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Zhentarim: Welcome to the Family.

Version 1.0.1

Author, Designer and Editor

Kevin Castillo

All Original Artwork

Kym Checa

Proof Readers and Play Testers

• Kym Checa
• Néstor Pérez
• Juan Bracho

Special Thanks
Thank you to all who believed in my project
and me, particularly my family. Through your
continuous support I managed to complete this
book in a timely fashion.

And thank you Kym not only for your support

but for the mountains of time and effort you've
put in order to make this project a reality, I
really, really couldn't have done this without
you. Thank you.

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon
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This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used
with permission under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

All other original material in this work is copyright © 2021 by Kevin Castillo and published under the
Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s
imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is
entirely coincidental.

© 2021 Kevin Castillo

In this book, you’ll find a collection of ideas and resources to enhance your games with criminal
families, which in the Forgotten Realms, my setting of choice, would mean the Zhentarim. They’re not
the only option, but they’re one of the most known factions in the setting, and their existing theme
matches perfectly with this idea. Of course, the resources in this book aren’t limited to the Zhentarim;
if you want to create your own organized crime family analog feel free to adjust anything to fit your
worldbuilding needs.

For a long time, the Zhentarim has been this blanket organization of dubious morality (which more
often than not meant “the bad guys”) that we could just place in our campaigns whenever we needed
an option for the players to take the non-good route. But if you wanted something more substantial
than that, this book will help.

In this supplement, I’ve decided to expand on the faction as a whole, giving it a thematic makeover
drawing inspiration from all kinds of media that talk about the Mafia, the Yakuza and all sorts of
organized crime families. As such, “the Zhentarim” still exists as the umbrella term that covers the
whole faction. Within it, we can have different cells that can operate differently from each other with
their own rules, beliefs and operations.

The different mechanics presented in this book are designed as standalone, so you may decide to use
a few or all of them. These are meant to add that extra bit of flavor for your criminal underworld,
as well as giving Dungeon Masters and Players the tools to create their own. So feel free to mix and
match as you wish!

Chapters Overview
1. Get to know the Zhentarim and general aspects of the families within it.
2. Tools to create families and guided step-by-step creation process.
3. How the family makes and uses coin within the game. Divided into the front: Mercenary Work
and Rackets, operations that would be running on the side.
4. Expanding on the release of Tasha's Cauldron to Everything, using the Zhentarim as a Group
Patron if all the players are interested in answering to the faction.

Clarification on terminology
DM: Dungeon Master (or Game Master)
PC / PCs: Player Character(s)
NPC / NPCs: Non-Player Character(s)

© 2021 Kevin Castillo

What we have achieved as the Zhentarim is no small feat. To become a globally recognized (and feared)
enterprise. Care to take a guess what our secret is? Is it raw strength? Is it otherworldly intelligence? Or perhaps
ruthlessness, and the willingness to do anything we must? Not quite; the simple truth is: We’re family.

The Zhentarim’s greatest asset isn’t the prowess of the individual members but rather how well we work together
as a unit, reinforcing our strengths and eliminating each other’s weaknesses. Once we take a new sibling in, we
nurture them, have them grow strong and ready to achieve their ambitions, which makes us stronger as a whole.

No matter how powerful a being is, no one

can hold vast empires under their direct
Chain of Command
control; that’s why the Zhentarim operate in The current leader of the organization is the
cells, delegations, branches... or how they call Pereghost, who currently acts as the commander
it themselves: Families. of Darkhold. It is as a result of his beliefs that the
transformation of the Zhentarim has even been
Goals possible. At the same time, he takes a hands-on
approach to command the Zhents. The faction
Put simply, the Zhentarim wants one thing: to
is too vast to control personally, and he is more
make everyone in Faerûn dependant on them.
than satisfied to delegate the operations of
smaller chapters of the Zhentarim to his trusted
To achieve it, they seek to amass power;
whether that means military might, wealth or
influence, they want it all, and there’s nothing
Within the organization, members are assigned a
that will stand in their way to get it.
rank that comes along with responsibilities and
We do have a strict code of conduct that all
members live by:
1. The Zhentarim is your family. You watch Fang
out for it, and it watches out for you. This is the title given to any new sworn-in
2. You are the master of your own destiny. initiates; their duty is to carry out their superiors’
Never be less than what you deserve to be. commands.
3. Everything and everyone has a price.
Fangs must be on call at all times; if the
family needs them, they’re there. They’re also
taught early on to keep everything they do
Each family can have their own goals and operate
“on the record” with their superior officers,
vastly different from each other as long as they don’t
facilitating the management of a family and
actively go against the Zhentarim beliefs.
protecting themselves from any disputes or
misunderstandings that might arise.
• One family might strive to keep a continent at
war, continually profiting from their conflict.
Members are expected to be proactive, actively
• Another family might wish to infiltrate a
encouraged to further the family’s goals
nation’s governing body and legally control and
through their own projects, whether legitimate
bend society’s rules in their favor.
or otherwise. They can count on their family’s
support as long as their requests are reasonable.

© 2021 Kevin Castillo

Once a Fang gets enough experience and Not many make it to Ardragon; they must keep
proves they can handle further responsibilities, a clear mind to make the best possible decisions
they may be promoted to Wolf. for their family and be capable of dealing swiftly
with any unpleasantries that might plague the
They’re now seasoned members of the family, organization.
so they can be trusted with their own teams
and handle more delicate and essential Most Ardragons not only lead their own families
missions. but also issue orders to lower-ranking families.

They are given an objective and are free to Dread Lord

organize their resources as they see fit to
The highest attainable rank in the Zhentarim, a
accomplish it. As expected, they always report
Dread Lord is the embodiment of the family’s
their dealings to their assigned superior officer.
virtues; they are the highest authority second
only to the Pereghost.
A member promoted to Viper is given enough Complacency is not a trait that Zhentarim
trust to start a family of their own; however, members have, much less someone who
Vipers may choose to remain working under managed to rise this high. Dread Lords are
their mentors or find a higher-ranking member always looking to expand their influence, and
to serve. their name is known far and wide.

The Viper is a mentorship role; they have A single Dread Lord is the root of a family whose
administrative power and can recruit new domain might expand across multiple cities,
members into the family. choosing their subordinates carefully and always
creating new opportunities.
A title derived from centuries-long corruption
of the word “Irondragon” describes the ideal Associates and Muscle
person holding this rank: a hardy, veteran, Not everyone who works for (or with) the
experienced, calm-in-crisis warrior. Zhentarim is a member and is thus not granted
titles. All of these people that work with a family
When I became a Viper, it was all different. Now I are referred to as Associates.
was an officer; I commanded people I was in charge
of, I was responsible for them. Associates are not formally initiated members
of a family, however in some cases, it might be
It’s a lot of work to deal with your guys, they always of the family’s interest to keep these folk close
have something going on that you need to deal by. They provide a service that the family might
with, and of course, you still have to see the Boss need or where it would be troublesome for the
regularly, and she’d just say, “Here’s what I need public to get involved.
you to do...” and assign me a new task.
Highly sought-after associates are medics and
legal representatives or advisors, but any family
can also use shop owners, innkeepers and most
craftsmen. They carry on with their business as
usual but are expected to provide priority and
superb services to the family they’re associated

