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Detailed Lesson Plan in English 10 Paraphrase Edited

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in English

Grade 9 – Fourth Quarter

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students must have:
a. defined paraphrasing,
b. identified the ways on how to paraphrase and;
c. constructed a paraphrased text.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Paraphrasing
Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, TV screen, and laptop.
References: Gahan, C. (2022, November 4). How to Paraphrase | Step-by-Step Guide &
Examples. Scribbr.
How to Paraphrase (Without Plagiarizing a Thing). (2022, June 2). How to
Paraphrase (Without Plagiarizing a Thing) | Grammarly.
Beyessa, F. (2014a). Major Factors that Affect Grade 10 Students
Academic Achievement in Science Education at Ilu Ababora General
Secondary of Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia. International Letters of
Social and Humanistic Sciences, 32, 118–134. Guides: Citing
Sources: APA Citation Examples. (n.d.-b).

Approach: Language-based, Cooperative Learning, Interactive Approach, and

Lecture-Discussion / to be discussed

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Preparation

Good morning, class. Please settle yourselves. Good morning, Ma’am.

So, how are you today? We’re good, ma’am.

I’m glad to know that everyone is doing okay.

All right, before we are going to start our class, Yes, ma’am, we are ready.
let’s have a game! Are you all ready?

B. Motivation

The teacher will let the students play a game (Students will participate)
called “COPY CAT”

• When the music starts, students must (The students will start to play the game and
pass the ball to the students next to them. give what is asked.)
When the music stops, the student with
the ball will give the synonym of the
following words:

1. Spontaneous
2. Beautiful
3. Smart
4. Rich
5. Begin

1. Impromptu
2. Pretty
3. Intelligent
4. Rich
5. Start

• When the student gets the correct

answer, the game continues and the
music starts again.

Let’s clap our hands for everyone! You all did a (Students clapping)
great job.

Did you find the activity easy? Yes, ma’am.

What have you observed with our activity? (Krystel raises her hand)
Yes, Krystel? We gave the synonyms of the given words,

Thank you, Krystel. Yes, we give synonyms to

the given words and that is one of the strategies
in paraphrasing.

Are you ready to listen? Yes, ma’am, we are ready.

C. Lesson Proper

Before we dig deeper into our discussion, may I (Paul raises his hand)
ask, do you have any idea about plagiarism?

Yes, Paul? Plagiarism is a crime, ma’am. It is when

someone uses or takes someone else's ideas
without authorization or not crediting the
original author.
Thank you, Paul. Well said.

What should we do to avoid that crime? We should give credit or acknowledgment to

the author.

Yes, that’s right. To avoid plagiarism, we must

practice how to paraphrase.

- A paraphrase (or paraphrasing) is a
restatement of another piece of writing with
new words or phrases while keeping the same
meaning, usually to modify the language or
simply avoid plagiarism.
- It just rewrites the original text in its
way. It uses unique wording, and it does not
require quotation marks as direct quotes do.

Do you have any idea how to paraphrase? (Benedict raises his hand.)

Yes, Benedict? To modify the language, I think we can make

use of synonyms.
Yes, that’s correct. Thank you, Benedict.

Here are simple strategies for effective


1. Use synonyms
- Replace the essential words of an original
passage with other words that mean the same

Can someone give me an example? (Isis raises her hand.)

Yes, Isis? We can use “seniors” instead of “elderly”,


Very good. Thank you, Isis.


Original text:
Some plants release certain aromas to alert their
plant neighbors that they’re under attack.

Some vegetation emits special scents to warn
other plants that there’s danger nearby.

What was used instead of the word “plants”? Vegetation, ma’am.

What about the phrase “to alert their plant To warn other plants that there’s danger
neighbors that they’re under attack”? nearby, ma’am.

Right. As you can see, it made use of its


2. Rearrange the structure

- You can switch around the order of certain
phrases and clauses—or mix and match them
from other sentences—to create brand new


Original text:
The observable universe consists of
50,000,000,000 galaxies.

Who wants to try paraphrasing the text? (Nathaniel raises his hand.)

Yes, Nathaniel?
What have you observed with the original text Fifty billion galaxies comprise the known
and Nathaniel’s answer? universe.

Yes, Veronika? (Veronika raises her hand.)

Nathaniel started with 50 billion galaxies,

whereas 50 billion galaxies were mentioned at
the end of the original text.
Good observation, Veronika. You are correct.

