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Adiredjo Et Al-2014-Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science

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J Agro Crop Sci (2014) ISSN 0931-2250


Leaf Carbon Isotope Discrimination as an Accurate Indicator

of Water-Use Efficiency in Sunflower Genotypes Subjected to
Five Stable Soil Water Contents
A. L. Adiredjo1,2, O. Navaud3, T. Lamaze3,a & P. Grieu1,a
1 INP-ENSAT, UMR 1248 AGIR, Universit
e de Toulouse, Castanet-Tolosan, France
2 Department of Agronomy, Plant Breeding Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University Malang, Indonesia
3 UPS, UMR 5126 CESBIO, Universit
e de Toulouse, Toulouse Cedex 9, France

Keywords Abstract
carbon isotope discrimination; soil water
content; sunflower; water-use efficiency Leaf carbon isotope discrimination (CID) has been suggested as an indirect tool
for breeding for water-use efficiency (WUE) in various crops. This work focused
Correspondence on assessing phenotypic correlations between WUE and leaf CID and analysing
P. Grieu genotypic variability in four sunflower genotypes grown in a greenhouse in pots
with five different stable levels of soil water content (SWC). We measured WUE
e de Toulouse
at whole plant and leaf (intrinsic) level. At whole plant level, WUE was derived
BP 32607, 31326 Castanet-Tolosan
France from the ratio of total dry aerial biomass (BM) to cumulative water transpired
Tel.: +33(0)534323878 (CWT). At leaf level, intrinsic WUE was calculated as the ratio of light-saturated
Fax: +33(0)534323901 CO2 assimilation to stomatal conductance (A/gs) in younger expanded leaves.
Email: Significant differences among the four genotypes and the five SWCs were
observed for whole plant and leaf WUE and CID. Strong negative correlations
Ph.D. supervisors of the first author.
were observed between whole plant WUE and CID as well as between intrinsic
WUE and CID with decreasing water availability. No relationships appeared
Accepted April 22, 2014
between BM production and WUE or CID. Our results can help agronomists and
doi:10.1111/jac.12079 breeders to evaluate sunflower lines with high WUE for adaptation to drought
conditions and for reducing water consumption and crop water needs. Leaf CID
appears to be a pertinent and valuable trait to select sunflower genotypes with
high WUE.

are not homogeneously efficient in the use of water. Sys-

tematic analyses of the physiological basis of drought toler-
Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), the fourth important ance in sunflower and purposeful attempts to breed for
sources of vegetable oil in the world (List 2014), is mainly greater drought resistance are still limited (Grieu et al.
produced in Ukraine, Russia, European countries and 2008).
Argentina (USDA 2014). In recent years, sunflower planted Water availability is considered to be the main factor
area has increased (Labalette et al. 2012) and expanded in limiting ecosystem and agrosystem biomass (BM) produc-
the arid region of the Mediterranean and North Africa tion. This is because plant growth depends on two closely
(Blamey et al. 1997, Kane et al. 2013). However, in south- linked leaf processes, photosynthesis and transpiration.
ern Europe, it suffers from intense period of water deficit Water-use efficiency (WUE) is the ratio between two physi-
because it is mostly planted in low rainfall areas (Dufresne ological (transpiration and photosynthesis) and agronomic
et al. 2006, Casadebaig et al. 2008). According to Food and (yield and crop water use) entities, and WUE is mostly dis-
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) cussed in terms of plant production rather than gas
publication reported by Garcia-Via et al. (2012), sunflower exchange (Ehleringer et al. 1993, Ebdon and Kopp 2004).
yields vary between <0.5 ton ha1 in low rainfall areas and On the one hand, improving WUE would reduce the water
>5 ton ha1 under ample water supply. In addition, sun- requirement for a given yield and thus could help save a
flower is considered well adapted to drought, but genotypes considerable amount of irrigation water. On the other

