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Integrated Ticketing System of Public Transport in Jakarta Vs Värmland, Sweden

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Civil Engineering Forum Volume XXII/1 - January 2013



Teguh Himawan Ronggosusanto

Ministry of Transportation, INDONESIA


The heightened mobility of people in the DKI Jakarta province and surrounding area requires balance of the development
public transport services. One of service attributes in public transportation is ticketing system. Currently, the ticketing system
in Jakarta needs to be improved and still not integrated. Therefore, the importance to develop and implement a new integrated
ticketing system to increase the competitiveness and attractiveness of public transports. It also gives an opportunity to the
operators in order to implement several of ticket prices. There are some of barriers that faced by operators in development a
new integrated ticketing system such as; institutional issue, resources integration, and financial problems. In order to describe
and analyze the development of a new integrated ticketing system, this thesis uses a qualitative research approach and five
sources of evidence i.e. documentation, archival records, an interview, direct and participant observations through a survey
using the form of questionnaires that distributed to the public transport users. Further, this study also uses the case of
Vrmlandstrafik AB as the comparative study and the theoretical basis of the new services development as an approach to
assess the possibility of implement a new integrated ticketing system. It aims to investigate the ticketing system phenomenon
using information and data observations as materials to analyze, explore, and provide depth explanation. By analyzing data
from a survey of passengers, this study gave a description and explanation related the characteristic and the travel behavior of
passenger, also an assessment of ticketing system that underlies the development a new integrated ticketing system. Then,
using the comparative case study of Vrmlandstrafik AB that already implement an integrated ticketing system and the self-
services in provision of public transport services gave an analysis what needs to prepare for implement a new integrated
ticketing system consider to the organizational process.

Keywords: an integrated ticketing system, TransJakarta Busway, Commuter Train Jabodetabek, New Service Development

1 INTRODUCTION tickets. The condition make people prefer to use

Commuter train Jabodetabek and TransJakarta private cars than travelling by public transport will
busway as mass public transportation giving benefits take more time for queuing buy the ticket, degree of
such as; the technology are environmental friendly, flexibility and accessibility. This case need to develop
high safety standards, high speed and decreases the the public transport services in Jakarta by improving
traffic jam with attract the users private car or the ticketing system into an integrated ticketing
motorcycle using the public transport mode. These system to attract people using public transport in
public transport modes offer the solution for current Jakarta.
issue in mobility people and environmental problem
1.1 Research Question
in Jakarta and surrounding area. The number of
passengers are increasing every year that shown This study will focus on three fundamental questions
heightened using public transport mode, but the as follows:
systems still need to improve. The ticketing system of a. How can an integrated ticketing systems increase
Transjakarta busway make passengers have to come the attractiveness of public transport users?
first to the counter ticket either for Jak-Card holder or b. How the process of developing a new integrated
passengers, which means twice time for queuing at the ticketing system looking at the organizational
counter ticket and waiting the bus. Further, PT. Kereta process?
Api Commuter Jabodetabek (KCJ) launched Comet c. What kind of services should be developed in
Card on February 1, 2012, but most of passengers not Jakarta, Indonesia?
interested to use e-ticket and still using the paper

