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A Survey On The Insects and Pests in The Production of Rice

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Gregorio, Juvylyn Grace

Nicanor, Dianne Kate

Agcalare, Van Parly

Malutao, Jorge Rb



Chapter 1


Background of the Study

The main purpose of the study was to known the common insect’s pest, that

causing yield loses in the production of rice. It also show in the study the different

prevention method/measures that farmers used to prevent it. The main reason why

researcher conduct this study is for helping the future farmers of the rice production so

that farmers will have an idea how to deal with it

Rice is considered as a staple the food in the Philippines it is also the major

sources of calories and the single largest sources of income. It is noted that 96% of the

Philippines rice is harvested from irrigated or rain fed lowland rice field. (Phil. Rice 1931).

In this system, fields are keep covered with water throughout the growing season,

putting a strain on scares and costly resources. Furthermore, anaerobic microbes, found

in soils that are deprived of oxygen due to continuous flooding. Produce methane,

powerful greenhouse gas and chemical fertilizer and pesticides can cause soil and water

pollution which lend to decrease in yield rice.

As the nationwide demand for rice increase, finding ways to grow more rice while

preventing environmental degradation and reliance on water will be essential to helping

ensure food security. Farmers in many parts of the country are taking the initiative to find

innovative solution to case this challenges.

One such innovation is the system of Rice Intensification( SRI) which was

develop during the 1990 s by French Priest in Madagascar Father Henry De Lauline who

spent 20 years learning about rice growing practices form local farmers SRI is a set of

low- cost crop Management techniques which promote, community- led Agricultural

Growth, revising the effect of climate change. (http://


Common insect pest attacking to the production of rice plant damages caused by

rice insects. Insect pest attack all portions of the rice plant and all stages of plant growth.

Feeding guilds consists of the (1) Roots Feeders (2) Stem Borer (3) Leaf Hoppers and

Plant Hoppers (4) Defoliators and (5) Grain sucking insects, insects also attacks rice

grain in storage.

Domestican of O. Sativa occurred some 10,000 years ago in the rivers valleys of

South and Southeast Asia and China. Rice spice men found in China date back to 3,000

BC and earliest Historical Chinese writings indicate of the five (5) Principal Food Plants

in the country, rice was the most important.

Rice was introduced into Southern Japan in about 100 B.C and from there it is

spread reaching the extreme worth of Japan only in the eighteen Century. The

Portuguese introduced rice into Brazil and Spaniards introduced rice into Central parts of

the South America. The rice plants consists of roots, stem, leaves and panicle rice

passes through the following 10 stages during its grown cycle. In the forest region of

West Africa, prior to sowing of rice, trees, shrubs and weeds in fallow upland fields are

cut and the burned. For rice plants to complete with weeds, rice, seeds is sown within a

few days after burning. Rice seed grown directly into untiled land.

Statement of the Problem

This study was conducted to identify which insect pest attacking to the production of

rice. Especially, this study sought answers to the following questions:

1. What are the common insects and pests attacking to the production of rice?

2. What are the different preventive measures to prevent the insects and pests?

3. How the farmers face this kind of problem?


Conceptual Framework

This study shows the relationship between the variables:



Significance of the study

This study is generally beneficial to the following:

Community- Involves farmer Agriculturist, home crop growers it could help them

to know what the different Insect Pest that they should are aware to their different Rice


Farmers- Farmers can really help of it. They will know the Insects they need to

avoid on their Rice Production so that they will avoid of loss profit.

Future Researchers- This study will stand as reference for the future studies it

will serve as information for new researcher.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

The study focused on the most harmful insect pest in the production of rice. The

study was conducted on Barangay Santiago, Barotac Viejo, Iloilo (in every purok) the

study focused on the different insects and pests which attack to the production of rice in

our community.


Definition of Terms

For the betterment and easy understanding, the following terms were defined

conceptually and operationally:

Chemical Fertilizer- Is defined as any inorganic material of whole or partially,

synthetic origin that is added to the soil to sustain plant growth. Many artificial fertilizer

contains acids, such as sulphuric acid and hydrochloric acids, which tend to increase the

acidity of the soil, reduce the soil beneficial organism population and interface with plant


Chemical Fertilizer-is defined as any inorganic material of wholly or partially

synthetic origin that is added to the soil to sustain plant growth, furthermore chemical


-Farmers may affect plant growth.

