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‫‪Dr kabsha Prometric course‬‬

‫‪+20 1064018621‬‬
‫السالم علٌكم ‪...‬األسئلة التالٌه من شهر‬

‫ومن مناقشاتكم على جروب الواتس الخاص بالكورس‪6‬‬

‫بالتوفٌق للجمٌع ‪....‬نسأل هللا التوفٌق والسداد‬

‫وجاري المتابعة المستمرة ان شاء هللا‬
‫جروب فٌس بوك ‪:‬‬


‫جروب تٌلٌجرام‪:‬‬


‫♦كورس البرومترك الشامل المبسط لدكتور احمد كبشه‬

‫♦احدث المصادر الخاصة للبرومترك اليومية ألسئلة االختبار‬
‫التواصل علي االرقام‬



Dr kabsha Prometric course
+20 1064018621
1)When the patient at rest the volume of the blood found
in ?
A- vein
B- arteria

2)How much the heart pump a liter of blood

per minute ?
A- 0.5. Litres
B- 5litres
C- 50 liters
3)Which of the following is a characteristic cholesterol?
A)Cholesterol has hydroxyl group at carbons
B)Cholesterol is a very hydrophilic compound
C)Cholesterol has four fused hydrocarbon rings
D)Cholesterol has three double bonds in its structure

Dr kabsha Prometric course
+20 1064018621

4)A 36-year-old woman in her first trimester of pregnancy

who is recently
diagnosed with hypertension.
Blood pressure 150/90mmHg
Heart rate 76/min
Respiratory 18/min
Which of the following is the best and safest therapy?
A. Aliskiren
B. Captopril
C. Valsartan
D. Labetalol
5) Which of the following is the recommended anti-
coagulation strategy for
atrial fibrillation patient with a CHA2DS2-VACS score of 5?
A. aspirin
B. dabigatran
C. clopidogrel
D. no anticoagulation

Dr kabsha Prometric course
+20 1064018621
6)Which of the following statements about glycolysis is
a) Glycolysis requires oxygen since it is involved in the
oxidation of glucose.
b) The end products of glycolysis are always pyruvate and
c) The end products of glycolysis are always lactate and ATP.
d) Although glycolysis is a stage in the oxidation of glucose it
can occur anaerobically.

03 min before 4th dose

7)What is the role of coenzyme Q?

A) reduction of NAD to NADH
B) oxidation of NAD to NADH
C)oxidation of FADH2 to FAD

Dr kabsha Prometric course
+20 1064018621
8) Pharmacy merchandising ?
Pharmacy merchandising means creating an environment
which makes customers want to buy your particular
pharmacy's products

for example, if someone attacks you with, “You're useless at

your job,” you could fog with “Well, nobody's perfect,”

9)Fogging involves agreeing with any truth that may be

contained within statements, even if critical. By not
responding in the expected way

Type of assertive communication

10)antibiogram is an overall profile of antimicrobial

susceptibility testing results of a specific microorganism to a
battery of antimicrobial drugs

Dr kabsha Prometric course
+20 1064018621
11)the prescription of a patient shows xalatan drops 1 drop
o.n.m. 1 bottle which of
the following is the most likely condition?
A) cataract
B) glaucoma
C) blepharitis
D) conjuncitivits

12) Which one is encapsulated bacteria ?

A - Streptococcus Pneumoniae
B- Lactobacillus Acidophilus
C- Mycobacterium Tuberculosis

13) Case abute Epilepsy patient and postive HLA-B (1502)

Which the following antiepileptic can be use ?
B- Lamotrgin
C- Phenytoin
D- Carbamazepine

Dr kabsha Prometric course
+20 1064018621

14)which is the following is the active metabolite of

A- Phenytoin
B- Dopamine
C- Phenobarbital
D- Methsuximide

15) Which of the following is heparin antidote?

A- Protamine Sulphate
B- Octreotide
C- N-Acetylcysteine
D- Naloxone Hydrochloride
16)Study has no intervention but there is a
comparison group?
A. Analytical.
B. Descriptive.
C. Experimental.
D. Clinical trial

Dr kabsha Prometric course
+20 1064018621

17)Iron stored in human body in the form of :

A) ferrous

18)which one is random sample?

