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Experimental Mechanics (2014) 54:393–403

DOI 10.1007/s11340-013-9813-7

Correction of Gauge Factor for Strain Gauges

Used in Polymer Composite Testing
S. Zike · L.P. Mikkelsen

Received: 10 December 2012 / Accepted: 23 September 2013 / Published online: 9 October 2013
© Society for Experimental Mechanics 2013

Abstract Strain gauges are used together with the cor- Notations
responding gauge factor to relate the relative electrical
resistance change of the strain gauge with the strain of the A parameter used for correction coefficient deter-
underlying material. The gauge factor is found from a cal- mination for the global reinforcement effect;
ibration on a stiff material - steel. Nevertheless, the gauge B width;
factor depends on the stiffness of the calibration material C correction coefficient;
and ideally the calibration should be done on a similar mate- C0 permanent correction coefficient (depends on the
rial as tested. In practice, the gauge factor found by the strain gauge length);
strain gauge manufacturer is often used. The paper doc- E Young’s modulus;
uments that even for moderately stiff materials such as E*sg reduced Young’s modulus of the strain gauge,
glass-fibre composites a significant error is found on the which depends on the strain gauge stiffness and
strain measurements obtained by the strain gauges. This is geometrical dimensions [10];
documented both experimentally and numerically. A stiff- GFact actual gauge factor;
ness, also test sample and strain gauge geometry dependent GFcal gauge factor provided by manufacturer (deter-
correction coefficient of the gauge factor is proposed. A cor- mined on a stiff calibration specimen);
rection coefficient covers material stiffnesses ranging from L length;
1 GPa to 200 GPa. t thickness;
tcr critical thickness showing transition from a
global to only a local reinforcement effect;
R/R0 relative change of resistivity;
Keywords Strain gauge · Strain measurements · Polymer  strain;
material testing · Composites · Material characterization ave average strain experienced by specimen.


ext + SG values determined with clip on extensometer,

when specimen is simultaneously bonded to
strain gauge;
S. Zike () · L.P. Mikkelsen gauge gauge, i.e., measuring grid, properties;
Composites and Materials Mechanics Section, Department
loop end-loops of strain gauge (Fig. 1);
of Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark,
Risø Campus, 4000 Roskilde, Denmark PI polyimide (carrier film) properties;
e-mail: ref reference values obtained by an extensometer
L.P. Mikkelsen for specimens with or without attached strain
e-mail: gauge;
394 Exp Mech (2014) 54:393–403