416 © 2014 Blackwell Verlag GmbH, 200 (2014) 416–424

C isotope Discrimination and WUE in Sunflower

hand, an improvement in WUE can significantly increase and Lambrides et al. (2004) reported the occurrence of
total BM production as well as yield at a limited and known correlations between CID and WUE for a range of sun-
soil moisture reserve (Impa et al. 2005). Blum (2009) flower genotypes.
recently proposed that selection for high WUE in breeding In this study, exploring the possibility of using CID as an
for water limited conditions could lead to reduce yield and indicator to select sunflower genotypes with high WUE, we
drought resistance. However, most of authors argued that studied the relationship between CID and WUE in four
the prospect of improving agronomic WUE by breeding for recombinant inbred lines (RILs) of juvenile sunflowers. We
greater WUE has been and remain an attractive challenge were particularly interested in evaluating the CID and
(Fischer 1981, Ehleringer et al. 1993, Condon et al. 2004). WUE at five levels of soil water content (SWC) which were
Direct measurement of WUE relies either on extensive maintained stable during the experiments.
leaf gas-exchange data or long-term measurements of plant
water consumption and BM production. This is because
Materials and Methods
WUE can be defined either as the ratio of total plant dry
matter produced to total water used over the same period Two experiments were carried out to measure WUE and
or, at leaf level, as the ratio of photosynthetic carbon gain CID on sunflower plants grown in a greenhouse at the
to transpiration water loss (Condon and Richards 1993, INRA Auzeville station, Toulouse, France (43°310 46,94″N;
Ehleringer et al. 1993, Donovan et al. 2007). These 1°290 59,71″E). The first experiment (Exp. 1) was carried
approaches to WUE are logistically difficult in large-scale out in spring 2012, from 19 March to 1 May 2012 (sowing
individual plant screening efforts. It has been demon- to harvest). The second experiment (Exp. 2) was carried
strated, however, that leaf carbon isotope discrimination out in autumn, from 17 September to 30 October 2012
(CID) can be an excellent surrogate for direct measurement (sowing to harvest).
of WUE, and several authors have proposed to use this trait
as indirect criterion for yield under drought (Farquhar and
Plant sources
Richards 1984, Ehleringer et al. 1993, Condon et al. 2002,
Xu et al. 2009). Four RILs of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) from the
CID is a measure of the ratio of the stable isotopes of collection of the Laboratory of Plant–Microbe Interactions
carbon (13C/12C) in plant material relative to the value of (LIPM), INRA Toulouse, France, were used in the two
the same ratio in the atmosphere (Farquhar et al. 1989, experiments, namely RIL 043, RIL 127, RIL 149 and RIL
Condon 2004). The dominant processes leading to CID are 200. These four RILs are lines from the INEDI population
fractionations associated with CO2 diffusion into leaf intra- (Vincourt et al. 2012), which were chosen because of their
cellular airspaces and with CO2 carboxylation by the differing WUE response, determined in a previous experi-
enzyme Rubisco (that catalyses CO2 fixation in the Calvin ment (data not shown).
cycle). Discrimination against 13C in leaves during photo-
synthesis decreases with water stress, mainly because of the
Experimental design and growth conditions
lowered stomatal conductance (Farquhar and Lloyd 1993,
Ebdon and Kopp 2004). Therefore, CID in plant tissues From sowing to harvest, experiments lasted 40 days. Three
shows subtle but systematic variations among different seeds were sown in each two-litre pot. Ten days after sow-
plant genotypes and/or species grown under different water ing (DAS), the most vigorous plant (based on morphologi-
conditions (Farquhar and Richards 1984). cal criteria) in each pot was selected by cutting down the
The relationships between CID and WUE have been two others. Each pot was put on a scale (maximum capac-
widely explored in several species, especially wheat (includ- ity 30 kg, precision 2 g, model SXS, GRAM, Spain) con-
ing durum wheat) and rice. A negative correlation between nected by interface wireless communication to a computer
CID and WUE in some wheat genotypes was reported by with installed software (ENSAT 1.07T, developed by Pesage
Farquhar and Richards (1984), Misra et al. (2010) and Riz- du Sud Ouest, Launaguet, France).
za et al. (2012). Other authors such as Dingkuhn et al. Starting at 21 DAS, the plants were subjected to different
(1991), Scartazza et al. (1998) and Centritto et al. (2009) water treatments. Soil water conditions were maintained by
have also reported a negative correlation between CID and daily weighing of the pots and watering on the basis of
WUE in rice genotypes. However, in sunflower, the rela- weight loss (the increase in plant weight was considered
tionship between CID and WUE has rarely been explored. negligible).
Lauteri et al. (1993) described a negative correlation The experiments were arranged in a randomized com-
between CID and WUE in four sunflower genotypes grown plete block design with four RILs, five water treatments and
in a greenhouse. In addition, Virgona and Farquhar (1996) five replicates.

