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Clinical Pharmacy-Wps Office

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CLINICAL PHARMACY 1st Sessional Questions

Clinical pharmacy questions:

1) What is the scope of clinical pharmacy

a)saving physician time

b)selection of drug


d) all of the above

Ans: all of the above

2) What is the suggestion of physician in clinical pharmacist.

a) rational prescription

b)medical audit

c) patient monitoring

d) none of the above

Ans: rational prescription

3) Which is the selection of proper drug therapy based it

a)drug information specialist

b)retail pharmacy stores

c) both a and b

d) bioequivalence and generic equivalence

Ans : bioequivalence and generic equivalence

4)How patient monitoring was observed in scope of clinical pharmacy

a) narrow therapeutic index

b)intravenous admixtures

c)drug diagnostic interference

d)both c and d

Ans: narrow therapeutic index

5) How clinical pharmacist maintain a retail drug stores.

a)patient drug profiles

b) family drug profiles

c)selection use of drugs

d) all of the above

Ans: all of the above

6) The term Clinical Pharmacy was first used in ___.

a) 1952

b) 1953

c) 1954

d) 1955

Answer:- b) 1953

7) The Thalidomide Tragedy was occur in ____.

a) 1962

b) 1961

c) 1963
d) 1964

Answer:- a) 1962

8) Phenytoin Toxicity was reported in ____.

a) Asia

b) Africa

c) Australia

d) America

Answer:- c) Australia

9) _______ is defined as the branch of pharmaceutical sciences deals with utilisation of pharmacist
knowledge, skills, and judgement related to biomedical and pharmaceutical science, to prove the safety,
the cost and precision of the drug usage in patients care.

a) Hospital Pharmacy

b) Pharmacovigence

c) Pharmacoeconomics

d) Clinical Pharmacy

Ans: Clinical Pharmacy

10) The principle activities of clinical pharmacists include

a)Selection of drug


c) Clinical trials

d)All of the above

Ans: All of the above

11) Selection of drugs is defined as

a)Cost effectiveness

b)Limited list of drugs

c)Both a) and b)

d)None of the above

Ans: Limited list of drugs

12) Pharmacoeconomy studies,to determine the

a) Teaching activities

b)Cost effectiveness evaluation

c)Drug formularies

d) All of the above

Ans: Cost effectiveness evaluation

13) "Drug formularies" which comes under the

a) Drug information

b) Medication review

c) Selection of drug


Ans: Selection of drug

14) What is the importance of pharmacist intervention?

a) Medication adherence

b) Patient education

c) Medication therapy management

d) All the above

Ans : All the above

15) Which one of the following is not a medication related problem?

a) Sub therapeutic dosage

b) Medication overdose

c) Untreated indications

d) Improper counselling

Ans: Improper counseling

16) Which of the following antihypertensive agents should be avoided in the elderly


a) Amlodipine

b) Atenolol

c) Benazepril

d) Methyldopa

Ans. Methyldopa

17) Why should care be taken when prescribing warfarin and amiodarone in combination?

a) Amiodarone and warfarin both have an anticoagulant effect.

b) Amiodarone may reverse the anticoagulant effect of warfarin.

c) Amiodarone may increase the anticoagulant effect of warfarin.

d) Warfarin may reverse the antiarrhythmic effect of amiodarone.

Ans : Amiodarone may increase the anticoagulant effect of warfarin

18) Which of the following medication is safe to use in the third trimester of pregnancy?

a) Acetaminophen

b) Warfarin

c) Aspirin

d) Oxycodone

Ans : Acetaminophen

19) What is CPD?

a) Continuous professional development

b) Continuous patient development

c) Continuous prescriptional development

d) Continuous problem development

Ans: Continuous professional development

20) The pharmacist is a substantial health care professional in the identification of a DRP, in the correct
implementation of rational drug use principles by giving drug-related consultancy services.

a) True

b) False

Ans : True

21) DRP documentation use:

a) CPD

b) Quality assurance of patient counselling

c) Research

d) All the above

Ans: All the above

22) Clinical pharmacy saves who’s time ____

a) Nurse

b) pharmacist

c) firstline workers

d) physician


23) TDM stand for ___

a) Therapeutic Drug Monitoring

b) Treatment Developing Management

c) Therpeutic Drug Management

d) Therapeutic Dose Management.

