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Application of reliability analysis for

performance assessments in railway

infrastructure asset management

Nigel Tatenda, Zhuwaki

Thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Engineering
in Engineering Management in the Faculty of Engineering at Stellenbosch University

Supervisor: Prof CJ Neels Fourie

Co-Supervisor: Mr Joubert Van Eeden

March 2017
Stellenbosch University

By submitting this thesis electronically, I declare that the entirety of the work contained therein
is my own original work, that I am the authorship owner thereof (unless to the extent explicitly
otherwise stated) and that I have not previously in its entirety or in part submitted it for obtaining
any qualification.

Signature: Nigel Tatenda, Zhuwaki

Date: March 2017

Copyright © 2017 Stellenbosch University

All rights reserved

Stellenbosch University

Reliable railway infrastructure systems guarantee the safety of operations and the availability of
train services. With an increase in mobility demands, it is increasingly becoming a challenge to
deliver railway infrastructure systems with a sustainable functionality that meets the various
dependability attributes such as reliability, availability, and maintainability. Decisions related to
infrastructure asset management in the railway industry focus on the maintenance, enhancement,
and renewal of assets. This is to ensure that the infrastructure assets meet the required level of
dependability and quality of service at the lowest life cycle costs. The success of these decisions
depends on the effective management of individual assets over their lifetime from the perspective
of a whole systems approach. A whole systems approach offers greater advantages over the
traditional silo approach which lacks integration and coordination in the maintenance and
management of complex cross-functional multi-asset systems. Reliability, when applied to
infrastructure asset management, is a mathematical concept associated with dependability in
which engineering knowledge is applied to identify and reduce the likelihood or frequency of
failures within a system. In addition, it enables a systematic analysis to be performed at various
levels of the railway network to quantify the various dependability attributes of individual
infrastructure assets and their impact on the overall performance of the infrastructure system.

The objective of this study is to develop a scientific approach to model and evaluate the reliability
performance of railway infrastructure systems. This paper presents the development and
application of a holistic reliability model for multi-asset systems that can facilitate and improve
infrastructure maintenance management processes in railway environments. The model is
applied and validated using a practical case study in the context of the Passenger Rail Agency of
South Africa (PRASA). The case study applied to PRASA`s Metrorail network concluded that a
holistic performance assessment method using reliability analysis can assist in improving the
maintenance and management of railway infrastructure assets to guarantee high quality of

Keywords: System reliability analysis, Asset management, Railway infrastructure maintenance.

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Spoorweg infrastruktuurstelsels waarborg die veiligheid van werksaamhede/bedrywighede
asook die beskikbaarheid van treindienste. Met ’n toename in mobiliteitsvereistes raak dit ‘n al
groter problem/uitdaging om spoorweg infrastruktuur met ‘n volhoubaarhieds-funksionaliteit te
lewer wat die verskeie afhanklikheidskenmerke, soos betroubaarheid, beskikbaarheid en
onderhoudbaarheid. Besluite rakende infrastruktuur batebestuur in die spoorweg-industrie
fokus op instandhouding, versterking en vernuwing van bates. Dit is om te verseker dat die
infrastruktuur se bates die vereiste vlak van betroubaarheid en kwaliteitsdiens by die laagste
moontlike lewensikluskostes handhaaf. Die sukses van hierdie besluite hang af van die effektiewe
bestuur van individuele bates tydens hulle leeftyd van die perspektief van die volledige stelsel-
aanslag. ’n Volledige stelsel-aanslag bied groter voordele in vergelyking met die tradisionele silo-
aanslag waar integriteit en koördinasie ontbreek in die onderhoud en bestuur van komplekse
kruis-funksionele multi-bate stelsels. Daarby is dit moontlik om ’n sistemiese analise uit te voer
by verskillende vlakke van die spoornetwerk om die verskillende betroubaarheidseienskappe van
die individuele infrastruktuur bates en hulle impak op die algehele werksverrigting van die
infrastruktuurstelsel te kwantifiseer. Waar dit infrastruktuur batebestuur aangaan, is
betroubaarheid ’n wiskundige konsep wat geassosieer word met betroubaarheid in die
ingenieurskennis wat toegepas word om die waarksynlikheid en frekwensie van falings binne die
stelsel te identifiseer en te verminder. Die doel van hierdie tesis is om ’n wetenskaplike
benadering te ontwikkel om die betroubaarheidsnakoming van die spoorweg-
infrastruktuurstelsels te modelleer en te evalueer. Hierdie tesis stel die ontwikkeling en
toepassing van ’n holistiese betroubaarheidsmodel voor vir ’n multi-bate stelsel wat die
infrastruktuur instandhoudingsbestuurprosesse in spoorweg-omgewings kan fasiliteer en
verbeter. Die model word toegepas en geldig verklaar deur gebruik te maak van ’n praktiese
gevallestudie in die konteks van Passasier Spoor Agentskap van Suid-Afrika (Passenger Rail
Agency of South Africa (PRASA)). Die gevallestudie wat toegepas is op PRASA se Metrorail
netwerk het tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat ’n holistiese werksverrigting assesseringsmetode
nodig is wat betroubaarheidsanalises gebruik wat kan bydra tot die verbetering van die
instandhouding en bestuur van spoorweg-infrastruktuurbates om hoë kwaliteit diens te verseker.

Stellenbosch University

Firstly I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my thesis advisor Professor C.J Fourie who
has supported me throughout my thesis with his patience, knowledge, and invaluable guidance.
He consistently allowed this paper to be my own work by providing me with the room to work in
my own way and guiding me in the right the direction whenever he thought I needed it. Without
his efforts, this thesis would not have been successful. I would also like to thank my co-supervisor
Joubert Van Eeden for his invaluable input in my results and constructive suggestions which
contributed immensely to the quality of the work.

I would like to thank the staff at PRASA Western Cape Depot for the support and timeous
assistance in providing the necessary information and feedback that has contributed to the
success of this thesis. To Robert Venter, I thank you for your support in ensuring I connected with
Ayanda Bani, Jaco Cupido, John Mollet, Raymond Maseko and Jaime Mabota from the Engineering
services department. Without their passionate participation and input, this thesis could not have
been successfully completed.

I am particularity grateful to Pieter Conradie from the PRASA Engineering Research Chair at
Stellenbosch University for his continuous encouragement and suggestions throughout the course
of my thesis. To Olabanji Asekun, I thank you for the invaluable support in ensuring that my
academic experience within the research chair was rewarding and fulfilling.

Finally, I must express my very profound gratitude to my parents for providing me with unfailing
support. They have been an important and indispensable source of spiritual support throughout
my years of study and through the process of researching and writing this thesis. This
accomplishment would not have been possible without them.

Stellenbosch University


Abstract ................................................................................................................................................................................ iii


Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................................................................... v


List of Figures ..................................................................................................................................................................... ix

List of Tables ..................................................................................................................................................................... xii

List of Abbreviations..................................................................................................................................................... xiii

1 Introduction................................................................................................................................................................ 1

1.1 Background ....................................................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Research problem........................................................................................................................................... 2

1.3 Research aim and objectives ...................................................................................................................... 3

1.4 Scope and limitations .................................................................................................................................... 3

1.4.1 Scope .......................................................................................................................................................... 3

1.4.2 Limitations ............................................................................................................................................... 3

1.5 Research design and methodology.......................................................................................................... 3

1.6 Structure of thesis .......................................................................................................................................... 5

2 Transportation systems......................................................................................................................................... 7

2.1 Transport infrastructure ............................................................................................................................. 7

2.1.1 Characteristics of railway infrastructure .................................................................................... 7

2.2 Infrastructure asset management ........................................................................................................ 11

2.2.1 Railway infrastructure maintenance management ............................................................. 13

2.2.2 Reliability centred maintenance .................................................................................................. 17

2.3 Infrastructure performance measures ............................................................................................... 18

2.3.1 Performance measures and reliability ...................................................................................... 19

2.3.2 Infrastructure performance measurement systems ........................................................... 20

2.3.3 Modelling railway performance................................................................................................... 24

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2.4 Section summary ......................................................................................................................................... 25

3 Railway infrastructure systems ...................................................................................................................... 26

3.1 Systems perspective ................................................................................................................................... 26

3.2 System analysis............................................................................................................................................. 27

3.3 Systems modelling ...................................................................................................................................... 28

3.4 System dependencies ................................................................................................................................. 29

3.5 Dependability analysis .............................................................................................................................. 31

3.6 Section summary ......................................................................................................................................... 32

4 Reliability theory ................................................................................................................................................... 33

4.1 Reliability engineering .............................................................................................................................. 33

4.1.1 Reliability modelling......................................................................................................................... 35

4.2 Failure processes ......................................................................................................................................... 38

4.2.1 Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) ........................................................................................ 40

4.2.2 Modelling failure characteristics ................................................................................................. 42

4.2.3 Repairable systems theory ............................................................................................................. 44

4.3 Statistical methods for reliability evaluations ................................................................................. 49

4.4 Section summary ......................................................................................................................................... 57

5 Development of reliability model ................................................................................................................... 58

5.1 PRASA maintenance management ....................................................................................................... 58

5.2 Data analysis .................................................................................................................................................. 61

5.2.1 Failure data analysis ......................................................................................................................... 62

5.3 Failure mode and effect analysis ........................................................................................................... 65

5.3.1 Railway infrastructure failure modes........................................................................................ 67

5.4 Characterising infrastructure dependencies.................................................................................... 69

5.5 Railway infrastructure reliability model ........................................................................................... 70

5.6 Section summary ......................................................................................................................................... 74

6 Application of reliability model ....................................................................................................................... 75

6.1 Reliability analysis of a single corridor .............................................................................................. 75

6.1.1 Data collection ..................................................................................................................................... 75

6.1.2 Trend tests ............................................................................................................................................ 77

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6.1.3 Parameter estimation....................................................................................................................... 77

6.1.4 Reliability predictions ...................................................................................................................... 79

6.1.5 Validation of reliability predictions............................................................................................ 81

6.2 Section summary ......................................................................................................................................... 84

7 Multi-criteria analysis ......................................................................................................................................... 85

7.1 Application of multi-criteria analysis .................................................................................................. 85

7.2 Section summary ......................................................................................................................................... 89

8 Discussion of results ............................................................................................................................................ 90

8.1 Reliability as an infrastructure quality measure ............................................................................ 90

8.2 Reliability-based infrastructure asset management ..................................................................... 92

8.3 Research findings ........................................................................................................................................ 94

8.4 Limitations...................................................................................................................................................... 95

8.5 Section summary ......................................................................................................................................... 95

9 Conclusions and recommendations............................................................................................................... 96

9.1 Summary of findings .................................................................................................................................. 96

9.2 Recommendations....................................................................................................................................... 97

9.3 Theoretical contributions and future research ............................................................................... 97

10 References ........................................................................................................................................................... 99

11 Appendices ....................................................................................................................................................... 106

11.1 Railway infrastructure failure modes .............................................................................................. 106

11.2 Infrastructure dependency matrix .................................................................................................... 108

11.3 Reliability modelling approach ........................................................................................................... 109

11.4 Langa-Belhar corridor ............................................................................................................................ 110

11.5 Nyanga-Phillipi corridor ........................................................................................................................ 113

11.6 Map of Metrorail network for the Western Cape region .......................................................... 116

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List of Figures
Figure 1-1 : Research design and methodology .................................................................................................... 4
Figure 1-2 : Process of model development and validation [27] ...................................................................5
Figure 1-3 : Structure of thesis layout ...................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 2-1 : Railway system structure [30]............................................................................................................. 8
Figure 2-2 : Elements of a railway perway system .............................................................................................. 9
Figure 2-3 : The structure of a point machine [30] ........................................................................................... 10
Figure 2-4 : Elements of an electrified railway system ................................................................................... 11
Figure 2-5 : Generic asset management system components [35]............................................................. 13
Figure 2-6 : Reliability profiles under different maintenance regimes [37]. ......................................... 14
Figure 2-7 : Classification of maintenance processes[39] ............................................................................. 15
Figure 2-8 : General maintenance management process for RFI [5]. ........................................................ 16
Figure 2-9 : Factors influencing maintenance management......................................................................... 16
Figure 2-10 : Components of reliability centred maintenance program [43] ....................................... 17
Figure 2-11 : Conceptual hierarchy for achieving high performance ....................................................... 20
Figure 2-12 : Generic structure of railway infrastructure PIs [46] ............................................................ 21
Figure 2-13 : Interrelationship of RAMS elements[42] ................................................................................... 23
Figure 2-14 : Simplified RAMS analysis according to EN50126 .................................................................. 24
Figure 2-15 : Input and output factors of infrastructure performance [11] .......................................... 25
Figure 3-1 : Basic steps in a system analysis ....................................................................................................... 27
Figure 3-2 : Indenture levels for maintenance analysis for continuous improvement[53]............. 28
Figure 3-3 : Modelling paradigms ............................................................................................................................ 29
Figure 3-4 : Design Structure Matrix (DSM) Example ..................................................................................... 30
Figure 3-5 : An example of a Structural Self-interaction Matrix (SSIM)................................................... 31
Figure 3-6 : Dependability procedures .................................................................................................................. 32
Figure 4-1 : Modelling component to system failure[50]............................................................................... 34
Figure 4-2 : Functional diagram (adapted from Risk Analysis in Engineering: 2006) [51]............. 35
Figure 4-3 : Reliability block diagram showing the two main classes of configuring systems....... 36
Figure 4-4 : Framework for decision support in infrastructure asset management[2] .................... 37
Figure 4-5 : Family-based approach to modelling reliability[5] ................................................................. 38
Figure 4-6 : Reliability and failure rate forecasting procedure (adapted from Pereira [12]) ......... 40
Figure 4-7 : Causes effects and modes of failure ................................................................................................ 40
Figure 4-8 : Bathtub curve for failure studies ..................................................................................................... 43
Figure 4-9 : Stochastic process .................................................................................................................................. 45
Figure 4-10 : Framework for analysis of failure data for reliability evaluations ................................. 50

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Figure 4-11 : Errors for the Least Square method ............................................................................................ 53

Figure 4-12 : Comparison of the traditional and new approach adopted from Ahmad et al [87] . 56
Figure 4-13 : Reliability modelling procedure .................................................................................................... 57
Figure 5-1 : Map of the Cape Town Metrorail network ................................................................................... 58
Figure 5-2 : Organisational structure of Metrorail maintenance division .............................................. 59
Figure 5-3 : Scope of activities for PRASA`s asset management framework.......................................... 61
Figure 5-4 : Breakdown structure for reliability evaluation to support the modelling of the
infrastructure network [53] ....................................................................................................................................... 62
Figure 5-5 : Failure episode and definition of terms ........................................................................................ 63
Figure 5-6 : Failure analysis of 'Occupied track events'.................................................................................. 67
Figure 5-7 : Interdependencies and Flow Relationships ................................................................................ 70
Figure 5-8 : Infrastructure indenture levels for reliability modelling approach .................................. 71
Figure 5-9 : An example of an operational route ............................................................................................... 71
Figure 5-10: Functional reliability model of a network segment ............................................................... 72
Figure 5-11 : Reliability block diagrams for the infrastructure asset state models ............................ 73
Figure 5-12 : Reliability block diagram for network segment railway infrastructure systems ..... 73
Figure 5-13 : Modelling approach showing asset state and system reliability model ....................... 74
Figure 6-1 : Inter-arrival times for the infrastructure failures .................................................................... 76
Figure 6-2 : Graph of the power law and log-linear law for the signalling system .............................. 78
Figure 6-3 : Cumulative distribution function for the Weibull distribution and observed values 78
Figure 6-4 : System reliability for the railway infrastructure system....................................................... 80
Figure 6-5 : Timeline showing the location of the last failure for the infrastructure subsystems 81
Figure 7-1 : Reliability performance for the Nyanga-Phillipi and Langa-Belhar corridors ............. 86
Figure 7-2 : Reliability performance of the Langa-Belhar corridor ........................................................... 86
Figure 7-3 : Reliability performance of the Nyanga-Phillipi corridor ....................................................... 87
Figure 7-4 : Comparison of the reliability performance of the electrical subsystem ......................... 88
Figure 7-5 : Comparison of the reliability performance of the signalling subsystem ........................ 88
Figure 7-6 : Comparison of the reliability performance of the perway subsystem ............................. 89
Figure 8-1 : Summary of multi-criteria analysis ................................................................................................ 91
Figure 8-2 : Pareto analysis for failure modes and frequency of failure. ................................................. 92
Figure 8-3 : The impact of the different infrastructure subsystems failures to train delays .......... 93
Figure 8-4 : The impact of the different infrastructure subsystems to train cancellations ............. 93
Figure 11-1: Arrival times for the Langa-Belhar corridor .......................................................................... 110
Figure 11-2 : Graphical representation of the NHPP power law vs observed values ...................... 111
Figure 11-3 : Cumulative distribution function for the Weibull distribution and observed values
............................................................................................................................................................................................. 111

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Figure 11-4 : Cumulative distribution function for the Weibull distribution and observed values
............................................................................................................................................................................................. 112
Figure 11-5 : Arrival times for the Nyanga-Phillipi corridor ..................................................................... 113
Figure 11-6 : Cumulative failures for the observed and Weibull approximations ........................... 114
Figure 11-7 : Observed vs NHPP power law parameter estimation ....................................................... 114
Figure 11-8 : Cumulative graph of observed vs Weibull for electrical subsystem ........................... 115

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List of Tables
Table 4-1 : Steps in a reliability assessment [69] .............................................................................................. 34
Table 4-2 : Failure categorisation ............................................................................................................................ 39
Table 4-3: Interpretation of the LTT value U [25] ............................................................................................. 52
Table 5-1 : Daily failure logging for signal failures ........................................................................................... 64
Table 5-2 : Classification of infrastructure failure modes.............................................................................. 65
Table 5-3 : Probability of occurrence of the infrastructure failure modes ............................................. 66
Table 5-4 : Matrix to evaluate criticality ............................................................................................................... 66
Table 5-5 : Relationship between level of risk and mitigation measures................................................ 66
Table 6-1: Summary of the test statistic and the recommended modelling distributions. .............. 77
Table 6-2 : Summary of parameter estimation and K-S test ......................................................................... 78
Table 6-3 : Reliability of the railway infrastructure system in the first 14 days of operation........ 80
Table 6-4 : A comparison of the subsystems for the expected and observed number of failures . 83
Table 11-1 : Results from trend test for the Langa-Belhar corridor....................................................... 111
Table 11-2 : Parameter estimation results for the Langa-Belhar corridor .......................................... 112
Table 11-3 : Results from the trend test for the Nyanga-Phillipi corridor ........................................... 114
Table 11-4 : Parameter estimation results for the Nyanga-Phillipi corridor ...................................... 115

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List of Abbreviations
AWS Automatic Warning System

CDF Cumulative distribution function

CMMS Computerised maintenance management software

DSM Design Structure Matrix

EMPAC Enterprise Maintenance Planning and Control

FMECA Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis

FTA Fault Tree Analysis

HPP Homogeneous Poisson Process

HRA Human reliability analysis

IID Independent and identically distributed

IMS Integrated Management System

ISM Interpretative Structural Modelling

LCC Life cycle cost

LSE Least square estimator

LTT Laplace Trend Test

MLE Maximum Likelihood Estimator

MTBF Mean Time Between Failures

MTTR Mean Time To Return

NHPP Non-Homogeneous Poisson Process

OHTE Overhead traction equipment

PHA Preliminary hazard analysis

PM Performance measurement

PRASA Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa

RAMS Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety

RCM Reliability Centred Maintenance

ROCOF Rate of occurrence of failures

RP Renewal Process

RPN Risk Priority Number

SSIM Structural Self-interaction Matrix

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TPWS Train Protection Warning System

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1 Introduction
1.1 Background
A reliable and sustainable public transport infrastructure sustains the socioeconomic activities of
a country and is the backbone of an effective and efficient public transportation system. Rail
transport is a significant player in providing public transport in South Africa. The national
household transport survey conducted by the Department of Transport of South Africa (DoT SA)
reveals that metro workers were more likely to use trains than buses as their main mode of
transport [1]. However, railway transport is competing with new modes of urban transit
characterised by on-demand transit services and bus rapid transit systems. This is attributed to
various factors related to rapid urbanisation, an ageing infrastructure, and increasingly high
demands from customers for infrastructure service quality and reliability. To respond to these
challenges requires strategies that place railway transport at a competitive edge over other modes
of transport. As a result it puts pressure on railway organisations to be innovative in developing
well-informed maintenance management strategies for their railway infrastructure assets to
guarantee high quality of service. In addition, railway infrastructure assets have high asset value
which makes maintenance efforts highly valuable. Therefore, it is important to determine
intervention policies in railway infrastructure environments that would achieve the required
performance targets at minimum costs [2].

The first of two factors considered to maintain infrastructure quality is the ability to measure the
quality of infrastructure on a continuous basis. Secondly there must be criteria to establish the
appropriate maintenance and management strategies to restore the infrastructure quality when
it falls below acceptable levels. Railway infrastructure assets, however, cover large geographical
areas which presents challenges in the maintenance and management of these infrastructure
assets. Traditionally, the maintenance and management of railway infrastructure assets consisted
of 'blind' periodic inspections on critical maintenance issues based on the knowledge and
experience of maintenance staff [3]. This approach is not consistent and cannot continuously
capture the performance of infrastructure quality over time. In order to operate a system of high
complexity with minimal interruptions, informed decision-making becomes a strategic element in
improving the maintenance and management strategies.

