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Integrated Weed Management (IWM) for Sustainable Agriculture -A Review

Article · April 2022

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6503758


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7 authors, including:

Aman Kumar Gupta Ashish Chaudhary

Department of Customs Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science


Bipin Panthi Era Gautam

University of Bologna Institute of Agricultural Sciences


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International Journal of Environmental & Agriculture Research (IJOEAR) ISSN:[2454-1850] [Vol-8, Issue-4, April- 2022]

Integrated Weed Management (IWM) for Sustainable

Agriculture – A Review
Aman Kumar Gupta1*, Ashish Chaudhary2, Bipin Panthi3, Era Gautam4, Priyanka Thapa5,
Mahesh Bhattarai6, Kalyan Bhattarai7
Master of Science in Agronomy, Bhavdiya Educational Institute, Dr. Rammanohar Lohia Avadh University, Faizabad,
224001, U.P., India.
Master of Science in Aquaculture, Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Kathmandu,
Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221005 U.P. India.
Master of Science in Environmental Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221005 U.P. India.
Master of Science in Genetics & Plant Breeding, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-
221005 U.P. India.
Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Tribhuvan University, Paklihawa Campus, Rupandehi, Nepal.
*Corresponding Author

Received:- 04 April 2022/ Revised:- 15 April 2022/ Accepted:- 21 April 2022/ Published: 30-04-2022
Copyright @ 2022 International Journal of Environmental and Agriculture Research
This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted
Non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Abstract— Weeds are defined as any growing plant infield, where it is not wanted and weeds are also used as feed for the
animals. Weeds are creating a big problem in agriculture by reducing the growth and development of crops and minimizing
the yield of the crops. Weeds are the major problem in agriculture therefore management practices require increasing the
yield of the crops. Sustainable agriculture is defined as a farming system that meets foods for the present population by
reducing the use of chemicals. Integrated weed management (IWM) is defined as a process that synchronizes the use of
major and minor information on the environment, ecology, and biology of weeds, and ecologically controlling the weeds
from fields. Yield losses in soybean may range from 25 to 70 %, 40-80 % in onion, 40-70% in maize, 40-50% in rice, and 25-
50% in wheat depending upon the intensity and infestation of weeds. Rice residues as mulching at 6 and 7 t/ha and adding
post-emergence herbicides like clodinafop 60 g/ha, sulfosulfuron 25 g/ha, and mesosulfuron+iodosulfuron 14.4 g/ha were
found more effective to control weeds like P. minor and also board leaf weeds from the wheat field. Zero tillage is generally
done in wheat crops and also in maize crops to minimize of cost of cultivation. The incorporation of daincha and azolla in a
field generally increases the yield of the crops during the early stages.

Keywords— Integrated weed management (IWM), Losses, Components, and Herbicides.


Integrated weed management (IWM) is a management system that’s approach on required awareness of implementation on a
crop for its good health. They view it as a series of interactions among several weed control components (Swanton et
al. 2008). Integrated weed management (IWM) is the process that synchronizes the use of major and minor information of
environment, ecology, and biology of weeds, and ecologically controlling the weeds from fields by using all available
technology. Integrated weed management (IWM) research are focusing on the process of decision-making, ecology and
biology of weeds, components of IWM which are generally practiced on cropping pattern, resistance level of herbicide,
ecology problem related to transgenic plants, and weeds welfare (Rao and Nagamani, 2010). Integrated weed management
(IWM) is defined as a collecting environmental information, ecology and biology of weeds using all available technology for

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International Journal of Environmental & Agriculture Research (IJOEAR) ISSN:[2454-1850] [Vol-8, Issue-4, April- 2022]

