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Grammatical Signal

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Basic Education Department

Junior High School

A.Y. 2022 – 2023
Grade 8 – St. Agatha
Detailed Lesson Plan
January 16, 2023

I. Learning Competency
 Use appropriate grammatical signals or expressions suitable to each pattern
of idea development: (general to particular, claim and counterclaim,
problem-solution and cause-effect)

II. Learning Objectives

 I can identify the suitable pattern of idea development in a given
 I can write a paragraph about a social issue using a pattern of idea
development with appropriate grammatical signals.

III. Values Integration

 It allows the writer to express his or her personal viewpoints about a topic
to convince the readers.

IV. Subject Matter

Topic: Using Appropriate Grammatical Signals or Expressions to Each
Pattern of Idea Development.
 English Communication Arts and Skills through Afro - Asian
Literature Materials – ECAS, page 140-141
 TV/Monitor
 Laptop
 MS Power Point Presentation

(044) 940-0237 HCC.OfficialPage Brgy. Rizal, Santa Rosa, Nueva

V. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer

“Let us all stand and have a short prayer”

(one student will lead the prayer)

“In the name of the Father, and the Son and “In the name of the Father, and the Son and
the Holy Spirit, Amen” the Holy Spirit, Amen”

“Our Father Who art in Heaven, hallowed “Our Father Who art in Heaven, hallowed be
be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be
be done on earth, as it is in Heaven” done on earth, as it is in Heaven”

“Give us this day our daily bread, and “Give us this day our daily bread, and
forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those
those who trespass against us, and lead us who trespass against us, and lead us not into
not into temptation, but deliver us from temptation, but deliver us from evil.”

2. Greetings
“Good morning St. Agatha”

“Before you take your seat, kindly picked

up those pieces of papers and candy “Good Morning Ma’am”
wrappers under your chair.”

“You may now take your seat” “Okay Ma’am”

3. Checking of Attendance

“Who is your class president? Kindly check

your classmate attendance and give it to me “Okay Ma’am”
after our class. Thank you!

4. Review
“Before we proceed to our short activity, let
us have a review of our previous lesson?” “Our lesson last meeting is all about
Pronouns and its classes”
“And what is it all about?”
“Yes very good! It is all about Pronouns”

“Then, what is Pronouns?” “A pronoun is used in the place of a noun. It

substitutes the noun in a paragraph or piece
of writing to avoid repetition of the noun.”

“How about its classes?” “There are six classes of Pronouns, which
are the Personal Pronoun, Reflexive
Pronoun, Intensive Pronoun, Indefinite
“Very good! Thank you! Let us now move Pronoun, Interrogative Pronouns and
on to our short activity” Relative Pronouns.”
5. Motivation
“For you to have a glimpse of our lesson let
us play this game entitled “Jumbled
Signals” complete the sentence by
arranging the jumbled letters.”

1. tsehe – these are the some of the

ways to stay fit and heathy.
“Who wants to answer number one?”

2. hvewoer – COVID-19 is a global

health threat; these there are ways to “Blank are the some ways to stay fit and
prevent the virus from further healthy. These, is the answer”
“How about number two?’’

3. dan – A healthy diet reduces the risk

“COVID-19 is now a global health threat;
of diseases these promotes physical
blank there are ways to prevent the virus
from further spreading. However, is the
“And last number, who wants to answer?” answer”