Following the success of a reliability centred approach in various industries, developments in the
railway industry show that railway organisations are adopting this methodology in their
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maintenance and management processes to reduce operational expenditure while maintaining

high standards of safety. To inform optimal maintenance interventions and repair policies,
systematic evaluations using reliability-centred methods have been applied at different levels of
the railway infrastructure system[2], [4]–[11]. Similarly, reliability analysis for modelling the
maintenance and management of individual railway infrastructure asset groups have been
extensively covered in research [12]–[21]. Carratero et al [3] and Pedegral et al [22] have
presented methodologies that combined reliability centred and predictive maintenance
techniques to railway systems with the aim of achieving high levels of service quality. These
various methodologies demonstrate the application of a reliability centred approach in improving
maintenance and management processes. Additionally, a reliability centred approach aids in
predicting the technical condition and remaining useful life of railway infrastructure assets
allowing appropriate interventions to be implemented [23].

1.2 Research problem

To facilitate effective maintenance and management of infrastructure assets in railway
environments, studies have shown that a holistic approach to improving the reliability of railway
infrastructure systems simultaneously improves the lifecycle cost performance of infrastructure
assets[2], [4], [5]. Reliability models that have been developed and applied in the South African
passenger railway industry focus on modelling individual subsystems of the railway system such
as rolling stock and infrastructure subsystems [14], [24], [25]. In addition, the current asset
management strategy in the South African passenger railway industry does not utilise holistic
reliability-based methodologies to support maintenance and management activities. Improving
the reliability of one component of a railway system does not contribute toward whole systems
improvement. Instead, different behaviours emerge at the interfaces of the different railway
infrastructure asset groups due to the different functional and operational characteristics.
Improving the decision making process of complex infrastructure systems spread over wide
geographical areas requires methods to assess how an intervention on a single asset group
impacts other parts of the railway system [26]. Furthermore, identifying high priority components
that influence overall system performance provides guidelines for effective system improvement
allowing railway organisations to align strategic objectives of the different asset groups towards
maintaining the railway network at the expected operational levels.

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1.3 Research aim and objectives

The study proposes a holistic systematic analysis to model an evidence-based decision making
tool to improve the maintenance and management of railway infrastructure assets using
reliability analysis. The holistic systematic analysis addresses the practical application of
reliability theory in the passenger railway sector and the joint dependability implications of
decision making in railway infrastructure asset management. To achieve the research aim, the
objectives of the study seek to:

a) Develop a reliability model to evaluate the reliability performance of railway

infrastructure systems;
b) Conduct a case study on the applicability of a holistic reliability-based approach to
infrastructure asset management in the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA).

1.4 Scope and limitations

1.4.1 Scope
The scope of the study focused on the maintenance and management of railway infrastructure
assets in the South African passenger railway industry. The study will develop a reliability
assessment model to evaluate the reliability performance of railway infrastructure assets to assist
in predictions for effective and efficient maintenance planning.

1.4.2 Limitations
The research is limited to the reliability performance assessment of railway infrastructure
systems. The analysis methods and models only considered the reliability performance of
infrastructure assets to reduce the operational expenditure related to maintenance planning and
not profit making. The assessment will only focus on identifying critical infrastructure subsystems
to assist in railway infrastructure asset management. Application of the model to a case study to
verify the applicability of the reliability model in evaluating the performance of railway
infrastructure assets is limited to railway lines with sufficient asset failure data.

1.5 Research design and methodology

This thesis is a documentation of applied research, with the objective of developing an evidence-
based decision making tool to support railway infrastructure asset management using a reliability
centred approach. To meet this objective, both exploratory and descriptive research
methodologies were followed. The exploratory research helped in building up the knowledge
required to address the research problem by exploring the key issues and variables related to
system and component reliability and the effect of maintenance management decisions on the
performance of infrastructure systems. Additionally, the exploratory research identified the
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different infrastructure asset management practices and infrastructure modelling techniques

required to build the reliability model that was applied to the case study. The development of the
modelling approach and the application of the model to the case study are outcomes of the
descriptive research which utilised elements of both qualitative and quantitative research. The
quantitative research was utilised to quantify the reliability performance of the infrastructure
systems using the appropriate reliability and statistical theory on the collected data. Qualitative
research was primarily explanatory and was utilised to present the trends in reliability measuring
techniques applied to railway infrastructure asset management. Additionally, the qualitative
analysis presented the reliability model and discussed the outcomes of the relationship between
the theory and research outcomes. A summary of the methodology is given in Figure 1-1.

Quantitative and Report

Exploratory Research problem Relibaility
Qualitative research
research and objectives Modelling
Descriptive research findings

Figure 1-1 : Research design and methodology

The research design shown in Figure 1-2 guided the development of a model for reliability-
informed decision-making by following an inductive and deductive approach. Generally the
inductive and deductive approaches are associated with qualitative and quantitative research
respectively. To build a holistic reliability model requires a thorough definition of the system
boundaries, a rigorous elicitation of the system data and the integration of that data to create a
model. To achieve this a deductive approach was used to generate relationships between system
entities and their attributes according to functional and operational requirements derived from
logical conclusions based on the existing modelling theories. In addition, the deductive approach
was used to build the theoretical frame of reference required for the research through an
extensive literature survey and consultations with maintenance experts from PRASA.

The inductive approach focused on the problem solution by applying the developed reliability
model to a case study using the developed knowledge base and empirical data. The empirical data
consisted of historical asset failure data collected from PRASA Metrorail Information Management
System (IMS) and from a series of interviews and consultations with maintenance experts from
PRASA Metrorail division. By developing coherent ideas governed by the assumptions which align
with the modelling methodology, the inductive and deductive approaches outlined the anticipated
outcomes of the reliability model and provided conclusions on the behaviour of the system. In
addition, the relationship between the theoretical (model) results and the observed values
validated the model for improvements from a reliability-informed perspective.

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among variables
Empirical Inductive
Data reasoning

• Develop coherent ideas Conclusions Develop

Model Model
• Test/ Anticipate outcome about modelling
development validation
• Specify assumptions behaviour approach

Theory Deductive
Experience reasoning

Figure 1-2 : Process of model development and validation [27]

1.6 Structure of thesis

The structure of the thesis shown in Figure 1-3, highlights the key themes that inform the scope
of the study. The first section is an introduction which provides a background study to the
research problem and highlights the research design and methodology followed by the researcher.
The second section of the thesis provides a literature study of transportation systems, highlighting
the importance of a healthy transport infrastructure system. This section also describes the
railway infrastructure system and presents various asset and performance management systems.
The third section provides a literature study of the methodologies employed in modelling the
reliability of repairable infrastructure systems. In addition, the reliability model for railway
infrastructure systems developed in the third section is applied as a case study in the fourth and
final section of the thesis.

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Reliability analysis for

railway infrastructure asset


Research methodology
Background Research problem Research objectives
and design


Transportation Railway infrastructure Railway infrastructure Infrastructure asset Infrastructure

infrastructure characteristics systems management performance measures


Statistical methods for

Reliability engineering Reliability modelling Development of model
reliability modelling


Application of Multi-criteria Discussion of

model analysis results

Figure 1-3 : Structure of thesis layout

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2 Transportation systems
2.1 Transport infrastructure
A transportation system must guarantee the movement of material objects in time and space. The
main function of any transportation process is to move people and goods from one point to
another on time, safely and with minimum negative impact on the environment. The different
modes of transportation processes have distinct functional, service and operational
characteristics which create the core of a mobility system [28]. A mobility system is a collection of
civil transport systems that satisfy the needs of a transportation process. The function of a
transportation system in meeting the demands of a mobility system depends on several socio-
economic factors which are external to the transportation system and its supporting

There is a substantial difference between the different types of civil transport systems. Surface
transport systems such as rail and road require infrastructure that spans large geographical areas.
Transport infrastructure refers to all the routes and fixed installations that allow for the safe and
timeous circulation of traffic. It follows that an unhealthy transport infrastructure is an obstacle
to achieving the fundamental goals of a transportation process. There are several challenges to
managing transport infrastructure, primarily because once the design and installation is complete
it becomes difficult to modify the initial design of the infrastructure assets. Providing a transport
infrastructure that is resilient enough to keep up with the increasing mobility needs and resource
constraints, depends on maintenance and renewal decisions. Under these circumstances,
infrastructure maintenance and management processes should be efficient and effective to
guarantee functional and reliable civil transportation systems.

2.1.1 Characteristics of railway infrastructure

A definition of railway infrastructure as given by the European community regulation 2598/1970
comprises routes, tracks, and fixed installations that enable the safe circulation of trains. This
definition lists 70 railway infrastructure items ranging from signal systems, power systems,
engineering structures (bridges, culverts), and track structures such as turnouts and tunnels. Due
to the nature of railway infrastructure system and its complex configuration of multiple
components, it is the objective of this study to identify infrastructure components that will form
the basis of the modelling framework. To establish the scope of a railway infrastructure system,
the elements that characterise the function and structure of the system need to be established.
Network Rail's [26] infrastructure asset management strategy classified their assets into ten
categories, among them signalling, track, electricals, level crossing and telecoms. Patra [29]

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mentioned three distinct subsystems when presenting a maintenance decision support model for
railway infrastructure; the track system, power system and the signalling system. Apart from the
station buildings, marshalling yards and warehouses, the fundamental infrastructure subsystems
that primarily enable the movement of a train between two points are signals, electricals, and the
permanent way shown in Figure 2-1. A brief discussion of the subsystems and their functions

Figure 2-1 : Railway system structure [30] Permanent Way (Perway)

The permanent way is comprised of the superstructure and substructure. Figure 2-2 shows the
elements that form the core of the perway subsystem. The superstructure consists of rails,
sleepers, rail clippers, and rail pads. The rails are longitudinal steel members that directly guide a
train’s passage. To resist excessive deflections during operation, the rail must have sufficient
stiffness to serve as beams which transfer the concentrated wheel loads to the sleeper supports.
The rails fastened to sleepers by rail clippers and rail pads provide damping to reduce the severity
of periodic loading caused by the rolling stock. The substructure consists of the ballast, sub-ballast,
and formation layer which provides drainage and support to distribute stresses caused by the
superstructure. The structural integrity of the track depends on the performance of the ballast
hence employing periodic maintenance routines such as ballast tamping maintains high levels of
infrastructure performance.

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Figure 2-2 : Elements of a railway perway system Signalling
The signalling subsystem is a complex multi-component system comprising hardware and
software systems with a primary purpose of traffic control and maintaining traffic regularity. Due
to the development of high-speed rail, signalling has become an important technological
component in ensuring safety by preventing the occurrence of accidents hence minimising the risk
to passengers [17], [31]. The performance of railway signalling systems is determined by the
correct functioning of a number of subsystems. The major components of a signalling system
include the control centre, track circuit, interlocking system, signals, and point machines. The
signal devices which include the signal lamps, track circuits and point machines are controlled by
the interlocking system [30]. Figure 2-3 shows the structure of point to point machine. Other
important elements of the signalling subsystem include the protection system which contains the
Train Protection Warning System (TPWS) and the Automatic Warning System (AWS). The track
circuit used to establish the occupation of a railway block by a train can detect broken rails. The
control centre manages train scheduling, timetables and assigns speed restrictions (including
both temporary and permanent speed restrictions) for the trains. The interlocking system sends
the commands to the signals, point machines and the protection system.

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Figure 2-3 : The structure of a point machine [30] Electrical subsystem

The electrical subsystem is an integral component in the electrified railway system. The electrical
subsystem consists of all fixed installations that are required to supply traction power to the
rolling stock as well as electrical power for the signalling subsystem. The electrical subsystems
consist of transmission lines, substations, sectioning points and overhead contact wires.
Substations are connected to the primary power utility grid. Electrical power is transmitted via
transformers onto the overhead line electrification [32]. Sectioning points located at intermediate
locations between substations supply parallel contact lines and provide protection, isolation, and
auxiliary supplies. The overhead contact line is equipped with manually or remotely controlled
disconnectors which are able to isolate sections or groups of the overhead contact line depending
on the operational necessities. Feeder conductors, contact conductors (which make contact with
the pantograph), suspension wire ropes, and circuit breakers are other elements of an electrified
railway system. Figure 2-4 shows the elements of the electrical subsystems.

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33/11kV Supply 33/11kV Supply

Power Transformer

Circuit Breaker Normally Closed

Feeder Station Rectifier Unit

Isolator Normally Open

Insulated Overlap or
Sectioning Gap

Figure 2-4 : Elements of an electrified railway system

2.2 Infrastructure asset management

The definition of asset management varies with the scope. Literature shows that there are two
categories that determine the scope of asset management. The first category defines the scope of
the physical assets on which the management processes are applied. The second category defines
the decisions and activities that connect the high-level strategies for the asset to the actual work
being done on the ground. With these two categories, a formal definition of asset management can
be given as the systematic process guiding the acquisition, use, disposal of assets and coordination
of activities and practices which enable an organisation to make the most of their service delivery
potential in line with the organisational strategic plan. When analysed from a facilities and
infrastructure perspective, infrastructure asset management can be seen as a framework that
facilitates informed decision-making in maintaining, upgrading and operation of physical assets
[33]. Infrastructure asset managers are thus tasked in the operational phase with delivering
reliable, available, maintainable and safe infrastructure assets with minimum life cycle costs [2].
A chain of strategic and operational decisions are recognised in such an exercise. From this
perspective, it can be established that infrastructure asset management focuses on achieving
maximum infrastructure outputs directed at satisfying the expectations and requirements of key
stakeholders. Furthermore, infrastructure asset management is concerned with the development
of strategies relating to asset selection, inspection and intervention strategies within the
constraints of the internal and external factors of an organisation.

Formerly, asset management when applied to infrastructure usually focused on return on

investment. It has, however, evolved to introduce new tools and most importantly it now links the
use of information for different functions of an organisation. Asset information can be regarded as

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a fundamental asset on its own as it supports good asset management practices. This is highlighted
by Grigg [34] who defines asset management as 'an information-based process' used for life cycle
asset management. The gathering of information relating to the performance and the condition of
infrastructure assets is an important part of an asset management process. Flintsch & Bryant [35]
highlighted that data collection, data management and data integration are essential parts of an
asset management framework. Collecting asset information provides an understanding of lifetime
characteristics of infrastructure assets. This can assist in quantifying the impact of how planned
interventions on an asset group influence other parts of the infrastructure system. An effective
asset management system must deliver infrastructure outputs with cost savings without the risk
of compromising safety.

The International Union of Railways (UIC) [36] suggested an asset management framework which
identifies the key elements of an asset management system. These key elements of the asset
management system focus on the core decisions and activities that link strategy to the delivery of
the work. To achieve this, there must be mechanisms such as accurate data collection on asset
information. This information is used to develop reviewing mechanisms that can monitor and
improve the effectiveness of the asset management regime in meeting its objectives. Network Rail
[26] emphasised that asset management enables evidence-based decision-making by utilising the
knowledge of how assets degrade and fail to maximise the outputs of maintenance and renewal
interventions. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)[35] presented an asset management
system with the major elements highlighted in Figure 2-5. These elements which are constrained
by the available budget and resource allocations look at the goals and policies of an organisation.
An inventory of data enables the continuous monitoring of the asset performance. The evaluation
exercise on asset performance informs the short- to long-term plans and project selection criteria
that align with the goals and policy of an organisation.

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Goals & Policies

Asset Inventory
Condition Assessment/ Allocations
Performance Prediction

Alternative Evaluation/
Program Optimisation

Short-&Long-Term Plans
(Project Selection)

Programme Implementation

Performance monitoring

Figure 2-5 : Generic asset management system components [35]

2.2.1 Railway infrastructure maintenance management Maintenance
Maintenance is defined as a combination of all technical, administrative, and managerial actions
during the life cycle of an asset intended to retain it, or restore it to a state in which it can perform
the required function. Maintenance is primarily needed because of the lack of reliability and loss
of quality over time. This means minimal maintenance will result in excessive failure rates and
poor performing infrastructure assets. The different impacts of maintenance on the reliability
performance of assets is shown in Figure 2-6 .

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1.2 No maintenance 1.2 One essential maintenance

1 1

Reliability 0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 10 20 30 40 50
Time (days) Time (days)

1.2 Preventative maintenance Preventative + One essential

1 maintenance
0.8 1.2


0.4 0.6
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 0 20 40 60 80
Time (days) Time (days)

Reliability Threshold Reliability Threshold

Figure 2-6 : Reliability profiles under different maintenance regimes [37].

From a basic approach, maintenance is conducted on infrastructure in either a reactive or a

proactive manner. Proactive maintenance takes place at regular intervals or in many cases it
follows certain criteria to restore the desired functionality. Reactive maintenance refers to the
maintenance actions taken only after a system fails to meet its desired functionality. Maintenance
activities can be performed either as preventative maintenance or as corrective maintenance as
seen in Figure 2-7. Preventative maintenance takes place at predetermined intervals or according
to specific criteria. Additionally, preventative maintenance reduces the probability of failure and
degradation in a system. Corrective maintenance is carried out after a fault has been detected and
can be classified as deferred or immediate. Immediate maintenance is carried out as soon as a
system failure is detected whereas deferred maintenance is not immediate but is postponed either
due to strategic reasons or external uncontrollable factors [38].

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Corrective mainetance Preventative maintenance

Deferred Immediate Condition-based maintenance Predetermined maintenance

Scheduled continuous request Scheduled

Figure 2-7 : Classification of maintenance processes[39] Maintenance management

Maintenance management supports the planning and scheduling of the maintenance and capital
improvement activities. Muyengwa and Marowa [40] highlighted that maintenance management
and reliability are associated with an organisation's competitiveness and must be awarded
adequate attention in the organisation's strategic plan. Maintenance management thus becomes
an important component of infrastructure asset management. Maintenance management's sole
purpose is to maximise system availability at minimum costs by reducing the probability of
equipment or system breakdowns [41]. From an overall approach, the management of any
maintenance process is described as the management of available maintenance resources such as
capital, material, personnel, and information to guarantee the desired result in terms of high
physical asset integrity. Managing unexpected inputs, undesirable outputs, system anomalies, or
unwanted events follows a course of action and series of stages that must be followed to describe
and implement the correct strategies. To achieve this entails the setting up of goals and strategies,
planning, execution, analysis and continuous improvement of the process through evaluations.
Figure 2-8 shows the general maintenance management process for Rete Ferroviaria Italiana
(RFI) [5]. This maintenance management strategy is based on the implementation of maintenance
planning and the control cycle requires maintenance plans to be customised for the different
cluster of railway assets that are subject to different operating conditions.

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Figure 2-8 : General maintenance management process for RFI [5].

An effective maintenance management strategy ensures the successful management of costs and
quality and their relationship to asset performance. Figure 2-9 shows the relationship between
maintenance management, asset performance, and asset maintenance. To manage performance it
needs to be measured, hence performance indicators are utilised to reflect the performance of
complex systems. Quality indicators for asset performance are interpreted through cost and
system effectiveness; these indicators act as decision tools for the different interventions specific
to asset maintenance [42]. To assess if the maintenance management process supports the overall
objectives of the organisation, performance measurement systems are adopted to generate useful
information on the condition of infrastructure assets [41]. Infrastructure performance
measurement systems will be discussed in section 2.3.2.

Asset management

Asset performance

RAMS management


LCC management

New Large-scale Small-scale

infrastructure maintenance maintenance

Asset maintenance

Figure 2-9 : Factors influencing maintenance management

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2.2.2 Reliability centred maintenance

Reliability Centred Maintenance (RCM) has its origins in the airline industry and can be defined
as a systematic approach to systems functionality, failures of the functionality, causes and effects
of failure and infrastructure affected by failures [22]. The RCM approach takes into account the
consequences of failures by classifying them into safety and environmental, operational (delays),
non-operational and hidden failure consequences. This classification of failure consequences can
then be used to create a strategic framework for maintenance intervention strategies for
infrastructure systems. Essentially an RCM approach seeks to balance high corrective
maintenance costs with those of programmed maintenance interventions (preventative or
predictive). Figure 2-10 shows the principle objective of the RCM philosophy. The objective seeks
to integrate preventative, predictive maintenance, condition monitoring and run-to-failure
techniques to improve system dependability with minimum maintenance intervention. To achieve
this objective the RCM firstly seeks to enhance the safety and reliability of systems by highlighting
and establishing the system's most important functions. This implies that an RCM approach is
concerned with a loss of function. Secondly, the aim of the RCM approach is not to prevent failures
from happening but rather to prevent and reduce the consequences of failures on the performance
of the system. Lastly, RCM is capable of reducing maintenance expenditure by either adding or
removing maintenance interventions that are unnecessary to improving system functionality.