controlling the weeds (Sanyal, 2008). IWM focuses on reduction of weeds in a single or multiple season and also use the
broadcast-type equipment for controlling of weeds. In traditional methods, puddling is done for the killing of weeds and aid
water retention and also for the transplanting of rice (Rao et al., 2007). From a biological approach, successfully integrating
weed management requires an understanding of three key components: the effect of treatments on weed populations, weed
growth and development stages and the critical period for applying control tools (Swanton et al., 2008). Control tools (e.g.
mowing, spraying, cultivating) have differing effects on weeds, and without a complete understanding of the life history of
the target weed(s) and crop, the development of effective and efficient robotic systems will be extremely challenging, if not
impossible. In all crops, there exists a period in which weed control is critical to avoid incurring yield loss (Knezevic et al.,
2002). Combining recognition and application technology into a single platform for fast and efficient weed control across
spatiotemporal scales will require precise information on weed biology and ecology and continued testing of technology for a
wide range of field conditions (Slaughter et al., 2008; Singh et al., 2011). Considering the diversity of weed problem and
agro-ecosystems, no single method of weed control could reach the desired level of efficiency under all situations (Singh
2010). Thus, IWM has been suggested as a sustainable and long-term management technique.

FIGURE 1: Components of Integrated weed Management (IWM)

Source: Nicholas et., al. 2019

In rice crops, about 350 weed species having 150 genera and 60 plant families are found as weeds, and more than 80 species
of Gramineae are reported as weeds in a rice field. The most common weed species of rice are Echinochloa crusgalis, E.
colonum, Cyperus difformis, C. rotundus, C. iria, Eleusine indica, Fimbristylis miliacea, Ischaemum rugosum, Monochoria
vaginalis, and Sphenoclea zeylanica. The presence of these weeds species creates major problems in the rice field. Seeding
method, soil moisture, crop rotation, air and soil temperature, land preparation, fertilization, rice cultivar, and weed control
technology are the best methods for controlling weeds. The presence of weeds reduced the production of rice and as well as
reduced the quality of the rice crop. Losses caused by weeds are influenced by competitive efficiency of weeds and rice,
species or group of weed, weed density, duration of the weed-crop competition, planting method, cultivar, fertility level,
water management, row spacing of the crop, allelopathy.

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International Journal of Environmental & Agriculture Research (IJOEAR) ISSN:[2454-1850] [Vol-8, Issue-4, April- 2022]

Season Type of weeds Name of weeds
Commelinabenghalensis, Celosia
Non -grasses
argentea, Cucumistrigonus,
Trianthemamonogyna, Euphorbia hirta
Kharif pulses
Cynodondactylon, Panicum sp.
Grasses Echinochloacolonum,
Setariaglauca, Eleusineindica
Sedge Cyperusrotundus
Chenopodium album, Solanumnigrum,
Anagallisarvensis, Vicia sativa,
Non -grasses Fumariaparviflora,
Rabi pulses Asphodelustenuifolius, Convolvulus,
Melilotusindica, Medicago denticulate
Grasses Phalaris minor, Avenaludoviciana
Sedges Cyperusrotundus
Chenopodium album,
Non-grasses Amaranthusviridis, Portlacaquadrifida,
Zaid/Summer pulses Setariaglauca, Cynodondactylon,
Grasses Eleusineindica, Digitariasanguinalis,
Sedges Cyperusrotundus
Source: 25 Years of Pulses Research at IIPR
Days from Days from
S.N. Crops S.N. Crops
sowing sowing
1 Rice (lowland) 35 7 Cotton 35
2 Rice (upland) 60 8 Sugarcane 90
3 Sorghum 30 9 Groundnut 45
4 Finger millet 15 10 Soyabean 45
5 Pearl millet 35 11 Onion 60
6 Maize 30 12 Tomato 30

In India, presence of weeds in general reduces crop yields by 31.5 and 22.7% in winter season and 36.5% in summer and
kharif season and in some cases can cause complete devastation of the crop (Anonymous, 2007). Yield losses in soybean
may range from 25 to 70 percent depending upon the intensity and infestation of weeds. Besides yield losses, quality also
adversely affected. The most critical period of weed infestation is initial 15-45 days (Kale, 1985). Weeds are major problems
for crops cultivation its generally reduces the growth and development of the crops. In the field of onion, 40-80 %yield is
reduced due to infestation of weeds (Channapagoudar and Biradar, 2007). The yield losses found highest at unweeded plots
of the rice-wheat system, but it was lower at sugarcane system (Singh et al., 2005a). The prevention from yield losses should
be done during crops growth cycle by reducing weeds from the field at critical period. Production losses may also occur due
to weeds as 33.16% in food crops, 41.26% in cereals, 31.88% pulses, 40.82% in oilseeds, 34.23% in fibre crops and 40.28%
in rice crops in the country. However, an average of 13.1% of crop produce is actually lost in the farmers field even after
adopting traditional weed controls in Bangladesh.

