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Teacher - S Guide 5.1

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Hi, my name is Eleonor. I am 7 years old and I
Page 1: live with my mother and aunt . I have an older
Area: Foreign Language/Lengua extranjera brother, his name is Frank. He is 9 years old.
My brother loves sports. His favourite sport is
Subject:​ English/Inglés
soccer. Everyday we go together to school. I
Grade:​ 5 love my teacher. She is very kind with
everybody. Her name is Rose.
Lesson Title: Back to school
Grammar and vocabulary content Exercise 2.
● Greetings and commands ​1 Answers: ​a. 7; b. Eleonor; c. soccer; d. kind
● Simple present tense, WH-questions
● School vocabulary Exercise 3.
● Recycling vocabulary Answers: ​Answers can vary.
● Social studies:​ My qualities Page 4: Reading
● Math: ​Bar graphs and numbers John’s First Day at School
● Physical Education: Following Exercise 1.
Teacher Tip: ​Write the phrase ‘​First day of
school’ ​on the board​; ​ask students to
● Sustainability
● Road safety brainstorm words that they relate to the topic.
Examples: ​ meet friends, notebooks.
Page 2: Communication and Cultural
Awareness Exercise 3.
My School Answers:
1. His teacher smiled a lot;
Teacher tip: ​Help the students to be
2. John played soccer;
successful with their first activity of the year! 3. Not in the story;
Ask them to tell you what they like about 4. John adopted a puppy;
school and write a list of their words on the 5. John walked to his house.
board (teacher, friends, uniforms, recess, etc.)
Then, have them fill out the form and share Page 5: Writing
their answers with a classmate. My Goals
Teacher tip: ​You can ask some students to
Teacher Tip: ​When students finish Exercise read their goals and ask a student to volunteer
2, you can ask some pairs to present their to copy on a posterboard the most common
questions and answers in front of the goals of the class. Paste the poster on a wall to
classroom. remind the students during the year.

Page 3: Oral Communication Exercise 3.

Answers: ​Answers can vary.
Teacher tip: ​Before listening to the Page 6: Language through the arts
introduction, ask students to describe the Teacher tip: ​Give the students some
picture. You can ask these questions: Where examples, and tell them to use some of the
are they? How old are they? What is their rules.
relationship? Examples: ​I take the bus. I use the crosswalk.
Exercise 2. everyday, do your homework, and you will get
Answers: ​Answers can vary. good grades.
Teacher tip: ​Remind the students that a
paragraph has a: Exercise 1.
- Topic sentence: It introduces the topic. Answers: ​a. F; b. F; c. F; d. T; e. F
- Supporting sentences: There should be three
sentences that give examples, reasons, or Teacher Tip: ​The students probably do not
details. know the word “worst.” Put the words
-Concluding sentence: This should say the ‘bad/worse/worst’ on the board. Tell them that
topic sentence in other words. worst is more, more, bad. It’s terrible!

