Iso 13655 2017
Iso 13655 2017
Iso 13655 2017
Third edition
Reference number
ISO 13655:2017(E)
© ISO 2017
ISO 13655:2017(E)
Contents Page
Introduction................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. vi
1 Scope.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 Spectral measurement requirements............................................................................................................................................. 4
4.1 Instrument standardization and adjustment................................................................................................................ 4
4.2 Reflectance factor measurement.............................................................................................................................................. 4
4.2.1 Wavelength range, wavelength interval and bandwidth................................................................ 4
4.2.2 Illumination requirements and measurement conditions........................................................... 5
4.2.3 Sample backing material............................................................................................................................................ 7
4.2.4 Measurement geometry............................................................................................................................................. 7
4.2.5 Data reporting..................................................................................................................................................................... 7
4.3 Transmittance factor measurement...................................................................................................................................... 8
4.3.1 Wavelength range, wavelength interval and bandwidth................................................................ 8
4.3.2 Measurement geometry............................................................................................................................................. 8
4.3.3 Illumination requirements and measurement conditions........................................................... 8
4.3.4 Resolution and data reporting.............................................................................................................................. 8
4.4 Self-luminous displays (spectral radiance) measurement................................................................................. 9
Wavelength range, wavelength interval and bandwidth................................................................ 9
Measurement geometry............................................................................................................................................. 9
4.4.3 (
Polarization........................................................................................................................................................................... 9
4.4.4 Resolution and data reporting........................................................................................................................... 10
5 Colorimetric computation requirements ISO 13655:2017 .................................................................................................................................10
Calculation of tristimulus values for reflecting and transmitting samples....................................... 10
5.1.1 167266af6cc0/iso-13655-2017
General................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
5.1.2 Calculations with data having 5 nm interval and bandwidth................................................. 11
5.1.3 Calculations with data having 10 nm interval and bandwidth.............................................. 11
5.1.4 Calculations with data having other intervals and bandwidth.............................................. 11
5.2 Calculation of tristimulus values for self-luminous displays........................................................................ 11
5.3 CIE 1976 (L*a*b*) colour space; CIELAB colour space...................................................................................... 13
5.3.1 General................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
5.3.2 CIELAB colour space formulae.......................................................................................................................... 13
5.3.3 CIE 1976 colour difference formulae........................................................................................................... 14
5.3.4 CIEDE2000 colour difference formulae..................................................................................................... 14
6 Measurement data reporting requirements.........................................................................................................................15
6.1 Required information...................................................................................................................................................................... 15
6.2 Recommended information....................................................................................................................................................... 15
6.3 Electronic data reporting............................................................................................................................................................. 15
Annex A (normative) Sample backing...............................................................................................................................................................16
Annex B (informative) Geometry...........................................................................................................................................................................21
Annex C (informative) Improving inter-instrument agreement............................................................................................24
Annex D (informative) Certified reference materials (CRMs)..................................................................................................26
Annex E (informative) Procedures for widening the bandwidth..........................................................................................28
Annex F (informative) Fluorescent specimens........................................................................................................................................30
Annex G (normative) Test method for UV-cut conformance......................................................................................................32
Annex H (informative) Special cases: Use of polarization............................................................................................................34
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of
any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or
on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.
For an explanation on the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and
expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO’s adherence to the
World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following
This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 130, Graphic technology, in collaboration
with Technical Committee ISO/TC 42, Photography. ISO 13655:2017
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO 13655:2009), which has been technically
revised to:
— clarify the requirements of measurement mode M1;
— restrict the use of unnecessarily wide bandpass and sampling intervals;
— provide more realistic specification for the optical properties of a white backing material;
— restrict the adjustment method of predicting the fluorescent reflectance factor to UV activated
There are many choices allowed when making spectral measurements and performing colorimetric
computations. The specific choices made can result in different numerical values for the same property
for the same sample. Thus, it might not be possible to make valid comparisons unless the data being
compared are all based on the same set of measurement and computational choices. The purpose of
this document is to specify a limited number of such choices for the measurement and computation
of the colorimetric characteristics of graphic arts images and specimens, such as test charts, to allow
valid and comparable data to be obtained. While this document references ISO 3664, the International
Standard established for viewing conditions in graphic arts and photography, it is not expected that
measured colorimetric data will provide an absolute correlation with visual colour appearance.