-A person who pays a fixed sum for some privileged or source of income.

Insects -Are those Insect that feed on, complete for food with more termite

disease to humans and livestock. Ecosystem modified by human activities have provide

opportunities for Insects and Species that successfully adapt often become pests.

Insects-a small animal that has six legs and body formed of three parts and that

may have wings

Pests-an animal or an insect that causes problem for people especially by

damaging crops.


Chapter 2


Related Theories

Theoretical model that served as the basis of this study is from the International

Rice Institute, DAP Box 7777 which is evaluated three agronomic practices where

farmers were at variance with national recommendations to determine if crop

comprehension to insect pest loss could be a reason for the differences. Due to the

popularity of early maturing varieties above 100kg/ha gives high yields, the fact that they

do not performs trial to compare varying rate does not allow them to know the optimal


Trials showed that the researchers were correct in recommending younger

transplanted seedlings (20-d-old), but farmers failed to do so in part because such young

seedlings cannot be easily pulled without being ripped apart due to the hard soil. Finally

a compromise between longer and shorting maturing varieties is called for the former

have less ability to comprehensive from pest damages, whereas the latter, despite

possessing the greatest comprehensotary capacity, to their discredit enhance pest

buildup, thus medium maturing rice as preferred.


Related Studies

Rice is staple food for more than fifty percent of the world population. For

decades rice crops have directly rice crops have directly or indirectly played a key role in

the livelihood of several billion people. In 2010, 154 million hectares of rice were

cultivated worldwide, in which 137 million hectares were in Asia, with 48 million hectares

harvested in Southeast Asia. In Bangladesh, eighty percent of agricultural land is

dedicated to rice cultivation. Of rice growing regions in Bangladesh. Barisal is one of the

most important, due in part to the diversity of rice under cultivation.

For this reasons, as well as the regions consistently high yields, Barisal is known

as the “CROP HOUSE of BANGLADESH. Although for several decades farmers have

been plagued by a number of pest related issues. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is

an environmentally friendly technology. (IPM) is a multifaceted approach to pest

management that seek to minimize negative impacts on the environment.

The focus of this study was examine the impact of Integrated Pest Management

in a rice agro economic-system. Currently, more than 80% of farmers rely on pesticides.

IPM method employed in our study had on the impact on the number of healthy tillers

and hills grains weight. The lowest percentage of dead heart (1.03) and white head

(2.00). Was found in the IPM treated plots. This plots had an average yield of 7.4

tone/ha. We found that there were significant differences between the treatment and the

observed percentage of dead heart, grain weight, and yield.

We conclude that IPM practices are an effective strategy for obtaining high rice

yields while protecting the environment and creating a more sustainable agro-

ecosystem. Furthermore, the need for ongoing research and training on IPM methods

well be essential for creating a sustainable rice agro-ecosystem. Integrated Pest


Management IPM is an adaptation to insect behavior and life cycles. A farmer

agricultural practices and knowledge of pest species in a given agro-ecosystem are

essential for developing a successful IPM plan. An ecosystem level understanding of

pest life provides the basis for successful design and implementation of an IPM strategy.

A farmers practices and a well-design IPM plan should be closely linked in rice


A system IPM plan accounts for the protection of beneficial insect, secondary

pest outbreaks, spread of disease, contamination of air, water and soil resources, and

pest resurgence. The wide scale adoption of IPM in rice agro-ecosystem could provide a

tremendous net benefit to farmers in a number of countries. The innovative IPM program

utilized in this is from the “FARMER FIELD SCHOOL MODEL” and is applicable to rice

agro-ecosystems throughout the world. It protects against pesticide-include pest

resurgence, which is the primary focus of the National IPM Program of any country in the


Two hundred sixty-six insect species have been identified in rice ecosystem in

Bangladesh. These insect form a complex food web within the rice ecosystem. In the

rice agro-ecosystem insect species are considered to be pest. Pest insect species are

considered to be pest. Pest species can be categorized as minor and major pest. These

pest cause severe damages to rice crops at different growth stages. The degree of

damage is dependent on the growing season and surrounding environment.