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Reduction in yields due to Reduction in yields due to
Crops Crops
weeds (%) weeds (%)
Rice 41.6 Groundnut 33.8
Wheat 16.0 Sugarcane 34.2
Millets 29.5 Sugar beet 70.3
Soyabean 30.5 Carrot 47.5
Gram 11.6 Cotton 72.5
Pea 32.9 Potato 20.1
Maize 39.8 Onion 68.0
Source: TNAU
The yield of grain was reduced by 25% to 47% and straw yield was reduced by 13% to 38% due to Crop weed competition.
The infestation of weeds in a field reduced the content of soil nitrogen and phosphorus and also the pH level of the soil. The
root, stem, and leaf of dominant weeds (Echinochloa colona, E. crus-galli, Cyperus iria, and Ageratum conyzoides) showed a
weak effect on seeds germination however most of them had an inhibitory effect on root and shoot elongation of paddy
seedlings. The weeds show more inhibition on the growth of paddy seedlings as compared to leaf and root.

Crops Critical period (Days after Sowing) Yield loss (%)
Pigeonpea 15-60 20-40
Mungbean 15-30 25-50
Urdbean 15-30 30-50
Cowpea 15-45 15-30
Chickpea 30-60 15-25
Fieldpes 30-45 20-30
Lentil 30-60 20-30
Frenchbean 30-60 15-30
Source: Yaduraju and Mishra (2004)

Integrated weed management (IWM) is defined as using multiple methods for controlling weeds from the field with a
combination of the most effective practices to control weeds. Prevention, Cultural, Mechanical, Chemical, and Biological are
the practices used for Integrated weed management (IWM). A prevention method is defined as the equipment which is used
in the field has contaminated with weed seeds. The primary spreaders of weeds are equipment, manure, feed, and crop seeds.
The controlling of weeds should be done by cleaning all the equipment, which is used in crops field.

FIGURE 2: Management tactics used in integrated weed management (Annie Klodd)

The Cultural method is also used for controlling weeds and is found more effective as compared to chemicals. The crop
management decisions help in controlling weeds and help in optimizing the effectiveness of chemical applications. Timely
scouting, row spacing, crop rotation, crop variety selection, the timing of planting, and cover cropping are the best practices