When the prior revision of this document was started, it was observed that almost all graphic arts
specimens exhibited fluorescence. In most cases, this was due to optical brightening agents (OBA)
contained in the paper substrates. In rare cases, the printing inks were fluorescent. According to the
recommendations of the 1996 version of this document, this would have meant that the source used for
the measurements (i.e. the spectral power distribution of the specimen illumination) was required to
closely match CIE illuminant D50. Yet when the 2009 revision was started, not a single colour-measuring
instrument sold for the graphic arts market provided an illumination system that closely matched CIE
illuminant D50. Instead, most instruments used incandescent lamps for light sources. The spectral
power distributions of such lamps have varying amounts of UV content. The variation in UV content
between instruments could easily amount to a colour difference of 5 Δb* when measuring substrates
with a high level of optical brightening agents. Consequently, the measurement results for unprinted
paper substrates and lighter colours differed appreciably between different instrument models. For a
thorough study of fluorescence effects, see CIE Publication 163.
It had also been observed that graphic arts viewing booths vary with respect to UV content, even those
that comply with the 1996 version of ISO 3664. The practical result was that specimens that have nearly
identical measured colorimetric properties, at times will not visually match when viewed in the viewing
ISO 13655:2017
booth, and vice versa. Only
part of such discrepancies can be attributed to fluorescence. There can also
be metameric effects due to “non-standard”167266af6cc0/iso-13655-2017
observers and to instrument wavelength errors, in addition
to deviations in the measurement source away from CIE D50. Despite these other potential influences,
it was deemed important to provide measurement solutions that would minimize the systematic errors
introduced by the interaction of paper fluorescence and variations in the spectral power distribution
of the sample illumination. Methods for the correction of instrument errors and procedures for reliable
visual evaluation of colour images are outside of the scope of this document.
In the 2009 revision, four measurement choices were defined for reflective measurements.
Measurement condition M0 requires the source illumination to closely match that of illuminant A; this
provides consistency with existing instrumentation and ISO 5-3. Measurement condition M1 requires
the colorimetry of the specimen illumination to closely match CIE illuminant D50. Measurement
condition M2 only requires that the spectral power distribution of the specimen illumination be
provided in the wavelength range from 400 nm to at least 700 nm and have no substantial radiation
power in the wavelength range below 400 nm (often referred to as “UVCut”). Measurement condition
M3 has the same sample illumination requirements as M2 and includes a linear polarizer in the influx
and efflux portions of the optical path with their principal axes of polarization in the orthogonal or
“crossed” orientation. For specimens in which the fluorescence is primarily that of a UV activated blue
emission, it is possible to use the method of a virtual fluorescent standard reported by Imura of Konica
Minolta[24][25] to determine the total radiance factors for M0, M1 and M2 conditions. In this revision,
Annex A has been revised providing a slightly narrower and more realistic set of spectral tolerances on
the white backing materials. The properties of the white backing material are critical to reproducibility
of readings of packaging printing on clear or translucent films.
Finally, as the CIE has been recommending the use of 5 nm intervals for practical tristimulus
integration since the second revision of CIE Publication 15 and as graphic images can be composed
of colour stimulus functions with very narrow transitions from the low values to the high values, this
revision recommends that tristimulus values be based on spectral data collected with a 5 nm interval
and a 5 nm bandpass. Since many of the instruments now in use in the field are equipped with 10 nm
intervals and 10 nm bandpass spectrometers, such readings are allowed with the recommendation
that tristimulus calculations be preceded by applying bandpass correction to the spectral data as
specified in ASTM E2729. The use of instruments with wider sampling intervals and bandpass has
been deprecated with the exception of the use of such non-standard instruments to monitor the state of
previously characterized materials or objects.