Ans.Therapeutic Drug Monitoring.

24) Thalidomide tragedy happened in which year ____

a) 1962

b) 1968

c) 1972

d) 1960


25) Phenytoin toxycity was reported in which country ___

a) America

b) Australia
c) china

d) India


Ward round

1. Benefits of ward round to the patient are

a.decreases adverse effects events

b. Improves patient care

C. Reduces the hospital stay and health cost

d.all of the above

Answer:all of the above

2. Classification of ward round are

a.pre rounds

b. Post rounds

C.all of the above

d. None of the above

Answer:pre round

3.intervention can be a
a. Active

b. Passive


D.all of the above

Answer:d. All of the above

4. Benefits of ward round to clinical pharmacist are

a. Gain of the knowledge

b. Adverse effects investigation

C.none of the

d. All of the above

Answer:a.gain of the knowledge

5.pre ward round should be done by

a. Interns

b.clinical pharmacist

C.medical post graduated students

d. All of the above

Answer:d. All of the above


6.The concept of poison information service was initiated in _________________.

A)Europe 1953
B)Chicago 1953

C)Europe 1998

D)Chicago 1990

Ans: Chicago 1953

7.Any substance that can harm the body by altering the cell structures or functions is called





Ans: Poisons

8. Atropine is an antidote for ______________.





Ans: Acetylcholine

9.Of the following which is the antidote for heparin?

A)Protamine sulfate


C)Vitamin K

D)Vitamin B6

Ans:Protamine sulfate
10.Of the following which one is correctly arranged according to the range of signs and symptoms of

A)Cardiac arrest>Nausea and vomiting.

B)None>Nausea and vomiting>Cardiac arrest

C)Nausea and vomiting>Cardiac arrest.

D)Both A amd B

Ans: None>Nausea and vomiting>Cardiac arrest

Drug information center.

11.First DIC was developed in university of kentucky in _

   A)1950  B)1970 C) 1960 D)1945


12.strategies should be developed with a typical alogrithm with__ essential components.

A) one B) three C) two D) four


13.practice giving the__report

A)oral B) written C)documented D) filed


14.__ organizations in kathmandu were initially identified as potential sites for DIC

A)1 B) 2 C) 3 D)4


15.drug information network of nepal was established on

A)23 sep 1996  B)22sep 1996 C) 21 sep 1996  D) 20 sep 1996

Ans: 23 sep 1996.

Medication history

16.medication history includes

a.Rx medication

b.otc medication

c herbal medication

d.all of the above

Answered.all of the above

17.pharmacist should check their

a.drug drug interactions

b.drug allergy

c. Food allergy

d.both a and b

ANSWER:d.both a and b

18.pharmacist should collect the information

a.past medical history

b.past medication history and familyhistory

d.all of the above

Answer:d.all of the above

19.pharmacist should know in case of children

a. Childhood illness

b.chronological disorder

C.vaccination history

d all of the above

Answer :d.all of the above

20. Medication history can evaluate by

a.clinical pharmacist



d.none of the above

Answer:a.clinical pharmacist

Renal Function Test

1.The normal serum creatinine level ranges from __________.

a. 60-180mg/dl

b. 0.9-1.3 mg/dl

c. 2-6 mg/dl

d. 13- 18 mg/dl


2.The normal range of BUN is_________.

a. 2.5-7.1mmol/l

b. 13-20 mmol/l

c. 18-26mmol/l

d. 0.5-1.0mmol/l

Ans: 2.5-7.1 mmol/l

3.In patient with acute renal failure, dialysis is to reduce

a. Nitrogen

b. Protein

c. Azotemia

d. Microalbuminuria

Ans: Azotemia

4.CT scan helps to identify

a. Structural changes

b. Deformation in kidney

c. Both a and b

d. Bleeding

Ans: both a and b

5.A Creatinine test , also called a __________

a.Serum Creatinine Test

b.Glomerular Filtration Rate

c.Distal convulated tubule

d.None of the above

Ans: Serum Creatinine Test

6.The amount of blood the kidneys can make creatinine free each minute is called the ________

a.Serum Test

b.Creatinine Clearance

d.all the above

Ans: Creatinine Clearance

7.Creatinine clearance in a healthy young person is about ____mL /min for women and ____mL/min for

a.90 & 120

b.70 & 130

c.30 & 140

d.50 & 160

Ans: 90 & 120

8. ________ is the important protein in the blood.