“These words has something to do with our “A healthy diet reduces the risk of diseases
lesson today, do you have a guess what is blank promotes physical fitness. And, is the
it?” answer”
“Well, actually these are grammatical “Nothing, ma’am”
signals, and it plays an important role in
developing your idea on a certain topic.
You will learn more about them as we go
further with our discussion.” “Okay Ma’am”
6. Lesson Proper
Idea Development – this is done by
organizing ideas in a logical and clear
manner that suite’s the writer’s purpose.
“please read the Idea of Development
(name from index card) and explain based “Idea Development – this is done by
on your understanding” organizing ideas in a logical and clear
manner that suite’s the writer’s purpose.”
(student’s explanation)
Grammatical Signals – are writing devices
that are used to maintain text coherence that
establishes a logical connection between
ideas in sentences and paragraphs.
“next is the Grammatical Signals, please
read this (name from index card) and
explain based on what you have read” “Grammatical Signals – are writing devices
(explanation) that are used to maintain text coherence that
establishes a logical connection between
Pattern of Idea Development – refers to ideas in sentences and paragraphs.”
the structure on how the ideas are being
presented. (student’s explanation)
“(name from index card) please read the
Pattern of Idea Development”
(explanation) “Pattern of Idea Development – refers to
the structure on how the ideas are being
a.) General to Particular
- This pattern of idea presented.”
development discusses the
(student’s explanation)
general topic by presenting
specific details that support the
“These are the other grammatical signals
that can be used for general to particular
pattern of idea development”

also, for example, as an example, in

addition, in addition to, for instance,
examples of these, first, second, third,
next, on one hand, and on the other
hand, specifically, such as, namely, that
is, in particular, in fact, indeed,
including, like
Study the following sentences.
A. I can play quite a few musical
B. I can play quite a few musical
instruments, such as the flute, the guitar,
and the piano.

1. Three students are mentioned, namely

John, Sarah and Chris.
“What grammatical signal is used in this
sentence?” “Three students are mentioned, namely
John, Sarah and Chris. The grammatical
2. She said the movie was a bit predictable. signal used in this sentence is namely.”
In other words, she didn’t like it.
“(name from index card) please read and
“She said the movie was a bit predictable.
identify the grammatical signal used in this
sentence?” In other words, she didn’t like it. The
grammatical signal used I here is, In other
3. Do you have any hobbies like reading or words”
“What grammatical signal is used in this
sentence?” “Do you have any hobbies like reading or
writing? The grammatical signal in this
4. When I go camping, I bring lots of
things, such as fishing rod, a match and sentence is like.”
a sleeping bag.
“Everyone please read. “What grammatical
”When I go camping, I bring lots of things,
signal is used in this sentence?”
such as fishing rod, a match and a sleeping
5. Martin has bad eyesight, the doctor bag. The grammatical signal used in this
advised him to wear corrective lenses, sentence is such as.”
specifically eyeglasses.
“For the last example, please read
this (name from index card) and
“Martin has bad eyesight, the doctor
identify the grammatical signal in the
advised him to wear corrective lenses,
specifically eyeglasses. The grammatical
“Did you get it class?" signal used in this sentence is specifically.”

“Okay, it’s your turn, could you please give

me another example (name from index
card)” (various answer)
“Let’s proceed to the next Pattern of Idea
Development which is the Cause and

Cause and Effect – this pattern of idea

development explains the causes or the “Cause and Effect – this pattern of idea
effects of something. development explains the causes or the
“Kindly read the Cause and Effect (name effects of something.”
from the index card) and explain based on (student’s explanation)
your understanding”


“These are the grammatical expressions

that can be used for cause and effect
pattern of idea development”

Cause: if, for, since, due to, because,

owing to, because of, one cause, and
resulting from
Effect: so, thus, hence, then, therefore,
as a result, in effect, as consequence,
consequently, leads to, one of the
effects is, and that is why