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Adiredjo et al.

During the photoperiod (from 05:30 to 17:30 CET), the

Water treatments and greenhouse conditions of
following parameters were measured: Tmin = 17.8 °C, Tmax =
Experiment 1 (19 March–1 May 2012)
26.2 °C and Tme = 23 °C; RHmin = 31.3 %, RHmax =
In Exp. 1, water treatments were applied consisting in five 61.7 % and RHme = 48.8 %; VPDmin = 1.14 kPa, VPDmax =
levels of SWC: 35 %, 23 %, 21 %, 18 % and 16 %. Pots z2.26 kPa and VPDme = 1.61 kPa (Fig. 1a).
contained 2 kg of a mixture of soil collected from the field
(50 %), organic matter (30 %) and sand (20 %). SWC was
Trait measurements
determined by the gravimetric method described by Lambe
and Whitman (1969). Agronomic traits and water-use efficiency
The trials were carried out under well-controlled condi- At the end of the experiments (23 DAE), the above-ground
tions. Air temperature (T) and relative humidity (RH) were parts of the plants were harvested. Stems and leaves were
automatically recorded every 30 min. Air vapour pressure oven-dried at 80 °C for 48 h until they reached constant
deficits (VPD) were calculated as described by Allen et al. mass to determine total dry aerial BM.
(1998): VPD = es  ea; es = 0.6108 9 exp[17.27T/(T + Transpiration water loss (WT) for each plant was esti-
237.3)]; ea = es 9 (RH/100), where es is the saturation mated every day from the difference in the pot weight.
vapour pressure (kPa); T, the mean air temperature (°C); Total transpiration (cumulative water transpired, CWT)
RH, the relative humidity of the air (%). for each plant was determined at the end of the experiment
During the photoperiod (from 05:30 to 18:30 CET), the by accumulating daily WT. WUE (on a whole plant basis)
air temperatures were minimum (Tmin) 16.7 °C; maximum was determined at the end of the experiments as the ratio
(Tmax) 23.6 °C and mean (Tme) 20.8 °C. The relative of BM to CWT.
humidity was minimum (RHmin) 29.4 %; maximum
(RHmax) 52.3 % and mean (RHme) 36.6 %. The vapour Leaf gas-exchange measurements and intrinsic water-use
pressure deficits (Fig. 1a) were minimum (VPDmin) efficiency (A/gs)
1.80 kPa, maximum (VPDmax) 4.40 kPa and mean Measurements of CO2 assimilation rates under saturating
(VPDme) 2.81 kPa. light (A) and stomatal conductance (gs) were made with a
portable Li-6400 (Li-Cor, Lincoln, NE, USA) between
09:00 and 12:00 (Central European Time) in Exp. 2 (from
Water treatments and greenhouse conditions of
19 to 21 DAE). All the measurements were taken on a fully
Experiment 2 (17 September–30 October 2012)
expanded leaf (one per plant) under 1500 lmol m2 s1
In Exp. 2, water treatments consisted of five levels of SWC: photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) and 40 Pa CO2
25 %, 20 %, 16 %, 13 % and 10 %. Pots were filled with partial pressure. Leaf temperature was maintained at
soil extracted from the field and sand in equal proportions. 25  2 °C and RH was 50 %.

