Koch reaction.
Unit III. Addition Reaction (10 L)
Addition to carbon-carbon multiple bonds and carbon heteroatom multiple bonds- Mechanism
and stereochemical aspects of addition reaction involving electrophile.
Structural effects and reactivity: Halogenations, Hydrohalogenation, Hydration,
Hydroxylation, Hydroboration, Epoxidation, Carbene addition, Hydrogenation, and
Unit IV. Linear Free Energy Relationship (10 L)
Hammett plot, Hammett equation, substituent and reaction constants, physical significance of
substituent and reaction constants, substituent constant involving through conjugation. Use of
Hammett plot and equation. Deviations from straight line plot. Concave upward deviation.
Concave downward deviation. Steric effects, Taft equation, Steric parameters, solvent effects,
and change of reaction constant.

Unit V. Stereochemistry (10 L)

Concept of chirality and molecular dissymmetry, Recognition of symmetry elements and

chiral centers, Prochiral relationship, homotopic, enantiotopic and disteriotopic groups and
faces. Recemic modifications and their resolution, R and S nomenclature. Geometrical
isomerism E and Z in C, N, S, P containing compounds, Prochiralrelationship,stereospecific
and stereoselective reactions, optical activity in biphenyls,spiranes,allenes..
• M. B. Smith, J. March, Advanced Organic Chemistry-Reactions, Mechanism and
Structure, 2006, Wiley.
• F. A. Carey, R. J. Sundberg, Advanced Organic Chemistry: Structure and Mechanism,
1977, Plenum Press, New York.
• P. Sykes , A Guide Book to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry, 2003, Pearson
• J. Clayden, N. Greeves, S. Warren and P. Wothers , Organic Chemistry, 2000, Oxford
University Press.
• R. T. Morrison, R. N. Boyd, Organic Chemistry, 2001, Prentice-Hall.
• D. Nasipuri, Stereochemistry of Organic compounds: Principles and Applications, 2005,
New Age International.
• E. L. Eliel, Stereochemistry of Carbon Compounds, 1962, McGraw Hill
• P.S. Kalsi, Stereochemistry: Conformations and Mechanism, 2017, New Age
• S. N. Sanyal, Reactions, Rearrangement and Reagent, 2017, Bharati Bhawan Publishers
& Distributors.
• J. Sing, L. D. S. Yadav, Advanced organic Chemistry, 2010, Pragati Prakashan.
• V. K. Ahluwalia, R. K. Parashar, Organic Reaction Mechanism, 2006, Alpha Science
International Ltd

CHO-201/CHA-201 Physical Chemistry-II (4 Credits, 60L)

Course Objectives:
• To study theories and basic concepts of Chemical kinetics and enzyme Catalysis
• To study the nuclear chemistry and spectroscopy.

Course Outcome:

After successful completion of the course the students:

• Understand rate, rate laws and rate law of chain reaction, explosion, kinetic
polymerization and reaction dynamics.
• Understand nuclear reaction, basic concept of decay growth relationship of parent and
• Understand application of radioactivity and neutron activation analysis

• Understand the energy of diatomic molecules, vibration, rotation and influences of

rotation spectra.

Unit I: Chemical Kinetics (20 L)

• Rate of reaction- rate, rate law, rate constant, reaction order, Accounting for the rate
laws: reactions approaching equilibrium, consecutive elementary reactions, rate
determining steps, steady state approximation, pre-equilibria, Michaelis-Menten
mechanism, Lindemann- Hinshelwood mechanism, chain reactions, rate laws of chain
reactions, and explosions.

• Polymerization kinetics: chain and stepwise polymerization and their rate laws, chain
length and average number of units in each chain.

• Molecular reaction dynamics: Diffusion controlled reactions, activated complex

theory, Eyring equation, thermodynamic aspects, Hammett and Taft equation. Fast
reactions: Flash photolysis, flow methods, relaxation methods and magnetic resonance

Unit II: Nuclear Chemistry (10 L)

Parent-daughter decay-growth relationships: daughter nucleus stable, general expression
for activity of daughter, parent shorter and longer lived than daughter, parent and daughter of

nearly the same half-life, secular and transient equilibrium. Problems. Applications of
radioactivity: Szilard - Chalmer's reaction, Isotope dilution.
Elements of radiation chemistry: primary effects of interaction of radiation with matter,
LET, Bremsstrahlung. Interaction of gamma radiation with matter: photoelectric effect,
Compton scattering and pair production, units of measuring radiation
Neutron activation analysis-Principle, application and problems.