Regular exercise brings many
benefits to your health. First, it improves
blood circulation and can result to a
strong heart. Because of these, it reduces
the risk of heart disease, high cholesterol,
and diabetes. When you exercise, your
bones and muscles will be strengthened
which can slow down the loss of bone
density that comes when you age. As a
result, it can help you maintain or
increase your muscle mass and strength.
Also, regular exercises, improves your
mental health and mood. During an
exercise, your body releases chemicals
that can improve your mood, and make
you feel relaxed. As an effect, it can help
you deal with stress and reduce the risk
of depression. These are the benefit that
you get when you exercise.
“Everyone please read” “Regular exercise brings many benefits to
your health. First, it improves blood
circulation and can result to a strong heart.
Because of these, it reduces the risk of heart
disease, high cholesterol, and diabetes.
When you exercise, your bones and
muscles will be strengthened which can
slow down the loss of bone density that
comes when you age. As a result, it can
help you maintain or increase your muscle
mass and strength. Also, regular exercises,
improves your mental health and mood.
During an exercise, your body releases
chemicals that can improve your mood, and
make you feel relaxed. As an effect, it can
help you deal with stress and reduce the
risk of depression. These are the benefit
that you get when you exercise.”

“Here are another example of Cause-and


1. He lied to me, so I ended our

“Could you please identify the cause and
“The cause is, he lied to me and the effect
effect in this sentence?”
is, I ended our relationship”
“Yes, very good”

“What helps you to identify the cause and

“The grammatical signal help me to
effect in this sentence?”
identify the cause and effect in the
“Yes, very good with the help of the sentence”
grammatical signals!”

“How about our second example?”

“Could you please read this and identify the

grammatical signal used in the sentence
(name from index card)”

2. Since I was up all night with my sick “Since I was up all night with my sick
child, I’m exhausted this morning. child, I am exhausted this morning. The
grammatical signal used in this sentence is,
“Yes very good!”
“Okay, let’s try. Could you please give me (various answer)
an example of Cause and Effect sentence
(name from index card).”

“The third Pattern Idea of Development is

the Claim and Counterclaim, let us define it”

Claim and Counterclaim – the pattern of

idea development that refers to the structure
of presenting a side of an issue in an “Claim and Counterclaim – the pattern of
argumentative manner. idea development that refers to the structure
of presenting a side of an issue in an
“Could you please read this (name from argumentative manner.”
index card) and explain based on what you
have read” (student’s explanation)

“What do you mean with argumentative (student’s explanation)

manner? Any idea? (name from index card)


“Here are the other grammatical signals that

can be used for Claim and Counterclaim
Pattern of Idea Development”

“Everyone please read”

however, nevertheless, on one hand, on the
other hand, admittedly, some people say, “however, nevertheless, on one hand, on
of course, otherwise, nonetheless and but the other hand, admittedly, some people
not only that say, of course, and but not only that”
Example: “Everyone please read”
People believe that rock music can
make teenagers, rebellious because of its “People believe that rock music can make
lyrics, but I don’t think it is enough to teenagers, rebellious because of its lyrics,
make them go against our society. They but I don’t think it is enough to make them
say rock music concentrates mostly on go against our society. They say rock music
antisocial subjects which influence concentrates mostly on antisocial subjects
teenager’s view toward society. However, which influence teenager’s view toward
a study shows that an average teenager society. However, a study shows that an
would not take the music seriously, for he
average teenager would not take the music
or she concentrates more on the musical
seriously, for he or she concentrates more
value of the song rather than the inner
on the musical value of the song rather than
meaning of the lyrics. Thus, even though
the lyrics in rock music show social the inner meaning of the lyrics. Thus, even
rebellion, it does not make teenagers rebel though the lyrics in rock music show social
against society. rebellion, it does not make teenagers rebel
against society.
“Here are another examples of Claim and
Counterclaim Idea of Pattern Development”

1. You can come with us if you want;

otherwise you have to ride the bus.
“Could you please read this and identify the
grammatical signal that is used in this
sentence (name from index card).”
“You can come with us if you want;
“Yes, in this sentence someone is inviting
otherwise you have to ride the bus. The
you to come with them, but you just have to
grammatical signal used in this sentence is
ride the bus, hassle right. Okay how about
number two, could you please read and
identify the grammatical signal that is
present is the sentence (name from index

2. James and his team didn’t finish the

project on time; however they did work
“James and his team didn’t finish the project
on time; however they did work hard. The
“Yes and this is how claim and grammatical signal used in this sentence is
counterclaim idea of development works it however.”
signifies argument where there is more than
one side to a debate.”