d.Creatinine clearance

Ans: Albumin

9.Urine is collected in the middle of each kidney,in an area called the ___________.

a. Glomerulus

b. Renal pelvis

c. Bouman's capsule

d. Loop of Henle

Ans: renal pelvis

10. The average volume of urine per day is __________.

a. 500ml/day

b. 1500ml/day

c. 1200ml/day

d. 1000ml/day

Ans: 1500ml/day

11. The range of urine pH is found to be____________.

a. 7.6-8

b. 3.2-4.5

c. 5.5-7.5

d. 7.2-7.5

Ans: 5.5-7.5

12.If normal urine is found to be turbid in nature, it indicates ___________.

a. Cancer

b. Hematuria

c. Infection

d. Renal stone

Ans: infection

Medication error

13. The most common type of medication error is

a. Wrong drug

b. Wrong route of administration

c. Administration of improper dose

d. Wrong patient

Ans. Administration of improper dose

14. What type od medication error is unauthorized substitution of medication

a. Prescription error

b. Transcription error

c. Dispensing error

d. Administration error

Ans. Administration error

15.What does MERP index stands for in pharmacy

a. Medication Error Reporting Prevention

b. Medicqtion Error Reimbursement plan.

c. Medication Error Relapse Prevention

Ans. Medication Error Reporting Program

16.The medication order iron supps. daily is correct.

a. True

b. False

Ans. False


17.What are the steps during patient counselling?

A . Preparing for the session

B . Opening of the session

C . Counselling content
D .Closing the session

E . All the above

Ans :- All the above

18.Communicative skills for effective counselling :-

A .Verbal communication

B .Non Verbal Communication

C . both a & b

D . None of the above

Ans :- both a & b

19. _________ is one of the major duty of a pharmacist other then dispensing of drug?

A . Patient Counselling

B . Communicative skills

C . Verbal communication

D . none of the above.

Ans:- Patient counselling

20.What are the qualities of the good connseller ?

A . i) Be a good listener

ii) Be flexible

B . i) Be empathetic

ii) Be Non - judgemental

C . Both a & b

D . none of the above

Ans:- .Both a & b


21. DUR is otherwise known as

a. Drug utilisation evaluation

b. Medication utilisation evaluation

c. Option A

d. Both A and B

Ans : both A and B

22.How many types DUR classified into

a. 4

b. 3

c. 2

d. 6

Ans : 3

23. Which one plays a key role in helping managed health care systems understand ,interpret and
improve the quality of prescribing etc....

a. Drug information committee

b. Drug therapeutic committee

c. Drug utilisation reviews

d. Drug monitoring

Ans : drug utilisation reviews

24."Review of therapy after the patient has received the medication" choose the correct option for the
given sentences

a. Concurrent

b. Prospective

c. Utilisation

d. Retrospective

Ans : retrospective

25. Which of the following comes under issues commonly addressed by prospective DUR

a. Drug - disease interaction

b. Excessive doses

c. Therapeutic interchange

d. Drug - drug interaction

Ans : therapeutic interchange


1) Pharmaceutical care concept

Function of the Pharmacist to perform

a) collection of patient data

b) Identification of problems

c) Establishing outcome goals

d) All of the above

Ans: All of the above

2) Identify therapeutic objectives, designing therapeutic plan, implementing the plan, and monitoring its
progress are:
a) Drug use without indication

b) Skills for Pharmaceutical care

c) Medication therapy management process

d) None of the above

Ans: Skills for Pharmaceutical care

3) The responsible provision of drug therapy for the purpose of achieving definite therapeutic outcomes
that improve the patient’s quality of life is said to be

a) Pharmaceutical care

b) Pharmacist

c) Drug information

d) Drug therapy monitoring

Ans: Pharmaceutical care

4)Which of the following would be the most suitable course of action for a patient who refuses to take
their prescribed medicine?

a) Explain to the patient that the medicine should be taken as prescribed in order to get the
benefit of treatment and that the risk of harm from licensed medicines is very low.

b) Explore the reasons why they don't wish to take their medicine and explain the benefits and
risks of taking the medicine and the implications of not taking the medicine to the patient.

c) Explore the reasons why they don't wish to take their medicine and try to convince them that
the benefits of treatment outweigh the risks.

d) Explain the benefits of taking the medicine and the implications of not taking the medicine to
the patient.