Volume XXII/1 - January 2013 Civil Engineering Forum

1.2 Objective of Research transport system, observations, customer surveys, and

The overall aims of this research are: comparative studies about an integrated ticketing
a. To undertake an assessment on the public transport system to attract car users and enhance customer
system, especially about an integrated ticketing satisfaction. One of the research processes is
system. collecting primary data and secondary data. Primary
b. To describe and analyze of how an implementation data obtained from observations and surveys of
new integrated ticketing system can improve the passengers by distributed the form of questionnaires
experience of travelling public. to the passengers consists of 500 respondents from
c. To analysis what needs to prepare for implement both TransJakarta Busway and the commuter train
an integrated ticketing system. Jabodetabek within three weeks on 17th of April until
May 5, 2012. And secondary data obtained from
literature studies as the material to make comparisons
2 LITERATURE REVIEW between public transport system in Vrmland, Sweden
2.1 Integrated Public Transport and Jakarta, Indonesia. Research subject consist of
The modal integration intended to transfer passengers how public transport operators implement an
from one to another mode of public transportation integrated ticketing system, and what can learn from
demand management systems such as park and ride, the system. The results of this study analyze and
bike and ride, and electronic road pricing such as bus assess the possibility developing a new integrated
rail interchange points and rail-link bus services. This ticketing system in Jakarta, Indonesia, which intend to
policy must be supported by a travel (ERP). In description and exploration of the ticket system.
situations they give more directed sense of integration Further, this research will lead to conclusions,
of public transport modes in sequence process that managerial implications, and interesting question for
need to be supported with the transport policy. From future research.
the definitions to create an integrated public transport
3.1 Technical Management Unit (BLU) TransJakarta
are needed; location integration between shelter bus
and train stations, the integration of scheduling,
ticketing and information, integration of design The e-ticketing system was launched by PT. Bank
services, namely; the legal and administration, as well DKI, the JakCard as a prepaid card on 2006. JakCard
as trip generation integration by integrating transport utilized the chip technology or smartcard used as a
and land use planning (Potter & Skinner, 2000). means of payment. At the first time only operated in
Further, ticket is a tool for the implementation of corridor 1, 2 and 3. Currently, the card operated in the
pricing policy with consideration of operational, 8 corridors and will expand to 11 corridors. These
commercial and social objectives. Ticketing system is card provided in some merchants Indomaret have
a translation of the tariff to a concrete means of logo JakCard Sale & Top Up, shelters along the 8
payment for passengers and the collection of fees to corridors, and 18 branches of Bank DKI throughout
operator (Mezghani, 2008). The ticket prices DKI Jakarta province. Based on information from
depending on the type of tickets used in public Bank DKI (2012), customers can top up the card to a
transport network as a single ticket from origin to maximum of one million IDR in Bank DKI in
destination or a single ticket with limited time for accordance with the regulations of Bank Indonesia. At
multiple trips, such as; 1 hour, single-mode tickets, the shelter with a denomination of subscribers can
integrated tickets, multi-trip tickets, season tickets charge in IDR 20,000; 50,000; 100,000; 200,000, and
(day, week, month, and year), off-peak tickets, and the 500,000; while in the merchant Indomaret 'Top up
combined ticket with park & ride. 50,000 IDR denominations and multiplication.

2.2 New Service Development (NSD) 3.2 PT. KAI Commuter JABODETABEK (KCJ)
(Gustafsson & Johnson, 2003) argue that NSD consist Commuter train was started operating in 2000, when
of three process service development activities; (1) the Indonesian government receives grants 72 units of
service maintenance, (2) improving service commuter train, and 50 units can be used directly and
performance, and (3) service innovations. operated. Based on data from (PT. Kereta Api
Commuter Jabodetabek (KCJ), 2012), the company
operated 192 units of commuter train. The company
provide two categories of commuter train services as
This study using a qualitative research approach with commuter AC and economy non AC. Most of the
a quantitative data and based on the previous research, passenger buy ticket at counter sales in every train
literature review related to an integrated public stations or buy monthly card. Nowadays, the ticket