One species, the yellow stem borer, Scirpophaga incertulas Walker, is

considered to be a major rice pest. According to DAE in Bangladesh the stem borer can

be eradicated through several methods; lights trapping, hand picking eggs from rice

leave, sweeping with a net perching, burning rice stubble, cultivation of insect resistant

varieties using biogents, applying Economic Threshold Level (ETL) based insecticides in



Currently most rice farmers rely on insecticides rather than utilizing IPM strategies.

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is an effective and environmentally friendly

approach to pest management. Sustainable and effective agricultural pest management

techniques are important to be continued development of agricultural pest management

techniques are important to the continued development alternative pest management


IPM techniques protect the natural enemies of pest insect aid in the restoration of

ecosystem activities. The approach takes advantages of all appropriate pest

management options, including the judicious use of pesticides. Organic food production

employs similar methods to IPM but precludes the use of pesticides that are produced

from synthetic chemicals. Not with standing this, at a community level worldwide,

chemical pesticides, have played a vital role in providing an abundant and in expensive

food source.


The initial reports by the farmers who monitored the presence of said pest on

their rice field came from the municipality of Asingan, Pangasinan. However as, of

October 13, validated reports of areas affected by RBB included San Miguel with 716

hectares. Seeing the urgency of controlling further increase in population of said pest,

DA has set various briefings and massive info dissemination on how could pest could be

managed and controlled.


According to Regional Crop Protection Center (RCPC) head in the region Ms.

Marivic Begonia, the DA has not been amiss in informing farmers about RBB as

information campaigns through briefings and distribution of Information Education and

Communication (IEC) materials on RBB had been conducted by DA in the region since


The Rice Black Bug is one of the most difficult pest to manage and it’s locally

known as (

itim na atangya) or in Ilocano dialect ( nangisit a bangaw). It is a sap-feeding

insect that sucks the plant sap through the stems and nodes near the water surface. As

explained during the two day planning workshop, RBB attacks rice plant at almost of its

stages of growth in the irritated area and could result from severe to complete crop loss

during heavy infestation. Ms. Begonia added that if the rice plant has been infested with

about 10-15 RBB per hill, this can cause a yield reduction of about 23%.

Most of the cases reported where RBB was monitored are during or after a full

moon. According to researchers on the nature of said pest, the full moon cycle affects

RBB’s flight activity. RBB outbreaks is also triggered when there is a relatively small

natural enemy complex in the ecosystem, low availability of alternate host in the vicinity

of the rice fields, application of high levels of nitrogenous fertilizer and when there is

scarcity of quality preferred foods in the area.

Rice serves as the primary host for the RBB while corn and weeds are among its

alternative hosts. Other control measures are conservation and deployment of beneficial

insects, internment irrigation with at least 10-12 cm during maximum tilling to heading

stages at 3 days interval, herding of ducks in the field, removal of weeds, plowing under


of heavily infested field immediately after harvest and submerging stubbles under water

until these decomposed. DA also provides metarizhium anisopliae to areas affected by

the pest but with the limited production capacity of the rearing laboratory, it cannot

sufficiently provide the needs of all affects areas.

Once the fungus spores attach to the surface of the insect germinate and begin

to grow, they penetrate the exoskeleton of the insects and grow very rapidly inside the

insect causing the insects to die. Other insects that come in contact with infected insects

also becomes infected with the fungus. It has been proven an effective control measures

for RBB and other pest in the field. However one of the most effective control measures

which had been adopted by the most farmers is the use of lights trapping technology

since RBB are highly attracted to high intensity of light.

Light trapping is the best done two days before or until three days after the full

moon period from 8 in the evening till midnight. As part of the planning workshop,

Municipal Agriculturist from District 5 and 6 drafted an action plan on how they can join

efforts with the DA in dressing the problem on pest monitoring, management and control

in their respective municipalities. They also conducted an actual light as part of the

workshop activities. The DA strongly oppose the use of insecticides to control RBB as

this will further increase their population.


Chapter 3


Research Design

Descriptive survey research was used in this study, wherein it is defined as a

research method that describes the characteristics of the population or phenomenon that

is being studied. (more on descriptive survey, add more)

Locale of the study

This study was conducted in barangay Santiago, Barotac Viejo, Iloilo.

Researchers conducted an interview in every Purok in the said Barangay wherein the

rice farmers are residents.

Respondents/ Subject of the study

The respondents of the study were the rice farmers of Barangay Santiago,

Barotac Viejo, Iloilo who have shared their experiences about rice production.

