Iso 13321 1996
Iso 13321 1996
Iso 13321 1996
First edition
1996-07-o I
Reference number
IS0 13321 :I 996(E)
IS0 13321:1996(E)
Contents Page
Introduction.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv
1 Scope ........................................................................................... 1
3 Symbols ....................................................................................... 1
4 Principle ....................................................................................... 1
5 Apparatus .................................................................................... 2
Repeatability ................................................................................ 4
IO (
Test report ................................................................................... 4
Bibliography.. ............................................................................... 20
0 IS0 1996
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international Organization for Standardization
Case Postale 56 l Cl-I-1 211 Geneve 20 l Switzerland
Printed in Switzerland
@ IS0 IS0 13321:1996(E)
IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide
federation of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work of
preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IS0
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for
which a technical committee has been established has the right to be
represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental
and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. IS0
collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission
(IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
For the purposes of this International Standard, the e particle volume fraction;
following definitions apply.
P particle density;
2.1 average particle diameter, xpcs: Harmonic
intensity-averaged particle diameter, as determined by 8 scattering angle;
equation (C.10) of annex C.
P2 second cumulant.
It is expressed in nanometres (1 O-9 m).
2.3 scattering volume, V: Section of the incident A monochromatic and coherent laser light beam
laser beam viewed by the collecting or detector op- illuminates a representative sample for particle size
tics. analysis, dispersed at a suitable concentration in a
liquid. The light scattered by the particles at an angle
Typical order of magnitude is 1 O-6 cm? (typically 90°) is recorded by a detector whose output
is fed to a correlator. The decay of the autocorrelation
function of the scattered intensity is interpreted in
3 Symbols terms of average particle size and polydispersity index
by the so-called cumulants method.
B value of the intercept of the intensity autocor-
relation function [see equation (C.6) of an- Annex C provides some theoreticai background for
nex Cl; particle sizing by PCS.
IS0 13321:1996(E) @ is0
5.2 Sample holder, allowing control and measure- d its refractive index and viscosity shall be known
ment of the temperature to within + 0,3 “C. with an accuracy better than 0,5 %;
NOTE 3 - Alternatively, it may incorporate a rigid optical 1) The scattered intensity (count rate) of the sample
bench internally. containing the dispersed particles shall be at least
10 times higher than the signal scattered by the
WARNING - PCS instruments are equipped with dispersion medium alone.
low or medium power lasers whose radiation can
cause permanent eye damage, Never look into the 2) The number NV of particles in the scattering vol-
direct path of the laser beam or its reflections. Do ume shall be at least about 1 000 (any number in
not use highly reflecting surfaces when the laser the range 500-I 000 is acceptable).
@ IS0 IS0 13321:1996(E)
NOTE 4 -This number can be estimated from the av- requirements 2), 3) and 4) can only be fulfilled in
erage PCS diameter xpcs, from the particle volume frac- exceptional cases.
tion @and from the value Vof the measuring volume by
NV = 6qiWlm,$,
5) if the instrument allows the laser beam passing A possible alternative method is to measure the room
through the sample to be viewed indirectly, a sharp temperature and then set the instrument to control the
parallel beam shall be observed; a spreading halo sample holder temperature to within 0,3 “C of the room
around the beam or any apparent absorbance shall temperature. Samples can then equilibrate at room tem-
not be present. perature and be measured immediately after insertion in
the sample holder. Alternatively, samples can be equilib-
rated in a thermostatted bath whose temperature is within
NOTE 5 - If possible, the following additional check is 0,3 “C of that of the instrument sample holder. In this case,
recommended. If a spectrophotometer is available, the remove the water from the cell before it contaminates the
optical density (O.D.) of the sample at the laser wavelength index-matching fluid.
used for a l-cm path length can be used as an indicator for
multiple scattering: for O.D. values larger than 0,04, mul-
tiple scattering effects are to be expected. 7.4 The following data shall be recorded: sample
identification, laser wavelength and scattering angle if
In many applications a volume fraction ((I) of dispersed necessary, measuring temperature, refractive index
particulate material in the range IO-5 to IO-4 fulfils the and viscosity of the dispersion medium, particle
requirements for particle sizes below about 500 nm. concentration and any other relevant details.
[In order to obtain the concentration range (c) in mass
of dispersed material per unit volume, multiply the
volume fraction by the particle density p (c = p&l For 7.5 Perform a preliminary measurement on the
poiydisperse and/or larger particles, it may not be dispersion to check that the particle concentration is
possible to find a concentration that satisfies require- not too low [less than about 1 000 particles in the
ments Z), 3) and 4) without either increasing the scattering volume, see 6.22 check Z)] or too high [see
coherence aperture of the receiver or increasing the 6.22, check 4)]. Check that the average scattered
diameter of the incident laser beam in order to in- intensity (count rate) is in the range 5 kcounts/s to
crease the measurement volume. If this is so, then 1 000 kcounts/s (5 000 counts/s to 1 000 000
the intercept values obtained may not meet the crite- counts/s). if these criteria are not met, repeat a
rion set out in 4). For particle sizes above 1 pm, the measurement on a sample with a different concen-
IS0 13321:1996(E) @ IS0
tration of particulate material, or use another laser installation of the instrument and at time intervals
power level if possible. thereafter or in case of doubt.
(x)=$ Xi
The maximal value of the intercept of the autocorre-
lation function can be determined as follows:
a) select a collecting aperture for which a value of
and the estimated standard deviation: B max is available;
0 IS0 IS0 13321:1996(E)
NOTE 9 - The following laser source details should value of the intercept B of the autocorrelation
also be provided: type, wavelength, power and that it function and value of the ratio BIBmax,
was vertically polarized;
count rate observed for the dispersion me-
c) dispersion conditions: dium,
- dispersing liquid and its cleaning/filtering pro- viscosity and refractive index of the dispersion
cedure, liquid,
temperature of the sample,
- concentration of particulate material,
- dispersing agents and their concentration, average count rate observed for the sample,
ISO 13321:1996
IS0 13321:1996(E)
Annex A
In this International Standard the two parameters The parameters ao, al and a2 are determined by least
describing particle size distribution, i.e. the average squares fitting of the experimental estimates of $5) to
PCS diameter xpcs and the polydispersity index Pl, are equation (C.12) whereby the following function is
determined by a variant of the so-called cumulants minimized:
The basis for this analysis is that the experimentally s(a0, al, a2)= f,wj(yj - a0 + alz - azz!)’ . . . (A.2)
recorded intensity autocorrelation function Gz(Z) is j=l
approached by equation (C.12) of annex C. In order to
obtain a linear regression, this equation is transformed
as follows: In equation (A.2) the normalized weighting factor
[G2(Z1)-A]> [G2(2i)-A]> ([G2(q) - A]/ 1 00} with at n is the refractive index of the dispersion
least one value smaller than {[G2(q)-A]I50}. All
values of [Gz(Tj) -A] in this range must be positive, 0 is the scattering angle;
otherwise the measurement shall be discarded for is the laser wavelength in vacua.
further analysis.
The polydispersity index PI is related to a2 and al by
Finally, the number m of values of yj in the acceptable
range shall be at least 20. PI = 2a21aj2 . . . (A.41
@ IS0 IS0 13321:1996(E)
The actual value of the intercept B is computed from Measurements for which the ratio B/Bmax < 0,8 shall
a0 and A by be discarded.
slim - 4) . . . VW
and is to be compared to the maximum value obtain-
able in the given experimental conditions, Bmax. can be used as a criterion of goodness of the fit.