sg used to indicate strain gauge measurements and strain gauge, which includes a thin metal grid, and the test
properties of homogenized strain gauge; sample, which is more compliant. Therefore the strain gauge
spec properties of unreinforced test specimen (also induces strain reduction in the more compliant test sample
relates to input values in simulation model). [3] and promote strain distortions around the edges, where
strains are transmitted from the test sample to the gauge [4,
5]. These phenomena are attributed to the effect known as
Introduction the ”reinforcement effect” [6]. As a result of the reinforce-
ment effect, strain gauges measure lower strains compared
Strain gauges are commonly used strain measurement with the strains experienced locally by the test sample in
devices constructed from thin metallic grid, which is the absence of the strain gauge. This can lead to signifi-
enclosed between polymer films (see Fig. 1). The work- cant errors in determination of strain and elastic modulus.
ing principle of the strain gauge incorporates the change In spite of this, the standards often recommend the use of
of electrical resistance in the metal part linearly with its a strain gauge as an optional strain measurement device
deformation [1]. Correlation between these two variables during mechanical testing of polymer and polymer matrix
is expressed as the gauge factor [2], its determination is in composite materials [7–9]. In addition to this, strain gauges
more detail discussed later in subsection “Correction coef- are used to a great extent as strain identification sensors in
ficient determination”. During experimental testing the composite structures.
change of electrical resistance in the strain gauge is mea- One of the earliest studies regarding the strain gauge
sured and converted into the strain values using the gauge reinforcement effect are given by Stehlin [4]. Stehlin has
factor. modelled stress and strain distortions in the test sample,
This study is initiated by experimental observations, dur- strain gauge and adhesive. This has been further applied by
ing which different elastic modulus values were obtained Beatty’s and Chewning’s [5] to conduct numerical analysis
for identical polymer matrix based composite. The differ- of strain gauge geometrical parameters such as thickness
ence observed comparing the strain measurement from the and length. These authors have provided an approximate
strain gauge with the clip on extensometer. Deviations sus- expression to predict the local reinforcement effect, when
pected to be caused by the stiffness mismatch between the strains are modified locally around an attached strain gauge
and are found to be independent of specimen geometry.
The expression indicates that reinforcement increases with
(a) stiffer and thicker strain gauges, whereas it decreases with
longer strain gauges and stiffer specimens [5]. On the basis
of theses studies, a more detailed discussion regarding cor-
rection of strain gauge measurements has been presented
by Ajovalasit et al. [10–12]. First of all, the correction of
the gauge factor obtained by conventional strain gauge cali-
(b) bration methods can be done [10] by correction coefficients
derived from mathematical expressions. For that Ajovalasit
et al. have provided improved mathematical expression
based on deductions of Beatty and Cheawning [5]. Another
approach involves strain gauge calibration on materials
more compliant than the test samples [11]. The above men-
tioned studies were focussed on the local reinforcement
effect estimation. Thus in the analytical and numerical
models the specimen has been considered as a thick and
semi-infinite plate having the same width as the strain
gauge. The two dimensional problem has been considered
for three dimensional calculations, in which the strain gauge
and specimen have been defined as linear-elastic materials.
A similar approach has been used for the global rein-
forcement effect by Swan [13] and Little et al. [14]. Now
the strain fields are not only localized by attachment of the
stiff strain gauge material but also depends on the geome-
Fig. 1 Representation of strain gauge grid pattern (a), the 3D (b) and try of the test samples. Swan [13] deduced an approximate
the 2D (c) simulation model expression to predict the global reinforcement effect, which
Exp Mech (2014) 54:393–403 395