Reliability Centred Maintenance

Reactive Interval (PM) CBM Proactive

• Subjected to • Random failure

• Small items • RCFA
wear pattern
• Non-critical • FMEA
• Consumable • Not subjected to
• Inconsequential • Acceptance
replacement wear
• Unlikely to fail testing
• Failure pattern • PM induced
• Redundant
known failures

Figure 2-10 : Components of reliability centred maintenance program [43]

Applying the RCM methodology to railway infrastructure systems as part of the RAIL project,
Carretero et al [3] developed an RCM framework that could be applied to railway infrastructure
maintenance. This framework was later adopted by the Spanish railway company (RENFE) and
the German railway company (DB A.G.). Jidayi [24] highlighted the benefits of applying an RCM
approach to railway infrastructure maintenance management which included improvement in
system reliability, availability and, most importantly, a reduction in the life cycle costs of railway

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infrastructure related to safety. Gonzalez et al [9] explicitly modelled the uncertainty that
characterises the deterioration rate of railway infrastructure and developed an optimal
maintenance and repair policy for a railway network using an RCM methodology.

2.3 Infrastructure performance measures

The railway system, being a transportation process, must achieve a required quality of service at
any given time. The infrastructure system must meet the expectations of the defined level of
service which invariably depend on the different elements and operations of the railway system.
To assess if the infrastructure meets these expectations, the performance of the infrastructure
must be measured and can be expressed as a function of effectiveness, reliability and costs[44].

𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼 𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝 = 𝐹𝐹(𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒, 𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟 , 𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐)

Infrastructure that reliably meets or exceeds the quality of service expectations at low cost is
performing well. From the perspective of an organisation, the reliability of infrastructure is the
likelihood that infrastructure effectiveness will be guaranteed over an extended period. On the
other hand, from the perspective of the customer, reliability is the probability that a service will
be available at least at the specific times during the design life of the infrastructure system.
Infrastructure performance captures the ability to move goods, people, and a variety of other
services that support economic and social activities. In this regard, infrastructure is a means to an
end. The effectiveness, efficiency, and reliability of its contribution to these other ends must
essentially be the measures of infrastructure performance.

Performance measurement is the process of using a tool or a procedure to evaluate an efficiency

parameter for a system. On the surface, performance measurement in infrastructure may seem
straightforward but in reality, it is influenced by a number of factors. A well-designed performance
measurement (PM) system is a management and improvement tool that can be utilised as a basis
for decision-making by the strategic, operational and tactical levels of management [45].
Performance measures must thus be based on the criteria that correspond to the desired outcome
of an infrastructure asset strategy. This section introduces a discussion on the connection between
performance measurement and reliability. Thereafter, a discussion of infrastructure performance
measurement systems will be introduced.

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2.3.1 Performance measures and reliability

Measuring is a management tool which facilitates and supports effective decision-making. In and
of itself, it does not determine performance but can facilitate good management. The term
measurement entails an approach that is rigorous, systematic, and quantifiable. There are two
distinct approaches to measuring performance; quantitative and qualitative. A quantitative
approach produces data that provides insight on facts and figures and employs the use of
statistical data analysis, whereas qualitative methods seek to explain, understand, and evaluate
the causes of an outcome. Stenstrom [46] highlighted that it is not possible to measure everything
with only qualitative and quantitative methods. The qualitative and quantitative techniques are
both required in order to create a measurement system that is as complete as possible. Qualitative
measurement methods can be used to check conformity with quantitative techniques.

The performance of an asset is a result of an execution of various programs that have an ultimate
goal of improving its performance. These programs include asset management interventions,
maintenance and performance measurement models that can be used to evaluate the impact of
the intervention processes. Infrastructure asset management is an information-based process. As
such, the most common approach in developing these programs utilises empirical evidence
(quantitative data) collected during the investigation of failures. The performance of an asset can
be outlined by four distinct elements which are:

• Capability – The ability to perform the intended function on a system basis;

• Reliability – The ability to start and continue to operate;

• Efficiency – The ability to effectively and easily meet its objectives;

• Availability – The ability to quickly become operational following a failure.

From these distinct elements, it can be observed that capability and efficiency are measures that
are determined and influenced by the design and construction of the infrastructure asset.
Essentially, capability and efficiency reflect the levels to which an infrastructure asset is designed
and built. Reliability, on the other hand, is related to the operation of a component and is
influenced by its ability to remain operational. In some cases, an asset can achieve high reliability
levels but fail to achieve high performance. This occurs usually when the asset fails to meet design
objectives. On the other hand, reliability and availability are the building blocks that ensure high
asset performance. A conceptual hierarchy for an integrated approach to improving performance
by way of focusing on reliability and availability is presented as in Figure 2-11. From the hierarchy,
the role of reliability and availability analysis is put into context. Evidently, it can be seen that the
performance of an asset can be improved through a continuous reliability improvement
programme and can further increase the design life cycle of the infrastructure assets.

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Asset performance

Reliability improvement Maintainability improvement

Minimising time required to

Prolong life of asset restore a component back to

Research into reliability Estimate and reduce failure

engineerng issues rate

Trade of analysis and Reliability analysis and

multicriteria analysis of
design factors systems modelling

Figure 2-11 : Conceptual hierarchy for achieving high performance

2.3.2 Infrastructure performance measurement systems

Railway infrastructure assets are capital-intensive and have a long lifespan, hence the operation
and maintenance requires sustainable long-term strategies. There are several stakeholders in
railway operations, and as with many cases where there are multiple stakeholders, there are
scenarios where the stakeholders have conflicting requirements. These can complicate the
assessment and monitoring of railway infrastructure performance. The development and
integration of performance measurement methods are critical to ensuring a successful
performance measurement framework. A successful performance measurement system must be
robust to withstand the demands that arise from organisational changes, technological
developments and policy shifts.

Developing sustainable strategic plans for large complex geographically spread-out technical
systems involves the collection of information, setting goals, changing the goals to specific
objectives and setting up activities that enable the achievement of these objectives. The impact of
the interventions on railway infrastructure assets needs to be quantified to establish their
performance against the operational objectives. To achieve this, the infrastructure assets'
performance is monitored and steered according to the objective of the organisational asset
management strategy. Stenstrom [46] conducted a study to review railway infrastructure
performance indicators that are used by researchers and professionals in the field of railway
infrastructure asset management. The indicators are classified as managerial and infrastructure
condition indicators as shown in Figure 2-12. Managerial indicators provide insight into the
overall system-level performance while condition monitoring indicators are at the component or
subsystem level. Managerial indicators are obtained from computer systems like computerised
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maintenance management software (CMMS) whereas infrastructure condition indicators are

extracted by sensors and other inspection methods applicable to the railway industry. Brinkman
[47] interviewed ProRail's stakeholders and discovered that the most important infrastructure
performance indicators are affordability, availability, reliability and safety. Therefore, cost and
quality indicators form the basis of railway infrastructure management.

Railway Infrastructure PIs

Managerial indicators Infrastructure condition indicators


Figure 2-12 : Generic structure of railway infrastructure PIs [46]

Railway infrastructure performance indicators such as reliability, availability, maintainability, and

safety are utilised for monitoring and steering the performance of railway infrastructure assets.
Stenstrom [11] developed a model to monitor and analyse the operation and maintenance
performance of railway infrastructure. The model recommended that performance measurement
strategies need to be dynamic and versatile. To make critical decisions the performance indicators
must be traced back to the root of the problem. Railway infrastructure managers place threshold
values on their indicators to indicate when an intervention is required. If this approach is not used
accurately, aggregated data and threshold values can make an infrastructure system reactive. To
counter such a scenario, composite indicators can be used to simplify the performance
measurement process because they summarise the overall performance of complex assets into a
single number which is easy to interpret for decision-makers. A composite indicator called the
infrastructure index was proposed by Famurewa et al [7]. This indicator was constructed based
on failure frequency, train delays, and active repair time (MTTR).

An essential characteristic of performance management for railway infrastructure is the

development of systematic analysis at various levels of the railway network. Patra [42] presented
this by proposing an integrated approach to railway infrastructure asset management which
incorporates RAMS management and life cycle costs (LCC). A systematic analysis is the core of any
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continuous improvement program in railway operations [48]. A discussion of RAMS and its
influence on infrastructure reliability will be given in the following section. Reliability Availability Maintainability and Safety – RAMS

The concept of measuring the performance of systems is embodied in the European Standard
EN50126 which requires RAMS targets to be established at an early stage in railway projects [49].
To identify these RAMS targets thoroughly, some rationale of how to achieve them has to be
developed. Defining the Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, and Safety (RAMS) parameters
for the entire railway system assists railway managers in executing their duties within affordable
maintenance and logistical costs. RAMS analysis is a systematic analysis that can be used to
quantify and categorise capacity constraints as well as improve the impact of infrastructure
intervention strategies that enhance reliability. Furthermore, RAMS techniques enable reliability
engineers to forecast failures from collected field data. RAMS in railways is described as an
engineering discipline that comprises a set of activities that integrates reliability, availability,
maintainability and safety characteristics. This set of activities that encompasses different fields
of expertise is linked to the study of failure, maintenance, and availability of systems. The focus of
this paper is to look at the aspect of RAMS which is reliability, within the context of railway
infrastructure management. To develop a sound reliability model will require a brief look at the
variables that influence reliability within the RAMS framework. Interrelation of RAMS

Studying the RAMS framework establishes that safety and availability are considered to be
outputs of any RAMS analysis. As a result, conflicts between safety and availability requirements
present obstacles to achieving a dependable system [42]. Infrastructure managers can achieve
high service safety and availability targets by meeting all reliability and maintainability
requirements and by effectively controlling the short- and long-term maintenance operation
activities. Figure 2-13 highlights the important relationships between RAMS elements and their
relationship with maintenance support. Maintenance support is the ability of the maintenance
department to provide the required resources for executing tasks under the given maintenance
policy. The safety of a system is considered a subset of reliability in cases where the severity and
risk of the failure consequences are taken into account. Safety depends on the maintainability of
the system components expressed as the ease of performing maintenance procedures to restore
a system into a safe operating mode. Availability is influenced by reliability in terms of the
probability of occurrence of each failure mode and time to detect, locate, and restore the failure
mode respectively. All failures adversely affect the reliability of a system whereas, on the other
hand, specific failures will have an adverse effect on the safety characteristics of the system [42].

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“Safety related”
failure modes
Failure modes






Figure 2-13 : Interrelationship of RAMS elements[42]

In order to achieve a dependable system, the external factors that influence RAMS parameters
need to be identified. In railway systems, RAMS is influenced by three conditions: 1) the system;
2) maintenance conditions, and 3) operating conditions. The system conditions are sources of
failures that are introduced internally in the system throughout its life cycle, whereas operating
and maintenance conditions are sources of failures that are introduced during the operations and
maintenance interventions on the system. These three sources of failure can interact with each
other through the internal and external factors of the system and their causes need to be assessed
and managed throughout the life cycle of the system. Figure 2-14 shows a simplified approach to
performing a RAMS analysis which incorporates life cycle costs (LCC) according to the EN50126.
A RAMS analysis is a measurement framework that utilises failure information to develop
probability distributions representing a system’s ability to perform the intended functions. RAMS
techniques can be employed to predict failures in railway infrastructure systems and have been
applied extensively to develop measurement systems for railway infrastructure maintenance
management [12], [42], [50], [51].

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Boundary conditions RAMS-Analysis Methods

Failure mode and
Hazard and Risk effect analysis
System description
analysis (FMEA)

Operation and
environment Reliability analysis Fault Tree Analysis

Analysis of
maintainability Results
LCC analysis
Analysis of • MTTR
availability • MTTM

Figure 2-14 : Simplified RAMS analysis according to EN50126

2.3.3 Modelling railway performance

The central concept in systems and maintenance engineering is dependability. This is a collective
term used to describe availability and the factors influencing it such as reliability, maintainability,
and safety. Using the dependability approach, it is then possible to establish the input and output
factors that influence railway infrastructure performance by considering the factors that influence
infrastructure availability. Stenstrom [11] proposed that reliability, maintainability,
supportability and maintenance interventions can be considered inputs with failure frequency,
train delay, punctuality and mean repair time as outputs, as illustrated in Figure 2-15.
Supportability depends on the execution and planning of maintenance interventions within an
organisation, as input parameters such as preventative maintenance and train timetable
scheduling influence the output parameters such as failure frequency and capacity utilisation
respectively. The INNOTRACK project, Patra [42], Jidayi [24], Nawabi et al [52] and Famurewa
[53] identified several indicators related to RAMS and life cycle costs for railway infrastructure.
Among these indicators are the following:

• Failure frequency;

• Train delays due to infrastructure failures;

• Mean Time To Return (MTTR);

• Mean Time To Failures (MTTF);

• Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF).

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Failure frequency = F(R,PM,TTT)

Reliability Logistic time = F(S)

Maintainability (M) Repair time = F(M)

Supportability (S) Train delay = F(failures,LT,RT) = f(R,PM,TTT,S,M)
Preventative maintenance(PM) Railway availability = F(failures,LT,RT) = f(R,PM,TTT,S,M)

Train timetable (TTT) Train punctuality = F(failures,LT,RT) = f(R,PM,TTT,S,M)

Train cancellation = F(failures,LT,RT) = f(R,PM,TTT,S,M)

Figure 2-15 : Input and output factors of infrastructure performance [11]

The main objective of known modelling work in infrastructure reliability evaluations is to assist
management by predicting the consequences of alternative decisions. A challenge to transport
infrastructure managers is how to effectively measure reliability. Reliability of transportation
systems is perceived in terms of travel time reliability from a passenger point of view and system
availability from that of the operator [28]. Restel [54] investigated the impact of infrastructure
type on the reliability of railway transportation systems; the correlation between infrastructure
type and the frequency of failures and failure consequences was highlighted. Reliability theory
utilises failure data in modelling and quantifying system reliability, hence with Restel's [54]
findings and Stenstrom's [11] influencing factors for infrastructure availability, it is possible to
map the occurrence of failures and their consequences to measure system reliability.

2.4 Section summary

This section provided a background to transportation systems and the importance of healthy
infrastructure systems towards ensuring that railway systems meet their desired level of service.
The methodologies employed in asset management of infrastructure systems was presented, and
in addition, the performance measurement methods for transport infrastructure systems were

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3 Railway infrastructure systems

The preceding section provided background on the transportation systems and characterised the
different properties of railway infrastructure systems. The strategic and management issues
related to infrastructure maintenance management were also highlighted. This section presents a
systems perspective and the fundamental concepts of systems thinking that will enable the
successful modelling of railway infrastructure systems for reliability evaluations. The section will
further examine the procedures that are required in performing a dependability analysis for
reliability modelling of infrastructure systems.

3.1 Systems perspective

It has been highlighted that the railway infrastructure system consists of various multiple
components of varying complexity. This characteristic enables infrastructures to be viewed as
systems. A system is a distinct deterministic entity comprising an interconnected and/or
interacting collection of discrete components that takes in resources from its environment to
process them to produce an output [33]. Infrastructure systems are a collection of assets and
subsystems, which individually and collectively perform a required function. Using a systems
approach the infrastructure system can be viewed as an open system consisting of interacting
components arranged in a hierarchical and decomposable structure. This means the internal and
external factors that influence the system can be established by studying the parameters that
characterise railway infrastructure systems. The parameters that characterise railway
infrastructure systems are the function, the structure, and the history of the system. Analysing the
railway infrastructure system reveals that it can be described to consist of operational subsystems
called domains of infrastructure. The function and structure consists of these domains made up of
maintenance components of varying technological properties and complex functional
configurations extending between several geographical locations. The domains are coupled with
two driving systems: the first driving system controls the operations of the system while the
second driving system controls the structure of the network and its infrastructure. To coordinate
and guarantee the effectiveness of the two driving systems, strategic decisions need to be
employed to ensure that the infrastructure system meets the expected performance requirements
and to achieve this a systematic analysis of the factors that influence infrastructure performance
is required.

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3.2 System analysis

A system analysis is a process orientated towards the acquisition and orderly investigation and
processing of information specific to the system and relevant to a decision or a given goal. The end
product of the process is a model related to the attributes of system dependability such as
reliability. The selection of a suitable analysis method is based on available data, dependability
assessment and system engineering requirements [53]. Fleming et al [55] presented a systematic
procedure which highlights the basic steps in performing a system analysis as shown in Figure
3-1. System analysis typically involves the establishing the objectives and constraints and
alternative courses of action. The analysis is performed by investigating the likelihood of impacts
in terms of the objective of the analysis.

Figure 3-1 : Basic steps in a system analysis

In a study of maintenance analysis for enhanced infrastructure capacity Famurewa [48]

presented a systematic analysis approach to develop an effective decision support programmed
for effective infrastructure performance shown in Figure 3-2. From a technical point utilising
multi-criteria criticality analysis of the different routes and lines will involve the aggregation of
different indicators using multicriteria aggregation techniques. To provide a thorough analysis of
the dependability of a system at the specific indenture level two approaches are identified; these
are inductive and deductive approaches [56]. An inductive approach is one in which the reasoning
proceeds from the most specific to the most general. Failure modes and effect analysis (FMEA)
and Consequence tree methods are examples of inductive approaches. These methods analyse
system failure by closely studying the effects and consequences of failures on the system itself and
or on its environment. A deductive approach reasoning proceeds from the most general to the
most specific. Fault Tree Analysis is an example of a deductive approach. A discussion of these
methods is given in section 4.2.

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Indenture level Maintenance analysis

Corridor Credibility analysis

Multicriteria criticality
Routes and lines

Multicriteria criticality
Line section

Pareto analysis, Risk

Traffic Zone


adapted analysis methods

Reliability and
Maintainable item
Maintainability analysis

Figure 3-2 : Indenture levels for maintenance analysis for continuous improvement[53]

3.3 Systems modelling

Different modelling paradigms have been established in literature and are summarised in Figure
3-3 as time-driven and event-driven [57]. The system dynamics approach is a time-driven
paradigm which involves iterative evaluations of a system of ordinary differential equations.
Models developed from this approach require that the state of the system varies with time.
Additionally system dynamic models are applicable in scenarios where the number of components
in a system is large. For these scenarios, the system is modelled as a stream of continuous
interconnected quantities of information in feedback loops. With event-driven modelling, the state
of the system only changes when an event from a set of possible events occurs. Event-driven
modelling focuses on the occurrence of an event describing the evolution of a system as a sequence
of events. The event-driven approach simulates the simultaneous operation and interactions of
multiple agents with the goal of recreating and/or predicting the appearance of a complex
phenomenon. Two different modelling approaches can be employed in the event-driven
paradigm. Event-driven modelling can be performed using agent-based or discrete events
approach. Agent-based models, unlike discrete events, have continuous states and they use more
sophisticated decision rules.

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Time-driven Event-driven

System dynamics Agent-based Discrete event

Figure 3-3 : Modelling paradigms

3.4 System dependencies

A railway network is an example of a complex system. A complex system can be defined as a
system which has a structure of multiple units which work together to perform a particular
function. Complex systems have different types of interactions between the constituent assets
which arise from the design of the system and the intended function. This implies that reliability
models for complex systems should not assume that lifetime or time to failure distributions of a
systems component are statistically independent. Valenzuela [57] identified three major types of
interactions in systems, which are stochastic, structural and economic dependencies. These
interactions influence the operating environment of infrastructure systems. Stochastic
dependence occurs when the condition of an individual asset influences the lifetime distribution
of other assets within the system. Structural dependence occurs where components structurally
form a part, so that the maintenance of a failed component requires or results in the dismantling
of working components. This dependence can be illustrated in a railway infrastructure
environment. Regular maintenance on the track and ballast may lower the track so that no contact
occurs between the pantograph and the rolling stock's contact wire. In a multi-unit repairable
system, the economic dependence between components of the system is said to occur if the cost
of performing maintenance on the group of components is different from the cost of performing
the same type of maintenance individually [57].

The methods of fault identification and criticality ranking require decomposing a complex system
into subsystems, noting the relationships between the different subsystems and finally
determining the internal and external factors that impact a system's performance. These physical
interactions between the different subsystems need to be identified, described, and summarised
in a dependency matrix. In a study of critical infrastructure interdependency modelling, Pederson
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et al [58] utilised a dependency matrix to show the dependencies between critical infrastructure
networks and their relative impact. In railway systems, many different fault states can occur
during operation. To assist infrastructure managers and railway undertakings with their safety
management systems, Andreas et al [59] developed a cause-consequence fault state matrix to
describe the complex dependencies between different fault states in railway systems.

The design structure matrix (DSM) is an analysis tool for modelling and can be used for purposes
of decomposition and integration of subsystems. A DSM shown in Figure 3-4 presents the
relationships between the different system components in a compact, visual, and analytical
format. System components are represented by the shaded elements along the diagonal and off-
diagonal marks signify the dependency of one component on another. When the matrix is read
across a row it reveals what other elements in the row it provides to. On the other hand, reading
down a column reveals what other elements in the column an element depends on. In other words,
reading down a column reveals the input source and reading across the row indicates output sinks

Figure 3-4 : Design Structure Matrix (DSM) Example

Interpretative Structural Modelling (ISM) is a method for analysing and identifying complex
relationships by breaking down a complicated system between the various systems elements into
a clear hierarchical structure. Singh and Gupta [61] identified critical infrastructure sectors and
their dependencies using the ISM and structural self-interacting matrix (SSIM) to develop
hierarchical relationships among the system elements. The SSIM defines the nature of
relationships between components in a system by establishing whether a relationship exists
between two infrastructures i and j and further determines the direction of association given that
a relationship exists. Figure 3-5 shows an example of an SSIM with 8 elements, the symbols V, A,
X and O show the type of relation that exists between the elements.