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that are used for controlling weeds in the Cultural method. Cultivation, tillage, burning, Puddling, and hand-weeding are the
practices of mechanical management of weeds. Emerging technologies like harvest-time seed destructors, cover crop rollers,
and robotic weeders are also used in controlling weeds through the mechanical method. The use of living organisms,
including livestock, insects, nematodes, fungi, and bacteria are used in the Biological method for controlling weeds from the
crop field. The biological method is eco-friendly in controlling weeds.
Weeds controlled and
Herbicide Mode of action Toxicity Warnings
Systemic contact Grasses, broadleaved
Avoid contact with
herbicide (via the leaf). weeds and clovers.
Buster Poison. desirable plants and
No residual life in the Provides short-term
immature bark.
soil. weed control
Selectively controls
grasses. Can be mixed
Emulsifiable concentrate. Immediately after use,
with Versatil, Gardoprim Harmful
Gallant NF Half-life in the soil of flush sprayer several
or Simazine for substance.
less than 24 hours times with clean water.
controlling clovers and
broadleaved weeds.
Absorbed through foliage Controls most annual and
and translocated to all perennial grasses and
parts of the plant, broadleaved weeds. Used Spray drift must not
including roots. Half-life as a pre-planting or a Low toxicity. contact foliage or green-
Roundup, Renew
<14 days in aerobic soil, release spray. Can be bark of desirable trees.
and 14-22 days in used successfully as a
anaerobic conditions. stump poison.
Interceptor (Organic Emulsifiable, non-
spray - new product selective, contact foliage Spray drift may damage
Controls annual weeds
with limited spray. Penetrates green foliage, fruit or
and grasses, and
information on weed plant tissue, and disrupts unprotected green bark of
perennial weeds. Can be Low toxicity.
control in cellular physiology. Fast desirable plants. Also
used as a pre-planting or
establishing native acting (within minutes) kills algae, mosses and
release spray.
plants) but may require liverworts.
additional treatment.
Absorbed only through
roots of germinating
Prevents the emergence FlowableSimaz
plants. Soil residual life Spray drift may cause
of a wide range of annual ine - poison.
Simazine ranges from 3 - 12 serious damage to other
and perennial grasses and Others - low
months. Half-life varies plants.
broadleaved weeds. toxcicity.
from 27-102 days. Low
leaching potential.
Follow manufacturers
Absorbed through roots Controls a wide range of
recommendations. Avoid
and leaves. Pre- and post- annual and perennial
erbuthylazine Hazardous using near desirable
emergent half-life in grasses and broadleaf
(Gardoprim) substance plants, where the
biologically active soils weeds. Apply pre-
chemical may be leached
is 30 - 60 days. planting or as a release.
into their root region.
Controls thistles, yarrow,
Follow manufacturer's
clovers and many
difficult flat weeds. Can
Remains active on plant
be mixed with other
Absorbed by leaves, Harmful material - do not use
Versatil herbicides for the control
stems and roots. substance. clippings from treated
of additional weeds. Do
areas for compost or
not apply to legumes or
mulch, within 6 months
compositae (daisy
of treatment.
Source: Department of Conservation

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IWM found more effective when use of herbicides with following components. Which are given below:-
3.1 Crop Rotations, Cropping Systems and Herbicides
The crop rotation is defined as a cultivation of crops in specified order on the field for reducing weeds competations and
increasing the yield of crops. And the cropping system is generally known as cropping pattern which minimize yield losses
and provide better environmental conditions to the crops. Crop rotation and cropping systems both are component of IWM.
The different cropping sequences failed to affect broadleaf weeds. Rice-lentil+mustard (3 : 1)-cowpea, rice-maize + pea (1 :
1)-cowpea and rice-potato-greengram gave high yield (Singh et al., 2008).

Source: Faisal Nadeem and Ahmad Nawaz et. al.
The reduction of weed density and dry weight of the field was achieved by effective weed control and intercropping with
Sesbania (Dhaincha), and azolla with pretilachlor and safener at 400 g/ha found control against weeds (Subramanian and
Martin, 2006). The incorporation of daincha and azolla in field generally increases the yield of the crops during early stages.
The cropping sequence of mungbean-mustard giver higher yield (Singh, 2006).

Trade Name &

Cropping System Herbicides Dose (kg ai/ha) Time of application

Sorghum + Cowpea Pendimethalin 0.90 Stomp 30% EC Pre-emergence

Sugarcane + Pulses Thiobencarb 1.25 Saturn 50% EC Pre-emergence

Maize + Soybean Pendimethalin 1.00 Stomp 30% EC Pre-emergence

3.2 Tillage with Herbicides

Tillage is the best practice for the eradication of weeds from the field. The seeds of weeds are present in the fields and
moving from field to field through tractor tires, and vegetative structures. The cultivation equipment like tractors and
harvesters are moves seeds of weeds from field to field. The seeds of weeds are present in the depth of soil so tillage is used
to remove weeds seeds from the field. In wheat cultivation, deep/inverted tillage with mouldboard plough and application of
clodinafop @ 60 g/ha, sulfosulfuron @ 25 g/ha, and fenoxaprop ethyl @ 100 g/ha at post-emergence found effective control
against P. minor (Walia et al., 2005).

