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Lesson № 1

Subject: English Date: 11.04.2019 Group: 7 Б The number of students: 12 Level:

Elementary Time: 40 min
Topic: Alone on the water
Lesson objectives:
Instructional objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. They will improve their reading skills and read texts better
2. Read text with extracting specific information.
3. use new vocabulary
Developmental objectives:
1. to develop reading skill, memory and attention
Target grammar: Present Perfect: negative and interrogative
Materials and Equipment:
Computer CD 3.17; presentation

Stage Purpose Procedure Int. Time

Organizational to prepare for Good morning, guys! Nice to see you. Sit
moment the lesson down, please. Let’s begin our lesson. o/c 1 min.
What the date is it today? Who is absent?
Lead-in Explain the Write it on the board. In pairs, o/c 5 min.
word ask students to write down 2-3 things
disabled which disabled people can't do and 2 ~3
things they can do. (Sample answers :
They cannot walk, they can not see, they
cannot use their hands well. They can
play sports, they can write books,
they can paint.) Explain that to day the
students are gong to read a text about a
very special disabled person .
Pre-reading To arise Ss’ T: Do you know Hilary Lister? Do you o/c 5 min.
interest, to know anything about her? Do you know
activate Ss’ what is English Channel? Would you like
background to sail across the English Channel too?
knowledge Ss answer the questions
During reading To get the gist T: let’s read the text p.93 and translate it.
Ss read the text one by one, then T asks:
what is the text about? What kind of o/с 10 min.
weather do you like? What kind of
weather is good for sailing?
Post-reading to get some T asks Ss to do Exercise 9 page 92. Pairs o/с 10 min.
details act out their interviews. This is also the
time to check answers to exercise 8. If
some pairs create an answer that is
imaginative and makes sense, but has no
foundation in the text, praise them for
creativity, but emphasize that when
working with a text it is essential to be
able to read carefully, know exactly what
the text says, and not drift away from it.
Presenting new To present Ask a few strong students questions in o/c 5 min.
grammar new grammar the present perfect to which the likely
answer is No, e.g.: Have you talked to X
today? (where X is a classmate who is
absent.) If the student answers No, say:
Oh, so you haven't talked to X. Have you
had lunch yet? (if the lesson is in the
morning) Have you ever been to New
Zealand/ Indonesia?(or any country you
are fairly confident they have not been to)
Making to give grades Ask students: What did we do/talk about o/с 3 min
conclusion today? Try to elicit: Hilary Lister or
disabled people, or disabled people who
have one something special. Ask students
for any facts they learned today and for
new vocabulary. Draw students' attention
to the lesson statement: I can understand
a magazine article in detail.
T. evaluates Ss. and puts them grades.

Giving to explain Below are two activities to choose from; o/с 1 min
homework homework both involve Internet searches.

1. Students have to find out and note 3 more Facts about Hilary Lister on the Internet (her
website is, but information can also be found on other sites).
They then share their findings in groups of 3- 4.
2. Individually or in pairs, students look for information about other disabled people who
have done something special. They prepare mini presentations. Here are some
questions to help them:
Who is the person?
What is his / her health problem?
What cannot he/she do?
What has he/she done /achieved?
What special equipment did he/she need?
Who helped him/her?
How does he/ she feel about it?
Lesson № 2
Subject: English Date: 11.04.2019 Group: 5 A The number of students: 14
Level: Beginner Time: 40 min
Topic: Summer plans. I’m going to pack my suitcase (U15 L3).
Lesson objectives:
Instructional objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. To understand the form and use of be going to affirmative, questions and short answers
to talk about future plans and intentions.
2. Use new vocabulary related on their new topic.
Developmental objectives:
1. to develop memory, attention and creativity
Target grammar: Be going to construction
Materials and Equipment:
Family and Friends 3 Student’s book
Stage Purpose Procedure Int. Time
Organizational to prepare for Good morning, boys and girls! Nice to
moment the lesson see you. Sit down, please. Let’s begin our o/c 1 min.
lesson. What the date is it today? Who is
Checking of to check Ss T: You homework was to learn by heart o/c 5 min.
homework homework all words that are going to be included in
your module next week. Are you ready?
T begins to ask words in order try to ask
each of them.