Four (4) person were interviewed are they:

Dande Dorilag 49 years old, Mr. Dorilag has 6 years as a rice farmers.

Rogelio Cautibar a 65 years old and had an experience for almost 30 years as a rice


Banjo Balbontin a 61 years old and he started farming of rice since (1986).


Lastly Joseph Ancuna a 56 years old and he started farming since childhood and

because poverty, but he became successful because of rice farming.

Sampling techniques

This study used purposive sampling in order to identify the subject/respondents

of the study.

Purposive sampling is a non-probability sampling method and it occurs when elements

selected for the sample are chosen by the judgment of the researcher. Researcher often

believed that they can obtain represent sample by using a sound judgment.

Sample size

We used questionnaire to conduct interview in every purok. And we interviewed

four (4) four farmers in rice production.

Research instrument

The researcher used interview guide and observation in gathering data. The

interview guide is composed of fourteen (14) questions including personal information.

Interview is a conversation where researcher asked and the interviewee was answered

our said questions that researcher was given. In the other word INTERVIEW- refers to a

one or more conversation with one person acting in the role of interviewer and the other

in a role of interviewee.


Data Gathering

The researcher conduct an interview at Purok 1, Purok 2, Purok 3 and Purok 4in

Barangay Santiago, Barotac Viejo, Iloilo. The researcher personally administered the

questionnaire and the respondents were requested to understand before answering the

following questions. In gathering data the researcher must have used methods as


 Interview with the farmers- interviews were conducted one on one or with a small

group. The interviews can be used throughout the data gathering process.

Although the process time consuming, it is useful because you can gather

specific information and ask the follow-up questions to get more detailed on the

particular interest.

 Observations- direct observation of work performance is an excellent means of

gather data. Observation are done in conjunction with another data gather

methods that used to fill in gaps and answer questions.

 Surveys-are used when you want to gather information from a large number of

people and when it is impractical to meet them all face to face clearly it is

expensive to design a survey for one performance improvement.


Data Analysis

The first principle of phenomenological data is to use an emergent strategy, to

allow the method of analysis to follow the nature of the data itself. For example, artistic

depictions of experience would have to be approached differently from narratives or

interview data. In all cases however the focus is on depth understanding of meaning of

description. To get at all essential meaning of the experience a common approach is to

abstract out the themes these are essential aspects without which the experience would

have not been the same discovered through an engagement with the description of the

experiences to understand its meaning. The data were analyzed and categorized

according to the objectives of the study. The following statistical tools will be used.

 Mean- this is used to describe to extent of farmers experiences in planting rice

with the farmers experiences in planting rice with the factors that for the good


 Percentage- the percentage was been used to determine the portion of the

population belonging to a certain category or group and in the distribution of the

respondents when grouped



Results and Discussion

In this chapter present the results and discussion of data accordance on what

Insect Pest Attacking to the Production of Rice (Oryza Sativa). The main purpose of this

study was to know the solution used by the farmers to control the pest that attack in Rice


The following tables shows the results:

Table 1: Questions and Answer (Rogelio Cautibar, Benjo Balbontin, Joseph Ancuna,

Dande Dorilag)

1.What are Rats, Rice Stemborrer, Stemborrer, Bacteria,

The common Stemborrer Rice Bug, Leafhopper, Disease,BLH,GLH

insect pest GLH,BPH, Fruit Fly, Rice

attacking to Whorl Bug,

the Maggots, Rats Grasshoppers

production of


As show in the table the most pest attack rice plants are Rats, Rice Stemborrer, GLH,

BPH, and Rice Bugs

Table 2: Question and Answer:


2. What are Applying of (Conventional Prevent it by Prevent it by

the different chemicals, and Practices No spraying using

prevention spraying systematic when ETL- (chemicals

method that everyday practice using (Economic powder)

the farmers do of chemicals) Threshold

to prevent? Level) when

70% of insect


The table shows that the most prevention method of controlling pest in Production is

applying of systematic practices which is applying of chemicals.

Table 3: Question and Answer

3. How farmers Facing by Monitoring Conduct a Facing by

face this kind supporting of every day the constant. supporting

of problem in chemicals in situation of monitoring enough supply

Rice case of their farm. And Everyday of chemicals if

Production attacking find alternative it is needed.

solutions for

the occurrence

of problem

within their

In table three it simply show how farmers faced the problem about Insect pest in Rice



Some of the farmers share their story the researcher that they are all poor family. But the

help of Rice Production they felt lucky that they still survive. Respondents tells the

researcher that the farmers are not all necessarily poor people, there are some people

becomes successful in life it is because of farming.