Ans: Explore the reasons why they don't wish to take their medicine and explain the benefits and risks of
taking the medicine and the implications of not taking the medicine to the patient.

5) What are the monitoring outcomes to be checked?

a) Complete drug action Is produced are not

b) Reduced symptoms

c) Slowdown or arrest of disease, Cure of disease

d) All of the above

Ans: All of the above

6) What are the barrier that has been seen while establishing plan?

a) Communication

b) Patient impairment

c) Socio-economic status

d) All of the above

Ans: All of the above

7) In data collection,what are the data should be present?

a)Patient past medical history.

b) Demographic details of patient.

c) Current medication history.

d)All the above.

Ans: All the above.

8) The foremost step in the identification of problem during pharmaceutical care?

a)Drug , health, disease related problems.

b)Actual problems.

c) Potential problems.

d)none of the above.

Ans: Drug, health, disease related problems.

9) Potential problem describes

a) Medical problem occur due to prescribed drug.

b)Drug -food interactions.

c)Allergic reactions

d)Drug -disease interactions

Ans: Medical problem occur due to prescribed drug.

10) Odd one out: key elements in pharmaceutical care?

a)Active participation with other health related providers.

b) Rational drug therapy.

c)Drug stock.

d) Safety and cost effectiveness of drug.

Ans: Drug stock.

11) Monitoring parameters are used in which function of pharmaceutical care?

a)Data collection.

b) Establishing the plan

c) Identification of problem.

d) Formulating therapeutic plan.

Ans: Establishing the plan.

12) Why therapeutic plan are formulated?

a) Cure of the disease.

b) Patient disease progression.

c) Reduction of patient compliance.

d)All the above.

Ans: All the above.


13) ___ is an exchange of facts, ideas, opinions or emotions by two or more persons.

a) communication

b) combination

c) conversation

d) connection

Ans: communication

14) ___ means communication without words.

a) Written communication

b) Oral communication

c) Non-verbal communication

d) None of the above

Ans: non-verbal communication

15) Communication is a process of transmitting an information & ideas between__________

a) sender & receiver

b) ourself

c) no one

d) none the above

Ans: sender & receiver

16) The primary goal of communication is to ___.

a) To create barriers

b) To create noises

c) To effect a change

d) None of these

Ans: To effect a change

17) ___ and ___ are acted as barriers to communication.

a) semantic distortions, lack of planning

b) sender, receiver

c) channel, message

d) feedback, sender

Ans: Semantic distortions, lack of planning

18) Communication through ___ and ___ is called verbal communication :-

a) written material and gestures

b) gestures and spoken words

c) spoken words and written material

d) body language and gestures

Ans: spoken words and written material

19) Facial expression, hand movement, eye movement are comes under which type of communication :-

a) verbal communication
b) non-verbal communication

c) none of the above

d) both (a)and(b)

Ans: non-verbal communication

20) Communication is a ___ way process ?

a) Three

b) Two

c) Four

d) None of the above .

Ans: Two

21) What are communication ?

a) Communication skills are set of skills requried for effective communication

b) The purpose of communication is to get your message across to others.

c) This is a process that involves both the sender of the message and the receiver .

d) All the above

Ans: All the above

22) which of the three components are part of the human communication process______

a) Noise , feedback,jargon

b) feedback, message, critiquing

c) message,noise,feedback

d) message, recording,feedback

Ans: message,noise,feedback
23) one of the most important communication skill____

a) empathic listening

b) inactive listening

c) Objective listening

d) Active listening

Ans: Active listening

24) Nonverbal messages are____

a) often overestimated in importance

b) attempts at manipulation and should be ignored

c) important for listeners to understand

d) generally irrelevant to overall message meaning

Ans: Important for listeners to understand

25) listening is a____

a) natural habit

b) physiological process that occur without effort

c) reflex

d) complex process that involves steps

Ans: complex process that involves steps

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