Presenting new To present T. explains the form and use of be going o/c 7 min.
grammar new grammar to affirmative, questions and short
answers to talk about future plans and
intentions. T. gives examples I’m going
to skateboard everyday. Are you going to
swim everyday?/No, I’m not. Etc.
Consolidating to consolidate T asks Ss read and circle. T. asks Ss to do pairs 10 min.
knowledge a new exercise 3 p114 look at the example with -
material the class and check that Ss understand the o/с
exercise. Ss do the rest of the exercise
individually. T goes through the answers
with the class and asks Ss to read out the

Mastering to master To master better a new material T asks Ss Ind.- 7 min.

material better a new to do next exercise 4 p115. T. asks Ss to o/с
material look at the example with the class and
check that Ss understand that they have to
write the correct short form of BE. Ss do
the rest of the exercise individually and
go through the answers with the class.
Warm up To arise Ss’ T asks spontaneously questions Ss about o/c 7 min.
interest, to their summer plans using be going to
make them construction using new vocabulary that T
speak has given.
Making to give grades T. evaluates Ss. and puts them grades. o/с 1 min
Giving to explain Ss. must revise all words and be going to o/с 2 min
homework homework construction and do ex 1,2,3 p102 Family
and Friends3 Workbook.
Lesson № 3
Subject: English Date: 15.04.2019 Group: 5 A The number of students: 14
Level: Beginner Time: 40 min
Lesson type: Entertainment lesson (including clever games)
Topic: -
Lesson objectives:
Instructional objectives:
1. consolidation of existing knowledge in the field of English through the game situation.
2. development of students 'speech,
3. a synthesis of students' knowledge obtained in English lessons.
Developmental objectives:
1. to develop memory, attention, imagination and creativity
Target grammar: -
Materials and Equipment:
Computer (Power Point presentation)

Stage Purpose Procedure Int. Time

Organizational to prepare for Good morning, student! Nice to see you.
moment the lesson Sit down, please. Let’s begin our lesson. o/c 5 min.
What the date is it today?
Today all of you have a good chance to
improve your English during the game. I
have invited a competent jury to count
the points. The members of our jury are
your teacher Vera Georgievna. Now I’m
going to teach you how to play this
game. The game has 8 contests, they are:
Captain’s contest. The ABC game. A
magic 5. Parts and wholes. Hidden
words. A tongue-twister. Solve the
riddles.T explains that they should divide
into two teams and give names to their
teams and also choose their captains.