A successful relationship with an associate is

© 2021 Kevin Castillo

based on trust; they must know that they got an

ally in the family, so helping them out with any
Joining the Zhentarim
issues is second nature. Likewise, they know all Every family is entitled to their own rituals of
too well not to betray the Zhentarim’s goals. initiation and hazing. Some demand serious
proof of loyalty and even some sort of personal
The Zhentarim has worked hard to be widely sacrifice to show resolve, while others are more
known as a group of mercenaries; thus, they’re lax accepting members upon request. However,
no strangers to work that could end up with once you’re sworn in, you’re in for life.
violence. In some cases, a family can also
employ third-party brigands, thugs or other
rowdy folks. These are simply called Muscle. Before we grant you the privilege of joining our
family, you must prove that you’re loyal, that you’re
Muscle is often used when direct family a good earner, and that you can handle the life.
involvement is deemed unnecessary or when
the family needs to be discreet about their
The most common initiation method is to be
Adventurers could be considered either
referred by an already sworn member, or the
Associates or Muscle, depending on the
aspirant could proactively find one existing
nature of their involvement with the family.
member and express their desire to join. Then
Adventurers that accrue renown may be known
the at the member’s discretion, they’d take the
internally within the faction by honorary titles
request to their superiors for approval.
but aren’t granted any actual titles by the family
until they’re sworn-in.
Once the referral has been approved by the
family head, the aspirant is subject to a test that
depends entirely on who is evaluating. Some
might be inconspicuous, and some may be
grimmer than others.

Some examples:
• Deliver a package to a cryptic address without
being found out.
• Acquire an item from a secure location by any
means necessary.
• Defeat all other aspirants in combat.
• Have the aspirant do a task, then stage a
capture by the family and see if the aspirant
would sell them out after an interrogation.

More dangerous missions like assassination

or kidnapping are usually reserved for trusted
members who have proven their resolve, not
willing to risk exposure by pushing an unsworn
aspirant too far.

Once the aspirant completes the test and is

deemed satisfactory by the examiner, they are
called to participate in a formal ritual where they
swear loyalty to the family and are bestowed the
title of Fang.

© 2021 Kevin Castillo

Rising through the Ranks

Members earn higher ranks through merit
after investing a great deal of time and effort,
climbing one rank at a time, except in sporadic
and extraordinary cases where a higher
ranking member might choose to fast-track
an incredibly skilful member and have them
“skip” lower ranks.

Player characters can accumulate renown

to earn ranks as written on the Dungeon
Master’s Guide. It’s possible to do the same
for NPCs, but it’s recommended to simplify
this process.

Storytelling Method
Ignore the tables and decide what feels right
for your story! Having recurring NPCs earn
or lose ranks due to player involvement can
enhance the gameplay of any group. Scheme Length Table
Current Rank Length of Scheme (in months)
If the party’s influence benefits the NPC, they Fang 3 (or 1d6)
will cultivate a powerful ally, but they’re just Wolf 7 (or 2d6)
as likely to create their very own villain if they
Viper 15 (or 3d8)
oppose them.
Ardragon 25 (or 5d10)
This approach opens the door for more
organic encounters with Zhentarim members
who might seek out the party for a quest (or
Scheme Success Table
for revenge!). Roll Result
1-5 The scheme fails, takes 2d6 months longer
Schemes Method and the agent has to pay a heavy price.
This is a more involved method that can add (The agent dies on a roll of 1!)
a timeframe for events while planning the 6-15 The scheme fails and the agent has to pay a
campaign. heavy price.
16-30 The scheme fails and takes 2d6 months
Any NPC whose rank the DM needs to track longer.
can start a scheme whose length depends 31-50 The scheme fails.
on their current rank. Consult the Scheme 51-60 The scheme succeeds but it takes 2d6
Length Table to establish how long the months longer.
character will need to run their scheme.
61-70 The scheme succeeds but the agent has to
pay a heavy price.
Then roll on the Scheme Success Table to
71-90 The scheme succeeds.
determine the outcome.
91-95 The scheme succeeds in half the time.
96-99 The scheme succeeds in 1/3 of the time.
100 The scheme succeeds in 1/4 of the time.

© 2021 Kevin Castillo

When the table reads “agent pays a heavy price”,

it might be anything that would affect the agent
Family Iconography
negatively. Some examples: Globally the Zhentarim outfits their members
• Death or Injury of a close person. with the iconic Black and Gold colors, and they’re
• Crippling Debt (for the agent or friend) encouraged to carry the symbol of the faction
• Injury (Temporary or Permanent - like broken (Flying Snake) with them.
bones or the loss of a limb)
• Out of comission (In Jail or in a Comma) The type of clothing worn usually depends on
• The agent loses a rank (only when the scheme the location and culture.
fails) • Families in Waterdeep might opt for a more
elegant style and well-presented.
Whenever a scheme table uses time, it’s written • Those who operate in deserts like the
in months for convenience. If your campaign Anauroch will naturally seek protection from
would benefit from a faster or slower time frame, the elements and comfort, wearing loose-
feel free to adjust it as you see fit. fitting cotton and head wrappings.
• The ones that brave the rugged North would
I recommend easy-to-track units of time, such as: have thick fur capes and other warm clothing.
• Tendays
• Months (3 Tendays) Coat of Arms
• Years (12 Months)
To further represent themselves, each family
has its own coat of arms, a symbol to identify
themselves. The family head must make sure
Sample Scheme their members can recognize such symbols to
Moe ‘the Hammer’ a Zhentarim Viper wants avoid confrontation with other families. If one
to ascend to Ardragon, so he sets out on a of these regrettable events were to happen, the
scheme. members would know which family to hold
Since he’s a Viper, he’d need to spend 15
months on this scheme. Feel free to make your own or consult the Coat
of Arms table for inspiration. A symbol can be
During this time, Moe will be running anything, but we recommend to keep it simple,
errands, expanding his influence and so it’s easy to replicate.
looking for opportunities. At the end of the
15 months (provided there’s no delays or
breakthroughs), he’ll either succeed or will Coat of Arms Table
see his scheme fail and cut his losses before Roll Symbol
trying again later. (d8)
1 Elements: Water, Earth, Fire, Air
If sought out, Moe would be busy carrying
out his scheme, but if the characters were to 2 Snakes: coiled, stretched, ouroboros,
press on and meet him before the date, his infinity
mood might reflect his results: eager and 3 Geometric Shapes
proud or frustrated and desperate. 4 Body parts: Eye, Hand, Foot
5 Weapons or Armor
That being said, the player characters could
6 Stylized Letters
significantly impact the Zhent’s success (whether
positively or negatively) and completely change 7 Celestial Bodies: Sun, Moon, Stars, Clouds
the outcome after their interaction. 8 Animals: Wolves, Horses, Lions, Eagles,
Gryphons, Dragons

© 2021 Kevin Castillo

Family Fashion (Uniforms)

The classic Black and Gold Zhentarim look is Garment Quirk Table
preferred, but it doesn’t have to be limiting, all Roll The outstanding feature is:
family members are welcome to accessorize as (d20)
they see fit, and some families take a step further 1 Half of it is a different color.
and create uniforms to spot their members at a 2 Half of it is of a different size.
glance. 3 Has a visible bite or claw mark.
4 Has a vibrant color.
This could be as simple as wearing a plain brooch
with your family Coat of Arms or as extravagant 5 Has a checkered pattern.
as you want it to be. 6 Glitters.
7 Glows faintly in the dark.
Feel free to make your own design, or if you’re 8 Has a distinctive smell.
looking for inspiration, roll on the Uniform 9 Has feathers attached.
Garment Table to select what garment to use 10 Has visible blood stains.
for the uniform and then roll (sparingly) on the
11 Part of it is see-through.
Garment Quirk Table to customize it.
12 Loose fitting.
Uniform Garment Table 13 Tight fitting.
Roll Garment 14 Makes a faint sound when moving.
(d10) 15 Has the family symbol.
1 Upper body (Shirt, Armor, Harness, 16 Puffy.
Shoulderpads). 17 Reversible.
2 Lower body (Pants, Skirts). 18 Has tassels.
3 Jewelery (Rings, Earrings, Necklaces, 19 Is in tatters.
Bracelets). 20 Is made of an uncommon material.
4 Ties (Necktie, Bowtie, Cravat).
5 Headwear (Headband, Hat, Masks,
6 Outerwear (Overcoat, Scarf, Cape, Tabard).
7 Footwear (Boots, Sandals).
8 Belt or Sash.
9 Gloves or Sleeves.
10 Piercings or Tattoo.