V – Infrastructure j depends on infrastructure I

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A – Infrastructure I depends on infrastructure j

X – Infrastructure I and j are interdependent

O – Infrastructure I and j are unrelated

From the SSIM a reachability matrix is developed which is then partitioned into different levels
upon which ISM is used to build a structural model. ISM has been used to evaluate the service
quality of railway passenger trains to guide the improvement process of railway service quality
for passenger trains [62]. These different approaches can be used to identify the dependencies in
modelling the reliability of railway infrastructure systems. The DSM approach presents a
straightforward methodology in comparison to the SSIM. An increase in the number of variables
to a problem or issue increases the complexity of the ISM methodology [63]. The DSM will be used
in the study to highlight the infrastructure dependencies in railway infrastructure environments.

Figure 3-5 : An example of a Structural Self-interaction Matrix (SSIM)

3.5 Dependability analysis

The principal stages that are distinguishable in any dependability analysis when developing a
model are summarised in Figure 3-6 as functional, qualitative, quantitative and validation criteria.
The functional and technical analysis involve collecting data, defining technical characteristics and
the main functions of a system together with the external limitations. A qualitative analysis defines
the objectives of the dependability analysis and establishes the scope of study regarding the
dependability attributes required from the analysis such as reliability, availability,
maintainability, or safety. The resolution level which describes the level of components and the
degree of required information must be specified and highlighted in the qualitative stage for the
system under analysis. The primary objective of a qualitative analysis is to establish all the failure
mechanisms and failure combinations which affect the dependability of a system. The events that
are likely to occur in the system and its environment such as failures and faults of system
components become the elements of the reliability model. As a result information on the failure
modes, their causes, and related dependability data must be made available to enable the

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presentation of failures and faults (along with their combinations) of the components of the
system which are detrimental to one of the dependability attributes (reliability).

Functional Qualitative Quantitative
criteria and
analysis analysis analysis
• Data colection. • Objectives of the • Dependability • Identifying critical
• Functional and dependabilty study. measure components
technical • Qualitative analysis • Sensitivity studies • validate results
characteristics. methods. • Validation
• Resolution levels
• Modelling of system

Figure 3-6 : Dependability procedures

Quantitative analysis is concerned with characterising the system dependability with measures
such as probability. The probabilities can be obtained from mathematical statistical modelling
which utilises probability failure distributions derived from information collected during
elementary events within the system. A quantitative analysis identifies the strong and weak points
of the system, the critical components, and the level of dependability that the system carries.
Information of a quantitative nature apart from dependability data includes operating time,
characteristics of preventative and corrective maintenance, and the statistical data about severe
environmental conditions. There is some degree of uncertainty that comes with collecting failure
data of a system. Validating the developed model integrates the outcomes of the quantitative and
qualitative analysis. This process will draw conclusions and establish the failures and the
combinations that influence the dependability of the system as well as identifying the most critical
components and the most important functions of a system.

3.6 Section summary

This section presented a systems approach to modelling railway infrastructure systems. The
modelling paradigms available to model railway infrastructure systems were presented and
methods to model the dependencies in infrastructure systems were provided. Moreover, a general
approach to performing a dependability analysis for the reliability of infrastructure systems was

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4 Reliability theory
To develop a substantive reliability model requires a study of reliability theory and the different
modelling methodologies that can be employed in modelling railway infrastructure systems. This
section presents the concepts involved in reliability modelling and the methodologies to study the
failure processes in railway infrastructure systems. Repairable systems theory applicable to
railway infrastructure systems is presented together with the appropriate statistical theory
required to develop reliability models for railway infrastructure systems.

4.1 Reliability engineering

Reliability engineering has evolved to be an integral part of engineering and engineering design
as it involves techniques and procedures that analyse the performance of systems and the
underlying causes of system failure [64]. To achieve high levels of reliability in railway
infrastructure it is important to balance between reliability, availability and cost-effectiveness
[12]. The need to balance these attributes has seen a widespread application of reliability
evaluations in performance measurement. Generally, reliability engineering has been used in
several applications such as maintenance improvements, life cycle cost analysis (LCC), capital
equipment replacement and economic evaluation analysis. This presents divergent definitions of
reliability depending on the context in which it is applied. Fundamentally, reliability is used as a
measure of a system's success in providing its function properly throughout its design life. Elsayed
[65] defined reliability as the probability that a product will operate or provide a service properly
for a specified period of time. Similarly, Modarres et al [66] described reliability as an item's
ability to successfully perform an intended function. The prediction of failures is inherently a
probabilistic problem; accordingly, in engineering analysis, reliability evaluation is thus a
probabilistic process. Lewis [67] supported this by defining reliability as the probability that a
system will perform its intended function for a specified period of time under a given set of
conditions. What emerges from this definition as expressed by Lewis [67] and Conradie [25] is
that a strict definition of reliability accounts for four distinct aspects which are probability,
function, time and operating conditions.

The goal in a reliability analysis is to obtain an understanding of the system's likely behaviour by
calculating the different performance measures. The performance measures are often presented
as indices to aggregate information on the frequency of failure scenarios and their respective
consequences. Quantitative reliability assessments emphasise the importance of estimating
probabilities of failures. The probabilities can be used as a measure to estimate the effect of a
component's performance towards a system's unreliability. Reliability systems analysis follows a
stochastic approach where the objective is to obtain failure information for the entire system

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based on the failure information of the systems components as shown in Figure 4-1. The
quantitative assessments are then used to inform asset management decisions [68].

Component 1 Component 2
Weibull (λ,α) Lognormal(ν,τ)
F(t), MTTF,…...

Component 3 Component 4
Normal(μ,σ ) Exponential(λ or MTBF)

Figure 4-1 : Modelling component to system failure[50]

Reliability, when applied to infrastructure asset management, can be defined as a mathematical

concept associated with dependability in which engineering knowledge is applied to identify and
reduce the likelihood or frequency of failures within a system. Reliability is an attribute of
dependability when performing a predictive analysis of a system. The end product of that process
is a model related to the attributes of system dependability. To successfully apply reliability theory
to railway infrastructure systems, a description of the expected functions of the system, the
associated boundary conditions, failure frequency and the intervention and inspection strategies
must be given [52]. Table 4-1 shows the typical guidelines to follow when performing reliability

Table 4-1 : Steps in a reliability assessment [69]

Step name Description Result

1. System configuration Determine the basic functional List of functional blocks, function ,
definition blocks for the infrastructure system input , output, etc.
and dependencies among

2. Data collection Collection of necessary reliability Reliability and maintenance data

and maintenance data

3. Model building Continuous time stochastic Application of reliability modelling

simulation model techniques

4. Simulation Simulation scenarios and Scenario listings and application of

experiment design model

5. Results and analysis Simulation results calculation Results of parameters and reliability
functions of interests

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4.1.1 Reliability modelling

Infrastructure system failures occur because of individual asset failures. Railway infrastructure
systems exhibit a high level of asset interdependence. This means that individual asset failure not
only results in total system failure but rather triggers the failure of other assets within the same
system (secondary failures). To develop a reliability model that captures all possible scenarios the
subsystems, structures and activities that play a role in the initiation and propagation or arrest of
failures must be identified and understood. This is achieved by utilising different levels of
abstraction, a typical one being a high-level definition represented by a functional block diagram.
A functional block diagram illustrates the operational, interrelationship and interdependence of
the functional components of a system [66]. A hierarchical relationship which decomposes the
system into subsystems and components can be logically derived from a functional block diagram
with the process objective being the correct functioning of the system as shown in Figure 4-2.
Functional hierarchies are developed from functional block diagrams by using deductive and
systematic means.

Figure 4-2 : Functional diagram (adapted from Risk Analysis in Engineering: 2006) [51]

Representing the functional relationship between individual assets in an infrastructure system

enables the application of different techniques within the RAMS analysis framework that can be
utilised to study failure effect and criticality in railway infrastructure systems [42]. Reliability
block diagrams are among one of the simplest techniques to represent the logical configuration of
a system. Reliability block diagrams are derived from functional diagrams and they enable a
system to be seen as a function, which makes it possible to describe the system with a structure

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function. A structure function is used to map the state of the components to that of the system. A
basic characteristic of all functional systems is coherence. A system can be described to be
coherent if all components that constitute it are relevant and if its structure function is monotone
[57]. Two main classes exist that combine system components into a structure; a series structure
and a parallel structure. Complex configurations use a combination of both series and parallel
structures. A series structure only functions if and only if all n components in that configuration
are functioning, whereas for a parallel structure, the system can function if one out of the n
components is functioning [70]. The configuration of a series and a parallel system are shown in
Figure 4-3.

Series system

Parallel system

Figure 4-3 : Reliability block diagram showing the two main classes of configuring systems

The equations that are used to evaluate the system reliability of series and parallel configurations
are given in equation 4.1 and 4.2 respectively

Rs ( t ) = ∏ Ri ( t )
R1 ( t ) ⋅ R2 ( t ) .....RN ( t ) =
i =1

Rs ( t ) = 1 − ∏ Ri ( t )
R1 ( t ) ⋅ R2 ( t ) .....RN ( t ) = [4.2]
i =1

At the heart of any prediction, the problem is to select a suitable model structure. A model
structure is a parameterised family of candidate models of some sort, within which the search for
a model is conducted. A basic rule in estimation is not to estimate what you already know. In other
words, one should utilise prior knowledge and physical insight about the system when selecting
the model structure [71]. The decision as to whether to take the black-box or white-box approach
is determined by the correct use of reliability engineering theory. Valenzuela [57] highlighted a
white-box versus black-box dichotomy where the distinction is based on whether the failure
process of a system is modelled with or without the explicit recognition of individual components
that comprise the system. A component refers to the elementary building block of a white-box

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system model. These correspond to the lower level entities if the models are developed
hierarchically. Black-box models are constructed by correlating input measurables with output
observables where parameters of various models are estimated. In reliability modelling, the
primary goal is the most accurate replication of data, which makes a black-box modelling
approach useful.

A model structure was presented by Rama and Andrews [2] in developing a holistic approach to
infrastructure asset management. The model structure utilised a modelling approach that
supported a multi-asset system by developing a framework to support informed decision-making
in railway infrastructure asset management. Figure 4-4 shows a generic framework for modelling
infrastructure life cycle costs (LCCs) railway infrastructure assets with two elements, the
infrastructure state model, and the cost model. Using the infrastructure state model and the cost
model, performance parameters can be estimated by studying the effects of changes in individual
assets and how those changes are cascaded to the rest of the infrastructure system.

Figure 4-4 : Framework for decision support in infrastructure asset management[2]

In a similar approach Macchi [5] et al applied a reliability-based approach to maintenance

improvement by proposing a family-based approach that identifies and groups items into families
with the same reliability targets. Starting from this documentation, a railway system model is built
by understanding the reliability logics as a result of interpretation of the trains flowing through
the system. Using the reliability block diagram logics at each infrastructure indenture level as
shown in Figure 4-5 the railway system model is built using generic operational states. The three
generic states are a normal operating state, degraded state and downtime state.

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• Hub stations
RAILWAY LINE • Series logic
• Tracks and stations along the line
• Alternative transport routes

• Run tracks (even and odd tracks) • Series logic

• Run and non-run tracks (in case of stations) • MSS logic
• Families of railway items (connecting adjacent tracks) • Parallel logic

MODELLING • Families of real railway items (placed within the track • Series logic

Figure 4-5 : Family-based approach to modelling reliability[5]

The reliability modelling approaches that have been presented prove that several analytical
methods can be applied to evaluate the reliability of the railway infrastructure systems. Holistic
models that have been presented accounted for the functional and operational characteristics of
the infrastructure assets. These models, however, do not consider the common role of humans
who execute the different processes required for effective asset management. Felice and Petrillo
[72] proposed a methodological approach to improving railway transportation systems' reliability
based on FMECA and human reliability analysis (HRA). This integrated approach seeks to consider
the inherent complexity of human influence in improving system reliability. HRA provides a
comprehensive logical analysis of factors influencing human performance, which enables
recommendations for system improvement and prioritises attention on critical tasks that may
jeopardise system reliability.

4.2 Failure processes

The process that describes how a multi-component system goes from operating state to a failed
state or degraded state is known as the failure process. This process is a result of forces and
stresses generated during the operation of systems or from external sources. A failure process is
characterised by the structure of a system and the failure modes of its components. Failure is the
termination of the ability of an entity to perform a required function. As a result, failures have
different effects on the operation of a system and the failure effects need to be assessed to
determine the impact on system performance. A scale of criticality can be used to classify failures
with respect to their effects on the system. An example applicable to railway systems is shown in
Table 4-2. Alternatively, failures can be classified according to their causes, which can be due to
primary or secondary causes. Primary failures are not caused directly or indirectly by the failure
of another component within the system. On the other hand, secondary failures are directly and
indirectly caused by the failure of another component within a system.

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Table 4-2 : Failure categorisation

Failure Category Consequence

Significant Cancellations

Major Delays

Minor Reduction in capacity

Failures in a railway network occur in different parts of the network and may only be studied
together within comparable parameters. In that case when failures are recorded the criteria on
the infrastructure and impact on traffic must be provided [12]. Esveld [73] suggested that failure
data should be grouped into comparable sets by presenting guidelines on the process of recording
failures. Furthermore, when collecting failure data it is important to highlight each failure mode
separately. A failure mode is an effect by which a failure is observed. There is a difference between
failure causes and failure modes. Failure causes of a component are failures of that part whereas
failure modes are the tangible effects that these failures produce on the functions of the asset.
More significantly it must be noted that failure modes have a direct impact on system reliability
in terms of the probability of occurrence of the failure modes. Additionally, failure modes depend
on the response time to restore a system into safe mode and the maintenance support for effective
and safe maintenance procedures.

When analysing system reliability, particularly that of railway infrastructure which has a complex
configuration, it is required to critically ascertain the root cause of infrastructure failures and their
effects in order to understand the nature and occurrence of system failures. Studying railway
infrastructure failure modes assists in assessing the impact of infrastructure defects on the
performance of the network. McNaught [14], Jidayi [24] and Brinkman [47] identified and
categorised critical railway perway failure modes. The failure modes identified that have
secondary effects on the infrastructure system include rail breaks, faulty block joints, and
pantograph hook-ups. Hassankiade [74] performed a failure analysis of railway switches and
crosses and identified the critical failure modes in railway signalling infrastructure based on
historical data and failure frequency. Saba [50] presented a hazard log list showing the different
failure interfaces between the electrical, signalling and perway railway infrastructure subsystems.
Patra and Kumar[75] also performed an availability analysis on a railway track circuit and
highlighted rail breaks and rail joint failure as one of the most critical failure modes.

The study of failure processes of complex systems can be defined either as failure-based reliability
approach or as degradation-based approach. The random variable of interest in a reliability-based
approach is the failure time of components while degradation-based models are interested in the
remaining useful life of components [57]. A failure-based reliability approach will be the focus of
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this study. Figure 4-6 shows a typical process to be followed when performing a failure-based
reliability study. It can be seen that the first step to a successful reliability evaluation is
establishing the system characteristics and related failure modes.

• Failure data collection

• Parametric Calculation of Calculation of
• Failure modes
• Non-parametric failure rate reliability
• Infrastructure
analysis expression λ(t) R(t)

Figure 4-6 : Reliability and failure rate forecasting procedure (adapted from Pereira [12])

4.2.1 Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA)

Failure Modes and Effects Analysis is a reliability assessment technique developed for the USA
defence industry but it has been extended in practice to be used in different areas of system failure
analysis. The FMEA is a systematic structure method that can be used to identify and assess the
effect and/or consequences of failure modes on the infrastructure system. This approach utilises
an inductive and experiential technique to provide qualitative information about a system's
design and operation. FMEA operations have been used to create hierarchical lists of maintenance
items and subsystems for improvement and modification. These hierarchical lists can be
implemented to achieve the required infrastructure performance by applying the appropriate
maintenance strategy. Figure 4-7 shows the iterative process of identifying the causes, effects, and
modes of failure in a system.

Component Functions

Causes of failures Effects on the functions Failure modes

Figure 4-7 : Causes effects and modes of failure

FMEA can be extended to classify potential failure effects according to their severity and criticality
to become FMECA (Failure Modes, Effect, and Criticality Analysis). FMECA documents the
catastrophic and critical failures in a system. Identifying these critical and catastrophic failures
implies that the criticality of the consequence and severity of the failure in a system can be
established. The fundamental objective of a criticality assessment is to determine the failure
modes on the basis of their consequence and the probability of occurrence. Using the FMECA, the
successful assessment of asset criticality is achieved by utilising two common methods which are
the Risk Priority Number (RPN) technique and the Military standard technique (MIL-STD-1629).
The RPN technique calculates the risk priority number which is based on the probability of the
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failure occurrence (Or), the severity of its effects (Sr) and the detectability (Dr) of the failure [66].
Failures that score high RPN values are areas of greatest risk requiring their causes to be

RPN = Or × Sr × Dr [4.3]

The military standard technique (MIL-STD-1629) categorises and prioritises failure modes
according to severity so that the appropriate interventions can be recommended and it looks at
two types of criticality analysis; qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative criticality analysis looks
at the severity of the potential effects of failure and the likelihood of occurrence for each potential
failure mode. A criticality matrix is developed to identify and compare each failure mode with all
other failure modes with respect to severity [76]. Quantitative criticality analysis considers the
reliability or unreliability of system components at a given operating time and identifies the
portion of the component's reliability that can be attributed to each potential failure mode. Application of FMECA to railway infrastructure

Famurewa [77] utilised FMECA to support an analysis to increase railway infrastructure capacity
through improved maintenance management practices. Brinkman [47] utilised FMECA to model
failure behaviour and to measure the effects of maintenance concepts using a simulation process
that expressed results in terms of the performance indicators for railway infrastructure.
McNaught [14] recommended FMECA in the development of a risk-reliability model for the
perway subsystem because of the comprehensive results it provides over other methods. The
FMEA and FMECA are preliminary analysis methods that can be complemented by other methods
to identify the combinations of relevant failures. Jidayi [24], Carretero et al [3] and Network Rail
[26] utilised FMECA and Pareto methodologies in evaluating the risk and reliability of railway
infrastructure networks. The Pareto analysis is a statistical technique in decision-making used for
selecting a limited number of tasks that produce a significant overall effect. The technique uses a
Pareto principle also known as the 80/20 rule, which is useful in a case where many possible
courses of action are competing for attention. The Pareto principle states that 'in any series of
elements to be controlled, a selected small factor in terms of the number of elements almost
always accounts for the large factor in terms of effort' [78]. The Pareto analysis is a creative way
of identifying the cause of problems, but it is limited by the fact that it excludes possible important
problems which may seem small at first but grow with time.

Saba [50] utilised FMECA to develop a RAMS program for railway infrastructure identifying failure
modes and potential hazards within the infrastructure system. To identify the potential hazards,
two common methods were found in literature which are the preliminary hazard analysis (PHA)
and the Hazard and Operability analysis, which place priority on hazards and not on failure [41].
Preliminary hazard analysis (PHA) utilises pre-existing experience or knowledge of a hazard or

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failure to identify potential hazards and events that might cause harm. On the other hand, the
Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP) is a rigorous analysis method that utilises guide words to
identify potential deviations from a system's normal operating conditions. The guide words
utilised describe functional losses at system and subsystem level. PHA and HAZOP are more useful
when applied to safety analysis than to reliability evaluations, but they can apply in the initial
stages of reliability studies to understand failure modes and unwanted events that led to those

Fault Tree Analysis has been extensively used to evaluate the reliability, assess the failure effects,
and investigate the impact of maintenance practices on railway electrical systems [19], [20], [79],
[80]. Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) is a diagnostic tool used to predict the most likely failure to cause
system breakdown. In a systematic way, the combination(s) of conditions required for an event to
occur are delineated by identifying how failure-related events at the higher level are caused by
events at the lower level, known as 'primary events'. The results from an FMEA analysis can be
used as an input for performing FTA methods. However, when Fault Tree Analysis is compared
with FMEA/FMECA, it can be seen that an FTA predicts the causes for usually known problems. In
contrast, FMEA/FMECA methods systematically predict new problems and their causes. In other
words, the FTA identifies part failure as a cause of functional failure whereas FMEA/FMECA
identify functional failure as a result of part failure. For all the above-mentioned techniques, it is
worth noting that the best performance of the methodologies is achieved when the techniques are
used properly for a particular requirement at a specific stage within the framework of modelling
and quantifying railway infrastructure reliability.

4.2.2 Modelling failure characteristics

We may analyse the reliability of a system in terms of the component or mode failures, provided
they are independent of one another. For each mode, we may define a probability density function
for a time to failure and an associated failure rate. The important point in all this is that the
definition of the failure modes totally determines the system's reliability and dictates the failure
mode data required at the component level [67]. Reliability is best understood in term of rates of
failure; time then becomes an important variable in reliability studies. To gain a thorough insight
into the nature of failures, one needs to examine the time dependence of failures throughout the
design life of infrastructure systems. This will differentiate failures caused by the different system
mechanisms from those caused by the different components of a system. The failure rate or hazard
rate is thus an important function in reliability analysis because it shows the changes in the
probability of failure of a component over its design life.