The requirements of this document are focused on colorimetric measurement equipment intended for
use in the graphic arts environment. Helpful information on issues such as substrate backing materials,
reporting, standardization, standard and improved colour difference metrics, fluorescence and ways
to improve the inter-instrument agreement are included. These will be useful to technical advisors
of graphic arts associations, specialized graphic arts research institutes, and practitioners with an
interest in the basics of measurement and process control.
1 Scope
This document specifies procedures for the measurements and colorimetric computations appropriate
to objects that reflect, transmit and emit light, such as flat-panel displays. It also specifies procedures
for computation of colorimetric parameters for graphic arts images. Graphic arts include, but are not
limited to, the preparation of material for, and volume production by, production printing processes
that include offset lithography, letterpress, flexography, gravure, screen and digital printing.
This document does not address spectral measurements appropriate to other specific application needs,
such as those used during the production of materials, for example, printing paper and proofing media.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 5-2, Photography and graphic technology — Density measurements — Part 2: Geometric conditions for
transmittance density (
ISO 5-4:2009, Photography and graphic technology — Density measurements — Part 4: Geometric
conditions for reflection density ISO 13655:2017
ISO 3664, Graphic technology and photography — Viewing conditions
ISO 11664-1, Colorimetry — Part 1: CIE standard colorimetric observers
ISO 11664-3, Colorimetry — Part 3: CIE tristimulus values
ISO 11664-4, Colorimetry — Part 4: CIE 1976 L*a*b* Colour space
ISO 28178, Graphic technology — Exchange format for colour and process control data using XML or
ASCII text
CIE Publication 15:2004, Colorimetry, 3rd ed.
CIE Publication 167:2005, Recommended practice for tabulating spectral data for use in colour
CIE Publication 176:2006, Geometric Tolerances for Colour Measurements
adopted white
spectral radiance distribution as seen by an image capture or measurement device and converted
to colour signals that are considered to be perfectly achromatic and to have an observer adaptive
luminance factor of unity, i.e. colour signals that are considered to correspond to a perfect white diffuser
[SOURCE: ISO 22028‑1]
width of the spectral response function of the instrument, measured between the half-power points
often termed full width at half maximum (FWHM)
set of operations that establish, under specified conditions, the relationship between values of
quantities indicated by a measuring instrument or measuring system, or values represented by a
material measure or a reference material, and the corresponding values realized by standards
Note 1 to entry: Contrary to a common usage, calibration is not the process of adjusting a measurement system
such that it produces values that are believed to be correct. Calibration permits either the assignment of values of
measurands to the indications (creating a reference table) or the decision to reset or adjust the device. Following
the resetting or adjusting of the device, a calibration needs to be verified to ensure that the new device setting(s)
provide indications within the accepted values.
CIELAB chromaticness difference
ΔC h
difference between two colours of approximately the same lightness projected onto a constant lightness
plane in the CIELAB colour space
(CIE α ) + (CIE b )
2 2
Note 1 to entry: This is calculated as DC h = *
1 − CIE α 2* *
1 − CIE b2*
numeric tabulation of the relative spectral distribution of the radiant (light) flux incident on the
specimen surface
Note 1 to entry: The CIE defines an illuminant as “radiation with a relative spectral power distribution defined
over the wavelength range that influences object colour perception”. In everyday English, the term is more widely
used to mean any kind of light falling on a body or scene. See IEC 60050-845 for further information.
<of a substrate> measure of the property that describes the ability of a specimen to hide a surface
behind and in contact with it
Note 1 to entry: The numerical value of opacity as used in this document is 100 times the ratio of the luminous
reflectance factor of the substrate over black backing (as defined in A.2) to the luminous reflectance factor
over white backing (as defined in A.3). This is different from the measurement of opacity used by the paper
manufacturing industry and defined in ISO 2471.
opaque substrate
substrate whose opacity (3.7), measured according to A.3, is 0,99 or greater
transparent substrate
clear material having minimal absorption or scattering of transmitted visible light
Note 1 to entry: Clear packaging film is an example of this type of material.
reflectance factor
ratio of the radiant or luminous flux reflected in the directions delimited by the given cone to that
reflected in the same directions by a perfect reflecting diffuser identically irradiated or illuminated
Note 1 to entry: The industry commonly uses the term reflectance rather than reflectance factor.