A) Simple sample
B) convenience sample

Dr kabsha Prometric course
+20 1064018621
convenience sample is a type of non-probability sampling
method where the sample is taken from a group of people
easy to contact or to reach; for example, standing at a mall or
a grocery store and asking people to answer questions.

Simple random sampling is a type of probability sampling in

which the researcher randomly selects a subset of participants
from a population.

19)Face to face communication barrier?

A) no discussion
B)disturbtion of the clinic and patient flow
C) delay response

20) Posterior pituitary gland hormones are?

21) Omega 3 is found in : fish oil

22)Respiridonepolymorphism : 2D6

Dr kabsha Prometric course
+20 1064018621
23) Citalopram side effect QT elongation
24) RSV in neonates prophylaxis:palivizumab

25)gemfibrozil with statin?

26)Ca dose in pregnancy

27) 23-month-year-old, 14-kg infant, her mom brought her the
hospital with
signs and symptoms of bacterial meningitis. The baby attends
day care and has
a history of acute otitis media. A blood and CSF culture were
ordered and
Which of the following is the empirical therapy for acute
A. Doxycycline plus linezolid
B. Ampicillin plus genfamicin
C. Cefuroxime plus ciprofloxacin
D. Ceftriaxone or cefotaxime plus vancomycin

Dr kabsha Prometric course
+20 1064018621

28)70-year-old man has been prescribed several medications

by the
physician, which are eliminated by kidney. His body is 80 Kg
and serum
creatinine is 0.194 mmol/I (2.2 mg/dl).Which of the following
equation is
most appropriate to calculate his creatinine clearance?
A. Schwartz
B. Shull et al
C. Counahan-Barratt
D. Cochroft and Gault

29) Schwartz for ?

30) Cockcroft for ?

31) Gum bleeding with warfarin

Dr kabsha Prometric course
+20 1064018621
32) Which of the following vitamin deficiency can cause
A. vitamin A
B. vitamin B6
C.vitamin c

33) 28-year-old woman was recently diagnosed with Crohn’

was started with
high dose intervenous corticosteroids .she conversion to oral
drugs and was
started on infliximab, a tumour factor ꭤ(TNf-ꭤ), inhibitor.
Which of the following tests should be performed prior to
A) HIV screening
B) Influenza screening
C) Hepatitis C screening
D)Tuberculosis screening

Dr kabsha Prometric course
+20 1064018621
34)Which of the following is an indication for ciprofloxacin?
A. Fever
B. Arthropathy
C. Tuberculosis
D. Inhalational anthrax
35) What we can to add on morphine structure to
increase its activity?
Add OH group at position 14

‫ طب‬N ‫لواستبدلناهاب‬allyl group?

‫ تحولل‬naloxone ..antidote

36)Which of the following is the most appropriate time to

draw a plasma blood
sample for digoxin monitoring?
A) 2 hours post-dose
B)4 hours post-dose
C)5 hours post-dose
D)6 hours post-dose

Dr kabsha Prometric course
+20 1064018621
37) Which alzehimer med act on glutamate?

‫ ٌعطٌك‬ratio ‫و‬srum BUN

Dr kabsha Prometric course
+20 1064018621

39) D-Galactose and D-Mannose are monosaccharide sugar. They have the same
number of carbons and the same functional group, but they differ in their
configurations. This reflects their pharmacoceutical uses (see image) Which of
the following types of stereo-isomerization do these sugars represent?
A. isomers
B. epimers
C. anomers

40)Which of the following is a side effect of albuterol?