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Timing of
Chemical Vegetables appearing on label Weeds controlled Application rates
Glyphosate Many crops; see label for A non-selective Pre-plant 1 to 5 pints/acre or 1
Trade name: specifics. herbicide that controls applications to 10% solutions,
Roundup®, other many weeds. allowed in most depending on the
plants. Post- crop Surfactant
directed and spot requirements are
spray treatments based upon
are allowed for formulation of
certain crops as glyphosate selected.
long as care is Please consult label
taken to avoid for specific
contact with any recommendations.
foliage or green
tissue. Consult
label product
labels for more
Glyphosate has no
soil residual
Pelargonicacid Asparagus, artichoke, beet, carrot, A non-selective Post-directed 3 to 10% solution
Trade name: parsnip, potato, radish, sweet herbicide that controls (avoiding spray (spot spray): 3-5%-
Scythe®, other potato/ yam, turnip, rutabaga, many weeds. on foliage or solution for annual
garlic, onion, leek, shallot, celery, green bark) and weeds 5-7%-
cilantrol, cress, endive, lettuce, preplant solution for
parsley, rhubarb, spinach, broccoli, applications in all perennial weeds 8-
Brussels sprouts, cabbage, landscape trees, 10%- Solution for
cauliflower, collards, kale, bedding plants, maximum burn
kohlrabi, greens (mustard and flowers and other down of mature
turnip), eggplant, okra, pepper ornamentals. weeds No additional
(chili, bell, sweet), pimento, Pelargonic acid adjuvant required.
tomato, cucumber, gourd, has no soil
muskmelon, cantaloupe, pumpkin, residual activity.
squash, watermelon, apple, pear,
apricot, cherry, nectarine, peach,
plum, prune, blackberry,
blueberry, dewberry, grape,
strawberry, grape and other fruits
and vegetables
Trifluralin Trade Many vegetable crops and non- Several annual Pre-emergence 1 lb / 400 sqft for
name: Preen™ bearing tree fruit and nuts *Not grasses, carpetweed, weed control heavy clay soils 1 lb
Garden Weed labeled for preemergence chickweed, Florida when applied to / 960 sqft for
Preventer applications in cucurbit crops. pusley, goosefoot, garden vegetables medium loam soils
henbit, knotweed, 2 to 3 inches tall 1 lb / 1280 sqft for
lambsquarters, but before weeds light sandy soils
pigweed species, have emerged.
purslane However,
methods may
differ with
specific crops.
This product
needs immediate

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International Journal of Environmental & Agriculture Research (IJOEAR) ISSN:[2454-1850] [Vol-8, Issue-4, April- 2022]

after application
with irrigation,
rainfall or light

May be applied
prior to planting
Several annual or transplanting
grasses, carpetweed, most vegetable
chickweed, Florida crops. Immediate
pusley, goosefoot, incorporation is
TrifluralinTrade henbit, knotweed, necessary for 1 to 2 pints/acre
name: Treflan® lambsquarters, optimal control. depending on crop
4L, Treflan® EC, Many vegetable crops and non- pigweed species, See label for more and soil type (fine
etc. bearing tree fruit and nuts *Not purslane details. textured soils
labeled for preemergence require the highest
applications in cucurbit crops. recommended rate,
while coarse-
textured soils
require the lowest
recommended rate)
Pendimethalin Carrots, sweet corn, edible beans, Several annual Pre-plant 1.5 to 4 pints/acre
Trade Name: garlic, grain sorghum, lentils, grasses, carpetweed, incorporated or depending on crop
Prowl® H20 mints, onions, peas, potato, chickweed, Florida preemergence and soil type (fine-
sunflower and other vegetables pusley, henbit, applications prior textured soils
ladysthumb, common to planting or require the highest
lambsquarters, transplanting recommended rate,
pigweed species, vegetable crops. while coarse-
purslane, spurge Postemergence textured soils
applications can require the lowest
be made in certain recommended rate)
crops but weed
control is
dependent on
applying prior to
weed emergence.
DCPA Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Several annual Pre-plant or 6 to 14 pints/acre or
Trade name: cabbage, cauliflower, all Brassica grasses, preemergence 4 to 5 floz/1 to 2
Dacthal®, other leafy vegetables, lambsquarters, weed control gallons (treats 1000
cantaloupe/honeydew/watermelons carpetweed, sq ft.
(not preemergence but 3- to 5- chickweed, purslane,
leaf; do not incorporate), onions, field pansy and
radish (from preemergence up to suppression of other
3-leaf stage), sweet potato, broadleaf weeds
strawberry, tomato/tomatillos/
eggplant (4 to 6 weeks after
transplanting or 4 to 6 inch tall
Sethoxydim apricot, asparagus, beans (dry, Provides selective Provides selective 1.5 to 2.5 pints/acre
Trade name: succulent), beets, broccoli, postemergence postemergence (depending on crop)
Poast®, other Brussels sprouts, cabbage, contact control of contact grass Add 1% v/v crop oil
cauliflower, collards, garlic, kale, several grass species control only. concentrate.
kohlrabi, leeks, mustard/ rape including, but not Sethoxydim has
greens, cantaloupe, cucumber, limited to, little to no soil
honeydew, musk melon, bermudagrass, residual activity
pumpkins, watermelons, onions, broadleaf signalgrass,
radish, sweet potato, carrot, crabgrass spp., foxtail
cherries, strawberry, grape, spp., goosegrass and
peppers, celery, lettuce, rhubarb, johnsongrass.

