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Basti in Sandhigatavata

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Research Article International Ayurvedic Medical Journal ISSN:2320 5091


Kadam Niteen1* Nakade Mamata2 Auti Swapnil3
PG Scholar, Dept. of Panchakarma , Dr. D.Y.Patil College Of Ayurveda & Research Centre
Pimpri, Pune. Maharashtra, India
Professor and Head, Dept. of Panchakarma ,Dr. D.Y.Patil College Of Ayurveda & Research
Centre Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Lecturer, Dept. of Panchakarma ,Dr. D.Y.Patil College Of Ayurveda & Research Centre Pimpri,
Pune., Maharashtra, India

With changing trends to food and lifestyle there is increasing trends to Vatavyadhis.
Ayurveda considers aggravated Vata as the main contributory factor for many disor-
ders.Sandhigatavata is described under Vatavyadhi in all Samhitas and Sangraha Granthas.
Sandhigatavata is one of such disorder in which there is Sandhishool (joint pain), Sandhishotha
(joint swelling) , Sandhigraha (joint stiffness) ,Vatapurnadrutisparsha. Basti is considered best
to treat all Vatavyadhis. Matra basti is subtype of Anuvasana basti. It is very much convient to
administer in present daylife as it is a subtype of Anuvasanabasti. Matrabasti which itself is in
small amount is being helpful to treat various Vatavyadhis. So here in this article I have dis-
cussed the effect of Matrabasti in management of Sandhigatavata. Sandhigatavata may be corre-
lated with degenerative joint disease or Osteoarthritis.
KEY WORDS: Sandhigatavata , Matrabasti , Anuvasanabasti, Vatavyadhi, Osteoarthritis.

INTRODUCTION described under Vatavyadhi in Samhita and

Ayurveda – The science of life deals with Sangraha texts. The proposed study focus
physical , psychological as well as spiritual on management of Sandhigatavata. Sandhi-
well being of an individual. It covers all the
gatavata is Vata disorder. Basti treatement
spheres of human life.All human beings
wish to lead a healthy life in there healthy is indicated to be the best for management of
and active body. There are several such dis- Vata disorder. 2 According to Agnivesha,
orders which curtails one from leading a Basti is said to be half of the whole treate-
happy , healthy and active life. Osteoarthiri- ment of Vata disorder. 3 Anuvasanabasti is
tis is one such disorder . It is one of the most type of Basti.4 in which Snehadravya is giv-
common disorder which may begin asymp- en by Basti. Matrabasti is type of Anuvasa-
tomatically even in 2nd& 3rd decades of life.1
na Basti. 5 It is explained that this type of
Osteoarthritis is correleated with Sandhi-
Basti can be given to almost everybody, in
gatavata in Ayurveda. Sandhigatavata is
all seasons and it can be given with maxi-
Kadam Niteen Et;All: Conceptual Study Of Matra Basti In Management Of Sandhigatavata