A. Convulsion

B. Bradycardia

C. Tachycardia

D. Hypotension

Dr kabsha Prometric course
+20 1064018621
41)Which of the following antihypertensive agents is most likely to cause
peripheral edema?
A. Atenolol
B. Perindopril
C. Amlodipine
D. Candesartan

of the following type of water should be used for reconstitution of parenteral

A. Sterile water
B. Distilled water
C. Sterile water for injection
D. Bacteriostatic water for injection

42) Which of the following vitamins is contraindicated in high doses during

A. Vitamin A
B. Vitamin B6
C. Vitamin C
D. Vitamin B12

Dr kabsha Prometric course
+20 1064018621

43) Which of the following is the most common side effect of diphenhydramine
A. cough
B. angina
C. diarrhea
D. drowsiness

44) Results data from a bioavailability study of four different dosage forms of an
antibiotic drug is shown (see table). The volunteers fasted for 12 hours prior to
taking the drug products. Urine samples were collected up to 72 hours after the
administration of the drug to obtain the maximum urinary drug excretion.

Drug Dosage form Dose (mg/kg) Urinary From Drug

Excretion 0-72 h
IV solution 0.2 20
Oral solution 4 380
Oral tablet 4 340
Oral capsule 4 360

Which of the following is the absolute bioavailability of the tablet dosage form?
A. 80%
B. 85%
C. 90%
D. 95%

Dr kabsha Prometric course
+20 1064018621

45)Which of the following drugs require extra precautions during handing to

ensure medication safety?
A. Methotrexate
B. Potassium
C. Dopamine
D. Thiamine

46)An 18-year-old obese girl with newly diagnosed depressive illness is being
advised to start antidepressant treatment. Which of the following is best to
A. Bupropion
B. Paroxetine
C. Mirtazapine
D. Amitriptyline

47)- What is the route of administration of Enoxaparin?

A. Intrathecal bolus
B. Transdermal injection
C. Subcutaneous injection
D. Intramuscular injection

Dr kabsha Prometric course
+20 1064018621

48)Which of the following counseling points is most important to discus with a

patient who is taking carbidopa/levodopa?
A. Should be taken on an empty stomach
B. High-fat meal may increase the absorption
C. Should not be taken with calcium supplements
D. High-protein meal may decrease the absorption

49)-What is the antidote for heparin toxicity?

A. Protamine sulfate
B. Sodium salicylate
C. Naloxone
D. Glucagon

50)A 36-year-old man not known to have any medical illness diagnosed recently
with an active pulmonary tubercolusis.
Which of the following is the best regimen to start?
A. Rifampin alone
B. Isoniazide alone
C. Isoniazide plus rifampin
D.Isoniazide, rifamnin. ethambutol and pyrazinamide

Dr kabsha Prometric course
+20 1064018621

51)-A 28-year-old woman presents with tachycardia and palpitations

(ventricular ectopic beats). History revealed essential hypertension and asthma.
Patient wants to conceive(mean become pregnant)
Blood pressure 147/98 mmHg
What is the most likely alternative to the β-blocker in terms of efficacy on
pressure, heart rate and relative safety?
A. Prazosin
B. Enalapril
C. Diltiazem
D. Methyldopa
52)Which of the following could lead to decrease in international normalization
ratio (INR) in a patient of warfarin therapy?
A.decrease the consumption of dietary vitamin K
B. carbamazepine therapy
C. cotrimoxazole therapy
D. metronidazole therapy

Dr kabsha Prometric course
+20 1064018621
53) A 68-year-old woman with a history of type-2 diabetes and dyslipidemia is
on atenolol and lisinopril. The doctor wants to start statin as her estimated 10-
year ASCVD risk is 10%
Which of the following would be the recommended station in (mg)?
A. Atoravastatin 10mg
B.Atoravastatin 40 mg
C. Simvastatin 10 mg
D. Simvastatin 80 mg

54)Which of the following resources is best to use for common compounding

techniques and ingredients?
A. Red book
B. Drug facts and comparison
C. Martindale: the complete drug reference
D. Remington: the science and practice of pharmacy

55)A 4-week Infant is diagnosed with patent ductusarteriosis. The doctor wants
to avoid performing surgery.
Which drug will be administered to avoid surgical closure?
A) allopurinol
B)Indomethacin (NSAIDS should be used within 14 day of birth)
C) pseudoephedrine
D) bromopheniramine

Dr kabsha Prometric course
+20 1064018621
56)Which of the following is most appropriate to give hepatitis B vaccine for
unvaccinated patient?
A. 1 dose vaccine intramuscularly
B. no vaccination is recommended
C. 1 dose vaccine intramuscularly every year
D. 3 doses vaccine series administered intramuscularly at 0, 1, and 6 months

57)Which of the following marketing mix contains market cover assortments?

