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Predatory Marriage 7 Minute Briefing

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Predatory Marriage – 7 Minute Briefing

1. Introduction 2. Legislation
Predatory Marriage is the practice of In UK law, marriage and civil partnerships rely on consent. The Marriage Act 1989 requires
intentionally targeting and marrying a that two adult parties agree to a marriage, it is implicit that they understand and agree to
vulnerable (often older) person in order marry by giving informed consent which is dependent on capacity to make decisions as
to gain access to their estate and assets determined by the Mental Capacity Act 2005.
upon their death. Predatory Marriage The Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 created the criminal offence of
relies on grooming and coercion to exert forced marriage. It is a criminal offence to marry a person who lacks the mental capacity
control over another person to persuade to consent to the marriage, regardless of any pressure. It is also a crime to pressure
them to marry for financial, material or someone to marry by any means.
other gain.

3. What Does Predatory Marriage look like?

Grooming: Predators may identify a vulnerable
target and spend time “grooming” them to
7. Additional Resources and further
persuade them that they hold them in high esteem
and to make them feel valued and loved. Predators
• Predatory marriage - Ann Craft Trust
often describe themselves as the victims carer. The
• Predatory Marriage UK
predator may move into the home
• Choice & decision making in
Isolation: Predators may spend time creating
• Predatory marriage: what is it and
physical and emotional divisions between the
what you can do
individual and their friends and family to ensure
only their voice is heard in isolation.

Harassment: Predators may stimulate or create

6. What to do? conflict and division within families & friendship
• Raise concerns with networks
the registrar
• Concerns should be
reported to the
police and local 5. Things to consider
4. Signs, indicators, and examples
authority • The registrar should interview adults separately to
The signs and indicators are similar to other types
• Discuss the case ascertain capacity and consent, and stop any
of abuse, the person may appear isolated,
with the Forced marriages where concerns are raised
withdrawn, fearful or unsure about their relationship
Marriage Unit • Legally in the UK a marriage will always revoke a Will
or the people around them.
• Advise the family to so anyone who marries (or who re-marries) would
seek specialist legal need to make a new Will to be clear about their
When dementia is present, the victim may not be
advice wishes upon death.
confused or fearful. Presenting as ‘pleasantly
• Consider applying • Once married, the predator is entitled to make
confused’ should not be interpreted as consenting
for a Forced decisions regarding funeral arrangements which
Marriage Protection may eclipse any decisions made with family
One example of predatory marriage is that of JB
Order members prior to the marriage taking place.
here who was targeted in Leeds by a younger man
• Consider a ‘caveat • Predatory Marriage relies on coercive control and is a
and covertly married in November 2015, this
in expectation of form of forced marriage.
predatory marriage only came to light following her
marriage’ via a • Lasting Power of Attorney does not protect against a
death in March 2016.
specialist solicitor coercive predatory marriage

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