has been found to be proportional to the stiffness ratio of attached back-to-back strain gauges, which is subjected to
the strain gauge and the test sample as well as the thickness tensile loading.
ratio. Moreover, Little et al. [14] observed that the reinforce-
ment effect is affected not only by the specimen geometry, Parts
but also by the loading mode e.g. bending or tension.
Similar to strain gauges, fibre Bragg grating sensors have The test sample is modelled with a stiffness from 1 GPa to
shown a reinforcement effect [15, 16]. Li et al. [16] has 200 GPa. The purpose is to cover the range of materials used
obtained a higher amount of reinforcement for fibre Bragg for polymer matrix based composites and also to compare
grating sensors, even though the elastic modulus of glass their response to metals. The thickness of the test sample
is much lower than that of the metal incorporated in strain is varied from 1 mm to 30 mm, so that both the global
gauge manufacturing. This was found to be due to the larger and the local reinforcement effect by the strain gauge is
dimensions of glass fibres used for Bragg grating sensors. presented.
In conclusion, the reinforcement effect was identified The detailed strain gauge pattern is included in the 3D
already in early studies of strain gauge implementation, model obtained from the micrographs (Fig. 1 (a), (b)) cap-
where approximative mathematical expressions were pre- tured with a photo camera Canon G9. The width of the
sented in order to predict the strain gauge measurement inner grids is set to 0.08 mm and the space between grids is
errors coming from the local and global reinforcement 0.1 mm, which corresponds to the strain gauge type LY11-
effects. In the previous studies a simplified model of the 10/350. In the 2D plane stress simulation model, the strain
strain gauge has been used homogenizing all parts of the gauge part is simplified as a uniform foil with half the
strain gauge into one element. Therefore, the importance thickness of gauge. This is due to merging the inner grids
of the actual strain gauge pattern design has not been suf- and the empty space between grids. Even though the 2D
ficiently discussed and error prediction has found to be model is simplified, however similar to the 3D model, the
limited. In addition, previous studies have been confined distinction of the end loops, gauge and soldering tab area
to elastic materials. Some research has been done to anal- (Fig. 1 (a), (c)) is retained. For all strain gauge models the
yse gauge factor variations due to the plastic deformation length of the end-loops is set to 3 % of the correspond-
of the metallic grid incorporated in the strain gauges [17– ing gauge length; a value, which corresponds quite well
19]. Nevertheless, changes of the reinforcement effect due with the commercially available HBM strain gauges. The
to plastic deformation both of the specimen and the strain distinction of different strain gauge parts, what is done in
gauge material has not previously been studied. this analysis, is contrary to previous studies [4, 5, 10–12],
The purpose of the present study is to derive correction where a homogenised strain gauge model was preferred
methods for the strain gauge experimental measurements, by merging all parts of the strain gauge including carrier
when a strain gauge is applied on specimens with elastic film.
modulus in the range of 1-200 GPa and various geometrical In order to exclude the effect of strain transition through
dimensions. The finite element methods (FEM) are used to carrier film and adhesive, a numerical calibration is con-
create detailed two (2D) and three (3D) dimensional models, ducted. The manufacturers provided gauge factor already
in order to conduct a parametric study to assess the effect includes these distortions, because it is obtained, while the
of specimen and strain gauge geometry with respect to the commercial prototype of the strain gauge is glued on a
stiffness, both with the local and the global reinforcement steel surface [11]. Therefore numerical calibration involves
effect. The 3D study of the strain gauge geometry is based determination of strain distortions applying different type of
on commercially available Y series strain gauges provided strain gauges, shown in Fig. 1, on a 200 GPa stiff and sig-
by the Hottinger Baldwin Messtechnik GmbH (HBM) com- nificantly thick material. The observed strain discrepancy of
pany, but the results will not be limited to this. The study approximately 1 % is thus extracted from all the numerical
considers both elastic and plastic deformation in the strain results.
gauge as well as in the test sample.
Material formulation

Methods The metallic wire and the polymeric carrier film in the
HBM Y series strain gauge is made of constantan and poly-
Simulation model imide, respectively. The corresponding material properties
are taken from Stockmann studies [20]. The polyimide car-
The commercial finite element code ABAQUS is used to rier film is modelled as a linear-elastic material with E = 3.1
create 2D and 3D numerical models of the experimental GPa and ν = 0.41. The constantan is modelled as an elastic-
material set-up. This setup consists of a test sample with plastic material with the elastic properties as E = 180 GPa
396 Exp Mech (2014) 54:393–403

