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ETHICS Marriage

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Marriage is defined differently, and by different entities, based on • under the Revised Penal Code of the Philippines and

es and are
cultural, treated as sexual
religious, and personal factors. infidelity in the Family Code.
• A commonly accepted and encompassing definition of marriage is • The law discriminates against wives. The crime of adultery can
the following: be committed
• A formal union and social and legal contract between two only by a wife and her paramour.
individuals that unites • The husband need only prove that his wife had sexual intercourse
their lives legally, economically, and emotionally. with a man
• The contractual marriage agreement usually implies that the couple other than him
legal obligations to each other throughout their lives or until they
decide to MARRIAGE
• Traditionally, marriage is often viewed as having a key role in the  Marriage is defined differently, and by different entities,
preservation based on cultural, religious, and personal factors.
of morals and civilization.  A commonly accepted and encompassing definition of
• Being married also gives legitimacy to sexual relations within the marriage is the following:
 A formal union and social and legal contract between two
• Marriage is sacred and was ordained of God from before the individuals that unites their lives legally, economically, and
foundation of the emotionally.
world thus, it affirmed the divine origins of marriage  The contractual marriage agreement usually implies that
• Commitment the couple has legal obligations to each other throughout
• Respect their lives or until they decide to divorce.
• Fidelity  Traditionally, marriage is often viewed as having a key role
• Understanding in the preservation of morals and civilization.
• Loyalty  Being married also gives legitimacy to sexual relations
• Sacrifice within the marriage.
• The sacred nature of marriage was closely linked to the power of
• marriage is a vital institution for rearing children and teaching them
to become
 Marriage is sacred and was ordained of God from before the
responsible adults.
foundation of the world thus, it affirmed the divine origins of
Under the Family Code of the Philippines (FC), marriage is defined marriage
as a special • Commitment
contract of permanent union between a man and a woman • Respect
entered into in • Fidelity
accordance with law for the establishment of conjugal and • Understanding
family life.(Udan JQ, • Loyalty
HCE 2023) • Sacrifice
FUNDAMENTALS OF MARRIAGE  The sacred nature of marriage was closely linked to the power
• Husband- A married man considered in relation to his spouse. of procreation.
• Wife- A married woman considered in relation to her spouse
 Marriage is a vital institution for rearing children and teaching
• Marriage License- A license that a couple must obtain before
getting married them to become responsible adults.

PERSONAL OBLIGATIONS OF THE SPOUSES TO EACH OTHER Under the Family Code of the Philippines (FC), marriage is defined
• Live together. as a special contract of permanent union between a man and a
• To observe mutual love, respect, and fidelity; and woman entered into in accordance with law for the
• To render mutual help and support. establishment of conjugal and family life.(Udan JQ, HCE 2023)


Premarital sex is a sexual activity that is practiced by people  Husband- A married man considered in relation to his spouse.
before they are  Wife- A married woman considered in relation to her spouse
married. Historically, premarital sex has been considered a  Marriage License- A license that a couple must obtain before
moral issue that is getting married.
taboo in many cultures, and it is also considered a sin by a number
since the sexual revolution of the 1960s, it has become accepted by
certain. liberal • Live together.
movements, especially in Western countries. • To observe mutual love, respect, and fidelity; and
• To render mutual help and support.
occurs when a married person engages in sexual activity with
someone other than
• Where extramarital sexual relations do breach a sexual norm, it
may be referred 1. PREMARITAL SEX
to as adultery or non‐monogamy (sexual acts between a • Premarital sex is a sexual activity that is practiced by
married person and a people before they are married.
person other than the spouse), fornication (sexual acts between • Historically, premarital sex has been considered a
unmarried moral issue that is taboo in many cultures, and it is also
people), philandery, or infidelity. considered a sin by a number of religions, but since the
• These terms imply moral or religious consequences, whether sexual revolution of the 1960s, it has become accepted by
in civil law or certain. liberal movements, especially in Western
religious law Extra‐Marital. countries.
• Philippines' law criminalizes adultery and concubinage.
• occurs when a married person engages in sexual activity
Both are deemed “crimes against chastity”
with someone other than their spouse.
• Where extramarital sexual relations do breach a sexual
norm, it may be referred to as adultery or non‐monogamy
(sexual acts between married person and a person
2. Mechanical methods
other than the spouse), fornication (sexual acts
between unmarried people), philandery, or infidelity. condom, diaphragm, and
• These terms imply moral or religious consequences,
whether in civil law or religious law Extra‐Marital.


Philippines' law criminalizes adultery and concubinage.
Both are deemed “crimes against chastity”
• under the Revised Penal Code of the Philippines and
are treated as sexual infidelity in the Family Code. 1. Folk methods
• The law discriminates against wives. The crime of
adultery can be committed only by a wife and her
• The husband need only prove that his wife had sexual
intercourse with a man other than him. douche, prolonged,
lactation, withdrawal
• The law discriminates against husbands. The crime of
concubinage can be committed only by a husband and his