3. Add or remove pieces

- Remove those pieces that are irrelevant to what
you’re writing about and paraphrase the
remainder in your own words. You can add your
take to an existing quote to help contextualize it
or adapt it to your topic. In either case, make sure
you still reword whatever comes from the source.


Original text:
Human eyes get used to darkness after an hour,
but by then they’ll be 100,000 times more
sensitive to light.

If you sit in a dark room, your eyes will eventually
adjust and become 100,000 times more
sensitive to light—but be careful when you turn
on the light again!

What have you observed with the sentences? (Glendi raises her hand.)
Yes, Glendi? In the paraphrased text, more pieces were
added, and it’s a little bit more informal and
more like a creative way of writing instead of a
formal and serious tone.

That’s a great observation, Glendi. Thank you.

Retaining words is okay if changing them would

also change their meaning. But again, it
depends on texts and situations.

How to cite a paraphrase:

In-text citations briefly identify the source of
information in the body text. They correspond to
a full reference entry at the end of your paper.

Here are the two (2) most commonly used

citation styles.

APA in-text citation (Brouwer, 2019, p. 874)

MLA in-text citation (Brouwer 874)

APA In-text Citations

- It consists of the author’s last name and
publication year. When citing a specific part of a
source, also include a page number or range.

(Parker, 2020, p. 67) or (Johnson, 2017, pp. 39–

The in-text citation can be placed

in parentheses or naturally integrated into a

Parenthetical: There is a correlation between

social media usage and anxiety symptoms in
teenagers (Parker, 2019).

Narrative: Parker (2019) found a correlation

between social media usage and anxiety
symptoms in teenagers.

Multiple authors in APA in-text citations:

Author type Parenthetical Narrative

One author (Harris, 2020) Harris (2020)

Two authors (Harris & Harris and

Cook, 2020) Cook (2020)

Three or more (Harris et al., Harris et al.

authors 2020) (2020)

Group authors (Scribbr, Scribbr

2020) (2020)

Abbreviated (Centers for Centers for

group author Disease Disease
Control and Control and
Prevention Prevention
-First citation [CDC], 2020) (CDC, 2020)

-Subsequent (CDC, 2020) CDC (2020)

Missing information in APA in-text citation:
Unknown Solution In-text
element citation

Author Use the source (Source Title,

title. 2020)

Date Write “n.d.” for (Harris, n.d.)

“no date”.

Page Use an (Harris,

number alternative 2020, 03:46)
locator or omit or (Harris,
the page 2020)

Basic Format for a Print Article:

• Last name, First Initial. (Year, Month Day).

Article title. Magazine/Journal/Newspaper
Title, Volume number (Issue number), Page
numbers of the entire article.

Example: Magazine Article

White, C. (2006, April). The spirit of

disobedience: An invitation to resistance.
Harper's Magazine, 312(1871), 3140. Harper's Magazine, ma’am.

What is the magazine title? 312 (1871), ma’am.

What about the volume number?

D. Evaluation
Instructions: On a 1 whole sheet of paper,
paraphrase the following sentences. There is no
need to copy the original text. (By three)

1-2. Teachers' professional support

constitutes uncountable actions and
activities that improve student outcomes
(Staver, 2007).

2-4. Students' attitude and their academic

achievement in science education have a
direct relation. Students with a positive
attitude towards science education have
high achievement and the affective
practices of students in and out of the
classroom are strongly related to their
academic achievement (George and
5-8. In this study the research method that
was used was the descriptive survey
research method for this method is
regarded as appropriate for the study of
attitudes, opinions, preferences,
demographics, practices, and procedures
(Gay and Airasia, 2000)

8-10. Define “Paraphrase” in 2-3 sentences.

Direction: Supply the necessary answers.

• Gender differences in the relationship of

anger and depression in a clinical
sample. 157-161. L., Fuqua, D. R., Gray,
E. A., & Simpson, D. B. (2006). Journal of
Counseling & Development, 84

11. Last name, First Initial.

12. Year, Month Day

13. Article title.

14. Magazine/Journal/Newspaper TitleBy

15. Volume number (Issue number) & Page

numbers of the entire article.

That is all for today's class, see you tomorrow

Goodbye ma’am
and Goodbye.

Prepared by:


English Teacher - Applicant

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