5 5
(a) (b)
4.5 4.5

4 4

3.5 3.5

3 3
VPD (kPa)

VPD (kPa)

2.5 2.5

2 2

1.5 1.5

1 1
Experiment 1
0.5 Experiment 2 0.5

0 0
21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39
DAS (day) DAS (day)

Fig. 1 Vapour pressure deficit (VPD) in the day (a) and in the night (b) in greenhouse during the Exp. 1 and Exp. 2. The data represent the mean of
VPD in the day (during photoperiod) and in the night. The linear lines in figure ‘a’ represent the average of VPD in the Exp. 1 and Exp. 2. DAS, days
after sowing.

418 © 2014 Blackwell Verlag GmbH, 200 (2014) 416–424

C isotope Discrimination and WUE in Sunflower

Carbon isotope discrimination Table 1 Phenotypic correlations (rp) between water-use efficiency
Oven-dried leaves (including petioles) of each plant were (WUE), carbon isotope discrimination (CID), biomass (BM) and cumula-
tive water transpired (CWT) for four RILs and five soil water contents
ground into a homogeneous fine powder, and 2–3 mg
(n = 20, average of five replicates)
subsamples was weighed and placed in capsules (Elemental
Microanalysis, Okehampton, UK) to be analysed using a Traits WUE (g kg1) CID (&) BM (g)
continuous flow isotope ratio mass spectrometer (Sercon
Experiment 1
Ltd., Cheshire, UK) at UC Davis Stable Isotope Facility CID (&) 0.66***
(Davis, CA, USA). Carbon isotope composition (d) was BM (g) 0.09ns 0.44ns
calculated relative to the international Pee Dee Belemnite CWT (ml) 0.37ns 0.62*** 0.92***
(PDB) standard (Farquhar et al. 1989): dplant = Experiment 2
(Rsa  Rsd)/Rsd X 1000 [&] where Rsa and Rsd are the CID (&) 0.67***
13 12
C: C ratios of the sample and the standard, respectively BM (g) 0.39ns 0.18ns
CWT (ml) 0.55** 0.81*** 0.50**
(Craig 1957). Carbon isotope discrimination (CID) was
estimated as: CID = (dair  dplant)/(1 + dplant/1000) where Significance at **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001; ns, not significant.
dair is the 13C composition of atmospheric CO2, which is
assumed to be 8.0 & (Farquhar et al. 1989).

Statistical analysis
Data were tested for normal distribution with the Kol-
mogorov–Smirnov test. All statistical analysis was per-
formed using the statistical package PASW statistics 18
(IBM, New York, NY, USA). Analysis of variance (ANOVA)
was used to calculate the effects of genotypes and SWC. For
each ANOVA, a trait was considered as a dependent variable.
Genotype, SWC and replicate were considered as the fixed
factors. Means were compared using a Student–Newman–
Keuls (SNK) test (P < 0.05). Pearson’s correlation coef-
ficients were calculated to determine the phenotypic
relationships between WUE, CID and related traits (BM,
CWT). Coefficient of determination (R2) was calculated by
determining the regressions of main traits, CID and WUE.
Fig. 2 Relationships between water-use efficiency (WUE) and carbon
isotope discrimination (CID) in five soil water contents (SWC) for the
Results Exp. 1 and Exp. 2. For each experiment, values represent mean of four
recombinant inbred lines and five replicates (n = 5).
Relationships between WUE, CID, BM and CWT
In the two experiments, a highly significant negative corre-
Genotypic variability in WUE and CID in plants growing
lation was observed between WUE and CID (Table 1,
on five stable SWC
rp = 0.66, P < 0.001, n = 20 in Exp. 1, and rp = 0.67,
P < 0.001, n = 20 in Exp. 2), while there were no signifi- Mean values of WUE were lower in Exp. 1 than in Exp. 2
cant correlations between BM and CID or WUE. In con- (1.58 and 2.03 g kg1, respectively), whereas mean values
trast, there was a significant negative correlation between of CID were higher in Exp. 1 than in Exp. 2 (23.45 & and
WUE and CWT but only in Exp. 2 (rp = 0.55, P < 0.01, 22.37 &, respectively). During Exp. 1, WUE values ranged
n = 20). In the two experiments, the coefficient of determi- from 0.55 to 3.13 g kg1 and CID values ranged from
nation between WUE and CID was high (0.79 in Exp. 1 21.50 to 24.88 & (Table 2). The variances of WUE and
and 0.81 in Exp. 2; Fig. 2). In the two experiments, there CID were 0.34 and 0.71, respectively. During Exp. 2, WUE
was a concomitant increase in WUE and a decrease in CID values ranged from 0.79 to 4.32 g kg1 and CID values
from the high to the low SWC for all genotypes. Thus, the ranged from 21.50 to 24.88 &. The variances of WUE and
highest values of WUE and the smallest values of CID were CID were 0.54 and 2.27, respectively. These results showed
observed at the smallest SWC, whereas the smallest values a narrower genotypic variability for WUE and CID in Exp.
of WUE and the highest values of CID were observed at the 1 than in Exp. 2. ANOVA results showed that there were sig-
highest SWC (Fig. 3). nificant effects of genotype and SWC for WUE and CID in