© 2021 Kevin Castillo

So you want to lead your own family, eh? Good on you! You’ve got people who you trust, and they
depend on you. You know very well how we operate and have shown how competent you are.

A free piece of advice: Don’t make this about you; surround yourself with strong, talented and loyal
individuals and do your best to keep them satisfied.

Don’t let us down, and more importantly, for your sake, don’t let your people down.

This chapter’s purpose is to highlight aspects of proven themselves as capable yet. Also, people
family creation, a bundle of small details that won’t be very eager to put their lives in the
added up form an unique, recognizable family. hands of just anyone.
As well as what the management side of it would
look like to better understand what the higher
officials deal with routinely. 2. Rules
Every organization has its own set of rules to
follow. Ultimately, the family’s primary goal has
Step-by-Step Creation to align with the Zhentarim’s, but the steps to
Your first step in creating a family is to imagine achieve it are up to the family’s judgment.
what it will be like. Are you a small-time band
looking to grow and climb the ranks? Or a Don’t stress trying to think of every activity, just
long-lasting successful empire that oversees the those that would define the family the best. If
dealings of a continent? it’s not bound to happen often, it’s safe to just
ignore it. And you don’t need to fill out every
We’ll present options as guidelines to help you section either.
reach the vision in your head. It’s unnecessary to
use the exact numbers in this section, a struggling As you assign activities to the different
family might have a hard time getting what’s categories, think of how regularly it should be
considered average, and an affluent one might done or if it’s a permanent rule. Some examples:
have more assets than they know what to do • Members must donate to a charity every other
with. month.
• Members must participate in our internal
tournaments at least once a year.
1. Family Head • Members are forbidden to deal with drugs.
The pillar of the family can be a character
that already exists or a completely new one. Mandatory Activities: Members who fail to
Characters with high Intelligence, Wisdom or engage in these activities will be punished.
Charisma scores often make good leaders.
Encouraged Activities: These further the
The head’s rank is also essential, as it will reflect family’s goals, participants might be rewarded
on the family as a whole. This will be referenced upon completion, but there’s no punishment for
later in this chapter to determine aspects of the not participating.
family. The lowest title that a Head can hold Discouraged Activities: This is the grey area of
is Viper; anyone with a lesser title just hasn’t what’s allowed, members who engage in these
© 2021 Kevin Castillo

activities might be reprimanded, and those Viper’s Nest

who continuously engage in them will be Equivalent: Guildhall
punished accordingly. Standard Cost: 5.000 gp
Upkeep: 10 gp per day
Punishment Laws: Rules exist for a reason, Garrison: 10 (or 2d6+3) agents.
and members should know what they stand to
lose should they disobey the family’s rules. Ardragon’s Lair
Equivalent: Keep or Small Castle
Standard Cost: 50.000 gp
3. Name and Iconography Upkeep: 100 gp per day.
Now that you have a clearer picture of the Garrison: 50 (or 2d20 + 40) agents.
family in your head, it’s time to think of a
name, one that will echo respect among the Dread Lord’s Dark Bastion
Zhentarim and fear on your enemies. Equivalent: Palace or Large castle.
Standard Cost: 500.000 gp
The family name could be just the founder Upkeep: 400gp per day.
head’s surname, or it could be more colorful to Garrison: 150 (or 5d20+100) agents.
represent a vision, ideal or just straight edge.
The Dungeon Master's Guide has a section that
Finally, you should look to create a Coat shows the costs of acquisition and maintenance for
of Arms for your family and optionally a such structures. Still, if the family happened to fall
uniform. You can find examples of all this in into the possession of an appropriate dwelling for
Chapter 1. any reason (often a quest result), they can be used
as headquarters without issues.
4. Headquarters
Every family needs a place to call home. To When a family fails to control a center appropriate
outsiders, it’s a representation of the family’s for the head’s rank for longer than 1 month, its
power; to its members, it’s a place of respite members have disadvantage on Charisma checks
where they can go and meet with their fellow when dealing with Zhentarim matters until
brothers and receive orders. resolved.
The headquarters must be a reflection of your
family’s rank. Being a powerful family who
happens to run their executive meetings in
the back room of a small tavern can make
others (whether family members or not)
question your ability to wield your power

These stations have analogue buildings in

other resources. Also, these will be listed with
a garrison of Zhentarim members to protect
the headquarters from outside threats.

© 2021 Kevin Castillo

5. Members
And the final step, decide how many members
Family Contributions
the family has and what their ranks are.
All members bring in coin from their affairs
(the going rate is 20% from their income - up
Here we’ll give you an idea of the average
to negotiation as always).
size of a family appropriate to its rank. The
recommended ratio is approximately 4:1 for
Most of these contributions are used to pay
each rank.
for the household expenses (that is, stocking
the armory, providing medical care, training,
Meaning, for every 4 Fangs, you have 1 Wolf;
etc.) and, most important: used to pay the
for every 4 Wolves, you have 1 Viper, and
headquarters costs and upkeep. As you can
so on. This way, a Dread Lord commands 4
imagine, managing a family is an expensive
Ardragons, 16 Vipers, 64 Wolves, and 256
endeavor, but given the nature of their
Fangs, totalling a family of 341 members.
activities, the Zhentarim often comes up on
The numbers don’t need to be exact, feel free
to adjust to best fit your concept. If you have a
The excess contributions are stored in secure
family that forgoes member count in favor of
vaults across the family’s domain, accessible
individual strength or vice versa, go for it.
only by the family heads and members &
associates with clearance.
Consider that the higher the member’s rank,
the less likely they will remain working under
This could lead to exciting story elements; for
someone else instead of creating their own
example: when the family takes a significant
family. The notable exception to this “rule” is
member loss, they might not have enough
when they feel close to succeeding the head
inflow to keep paying the expenses; thus
or an official. As said before, a member of the
pushing those in charge for a more drastic
Zhentarim will never be the subordinate of
another member with a lower ranking than
their own, but they might work for someone
On Wealth
with their same rank.
Of course, there are major Zhentarim
operations that bring in mountains of coin.
Members don’t need to stay in the
These are best reserved for players as quest
headquarters; they can embark on enterprises
to expand the family’s domain. Higher-ranking
members can form smaller outposts along with
Feel free to track (or not) the family’s wealth
lower-ranking ones while remaining in the
as you see fit; you can use the headquarters
upkeep and garrison as a guide to imagine
how much the family would need to be
For example: The Third Eye Family has their
earning to stay in the green.
headquarters in Neverwinter, where the head:
an Ardragon, commands most of the forces. A
Obviously, the family head is not the only
loyal Viper sets out with 20 Fangs and 4 Wolves
one responsible for paying the bills. They
to set up an outpost in Luskan, establishing a
would only be expected to contribute the
foothold for the Third Eye Family.
usual 20% from their own funds (but who’s
counting anyway?). After all, a successful
business runs on its own profits.