and ν = 0.3, and the plastic deformation is described with where R/R0 is the relative change of resistivity and gauge
Ludwik’s equation: is the strain in the gauge. Manufacturers provided strain
  gauges are calibrated on sufficiently large and stiff mate-
σ = σy 1 + a(φ)n , (1) rials such as steel [11]. If the strain gauges are applied on
compliant materials, new calibrations are needed, because
where the yield stress σy = 400 MPa, hardening parameters the strain fields are changed due to the stiffness differ-
a = 4 and n = 0.45 and φ is the plastic deformation. ence between the strain gauge and the specimen material.
Additional calibration can be avoided by correcting manu-
Constraints and elements factures’ provided gauge factors as follows:
All material interfaces are modelled as perfectly bonded GFact = , (3)
materials, thus are given as a tie constraint with no require-
ments of matching FE-meshes in the numerical procedure. where GFact is the actual gauge factor and GFcal is the
A half model using 4 node isoparametric quadrilateral plane calibrated gauge factor provided by the strain gauge man-
stress elements in the 2D representation, and a quarter ufacturers. From equations (2) and (3) the strain gauge
of the model using 8 node isoparametric brick elements measurement error can be deduced as follows:
in the 3D representation of the test set-up is modelled
GFcal R/R0 ave ave
using symmetric boundary conditions. The prescribed dis- C= = = , (4)
GFact sg R/R0 sg
placement boundary condition is used to mimic the tensile
deformation. where ave and sg are the strains experienced by the spec-
imen and the strain gauge, respectively. The correction
Experimental testing coefficient can also be expressed as the ratio of elastic mod-
ulus determined by the strain gauge (Esg ) and actual elastic
Validation of the simulation is done by performing ten- modulus of material (Espec ):
sile tests of a neat polymer and polymer matrix based
glass fibre reinforced composites using a range of stiff- ave ave σ Esg
C= = = . (5)
ness as E ∈ [1; 37] GPa and thickness as tspec ∈ [1.5, sg sg σ Espec
20] mm). The corresponding experiments are performed
on a universal testing machine Instron 88R1362 with a 5
kN (SN: UK 802) or a 100 kN (SN: UK 1028) load cell. Results
Specimens with and without strain gauges LY11-10/350 are
tested using reference measurement methods with a laser The finite element model is first used to investigate the
extensometer (’Fiedler Optoelektronik GmbH’, PS-E50- strain gauge caused strain disturbances in the test sam-
0160-AH) and a clip on extensometer (Instron 2620-601, ples. This is followed by a parametric study to obtain the
± 5/50 mm). Therefore two reference strain values of the most significant strain gauge and test sample properties,
test sample are presented. The first set of strain values is which affect the correction coefficient of the gauge factor.
gained from the clip on extensometers mounting them on The parametric study includes an analysis of the material
the samples with attached back-to-back strain gauges. The stiffness, the strain gauge and the test sample geometri-
second set of strain values is measured by the laser exten- cal properties, and the elastic-plastic material behaviour.
someter, which is applied on the unreinforced test sample Numerical results are compared to experimentally deter-
(the strain gauges are not attached to the test sample). mined correction coefficients.

Correction coefficient determination Strain gauge introduced strain disturbances

A correction coefficient, C, see equqtion (5), is defined in The accuracy of the strain gauge measurements depends
order to evaluate the error of strain gauge measurements on the amount of the reinforcement effect, which is caused
and to provide gauge factor adjustment values [10]. The by the stiffness discrepancy between the specimen and the
gauge factor, GF, of the strain gauge is defined as the ratio strain gauge material. As shown in Fig. 2 as well as dis-
between the electrical resistance change and the deforma- cussed by Little et al. [14] the reinforcement effect includes
tion in the gauge: the strain reduction in the specimen and the strain distor-
tions around the edges. The reinforcement effect can be split
R/R0 up into a local and a global part. The global part describes
GF = , (2)
gauge the phenomenon, where strains are modified through the
Exp Mech (2014) 54:393–403 397

whole thickness with the attached strain gauge. The influ- at the surface of the specimen by the average strain expe-
ence of the global reinforcement increases by reducing the rienced over the whole specimen. Sharp peaks of the nor-
specimen thickness and increasing the strain gauge geo- malized strains are related to the edges where strains are
metrical dimensions, for more details see subsection “Cor- transferred between the metal and carrier film, also the car-
rection coefficient influenced by specimen geometry” rier film and the test sample. Peaks indicate very large
and “Correction coefficient influenced by strain gauge and very low strain existence along the edges. Due to the
geometrical properties”. By contrast, in the local part, strain distortions along the edges, inside the gauge the nor-
strains are considered to change only close to the attached malized strains tend to decrease close to the end-loops,
strain gauge and the effect of the test sample thickness can which respectively affects the strain measurement accuracy
be eliminated. of strain gauge devices.
In Fig. 2(a), the contour plots of the logarithmic axial In the width direction, in Fig. 2(a), which corresponds
strain component, 11 , in a 3D model from the XY, XZ and to the z axis, the strain field variations are smaller
XYZ planes are presented for the local reinforcement. The and depend more on the strain gauge pattern features.
total region of distorted strains is approximately double the For example, it is observed that the strain drop in the
gauge length for a 1 GPa stiff specimen attached to the strain gauge ends tends to be smaller when moving to the side
gauge type LY11-10/350. The contour plots reveal both a edges of the test sample. Also the soldering tabs are
strain reduction below the gauge and a non-uniform strain found to lower the strain disturbances around the end-
distribution along the strain gauge width (z axis) and length loops.
(x axis) directions.
In the length direction, the strain distortions are mainly Correction coefficient influenced by the elastic modulus
caused by the strain transition between materials with mis- of specimen
matching stiffness. These strain transition points are also
illustrated in Fig. 2(b), where the normalized strain distri- Figure 3 shows the correction coefficient obtained by the
bution along the specimen surface and inside the gauge is 2D and the 3D simulation models for the test samples
presented. Normalized strains are obtained dividing strains with different elastic moduli attached to the strain gauge