mum ease and has no complications thereaf- elimination of Doshas and blood , Langhana
ter. Matrabasti can be administered at all , swimming in excess , resorting to wayfar-
times and in all seasons .It is recommended ing , exercise and other physical activities in
for daily use in those affected with Vata- excess , loss of Dhatus , excessive emacia-
vikara. Based on this background Matrabas- tion because of worry grief and afflication
ti was evaluated in management of Sandhi- by disease , sleeping over uncomfortable
gatavata with the objectives of :- beds and seats , anger , sleep during day
 To study the concept of Matrabasti in time , fear and suppression of natural urges ,
management of Sandhigatavata. formation of Aama suffering from trauma ,
 To study in detail about the lakshanas of abstinence from food , injuries to Marmas
Sandhigatavata from various Samhitas, and riding over elephant , camel , horse or
 To study in details about Matrabasti. fast moving vehicles and falling down from
MATERIALS & METHODS – the seats on these animals and vehicles.7
 All the references regarding Sandhi- purvaroopa : (premonitory signs): There
gatavata and Matrabasti are collected are no premonitory symptoms of Sandhi-
from Bruhattrayee and Laghutrayee and gatavata mentioned in Samhitas.8
various text books and compilation is rupa : (symptoms): Sandhishool (joint
done. pain) ,Sandhishotha (joint swelling) ,
 Concept of Basti ,Sandhigatavata and Sandhigraham (joint stiffness) , Sandhiaatop
Matrabasti studied in details. (joint crepitus) , Vatapurnadrutisparsha ,
 Collection of all the references is done Prasaranaakunchanayovedana. (painfull
and correlation between the data is done movements of joints)
logically i.e. by using Yukti Pramana. samprati : (pathogenesis): Various etiologi-
DISEASE REVIEW cal factors causes Vata vitiation and vitiation
nidana (etiology) : According to Acharya of Vata occurs in different parts of body and
Charaka , Vayu gets aggravated by intake of causes Rukshata (dryness) , Parushata ,
nctuous , cold , scanty , light food , exces- Kharata (roughness) in Strotasa , gets
sive sexual indulgence , lack of night sleep , Sthanasamshraya at Sandhipradesh and
inappropriate therapeutic measures , admin- causes Sandhigatavata.
istration of therapies which cause excessive
Hetu sevana

Vata prakopa

Rukshata , Parushata, Kharata at Strotasa.

Sthanasanshraya at Sandhipradesha.


BASTI REVIEW Basti being is the most modality in Panchakarma. Though Basti is
widely used and highly effective treatment mentioned in vitiation of all the Vata , Pitta , IAMJ: Volume 3; Issue 11; November- 2015

Kadam Niteen Et;All: Conceptual Study Of Matra Basti In Management Of Sandhigatavata
Kapha , Rakta Doshas.10 It is specially indi- well as in those afflicted with Vata Disor-
cated for Vatika disorders. Acharya Chara- ders. VruddhaVagbhata has emphasized on
ka states Basti first act on Pakvaashaya regular administration of the Matrabasti and
(large intestine) and keep the Vata in Sa- it can be administered at all times and in all
maavastha (equilibrium). It produces seasons just like Madhutailikabasti.
Chedana of Vata. So all the Vatavikaras will Contraindications - In classics, there are no
be adiminished just like the tree which is cut major contractions mentioned for Matra-
by its roots loses the extremities, stem, basti , but Ashtangasangrahakara has stat-
Shakha (branches) , Kanda , Push- ed that Matrabasti should not be adminis-
pa(flowers).11 According to Chakrapani the tered in Ajeerna (indigestion) condition and
correctly given Basti will stay in the Pak- to those who resort to Diwaswapna.(sleep
vaashaya (large intestine) ,Shroni (pelvis) , during day time)
Nabhi (umbellicus) and Adhobhaga . Basti DISCUSSION
Dravya will reach the entire Strotasa in According to Acharya Charaka the
view of its Veerya and produce Shamanadi aggravated Vayu while filling up the chan-
Karmas. After the administration of Basti, it nels of circulation which are empty or have
will come out to the effect of Apanavayu. It become weak in quality because of the lack
also causes Shodhana of Doshas from Pada of the unctuousness , produces different
to Shiras. kinds of aliments affecting the whole body
MATRA BASTI: Matrabasti is a type of or a part. Basti is considered as best therapy
Anuvasanabasti based on Matra of Basti in Sandhigatavata. Matrabasti has no re-
Dravya. All Acharyas explained about Mat- strictions as like the that of Asthapanabasti
rabasti and considered safe and useful in and Anuvasana , one can perform routine
many conditions where other varieties of works after administration of Matrabasti.
Basties are contraindicated. The term Matra Matrabasti can be administered any time
, gives various meanings with respect to dif- irrespective of age, day and time .It can be
ferent contexts, such as measurements , administered to Durbalapurusha (weak per-
quantity , size , number , degree , move- son) where other Basties are contra indi-
ment , unit of time. In the present context cated. It does not produce any complications
the term Matra gives the meaning for the .Even though Matra is less it has wide
unit of measurement i.e. for the quantity of spread action throughout the body. Niruha-
Bastidravya. Basti also having different basti and Anuvasanabasti should be admin-
meanings in various quantexts but in present istered alternatively but Matrabasti alone an
quantext it is considered as therapeutic pro- be administered everyday continuously
cedure of Panchakarma. without any complications.
Indications of matra basti - According to Thus Matra basti helps in Sampraptibhanga
Acharya Charaka , Matrabasti is always of Sandhigatavata.
applicable to those emaciated due to over
work , physical exercise , weight lifting , CONCLUSION
way faring , journey on vehicles and indul-  Matra Basti is having Snehana effect.
gence in women , in debilitated persons as IAMJ: Volume 3; Issue 11; November- 2015