Generally, a failure rate function exhibits a bathtub shape often referred to as the bathtub curve
shown in Figure 4-8. A bathtub curve displays three distinct phases in a component's life cycle as
it is a superposition of three different failure distributions. The curve in the early failure region,
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also known as 'infant mortality region', exhibits a decreasing failure rate which can be attributed
to design defects or the period of adjustment for interacting components in a system. The constant
failure rate region referred to as the 'useful life' is a period in the life cycle characterised by
random failures of the component likely caused by random events resulting from external factors
and other unavoidable loads. The 'wear out' region in contrast to the early lifetime region exhibits
an increasing failure rate characterised mainly by complex ageing and degradation processes.

Figure 4-8 : Bathtub curve for failure studies

Not all components exhibit the bathtub-shaped failure rate curve. Mechanical components do not
show a constant failure rate region but rather exhibit a gradual transition between the early
failure rate and wear out stages [65]. Electrical devices exhibit a relatively constant failure rate
distribution. The distributions in the wear out curve are believed to be the dominant failure
distributions in most components. Failure rates grow with the load for railway infrastructure
components. Jorge et al [12] in the study of the failure of railway infrastructure, recommended the
use of a formula with non-constant failure rate. When working with variable failure rates it is of
little value to consider the actual failure rate since only reliability and MTBF are meaningful. The
non-constant failure rate is often used when working with reliability and MTBF directly because
it does not require knowledge of the actual failure rate of the components. Performing an
analytical calculation when dealing with non-constant failure rate will result in extremely
complicated functions. As a result, several expressions and statistical models can be written and
assigned to non-constant failure rate using empirical datasets.

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4.2.3 Repairable systems theory

Railway infrastructure systems contain electrical and mechanical equipment, such as point
machines, track circuits, and trip stops. This means these components usually exhibit varying
deterioration and or improvement in the reliability performance over time, therefore, a constant
failure rate will not always be sufficient or appropriate when performing a reliability evaluation
of multicomponent systems.

Railway infrastructure systems are repairable systems. A repairable system is a collection of

items, which after failing to perform at least one of its required functions, can be restored to
performing all of its required functions by any method other than replacement of the entire
system [81]. Non-repairable systems are discarded the first time they cease to perform a function
satisfactorily. Upon failure, they cannot be repaired and are generally replaced. When working
with repairable systems it is often preferred to count the events which influence the performance
of a system. This approach assumes the event-driven modelling approach presented in section 3.3
where the events are either system failures or system repairs.

The Renewal Process (RP), Homogeneous Poisson Process (HPP), and Non-Homogeneous Poisson
Process (NHPP) are the general stochastic processes employed in analysing the reliability of
repairable systems. A stochastic point process is a mathematical model for a physical phenomenon
characterised by highly localised events distributed randomly in a continuum [81]. RP methods
analyse data on the assumption that the times between failures are independent and identically
distributed in the time domain. This assumption makes the RP appropriate for non-repairable
systems. In scenarios where the RP is applied to repairable systems the assumption that the repair
returns the system to 'as good as new' is taken [82]. When the HPP and NHPP are applied to
repairable systems the continuum is the time and the highly localised events are failures or repairs
which occur at instants within the time continuum. Figure 4-9 represents a portion of a sample
path of a stochastic point process representing successive failures of a single system. The failure
rate of the process is the instantaneous rate of change of the expected number of failures with
respect to time, which means it is a failure rate of the process that measures wear-out of the

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Figure 4-9 : Stochastic process

When dealing with reliability evaluations for repairable systems Basile et al [81] posed two
assumptions: 1) the system will be operated wherever possible; and 2) repair times are negligible.
Reliability evaluations of repairable systems study the process of failures and repairs of a system.
Typically times between failures will be neither independent nor identically distributed. As a
result, in reliability analysis, the time is measured in terms of the operating time between failures
ignoring repair times [82]. O’ Connor [83] supports this when recommending the use of time-
based failure distributions stating that replacement or repair times are usually small as compared
with standby or operating times hence is it is feasible to assume that the failure of the component
is independent of its repair actions. Non-homogeneous Poisson Process

The distinction between HPP and NHPP is that the rate of occurrence of failures (ROCOF) for the
NHPP varies with time and is not constant as in the case of HPP [25]. The NHPP process describes
a sequence of random variables which are neither independently nor identically distributed. For
NHPP models the rate of occurrence of failures varies with time. An NHPP is more applicable and
can be easily used for modelling data that exhibits a trend [25]. When failure data is ordered
chronologically and a trend is observed, the interpretation is that the time to failure is not
independent or identically distributed (IID). If ordered by magnitude, however, which implies IID,
misleading results will be produced because once failure data is reordered, the trend information
is lost [83]. The NHPP is used to model repairable systems that are subjected to a minimal repair
strategy with negligible repair times. The implications of minimal repair mean that when a system
fails and the system is restored to the functioning state, the likelihood of system failure is the same
before and after a failure repair. This assumption draws more attention to the NHPP because most
repairs involve the replacement of only a small fraction of a system's constituent parts. It is,
therefore, plausible to assume that the system's reliability is the same as it was just before the
failure occurred. When an NHPP model is used to model a repairable system, the system is treated
as a black box in that there’s no concern about the internal system of the components [39]. There
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are two functional parametric NHPP models that have been highlighted in literature [25] [14][81];
the log-linear model and the power law model. When dealing with repairable systems the focus is
on predicting the probability of system failure, the expected number of failures, the probability
structure of time between failures and the probability structure of the time to failure as a function
of system age [82]. The equations related to the NHPP for the power law and log-linear law to
determine these parameters are given as follows. Power law NHPP

The power law model ROCOF NHPP is given by

=ρ 2 ( t ) λβ β −1 where λ , β > 0, t ≥ 0 [4.4]

Expected number of failures

E p ( N (T2 ) − N (T1 ) ) =λ (T2 β − T β 1 ) [4.5]


− λ T2 β −T1β )
R ( T1 , T2 ) = e [4.6]

Mean time between failures

T2 − T1
MTBF2 (T1 , T2 ) = [4.7]
λ (T2 β − T1β ) Log-linear law NHPP

The log-linear law model ROCOF NHPP is given by

ρ1 ( t ) eα0 +α1t , with − ∞ < α0 , α1 < ∞ , t ≥ 0

= [4.8]

Expected number of failures

Elog ( N (T2 ) − N (T1 )=)

e (
1 α0 +α1T2 α0 +α1T1
−e ) [4.9]


− eα0 +α1T2 − eα0 +α1T1 )
R (T1 , T2 ) = e α1

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Mean time between failures

α1 (T2 − T1 )
MTBFlog (T1 , T2 ) = e α 0 +α1T2
e − eα 0 +α1T1 Homogeneous Poisson Process

An HPP describes the sequence of independently and identically exponentially distributed
random variables. For the HPP the rate of occurrence of failures does not vary with time. Despite
its simplicity, the HPP model is used widely for repairable systems. Classical statistical
distributions such a lognormal, exponential and Weibull can be used for modelling HPP models
for repairable systems. The HPP is applicable in scenarios where there is no evidence of a trend
or dependence in the failure data. Widely used functions in reliability engineering include failure
rate, mean time function and the reliability functions. The functions can be derived from the PDF
(probability density function) of the statistical distributions used to model the HPP. Commonly
used distributions to represent life data include the exponential, lognormal and Weibull
distribution and will be discussed as follows. Exponential distribution

The exponential distribution is commonly used to model constant failure rate models. Meeker [84]
states that the exponential distribution is appropriate for some electrical components and can
describe failure times for components that exhibit physical wear-out. Furthermore, it is suitable
for modelling the time between system failures but is highly inappropriate for modelling the life
of mechanical components which are subjected to a combination of fatigue, wear, or corrosion.
The two-parameter exponential distribution has a CDF, PDF, hazard function and reliability
function given as below. Θ is a scale parameter and must be greater than zero, γ is a location and
threshold parameter. If γ= 0 the exponential distribution becomes the well-known one parameter
exponential distribution. In special circumstances, the exponential distribution can be useful in
determining the time between system failures and other inter-arrival time distributions [84].

 t −γ 
− 
F ( t,θ , γ )= 1 − e  θ 

 t −γ 
1 − θ 
f ( t,θ , γ ) = e [4.13]
h ( t , θ ,=
γ) ,t > γ [4.14]
 t −γ 
− 
R (t ) =
1 − F (t ) =
eθ 

Stellenbosch University Lognormal distribution

The lognormal distribution represents the distribution of a random variable whose logarithm
follows a normal distribution. This distribution model is particularly useful for modelling failure
processes that are a result of many multiplicative errors. Meeker [84] highlighted that the model
is appropriate to model time to failure that is caused by a degradation process involving
combinations of random rate constants that combine multiplicatively. Some specific applications
of a lognormal distribution are modelling time to failure of components due to fatigue cracks and
failures attributed to maintenance activities [66]. The lognormal distribution has been widely
used to describe the time to fracture from fatigue growth in metals and has been used to model
electronic components that exhibit a decreasing failure rate. The CDF and PDF of lognormal
distributions are given as follows:

 log ( t ) − µ 
F ( t , µ , σ ) = Φ nor   [4.16]
 σ 

1  log ( t ) − µ 
=f ( t, µ ,σ ) φnor  , t > 0 [4.17]
σt  σ  Weibull distribution

The Weibull distribution has a broad range of applications in reliability analysis mainly because
of its flexibility in describing all three regions of the bathtub curve. Todinov [85] describes the
Weibull model as a universal model for the times to failure of structural components of systems
which fail when the weakest component in the system fails. Modarres [66] showed that it is
possible to use a Weibull distribution for a system composed of a number of parts whose failure
is governed by the most severe defect of its components, known as the weakest link model. Antoni
[86] simulated different ageing scenarios using the Weibull lifetime model to investigate the
impact of different maintenance strategies for the railway signalling equipment. Meeker [84]
further recommended the use of the Weibull distribution to model failure time with decreasing or
increasing hazard functions. In general, the Weibull case requires three parameters. They do not
have a physical meaning in the same way that failure rate does. They are parameters which allow
us to compute reliability and MTBF. These parameters are the shaping parameter, scaling
parameter and the location parameter. The Weibull CDF, PDF, hazard function, and reliability
function can be written as:

 log ( t ) − µ 
F ( t , µ , σ ) = Φ sev   [4.18]
 σ 

 β
β −1  − t  
βt  
  η  
f ( t, β ,η ) =   e [4.19]
η η 
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1 β −1
1  t  σ −1 β  t 
h ( t, µ ,σ )
= = t>0 [4.20]
σ e µ  e µ  η  η 
− 
R (t ) = e η 

The equations presented for time to failure distributions need to fit the failure data. Ahmad et al
[87] presented a new approach to failure distribution fitting and established that the application
of incorrect failure distribution in maintenance optimisation studies will yield inaccurate results.
Maillart and Pollock [88] in their study of the effect of failure distribution specification errors
found that if the failure distribution is incorrectly specified, the cost per unit time will significantly
increase in the long run. Preventative maintenance strategies are more effective in cases where
the failure rate increases with time. If a preventative maintenance strategy is carried out at
decreasing or constant failure rate, the replacement and downtime costs will increase significantly
by time. As a result, it is important to employ the correct failure distributions. This is achieved by
utilising statistical methods that will be the subject of the next section.

4.3 Statistical methods for reliability evaluations

Taking up the question of statistics, given a set of data, how do we infer the properties of the
underlying distribution from which the data has been drawn? At this point distinguishing between
the statistical analysis of a component and the analysis of system failure data is important.
Components have distributions with a single time to failure whereas time between successive
failures of a system are modelled by a sequence of distribution functions. Therefore the failure of
a single system is sufficient for the statistical analysis if there is enough observed inter-arrival
times for time to failure distribution approximation. The railway infrastructure system contains
several components. The statistical failure approximation of an infrastructure system can,
therefore, be modelled by multiple failures from different parts of the infrastructure system. The
system approach is less data intensive and will thus be the focus of further investigation.

When using observed failure data to select and estimate failure distribution models to perform a
reliability evaluation there are non-parametric and parametric methods that can be utilised for
this exercise. Empirical methods provide a non-parametric graphical estimate of the failure rate
versus the asset age or rate of asset utilisation. Furthermore, empirical methods do not assume
the form of the mean function or the process of generating system histories. Parametric methods,
on the contrary, use probability distributions like the Weibull or exponential distributions to
model the failure behaviour of the system components. Meeker [84] recommended that data
analysis should begin with empirical techniques which do not require assumptions in assigning

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models. Therefore empirical analysis can be interpreted as an intermediate step towards a more
complex model. Lewis [67] supported this by stating that empirical analysis can provide insight
toward selection of the most appropriate time to failure distribution. The use of parametric
methods can complement empirical methods precisely because parametric models provide
smooth estimates of failure time distributions and can be described accurately with just a few
parameters, unlike empirical methods which have to report an entire curve.

To determine which failure distribution to assign in the reliability evaluations, three stages are
usually employed when analysing statistical data. The stages which enable the development of a
probabilistic model of a system are trend testing, parameter estimation and selection of the best
fit for the appropriate point process model [14]. The data analysis for the reliability modelling of
repairable systems can follow a basic methodology as presented in Figure 4-10 . The flow chart
presents criteria for model identification and can be used as a basis for the analysing of failure

Failure data
(Interarrival times)
in original chronological order

Graphical and numerical trend

test(e.g. Laplace, Lewis
Robinson ,Mann-Kendall)

Trend ?


Repairable systems models(i.e. Data IID. Renewal process,

NHPP models) and imperfect conventional analysis
repair model techniques

Parameter estimation Parameter estimation

(e.g. LSE) (e.g. linear regression)

Goodness of fit test

(e.g. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test)

Figure 4-10 : Framework for analysis of failure data for reliability evaluations

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To identify which point process model to apply to available failure data, trend testing is employed.
A graphical assessment of observed failure data is not sufficient, hence a numerical validation is
required to confirm the graphical assessment results and to establish if the data observed is
statistically significant or just accidental. The main objective of a trend test is to identify if failure
patterns are significantly changing with time. In a pattern of failures, the trend can be either
monotonic or non-monotonic. A monotonic trend has a concave or convex shape whereas non-
monotonic trends occur when trends change with time or when trends repeat themselves in cycles
[89]. An example of a non-monotonic trend as discussed is the bathtub curve. A trend test is
conducted by testing a null hypothesis that a system failure pattern is a point process. If
interoccurrence times are independent and identically distributed (IID) it implies an HPP,
otherwise, the alternative hypothesis is adopted implying an NHPP. There are several methods to
perform a trend test. This study will describe the frequently used tests which are the Laplace test,
The Military Handbook Test (MLK-HDBK-189) and the Lewis Robinson Trend Test. The Laplace test

This is the most used trend test for data sets. The test statistic where the system is observed until
n failures have occurred where S1, S2 denote the failure times.

S −  n 

n −1 S
U = n −1  2
j =1 j
12 ( n − 1)

Where the system is observed until a time t0, the test statistic is given

∑ j =1 S j −  t0 2 
1 n

U = n [4.23]

In the both cases, the test statistic U is approximately standard normally distributed when the null
hypothesis H0 is true. The numerical value of U will indicate the direction of the trend with U <0
for a happy system and U >0 for a sad system. Table 4-3 shows the different interpretations of the
Laplace Trend Test values U. The rejection criteria is based on the assumption that U follows a
standard normal distribution. Conradie [25] and Lindqvist [90] advised that the use of the Laplace
Trend Test (LTT) should not be done without questioning the data and the results. For Laplace
Trend Test values within the grey area as highlighted in Table 4-3, further tests are required such
as the Lewis- Robinson test, Mann- Kendall Test and the Weibull test.

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Table 4-3: Interpretation of the LTT value U [25] The Military Handbook Test

The test statistic from the military handbook test for the case where the system is observed until
n failure where to occur is given by:

n −1
Z = 2∑ In [4.24]
i =1 Si

Where the system is observed until time t0, the test statistic is given by:

Z = 2∑ In [4.25]
i =1 Si

For the Military handbook test, the null hypothesis is 'HPP' which is rejected when the z values
are small or large. Low values correspond to deteriorating systems, while the large values of Z
correspond to improving systems. In strict terms, the rejection of the null hypothesis implies that
the process is not HPP but in principle, it could still be a renewal process and thus still have no
trend. These false rejections can be avoided by utilising the Mann test or the Lewis-Robinson test. Lewis-Robinson Trend Test

When the null hypothesis is rejected with the Laplace Trend Test and Military Handbook trend
tests it is important to avoid drawing the wrong conclusions. To counter this, the Lewis-Robinson
Trend test is introduced to provide a modification to the Laplace trend test. In this instance, the
null hypothesis is the distribution of the arrival times that correspond to a renewal process. The
test statistic for the Lewis-Robinson Test is defined in terms of the Laplace test statistic and the
coefficient of variation for the inter-arrival times.

U LR = [4.26]

Stellenbosch University Parameter estimation

Parameter estimation is a process that provides tools to use data for aiding in reliability modelling
and estimation of constants appearing in the time to failure models [91]. When the suitable time
to failure model is selected for a random variable of interest the variables that govern the
characteristics of the particular distribution need to be determined. When estimating time to
failure parameters it is important to consider confidence intervals in the process. In many cases,
failure data is not always complete and thus the estimation process has a degree of uncertainty. A
number of techniques are available to perform this process. The Least Square Estimation Method

The Least Squares method produces estimated parameters with the highest probability of being
correct if critical assumptions are observed. The estimation follows the statistical curve fitting
approach of plotting a line that produces the smallest difference between the expected and
observed values [14]. The basis of this method lies in minimising the sum of the squared errors
(e12 + e22+ e32 + e42) as shown in Figure 4-11. Linear model parameters estimations can be
determined analytically, but for non-linear models, an analytical solution becomes complex and
very time-consuming. This can be avoided by transforming a non-linear model to a linear model
but care should be taken when performing the transformation [92].

Figure 4-11 : Errors for the Least Square method Maximum Likelihood Estimation

Likelihood – a basic measure of the quality of a set of predictions with respect to observed data
[78]. Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE) is consistent in most cases, provides intuitive results,
and is widely accepted as one of the most powerful methods for parameter estimation. MLE for
multinomial distribution is unbiased but its variance is problematic when estimating parameters
that calculate probabilities of events with low expected counts [93]. Suppose data consists of
random observations x1,……,xn of a random variable coming from the same population with

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probabilities governed by an unknown parameter Θ, the PDF for each of the n observations is
given as:

P ( X=i x=
i) f ( xi | θ ) =
, i 1,.....n [4.27]

These random observations are independent and as such the joint probability is the product of
the PDFs for all the n observations and is called the likelihood function given as:

L = f ( xi | θ ) ........... f ( xn | θ ) [4.28]

The concept behind the maximum likelihood function is maximising the natural logarithm L and
solving for Θ from which the maximum likelihood estimate Θ is obtained [94]. This is achieved by
taking the derivative of the natural logarithm of L (In L) with respect to Θ and equating it to zero
as shown.

∂In L (θ ; x )
= 0= for i 1, 2........m [4.29]

The maximum likelihood method is applicable for both part components and systems and as such
the variable x can be replaced with time t [14]. Selection of best fit

To determine whether a sample of data belongs to the hypothesised theoretical distribution, a test
to determine the adequacy of fit needs to be determined. These tests establish the level of
confidence to which a specific distribution with known parameters fits a given set of data [67].
This test is done by establishing the difference between the frequency of occurrence of a random
variable as seen from the observed sample and the expected frequencies obtained for the
hypothesised distribution. These are known as the goodness-of-fit tests. There are several
goodness-of-fit tests. Two commonly used methods will be discussed; the Chi-square and the
Kolmogorov goodness-of-fit tests. Chi-square tests

This test is based on a statistic that approximates the chi-square distribution. An observed sample
taken from the population representing a random variable X must be split into k non-overlapping
intervals. The hypothesised distribution model is then used to determine the probabilities pi that
the random variable X would fall into each interval i (i=1,2,…,k). Multiplying the probability pi by
the size of the sample n, we get derive the expected frequency as ei. The observed frequency for
each of the intervals i is denoted by oi, the difference between ei and oi characterises the adequacy
of fit. The test statistic for the chi-square test is χ2 which is defined as:

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(oi − ei ) 2
= χ=
W 2

i =1 ei

From the equation of the statistic χ2, if oi differs significantly from ei the value of W will be large
implying that the fit is poor [95]. The chi-squared test performs poorly for small data samples. Kolmogorov – Smirnov Goodness-of- Fit Test

The Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) test is a commonly used goodness-of-fit test based on
cumulatively ranked data mainly because it is simpler to use when compared with the chi-squared
test [83]. A hypothesised cumulative distribution function (CDF) is compared with the empirical
or sample cumulative distribution function. If the maximum discrepancy between the
experimental and theoretical frequencies is larger than that normally expected for a given sample
size, then the theoretical distribution is not acceptable for modelling the underlying population.
On the other hand, if the discrepancy is less than the critical value then the theoretical distribution
is acceptable at the prescribed significance level. The K-S test statistic can be defined as:

=d Max | F ( x ) − E ( x ) | [4.31]

where F(x) and E(x) are the theoretical and empirical distribution functions respectively. The
function F(x) is a continuous function and the distribution of d does not depend on the underlying
hypothesised distribution which makes the K-S test method computationally attractive.