B) Place
D) Promotion

58)A 73-year-old man is diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the knee.

Which of the following is the best initial therapy?
A) Ibuprofen
D)Glucosamine sulfate

Dr kabsha Prometric course
+20 1064018621
Acetaminophen should be used as first-line therapy for mild osteoarthritis.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are superior to acetaminophen for
treating moderate to severe osteoarthritis

59)There are four principles in biomedical ethics these ethics autonomy justice,
Beneficence ,and one more principles
Which of following as the fourth principles of biomedical ethics?
B) Dilemmas
C) Non-maleficence
D)Conflict of interest

60)Which of the following medications to be used under caution is in patients

with ischemic heart disease?
A. lisinopril
C. metoprolol
D. simvastatin

Dr kabsha Prometric course
+20 1064018621
61)Which of the following lab results support a diagnosis of primary
A) low TSH and a low free T4
B)low TSH and elevated free T4
C)elevated TSH and low free T4
D) elevated TSH and elevated T4

62)What kind of outcomes can be determined by cost-minimization?

A)Monetary units (e.g. dollars) B) Quality- adjusted life-years (QALYS)
C) Natural units (e.g. Life-years saved)
D) Comparing the cost of two identical products (e.g. generic brand)

63)A 10-year-old boy is brought with complaints of fever sore throat and
nonproductive cough for 1 day. Which of the following is best regimen for
nonproductive cough?
A. Codeine 10 mg 4 times daily
B. Guaifenesin 50 mg 4 times daily
C. Dextromethorphan 15 mg twice daily
D. Dextromethorphan 30 mg twice daily

Dr kabsha Prometric course
+20 1064018621
64)Where dose the electron transport chain reaction pathway take ?
A) Cell cytoplasm
B)Golgi apparatus
C)Outer mitochondrial membrance
D)Inner mitochondrial membrance

65)Which of the following drugs found under the narcotic classification ?


66)A 33-year-old woman with no underlying medical condition came to a clinic

in with complaints of dysuria, urinary frequency and urgency, and suprapubic
tenderness. She was diagnosed with urinary tract infection and treated with
Which of the following is an objective parameter to assess the effectiveness of
drug therapy?
A. resolution of back pain
B. decrease in cough frequency
C. improved ability to concentrate
D. normalization of white blood cells

Dr kabsha Prometric course
+20 1064018621
67)A patient is admitted to the hospital for the treatment of atrial fibrillation.
During hospital stay, the patient receives IV diltiązem was discharge on oral
diltiązem plus his previous antihypertensive medication verapamil.
Which of the following medication error-reduction programs Would most likely
have helped to prevent this duplication of therapy?
A)Bar Coding
B)High-Risk Drug Protocol
C) Medication Reconciliation
D) Computerized physician order entry
68)Which the following hormones maintains the concentration of water in the
A) Vasopressin(antidiuretic hormone)
B) Thyrotropin
C) Adrenocorticotropin
D)Luteinizing hormone
69)A 6-year-old child weighing 28 kg came to the clinic with viral infection. The
physician prescribed acyclovir at a dose of 20 mg/kg four times a day. Acyclovir
is available as 200 mg/5 ml oral suspension.
How many milliliters would be administered per day?

A) 10
B) 14

Dr kabsha Prometric course
+20 1064018621

70)Which of the following is the most appropriate source for information on

compounding medications ?
B)Orange book
C)A drug information website
D)United states pharmacopeis (USP)

USP 795 Non-sterille preparation

USP 797 Sterille preparation
USP 800 Hazardous Drugs -Handling in

71)Which of the following molecules contains double bond?