Unit III: Spectroscopy

• Infra -red spectroscopy (12 L)

The energy of diatomic molecules, the simple harmonic oscillator, anharmonic oscillator,
diatomic vibrating rotator, vibration-rotation spectrum of diatomic, molecule applying Born-
Oppenheimer approximation, breakdown of Born-oppenheimer approximation, vibrations of
polyatomic molecules, fundamental vibrations and their symmetry, the possibility of overtone
and combination bands, the influence of rotation on the spectra and problems.

• Raman Spectroscopy (8L)

Classical and quantum theories of Raman effect, Pure rotational Raman spectra, linear
molecules, symmetric top molecules, Raman activity of vibrations, rule of Mutual exclusion,
vibrational Raman spectra, and rotational fine structure.

• Electronic spectroscopy of molecules Mossbauer spectroscopy (10 L)

The Born-Oppenheimer approximation, vibrational coarse structure, intensity of vibrational
electronic spectra ( Franck-Condon principle), dissociation energy and dissociation products,
The Fortrat diagram predissociation. Mossbauer spectroscopy: Principles of Mossbauer
spectroscopy, and applications of Mossbauer spectroscopy.

• P. W. Atkins, J. D. Paula, Elements of Physical Chemistry, 2015, 6th edition, Oxford
University Press.
• K. J. Laidler, J. H. Meiser , Physical Chemistry, 2006, CBS Publisher, 2ndEdition.
• L. R. Sharma, B. R. Puri, M. S. Pathaniya, Principles of Physical Chemistry, 2017,
Vishal Publishing Co.
• C. N. Banwell, E. M. McCash, Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy, 2017, Mac-
Graw Hill Education,4th edition.

• S. H. Maron, C. F. Prutton, Principles of Physical Chemistry, 1965, 4th edition, Oxford
and IBH Publishing Co.
• H. J. Arnikar, Essentials of Nuclear Chemistry, 2005, 4th edition, New Age

CHO-202/CHA-202 Inorganic Chemistry-II (4 Credits, 60L)

Course objectives:
• To study an electronic spectra of an atom.
• To understand the Group theory and its applications.
• To know general introduction of bioinorganic chemistry.
• To study the Organometallic Chemistry of transition elements.
• To study Cluster compounds.

Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course the students:
• Understand structure of an atom.
• Apply concept of point group and geometry ofmolecules.
• Understand the importance of metals in livingsystem.
• Apply concept to calculate number of electrons in complexes and stability ofcomplexes.
• Understand concepts of STYX number and geometry of clustercompounds.

Unit I: Spectra (15 L)

Energy levels in an atom, coupling of orbital angular momentum, coupling of spin angular
momenta, spin orbit coupling. Determining the ground state terms – Hund’s rule, Hole
formulation, Derivation of the terms for a P2 & P3 configuration, calculation of the number of
microstates, Electronic spectra of transition metal complexes – Laporte ‘orbital’ selection
rule, spin selection rule, splitting of electronic energy levels and spectroscopic states. Spectra
of d1& d9 ions, d2 & d8 ions

Unit II: Group theory and its applications (10 L)

Symmetry elements and operations, Symmetry planes, reflections, inversion centre, proper /
improper axes of rotation, equivalent symmetry elements and atoms, symmetry elements and

optical isomerism, Classification of point groups and procedure to determine the point group,
with at least one example of each point group.

Unit III: Bioinorganic chemistry (10 L)

Role of metal ions in biological processes, structure and properties of metallo proteins in
electron transport processes, cytochromes, ferrodoxins and iron sulphur proteins, ion transport
across membranes, Biological nitrogen fixation, PSI, PS – II, and Oxygen uptake proteins.

Unit IV: Organometallic Chemistry of transition elements (15 L)

Ligand hapticity, electron count for different types of organometallic compounds, 18 and 16
electron rule exceptions, synthesis, structure and bonding, organometallic reagents in organic
synthesis and in homogeneous catalytic reactions (Hydrogenation, hydroformylation,
isomerisation and polymerisation), pi metal complexes, and activation of small molecules by

Unit V: Cluster compounds (10 L)

Boron hydrides: Classification, nomenclature, structure, bonding and topology of boranes, 4-
digit coding (s, t, y, x) numbers for higher boranes and their utilities. Chemistry of diboranes:
Study of Metalloboranes, Carboranes and Metallocarboranes with reference to preparations
and structures.