Ahmad et al [87] developed a new approach to identify the best-fit time to failure distribution
methods which provide a different perspective to reliability modelling. In the traditional
approach, Least Square Estimator (LSE) and the Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE) are used.
The LSE is utilised to specify the best failure fit failure distribution by examining all the possible
time to failure distributions (lognormal, Weibull etc.). The MLE is then applied to calculate the
parameters of the selected time to failure distribution. With the new approach, the LSE method is
used to determine the β parameter of the Weibull distribution. The value of the β parameter can
then be used to determine the best-fit failure distribution using the MLE technique. A comparison
of the old method and the new approach is presented in Figure 4-12.

Figure 4-12 : Comparison of the traditional and new approach adopted from Ahmad et al [87]

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4.4 Section summary

The author studied reliability concepts that contribute towards developing a reliability model to
quantify the reliability of railway infrastructure. This section presented a basic understanding of
a reliability theory. The failure processes and characteristics governing railway infrastructure
were explored and methodologies of analysing failure data were provided. A methodology for
quantifying the reliability of railway infrastructure will follow a general process summarised in
Figure 4-13. The model is built on a high-level approach to quantify the reliability of railway
infrastructure. The initial step is to characterise the system based on the failure data collected for
railway infrastructure failures. A system function will be developed to model the configuration
and behaviour of the system using reliability theory. The failure modes are established using the
methodologies presented in this section and will be utilised to construct a functional model of the
railway infrastructure system. Each railway infrastructure subsystem contributes to the overall
performance of the infrastructure system, therefore each subsystem will have a function which
represents its behaviour that will ultimately be modelled into a single system function using
reliability theory. A subsystem function is one which assumes the correct failure distribution to
match the specific subsystem. A methodology for selecting the appropriate time to failure
distribution has also been presented. Once modelling is complete the reliability of the
infrastructure system can be computed.

Failure Functional and Statistical

Reliability Quantitative Quantifying Reliability
data qualitative data
modelling analysis reliability forecasting
collection analysis anlaysis

Figure 4-13 : Reliability modelling procedure

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5 Development of reliability model

The preceding sections have presented the theory that is required to develop a holistic reliability
model for railway infrastructure systems. This section applies the theory to a practical case study
by developing a reliability model to quantify the reliability of PRASA's Western Cape railway
infrastructure system. A background of PRASA's maintenance management will be provided along
with a data analysis approach to study the collected data for parameter estimation in developing
the reliability models. Additionally, a comprehensive failure mode analysis is presented to assist
in characterising the functional relationships and interdependencies in the infrastructure.

5.1 PRASA maintenance management

The passenger Rail Agency of South African is a wholly owned state company which operates the
Metro commuter long-distance, intercity, and cross-border services known as Metrorail. Metrorail
operates in the major metropolitan areas in South Africa transporting over 1.7 million passengers
per week across 3 180 km of rail line. Of the 468 passenger rail service stations, 374 are owned
by PRASA [96]. The network lines are developed and maintained by the regional Metrorail offices.
Figure 5-1 shows the Metrorail Network for the Western Cape Province that will formulate the
basis of this case study.

Figure 5-1 : Map of the Cape Town Metrorail network

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The organisation of the PRASA maintenance department is split into engineering services and
maintenance operations. The engineering services department is responsible for planning,
policies, and procedures in facilitating the execution of maintenance-related tasks. The
engineering services department is divided according to the infrastructure subsystem. Each
department within engineering services has its own specific RAMS and RCM framework that are
followed in executing the infrastructure asset management strategy. The maintenance operations
department is responsible for executing the plans and procedures and provides maintenance
support to the engineering services department. The two divisions, therefore, mirror each other
and coordinate all infrastructure-related interventions on the railway network. It is, however, part
of a bigger framework which has parallel strategic and delivery components relating to the
operation of the network such as supply chain and human resource management as shown in
Figure 5-2.

Structure of

Engineering Maintenance Human

services Supply chain Operations
operations resources








Drawing office

Figure 5-2 : Organisational structure of Metrorail maintenance division

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The Enterprise Maintenance Planning and Control (EMPAC) is the Integrated Management System
(IMS) used in PRASA's maintenance management operations. This system documents the
performance, planning and budgeting of all maintenance management-related activities by
generating statistics, reports, and summaries on the performance of the railway network. The
general indicators of infrastructure performance obtained from the system include the number of
delays and cancellations caused by each infrastructure system. The infrastructure access and
planning process of PRASA articulates a maintenance strategy which comprises of all activities
that require secure access to the railway passenger service by improving the availability and
reliability of rolling stock and infrastructure systems.

Maintenance dimensioning in PRASA addresses the issue of resource allocation across the
infrastructure network by considering traffic volumes, safety, reliability and the economic needs
that impact the decision-making process. The performance of the maintenance intervention
strategies developed by the engineering services is measured using the number of productive
hours spent on an asset during maintenance operations. The travel time to restore system failure
is categorised as unproductive hours; unavailable hours refer to the time where maintenance
resources are unavailable. This performance measure captures the scope of PRASA`s
infrastructure maintenance management which focuses on a preventative maintenance plan
strategy. A preventative maintenance plan is the first line of defence for ensuring minimal
infrastructure failures and consists of routine tasks, planned tasks, and feedback systems on the
tasks performed. Figure 5-3 summarises PRASA's asset management decisions and activities
arranged in a plan-do-review framework. The framework provides a simple representation of the
major building blocks of asset management and the key interfaces between them. In addition, it
provides a detailed process mapping the different responsibilities assigned in the asset
management systems strategy. PRASA recognises that maintenance is a technical process and as
such a maintenance programme needs to be managed in a manner that yields greater service
reliability, ultimately enhancing the commuter experience. To achieve this means spending more
productive time on the infrastructure assets to keep the condition of the assets at acceptable
operating levels.

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Figure 5-3 : Scope of activities for PRASA`s asset management framework.

5.2 Data analysis

Data from PRASA`S Information management system (IMS) was analysed to demonstrate the
theory of failure statistics used to develop reliability models presented in section 4.3. Data analysis
is the process of cleaning and analysing raw data for input into a developed model to produce the
desired outcome. The fundamental aspect of the data analysis and modelling approach is based
on the relationship that is established between the railway system reliability and the
transportation service level offered by the system itself. This information is important to the
railway company from a practical point of view because it enables a systematic evaluation of
maintenance policies and plans while identifying and verifying the reliability targets for the
infrastructure subsystems.

The framework for reliability evaluations is a continuous systematic analysis which must be
applied at the relevant levels of the railway network. To achieve this the researcher established
the format and structure in which the data is recorded within the IMS. From a maintenance
perspective, there is a difference between a point and linear assets depending on the criticality
and the length of the asset. For point assets maintenance is not assigned to a particular length of
the asset but rather to the entire asset or to some of its indenture levels. A linear asset, on the
other hand, is an asset whose length plays a central role in its maintenance, an example being the
track or catenary system. The inventory from the IMS accounts for these characteristics and
defines the location of a point or a section of the network to describe an infrastructure asset. When
a failure event occurs on the railway network the location of the failure is defined by a point or
section along the asset between the geographically closest stations. Using the network topology
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map the location of failures on a network section can be identified and traced in accordance with
the asset tags specified in the asset registry. A hierarchical representation of the infrastructure
indenture levels formulates the modelling methodology. This approach ensures that
infrastructure failures with critical consequences on the operation of the railway service are given
attention. The indenture levels followed to analyse the data in developing the reliability model for
the analysis are shown in Figure 5-4.

Indenture level Analysis

Railway network Credibility analysis

Multicriteria criticality
Operational route

Multicriteria criticality
Railway line

Network segment FMECA/Reliability

subsystem assembly analysis

Maintainable item Pareto analysis

Figure 5-4 : Breakdown structure for reliability evaluation to support the modelling of the
infrastructure network [53]

5.2.1 Failure data analysis

Service reliability is measured by the number of trains cancelled and delayed. Therefore, from the
point of view of a transportation process, the most significant failure consequences are delays and
cancellations. The researcher identified the infrastructure-related incidences that impact the
quality of service as interpreted by train delays and cancellations. This approach only takes into
account recorded failures that cause system downtime (unavailability). Referring to Figure 5-5 a
typical failure episode of an individual linear asset is shown. An asset can be in either of two
possible states (available or unavailable). The state of a system at a time t can be described by a
state variable s (t):

1, if the subsystem is functioning at time t

s (t) =  [5.1]
0, if the subsystem is in failure state at time t

Once an asset experiences a failure at a given time the asset starts to malfunction. After a reaction
time, the failure is registered and a work order is opened with the aim of restoring the normal
activity of the asset. The distinction between the time to the first failure and the time between
failures will be applied using repairable systems theory. The time to failure is understood as the

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time elapsing from when the item was put into operation until it fails for the first time and is
interpreted as a random variable T. To apply statistical analysis the variable is not always
interpreted in calendar time but can be a discreet or continuous variable which determines the
random distribution used to model the reliability. To simplify the process of data analysis,
suspension of the railway infrastructure system was assumed to occur between the start and end
of the data sets. This means that the period under study using the collected data assumes
uninterrupted operation. Thus any system downtime is assumed to be as a result of infrastructure
failure events as recorded in the database.

Asset mode

Failure Restoration Failure




Open WO

Close WO

Corrective action
Failure reported

Start corrective
Failure identified


TTF : Time to first failure

TBF : Time between failures
TTM /DT : Time to maintain/Down time
UT : Up time, available state
WT : Waiting time
TTR : Time to restore
WO : Work order

Figure 5-5 : Failure episode and definition of terms

The researcher studied the weekly failure data recorded to identify the failures reported on the
network by looking at the different corridors and operational routes on the network. The weekly
report logs all the daily failure information according to infrastructure type and provides
information on the location, asset ID, failure date, and cause of failure for the different
infrastructure subsystems. Table 5-1 shows an example of a daily failure log for the signalling
system and the impact that such an incident has on train service reliability. To trace a failure to a
line corridor the train stations that fall on that corridor must be determined to establish the
failures collected at these stations on the network. The reality is that not all items under study
registered in the asset registry will contain a failure event. The modelling approach taken by the
researcher can only be certain that a number of items have not failed in a particular period, not
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knowing whether they would have failed after a longer period. Sections, where smaller errors are
present, were preferred for the analysis. Additionally, a study of the different corridors in the
network performance revealed duplicate data entries that had to be removed to avoid multiple

Table 5-1 : Daily failure logging for signal failures

Direct Consequential Total Manageable Delays & Cancellations

Train Min CX Train Min CX Train Min CX

Points 5433 defective at Bellville, Adjust

Blade Tension. Points 6013 defective at Salt
river affecting the number 2
Flats\Kapteinsklip line. Defective signal WTD
6240 at Ottery, cleared after passage of train.
TCO Philippi panel reported that train 9357
Signals 54.1 952 1 54.1 952 1.0
reported that the signal fell back at danger.
Ongoing closure of Firgrove station after the
intervention of the RSR since 05\11\2016.
Track Circuit A1052 faulty at Bonteheuwel,
Cable rusted. Defective Track Circuit 5842 at
Salt River, Repaired Staggering.

From the analysis of the different corridors, the cleaned failure data was utilised to model the set
of arrival times of each infrastructure subsystem for the application of repairable systems
reliability theory presented in section 4.2.3. The prediction intervals chosen account for the
statistical uncertainty in reliability predictions that occurs because of limited data samples and
variability in system failures. In cases where the failure times of the infrastructure subsystems
took values in a particular range, the data was truncated to remove the uncertainty and bias that
may occur in statistical approximation because of inconsistencies in the recording of failures. To
validate the model, resampling or cross-validation techniques will be used. With these techniques,
a complete data set is divided into two subsets. The first set becomes the training set that is used
for model selections and parameter estimations; the second set, which is known as the validation
set, is used for model validation and error estimation. Application of future forecasting will be
tested in this manner.

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5.3 Failure mode and effect analysis

Systems fail because of different failure modes. For infrastructure systems, some failure modes
behave differently and it is generally easier to establish the time to failure distributions of the
individual failure modes. For some infrastructure subsystems, only one failure mode is of critical
importance. The failure mode information was traced and classified from the failure event data.
Failure modes were assumed to be statistically independent, meaning that one failure mode
increases the probability of failure of another failure mode. The analysis of failure mode data with
this assumption simplifies the analysis of multiple failure modes similar to that used by single
failure mode. Additionally, failure modes with negligible severity in terms of service interruption
were omitted.

The aim of this exercise is to assist in reliability modelling of the infrastructure system, in that the
analysis gives attention to the failures that disrupt the performance of the system more in
comparison to others. Infrastructure failure modes are classified according to the consequence
that they have on the system. The most significant failure consequence is a delay and in extreme
instances a service cancellation with other consequences related to a reduction in track capacity
and speed restrictions. The classification of failures used is shown in Table 5-2 according to the
consequences. The combination of the frequency of occurrence and severity of impact guides the
classification of the infrastructure failure modes. The probability of occurrence used by the
researcher to classify the failure modes is shown in Table 5-3. The correlation between the type
of infrastructure elements and the number of occurring failures and the methods provided in
section 4.2 were used to establish the criticality of failure modes. A matrix shown in

Table 5-4 is created using the Military Handbook technique to determine the criticality of the
infrastructure failure modes. The criticality index is shown in Table 5-5.

Table 5-2 : Classification of infrastructure failure modes

Consequences for system

Catastrophic Cancellations

Critical Delays

Marginal Capacity lowered

Insignificant No service disruption

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Table 5-3 : Probability of occurrence of the infrastructure failure modes

Occurrence Frequency(week) Description

Very high >30 Persistent infrastructure failures

High >20 Failures will occur frequently

Moderate >15 Likely to occur occasionally

Low >10 Relatively low failures. Probability of occurrence low

Remote >5 Unlikely to occur but possible.

Table 5-4 : Matrix to evaluate criticality

Insignificant Marginal Critical Catastrophic

Very high R3 R4 R4 R4

High R2 R3 R4 R4

Moderate R2 R3 R3 R4

Low R1 R3 R3 R4

Remote R1 R2 R3 R4

Table 5-5 : Relationship between level of risk and mitigation measures

Evaluation Definition
R1 Negligible Acceptable

Acceptable with adequate controls and agreement with

R2 Tolerable
different infrastructure departments

R3 Undesirable Acceptable only when impact in impracticable

R4 Intolerable Should be eliminated

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5.3.1 Railway infrastructure failure modes

Based on a failure mode and effect analysis, several objects in the railway infrastructure system
are prone to failure. This section discusses the outcomes of the failure modes and effect analysis
performed on the railway infrastructure system. Signalling subsystem

Failures attributed to faulty track circuits accounted for the highest rate of occurrence within the
signalling subsystem. The functionality of track circuits is affected by the failure of its components
and changes in the characteristics of the track. Track maintenance activities were also identified
to affect the functionality of track circuits. Other failure modes that had a significant occurrence
were related to the interlocking and point-to-point machines. The occurrence of cable and wire
discontinuities is attributed to high levels of vandalism and were identified as the biggest
contributors to power-related signalling failures. An example of a failure analysis of an occupied
track failure event is shown in Figure 5-6. Failures related to false occupation occur randomly and
are unpredictable but they constitute a significant subset of track circuit failures and can be
triggered by bad workmanship during preventative maintenance actions or by the vibrations due
to rolling stock during uptime.


Root cause Occupied track • Cancellations
at train • Delays
Signal box dispatcher • Capacity lowered
Alarm notifying

Figure 5-6 : Failure analysis of 'Occupied track events' Perway subsystem

A study of the failure data related to perway failures reveals that insulated rail joints have a
shorter life cycle than other components of the track. The failure frequency of rail joints is
evidenced by the high occurrence of failures related to faulty block joints. This is caused by
continuous tonnage due to traffic use. The ballast is a significant component within the track
substructure as it influences the failure pattern of the perway infrastructure system. The

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identified causes of ballast failure are related to voiding and settlement. In addition, the condition
of the ballast influences the track circuit in the signalling subsystem. This is because the ballast
offers electrical resistance and the track circuit is only functional at specific ballast resistance
levels. If this resistance drops to values lower than that specified, the flow of current drops and
makes the track circuit non-functional. The occurrence of such failures is intermittent in nature
and more likely to occur during the wet winter season than in summer.

The most severe infrastructure failure related to the perway subsystem is a derailment. Falling
levels of infrastructure renewal and worsening track quality results in high dynamic forces during
operation which may lead to broken and or defective rails. Broken and defective rails are the
highest causes of derailments which can have fatal consequences. Furthermore, faulty rails trigger
track circuit failures which affect the performance of the signalling subsystem. The study observed
that there is a distinction between a broken rail and a defective rail as such – a defective rail is not
considered a broken rail. A broken rail is a rail with a complete break or a missing piece.
Exceptions are rails that break in possessions and in sidings. A defective rail, however, is a rail
identified as containing defects that are related to geometry and the characteristics of the track
such as alignment defects. Other failures related to the perway subsystem can be attributed to rail
clip and sleeper failures which are a result of high rates of vandalism on the network's
infrastructure. Electrical subsystem

The electrical subsystem is the core of any electric railway transport system and its criticality is
emphasised by the impact that it has on service cancellations as compared with other
infrastructure subsystems. The network under investigation has 3 kV and 11 kV transmission
lines which supply power to the overhead track equipment and the signalling system. Failures
related to the overhead track equipment are attributed to pantograph hook-ups, fallen trees, and
electrical power failures at the substations. Activities related to the maintenance interventions are
prone to trigger failures related to the overhead track equipment. Routine maintenance actions
on the perway subsystem may lead to a track settlement which increases the gap between the
pantograph on the train and the overhead contact wire. Substations are characterised by failures
related to faulty switches and circuit breakers. There is, however, redundancy at the substations
of the 3 kV and 11 kV substations which ensures that the power is always available for the OHTE
(Overhead traction equipment) and signalling subsystems equipment. An investigation of
infrastructure-related failures reveals that electrical subsystem failures have a relatively low
frequency but cause a significant number of delays.

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5.4 Characterising infrastructure dependencies

As highlighted in section 2, railway infrastructure is a complex system that has interdependencies
and dependencies between the different subsystems. To develop a reliability model for railway
infrastructure the researcher mapped out all possible interdependencies and flow relationships
between system components. The method of empirical approaches to characterise
interdependencies has been presented in the literature. Mapping the key interdependencies
between the infrastructure assets was based on the operational requirements of the assets, and
the results of the failure mode and effect analysis. Furthermore, after consultation with the
engineering services department personnel, the functional relationships between the
infrastructure subsystems to develop a reliability model for the railway infrastructure systems
was established.

The researcher utilised a dependency matrix to map out the different infrastructure dependencies
that exist in the railway infrastructure system. This can be seen in Appendix A. Some
infrastructure assets exhibit both unidirectional and bidirectional interdependencies. Modelling
these characteristics is important to estimate the physical and functional propagation effects of
failures. Failure propagation decreases the quality of service due to the loss of physical
interactions and functional relationships between connected assets in the infrastructure system.
Figure 5-7 shows the interdependencies and functional flow diagram of the railway infrastructure
system. Single arrows indicate a unidirectional relationship while double arrows indicate a
bidirectional interdependence of the infrastructure assets. The track circuit, OHTE, and signalling
power depend on the uninterrupted availability of electric power from the substations and
transmission lines exhibiting a unidirectional dependence. On the other hand, the OHTE and
perway superstructure exhibit a bidirectional interdependence between the infrastructure

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Railway Electrical System Railway Railway Perway System


3kv Substations Track Circuit

Point to Point Perway

Machines (Substructure)


transmission Signalling

power supply

Figure 5-7 : Interdependencies and Flow Relationships

5.5 Railway infrastructure reliability model

The concept that formulates the modelling methodology is based on a hierarchical representation
of the railway infrastructure network. This allows the analysis to be performed at different levels
of granularity ranging from an individual maintainable item to a large multi-asset network.

The railway network topology for the infrastructure system can be assumed to consist of
indenture levels as shown in Figure 5-8. Utilising a top-down approach, the whole rail
infrastructure network can be broken down into operational routes representing the different
parts of a railway network. The operational routes constitute a specified number of lines made up
of multiple segments representing a corridor between two locations (stations) or a section
between two signals called a signal block. Multiple segments characterise individual maintainable
items according to technical and functional properties to represent the distinct infrastructure
subsystems. Individual maintainable assets for which degradation mechanisms and intervention
processes can be determined are lowest on the indenture level.

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Railway Infrastructure

Metrorail Railway Network

Operational Operational Operational

route A route B route n

Line A Line B Line n

Network Network Network

segment A segment B segment n

Perway Electricals Signalling

Superstructu Transmissio Track Point to Signal
Substructure Track Substations Interlocking Signal
re n Lines circuit point Power

Figure 5-8 : Infrastructure indenture levels for reliability modelling approach

Figure 5-9 shows an example of an operational route between two stations that constitute part of
a larger network with point and linear assets. This configuration examines the relationship
between the point and linear assets and formulates the basis of the holistic infrastructure
reliability model. The redundancies that exist in railway infrastructure systems, particularly the
electrical system, were accounted for in the functional mapping of the reliability model developed
for the network segment. This approach takes into account the most essential functional
properties of the system to be modelled in order to provide a comprehensible reliability model.