Conclusion and Recommendations


The following conclusions are the results from the finding of the study.

1. Rice Stemborrer, Rats, BPH, are the pest that attacks often and one of the

reason why the rice production of farmers decreases.

2. Being Innovation to find alternative solution is the best secret of farmers in Rice

Production that could help to achieve increase production.

3. Constant monitoring of situation of the farm is the technique used by the farmers

in the said Barangay.

4. RC 10 is the rice variety mostly used by the rice farmers in the said Barangay.

5. Rice Production is one of the livelihood of resident in Barangay Santiago and

also it is there sources of food.

6. The different answer from farmers are truly based in their experienced in the rice


7. Supporting of chemicals is the main solution by the farmers to prevent different

pest in the Production of Rice.



1. It is recommended to the farmers who want to achieve, increase production, they

need to develop work hard.

2. Farmers who want build a good production should stay positive besides the

problem that they encountered.

3. Rice Stemborrer, Rats, BLH are the pest that mostly attacking in Rice

Production. It is recommended to immediately prevent it by using of chemicals so

that it won’t affect to the Production of Rice.

4. RC 10 is highly recommended in rice variety for farmers to have more Rice


5. It is also recommended to the farmers to conduct constants monitoring to know

the situation of their farm.



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Bio Data

Personal Data

Position Desired: Student

School Applied: Santiago National High School

Name: Dianne Kate B. Nicanor

Address: Santiago Barotac Viejo Iloilo

Mobile No: 09509958716


Date of Birth: November 6, 2001 Place of Birth: Sangandaan Quezon City


Height: 142 Weight: 45g Sex: Female

Religion: Roman Catholic Marital Status: Single

Citizenships: Filipino

Languages Spoken: English, Filipino and Hilgaynon

Father’s Name: Neri B. Nicanor Occupation: Laborer

Mother’s Name: Adelfa B. Nicanor Occupation: Housewife

Parent’s Address: Santiago, Barotac Viejo, Iloilo


Person to be contacted in case of Emergency: Adelfa B. Nicanor

Educational Background: Years Attended:

Elementary: Santiago Elementary School 2007-2014

High School: Santiago National High School 2014-2020



Special skills: Singing

Bio Data

Personal Data

Position Desired: Student

School Applied: Santiago National High School

Name: Juvylyn Grace Gregorio

Address: Santiago Barotac Viejo Iloilo

Mobile No: 0380110096

Date of Birth: August 5, 2001 Place of Birth: Conception, Iloilo

Height: 142 Weight: 42 kg Sex: Female

Religion:Roman Catholic Marital Status: Single


Citizenships: Filipino

Languages Spoken: Hiligaynon, English, Filipino

Father’s Name: Junvy Gregorio Occupation: Construction worker

Mother’s Name: Gracelyn Gregorio Occupation: Housewife

Parent’s Address: Santiago Barotac Viejo Iloilo

Person to be contacted in case of Emergency: Gracelyn Gregorio

Educational Background: Years Attended:

Elementary: Santiago Elementary School School 2007-2014

High School: Santiago National High School 2014-2020



Special skills: Cooking

Bio Data

Personal Data

Position Desired: Student

School Applied: Santiago National High School

Name: Van Parly B. Agcalare

Address: Sanfernando, Barotac Viejo, Iloilo

Mobile No:


Date of Birth: September 16,2000 Place of Birth: Sanfernando, Barotac Viejo,


Height: 5.1 Weight: 52 kg Sex: Male

Religion: roamn catholic Marital Status:single

Citizenships: filipino

Languages Spoken: Hiligaynon,Filipino, English

Father’s Name: Pepe Agcalare Occupation: Security Guard

Mother’s Name: Lynore Agcalare Occupation: Teaccher

Parent’s Address: Sanfernando Barotac Viejo, Iloilo

Person to be contacted in case of Emergency: Pepe Agcalare

Educational Background: Years Attended:

Elementary: Santiago Elementary School 2007-2014

High School: Santiago National High School 2014-2020



Special skills: Dancing



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