© 2021 Kevin Castillo

Board of Directors Roles and associated ability:

The family success depends on cooperation; • Secretary: adds Intelligence.
having capable people in charge of operations • Administrator: adds Wisdom.
can give the whole organization an advantage. • Marshal: adds Charisma.

This is a full-time role, so it’s best reserved for

NPCs, though there may be compelling storylines
Specialist Roles
where a character earns a seat on a higher They can be either members or associates.
ranking member’s board of directors. Hiring these specialists represents a
commitment to significant changes to the culture
Since being part of the board is a full-time role, and operations in the family.
they need to be paid for their work. Feel free to
price these positions as you see fit, but don’t go Specialists give significant advantages to a
any lower than 2gp per day, as that’s the rate family, but they don’t usually come cheap.
for a (lowly) skilled hireling. Some characters Some of them might only be willing to join and
might demand further compensation, either as a provide their services after fulfilling a favor
reflection of their skills or greed. (usually a quest) for them.

A family can have a limited amount of

Lead Advisors specialists at once, depending on the head’s
The closest advisors to the family head, giving rank. A Viper can seat 2 specialists, an Ardragon
exceptional counsel to other members is vital for can hire 3, and a Dread Lord 4. And since it’s a
success. When making an Ability Check directly prestigious role, family members often compete
related to the family, a member can add half the to earn it.
modifier (rounded up) associated with a seated
member’s Ability Score (minimum 0).

© 2021 Kevin Castillo

Some of these roles are:

• Ringleader: For a fee, they can rouse
bandits, thugs or similar NPCs to get
involved in fights or create distractions.
• Public Relations: They plan community
services (such as cleaning the streets or
building orphanages or schools). This makes
the family very favorable in the public eye.
• Flying Snake Rancher: They breed and
train Flying Snakes to be used by the
family, their most common use is to carry
correspondence swiftly and discretely.
Zhentarim mages can also choose the
Flying Snake as a special form for their Find
Familiar spells.
• Master of the Horse: They can provide and
deliver trained mounts to family members
for a fee.
• Wicked Bishop: They can allow the
recruitment of acolytes or similar NPCs.
Also, can summon fiends in exchange for a
Expanding the family
favor. Any family that pledges their allegiance to
• Loan Sharks: They can provide loans at another is henceforth known as a Subsidiary
very affordable rates reserved for family family (e.g., Ironguard Family: a subsidiary of
members. (Up to 5000 gp at a 10% interest the Black Claw Family). As with their members,
per tenday) a family will never pledge allegiance to another
family of a lower rank.
Create your own specialist!
This arrangement creates benefits and duties
Having specialists represents how the family for both parties. The subsidiary receives orders
takes shape after their executives, embracing from the liege family and must carry them out
new ideas and improving as a result. diligently. In return, the liege family must aid
and protect the subsidiaries as if they were their
Think about what the purpose of the specialist own.
• To enable the recruitment of unusual units Acquiring Subsidiaries
that the family wouldn’t have access to
Members of the Zhentarim are no strangers to
otherwise. (Humanoid or not).
power struggles. To achieve a family’s goals, they
• To add unique resources to benefit family
often have to expand beyond their reach and to
operations. (vehicles, gadgets, magic items,
do so, they’ll need subsidiaries.
• To grant members access to particular
The family’s rank influences how many
services. (long-range communication,
subsidiaries a family can have. Vipers can
teleportation, smuggling, etc.)
have 1, 2 for Ardragons and 3 for Dread Lords.
• To stockpile coin or other funds.
With an additional amount equal to the family
• To create opportunities (infiltrate the
head’s Wisdom Modifier (minimum 0), the
nobility, create distractions, plants in the
Administrator’s bonus is taken into account if
town guard, etc.)
one is employed by the family. (See the Board of
• Anything else you can think of! But make
Directors section earlier in this chapter).
sure to discuss with the DM and ask for

© 2021 Kevin Castillo

Through Diplomacy One such case might be if a family has proof

It’s in both families’ best interest to settle that another is going against the code of the
these matters without spilling blood. A family Zhentarim.
can become a subsidiary to another through
negotiation and contracts. The conflict might be fought over a set of
skirmishes or sabotages until one side relents and
To recruit another family as a subsidiary, the the family head surrenders, offering serfdom to
liege family must have an opportunity to do so. be spared.
If they have a good relationship, maybe all they
need to do is ask. Still, in most cases, families Reckless conquest might draw the ire of higher-
must show goodwill before starting negotiation ranking families or could see several other
(often by completing requests from the other families forming a coalition against your threat.
family). (At the DM’s discretion)

After communication has been established,

they can present the subject of acquiring a new Losing Subsidiaries
subsidiary, which could take place in-game Suppose the liege family continually exploits
as a role-playing opportunity or a set of skill or abuses the branch family or fails to honor
challenges often involving Charisma. any promises that lead to the subsidiary’s
establishment. In that case, they can decide to
When there’s a clear difference in power, families split off from the liege family.
are more likely to accept such an arrangement, as
represented by the following table: Such an event never comes without warning; the
subsidiary’s representative should be in regular
communication with the liege family’s head and
Difference in Family Rank DC will bring up their displeasures if they exist. If
Same rank 25 the offences aren’t resolved, they might present
One rank below 20 some harsh demands as an ultimatum to stay as
Two ranks below 15 subsidiaries.

Through Conquest Should a subsidiary separate and become

While wanton violence between Zhentarim independent again, they take any operations they
families is against the rules, there might be hold and their own subsidiaries with them.
situations where one might find justification for
such fights.

© 2021 Kevin Castillo

Coin might not be our primary interest but no-one can deny how important it is for present-day
endeavours. The more resources we have available to us, the better, and why shouldn’t we earn a little
bonus on the side?

Sure, you could just stick to the mercenary bit but remember, the family brought you in so you can
earn for yourself, and in turn, earn for the family. Use our resources, grow and prosper, but at the end
of the day do not forget that 20%

Here we aim to create revenue flow to ourselves Our Mission Statement

and by extension, our family. But it goes beyond “We empower the people to achieve their
just doing work, we do it our way, the Zhentarim ambitions at affordable prices.”
way. Our success depends on our client’s success.
The more satisfactory our services, the more the
The simplest way is to lean into our reputation as people will rely on us, which places us closer to
mercenaries. The world is a dangerous place and our goals.
people often find themselves in need to get rid of
such dangers. That’s where we come in. Anyone can hire our services; as long as the coin
is good, the Zhentarim is willing to take on any
job. The only exceptions being any request that
We are Mercenaries would jeopardize the family in any way.
Thanks to the Zhentarim’s efforts over the
years, we have established ourselves as the most
effective mercenary company. Mercenary Work
Being mercenaries is the Zhentarim’s face;
undoubtedly, we have a particular way of doing
business. Every family has their own process
Our unfortunate history tailored to their needs, but the general procedure
remains the same.
Indeed, we all carry the scars from our past, the
Zhentarim was once filled to the brim with evil
schemers, hellbent on conquering the world, but 1. Meeting with the Client
that’s long gone, honest. Obviously, there can be no job if we don’t have
clients. Once the Client comes to the family with
Under new, better management, we’re now but a request, an appointed agent must listen and
mercenaries united under one banner looking to conduct an interview to get all the information
provide the best service that coin can buy. If you required.
need something done, anything, and you want it
done the right way, you know who to hire. This would not only help with planning for the
job but also to price it fairly.

© 2021 Kevin Castillo

Some of the questions the agent might ask are: “How will the Client pay for this job?”