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International Journal of Environmental & Agriculture Research (IJOEAR) ISSN:[2454-1850] [Vol-8, Issue-4, April- 2022]

groundcherry, tomato, tomatillos,

eggplant, raspberry, blackberry,
lettuce, endive, parsley, spinach,
mint, nectarine, peach, peanut,
potato, plum apples, pears, peas
(dry, succulent), artichoke, yam
and other vegetables
ClethodimTrade Bean (dry), broccoli, cabbage, Provides selective Provides selective Annual grass
name: carrot, cauliflower (other head and post-emergence post-emergence weeds: 9 to 16
SelectMax®, stem Brassica), celery, cucumber, contact control of contact grass floz/acre Perennial
other eggplant (other fruiting several grass species control only. grass weeds: 12 to
vegetables), garden beet, garlic, including but not Clethodim has 16 floz/acre Add
legume vegetables (garden limited to little to no soil 0.25% v/v nonionic
podded), lettuce, melons bermudagrass, residual activity. surfactant.
(including cantaloupe and broadleaf signalgrass,
watermelon), mint, mustard crabgrass spp., foxtail
greens, onion, pea, peanut, spp. and
peppers, potato, pumpkin, radish, johnsongrass. Does
rhubarb, squash, strawberry, not always adequately
sunflower, sweet potato, turnip control goosegrass.
greens, tomato, yam (other
tuberous and corm vegetables) and
other vegetables
Halosulfuron asparagus, pumpkins, cucumbers, Cocklebur, common/ Provides selective ½ to 1 1/3 oz/acre,
Trade name: cantaloupes, honeydews, crenshaw giant ragweed, post-emergence depending on crop
Sandea®, other melons, watermelons, winter galinsoga, hemp systemic control. Add 0.25% v/v
squash, dry beans, succulent sesbania, kyllinga Pre-emergence nonionic surfactant
snapbeans, tomatoes, sweet corn spp., ladsythumb/ control may be
and other vegetables smartweed, prickly less consistent.
sida, redroot pigweed,
sunflower, velvetleaf,
Venice mallow, wild
radish, wild mustard
and yellow/ purple
BentazonTrade dry/succulent beans, dry/succulent Cocklebur, common Provides selective 1 to 2 pints/acre or
name: peas, peanuts, corn, spearmint, purslane, eclipta, post-emergene 0.375 to 0.75
Basagran®, other peppermint and sorghum hairy nightshade, contact control. floz/1000 sqft
hemp sesbania, Bentazon has no
jimsonweed, soil residual Spot spray: 0.75
ladysthumb/ activity floz per 1 to 2
smartweed, mayweed, gallons of water
velvetleaf, Venice Add 1% v/v crop oil
mallow, wild concentrate
sunflower and yellow
Organic Burndown
Clove oil - active All fruit, nut and vegetable crops. Many weeds, Herbicide for 5 to 8% solution
ingredient: nonselective organic (spot spray):
eugenol Trade herbicide production that
name: provides non- 5% solution-
Matratec™, other selective post- broadleaf and grass
emergence weeds 6 inches in
contact height, temperature
desiccation of below 60° F and
several broadleaf cloudy 8% solution
and grass weeds. - grasses >6 inches
Post-directed in height,
(avoiding spray temperature below