The main step To explain the T begins to explain the rules and the Ss o/c 31 min.
rules, how to begin to play after explanation in order. T. Ind.
play these explains the first game « Captain’s
games in contest » Dear captains, introduce
order yourself and the members of your team.
Who are you? What are your teammate’s
names? What are your hobbies?
Ss should choose one member to give
answer. Then T goes on with explanations
the next game called "The ABC game”.
Kids, you’ll get some letters from the
English alphabet. You must put the letters
in the right order, so as to get the name of
the English-speaking country. You have
1 minute at your disposal. Each team can
get 5 points.
1. (pictures with letters 1.
Е, N, G, L, A, N, D. 2. A, M, E, R, I, C,
A). Next game is called “Magic5” Say or
sing the English alphabet. Name 5 colors.
Name 5 sorts of vegetables.
2. Name 5 school subjects. You’re
lucky! You won a prize! Name 5 sorts of
fruit. Name 5 sports. Name 5 professions.
Name 5 things that people wear. Name 5
English names.
3. Name 5 English-speaking
4. Name 5 wild animals.
Children quickly and cheerfully answer
questions, team members help each other,
if number 5 is drawn out, the team simply
gets 5 points.
T: The 3rd contest is called "Parts and
wholes”. I need 1 pupil from each team.
You should combine these parts so as to
get a popular name. Who will be the
first? You can get 1 point for each right
1. Mickey       a) Claus
2. Mary           b) Duck
3. Robinson    c) Pooh
4. Peter           d) Mouse
5. Donald        e) Poppins
6. Winny-the- f) Crusoe
7. Santa           g) Pan
The 4th contest is called "Hidden
words”. This round is for the
captains. Find, please, the animals
hiding in the following sentences!
Example: If  I shout, he’ll hear me.
(Fish). Teacher: The following task
is for the rest . I need 1 pupil from
each team. You should read the
tongue-twister as quickly as you can
3 times.
a.       Put your head on your bed.
b.      Run round the playground. 
The last game is "Solve the riddles”.
Making to give grades T. evaluates teams, count points they o/с 3 min
conclusion have earned and puts them grades.
Giving to explain Ss. must revise all words and learn by o/с 1 min
homework homework heart.
Lesson № 4
Subject: English Date: 16.04.2019 Group: 7 A The number of students: 10
Level: Elementary Time: 40 min
Topic: Buying a train ticket
Lesson objectives:
Instructional objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. talk about traveling
2. talk about buying tickets
3. use new words connected with currencies
Developmental objectives:
1. to develop memory, attention and creativity
Target vocabulary: return, next, platform, change, direct, same, depart
Materials and Equipment:
Computer; CD 2.39 – 2.41
Solution Elementary Student’s book p94
Stage Purpose Procedure Int. Time
Organizational to prepare for Good morning, student! Nice to see you.
moment the lesson Sit down, please. Let’s begin our lesson. o/c 1 min.
What the date is it today? Who is absent?
Lead-in To ask T. puts these questions on the board: Do o/c 3 min.
questions and you like travelling by train? Why?/ Why
arise Ss’ not? What was your longest train
interest journey?
And T. asks students to discuss these
questions in pairs for 2-3 minutes, then
say: Today we are going to buy train
Listening To improve T. plays the listening exercise1 on page o/c 15 min.
Ss’ listening 94 once. Check answers. Can students
skills guess what a platform is? If you have a
map of Britain in the room, during the
whole lesson point out all the cities and
towns that are mentioned on the map.
T asks Ss to do next exercise 2 on page
94. T asks Ss to read the Learn this! Box
aloud and play the recording through
once, then again, pausing after
each item to check. Write the times on
the board to avoid confusion.
Then T. tells Ss that they are going to
hear two conversations at a station ticket
office. Play the recording through once,
then again pausing after each part to
check answers . Ask if anyone
remembers any additional details - when
are the people travelling? When are they
coming back? Do they have to change?
Ss give their answers
Writing To improve After listening T. asks Ss to choose In p. 10min.
their writing partner and together write their own -
skills dialogue. T tells Ss that in a moment they o/с
will be asked to read the dialogue, but
first they are going to hear it again to
have a model of pronunciation. Play the
dialogue. Ask students to read and do the
task. If time allows. you may wish to ask
2-3 pairs to read their dialogues to the
Warm up To arise Ss’ T asks Ss some question related on their Ind. - 7 min.
interest, to topic and says them to give answer using o/c
make them those keywords for example: have you
speak ever bought a ticket by yourself? How
spontaneously often do you travel by train? How was
your last trip by train? Who usually buys
tickets for your family? What is better for
you travelling by plane or by train or
even by car?
Making to give grades T asks Ss What have we talked about o/с 2 min
conclusion today? Elicit : trains
train tickets/ buying tickets, etc. Elicit
some words and phrases from the lesson.
Draw students' attention to the lesson
statement: I can buy a train ticket. T.
evaluates Ss. and puts them grades.

Giving to explain Ss must be able to write their own o/с 2 min

homework homework dialogue about travelling by train using
those words. Ss must do all exercises on
page 85 and revise all words related on
their topic and learn them by heart.
Lesson № 5
Subject: English Date: 18.04.2019 Group: 7 Б The number of students: 12
Level: Elementary Time: 40 min
Topic: Buying a train ticket
Lesson objectives:
Instructional objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
4. talk about traveling
5. talk about buying tickets
6. use new words connected with currencies
Developmental objectives:
2. to develop memory, attention and creativity
Target vocabulary: return, next, platform, change, direct, same, depart
Materials and Equipment:
Computer; CD 2.39 – 2.41
Solution Elementary Student’s book p94
Stage Purpose Procedure Int. Time
Organizational to prepare for Good morning, student! Nice to see you.
moment the lesson Sit down, please. Let’s begin our lesson. o/c 1 min.
What the date is it today? Who is absent?
Lead-in To ask T. puts these questions on the board: Do o/c 3 min.
questions and you like travelling by train? Why?/ Why
arise Ss’ not? What was your longest train
interest journey?
And T. asks students to discuss these
questions in pairs for 2-3 minutes, then
say: Today we are going to buy train
Listening To improve T. plays the listening exercise1 on page o/c 15 min.
Ss’ listening 94 once. Check answers. Can students
skills guess what a platform is? If you have a
map of Britain in the room, during the
whole lesson point out all the cities and
towns that are mentioned on the map.
T asks Ss to do next exercise 2 on page
94. T asks Ss to read the Learn this! Box
aloud and play the recording through
once, then again, pausing after
each item to check. Write the times on
the board to avoid confusion.
Then T. tells Ss that they are going to
hear two conversations at a station ticket
office. Play the recording through once,
then again pausing after each part to
check answers . Ask if anyone
remembers any additional details - when
are the people travelling? When are they
coming back? Do they have to change?
Ss give their answers