“What is the nature of the job?” The family’s services are affordable, and even in
cases the Client lacks the coin outright, they can
In other words: The quest objective. make payment arrangements.

Gathering The Client might need us to acquire The Client can decide to pay upfront, which
a certain amount of items on their is preferred, of course; however, clients might
behalf. choose to pay half upfront and half upon
Extermination Eliminate one or more targets. completion.
Whether a monster or otherwise,
we don’t judge. In case the Client is short of coin, the family
Delivery We can safely take any kind might propose to take their cut from the mission
of package, precious items, or itself if they expect it will be sufficient. In some
escort important “guests” to a particular cases, the agents might be willing to do
predetermined destination. the task in exchange for a favor from the Client.
Tracking We can send our agents to find Be warned, the Zhentarim is not a charity; there
what you’re after, if it’s information must be fair pay for fair services.
or a creature or otherwise you can
count on us. Insufficient Details
Exploration Maybe you’ve inherited a remote In some cases, the Client will not know the
property and you want to make exact aspects required for the job; when this
sure it’s safe. uncertainty exists, it’s better for everyone
Guarding Our agents will keep anything or involved to overestimate. And if the family were
anyone safe. to suffer any losses due to the Client concealing
Other The family is more than willing to information, it’s safe to assume the Client
take on any reasonable requests won’t be happy when the family comes seeking
from their clients. retribution.

“Should we expect combat?” In other cases, the Client simply doesn’t have the
information required to estimate the job correctly.
The Zhentarim doesn’t shy away from armed A better arrangement would be to have the Client
conflicts; it’s in the very nature of being hire us for an intelligence-gathering mission
mercenaries, after all. and then work out a new contract with this new
knowledge at hand.
Any job that doesn’t require combat is
considerably cheaper, but when there’s doubt,
it’s better to expect it than not.

“How long will the mission take?”

Would the mission be a one-day deal? Or does it

need the family’s involvement for longer? (when
guarding an area, for example).

Extensions can be arranged for, but it is often

cheaper to hire the family’s services for the total
amount at once, as trying to fit an extension
might conflict with other appointments.

© 2021 Kevin Castillo

2. Confirm the Job doesn’t conflict 4. Do the Job

This might seem like an obvious step. But we
with family business pride ourselves in our effectiveness and have
This is the main reason every Zhentarim member a reputation to uphold. The family will stop at
must keep their activities on the record with their nothing to see the job to completion.
superiors. Family heads often keep in touch with
each other to ensure one’s family activities aren’t As long as it contributes to the success of the
encroaching into those of other families. mission, nothing is off-limits. After all, the Client
hired us to get something done; they don’t really
In the case of such a conflict, the family must care how we do it.
decide if accepting the new request would be
favorable in the long term. Or they could propose Outsourcing
a compromise and only take on the new request When the job calls for it the family can spare
after the conflicting task is finished. resources to hire third parties to assist with the
missions, often times this means to hire extra
Finally, remember that a failed mission hurts us muscle to support the family’s agents. They can
more than if we had not accepted it at all. come along for the job or even create a distraction
somewhere else.
3. Inform the Client about the results
When the mission calls for it the family could
of their request hire adventurers to get parts of this mission done
According to family policies, whether through a while eliminating the risk for our members. If this
meeting or just delivering a message, the Client was the old times, the Zhentarim could have tried to
must be informed whether their request will be dispose of these helpers, but that’s not how we operate
accepted or not. anymore.

Usually, a group of 3 to 5 agents would deal with a single mission, for jobs that require more agents,
increase the price accordingly for each group involved.

The following table has some example missions that the family might be hired for, assuming they wouldn’t
last over a tenday. The prices listed are an approximation, feel free to change as needed.

Tier Risk Agent Rank Example Price (gp)

D Minimal Fang No combat expected. Delivering a package within a 5

city, Finding a missing pet
C Low Fang, Wolf Simple combat is a possibility. Guarding a location 60
or a caravan, capturing thieves, supressing a wild
animal rampage.
B Moderate Wolf, Viper Serious risk of death. Being bodyguards of a VIP, 200
clearing a monster’s den.
A High Viper, Ardragon Espionage, completing a major heist, assassinating 3000
an official.
Z Ultimate Ardragon, Dread Drive a Dragon away from the region, steal 100000*
Lord classified state secrets.

*Higher risk missions (particularly Z-Tier) might only be done in exchange for a favor with a major authority or
powerful being, as these would be far more valuable than the amount of coin the family would be earning.

© 2021 Kevin Castillo

Rackets Running a Racket

Becoming the best is often an expensive The racket owner must make a check at the
endeavor. No matter what path you choose to end of every period to determine its success.
gain power, it’s likely to involve funds, sure you Work with the DM to determine how long these
could go legit and take the long way, but why do periods will be. The recommended period is at
so when there’s so much coin just lying around the end of each month.
waiting to be picked up?
There are two key stats everyone who owns a
Rackets are “side hustles”, activities that family racket must keep track of: Heat and Dread.
members have going on the side to earn extra
coin for themselves.
Obtaining a Racket All activities draw attention, and if you’re
constantly spotted doing shady dealings, it might
There’s different ways to come into possession of draw the attention of undesirable folk.
your very own racket.
• Starting it up yourself. By far the most Heat is a value between 0 and 100. It determines
common way, a Zhentarim agent can use if your racket becomes the target of a raid (more
their contacts to secure a racket and once they on that later in the Raids section of this chapter).
pay the Acquisition Cost they’re free to start Each racket has its own heat value that will
managing it on their own. increase its owner’s Heat on each period. Any
• Quest Reward. A racket could be obtained for leftover Heat remains for the next period.
free as result of a quest. Work with the DM to
make this happen.
• Assignment. Sometimes your superiors might Dread
entrust a racket to you, either temporarily Whether by fear or respect (or fast-talking),
or permanently (often without regard for the common folk won’t make a fuss of your
your Racket Capacity). Failing to keep activities, hoping they bring in more good than
these running successfuly might bring dire bad. Dread is a resource that is spent to avoid
consequences. incoming raids.

You have a pool of Dread points equal to your

Racket Capacity Charisma modifier (minimum 1) times the Dread
A member of the Zhentarim can efficiently Multiplier.
hold as many rackets as their Wisdom modifier,
if this is exceeded, they will have to roll all
checks involved with running the rackets at Rank Dread Multiplier
a disadvantage as it’s too much for them to Fang 1
Wolf 2
Viper 3
The Sitdown Ardragon 4
Dread Lord 5
When an officer needs to discuss important
family matters with their subordinates, they
call for a sitdown: a face-to-face meeting
(usually) while sitting down. The Dread pool replenishes at the start of every
This is held behind closed doors and often in period, and any unspent points at the end are
small, intimate spaces, and no one is allowed to lost.
leave until the discussion is formally over.

© 2021 Kevin Castillo

For each one of your rackets, you’ll need to go

through the following steps.
Raids are combat encounters that take place in
the venue of your Racket. The DM decides on the
1. Check for Success strength of the attacking force; these have the sole
Each racket is listed with a DC. This is an mission of ruining your business.
Intelligence ability check, roll the d20 and then
check with the following table. A Raid doesn’t need to take place immediately as
the period ends. The DM could warn the players
Racket Success Table that a raid may happen within the next few days,
d20 Outcome but always before the next period.
Success by The Racket generates double the It is possible for more than one Raid to happen
5 or more profits. simultaneously. Every Racket that triggered a
Success The Racket generates profits as usual. raid becomes a different encounter.