C) C2H2

Dr kabsha Prometric course
+20 1064018621
72)A technician is preparing 250 ml of 70% (w/v) dextrose solution.
Which of the following is the total amount of dextrose (in grams) in the final
A) 125 g
B) 150 g
C) 175g
D) 200 g

73)Which of the following immunoglobulin (Ig) is frequently found to be

elevated in asthmatic patients ?

74)Which of the following drugs used in rheumatoid arthritics can be dosed

once a week?
C) sulfasalazine

Dr kabsha Prometric course
+20 1064018621

75)Which of the following concepts that most of public health strategies are
based on?
A) Primary prevention
B) Secondary prevention
C)Clean water and food
D) Ideal healthy community

76) Which of the following is involved in type 2 hypersensitivity (cytotoxic hypersensitivity


A- IgE


C- T lymphocytes

D- Macrophages

77) Breast cancer.the gene HER2 was negative we can use?


B- Trustuzumb

78)Case: patient has hypertension and Benign prostatic hyperplasia take Lisinopril, prazosin
another antihypertensive drug but still uncontroll He is have side effect Orthostatic

A- Add finstride

B- Stop prazosin

C - Discontinue prazosin and change to Alfuzosin

Dr kabsha Prometric course
+20 1064018621

79)-bentonite is ?

A- Preservative

B- emulsifying agent

C- suspending agent

D- vehicle

80)- Drug of choice for patient has fucal seizure with HLA-B 1502 positive ?


B- Carbamazepine

C- Lamotrigine

D- Phenobarbital

81)What resource should be used when searching for the most current clinical trials on the
use of novel anticoagulants for pulmonary embolism

A- Pharmacotherapy, the pathophysiologic approach

B- PubMed

C- Uptodate

D- Micromedex

82)Xalatan drops used for ?

A - Glaucoma

B- Fungual Infection

C- Bacterial Infection

D- Viral Infection

Dr kabsha Prometric course
+20 1064018621

83)- Which one is encapsulated bacteria ?

A - Streptococcus Pneumoniae

B- Lactobacillus Acidophilus

C- Mycobacterium Tuberculosis

84) Which of the following Drugs is used for positive symptoms of schizophrenia?

A- Haloperidol

B- Levodopa

C- Sertraline

D – Citalopram

85)- Methotrexate contraindication in ?

A - Paediatric

B - Osteoporosis

C- Breastfeeding

D- Heart Failure

86)what is the ibuprofen and aspirin drug drug interaction ?

A- Increase Bleeding

B- Increase Blood Pressure

C- Decrease Blood Pressure

D- Increase Risk Of Myopathy

Dr kabsha Prometric course
+20 1064018621

87- PTN with DM and neuropathy and Depression use ?


88- Oleaginous base for ointment ?

A –lanoline

B - White petroleum

89- DNA ligase enzyme for ligation of ?

A- mRNA with TRNA

B- 2mRNA molecules

C- 2tRNA molecules

D- 2DNA strands

90) pharmacist wrote email to other pharmacist to ask add medication to the formulary in
the hospital this is consider as ?

A- Inter institutional

B- Intra institutional

C- Written communication

D- Non-Verbal communication

Dr kabsha Prometric course
+20 1064018621
91- boxed warning when using for teeth pain in infant lead to seizure and death?

A- Clove oil

B- Ibuprofen suspension

C- Gel

92- Copd category B ttt ?

93- Vancomycin optimum trough concentration (mg/L) in meningitis

A- 5-10

B- 10-15

C- 15-20

94)Case about old patient use statin drug and he not adherence to the drug and ask about
statin drug

he can use in morning

A. Fluvastatin

B. Pravastatin

C. Lovastatin

D. Atorvastatin

Dr kabsha Prometric course
+20 1064018621
95)Pt admitted in hospital due to cough and low oxygen level .. pt is asthmatic for 10 years..
andDm for 17 years and HTN for 15 years

lab results for HBA1c high

Priority of ttt disease



‫المهم نقل السؤال كامل بالصٌغه الصحٌحة وهً مهمتنا فً الكورس‬

96)patient treated with vancomycin1000mg Q12hr

The current level is 11 and the desired level is 17,

What would the new regimen?