• P . Atkins, Inorganic Chemistry, 2006, 4th Edition, Oxford University Press.
• F.A. Cotton, Chemical Application of Group Theory
• B.R. Puri, L.R. Sharma & K.C. Kalia, Principles of Inorganic Chemistry 1990, Shoban
Lal Nagin Chand and Co., New Delhi.
• P.K. Bhattacharya, Group Theory and its Chemical applications, 2nd Edition 1989,
Himalaya Publishing House Mumbai.
• K. Arora, Concept and Applications of Group Theory, 2013, Anmol Publication, Pvt.
Ltd., New Delhi
• J. E. Huheey, E. A. Keiter, R. L. Keiter, O. K. Medhi , Inorganic Chemistry. 1997,
• J.D. Lee, Concise Inorganic Chemistry, 5th Edition, Wiley.
• R. J. P. Williams, An Introduction to Bio inorganic Chemistry, 1998, Springer-Verlag
Berlin Heidelberg.
• G. L. Eichhron, Inorganic Biochemistry- Vol I and II,1973 Elsevier, Amsterdam—
London—New York.

CHO-203/CHA-203 Practicals in Organic Chemistry

Course objectives:
• Understanding the organic synthesis by single stage and double stage preparations
derivatives of organic compounds.

• Studying experimental techniques such as steam distillation and column

chromatography for the purification and analysis of given organic compounds.

• To draw the structure, elemental analysis, IUPAC name and predict the NMR Signals of
simple aliphatic and aromatic and heterocyclic compounds and basic reaction with their
Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course the students:

• Draw structure, reaction mechanism and NMR spectra by using Chemistry software’s.
• Synthesize organic compounds by single and double stage preparation method.
• Understand various techniques for the purification and analysis of given organic
• Apply the green Chemistry principals for preparations of organic compounds.

1) Use of Chemistry software’s like, ISI draw, Chem Draw, ChemSketch

• Draw the structure of simple aliphatic and aromatic compounds, heterocyclic

compounds with different substituent.
• IUPAC name and predict the NMR Signals.
• Sketch Design reaction mechanism scheme of any two addition and two substitution
• Literature search and references

2) Derivatives (Any Three)

• Phenyl hydrazone derivative of Aldehyde/ketone.

• Anilide derivative of carboxylic acid.

• Imine derivative of aldehyde or ketones.

• Oxime derivative of aldehyde or ketones.

• Aryloxy derivative of carboxylic acid.

3) Green Synthesis (Any Three)

• Brominating of acetanilide using cerric ammonium nitrate.

• Preparation of Benzilic Acid using NaOH /KOH under solvent-free conditions.

• Synthesis of acetanilide from aniline by using ZnO/AcOH.

• Synthesis of Dibenzalpropanone from Benzaldehyde and Acetone (AldolCondensation).

• Synthesis of Dihydropyrimidinone from Ethyl acetoacatate, benzaldehyde and urea.

4) Use of Reagents (Any Three)

• Resorcinol to 7-hydroxy, 4-methyl coumarin (H2SO4).

• Camphor to Borneol (NaBH4).

• P- nitrotoluene to p- nitrobenzoic acid (Sodium Dichromate).

• Cyclohexanone to adipic acid (HNO3).

5) Two stage Preparations: (Any Two)

• Phthalic acid - phthalic anhydride - phthalimide.

• Chlorobenzene- 2,4- dinitrochloro benzene - 2,4-dinitrophenol.

• Acetophenone -Oxime -Acetanilide.

• Nitrobenzene - m- Dinitrobenzene - m-Niroaniline.

6) Purification Techniques (Demonstrations) (Any One)

• Solvent extraction using soxhlet extractor.
• b) Steam distillation. C)Column Chromatography.


• A. I. Vogel, A.R. Tatchell , B.S. Furnis, A.J. Hannaford, P.W.G. Smith , A. I. Vogel’s.,
Practical Organic Chemistry. 1989, Longman Scientific & Technical, England.

• R. K. Sharma, I. T. Sidhwani, M. K. Chaudhuri, Monograph on Green Chemistry

Laboratory Experiments, 2012, 1st Edition, I K International Publishing House, New
• V. K. Ahluwalia, R. Agrawal, Comprehensive Practical Organic Chemistry, 2004,
Orient Black Swan, Telangana.

CHO-204/CHA-204 Practicals in Analytical Chemistry

Course objectives:
• To determine the degree of dissociation, empirical formula, stability by various methods.
• To determine pH, pKa, concentrations of given compounds by instrumental methods.
• Estimate the heavy metals from water samples.
• Uses softwares regarding to analytical chemistry.