Note 2 to entry: It is important to specify the geometry that establishes the given conditions of measurement. See
Annex B. (
[SOURCE: IEC 60050‑845‑04-64]
ISO 13655:2017
radiance factor 167266af6cc0/iso-13655-2017
<at a surface element of a non-self-radiating medium, in a given direction, under specified conditions
of irradiation> ratio of the radiance of the surface element in the given direction to that of the perfect
reflecting or transmitting diffuser identically irradiated and viewed
Note 1 to entry: For photoluminescent (fluorescent) media, the radiance factor contains 2 components, the
reflected radiance factor, βR , and the luminescent radiance factor, βL . The sum of the reflected and luminescent
radiance factors is the total radiance factor, βT: βT = βR + βL . The subscript R is used here for the reflected
radiance factor because it is more intuitive than the traditional S and avoids confusion with the use of S to denote
a state of polarization.
instrument for measuring the relative spectral reflectance factor (3.10) or transmittance factor (3.18) of
a material across the visible spectrum in order to derive colorimetric quantities
instrument for measuring radiometric quantities in narrow wavelength intervals over a given
spectral region
[SOURCE: IEC 60050‑845‑05-07]
process of forcing or adjusting a measurement system to produce readings that correspond to a
previously established calibration (3.3) using one or more homogeneous specimens or certified
reference materials
Note 1 to entry: As defined here, standardization is normally carried out by an instrument user.
spectroradiometer (3.14) that uses an optical relay component to allow measurements to be made at a
distance from the specimen
transmittance (for incident radiation of a given spectral composition, polarization, and
geometrical distribution)
ratio of the transmitted radiant or luminous flux to the incident flux in the given conditions
Note 1 to entry: It is important to specify the geometry that establishes the given conditions of measurement,
for example, rectilinear geometry produces regular transmittance and integrating sphere produces diffuse
transmittance. But an opal glass diffuser does not produce the same readings as an integrating sphere geometry.
See Annex B.
NOTE 2 Where multiple instruments are used for measurement, there can be differences in the resulting data
due to the individual characteristics of the instruments and variations in measurement conditions. Annexes C
and D provide information on the improvement of inter-instrument agreement and the use of certified reference
The data should be measured from 380 nm to 780 nm and shall be measured from 400 nm to 700 nm,
inclusive. Data should be measured at 5 nm intervals with a spectral response function that is
triangular with a 5 nm bandwidth at the half-power point, as specified in ISO 11664-3. Where unknown
data are measured at other intervals and bandwidths, the sampling interval and bandwidth shall not
exceed 10 nm. For applications where the spectral properties of the specimens are well established,
conformance to process requirements may be assessed using 20 nm sampling. Measurement data taken
at greater than 10 nm interval shall be converted to 10 nm using one of the interpolation methods
recommended in CIE Publication 167:2005. Where measurement data are collected at bandwidths and
intervals of less than 5 nm, it may be widened using the method of Annex E.
Historically, many spectrophotometers used in the graphic arts have used an incandescent lamp with a
relative spectral power distribution that is close to CIE standard illuminant A, as defined in ISO 11664-2.
In addition, this illuminant has historically been required for the measuring of density. M0 is provided to
allow the identification of data measured using existing instrumentation or instrumentation optimized
for photographic density measurements (see ISO 5-3).
The relative spectral power distribution of the flux incident on the specimen surface should conform
to CIE illuminant A (corresponding to an incandescent source with a correlated colour temperature of
2 856 K). In practical instruments, this may be achieved using any source that provides radiant power
at all wavelengths within the spectral range of 400 nm to 700 nm.
Because the specification of correlated colour temperature does not define UV, the UV content is not
controlled under M0, and it is therefore recommended that M1 be used when there is the need to
interchange data measured on samples that exhibit fluorescence. When instruments meeting M1 are
not available and relative data are sufficient for process control or other data exchange applications, M0
instruments of like manufacturer and model provide a viable alternative.