Network segment

Station Station

Point asset
Line A
Line B

Figure 5-9 : An example of an operational route

To identify critical components that constitute a network segment for railway infrastructure
system, systematic and exhaustive consequence investigations for the different component
failures were performed. The practical issue, however, was analysing combinations of failures by
assuming that they increase as the number of simultaneous failures increase. This assumption

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allows a combination of failed components to not be restricted to only one particular

infrastructure but rather to a combination of simultaneous component failures in the different
infrastructure subsystems. It was further observed that some components are highly critical in
themselves, therefore combinations of failure including these components will also be highly
critical. However, highlighting these components as critical when looking at simultaneous failure
adds minimal input to the modelling information, since their criticality would have already been
taken into account when considering single failures. A functional reliability model representing a
network segment is shown in Figure 5-10 for the railway infrastructure system. The model
constitutes the core maintainable components required for a complete transportation process
between two stations. It is assumed that there is no loss of service for as long as a path exists for
train passage between two stations. Loss of service as a result of a malfunctioning infrastructure
system is interpreted through delays and cancellations.


Superstructure Substructure
Forward, Stop, Speed
ELECTRIFICATION Restriction, warnings
and brake commands

Transmission Rolling Stock

Substations OHTE


Track circuit Interlocking Signals


Figure 5-10: Functional reliability model of a network segment

From the functional reliability model the asset state models for the different infrastructure
subsystems can be developed. The individual asset state model is built for a specific
infrastructure's subsystems, taking into consideration the integration of the degradation-failure
and intervention processes to simulate its state changes over time. The reliability block diagram
for each infrastructure subsystem has a series configuration that represents the infrastructure
state models as shown in Figure 5-11.

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Ballast and
Rail system Rail clip system

Track Power Point to point

Signalling Power supply Relay Signal
circuit supply machine

3Kv /11Kv Signalling
3Kv /11kv Track
Electricals transmission Power
Substations equipment
lines supply

Figure 5-11 : Reliability block diagrams for the infrastructure asset state models

The infrastructure asset state models are used as building blocks for the infrastructure system
state model. From the functional reliability model presented the system state model is a series
configuration of the infrastructure subsystems as shown in Figure 5-12. A collection of
infrastructure system state models assembled together construct network segment models that
can be used to model higher network hierarchical and/or infrastructure indenture levels. The
abstraction level and network system details govern the configuration of the network segment
models. If the network segment models are combined at the relevant abstraction levels, railway
lines and operational routes can be modelled holistically for performing reliability evaluations of
railway infrastructure systems. The modelling approach shown in Figure 5-13 uses the system
and subsystem utilisation information and the possible strategic interventions that influence the
degradation process of the different infrastructure subsystems.

Electricals Signalling Perway

Figure 5-12 : Reliability block diagram for network segment railway infrastructure systems

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Asset state models Asset management

Abstraction level strategy
• Historical data of assets Asset
• System utilisation degradation
information model System
System state Network
model segment model
• Possible intervention
options Network and
strategy model
• Intervention policy system details

Perway system
Electricals system
Signalling system

Figure 5-13 : Modelling approach showing asset state and system reliability model

5.6 Section summary

This section presented the reliability model of the railway infrastructure system to quantify the
reliability performance of the railway infrastructure system. Attention was given to the complex
functional and operational relationships between the different infrastructure subsystems. The
methodology utilises infrastructure asset state models as the core building blocks of the reliability
model of the system. Linear assets were segmented to identify the hierarchical taxonomy and the
relations among their various component assets. This procedure helps to identify and analyse the
system at the appropriate level to accurately quantify the reliability performance. The model is of
a stochastic nature as such the data quality and quantity will be of fundamental importance as
more quality in data results in less biased predictions of infrastructure performance.

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6 Application of reliability model

This section demonstrates the application of the reliability model to quantify the reliability of
railway infrastructure systems. The modelling methodology that has been presented in the
previous section will be illustrated on PRASA's Metrorail network.

6.1 Reliability analysis of a single corridor

6.1.1 Data collection

The Western Cape Metrorail network has five lines which are the Northern, Southern, Central,
Cape Flats, and Malmesbury-Worcester line. Indenture levels illustrated in section 5.5 highlighted
that operational routes are constituted of multiple line sections. The simplest unit on which to
apply the reliability model is a single multi-directional line. The Simons Town-Steenberg line is a
single multi-directional traffic line that runs on the Southern Line which makes it suitable for the
application of the reliability model. Applying repairable system theory to the corridor the data
between January 2015 and December 2015 formed the scope of the analysis. The daily and weekly
failure information for the corridor was scrutinised for all the failure data collected for the
infrastructure assets in the scope of the study. The arrival times of failures were extracted from
the failure data on the line corridor using the reliability modelling approach given in the appendix
between January 2015 and June 2015. Cross-validation of the reliability predictions will be
conducted using the second subset of data between July 2015 and December 2015. The extracted
inter-arrival failure times for each infrastructure subsystem are given in Figure 6-1. The signalling
subsystem registered 36 failures, the perway 9, and the electrical subsystem 8 failures.

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Interarrival time N(t) Interarrival time N(t)
4 1 20 1
13 2 34 2
19 3 66 3
29 4 67 4
39 5 84 5
45 6 88 6
46 7 132 7
47 8 168 8
59 9 178 9
62 10
67 11
84 13 Interarrival time N(t)
89 14 70 1
90 15 77 2
96 16 96 3
98 17 125 4
99 18 128 5
101 19 129 6
102 20 145 7
109 21 165 8
119 22
124 23
128 24
137 25
152 26
154 27
155 28
156 29
160 30
160 31
163 32
165 33
168 34
169 35
177 36

Figure 6-1 : Inter-arrival times for the infrastructure failures

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6.1.2 Trend tests

Following the modelling approach as given in Appendix A and utilising the appropriate statistical
methods highlighted in section 4.3 the researcher obtained the test statistics for the infrastructure
subsystems obtained from the inter-arrival times. The results of the trend tests are summarised
in Table 6-1. The Laplace test statistic for the electrical subsystem Ս =2.041, concludes that an
NHPP model is applicable for modelling the electrical subsystem. Furthermore, a Laplace test
statistic of Ս >2 shows a system in a degrading state. The Laplace test statistic for the signalling
subsystem is in range 1 < U < 2 which is a grey area that cannot classify a trend. Further Lewis
Robinson Tests yielded a test static which concluded an NHPP model to be more appropriate for
modelling the signalling subsystem. The NHPP log-linear and power law models were applied for
both the signalling and electrical subsystems and were subject to further tests to determine the
appropriate model that best fits the data. Laplace tests for the perway subsystem were non-
committal; however, using the Lewis Robinson tests suggested an HPP model that follows a two-
parameter Weibull distribution.

Table 6-1: Summary of the test statistic and the recommended modelling distributions.

Subsystem Data Laplace LTT interpretation Lewis Model

points Trend Robinson

Perway 9 0.234 Non-committal 0.313 Weibull

Signalling 40 1.782 Grey area 2.028 NHPP

Electricals 8 2.041 Reliability degradation NHPP

6.1.3 Parameter estimation

A best of fit test was performed on the NHPP log-linear and power law models before determining
the parameters of the distributions, to establish whether the model is representative of the data.
The cumulative number of failures against time provides a good indicator as to whether a system
is deteriorating or improving and is a standard tool for fitting failure models to failure data. A
graphical comparison shown in Figure 6-2 reveals that both the power law and log-linear law are
suitable for modelling the failure processes of the signalling subsystems. Similarly, a graph given
in the appendix for the electrical subsystem shows the same trend. The CDF (cumulative
distribution function) for the Weibull function is shown in Figure 6-3. The graphical fit shows that
the Weibull function approximates the data sufficiently. A selection of best fit was performed on
the data sets for all subsystems using the Kolmogorov–Smirnov Test. The results summarised in
Table 6-2 concluded that the Weibull distribution is representative of the data for the perway

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subsystem whereas the power law is more representative of the data for the electrical and
signalling subsystems.

Number of failures
20 Observed-Signalling
15 NHPP Log-linear
10 NHPP Power-Law

0 50 100 150 200
Time (days)

Figure 6-2 : Graph of the power law and log-linear law for the signalling system


Cumulative failures


Perway - Weibull
0.4 Observed - perway


0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00
Time (days)

Figure 6-3 : Cumulative distribution function for the Weibull distribution and observed values

Table 6-2 : Summary of parameter estimation and K-S test

Subsystem Models K-S Test Result Parameters

Perway Weibull HPP dmax < dcritical Good fit η = 107.54 β = 1.5127
0.1816 < 0.6082

Signalling NHPP dmax < dcritical Power law λ = 0.0663 β = 1.2104

0.0103 < 0.0475

Electricals NHPP dmax < dcritical Power law λ = 0.000345 β = 1.9770

0.0303 < 0.2267

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6.1.4 Reliability predictions

Using the parameter values obtained from the statistical analysis the reliability of the corridor can
be determined using the equations described in section 4.2.3. The reliability function for perway
with parameter values of η = 107.54 and β = 1.5127 is used to calculate the reliability of
predictions of the perway subsystem. The shape function, β lies in the range 1 < β < 3 which
indicates an increasing failure rate. The reliability of the perway system at a time Tn of the railway
infrastructure system can be calculated using equation 6.1.
T 
− n 
R (t ) = e η  [6.1]

 T 
− n 
R (t ) = e  1.5127 

Similarly, the reliability equation for the power law shown in equation 6.3 applied to the signalling
and electrical subsystem using the estimated parameters yields equations 6.4 and 6.5 respectively.
For each of the infrastructure subsystems, the reliability predictions are determined from the time
of the last failure.

Power law

− λ T2 β −T1β )
R (t ) = e [6.3]

Signalling subsystem

( )
R (t ) = e
−0.0663 T21.2104 −T11.2104

Electrical subsystem

( )
R (t ) = e
−0.000345 T21.9770 −T11.9770

Using the reliabilities of the individual asset state models, the reliability of the railway
infrastructure system state model can be determined using the appropriate reliability modelling
equations. The reliability block diagram for the railway infrastructure system state model
developed in section 5 concluded that the railway infrastructure system state model assumes a
series configuration which follows the equation below.

R ( t ) system = ∏ R ( t )i [6.6]
i =1

Rsystem ( t ) = R perway ( t ) × Rsignal ( t ) × Relectricals ( t ) [6.7]

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 T 
− n 
( ) ( )
R ( t ) System =
−0.0663 T21.2104 −T11.2104 −0.000345 T21.9770 −T11.9770
e  1.5127 
×e × e [6.8]

Equation 6.8 is used to calculate the reliability performance of the Southern line for the first 150
days of operation, Figure 6-4 shows a graphical representation of the reliability performance of
the Southern line with time. Table 6-3 shows the predicted reliability performance of 48.2 % for
the railway infrastructure system after 7 days. Reliability predictions were conducted from the
last recorded failure for all the infrastructure subsystems.



0.6 perway


0.4 Signalling
Infrastrcuture system


0 14 28 42 56 70 84 98

Time (days)

Figure 6-4 : System reliability for the railway infrastructure system

Table 6-3 : Reliability of the railway infrastructure system in the first 14 days of operation

R(t) Corridor Perway Electricals Signalling System

14 days Southern 98.4 % 98.4 % 49.7 % 48.2 %


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6.1.5 Validation of reliability predictions

The failure prediction for the different subsystems was conducted to check the extent of variations
in the predicted and observed values of the time to failure (MTBF) and expected number of failures
E (N). The cross-validation technique will estimate the time to the first failure using the equations
given in section 4.2.3 for the NHPP log-linear, power law and Weibull functions. The observed
values to be compared with those obtained from the model are extracted from the data in the
second subset between July and December 2015. To present an accurate validation process, the
prediction period begins from the last observed failure recorded in the first subset of data. Figure
6-5 shows the dates for the last observed failure for each of the subsystems. Time T=0 will be set
at the date of the last observed failure for each of the subsystems.

Perway subsytem
1 January, 2015 - 28 June, 2015

Signalling subsystem
1 January, 2015 - 27 June, 2015

Electrical subsystem
1 January, 2015 - 15 June, 2015

01 January 2015 31 December 2015

Figure 6-5 : Timeline showing the location of the last failure for the infrastructure subsystems

Using the equations presented in section 4.2.3 for determining the time to first failure (MTBF) and
expected number of failures E (N) for the infrastructure subsystems, the validation of the results
from the reliability predictions for each of the infrastructure state models follows. Perway
The parameter values for the two-parameter Weibull function modelling the perway subsystem
are η = 107.54 and β = 1.5127. To predict the time to first failure (MTBF) of the perway
infrastructure subsystem. Setting T2 = 186 days for the perway state model. The predicted time to
first failure and expected number of failures for the perway subsystem is given as follows:

E (T2 , T1 ) MTBF (days):

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 1
E ( T2 , T1 ) =ηΓ  1 +  where Γ ( n ) is the gamma function
 β
 1 
E ( T=
2 , T1 ) 107.54 × Γ  1 +  [6.9]
 1.5127 
E ( T=
2 , T1 ) 107.54 × 0901828
= 97 days

Expected number of failures:

β −1 β −1
 β   T2   β  T 
E ( N ( T=
2 → T1 ) )  η  η  T2 −    1  T1
    η  η 
1.5127 −1
 1.5127   186  [6.10]
E ( N ( 0 → 186 ) ) =
   (186 )
 107.54   107.54 
= 3.46 failures

The actual inter-arrival time from the failure data is 17 days which means that the perway
subsystem lasted 79 days shorter than predicted. The deviation in the results can be attributed to
various factors. Weibull models with values of β > 1 have a failure rate that increases with time.
This highlights that the reliability model assumes high failure rates with time. The reliability at
the observed MTBF is 94.1%. The number of failures from the observed data N (t) = 4 failures,
while the predicted number of failures in the same period is 3 failures. Signalling
The power law parameters for the signalling subsystem are given as λ = 0.0599 and β = 1.2503.
Setting T2 = 187 days for the signalling subsystem. The predicted time to first failure and expected
number of failures for the signalling subsystem is given as follows:

Time to first failure (TFF):

T2 − T1
MTBF2 (T1 , T2 ) =
λ (T2 β − T1β )
187 − 0
MTBF2 ( 0,187 ) = [6.11]
0.0599 (1871.2503 )
= 4.5 days

Expected number of failures E (N):

E p ( N ( T2 ) − N ( T1 ) ) =λ (T2 β − T β 1 )
0.0599 (1871.2503 )
E p ( N (187 ) − N ( 0 ) ) = [6.12]
= 41.48 failures

The observed inter-arrival time after the last failure is 5 days, which means the signalling
subsystem lasted 0.75 days longer than the prediction. The observed number of failures E (N) =
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37 failures versus the predicted E (N) = 41 failures. The reliability of the signalling system when
the first failure is observed yields 63.9 %. Electrical
The power law parameters for the electrical subsystem are given as λ = 0.0599 and β = 1.2503.
Setting T2 = 199 days for the electrical subsystem. The predicted time to first failure and expected
number of failures for the electrical subsystem is given as.

Time to first failure (TTF):

T2 − T1
MTBF2 (T1 , T2 ) =
λ (T2 β − T1β )
199 − 0
MTBF2 ( 0,199 ) = [6.13]
0.000345 (1991.9770 )
= 16.45 days

Expected number of failures E (N):

E p ( N ( T2 ) − N ( T1 ) ) =λ ( T2 β − T β 1 )
0.000345 (1991.9770 )
E p ( N (199 ) − N ( 0 ) ) = [6.14]
= 12.1 failures

The observed inter-arrival time for the electrical subsystem was 48 days from the day of the last
recorded failure, which means the electrical subsystem lasted 30.56 days longer than the
prediction. The observed number of failures E (N) = 11 versus the predicted E (N) =12.13. The
reliability of the subsystem at the observed time to failure is 48.2%. The researcher conducted the
predictions on shorter intervals for each of the subsystems for the expected number of failures.
The predictions were compared with the observed values in the same time frame. The results are
presented Table 6-4 below.

Table 6-4 : A comparison of the subsystems for the expected and observed number of failures

Xi Perway Signal Electricals

N(t) E(N) N(t) E(N) N(t) E(N)

7 0 0.024 1 0.682 0 0.0160

14 0 0.069 3 1.623 0 0.0638

28 2 0.1976 5 3.861 0 0.1975

56 2 0.5637 7 9.1858 1 0.9888

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6.2 Section summary

This section demonstrated the application of the model to quantify the reliability of railway
infrastructure systems. The model was further validated to test for variations and deviation in the
predicted values. It can be concluded that it is possible to quantify and predict infrastructure
failures in railway systems using a reliability centred approach.

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7 Multi-criteria analysis
The aim of the study seeks to quantify the reliability of railway infrastructure systems to assist in
the maintenance and management of railway infrastructure assets. Reliability as a performance
measure can assist maintenance managers in prioritising infrastructure assets during
maintenance interventions on the railway network. In this section, the model will be applied to
multiple corridors and the application of the reliability model in maintenance management
prioritisation will be demonstrated.

7.1 Application of multi-criteria analysis

Following the data analysis approach given in section 4, two corridors on the central line of the
Metrorail network had sufficient data for reliability analysis. The two corridors are the Nyanga-
Phillipi corridor and the Langa-Belhar corridor. The reliability predictions were conducted using
failure data between the same periods (Jan-Dec 2015). The predictions were conducted from the
day of the last observed failure for each subsystem. A summary of the results from the statistical
analysis is given in the Appendix. The reliability performance of the infrastructure system for the
selected corridors is shown in Figure 7-1. From the figure the Langa-Belhar corridor shows better
reliability performance over time, implying that the Nyanga-Phillipi corridor requires
prioritisation in order to improve its reliability performance. These results do not show which
prioritisation of the subsystems should occur to holistically improve the reliability of the
infrastructure system on the network. Studying the reliability performance of the infrastructure
subsystems across the board will provide more insight on the prioritisation required to improve
the reliability.

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Reliability 0.6



0 7 14 21 28 35 42 49
Time (days)

Nyanga-Phillipi Langa-Belhar

Figure 7-1 : Reliability performance for the Nyanga-Phillipi and Langa-Belhar corridors

Figure 7-2 and Figure 7-3 show the reliability performance of the subsystems for the Langa-Belhar
and Nyanga-Phillipi corridors respectively. For the Langa-Belhar corridor, it can be seen from
Figure 7-2 that the poor reliability performance of the perway subsystem has the governing
criticality that influences the performance of the infrastructure system on that corridor. For the
Nyanga-Phillipi corridor shown in Figure 7-3, the signalling subsystem has the governing
criticality on that corridor. These results show the subsystems that require prioritisation for each
individual corridor.

Langa-Belhar corridor





0 14 28 42 56 70 84 98
Time (days)

Perway Electricals Signalling Infrastructure system

Figure 7-2 : Reliability performance of the Langa-Belhar corridor

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Nyanga - Phillipi corridor





0 14 28 42 56 70 84 98


Perway Electricals Signalling Infrastructure system

Figure 7-3 : Reliability performance of the Nyanga-Phillipi corridor

For maintenance planning on a large network, the reliability model can be applied to assist in
decision-making for prioritising and selecting the best intervention methods on the two corridors
that will improve the reliability performance of the railway network. Figure 7-4 and Figure 7-5
shows that the performance of the Langa-Belhar corridor presents better reliability performance
for the signalling and electrical subsystems. The outcome of this prediction means that the
Nyanga-Phillipi corridor must be prioritised for maintenance for both the signalling and electrical
subsystems to improve system performance. The observed time to first failure for the Nyanga-
Phillipi signalling subsystem was 4 days, this reflected the predicted value over the same period
of 4 days. The predicted time to first failure for the Nyanga-Phillipi electrical subsystem was 102.4
days against an observed value of 208 days, which means the first failure was observed 94.2 days
later than the predicted value. For longer maintenance windows however the Langa-Belhar
corridor must be prioritised for maintenance because after 84 days the rate of reliability
degradation for the electrical subsystem on the Langa-Belhar corridor increases in comparison to
that of the Nyanga-Phillipi corridor.

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0 14 28 42 56 70 84 98 112 126 140 154 168 182
Time (days)

Nyanga-Phillipi Langa-Belhar

Figure 7-4 : Comparison of the reliability performance of the electrical subsystem






0 7 14 21 28 35 42 49
Time (days)

Nyanga-Phillipi Langa -Belhar

Figure 7-5 : Comparison of the reliability performance of the signalling subsystem

Figure 7-6 for the perway subsystem performance shows reliability performances that contrast
to that of the electrical and signalling. Instead, the reliability performance of the perway system
for the Nyanga-Phillipi corridor registers high-reliability performance over the same period. This
result shows that for the perway subsystem, priority should be given to the Langa-Belhar corridor
to maintain acceptable levels of reliability performance. The predicted time to the first failure for
the perway subsystem on the Langa-Belhar corridor was 10.61 days against an observed value of
4 days. This means for the Langa-Belhar corridor the time to first failure was recorded 6.61 days
earlier than the predicted value.

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Reliability 0.6



0 14 28 42 56 70 84 98 112 126 140 154 168 182
Time (days)

Nyanga-Phillipi Langa-Belhar

Figure 7-6 : Comparison of the reliability performance of the perway subsystem

7.2 Section summary

This section looked at the application of the reliability model in a multi-criteria analysis to
establish the appropriate maintenance prioritisation strategies on a railway network. The model
was applied to two corridors and the performance of the corridors was evaluated to establish
appropriate maintenance interventions.