Failure The Racket generates no profits. You must choose which, if any, to defend
personally (preferably along with your
Failure by The Racket generates no profits and adventuring party). But a single person can’t
5 or more adds double the Heat. be in multiple places at the same time. If you or
your allies fail to show up to a Raid, the Raid
2. Increase Heat automatically succeeds.
Each racket is listed with a dice formula labelled
“Heat”. Roll the indicated dice and add the result If your family has any subsidiaries available (see
to your Heat. Chapter 2), you can call upon them to reinforce
any of these locations. Any subsidiary can
only defend one Racket per period at the DM’s
3. Check Heat for Raids discretion.
Roll a d100; if the result is equal or lower than
your current Heat, reset your Heat to 0 and take Calling in reinforcements doesn’t guarantee a
note of the current racket, it will be the target of a successful defence. If the DM decides a location
Raid! didn’t have enough defenders, the Raid succeeds.

3.1 Use Dread

You can spend points from your Dread pool to
Raid Objective
increase the result of the d100; if this makes the Every Raid has a set objective. The raiders aren’t
result higher than your current Heat, the Raid looking for bloodshed but won’t hesitate to get
doesn’t happen. violent if needed. Some example objectives are:
• Taking out targets of interest (such as
Even if a Raid is triggered, you must continue managers or business partners) by capturing
with your other rackets until you’ve checked all or killing them a the raiders’ choice.
of them. • Damaging the property (whether the building
or the product).
Once you’ve completed this process for all • Steal an essential item (documents,
your rackets, the period is completed, and you prototypes, etc.).
should be able to collect any profits at the DM’s
discretion. Even if all the raiders are ultimately killed, the
Raid succeeds if they achieve their objective.

Once the goal is completed, the raiders should

focus on escaping.

© 2021 Kevin Castillo

Raid Success Liquidate

Any time a Raid succeeds, the raided Racket is One option is to Liquidate the Racket, explained
marked as Foiled. further in the Downtime Activities section. This
allows the owner to make some of their coin
Foiled Rackets
When a Racket is facing significant issues, it Abandoning
is considered Foiled. Such rackets make their A racket can be abandoned at the end of any
success rolls at a disadvantage and with a -5 period, leaving it in ruins.
Missing Payments
If anything requires a Foiled racket to become At the end of each period, the owner must pay
Foiled again, the Racket is lost. the upkeep cost of a racket. Any racket that
misses this payment becomes Foiled.
To remove the Foiled status, the owner can
either pay half the Acquisition Cost for repairs or Other
engage in the Restore Racket activity explained in At the DM’s discretion, anyone could lose a
the Downtime Activities section. racket. This could result from breaking the
family’s rules or after upsetting a superior officer,
Losing a Racket or for other story reasons.

The racket owner might decide that the Racket is

more trouble than it’s worth and might want to
get rid of it as a result.

© 2021 Kevin Castillo

Downtime Activities A character can attempt to sell by making a DC20

Charisma (Persuasion) check, if it succeeds they
Rackets are designed to run on the side, as the can sell their Racket for half the Acquisition Cost,
family member is occupied with more pressing or 10% if the Racket is Foiled.
tasks. If anyone would prefer a more hands-on
approach to managing their businesses, they can
spend their downtime doing different activities. Racket List
Some rackets examples are presented in the
The following activities take an entire period following section. The racket description gives
(month) each to complete. the racket’s name, Acquisition Cost, Upkeep
Cost, DC, and other relevant properties. As well
as a suggested location for raids. The DM may
Support Racket adjust any of these values.
An agent can personally oversee their business,
focusing their efforts to make a profit.
Coin Laundering
A character who engages in this downtime This racket involves owning a "legitimate"
activity can choose one of their rackets and make business that provides members of your family
the racket’s success check with advantage on and associates with a service to make their
their next period. ill-acquired coin appear to have come from a
legitimate source, whether by falsifying a receipt
or by selling a product at a ridiculous markup.
Lay Low
When Heat builds up too much, a character can Acquisition Cost: 2200 gp
take some time off the action to get prying eyes Upkeep Cost: 80 gp
away from them. Difficulty Class: 12
Earnings: 4d6 x 10 (140) gp + 40 gp
For the next period skip all the racket checks, Heat: increases 1d6
thus, generating no profits nor heat. Instead the
character makes a DC 15 Wisdom (Stealth) check. Suggested Location: The business place used as
If the check succeeds, the character lowers their a front for the underhanded deals.
current heat by 2d10.

The character must still pay the upkeep of their Community Service
rackets as usual. This racket requires a team of public relations
agents thinking up schemes to improve the
people’s opinion of your family. These might
Restore Racket include funding or building schools, orphanages
If a Racket is foiled, a character can spend their and the like, providing humanitarian relief
downtime trying to fix any issues with it. aid in times of need, or even cleaning up the
Choose one of your Foiled rackets. If the upkeep
cost of the Racket is paid on this period, the Acquisition Cost: 1200 gp
Racket loses its Foiled status. Upkeep Cost: 100 gp
Difficulty Class: 8
Liquidate Racket Earnings: none.
Heat: removes 1d10+5
While “selling the racket” isn’t as simple as
just finding a buyer, a family member can sell
Suggested Location: The office where the public
their assets through their network. (real estate,
relations team work might keep records of said
information and contacts, or leftover product).
schemes and other potentially incriminating
© 2021 Kevin Castillo

Fraud Manufacturing
This racket involves employing a team of This racket requires the making of and selling
charlatans that will come up with schemes to illicit or restricted goods. It doesn’t matter if the
convince people to willingly give up their goods product is genuine or a forgery. In some cases,
or information. This could mean impersonating the “real” manufactured product is disguised
officials, or setting up an organization as a facade, inside another inconspicuous looking one.
such as a “healing” temple, or even selling a
placebo. Acquisition Cost: 1500 gp
Upkeep Cost: 250 gp
Acquisition Cost: 1500 gp Difficulty Class: 17
Upkeep Cost: 100 gp Earnings: 6d6 x 20 (420) gp
Difficulty Class: 15 Heat: increases 2d10
Earnings: 3d6 x 20 (200) gp + 20 gp
Heat: increases 1d8+5 Suggested Location: The warehouse storing the
illicit goods.
Suggested Location: The fake place of the
charade is attacked while the scam is taking
place. Panhandling
People are often willing to part with coin; this
racket involves employing staff to ask for it.
Gambling Whether directly asking for donations posing as a
For this racket, one must own a venue (often charity or by trying a roundabout, deceptive way,
hidden) where folk can gamble. This could be such as pretending to be beggars or using urchins
a gaming house, a sports arena, a fighting pit, to ask for handouts.
and the like. The bookies would take a cut on
the owner’s behalf from all the bets placed, and Acquisition Cost: 120 gp
sometimes the outcome of a match might be Upkeep Cost: 15 gp
predetermined. Difficulty Class: 10
Earnings: 1d6 x 10 (35) gp + 20 gp
Acquisition Cost: 3000 gp Heat: increases 1d4
Upkeep Cost: 150 gp
Difficulty Class: 15 Suggested Location: A nondescript building
Earnings: 1d6 x 100 (350) gp where the panhandlers come in and deposit their
Heat: increases 2d4+4 collected coin.

Suggested Location: A clandestine fighting pit,

packed with people cheering on their chosen Protection
fighter in a match. This racket involves convincing people, often
through intimidation, to pay a fee to keep their
businesses or homes safe from dangers, such as
thievery, harassment, or what could happen if
Tried and true
they didn’t pay the price.
Owning multiple of the same racket is perfectly
Acquisition Cost: 250 gp
fine; just make sure to differentiate them when
Upkeep Cost: 20 gp
keeping track of them.
Difficulty Class: 15
Earnings: 3d6 x 10 (100) gp
For example, both “Toy Factory” Manufacturing
Heat: increases by 1d6+7
and “Art Forgeries” Manufacturing are the same
racket types.
Suggested location: A city street where some of
the protected shops are attacked.