Kadam Niteen Et;All: Conceptual Study Of Matra Basti In Management Of Sandhigatavata

 Matra Basti can provide significant re-  Thus Matra Basti can be effectively used
sults in Sandhigatavata. in management of Sandhigatavata.
Arthritis Ireland (2009) ‘Facts about Arthritis ` accessed athttp:/
January 2010
Agnivesh, Charak Samhita; Chaukhamba Bharati Academy, Varanasi; 25th Edition, edited by
Pandit Kashi nath Shastri & Dr. Gorakhnath Charurvedi, Reprint 1995; Vol-I, Pg. 468. Charaka
Sutrasthana 25/40.
Agnivesh, Charak Samhita; Chaukhamba Bharati Academy, Varanasi; 25th Edition, edited by
Pandit Kashi nath Shastri & Dr. Gorakhnath Charurvedi, Reprint 2009; Vol-II, Pg. 971.
Charaka Siddhisthana 1/39
Agnivesh, Charak Samhita; Chaukhamba Bharati Academy, Varanasi; 25th Edition, edited by
Pandit Kashi nath Shastri & Dr. Gorakhnath Charurvedi, Reprint 2009; Vol-II, Pg. 1077.
Charaka Siddhisthana 10/8.
Vridha Vagbhata, Astanga Samgraham; Krishna Das Academy, Varanasi;, Edition 1993; edit-
ed by Kaviraj Atri dev Gupt, Vol-I Pg. 206.
Vridha Vagbhata, Astanga Samgraham; Krishna Das Academy, Varanasi; , Edition 1993; ed-
ited by Kaviraj Atri dev Gupt, Vol-I, Pg. 206. Astanga Sangraha 28/8
Agnivesh, Charak Samhita; Chaukhamba Bharati Academy, Varanasi; 25th Edition,edited by
Pandit Kashi nath Shastri & Dr. Gorakhnath Charurvedi, Reprint 2009; Vol-II, Charaka Chiki-
stasthana 28/15-18.
Agnivesh, Charak Samhita; Chaukhamba Bharati Academy, Varanasi; 25th Edition, edited by
Pandit Kashi nath Shastri & Dr. Gorakhnath Charurvedi, Reprint 2009; Vol-II, Charaka
Chikitsasthana 28/19.
Agnivesh, Charak Samhita; Chaukhamba Bharati Academy, Varanasi; 25th Edition, edited by
Pandit Kashi nath Shastri & Dr. Gorakhnath Charurvedi, Reprint 2009; Vol-II, Charaka
Chikitsasthana 28/37
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Chaukhamba Surbharti Prakashan, Varanasi ,Chikistasthana 35/6.
Agnivesh, Charak Samhita; Chaukhamba Bharati Academy, Varanasi; 25th Edition, edited by
Pandit Kashi nath Shastri & Dr. Gorakhnath Charurvedi, Reprint 2009; Vol-II, Charaka Sid-
dhisthana 1/31
Dr. Kadam Niteen
PG Scholar, Dept. of Panchakarma ,
Dr. D.Y.Patil College Of Ayurveda &
Research Centre Pimpri,Pune.411 018 IAMJ: Volume 3; Issue 11; November- 2015

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