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Adiredjo et al.

the two experiments. Moreover, there was no significant unlike in Exp. 1, significant differences were obtained in
effect of the genotype and SWC interaction for these two WUE between genotypes for all SWCs (Fig. 3b).
traits in the two experiments.
In Exp. 1, there were no significant differences between
Leaf gas-exchange, intrinsic water-use efficiency (A/gs) and
genotypes for WUE except for RIL 200 at 16 % SWC
CID in experiment 2
(Fig. 3a). WUE values were very low (the power of ANOVA
was 0.77; data not shown). In contrast, for CID, significant Measurements of gas exchange for the five stable SWCs in
differences between genotypes appeared at all five SWCs Exp. 2 showed a decrease in A (light-saturated CO2 assimi-
(Fig. 3c). This is consistent with the results for CID of Exp. lation) and gs (stomatal conductance) as water availability
2 where genotypes showed differences, with the same rank- decreased. Therefore, high values for A and gs (27 lmol
ing as in Exp. 1, under all five SWCs (Fig. 3d). In Exp. 2, CO2 m2 s1 and 0.68 mol H2O m2 s1, respectively)

6 6
(a) RIL 200 (b)
5 RIL 043 5
RIL 149
WUE (g kg–1)

WUE (g kg–1)
RIL 127 4

3 c b b c
3 b
a a a a ab b
2 a a a a a a a a a a a b b b a a a a a
a a
2 a b b a
a a
a a

0 0
35 23 21 18 16 25 20 16 13 10
SWC (%) SWC (%)

26 26

25 b b
(c) 25
a a b b b
24 a a a b 24
a b b b bb
a a b bb
a a
CID (‰)

CID (‰)

23 23
a a a a b
22 22 a b
a a
a a b ab
21 21 ab
a a
20 20

19 19
35 23 21 18 16 25 20 16 13 10
SWC (%) SWC (%)

Fig. 3 Water-use efficiency in Exp. 1 and Exp. 2 (a, b), and carbon isotope discrimination in Exp. 1 and Exp. 2 (c, d), subjected to five soil water con-
tents (SWC) of four genotypes (recombinant inbred lines – RIL 200, RIL 043, RIL 149, RIL 127). Different letters in each SWC level represent significant
differences among genotypes (SNK’s test, P < 0.05).

Table 2 Genotypic variation, the mean squares of analysis of variance (MS ANOVA) for water-use efficiency (WUE), carbon isotope discrimination
(CID), biomass (BM) and cumulative water transpired (CWT) among four RILs, five soil water contents (SWC) and five replicates in Exp. 1 and Exp. 2
(n = 100 for each experiment)