Civil Engineering Forum Volume XXII/1 - January 2013

prices are almost same for commuter train AC as 4.2 Discussions

6,000 IDR per trip. On February 1, 2012, the company The process of development a new integrated
launched Comet card as Commuter Electronic ticketing system needs an organization that have
Ticketing with implementation divided into 3 steps, functions to provide the ticketing systems, managing
the first step on February 1, to March 31, 2012, started the system with integrate the pricing system and
by replace for Monthly Card such as Kartu Trayek media as tickets, and collection of fee and distribution
Bulanan (KTB) and Kartu Langganan Sekolah (KLS). of revenue. This is can be achieved by developing an
At the first step e-ticketing system implement in 35 organization as clearing center and standardized
stations. The second step on April 1, to June 30, 2012, tickets media, fare collection and system of ticketing
the system implement in 51 stations in Jabodetabek to create an integrated ticketing system. This
region and the Comet Card will sale for public or explanation can be illustrated in the Table 3.
passengers. Further, the third steps on July 2012, by
implement the system in whole station at Jabodetabek
area as 63 stations.
5.1 Conclusion
3.3 Public Transport in Vrmland, Sweden The development process of a new integrated
Since 1990, public transport operators implement an ticketing system purposes to increase the public
integrated ticketing system between railway and bus transport passengers and reduce the motorcycles and
system. It started when the Vrmlandstrafik AB private cars users as well as improve the
deliver the regional railway services that before competitiveness and attractiveness of public
provided by SJs trains. The most important to support transports. This study uses the survey data (2012),
an integrated ticketing system to connect between deliver a description related the characteristics and
train stations and bus stops. The company builds a travel behavior of passenger, also an assessment of
park and ride facilities in the train stations to attract ticketing system that implemented by public transport
private car users. The company also develops operator in Jakarta, Indonesia. Although, on this
ticketing system and builds cooperation with Karlstad research focuses on the development process of
Buss to make an integrated ticketing system. ticketing system based on the organizational process,
Nowadays, Vrmlandstrafik AB and Karlstad Buss by using a comparative study gave an assessment to
develop the ticketing system together with the same the public transport operator that through an
system as the new smart card system from the integrated ticketing system the company has a
Germany companies ATRON and the system will flexibility to implement the pricing systems, which
manage by Sweden companies BIMS. Passengers means that the ticketing system shown as the way of
can use public transport modes by a period card that the public transport operator to offer the pricing
valid for Vrmlandstrafik AB and Karlstad Buss. The system and the services. By using the case of
new system will make an integrated ticketing system Vrmlandstrafik AB also can be learned and adapted
between eight public transport companies in the to improve the public transport system in Jakarta,
middle of Sweden i.e. Dalatrafik, Karlstadsbuss, Indonesia with developing the self-services and
Lnstrafiken rebro, Vstmanlands lnstrafik, Tg i ticketing system to reduce queuing time. The public
bergslagen, Upplands Lokaltrafik, Vrmlandstrafik, transport operator in Jakarta could be started with
and X-trafik. make an agreement between TransJakarta Busway and
PT. Kereta Api Commuter Jabodetabek (KCJ) related
3.4 Empirical Data the ticketing system. This purposed to determine the
The result of passenger surveys using the ticketing system shall be provided and the
questionnaire forms consist of 13 questions can be organizations as a ticketing provider and clearing
described in the table 1. center.


4.1 Results a. This study tries to contribute for developing an
integrated ticketing system by providing a
Based on information and description in the previous description and explanation related the
chapter can be analyzed and discussed with make a characteristic of passenger, travel behavior, and
comparison between public transport services in assessment of ticketing system in Jakarta,
Jakarta, Indonesia and Vrmland, Sweden that can be Indonesia.
described in the Table 2.

Volume XXII/1 - January 2013 Civil Engineering Forum

b. To give an illustration process of development and organizational process use the case study of public
implement a new integrated ticketing system transport system in Vrmland, Sweden as a
regarding aspects of management and comparison.

Table 1. The empirical and data result of passenger survey

Description TransJakarta Busway (%) Commuter train (%)
Passenger by gender Male = 57,6 % Male = 56,4 %
Female = 42,4 % Female = 43,6%
Passenger by age 15-20 years = 12% 15-20 years = 15%
21-30 years = 49% 21-30 years = 43%
31-40 years = 18% 31-40 years = 24%
41-50 years = 16% 41-50 years = 12%
> 50 years = 5% > 50 years = 6%
Passenger by occupation Student = 20,8% Student = 21,2%
Civil servant = 23,2% Civil servant = 25,6%
Private employees = 38% Private employees = 34,8%
Entrepreneur = 4,8% Entrepreneur = 10,8%
Other = 11,6% Other = 6,8%
Unemployment = 1,6% Unemployment = 3,2%
Passenger by purpose of travelling Go to home = 28,8% Go to home = 36,8%
Shopping/pleasure = 17,6% Shopping/pleasure = 16,8%
Office = 55,2% Office = 58,4%
Study = 11,6% Study = 14,8%
Other = 1,2 % Other = 2,4 %
Passenger by the type of class services Commuter Non-AC = 38%
- Commuter AC = 62%
Type of ticket used by passengers E tickets = 13,2% E tickets = 32,4%
Paper tickets = 86,8% Paper tickets = 67,6%
Passenger by queuing of time < 5 minute = 6% / 2 % < 5 minute = 29,6%
5-10 minute = 44% / 35% 5-10 minute = 41,2%
11-15 minute = 26% / 22% 11-15 minute = 15,2%
16-20 minute = 9% / 18% 16-20 minute = 8,8%
>20 minute = 6% / 23% >20 minute = 5,2%
(To buy tickets/enter the bus) (To buy tickets)
Frequency of passengers <4 times = 54% <4 times = 20%
5-8 times = 35% 5-8 times = 26%
9-12 times =10% 9-12 times = 50%
>12 times = 1% >12 times = 4%
Use other public transport Commuter train = 43% TransJakarta busway = 26%
Para transits = 33% Para transits = 42%
City bus = 14% City bus = 13%
Kopaja/Metro mini = 4% Kopaja/Metro mini = 11%
Other = 6% Other = 8%
Use private car and public transport Private cars = 13% Private cars = 21%
Motorcycles = 52% Motorcycles = 50%
Only transJakarta = 35% Only transJakarta = 29%
Passenger who use mobile phone Mobile phone = 95,6% Mobile phone = 92,4%
Not use = 4,4% Not use = 7,6%
Passenger who use ATM/credit card ATM Card = 86,8% ATM Card = 87,6%
Credit Card = 15,6% Credit Card = 24,4%
Other = 13,2% Other = 12,4%

