Expert 1
Expert 1
Expert 1
Information Gap
Suggested 20–28 Your actual
teaching time: minutes teaching time:
Workbook or MyEnglishLab
4 1:14 READING
BEFORE YOU READ Suggested 12–15 Your actual
teaching time: minutes teaching time:
A Warm-up t After students read the interviews silently, have them
Suggested 1–2 Your actual
teaching time: minutes teaching time:
close their books. On the board, write Mr. Tanaka,
Ms. Marques, and Mr. Itani.
t Have students answer the question in small groups. t Then read the following sentences. Ask students to
Students should be expected to provide the places they
identify who the person is.
see and hear English; for example, the Internet, the airport,
This person is from Beirut. (Mr. Itani.)
the radio, movies.
This person isn’t married. (Ms. Marques.)
This person is a computer programmer. (Mr. Tanaka.)
B Preview This person’s birthplace is Curitiba. (Ms. Marques.)
Suggested 2 Your actual This person’s nationality is Japanese. (Mr. Tanaka.)
teaching time: minutes teaching time: This person’s son is one year old. (Mr. Itani.)
t Give students a 30-second limit to do this search activity Option: (+5 minutes) To challenge students, have them close
to make sure they don’t slow down and read every word. their books and listen to audio of the interviews before
t Have students circle the word English every time they see reading them. After each interview, ask students what they
it as they scan the text. remember about each person. Say Who’s Hamza Itani?
Write what the class remembers about him under his name;
t Ask the class How many times did you see English in the
for example, He’s Lebanese. He lives in Dubai. He is an
reading? (10)
executive assistant. Then have students open their books
t Have volunteers share their answers with the class. and check the information in the Reading.
t After students read the text on page 10 silently, have t To model the activity, have the class interview you.
them close their books. Ask Where do Mr. Tanaka, Write the notepad list from page 11 on the board. Have
Ms. Marques, and Mr. Itani use English? (At work.) Do they different volunteers ask you questions; for example,
also use English at home? (Yes.) What’s your name? What’s your nickname? What’s
t To extend the activity, ask Where does Mr. Tanaka see your occupation? What’s your hometown? What’s your
English at home? (Websites. Social media.) Where does birthplace? How old are you? (You can say I’d rather not
Ms. Marques hear English at home? (Movies.) Where does say.) Who’s your favorite actor? What’s your favorite sport?
Mr. Itani hear English at home? (TV.) Another student writes the information on the board.
Leave this information on the board to use in Exercise C.
B Scan for facts t To extend the activity, ask other questions. Possible
questions include:
Suggested 5–7 Your actual
teaching time: minutes teaching time: Are you married?
What is your husband’s / wife’s name?
t To prepare, go over the information students need to What is your husband’s / wife’s occupation?
look for. Have students look at the chart. Say What’s the
person’s occupation? What city does the person live in now?
Where’s the person from? / What’s his or her hometown? Is
C Group work
this person married? Students should not say the answers Suggested 10–15 Your actual
teaching time: minutes teaching time:
to these questions at this point.
t Have students underline this information as they read. t To model the activity, have students look at the
After students read, have them use the underlined information you wrote on the board. Ask volunteers to
information to fill in the chart. use this information to introduce you to the class.
t To review, have students read their answers aloud t To encourage students to use the language in the
in complete sentences; for example, Ms. Marques is Recycle box, write the phrases on the board. Before each
a financial manager. She lives in Curitiba, Brazil. Her student introduces his or her partner to the class, indicate
hometown is Curitiba. She isn’t married. She’s single. which phrases you would like him or her to use in the
introduction. Vary phrases for each student.
Extra Reading Comprehension Exercises Option: (+5 minutes) To challenge students, tell them to
listen carefully during the introductions and take notes.
When all the introductions are over, ask them questions
now you can Introduce someone to a group about their classmates; for example:
Who’s from [name of town]?
A Read the information . . . Who’s a / an [occupation]?
Suggested 5–6 Your actual Who was born in [name of town]?
teaching time: minutes teaching time: How old is [name of student]?
t After students read the information silently, ask: What is [name of student]’s favorite sport?
What’s Ms. Wang’s occupation? (Photographer.) Who is originally from [name of town]?
How old is she? (22) Is [name of student] married?
What’s her favorite sport? (Tennis.) Is [name of student] from [name of town]?
What’s her hometown? (Wuhan, China.) Text-mining: Have students write their Text-mining
What’s Mr. Cruz’s occupation? (Pilot.) examples on the board. *For example:
What’s his birthplace? (Granada, Spain.) Meet [ ]. He / She works as [ ].
What’s his nickname? (Kiki.) He / She is originally from [ ]. He / She was born and
Where does he live? (Monterrey, Mexico.) He / She lives with [ ]. raised in [ ].
t After students compare their answers in pairs, have two He / She enjoys [ ].
student volunteers read their completed paragraphs. *Follow the same procedure with students’ text-mining examples
in other units.
Workbook or MyEnglishLab
Speaking Activities: Unit 1, Activity 4