Trait Minimum Maximum Mean S.D. Variance Genotype SWC Genotype 9 SWC1

Experiment 1
WUE (g kg1) 0.55 3.13 1.58 0.86 0.34 0.94* 1.35*** 0.35ns
CID (&) 21.50 24.88 23.45 0.84 0.71 4.31*** 6.19*** 0.27ns
BM (g) 0.07 1.87 0.58 0.36 0.13 0.27ns 0.59*** 0.06ns
CWT (ml) 121.00 991.00 387.39 180.42 32 552.38 27 573.21ns 438 588.76*** 13 247.16ns
Experiment 2
WUE (g kg1) 0.79 4.32 2.03 0.72 0.51 9.14*** 0.85** 0.30ns
CID (&) 19.68 25.47 22.37 1.51 2.27 12.54*** 22.43*** 1.61ns
BM (g) 0.21 1.06 0.50 0.19 0.03 0.33*** 0.34*** 0.02ns
CWT (ml) 105.00 515.00 264.00 95.80 9178.21 26 889.10*** 156 976.81*** 3264.78ns

Significance at *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001; ns, not significant.
Genotype and SWC interaction.

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C isotope Discrimination and WUE in Sunflower

Table 3 Genotypic variation of net CO2 assimilation rates (A), stomatal conductance (gs), intrinsic water-use efficiency (A/gs) among four RILs, five
soil water contents (SWC) and five replicates in Exp. 2 (n = 100)

Mean square

Trait Minimum Maximum Mean S.D. Variance Genotype Soil water content

A (lmol CO2 m2 s1) 1.70 27 16.68 6.59 43.37 13.53ns 698.12***
gs (mol H2O m2 s1) 0.02 0.68 0.33 0.18 0.03 0.04* 0.58***
A/gs (lmol CO2 mol1 H2O) 24.29 136.36 59.57 23.04 530.88 1304.38** 5915.00***

Significance at *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001; ns, not significant.

Table 4 Phenotypic correlations (rp) between carbon isotope discrimi- study the effect of water limitation on sunflower grown for
nation (CID), net CO2 assimilation rates (A), stomatal conductance (gs), several weeks in a greenhouse. The levels of SWC defined
intrinsic water-use efficiency (A/gs) among four RILs, five soil water here covered a large gradient of water availability, leading
contents (SWC) and five replicates in Exp. 2 (n = 100) to differing plant physiological behaviour. This is demon-
A (lmol gs (mol strated by the marked differences observed in the rates of
Trait CID (&) CO2 m2 s1) H2O m2 s1) CO2 assimilation and values of stomatal conductance
between plants grown at the highest or the lowest soil
A (lmol 0.47***
moisture. Changes in SWC led also to changes in whole
CO2 m2 s1)
gs (mol 0.45*** 0.90***
plant WUE (BM/CWT) and intrinsic leaf WUE (A/gs), and
H2O m2 s1) in leaf CID. WUE and A/gs were strongly and negatively
A/gs (lmol 0.30*** 0.47*** 0.72*** correlated with CID. This is in accordance with previous
CO2 mol1 H2O) work (Lauteri et al. 1993, Lambrides et al. 2004) and agrees
with the model of Farquhar and Richards (1984) developed
Significant at ***P < 0.001.
for wheat. WUE in Exp. 1 was lower than in Exp. 2. This
can be explained by the differences in average VPD values
were observed at the highest SWC (25 %), whereas low val- in the greenhouse during the two experiments (Fig. 1a) as
ues of A and gs were reached (1.70 lmol CO2 m2 s1 and VPD was higher in Exp. 1 than in Exp. 2.
0.02 mol H2O m2 s1, respectively) at the smallest SWC WUE has often been shown to be related to biomass pro-
level (10 %, Table 3). The values of intrinsic water-use duction in plants. The relationship can be positive or nega-
efficiency (A/gs) ranged from 24.29 to 136.36 lmol tive (Li 1999). In sunflower, a positive correlation between
CO2 mol1 H2O. WUE and BM was found by Virgona and Farquhar (1996)
ANOVA showed that A was not significantly different and Lambrides et al. (2004). If WUE and BM are positively
between genotypes but that significant differences appeared correlated, plants that use water more efficiently by pro-
for CO2 assimilation between SWC levels. By contrast, ducing greater biomass for a given quantity of water tran-
gs and A/gs were significantly different both between spired would also grow more rapidly and produce higher
genotypes and SWC (Table 3). BM (Wright et al. 1993). In the present study with sun-
Positive correlations were observed between CID and all flower, no correlation (positive or negative) was found
leaf gas-exchange traits (Table 4). A small but very signifi- between the two parameters (Table 1). This agrees with the
cant phenotypic correlation was obtained between CID and observation of Misra et al. (2010) on 20 durum wheat
A (rp = 0.47, P < 0.001, n = 100) as well as between CID genotypes. Thus, a plant which displayed high WUE may
and gs (rp = 0.45, P < 0.001, n = 100). CID and A/gs were not produce higher BM. This may be because higher WUE
negatively correlated (rp = 0.30, P < 0.001, n = 100), is generally achieved by plant traits than lower transpira-
and A/gs was negatively correlated with A and gs tion (such as reduced leaf area, moderate growth and low
(rp = 0.47, P < 0.001, n = 100 for A/gs and A; stomatal conductance) reducing photosynthesis and there-
rp = 0.72, P < 0.001, n = 100 for A/gs and gs). fore yield.
Variations in WUE are mainly due to leaf diffusive char-
acteristics (such as stomatal conductance, gs) and intrinsic
photosynthetic capacity (such as Rubisco capacity). As BM
In this study, we used five levels of soil moisture, which production is closely associated with transpiration, in
were maintained rigorously constant throughout the dura- plants where WUE is principally determined by intrinsic
tion of the experiments. This is the first report to our leaf photosynthetic capacity (capacity type plant), WUE is
knowledge of such stabilized treatments being used to weakly dependent on transpiration, and high WUE may be