• CONTRACEPTION method (coitus interruptus),

• Methods: and coitus reservatus
• 1. Folk methods Pre‐ 2. Mechanical methods
coital/Post‐coital, condom, diaphragm, and
douche, prolonged, sponge
lactation, withdrawal CONTRACEPTION
• method (coitus Methods:
interruptus), and coitus 1. Folk methods
reservatus Pre‐coital/Post‐coital,
• 2. Mechanical methods douche, prolonged,
condom, diaphragm, lactation, withdrawal
and sponge method (coitus interruptus),
CONTRACEPTION and coitus reservatus
Methods: 2. Mechanical methods
1. Folk methods condom, diaphragm, and
Pre‐coital/Post‐coital, sponge
douche, prolonged, ONTRACEPTION
lactation, withdrawal Methods:
method (coitus interruptus), 1. Folk methods
and coitus reservatus Pre‐coital/Post‐coital,
douche, prolonged,
lactation, withdrawal
method (coitus interruptus), • of the use of
and coitus reservatus various methods
2. Mechanical methods by which
condom, diaphragm, and contraception can
spong be prevented in
Having relationship with the same sex
Violates the principle of stewardship
• conjugal union of
CONTRACEPTION thus prevented the
- Voluntary prevention of conception by the positive use of
the artificial means that will hinder the generative cells
from uniting.
birth of a fetus.
- Uses artificial means that prevents the union of sperm and
• • If personhood
- Synonymous with
• Family planning begins with God’s
• Planned parenthood

Responsible parenthood
Birth control
thought of a
• MORALS OF person, using
CONTRACEPTIO contraception
N • therefore would
• Many believe that seem to go against
personhood begins God’s will. (Gerber
at fertilization, 2013)
when the genes • • On this view, it
from two interferes with
• parent cells God’s plan for that
combine to create a potential human
unique genome being.
(Gilbert, Tyler, & MORALS OF
Zackin, 2005). CONTRACEPTION
• The moral issue of Many believe that
contraception is personhood begins at
concerned with the fertilization, when the genes
rightness or from two
parent cells combine to - A form of contraception in so far its purpose is to prevent

create a unique genome -

the conception by means of removing the organ.
A positive use of artificial methods.
- Done by cutting off the sexual capacity in a man and
(Gilbert, Tyler, & Zackin, -
woman and it is done surgically.
It violates the principle of autonomy because it removes

2005). the ability to procreate.

TYPES: (acc to willingness)

The moral issue of • Voluntary – a person’s will and request to do the

contraception is concerned •
Involuntary – done by the order of the public of the state
(because it may serves as a punishment for the crime
with the rightness or committed.

TYPES: (acc to purpose)

• Therapeutic – when it is used as a therapeutic

of the use of various management to remove that part through sterilization in

order to protect the whole well-being of the person.

methods by which (Ex. Performing ovariotomy because there’s a tumor in the

woman’s ovary and it needed to be remove in order to

contraception can be •
save the woman.)

Contraceptive – intentional prevention of conception

prevented in the through sterilization.

conjugal union of the sperm Justification:

1) Serious illness of either husband or wife.
(TB, Epileptics, syphilitics, and lepers)
and egg thus prevented the 2) Probability of genetic abnormality.
(carrier of defective gene)

birth of a fetus. 3) Financial burden

4) Child-bearing puts one’s health in danger.

• If personhood begins • Eugenic and Social – the purpose of this is to hinder the
conception of undesirable and physical or mental unfit

with God’s thought of a offspring.

Social Engineering – to create a society free from
individuals afflicted with social diseases. Such as, grave
person, using contraception mental defects, lepers, idiots, imbeciles, morons, insane,
carrier of congenital defective genes.

therefore would seem to go • Punitive – it is being perform to punish the person for a

2013) 1) Parenthood and birth are matters of moral responsibility

and intelligent choice.
• On this view, it interferes 2) An individual should be the one to determine his/her
fertility and should be able to control his/her fecundity.

with God’s plan for that 3) One should be able to decide how many children one is
able to bear and support.
4) Contraceptive technology makes men and women
potential human being. persons of will and decisions and not inert and powerless
bodies subject to church prescriptions or to the divine will.
5) Contraception checks the transmission of recessive
MORALS OF CONTRACEPTION disorders or genetically-linked diseases.
• Genetic testing and chromosomal analysis
 Many believe that personhood begins at fertilization, when the
genes from two parent cells combine to create a unique
genome (Gilbert, Tyler, & Zackin, 2005). METHODS OF CONTRACEPTION
 The moral issue of contraception is concerned with the
rightness or wrongness of the use of various methods by
which contraception can be prevented in the conjugal union
of the sperm and egg thus prevented the birth of a fetus.
. Folk methods
• If personhood begins with God’s thought of a person,
using contraception therefore would seem to go against Pre‐coital/Post‐coital,
God’s will. (Gerber 2013)
• On this view, it interferes with God’s plan for that potential
human being.
douche, prolonged,
lactation, withdrawal
• Prolonged lactation
method (coitus interruptus), •

Withdrawal method (coitus interruptus)
Coitus reservatus

and coitus reservatus 2. Mechanical methods

• Condoms

2. Mechanical methods
• Diaphragm
• Sponge
3. Chemical methods
condom, diaphragm, and •

Vaginal suppositories and tablets
Vaginal jellies, creams, and foams

spong 4. Hormonal methods

Contraceptive pills
Injections and Implants.
. Chemical methods eg. 5. Abortifacients
• Intrauterine Device (IUD)

vaginal suppositories and •

DES (diethylstilbestrol)
• Anti-pregnancy vaccine
tablets, vaginal jellies, 6.
• Low dose of contraceptive pills
Surgical methods

creams, •

Tubal ligation
• Hysterectomy
and foams 7. Natural or behavioral methods
• Rhythm or calendar method

4. Hormonal methods eg. 8. Temperature method Ovulation (mucus) method is a symptom‐

thermal method

are contraceptive pills 9. Sex relations during menstruation

injections and implants.

5. Abortifacients
Intrauterine Device DES
Prostaglandin Anti
pregnancy vaccine Low
dose of contraceptive pills
6. Surgical methods Tubal
ligation Vasectomy
7. Natural or behavioral
methods eg. rhythm or
calendar method
8. Temperature method
Ovulation (mucus) method
is a symptom‐thermal
9. Sex relations during
1. Folk methods
• Pre-coital/Post-coital douch

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