“Am I clear?” “Yes Ma’am!”

“Did you get it?” “Yes Ma’am!”

“Okay let’s try, could you please give me

another example of claim and counterclaim (various answer)
pattern of idea development…”

“Let’s proceed to another Pattern of Idea

Development which is the Problem-

“(name from index card) kindly read the

problem-solution and explain it based on
your understanding.” “Problem-Solution – this pattern of idea
development is used when a writer identifies
Problem-Solution – this pattern of idea a problem and addresses it by presenting one
development is used when a writer or more solutions.”
identifies a problem and addresses it by
presenting one or more solutions. (student’s explanation)
“Here are the grammatical signals to be “problem, solved, to solve this, to address
used in Problem-Solution Pattern of Idea this, the dilemma is, one answer is, so that,
Development” proposed solution, as a solution, in order to,
problem, solved, to solve this, to one way to solve this.”
address this, the dilemma is, one
answer is, so that, proposed solution, as
a solution, in order to, one way to solve
“Everyone please read”


1. Drug abuse is one of the leading social

issues in many countries and has been
the cause of crimes and health concerns.
One way to solve this is to increase
police manpower and create effective
laws to stop dealers.
“Everyone please read this, what do you “Drug abuse is one of the leading social
think is the grammatical signal used in issues in many countries and has been the
here?” cause of crimes and health concerns. One
way to solve this is to increase police
“Yes very good, here’s another example” manpower and create effective laws to stop
dealers. The grammatical signal used in this
2. Many students have difficulty in
sentence is one way to solve this.”
answering their modules. To address
this, parents are asked to assist their
children in accomplishing the activities.
“Many students have difficulty in answering
“Kindly read this and identify the
their modules. To address this, parents are
grammatical signal used in this sentence
asked to assist their children in
(name from index card).”
accomplishing the activities. The
“Yes very good! How about number grammatical signal used in this sentence is
three?” to address this.”

3. The number of students who have no

gadgets for their online education is
high. A proposed solution is to give “The number of students who have no
them modules. gadgets for their online education is high. A
proposed solution is to give them modules.
“Yes correct! Did you understand?” The grammatical signal that is present in this
sentence is a proposed solution.”
“Since you understand let’s give it a try.”
“Yes Ma’am!”
“Could you please give me another
example (name from index card).” (various answer)
“Okay very good, let us now proceed with
the last Pattern of Idea Development which
is the Effect-Cause/Reason.”
“Could you please read the Cause-
Effect/Reason Idea of Pattern Development
(name from index card)
“Effect – Cause/Reason – this pattern of
Effect – Cause/Reason – this pattern of idea development is the reverse presentation
idea development is the reverse of that cause-effect pattern.”
presentation of that cause-effect pattern.
(student’s explanation)
“Here are the grammatical signals that can
be used in Effect-Cause Pattern of Idea
Development, everyone please read.”
as, since, due to, because of, on account
“as, since, due to, because of, on account of,
of, for the reason that
for the reason that”
1. The traffic jam was due to a terrible
accident at the intersection.
“Kindly read and identify the grammatical
signal in our first example (name from
index card)?” “The traffic jam was due to a terrible
accident at the intersection. The grammatical
2. Because of the rain, the tennis match signal in this sentence is due to.”
was stopped.
“How about number two, kindly read and
identify the grammatical signal in the “Because of the rain, the tennis match was
sentence (name from index card).” stopped. The grammatical signal used in this
sentence is because of.”
3. He doesn't drink alcohol on account of
his poor health.
“And for our last example, could you
please read and identify the grammatical
signal in the sentence (name from index “He doesn't drink alcohol on account of his
card).” poor health. On account of, is the
grammatical signal in this sentence.”
“I think you already understand what
Effect-Cause Pattern of Idea Development “Yes Ma’am!”
is, am I right?”