Course Outcome:

After successful completion of the course the students:

• Prepare solutions of different concentrations based on volume and mass unit.
• Used data handing and spreadsheets in analytical chemistry by using software.
• Acquire knowledge of modern separation methods and hyphenated techniques.
• Used instruments like HPLC, AAS and flame photometer for analysis.

Attempt any 12 experiment from following:

• Acid-base titration in non-aqueous media by pH-metry (benzoic acid in ethanol


• Determination pKa of weak acid by pH-metry.

• Determination of degree of dissociation of weak electrolyte and to study the deviation

from Ideal behavior that occurs with strong electrolytes.
• +2 ammonia complex solution.
Verification of Beer’s law for KMnO4 and Cu
• Determination of empirical formula for the formation of ferric salicylate complex by
Job’s method.

• Determination of stability constant for the formation of complex between Fe+3 ions and
5-sulphosalicylic acid.

• 2+ by Flame photometry.
Estimation of Na+ / K+ / Ca

• Determination of amount of Cr(III) and Fe (III) individually in a mixture of two by

Complexometric titration.

• Solvent Extraction: (1) Fe (III) & Mg (II) and (2) Fe (III) & Ni(II).

• Water analysis: Hardness, alkalinity, salinity, and acidity.
• Anion exchanger chromatography: (1) Ni (II) & Zn (II) and (2) Co(II) & Ni(II).
• Determination of Iodine value and Acid value of given oil sample.
• Column chromatography: separation of a mixture of ortho and para-nitroanilines.
• Assay of Chlorambutol using precipitation titration.

• Extraction and separation of curcumine/beetroot/ginger by soxhlet apparatus.

• Determination of Boron/N/P/K from Soil sample.

• Analysis of Heavy metals from water samples by AAS.

• Determination of phosphoric acid in cola beverages by pH titration.

• Data analysis by Mini TAB Software.

• A. I. Vogel; G. Svehla, Vogel, Inorganic quantitative analysis, 6th edition, 1987, Wiley,
New York.
• Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission, Pharmacopeia of India.
• Sadashivam, Manichem, Biochemical methods, 2007,3rd Edition, New age international
publication, New Delhi.
• A. J. Elias, General Chemistry experiments, 2002, Universities Press.

CHO-205/ CHA-205 Analysis and Monitoring of Environmental Pollution

(4 Credits, 60L)
Course objectives:
• To study the Air and Noise Monitoring.
• To impart basic knowledge about water and soil pollution and their analysis.
Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course the students:

• Monitor air pollution by various methods.
• Use various techniques of analysis of soil and water.

Unit I: Air Pollution (20 L)
Air quality monitoring: Micrometeorology; Objectives, Siting criteria for AQMS, Ambient
and source emission monitoring, NAAQS, EPA-USA AQS, Monitoring frequency, Reporting,
AQ monitoring for existing industry and for new industry, Self test Monitoring of particulate
pollutants: Dust fall, Calibration of HVS, monitoring of SPM, RPM, Lead, aeroallergens and
aero microbes Monitoring of gaseous pollutants: Collection of gaseous pollutants, Monitoring
of NO x' S02' Sulphation rate, Oxidants (NBKI ), CO (NDIR), Vehicle exhaust monitoring,
Selftest. Stack monitoring: Objectives, Measurement of emission, Sampling, Steps in stack
monitoring, Calculation, Self test, Chemicals Apparatus/instruments required for soil analysis

Unit II: Noise Monitoring (10 L)

Objectives, dB, SPL, Sources and effects of noise, Noise survey, Noise measurement
instrument- SPL meter - Types and features and Control facilities, Weighting network, Octave
band analyser, Noise dosimeter, Audiometer, Noise rating, Lcq' Ldn, L10 L~O' L90, NEI,
TNI, NIl, NNJ; Noise mapping; Octave band analysis, Audiometric survey, Standards-CPCB,
OSHA and ISO, Community noise standards- WHO, CPCB, IS, ILO, air blast, and Self test
on noise monitoring.

Unit III: Soil Analysis (20 L)

Sampling techniques: Objectives, Steps in sampling, On-site tests and description, Sample
preparation Analysis of physical parameters: Introduction, Coarse fractions, Texture, Bulk
density and pore space, Field moisture, WHC, Wilting point, Infiltration rate, Self test
Analysis of Chemical parameters: pH, Lime requirement, EC, Organic carbon, Organic
matter, Total nitrogen,Av.N,Av .P(Bray'sandOlsen's), TotalP,P-

Exch. Na and SAR, CEC, Av. S, Exch. Ca and Mg, Chloride, Monitoring of Pb, Fe, Cu, Mn,
Zn, Ni and Cr, Cd, DTPA fractions, and Hg Soil.