Civil Engineering Forum Volume XXII/1 - January 2013

Table2. Comparison between public transport in Jakarta, Indonesia and Vrmland, Sweden
Public Transports Systems
Jakarta, Indonesia Vrmland, Sweden
Organizations TransJakarta Busway and Commuter Train Public transport services both bus and train
are managing by the different of in the regional area of Vrmland county is
companies, and the Public Transport managing by Vrmlandstrafik AB. The
Authority (PTA) i.e. PTA of provincial company builds cooperation with Karlstad
DKI Jakarta for TransJakarta busway and Buss to provide the urban transportation in
the Directorate General of Railways for Karlstad municipality to increase the
commuter train Jabodetabek. The accessibility, flexibility by an integrated
companies develop the ticketing system ticketing system, and competitive pricing
without cooperation both public transport system. The companies make cooperation
operator, and the pricing system using flat with Sweden company BIMS as third party
tariff. to manage and provide the ticketing systems
Hardware; Public transport operator trying to make a Already connects both bus and train by
Interchange close enough both TransJakarta busway placing bus stop near the train stations. It
Physical Design and commuter train systems. The can be seen from the network of
companies providing park and ride Vrmlandstrafik AB. The company also
facilities in Ragunan and Kalideres shelter providing park and ride facilities in some of
to connect private cars or motorcycle with the train station.
TransJakarta busway and parking facilities
in train stations. In several locations, the
distance between the shelter busway and
train stations too far away and
Software; Logical Signage, maps, and schedules information The companies providing information about
integration of are still few and provides in TransJakarta schedules, time table, and route, etc. in
information system busway, shelters, commuter train and train several ways such as; handbooks for
station in a traditional way. customers, electronic board and live time in
several shelters of Karlstad Buss, mobile
phone apps that can be download by
passengers, and official website.
Finware; Combine Already implement the e-ticketing system Already implement an integrated ticketing
ticketing and that can use for inter-modality both system both bus and train services in
common fare TransJakarta busway and commuter train regional of Vrmland, Sweden and urban
system that consist Jabodetabek. Most of the passengers using transportation in Karlstad municipality
of three the paper tickets and fare collection in the cooperation with Karlstad Buss. The
components such shelter and train station, then deposit to the companies will develop an integrated
as; fare collection bank by cash. The tariff structure of ticketing system between eight public
process, payment TransJakarta busway using the flat tariff transport companies that operate in six
media as tickets, system, although the e-ticketing only counties in the middle of Sweden. Currently,
and fare structure. deduct the tariff based on the frequency of there is no cash payment to use public
using the services and the fare same with transport in Sweden and the ticket media
one trips tickets. For one trip tickets of using a smart card, mobile or SMS ticketing,
commuter train using the flat tariff and Turkronor and vending machine of ticket for
monthly ticket divided into common Karlstad Buss.
passengers and student.