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International Journal of Environmental & Agriculture Research (IJOEAR) ISSN:[2454-1850] [Vol-8, Issue-4, April- 2022]

on foliage or 60° F and cloudy

green bark of
crops) and pre- A non-synthetic
plant applications. adjuvant approved
Clove oil has no for certified organic
soil residual crops may be added
activity. for improved
Vinegar - active All vegetable crops. Certain broadleaf Organic post- At least a 20%
ingredient: acetic weeds with grass directed (avoiding solution for the
acid suppression spray on foliage most consistent
or green bark of performance.
crops) contact Multiple
control. Vinegar applications are
has no soil often needed for
residual activity. long-term control.
Boiling water All vegetable crops. Many weeds Organic post- Pour until plant
(~212°F) directed (avoiding foliage becomes
contacting foliage wilted. Multiple
or green bark of applications are
crops). often needed for
long-term control.
Source: The University of Tennessee, Institute of Agriculture.
* Organic weed control products listed here can cause human harm such as chemical or heat related burns, if used
3.3 Integration of Crop Competitiveness with Herbicides
Integration of Crop Competitiveness like, cultivation of Gautam as high yielding variety, and Prabhat as a weed minimizer
variety of rice and adding herbicides like, butachlor @ 1.5 kg/ha at pre-emergence +2,4-D @ 0.5 kg/ha at post emergence
found more yield as compare to others (Singh et al., 2004). Interaction of bidirectional row orientation in wheat, sowing with
120 kg/ha seeds with 15 cm or 20 cm row spacing and adding isoproturon @ 0.75 kg/ha found better minimization of weeds
and provide higher yield of wheat (Angiras and Sharma, 1993).
3.4 Integration of Herbicides with Mulching
Herbicides are used for controlling weeds from the field but they do not effectively control the weeds. The use of crop
residues as mulch in the time of weed emergence but only much can not control the weeds of the field. Therefore integrated
use of herbicides and much could provide effective control of weeds. The integrated use of herbicide and much also increase
the yield of the crop and control the weeds in dry-seeded rice. Mulch is a protective covering of material maintained on the
soil surface. Mulching has a smothering effect on weed control by excluding light from the photosynthetic portions of a plant
and thus inhibiting the top growth. It is very effective against annual weeds and some perennial weeds like Cynodon
dactylon. Mulching is done with dry or green crop residues, plastic sheets, or polythene film. To be effective the mulch
should be thick enough to prevent light transmission and eliminate photosynthesis. Paddy straw mulch @ 6 t/ha and adding
herbicides like clodinafob and metribuzin @ 195g/ha at the time of post-emergence found the highest yield in the tuber of
potato and effective weed control (Shafiq and Kaur, 2021). In the cropping system of rice/wheat, the placement of rice
residues as mulching at 6 and 7 t/ha and adding post-emergence herbicides like clodinafop 60 g/ha, sulfosulfuron 25 g/ha,
and mesosulfuron+iodosulfuron 14.4 g/ha found more effective to control weeds like P. minor and also board leaf weeds
(Brar and Walia, 2008). Application of metribuzin or atrazine @ 1.0 kg/ha at the time of pre-emergence and mulching into
Intra row trash at 3.5 t/ha, 60 days after planting found effective weeds control on the field of sugarcane (Singh et al., 2001).
The economic cost of mulching is found more in the high-value horticultural crops. The use of black or white polyethylene
sheets for mulching in ber, and adding one hand weeding at 70 days after sowing of bed nursery of ber found more effective
weed control against Cyperus rotundu. In the ber orchard, application of glyphosate at 0.75, 1.0, and 1.5% found a reduction
of C. rotundus from the ber orchard respectively 77, 85, and 95% (Yadav et al., 1996).
3.5 Integration of Zero Tillage with Herbicides
Zero tillage is generally done in wheat crops and also in maize crops to minimize of cost of cultivation. In zero tillage seeds
are sown on standing stubbles of rice. P. minor is a major weed of wheat it uptakes the nutrient from the field which was