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8 Discussion of results
From the preceding section, it is evident that the reliability modelling approach given for railway
infrastructure systems can assist in maintenance prioritisation by highlighting sections/lines and
routes that require attention based on the reliability performance of the infrastructure assets. The
study identified that in railway infrastructure environments, two factors influence infrastructure
quality. The ability to continuously measure infrastructure quality over time and the ability to
employ the necessary measures to restore infrastructure quality suppose it falls below acceptable
levels. This section discusses the results of the reliability model which quantify infrastructure
quality along with their implication on the asset management strategy to restore infrastructure
quality to acceptable levels.

8.1 Reliability as an infrastructure quality measure

The asset failure data collected on the infrastructure network was utilised to generate useful
information for decision-making. This information identified the critical subsystems which impact
service performance highlighting the asset groups with the highest unreliability. The reliability
model predicted the reliability performance of the infrastructure assets over time based on
historical asset failure data. These predictions measure how the infrastructure quality of the
subsystems evolves on the operational routes from a reliability perspective. The predictions
assume that if all managerial and operational decisions remain constant then the system is likely
to perform according to the behaviour modelled using the historical asset failure data.

To support primary decisions in the maintenance and renewal of infrastructure systems spread
over wide geographic areas, the asset information and performance data must be synthesised into
information that can be useful to make informed decisions. Figure 8-1 shows a summary of the
results from the multi-criteria analysis for the two routes. From these results at operational route
level, the Nyanga-Phillipi line exhibits low reliability performance as compared with the Langa-
Belhar line. In addition, the results from the analysis show that the critical subsystems governing
the reliability performance of each line is the signalling and perway subsystems for the Nyanga-
Phillipi and Langa-Belhar lines respectively. Using the information produced by the proposed
modelling framework, all the potential asset management decisions are incorporated, allowing
policies and regulations to be formulated that deliver the required performance level of the
infrastructure assets on the railway network. From the summary of results in Figure 8-1 the
electrical and signalling subsystem of the Nyanga-Phillipi line should have maintenance resources
prioritised whereas for the Langa- Belhar line the priority asset group for maintenance is the
perway subsystem.

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Metrorail Western Cape Nyanga - Phillipi Langa - Belhar

Operational Route

Electrical Electrical

Criticality Signalling Signalling

Perway Perway

Electrical Electrical

Priority Signalling Signalling

Perway Perway

Figure 8-1 : Summary of multi-criteria analysis

The reliability-based approach quantified the variations that arise at the subsystem interfaces and
identified the effects of various intervention strategies related to improving the reliability
performance of the railway infrastructure assets. Results from the Pareto analysis seen in Figure
8-2 show the type of infrastructure component and its contribution to infrastructure system
downtime as recorded by the number of failures. From the figure, points-and-crossings failure
mode demonstrate a high frequency of occurrence highlighting the impact of the signalling
subsystem on the reliability performance of the infrastructure system. In addition, the block joint
and defective rail failure modes register high frequency of occurrence highlighting the impact of
the perway subsystem on the reliability performance of the infrastructure system. Overhead
Track Equipment (OHTE) and cable related failure modes of the electrical subsystem although
registering a relatively low frequency of occurrence significantly impact the reliability
performance of the infrastructure system.

The criticality ranking of the failure modes is summarised in the Appendix from the results of the
FMECA study. From the FMECA study, points and crossings and interlocking failure modes ranked
intolerable on the criticality scale. The effect of these failures is severe causing on-track machine
failures and loss in detection between interlocking components and point to point machines of the
signalling subsystem. The effect of failures in the perway subsystem is observed by faulty track
circuits, derailments and burnt out catenary. Failure modes related to the perway subsystem like
faulty block joints and defective rails caused most track circuit related failures in the signalling
subsystem. Studying the failure cause variation in the railway infrastructure system reveals that
low-frequency events that have high impact are inherently difficult to predict. This was observed
with the electrical and perway subsystem which registered low failure incidences as compared
with the signalling subsystem. On the other hand, high-frequency low-impact events are
constantly active in the system and can be predicted easily. This was observed on the signalling

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subsystem which showed relatively high rates of failure occurrence when compared with the
other subsystems.

180 120
Number of failures

120 80
60 40
40 Number of failures
20 cumulative %
0 0

Infrastructure failure modes

Figure 8-2 : Pareto analysis for failure modes and frequency of failure.

8.2 Reliability-based infrastructure asset management

The researcher studied annual failure records from the IMS together with the results from the
reliability analysis. A graphical presentation of the annual contribution of each infrastructure
subsystem to train cancellations and delays on the Metrorail network is given in Figure 8-3 and
Figure 8-4 below. The trend shows that the signalling-related incidents contribute significantly to
train delays as compared with the other subsystems. However, the electrical subsystem
contributes more to train cancellations in comparison with other infrastructure subsystems. In
addition the results from the FMECA analysis exhibit varying relationships between the failure
modes of the different infrastructure subsystems. Despite the relatively low failure incidences
reported for the perway subsystem on the railway network, a significant number of signalling
failure modes were caused by perway related incidences. This can be attributed to the fact that
the system utilisation information of the perway subsystem recorded a corrective and time based
maintenance strategy. Allocation of maintenance resources using this strategy does not
necessarily follow or respond to the condition of the asset but instead follows consistent
interventions guided by manuals or knowledge of local maintenance experts. These “blind”
periodic interventions have devastating effects on the performance of other infrastructure
subsystems as seen by the severe impact of the perway subsystem on the performance of the
signalling subsystem. Failing to respond to this reality by adapting policies based on the operating
condition of the asset means railway infrastructure managers are likely to expend resources

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inefficiently. To improve the infrastructure system therefore based on these outcomes means
supporting maintenance policies that emphasise spending more productive hours on
infrastructure assets i.e. condition and reliability-based maintenance, than policies based on the
operating time of the components i.e. corrective and time-based maintenance. A holistic
reliability-based integrated maintenance planning approach based on system status compliments
preventative and condition-based maintenance to support overall system improvement. From a
reliability-based perspective the results recommend that focusing on high-frequency and low
consequence events (incidences) can yield as much benefit to infrastructure reliability
performance as focusing on low frequency and high-consequence events.

% of trains delayed

2 011 2 012 2 013 2 014 2 015

Signals Electricals Perway

Figure 8-3 : The impact of the different infrastructure subsystems failures to train delays

% of trains cancelled

2 011 2 012 2 013 2 014 2 015

Signals Electricals Perway

Figure 8-4 : The impact of the different infrastructure subsystems to train cancellations

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8.3 Research findings

To successfully benefit from a holistic approach to infrastructure asset management presented in
the study, the core building blocks that ensure the sustainable application of reliability analysis to
improve the maintenance and management of railway infrastructure assets must be identified. In
addition, various limitations need to be overcome to effectively develop infrastructure
management systems that utilise a reliability-based integrated approach to railway infrastructure
maintenance and management. The successful application of the reliability modelling framework
presented in this study relies on the availability of a common data structure which is coherent and
accessible across the different functions. Additionally, the development of reliable asset
degradation models relies on good quality data based on the operational history and condition of
assets to achieve sustainable maintenance improvements. Good quality data enables a ‘dynamic’
identification of priority areas, which allows early detection and prevention of unexpected
failures, thus increasing the availability, reliability and the safety of the railway infrastructure

The performance of railway organisations is governed by the ability to form a consistent,

integrated, and evidenced based approach in the maintenance and management of assets in the
medium to long term. To achieve this in railway organisations like PRASA is a challenge because
of the separate siloed processes for long-term demand forecasting, asset enhancement planning,
and maintenance planning activities. In addition, maintenance intervals for infrastructure systems
are determined 'statistically', based on operating time or on the amount of productive hours spent
on the infrastructure asset. These intervals are derived from previous experiences or from
specifications made by the infrastructure managers based on the life of components involved. To
transform this requires re-engineering the strategic asset planning processes to enable the
analysis and forecasting of asset conditions and degradation patterns which can be used to
develop integrated short and long term asset replacement and management strategies. An
extension of this re-engineering process leverages on new technologies to improve monitoring,
modelling, and forecasting tools that consolidate the current infrastructure asset management
processes in the railway industry.

Although whole life and whole system thinking is difficult to initiate in the short term due to
various resource constraints, railway organisations need to actively promote the right values and
behaviours to support a holistic approach to asset management. Part of this requires organising
around a common asset management strategy and having the right organisational and governance
structure that cuts across functions. To deliver a reliable railway infrastructure system a multi-
disciplinary and function based thinking approach is required which promotes partnerships to
develop solutions that meet the internal needs by building new internal capabilities and

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8.4 Limitations
Access to accurate information supports new processes and ways of thinking and is a requirement
for the successful application of a holistic reliability-based approach to infrastructure asset
management. In addition, infrastructure performance can be considerably improved if the
Information Management Systems are populated with accurate failure data that correctly
references failure causes for the different assets in the registry. During the failure analysis, the
root cause triggering certain events in some datasets could not be determined. Some failure
records studied by the researcher indicated causes that are likely not to be accurate. The root
cause in some cases was hard to tell from a single instance, which suggests that further checks
were required. The data, however, was detailed with regards to components and functionality but
did not concisely define and describe all the events that led to failure. During the failure analysis
for the reliability model the researcher concluded that causes given just to complete the data may
be misleading, hence the necessity of filling in all fields was not overemphasised. It becomes,
therefore, essential for railway organisations to have a technological infrastructure which
supports the collecting, organising and managing of the correct data.

8.5 Section summary

The reliability model presented in the study quantifies the reliability performance of the
infrastructure system by linking failures, asset data, and the utilisation rate of the railway
infrastructure assets. The linking of all infrastructure asset failures assists in identifying complex
relationships between the infrastructure subsystems. In this section, it was demonstrated that
knowledge of these relationships can improve the operational reliability of the passenger railway
infrastructure system by facilitating informed decision making in maintenance and management

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9 Conclusions and
The aim of the research study was to develop a model to measure the reliability performance of
railway infrastructure systems to facilitate integrated maintenance planning in railway
infrastructure environments. A systematic analysis to develop a holistic reliability model for
railway infrastructure systems to improve railway infrastructure asset management processes
has been presented. The model presented in this research is an evidence-based decision-making
tool which uses asset failure information to account for the joint dependability attributes that
characterise railway infrastructure systems. The model developed in the study was applied to a
case study on PRASA`s railway network to support the development of appropriate maintenance
strategies to improve infrastructure reliability. The model identified critical infrastructure
subsystems that impact the reliability performance of the railway infrastructure systems which
enables the strategic alignment of asset management plans for the different subsystems to
maintain the railway network at acceptable operating levels. Aligning asset management plans
using a reliability-based maintenance and management approach moves away from the silo
approach which currently characterises railway infrastructure asset management in the South
African passenger railway industry. This enables railway organisations to exploit opportunities
that can increase capacity and improve the resilience and reliability of railway infrastructure
systems in the short to long term period. The reliability modelling approach presented in the study
has the capacity to improve asset performance to meet the increasing demands of service quality
and infrastructure reliability in railway environments. It can be concluded that reliability analysis
can be utilised to develop an integrated reliability-based approach in the maintenance and
management of railway infrastructure assets.

9.1 Summary of findings

Asset information supports the primary decisions and activities related to components covered in
an asset management framework. These decisions include the development of informed asset
policies and the implementation of asset management plans. To fully realise the benefits of
information-based asset management strategies such as reliability analysis requires a significant
commitment in aligning planning processes, functional and technical specifications, approvals,
installations and commissioning processes. Asset management is multidisciplinary and cross-
functional and as such it requires personnel who are open to evidence and have the ability to work
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in multidisciplinary teams to integrate and interpret the different factors that influence decision-
making in such environments. Furthermore, it was observed that it is important to have tools that
capture high-quality asset data to support decision-making which enables efficient asset
management strategies in collaborative environments. This requires a diverse mix of practical and
thinking skills sustained by knowledge and understanding relevant to the planned intervention
processes. This must further be complemented by collaborative behaviour and enhanced
mechanisms for automated data capture, collation, and visualisation.

9.2 Recommendations
Asset management is no longer a matter of trading off one asset against the other, but rather a
matter of trading off how each asset impacts the performance of the whole system in achieving
the highest functional performance in terms of safety, availability, and reliability with least
possible costs. Railway infrastructure maintenance interventions need to minimise train
disruptions, this requires efficient and effective coordination of maintenance planning activities
of the railway infrastructure assets. The current structure around asset management in PRASA
has two divisions which are the engineering services and maintenance operations. Each
department has its own planning process. To facilitate the practical application of the reliability
model presented in this research it is recommended that PRASA Metrorail division adopts an
integrated planning process in maintaining and managing railway infrastructure assets. An
integrated approach will facilitate collaborative sharing of knowledge for decision-making by
considering all aspects of required outcomes, including skills required to evaluate cost and
reliability performance trade-offs. In addition, increasing the productive time on infrastructure
assets can significantly improve the reliability performance of the railway infrastructure system.
This means that an integrated approach to maintenance must have the capacity to consistently
evaluate and monitor the implementation of the asset management strategies for continuous
reliability improvements. However, support for developing integrated maintenance planning in
the South African passenger railway requires an increase in awareness within the leadership
structure and willingness across the different functional departments to seek, share, and adopt
others' learning.

9.3 Theoretical contributions and future research

The researcher developed a reliability model which supports a holistic approach to evaluate the
reliability performance of railway infrastructure assets. The reliability modelling approach
presented in this study identified critical failure modes for railway infrastructure systems using a
FMECA methodology. In addition, the functional and operational interdependencies in railway
infrastructure systems were modelled to accurately quantify the joint dependability attributes
that characterise railway infrastructure systems. This sets the basis for the development of rail

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infrastructure network models that enable the railway system to be viewed both topographically
as a map and topologically as schematic logical views showing how individual assets are
connected. Network models provide a geospatial view of the railway network showing the
location of assets on the network and the underlying asset information for each infrastructure
asset. Rail infrastructure network models can bring together infrastructure data sets describing
system-level utilisation and performance, connecting asset management, operations, and
maintenance allowing infrastructure managers to understand relationships between assets.

Stellenbosch University

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11 Appendices
11.1 Railway infrastructure failure modes
Failure Criticality
Subsystem Failure cause Failure effect
mode Frequency Severity Criticality

Perway Faulty block joints • Wear and tear • Faulty Track circuit High Critical Intolerable

Electrical Cable + wires • Vandalism • Overhead power failure Moderate Critical Undesirable
• Maintenance works • Signal power failures
• Cable faults •
Signalling Interlocking • Wear and tear • Faulty signalling Very High catastrophic Intolerable
(Crossings) • Broken blades

Signalling Point to point • Wear and tear • On-track machine failures Very High Catastrophic Intolerable
machines • Vandalism • Loss in detection
• Blown fuses
• Faulty micro switch
Signalling Track circuit • Faulty block joints • Track circuit failures Very High Marginal Intolerable
• Faulty transmitter
• Defective rail bond

Stellenbosch University

Signalling On track machines • Track circuit failures • False occupation alarm Moderate Critical Undesirable
(Signals) • Signal power failures • Loss of signal
• Faulty fuse holder • Faulty block signal

Electrical Substation Power • Feeder cable failures • Feeder cable failures Low Catastrophic Undesirable
• Blown fuses • Low overhead supply
Perway Broken rail and • Wear and tear • Loss in signal Moderate Catastrophic Intolerable
defective rails • Tonnage • Derailments
• Geometric • Short circuit on track
misalignments circuit.
• Rail to rail bond off • Burnt out catenary due to
short circuit
Perway Drainage (Track • Settlements • Faulty track circuit Moderate Critical Undesirable
substructure) • Voiding

Stellenbosch University

11.2 Infrastructure dependency matrix


S1 X X X X X X
S2 X X
SUB3kv X


Superstructure S1
Substructure S2
11 kv Substation SUB11kv
3kv Substation SUB3kv
3lv/11kv Transmission lines TRANSL
Track Circuit TC
Point to Point Machines PPM
Interlocking INTLOCK
Signalling SIG
Signalling power SIGPOW

Stellenbosch University

11.3 Reliability modelling approach



Incidences reported Improve system



Electrical Perway Signalling

Collect data
Extract failure events
causing delays and

Reliability Test

Extract Interarrival times

Critical components failure

YES Select components
data sufficient ?


• Identify configuration
• Arrange data for system
• System level approach

Chronologically arranged
interarrival times YES

Adequate Dependence in Branch Poisson

Trend in data NO YES
sample size data process model


Similarities between assumed and

NHPP model HPP model
actual conditions

NO Conventional Parameter
analysis techniques evaluation

Non parametric

Failure rate

cumulative failure Inference about Verification and
number vs failure failure pattern validation

Stellenbosch University

11.4 Langa-Belhar corridor

Interarrival times N(t) Interarrival times N(t)
4 1 53 1
5 2 67 2
10 3 75 3
11 4 78 4
12 5 79 5
14 6 84 6
18 7 91 7
19 8 130 8
21 9 140 9
28 10 146 10
32 11 148 11
35 12 149 12
40 13 153 13
41 14 161 14
42 15 167 15
50 16 168 16
52 17 179 17
59 18
61 19
62 20
71 22 Interarrival times N(t)
74 23 96 1
76 24 168 2
77 25 169 3
84 26 170 4
90 27
98 28
104 29
105 30
113 31
114 32
119 33
124 34
126 35
137 36
139 37
144 38
145 39
149 40
150 41
153 42
155 43
158 44
161 45
168 46
170 47
171 48
172 49
174 50
177 51
179 52
180 53

Figure 11-1: Arrival times for the Langa-Belhar corridor

Stellenbosch University

Table 11-1 : Results from trend test for the Langa-Belhar corridor

Subsystem Data Laplace LTT interpretation Lewis Model

points Trend Robinson

Perway 17 2.5651 Reliability degradation NHPP

Signalling 53 0.4520 Non-committal 0.6221 HPP

Electricals 4 2.6796 Reliability degradation NHPP

Cumualtive failures

8 observed - perway
6 NHPP - Power Law
0 50 100 150 200
Time (days)

Figure 11-2 : Graphical representation of the NHPP power law vs observed values


Cumulative failures


0.6 Signalling cumulative

0.4 weibull


0 50 100 150 200
Time (days)

Figure 11-3 : Cumulative distribution function for the Weibull distribution and observed values
Stellenbosch University

Cumulative failures

2 observed - electricals
1.5 NHPP - Power Law
0 50 100 150 200
Time (days)

Figure 11-4 : Cumulative distribution function for the Weibull distribution and observed values

Table 11-2 : Parameter estimation results for the Langa-Belhar corridor

Subsystem Models K-S Test Result Parameters

Perway NHPP dmax < dcritical Power law λ = 0.0016 β = 1.7876

0.0187 < 0.1099

Signalling Weibull dmax < dcritical Good fit η = 106.14 β = 1.2207

HPP 0.0103 < 0.0475

Electricals NHPP dmax < dcritical Power law λ = 0.0002 β = 1.8660

0.0994 < 0.430

Stellenbosch University

11.5 Nyanga-Phillipi corridor

Interarrival times N(t) Interarrival times N(t)
4 1 27 1
8 2 36 2
11 3 39 3
13 4 112 4
25 5 113 5
25 6 121 6
32 7 155 7
35 8 173 8
35 9
47 10
56 11
64 12
78 14 Interarrival times N(t)
78 15 13 1
88 16 84 2
88 17 119 3
91 18 138 4
93 19
99 20
99 21
99 22
103 23
108 24
127 25
131 26
134 27
135 28
137 29
138 30
138 31
140 32
140 33
141 34
144 35
145 36
149 37
150 38
163 39
165 40
172 41
173 42
174 43
177 44
177 45
178 46
178 47

Figure 11-5 : Arrival times for the Nyanga-Phillipi corridor

Stellenbosch University

Table 11-3 : Results from the trend test for the Nyanga-Phillipi corridor

Subsystem Data Laplace LTT interpretation Lewis Model

points Trend Robinson

Perway 8 0.5947 Non-committal 0.5412 HPP

Signalling 47 2.1943 Reliability degradation 2.028 NHPP

Electricals 4 0.9790 Reliability degradation HPP


Cumulative failures


observed - perway
0.4 HPP-Weibull


0 50 100 150 200
Time (days)

Figure 11-6 : Cumulative failures for the observed and Weibull approximations

Cumulative failures

observed - signalling
15 NHPP - Power Law
0 50 100 150 200
Time (days)

Figure 11-7 : Observed vs NHPP power law parameter estimation

Stellenbosch University


Cumulative failures 1


observed electrical
0.4 HPP-Weibull


0 50 100 150
Time (days)

Figure 11-8 : Cumulative graph of observed vs Weibull for electrical subsystem

Table 11-4 : Parameter estimation results for the Nyanga-Phillipi corridor

Subsystem Models K-S Test Result Parameters

Perway Weibull HPP dmax < dcritical Good fit η = 114.28 β = 1.4047
0.200 < 0.6082

Signalling NHPP dmax < dcritical Power law λ = 0.0582 β = 1.2793

0.0250 < 0.0475

Electricals Weibull HPP dmax < dcritical Good fit η = 113.80 β = 0.8548
0.0502 < 0.430

Stellenbosch University

11.6 Map of Metrorail network for the Western Cape region

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