Heparin cause hyperkalemia

1) Correct equation for phenytoin.

2) Absolute bioavailability.

3) VD.

4) Half-life

Dr kabsha Prometric course
+20 1064018621
97)Naranjo scale was 3, what does it mean?

- Possible

98)Patient has sulfa allergy which of the following

can be used:

A. Glyclazid.

B. Furosemide.

C. Sulfamethoxazole.

D. Sodium thiosulphate

99)Patient come with allergic signs after made

serological test it was show high titre of IgM and


both what does it mean??

A. Past infection with same MO

B. New infection.

C. Past vaccine and now get real infection

100) hemorrhoids patient with lidocaine



Dr kabsha Prometric course
+20 1064018621
101)Mother bring her daughter with high fever...etc.

Finally the baby diagnosed with meningitis, How we

can protect the mother??


102)Anti hyperlipidemia safe during pregnancy?

Fish oil

103)opioid addiction treatment

Methadone –

104)Antidote ?

105)Encapsulaterd yeast??

- Cryptococcus neoformans

106)Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)


Dr kabsha Prometric course
+20 1064018621
107)Anti arrhythmic drug when taken with

Warfarin causebleedind?

- Amiodarone

108)Patient with arthritis wants to start on

methotrexate he is 65 years old. When he should take

the vaccination ( live )??

A)no need for vaccinations

B)take vaccine when start methotrexate

c)take vaccine before methotrexate by 2 weeks

or u can


➡ Separation time more than 3 monthes

109)High alert medication??

- Insulin.

110)Acidic drug when administration where it will

going to absorbed??

- Acidic media.

Dr kabsha Prometric course
+20 1064018621
111)Near miss what does that mean??

An act of commission or omission that could have

harmed the patient but did not cause harm as a result of

chance, prevention, or mitigation, an error caught

before reaching the patien

112)Pregnant with DVT which anticoagulant should

be used??


113)parkinsonism treatment for patient with liver

cirrhosis should avoid:


114)Varicella vaccine for which disease??

Shingle disease

115)Which of the following vaccine is given 1 dose





Dr kabsha Prometric course
+20 1064018621

116)Which of the following increase INR*


Green tea

St. jonnswort

117)5-year patient suffered from Osteomalacia with finger numbness, tingling

and burning of extremities. The doctor prescribed vitamin D and an IV calcium

supplement. Which of the following calcium salts did the physician most likely

prescribed ?

A. Calcium citrate

B. Calcium lactate

C. Calciumgluconate

D. Calcium phosphate

118)Which of the following is an indication for ciprofloxacin?

A. Fever

B. Arthropathy

C. Tuberculosis

D. Inhalational anthrax

Dr kabsha Prometric course
+20 1064018621
119)Monitoring of Bactrim (sulfamethoxazole+trimethoprim) ➡ cbc

Because side effect are:


decrease WBCs

decrease platelet count

120)"Pattern recognition" is?

A. Protein present on innate immune cells that recognize pathogen

B. Protein present on pathogens that recognized by innate immune cells

121)Your colleagues has been contacted with c.difficile patient

and used disinfectant wipes what to do ?

A- Use alcohol

B- Wash hands

C- Take tetracycline

122)Dose of naloxone in pediatric?


123)To prevent Recurant UTI take

A-vit c


C-urination after intercoure

Dr kabsha Prometric course
+20 1064018621

124)Bivalirudin monitoring?

A)Platelet count

B)Prothrombin time


125)Pharmacophore of quinolone:

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+20 1064018621
126)indomethacin bioisoster:

127)Acitretin .. (vit A)

Contraindicated in pregnancy

128)TcA ..block alpha..orthostatic hypotension

129)The Horn and Hansten Drug Interaction Probability Scale is included to assess the
probability of a causal relationship between a potential drug interaction and a patient event.

130)Orphan drug?


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