“Okay let’s give it a try, could you please

(various answer)
give me another example (names from
index card).”
“Are you ready for today’s activity? “Yes Ma’am!”
“I know you are.”
“Okay, get your English notebook and copy (student’s will get their notebook and write
this.” the activity)
“Don’t forget to write the activity number
and the date today.”
7. Activity
Identifying the Pattern

Directions: Identify the pattern used in the

following paragraphs.

1. Research refers to a logical and

systematic search for new and useful
information on a certain topic.
Specifically, it can be classified into
two main types. The first type is the
basic research. It deals with the
investigation on the basic principles and
reasons for the occurrence of a certain
problems through using accepted
theories. Also, it tries to explore how
things can be changed. These two types
of research are used in the academic
and scholarly fields.
Pattern Used: gihiookpkpipipipipipip

2. Road accidents happen due to several

reasons. One reason is the carelessness
of the drivers. Some drivers ignore
traffic rules and warning signals. They
also resist wearing seatbelts. Some of
them are drunk while driving. Next
reason is the weather condition. During
hot weather drivers are prone to have a
high blood pressure or heat stroke,
which lead to road accidents.
Meanwhile, during rainy seasons when
the road is wet and slippery, drivers
tend to lose control, which lead to
vehicular accidents. Another reason is
the traffic jam. When there are too
many vehicles, some drivers easily
panic, get nervous and become error-
prone. As a result, traffic accidents
happen. To sum up, carelessness,
weather conditions, and traffic jams are
common reasons of road accidents.
Pattern Used: jgiojojojoojlkjoijohjoo

3. There are many ways to lessen the

amount of household waste. First, turn
away from single-use plastic. You can
do this by bringing your own reusable
containers and ask restaurants to use
them in packing your food. Next, use
eco-bag when buying in grocery stores.
This can minimize the use of plastic
cellophanes. Another way is by sorting
your garbage. Just get any trash
receptacles and follow the proper
sorting procedures. Separate plastic
bottles and metal waste from fruits and
vegetables scraps. For plastic and metal
waste, clean them and place them in
separate bins. Once the recycle bins are
filled up, take them to your local
recycling centers. These are some of the
ways to reduce the amount of waste.
Pattern Used: hdeihiehfeijfwijfwjfow

4. There are those who believe that

technology makes us less creative. They
strongly claim that cellphones,
computers, and other gadgets make us
lazy and dependents. Also, they say that
we don’t have to think or create for
ourselves. However, the truth is these
technologies have different features that
offer multiple creative outlets. We can
edit videos, design webpage, make
short films, create graphic arts, and
compose web novels. Technology
brings out people’s creativity in this
new age.
Pattern Used: jhiuiyohooghijigojhgh

8. Generalization
“Our lesson today is all about Using
“What is our lesson today all about?”
Appropriate Grammatical Signals or
Expression to Each Pattern of Idea

“And what are the different Patterns of Idea “The Patterns of Idea Development are:
Development?”  General to Particular
 Claim and Counterclaim
 Cause and Effect
 Problem and Solution
 Effect-Cause/Reason

VI. Closure
What have you learned today?

VII. Evaluation
Develop the Statements
Directions: Write at least five sentences based on the following topic sentences
and used the recommended pattern idea of development.
1. Bullying is rampant nowadays, but there are steps to prevent it.
Pattern to be Use: Problem-Solution
2. There are several reasons why a child becomes a bully.
Pattern to be Use: Cause and Effect

Prepared by:

Janella T. De Guzman

Checked by:

Ms. Ma. Carmela Lajum, LPT Ms. Rose Ann Tecson, LPT Mrs. Eufrocinia Carillo, LPT
Cooperating Teacher Subject-Area Coordinator English Overall Academic Coordinator

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