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provided for the wheat (Brar and Walia, 2007a). Sulfosulfuron+metsulfuron 15+4 g/ha, sulfosulfuron+triasulfuron 15+30 and
15+40 g/ha, and metsulfuron+triasulfuron 3+30 g/ha proved better against all weeds under zero tillage (Malik et al., 2007).
Zero tillage (ZT) as part of a Conservation Agriculture based Sustainable intensification (CASI) package has been one
strongly researched and promoted a set of practices to achieve sustainable agricultural intensification. Conservation
Agriculture based Sustainable intensification focuses on changed tillage management practices for controlling weeds with
zero tillage, crop residue, crop diversification, and use of herbicides (Brown et al., 2018).
3.6 Integration of Hand Weeding with Herbicides
Hand-weeding is a practice of controlling weeding on small farms because it is time-consuming, expensive, and required
more labour. Hand weeding is the oldest method for controlling weeds by using an implement known as Khurpi. Hand
weeding is more effective for controlling pollution in the field, water, and also in the air requires less herbicide to control the
weeds. (Nagar et al., 2009) have proved that the integration of herbicides with hand weeding is the most effective and
economical method of weed management. In vegetable crops application of pendimethalin 3.3 l/ha or Fluchloralin at 2 lit/ha
or metolachlor 2 l/ha as pre-emergence herbicide with one hand weeding 30 days after transplanting was found to best
control weeds.
One hand weeding (days
S.N. Crops Herbicides
after sowing)
Butachlor 2.5 l/ha or Thiobencarb 2.5 l/ha or
1 Fluchoralin 2 l/ha or Pendimethalin 3 l/ha or Anilofos 30-35
1.25 l/ha as pre-emergence application.
Pretilachlor + safener at 0.6 l/ha as Pre-emergence
2 Wet seeded rice 40
Atrazine 50% WP 500 g/ha as Pre-emergence
3 Sorghum 30-35
4 Cumbu Atrazine 50 WP 500 g/ha on 3rd day of sowing. 30-35
Atrazine 50 at 500 g/ha (900 lit of water) as Pre-
5 Maize 40-45
emergence application.
6 Wheat Isoproturon 800 g/ha as pre-emergence application. 35
Redgram, Blackgram,
Fluchloralin 1.5 l/ha or Pendimethalin 2 l/ha 3 days
7 Greengram, Cowpea 30-35
after sowing mixed with 900 l of water.
8 Soyabean Pendimethalin 3.3 l/ha 30
9 Groundnut Fluchloralin at 2.0 l/ha 35-40
10 Cotton Fluchloralin 2.2 l/ha or Pendimethalin 3.3 l/ha 35-40
11 Rice fallow cotton Fluchloralin 2.2 l/ha or Pendimethalin 3.3 l/ha 40-45


Weeds are creating a big problem for growing crops, they reduce production and caused huge economic yield loss of crops.
So therefore management of weeds is important for increasing the production of crops and their value. Integrated weed man-
agement (IWM) is the best way to control weeds and it's also eco-friendly. Cultural, agronomical, mechanical, chemical, and
biological is the methods that are used for controlling weeds. Mainly herbicides are used for controlling weeds but herbicides
are very harmful to both humans and plants. The biological method is the best way to control weeds from the field and it's
also nonharmful for humans, animals, and plants. Tillage and puddling are used for the removal of weeds seeds from the
infested field. Mulching is knowns as leaving of crop residues or plastic for controlling weeds infestation in the crops fields.
In Nepal and India mostly herbicides are used for controlling weeds because other practices are more costly as compared to
herbicides. Biological weeds control methods are generally used in organic farming to find organic food from the crops field.
Using herbicides to control weeds creates a big problem for a growing population. Herbicides are not good for human and
plant health so other practices like cultural, mechanical, agronomical, and biological methods are used for the control of
weeds are best for human and plant health. cultural, mechanical, agronomical, and biological methods for controlling weeds
are also ecofriendly and give the best performance to control the weeds from the fields.

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