© 2021 Kevin Castillo

There are people or items that others consider Create your own racket
more valuable than coin. This racket involves
If you have a scheme in your head, make sure to
acquiring the said meaningful item or person and
work with your DM to make it a reality.
offering the owner a price in exchange for its safe
As a general rule, for a Racket to be very
profitable, it should either generate a lot of
Acquisition Cost: 4500 gp
Heat, have a high DC or be difficult to acquire.
Upkeep Cost: 600 gp
Difficulty Class: 26
There are three elements to consider when
Earnings: 4d6 x 100 (1400) gp
creating one, and you shouldn’t pick more than
Heat: increases 2d6+10
• Easy. Lower DC meaning more consistent
Suggested location: A secluded or
inconspicuous tower with a room where the
• Safe. Generates little to no Heat, meaning
captive is held at.
fewer raids over time.
• Profitable. Earnings are considerably larger
Smuggling than the Upkeep Cost.
This racket involves secretly transporting
restricted or illicit merchandise or people into or Creating rackets with all three might even be
out of a particular location, especially without a reward for characters that complete an epic
paying tariffs imposed by the local authorities. adventure!
This racket usually involves a great deal of risk
for everyone participating.

Acquisition Cost: 3000 gp

Play-by-play Rackets
Upkeep Cost: 150 gp The following section is an example of how to
Difficulty Class: 22 determine the outcome of rackets in play, along
Earnings: 2d6 x 100 (700) gp + 100 gp with a hypothetical player named Steve and his
Heat: increases 2d8 character Eggface.

Suggested Location: Sewers or a trench where Eggface is an ambitious Wolf with the following
the smuggling caravan is ambushed during one Ability Scores:
of the jobs. • Intelligence 12 (+1)
• Wisdom 16 (+3)
• Charisma 16 (+3)
Optional Rule: Investing
After the end of the last period, Eggface
If a character would like to make more of their managed to set up his third racket, "The 88" an
rackets, they could try and improve them. Some underground fighting pit in the North Ward of
ideas are: Waterdeep. His current rackets are:
• Lower the DC • Vigilantes by the Sea (Protection)
• Increase Earnings • Oghma’s Gift (Community Service)
• Lowering Heat • The 88 (Gambling)
• Add a garrison of defenders for raids
• Other special effects The next period is due, so Steve does the
These improvements would come at a cost. It following steps in order.
could be a one-time fee or an increase in Upkeep.
Or it could be a reward for an adventure!

© 2021 Kevin Castillo

1. Look up his previous Heat (23) as it carries

over from the last period. 6. Finally, Eggface needs to pay for the upkeep
of his rackets. A total of 270 gp, since the
2. Calculates his Dread. Eggface is a Wolf, so rackets earned 960 gp Eggface can pocket the
his multiplier is 2, times his +3 Charisma; difference! (690 gp)
Eggface has 6 dread.
This was an unlucky month for Eggface! Two of
3. Steve goes through his first racket his rackets will come under attack, now he must
(Protection) decide which one to defend.
3.1. Steve now rolls for the racket’s success
(1d20 + 1) and gets a 16 against the
Protection DC (15). Success!
3.2. Steve rolls for the Earnings of his racket
(3d6 x 10) and has 160 gp waiting for him!
3.3. Eggface’s Heat increases accordingly
(1d6+7), rolls a 4, which adds up to 11,
raising his Heat to 34.
3.4. Steve checks for raids. To be in the clear,
he must roll 1d100 above his Heat (34).
He rolls a 31, which would mean a Raid is
coming his way.
3.5. Thankfully Eggface has Dread, so he
spends 4 points to bring his check total to
35, which is higher than his Heat, so no Raid

4. Steve goes through his next racket

(Community Service)
4.1. Rolls for success (1d20+1), 10 against DC
8. Success!
4.2. Community Service reduces Heat by
1d10+5, rolls a 3 for a total of 8, leaving the Keep it dynamic!
Heat at 26.
4.3. Check for raids, rolls 1d100 and gets Adding modifiers to the racket rolls that reflect
12. Eggface doesn’t have enough Dread to the world events can be fun to play around with.
change his result, meaning his racket will be Running a protection racket on a remote town
raided! should be way less likely to draw attention than
4.4. As the racket will be raided, Eggface’s in the Noble District of Waterdeep.
Heat becomes 0.
The DM can adjust any of the racket properties
5. Steve goes through his last racket (DC, Upkeep, Heat or Earnings) for any
(Gambling) particular periods to reflect current adventures.
5.1. Rolls for success (1d20+1) 20! beating the
DC 15 by 5. • Heat gains are doubled (location is on high
5.2. As the racket succeeds, Steve rolls for his alert)
earnings (1d6 x 100 x 2) for 800 gp. • -3 success DC (trusting townfolk)
5.3. Gambling increases Heat by 2d4+4, rolls • +10 Dread (the party recently took down a
8 for a total of 12. powerful foe publicly)
5.4. Checks for raids. Steve rolls a 3 on the • Anything else that seems fun!
d100. 3 being lower than 12 means the racket
will also be raided! Setting his heat to 0.

© 2021 Kevin Castillo

From rank Viper and above, you can (and will)
mentor and help other Zhents of lower-ranking
who run rackets of their own. In return, they'll
report to you their activities and cut you in a
piece of their earnings.

Everyone's rackets are their own businesses, and

what they bring as Kickback is based on respect
and trust; they willingly bring in a cut for the

Kickback can be used as a story device to make

players feel their character moving up the family
ranks, and the higher a character is on the ladder,
the larger this earning would be.

When the story calls for it, use the following table
to generate Kickback.

The Kickback Table results mention a Treasure

Table. You can find these in the Dungeon Master's
Guide or create your own.

The suggested tables depend on rank. Viper uses

Individual Treasure (0-4), increasing in tier until
Dread Lord uses Individual Treasure (11-16).

Kickback Table
d100 Outcome
1-10 Debt. Your subordinates need your help
to pay debt. Should you refuse you might
create a Rival. Roll on the appropriate
Treasure Table and pay half.
11-20 Scraping by. Your subordinates barely
covered their expenses this period, they
have no coin left to offer.
20-45 Low business. Your subordinates didn't
earn much coin this period. Roll on the
appropriate Treasure Table and get half.
46-85 Business as usual. Roll on the appropriate
Treasure Table.
86-95 Good business. Your subordinates made
more coin than usual. Roll twice on the
appropriate Treasure Table and keep the
higher result.
96-100 Jackpot! Roll on Treasure Table one tier
above. (ie: Viper would roll on the CR 5-10)

© 2021 Kevin Castillo

You are to provide for the family, and the family, in turn, will take care of you. That's the principle of our

You may use our resources to grow and reach out for the power you deserve, but there's a lot of work to
be done in the way, oh, so many things to do.