Measurement condition M1
To minimize the variations in measurement results between instruments due to fluorescence (by
optical brighteners in the substrate and/or fluorescence of the printing and/or proofing colorants),
ISO 13655:2017
the spectral power
distribution of the light flux incident on the specimen surface for the measurement
should match CIE illuminant D50. 167266af6cc0/iso-13655-2017
NOTE 1 Because ISO 3664 also specifies the use of D50, this will improve the consistency between
measurement results made under condition M1 and visual assessment in viewing booths that meet the
requirements of ISO 3664.
NOTE 2 For material testing as defined in ISO 5631-3, the UV-content of the illumination on the test piece has
been adjusted to conform to that of CIE illuminant C. Therefore, measurements conforming to ISO 5631-3 might
not be compatible with measurements conforming to this document.
NOTE 4 In cases where a printing ink fluoresces and accurate colorimetric data are required, measurement
condition M1, Method 1 is the only choice. However, in most situations, instruments meeting Method 1 are not
available and relative data is sufficient for process control or other data exchange applications. In such situations,
comparison of data from instruments of like manufacturer and model can provide a viable alternative.
Appropriate suppression of the UV portion of the spectral power distribution of the flux at the sample
plane shall be verified using the test procedure of Annex G.
For measurement condition M2, the source is not explicitly specified. However, it shall provide radiant
power at all wavelengths in the wavelength range from 420 nm to at least 700 nm. The radiative
power in each wavelength interval shall be sufficiently high, in order to enable precise calibration and
repeatable measurement results according to the instrument specifications.
The utility of M2 data can be determined by first considering whether the substrate of the samples
to be measured contains any optical brightening agents. If it does not, measurement conditions M0,
M1 and M2 will ideally produce the same results. In this case, the primary differences will be due to
specific differences in instruments.
NOTE 2 Annex F provides information on fluorescence and techniques to test for its presence.
For use in the special cases detailed in informative Annex H, an instrument may be equipped with means
for polarization in order to suppress the influence of first-surface reflection on the colour coordinates.
An instrument fitted with a polarization filter shall also meet the requirements of Using the test
method of ISO 5-4:2009, Annex H, as modified below, the gloss suppression factors shall be determined
for CIE X, CIE Y, CIE Z; none of which shall be lower than 50.
When using the test method of ISO 5-4 to evaluate an instrument providing colour coordinates,
substitute “measured value reaches a maximum” for “reflection density reaches a minimum”.
Formula (1) becomes:
P= (1)
The measurement geometry shall be (45°:0°) or (0°:45°), annular or circumferential (see Annex B).
It shall also conform to the geometric conditions defined in CIE Publication 176:2006 and shall meet
the requirement that the realized boundary of the larger of the illuminator region and the receiver
region shall be outside the boundary of the smaller by at least 0,5 mm, as specified for small sampling
apertures. While being measured the sample shall lie on a flat surface. The instrument base and the
sample surface shall lie in the same plane.
NOTE 1 For angles and nomenclature for geometries, see B.1.1.
NOTE 2 The use of (45°:0°) or (0°:45°) geometry will not always adequately address variations in all
surface characteristics. Other instrumentation might be used to detect specific characteristics such as surface
reflectance effects.
Reflectance factor shall be reported to the nearest 0,001 relative to a perfect reflecting diffuser having
a reflectance factor of 1,000 at all wavelengths. This data shall be reported as either reflectance factor
or percent reflectance factor (i.e. reflectance factor multiplied by 100). If the data are to be used for
further calculations, then in order to minimize the accumulation of round-off errors, the full precision
of the calculation should be carried forward. Bandpass characteristics of data should be reported,
including function shape (triangular, trapezoidal, etc.) and bandwidth (FWHM). See Annex L for
information on the impact of instrumental bandpass on the calculation of spectral quantities. For non-
opaque specimen-substrate materials, the CIEXYZ data for the unprinted substrate material read over