Volume XXII/1 - January 2013 Civil Engineering Forum

Table3. Stage of implementation ticketing system of public transport in Jakarta, Indonesia and Vrmland, Sweden
Actors of public transport Several stage to implement an
TransJakarta Busway : Years of 2004 - 2006 are Provincial Government integrated ticketing system
Paper Ticket of DKI Jakarta, PTA, and between TransJakarta Busway and
TransJakarta Busway. Commuter Train Jabodetabek are:
Paper ticket and e- Years of 2006 - 2012 E-ticketing system was Agreement between two
ticketing system called launched on 2006 by PT. companies that supporting by
JakCard Bank DKI with first Directorate General of Railway,
implemented in corridor 1, Ministry of Transportation, and
2, and 3. Currently, the Public Transport Authority of DKI
system operated in corridor Jakarta Province.
1 8 and will expand to In general agreement to develop
corridor 11. an integrated ticketing system
consist of; data and information of
Actors of public transport parties in contract, the obligations
Commuter Train are Directorate General of and duties, type and specification
Jabodetabek Years of 2000 January 2012 Railway, Ministry of of services i.e. technology of
Paper ticket and Transportation and ticketing system, how to perform
monthly card Commuter Train and evaluate the services, and time
Since February 2012 Jabodetabek. period.
Paper ticket and e- Since February 2012, the Developing e-ticketing system
ticketing system called company launched Comet together through a procurement
Comet Card Card with implementation process to determine the company
divided into 3 steps; the first to manage ticketing system i.e.
step (February-March 2012) technology, share the revenue, etc.
started by replacing monthly both TransJakarta Busway and
card and implemented in 35 Commuter Train Jabodetabek.
train stations, the second By creating a single company in
step (April-June 2012) developing a ticketing system is
implemented in 51 train purpose to implement the same
stations, and the third step system of ticketing that lead to the
started on July 2012 specification of technology, and
implemented in whole easier to evaluate the services.
stations at Jabodetabek area. Further, the companies
(TransJakarta Busway and
Commuter Train) elaborate to
make an integration facility and

TransJakarta Busway 2012 - Each public transport Build cooperation between public
and Commuter Train operator has implemented e- transport operator in Jakarta
Jabodetabek ticketing system i.e. Comet through an agreement to provide
Card and Jak Card, but still card reader or ticketing machine
not integrated. in every shelter of TransJakarta
Busway and Commuter Train
This is supposed to increase
flexibility of public transport,
whereas the Jak Card Holder
enables to use commuter train and
vice versa. The tariff is according
to the ticket price that
implemented by each public
transport operator.
Further, the public transport
operator can improve to be one

Civil Engineering Forum Volume XXII/1 - January 2013

Table3. (Continued) Stage of implementation ticketing system of public transport

in Jakarta, Indonesia and Vrmland, Sweden
TransJakarta Busway 2012 - Each public transport card for both public transport
and Commuter Train operator has implemented e- operator i.e. TransJakarta Busway
Jabodetabek ticketing system i.e. Comet and Commuter Train Jabodetabek.
Card and Jak Card, but still If customers use transJakarta
not integrated. busway then machine or card
reader will deduct the
TransJakarta tariff as well as
Commuter Train Jabodetabek.
By a new integrated ticketing
system the public transport
operator have possibility to
implement several type of ticket
prices as example in Sweden.
This is supposed to increase
attractiveness of passengers to use
public transport services.
(Future Planning Public Transport System in Jakarta Based on the Experience of Public Transport in Vrmland, Sweden)

(Illustration of Share Revenue Scheme)

Passenger will charge At the first implementation phase of an

IDR. 8,500 depend on integrated ticketing system, its only
the route commuter AC Save in integrated payment and ticketing
Data Base system.
and then PROPOSED
share to - Further, the companies can develop
the into combined or integrated fare
company system.
account - Offers the attractive tariff for
Passenger will charge IDR.
3,500 For single trip.

Volume XXII/1 - January 2013 Civil Engineering Forum

Gustafsson, A. & Johnson, M., 2003. Competing
in a Service Economy. San Francisco: Jossey-
Mezghani, 2008. Study on Electronic Ticketing in
Public Transport. European Metropolitan
Transport Authorities (EMTA).

Potter, S. & Skinner, M.J., 2000. On transport

integration: a contribution to better
understanding. Futures (Energy and Environment
Research Unit, Open University, Milton Keynes
MK7 6AA, UK), 32(3-4), pp.275-87.
Vrmlandstrafik AB , 2012. Vrmlandstrafik AB
Future Plan Report, 2012-2014. Karlstad,
Sweden: Vrmlandstrafik AB Vrmlandstrafik


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