Extension activity: ​You can ask your students

Exercise 2.
to draw traffic lights and road signs and learn
their meaning. Teacher Tip: ​Help the students understand
If you have internet access you can show this the activity before they start. Read the title and
video to the class: look at the photo. Ask them what the girl is doing. Ask them to find the new word in the
wT4k text: whisper. Then, read the instructions out
loud while the students follow along. Then,
Page 7: Oral Communication have them read silently. Have them repeat the
An Interview with My Classmate instructions to a partner. Finally, check if the
Teacher tip: ​Fast learners can interview two students understood by asking a few of them
or three other students. to give the instructions to the whole class. You
can play for points and as many times as you
Page 8: Communication and cultural
My Qualities
Page 10: Language through the Arts
Exercise 1. Bar Graph
Answers: ​Answers can vary. Exercise 1.
Extension activity​: Ask students to tell you Answers: ​Answers can vary.
which characteristics from the list they Teacher tip: ​Tell the students that this chart is
consider important in a friend. called a bar graph. Read the instructions with
them, and have them read silently. After they
Page 9: Oral communication fill in the graph, they can report to the class,
Schools saying: “We have X chairs and X doors.”
Hi, my name is Sandra. Welcome back to Page 11: Oral communication
school. I will be your teacher this year. School
Whose Pencil Is This?
is a great place to be. Most kids enjoy coming
to school. School is one of the best times in a Teacher tip: ​Students may need a
person’s life. reinforcement of possessive adjectives. Draw
There are many things we will do this year. this table on the board to give them some extra
For example, if you like to do experiments, you practice.
will be happy because we will do many science
You can have a lot of fun here, make new
friends, and play with them five days a week.
And for exams, don’t worry much. Study
Personal pronoun Possessive 2. school;
adjective 3. board;
I My 4. book;
You Your 5. teacher.
He His
She Her Teacher Tip: ​Ms. is the word used for
It Its women. It is pronounced “Miz”.
We Our
Page 15: Assessment
They their
Teacher Tip: ​You can do this activity with
Answers: ​This the correct order of the story:
the whole class. Each child takes a different
object to the front of the class. You (or 1. e;
another student) asks: “Whose X is this?” The 2. d;
students must use their names to answer and
the possessive. Example:​ It’s her pencil. 3. a;
(pointing) It’s Susana’s pencil. 4. c;
5. b.
Page 12: Reading
Exercise 3. Listening
Answers: ​Answers can vary. Read these words for the students to write:
Teacher Tip: ​After reading, the students can
a. door;
share their routines with a partner. They can
b. window;
say: ​“Please share your routines with me./My
routines are similar/different.” c. table;
d. chair;
Page 13: Writing e. board;
The Zoo Comes to School f. glue.
Teacher Tip: ​For the last exercise, remind the
Page 16: Communication and Cultural
students of the plural possessive,​ the tigers’
tails. Poem: My Good Friend
Page 14: Assessment I think of you as my friend, because together
Grammar we have a good time,
Answers: you are someone I can play games with, but
1. run; without a fight or crossing the line.
2. finish; You are not my twin or my cousin, but I love
3. likes; you so,
4. are; Because I know that if someone bothers me,
5. visits. you’ll say, “No.”
I hope we have good memories for the rest of
Writing our lives,
Answers:​ Answers can vary. Because smiles and funny stories...that is what
true friendship provides.
1. glue;
Exercise 1. the differences and similarities between their
Teacher Tip: ​You can have a few students school and Nueva Esperanza school. They can
ask the class what they wrote and share the say: “Our school is the same as/different from
words on the board. the Nueva Esperanza school because…”
Exercise 2.
Page 19: Writing
Answers:​ Answers can vary.
How to be a successful student
Exercise 1.
Answers:​ Answers can vary.
Page 17: Oral Communication
Let’s Play Simon Says
Teacher tip: ​The students can share their
Teacher Tip: ​Before playing the game, make ideas with the class. You can make a class
sure students understand the action verbs from poster.
the list and their correct pronunciation. You
can say the word and perform the action. Page 20: Language Through the Arts
Then, students can repeat the word and imitate Waste for School Supplies
the action. Exercise 1.
Answers:​ Answers can vary.
Teacher Tip: ​After you give the instructions,
the students can get into small groups, and Exercise 2.
take turns being the teacher to give the Teacher Tip: ​Make the poster with recycled
instructions! materials and have the students bring some
examples from their lists to make it.
Page 18: Reading
An Eco-Friendly School Page 21: Oral Communication
Teacher Tip: ​Before you start, write the word My School Protects the Environment
“Eco-friendly” on the board, and ask the Teacher Tip: ​Have the students reflect on if
students what they think it means. Point out their school is eco-friendly and what they
that “eco” has the ​same ​meaning in English could do/propose to make the school better for
and Spanish, like in ​ecologia. ​Have them read the environment. They can also compare the
the questions and learn the vocabulary before school they create with theirs to get more ideas
they read. Make sure you have the students on how to improve their school.
guess the word “community” because it is like
the Spanish word ​comunidad. Page 22: Assessment
Exercise 1. Read these sentences to the students so they
Answers: can write them down.
a. It opened/started in 2008. Script:
b. The local community pays for the school. a. Stamp your feet.
c. It gives students the skills they need. b. Turn around.
d. It is in Cabuyal beach, close to Jama in c. Cross out your name.
Manabi. d. Shake your left hand.
e. Because it uses local materials like wood, e. Walk like a robot.
cane and palm leaves.
Answers: ​a. Stamp; b. around; c. name d.
Teacher tip: ​Students can answer the same hand; e. walk
questions about the reading with information
from their own school. Then they can discuss
Page 23: Assessment
Answers: ​a. bell; b. recess; c. teacher; d. book;
e. desk

Answers: ​a. 2; b. 5; c. 1; d. 4; e. 3

Page 24: Project

Make a Booklet Called “My Classmates”

Teacher Tip: ​On the day ​before ​the project,

read the materials with the students, and
decide who is going to bring the materials. If
you don’t have a hole puncher, you can use
scissors to make the holes.

Teacher Tip: ​As these instructions are

difficult, make a sample booklet as you read
them to the students. Then, have them read
silently, then aloud to a partner. Then, begin to

Directions: First, have the students read the

directions silently. Then, read the directions
aloud to them. Ask them as a group: “What
happens first?/next/after that?” Have them
read the instructions back to you, either by
volunteering or as a group. Then, ask them
questions to see if they have understood: “ Do
you draw on the paper or fold it? Do you cut
the paper? How many holes do you make?
Where does the wool go? etc.
The students can hang their booklets around
the class, or you can keep them for a Parents’

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