Building upon the options presented on Tasha's Roll or pick from the following table to determine
Cauldron of Everything, this chapter is all about what kind of family you serve.
having the Zhentarim as a group patron,
providing perks, resources and opportunities, d6 Family Focus
and the tools to personalize the patron with tons 1 Ambassadors. Knowing people in high places
of flavor. who just happen to owe you favors come quite
handy often.
In this manner, the patron can be a personalized
2 Black Merchants. Specializing in rare
family that all player characters belong to or goods that would be troublesome to acquire
work for (without necessarily being members). otherwise.
If they run their own family, they could receive
3 Inquisitors. The Zhentarim at its core is
"orders from above" from the Zhentarim higher- intertwined with divine worship. These
ups. families seek to increase their god's followers
and influence across the world.
Focus 4 Militants. These seek the strongest and
cheapest muscle for hire, waging war is their
There are many different ways Zhentarim business.
families might choose to operate; some favor
5 Smugglers. Sometimes, purchasing the goods
strength while others wits. The Focus will help
is the easy part. Transporting them, however,
with the theme of the activities and will provide can't be neglected
extra perks and opportunities.
6 Tycoons. Wealth is power, we deal in anything
that makes coin, legal or otherwise.

As your group patron, the Zhentarim provides
the following benefits:

1. Associates
There are many Zhentarim-supporting business
ventures out there, and you know how to identify
them. You can use their services at a discount
(some even for free!) as long as you don’t disrupt
them and stay in their good graces. Otherwise,
they might complain to their benefactors.

© 2021 Kevin Castillo

2. Safe Houses • Black Merchants - Magic Item Loan: As

Sometimes people need to lay low. long as it’s for a job, the family could lend
The Zhentarim keeps an assortment of you a magic item you might need. Only one
inconspicuous buildings where agents and item may be borrowed at a time. The DM
associates can evade pursuers and take refuge determines if a particular item is available.
from danger.
• Inquisitors - Call of the Zealous: In times of
These safe houses are equipped with the bare need, your group can appeal to the priests of
necessities and constantly under watch by a your faith for aid. Provided you’re in good
sentry. It’s preferred to stay inside until the standing with the family, they can recruit a
heat dies off, the family will deliver supplies Cleric or Paladin NPC (stats determined by
regularly, so there’s no need to exit the the DM) to aid your group with a task.
• Mercenaries - Muscle: You can use your
If the existence of a safe house is exposed, the Zhentarim contact to arrange a force of
responsible party will likely be punished, and mercenaries willing to do most things, no
the dwelling might be abandoned. questions asked. The strength of this group
comes at the DM’s discretion.

3. Tools of the Trade • Smugglers - Dead Drops: You can request

When a superior gives you a task, they can your patron to deliver items even into secure
also provide the means to execute it effectively. locations. The delivery will happen at your
As long as the organization keeps a supply of patron’s time and convenience. The quantity
the needed item or has an associate who can of the items that can effectively be smuggled
facilitate them. is up to the DM’s discretion.

For example, if a mission involves burning • Tycoons - Mountains of Coin: Your patron
down a building, the Zhentarim might provide knows that you must spend coin to make
oil and alchemist’s fire. coin. While on a mission, you may request
your patron to cover your lifestyle expenses
(up to a Wealthy lifestyle), and in some cases,
Variant: Information Network they might be willing to grant additional
If the Zhentarim needs an item for a mission spending funds.
and doesn’t have it on supply, they would most
certainly provide accurate information on where
to acquire it.

4. Focus Perk Personal Accountability

In addition to the previous perks, the family’s
focus grants an additional perk. You may freely use the perks provided
to you by your patron as you see fit. Be
• Ambassadors - Opportunity: Your family warned! Abusing, misusing or otherwise
can use their resources to grant you an damaging the Zhentarim's property or
audience with important political figures, reputation might bring dire consequences.
rulers, etc. Should you mean harm to these
figures, they wouldn’t arrange a meeting, Your patron might revoke your perks until
but instead, they could provide information all accrued debts are paid in full, whether by
on where and when they’d be most coin or otherwise.

© 2021 Kevin Castillo

Contact This section presents a handful of mission

examples a Zhentarim patron might assign to
Initiated members should always have a reliable their followers.
communication line with their superiors,
though often they might be preoccupied
with pressing matters; your contact provides General Quests
this connection at any time you need (or are Search and Rescue. Our client had an item of
needed). value stolen. We are to retrieve it and return it
Roll or pick from the following table to
determine your contact with the Zhentarim. Collect Debt. The people at this location owe us
plenty of coins and are refusing to pay. Collect
d6 Contact it for us. You may rough them up a bit but do
1 Trusted Associate. This associate has proven not kill them.
their loyalty through their hard work.
They're likely successful business owners Show Goodwill. The locals have trouble with
that use their resources to aid you. a crisis, and the local authorities aren't dealing
with it promptly. Show the common folk that
2 Flying Snake. Small, swift, and efficient;
we're the ones they should depend on!
these traits make Flying Snakes excellent
messengers. They wrap their tails around
a scroll case carrying documents with Ambassadors Quests
instructions and are trained to fly back after Entourage. The close relative of a VIP requires
receiving a signal. an escort, keep them safe and cater to all their
3 Dropbox. Written letters containing needs and whims as they're rather picky.
instructions appear mysteriously inside
secure and hidden compartments. Letters Sabotage. Our favored candidate is in a
you send are likewise taken without a trace. deadlock with a rival politician, ensure ours
4 Mentor. A Zhentarim member who was of wins the election at all cost.
higher rank when you joined the family took
you under their wing and showed you the Parasite. Escort this doppelganger, and have
ropes. them replace a figure of power.
5 Guild Clerk. The Zhentarim may employ
the services of secretive guilds, entrusting to
them this intelligence distribution, provided
Black Merchants Quests
their members can put up with the expected Inflate Auction. Identify the whales for the
bureaucracy. upcoming auction, and bid on the items they
want to drive the price up, but back off before
6 Town Lunatic. A member has established a
they give up!
persona of an insane person in town. No one
would pay any mind to what "the crazy one"
Rare Hoard. A powerful monster keeps a
rambled about.
particular item in its hoard; it alone is worth
more than the entire hoard. Deal with the
Quests creature however you please, but bring the item
intact to us.
Families might have a different way to
approach their problems, but at their core, they
Forgery Hunt. One of our associates bought an
are Zhentarim, they share common objectives
item that happened to be a forgery. Track the
that will secure and expand their power in the
seller and deal with them.

Inquisitors Quests
© 2021 Kevin Castillo

Aid the Clergy. Our faithful need help dealing Protect Cargo. A client needs a shipment sent
with opposition, ensure their safety. through treacherous territory. We need you to
keep it safe.
Reclaim Sacred Grounds. The enemy holds a
land of importance to our faith. Drive them away! Acquire Vessels. The enemy keeps an advanced
ship whose technology would facilitate our work,
Safeguard a Ritual. You must protect members claim it for us.
of the order as they complete an urgent ritual.
Tycoons Quests
Militants Quests Trade Loophole. Local authorities have restricted
Extend War. Two factions have been battling for the trade of an item for a specific purpose.
a long time; now, one lacks manpower while the We have a cargo of it coming, our transports
other lacks equipment. Ensure both have what will hand them over to you, but they'll have
they need to keep the war going. to pretend they were robbed, get it to our
underground warehouse and avoid capture.
Establish Foothold. The enemy holds a key
fortified position. Take control of it for our side. Exclusive Deal. There's a new product taking the
market by storm, ensure the supplier deals with
Slayer. The client has a monster problem, and us exclusively.
we're the solution.
Supply Control. We can squeeze even more
coin on the sales of a product if people think
Smugglers Quests there's not enough of it to go around. Raid the
Distraction. We have a valuable shipment to warehouses and burn them down.
transport, we won't make it through our usual
means. Make sure all the eyes in town are
looking in the direction opposite to us.

© 2021 Kevin Castillo

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