Unit IV: Water Analysis (10 L)

Introduction, Major water pollutant, water pollution in various water bodies, status of coastal
and Estuarine pollution in India, Water pollution and health, Control of water pollution, River
water pollution in India, and Lake water pollution.

• S. K. Maiti , Handbook of Methods in Environmental Studies, 2011, ABD Publishers,
Oxford Book Company,
• S.M. Shafi, Environmental Pollution, 2005 , Atlantic Publisher, New Delhi.
• V. K. Ahulwalia, Environmental Pollution and Health, 2015, TERI Press, New Delhi.

CHO-206/CHA-206 Organic Chemistry-II (4 Credits, 60L)

Course objectives:
• Study Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy to determine the structure of organic
• Study the mechanism of several name reactions such as Shapiro, Perkin, Benzoin,
Reformatsky and Rosenmund reaction.
• Students will learn the selectivity, stereochemistry and important applications of several
oxidizing and reducing agents.
• Introducing Carbon magnetic Resonance and mass spectrometry.
• In organic spectroscopy, structure elucidation will be learnt using techniques such as
UV, IR, NMR etc. Emphasis is on problem solving in organic spectroscopy.
Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course the students:

• Apply knowledge of oxidizing reagent in different organic reaction conversions.
• Use strong, mild reducing agents for various organic conversions.
• Apply variety of rearrangements in organic transformations.
• Explore basic concept and principle of CMR and MASS spectroscopy.
• Solve the problems based on UV, IR and PMR Spectroscopy.

Unit I: Spectroscopy (15 L)


Fundamentals of PMR, chemical shift, factors affecting chemical shift, anisotropic
effect, spin-spin coupling, coupling constant, applications to simple structural problems
st order analysis).
integration coupling (1
• Introduction to CMR and mass spectrometry.
• Problems on UV, IR and PMR.

Unit II: Molecular rearrangement and reaction intermediate (15 L)

Structure, generation and stability of carbenes, nitrenes, carbocations and carbanions

intermediates. Rearrangement reactions viz. Beckmann, Curtius, Hofmann, Lossen, Favorskii,
Baeyer-Villiger, Wolff, Claisen, Pummerer, Wagner-Meerwin, Stevens, Dienone-Phenol,
Sommelet-Hauser, Benzilic acid, Benzidine, Cope, Fries, Neber and Schmidt reaction.

Unit III: Name Reaction (15 L)

Bayer-Villiger Oxidation, Reformatsky, Robinson annulation, Stork enamine, Sharpless

asymmetric epoxidation, Ene, Barton, Hell-Volhard-Zelinsky reaction, Shapiro reaction,
Chichibabin reaction, Vislmair Hacck reaction, Ulman reaction, Rosenmund reaction, Darzen
reaction, Knovenagel reaction, and Biginelli reaction.

Unit IV: Synthetic Reagents (15 L)

• Oxidation reactions:
CrO3, PDC, PCC (Corey’s reagent), KMnO4, MnO2, Swern oxidation, SeO2, Pb(OAc)4,
Pd-C, OSO4, m-CPBA, O3, NaIO4, HIO4, chloranil, DDQ, and Oppenauer oxidation.

• Reduction reactions:
LiAlH4, NaBH4, NaCNBH3, MPV reduction, Na/liquor NH3, H2/Pd-C, Willkinsons
catalyst, DIBAL-H, Wolff Kishner reduction, Zn-Hg/H2O/HCL, and Bu3SnH.


• V. K. Ahluwalia, Organic reaction mechanism, 2007, 3rd Ed. Narosa Publishing House,
New Delhi.
• J. Clayden, N. Greeves, S. Warren, P. Wothers, Organic Chemistry, 2010, Oxford.
• H. O. House, Modern Synthetic reactions, 1972, Benjamin-Cummings Publishing Co.,
Subs. of Addison Wesley Longman, US.
• S. N. Sanyal, Reaction Rearrangement and Reagents, 2017, Bharati Bhawan Publishers
& Distributors.
• P. Sykes, Guide book to Reaction Mechanism. 2003, Pearson Education.
• D. Pavia, G.M. Lampman, G.S. Kriz, Introduction to spectroscopy–3rd Edition, 2008,
Cengage Learning.



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