Writing To improve After listening T. asks Ss to choose In p. 10min.

their writing partner and together write their own -
skills dialogue. T tells Ss that in a moment they o/с
will be asked to read the dialogue, but
first they are going to hear it again to
have a model of pronunciation. Play the
dialogue. Ask students to read and do the
task. If time allows. you may wish to ask
2-3 pairs to read their dialogues to the
Warm up To arise Ss’ T asks Ss some question related on their Ind. - 7 min.
interest, to topic and says them to give answer using o/c
make them those keywords for example: have you
speak ever bought a ticket by yourself? How
spontaneously often do you travel by train? How was
your last trip by train? Who usually buys
tickets for your family? What is better for
you travelling by plane or by train or
even by car?
Making to give grades T asks Ss What have we talked about o/с 2 min
conclusion today? Elicit : trains
train tickets/ buying tickets, etc. Elicit
some words and phrases from the lesson.
Draw students' attention to the lesson
statement: I can buy a train ticket. T.
evaluates Ss. and puts them grades.

Giving to explain Ss must be able to write their own o/с 2 min

homework homework dialogue about travelling by train using
those words. Ss must do all exercises on
page 85 and revise all words related on
their topic and learn them by heart.
Lesson № 6
Subject: English Date: 19.04.2019 Group: 6 A The number of students: 10
Level: Elementary Time: 40 min
Topic: Extensive reading: gold “King Midas and the golden tough”
Lesson objectives:
Instructional objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. talk about history of Ancient Greece
2. ask questions spontaneously and express their opinion
3. use new vocabulary
Developmental objectives:
1. to develop memory, reading skills, attention and creativity
Materials and Equipment:
Family and Friends 4, p117
Stage Purpose Procedure Int. Time
Organizational to prepare for Good morning, student! Nice to see you.
moment the lesson Sit down, please. Let’s begin our lesson. o/c 1 min.
What the date is it today? Who is absent?
Checking of to check Ss T gives Ss minute to review their o/c 9 min.
homework homework homework. Homework was to read text
about “Gold treasures” in book Family
and friends, on page 116 then T starts to
listen Ss and ask questions.
Pre-reading To arise Ss’ o/c 5 min.
interest, to T. asks them: Do you know something
activate Ss’ about King Midas? Where do you think
background King Midas lived? Would you like to
knowledge have a lot of gold like King Midas? And
then Ss give their answers.
During reading To get the gist T: let’s read the text p.116 and translate it. In p. 5min.
Ss read the text one by one, then T asks: -
What is the text about? Did he have a o/с
children?( Yes, he had a beautiful
daughter) Ss answer.
Post-reading To get some T asks Ss to answer the questions in ex.1 Ind. - 8 min.
details p.117, then she checks knowledge of the o/c
words from the text by asking them in
English for Ss to translate them into
Russian. And T gives them a special task
called “True or False” to mark the given
sentences correctly according to the text.

Reviewing To review all T asks Ss to open their books, page 114.

topics and Before doing tasks T asks Ss grammar
grammar rules and asks questions to warm up. First o/c 9 min
rules for task is to complete the crossword, all
preparation to words that Ss know, that they’ve learned.
their module Then T asks to complete the given
sentences with Who? Or Which?

Making to give grades T asks Ss: Do you enjoy stories like this? o/с 2 min
conclusion Why? What is your favorite story from
your country?
T. evaluates Ss. and puts them grades.
Giving to explain Ss must write their own favorite story of o/с 1 min
homework homework their own country. T asks Ss to review all
words and be prepared for the next
module lesson.

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