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Adiredjo et al.

associated with high biomass production. Plants that maxi- genotypes with high WUE. Irrigated agriculture represents
mize WUE through a reduction in transpiration (gs) are up to 85 % of total human water consumption. Thus, con-
called ‘conductance type’ (Farquhar and Lloyd 1993, Impa sidering world population expansion, it is imperative to
et al. 2005). Reduction in transpiration to increase WUE improve WUE of irrigated but also of rain-fed crops (This
often results in reduced crop yield potential under most et al. 2010).
dryland situations, where crops depend on unpredictable The wide range observed in this study for CID in Exp. 1
seasonal rainfall rather than a limited and known soil mois- (absolute value of 3.38 &, from 21.50 & to 24.88 &) and
ture reserve. However, in ‘conductance type’ plants, higher in Exp. 2 (5.79 &, from 19.68 & to 25.47 &) exceeds the
WUE must lead to higher BM production for a given and range of 2.8 & reported by Lauteri et al. (1993) on sun-
limited amount of transpirable soil water. In the present flowers grown in a greenhouse. Lambrides et al. (2004)
study, WUE was negatively correlated with CWT (Exp. 2). found variations of 4.4 & (absolute units) for 161 sun-
In addition, the absence of relationships between WUE and flower genotypes grown in field conditions. The CID ranges
BM production may be because stable soil moisture (i.e. found in the present study are in agreement with these
constant water amount) was maintained in the pot that did authors. In addition, in previous experiments on a larger
not correspond to a limited transpirable soil water reserve. number of sunflower genotypes (150 RILs), we observed
Leaf CID decreased in sunflower plants grown with ranges of 8.95 &, 5.82 & and 6.91 & in 2010, 2011 and
decreasing SWC (R2 = 0.79 for Exp. 1; R2 = 0.81 for Exp. 2012, respectively (unpublished data). Such wide ranges of
2, Fig. 2). This trend of decreasing CID with decreasing CID suggest that it could possibly be used as a selection cri-
water availability has been reported in the previous studies, terion in sunflower breeding programmes. Due to the wide
for example in wheat (Farquhar and Richards 1984), barley range of CID, using this trait rather than WUE might be
(Hubick and Farquhar 1989), Russian wild rye (Frank and more suitable for comparing genotypes subjected to
Berdahl 2001) and rice (Zhao et al. 2004). However, most drought.
of these authors used only two water regimes for the plants
(well-watered and markedly water-stressed conditions). Acknowledgements
Indeed, studies that report CID values for more than two
levels of water are scarce: Zhao et al. (2004) found a nega- Afifuddin Latif Adiredjo was supported by a French Gov-
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