Fig. 2 Strain fields in the 3D

model at ave = 0.35 % (a) and
normalized strain distribution
along the specimen surface and
inside the gauge obtained by the
3D model at ave = 0.012 %.
Strain path for specimen is
between points (-15, -10−3 ,
1.55) and (15, -10−3 , 1.55), and
for the gauge including the
end-loops between (-5.3, 4.8 x
10−2 , 1.55) and (5.3, 4.8 x 10−2 ,
1.55) (b)

398 Exp Mech (2014) 54:393–403

LY11-10/350. The 3D model predicts that the correction with the test samples stiffness is presented. The results
coefficient can be as high as 1.3 for the 1 GPa specimen, obtained are shown in Fig. 3. Estimated values in 3D and 2D
i.e., the strain gauge measurement error is 30 %. This is reveal that the difference between correction coefficients are
reduced by increasing the specimen stiffness, hence a 10 7.5 % and 10 %, respectively, for the specimen with an elas-
GPa stiff specimen has a correction coefficient around 1.04, tic modulus of 1 GPa. The deviation is gradually declining
i.e., a 4 % measurement error. A further increase of the test for stiffer test samples.
sample stiffness reduces the correction coefficient down to
1 %, therefore no error is expected for the test sample with Correction coefficient influenced by strain gauge
Espec = 200 GPa. geometrical properties
Along with the numerical results, in Fig. 3, experimen-
tal data are presented for an unreinforced polymer material Evaluation of the gauge thickness and length is presented for
test sample with tspec = 4 mm and an attached strain the strain gauges listed in Table 1. The correction coefficient
gauge with Lgauge = 10 mm. Experimentally the elastic rises linearly up to 3 % by increasing the gauge thickness
modulus is acquired using two different reference strain from 3.8 to 5.0 μm, if tspec = 30 mm and Espec = 1 GPa. The
measurement methods, Eref . The first experimental data larger correction coefficient changes are observed changing
point, noted as Laser, is obtained measuring strains with the gauge length from 1.5 mm to 10 mm. For example, in
a laser extensometer for the test sample without attached Fig. 4 the 2D model results show that the correction coeffi-
strain gauges. Hence the elastic moduli for unreinforced cient increases up to 1.52, i.e., the strain gauge measurement
test samples is noted as Espec . The second data point, error is 52 %, if tspec = 30 mm, Espec = 1 GPa and Lgauge =
noted as Extensometer, is gained from the test samples 1.5 mm. Furthermore, the error is gradually reduced to 14 %
with attached back-to-back strain gauges simultaneously for longer strain gauges with Lgauge = 10 mm.
with clip on extensometers, which are used to measure In addition, the numerical results are compared with the
the actual strains in the test sample. Experimental results analytical model derived for the local reinforcement effect
shown in Fig. 3 indicate that the correction coefficient by Ajovalasit et al. [10, 11] as follows:
(Espec = 2.15 ± 0.01 GPa and Eext+sg = 2.22 ± 0.01 GPa) ave ∗
is changed from 1.17 to 1.12, and thus is decreased by CAj ovalasit = =1+ , (6)
sg Espec
5 %, implementing the second reference strain measurement
where Esg ∗ is the reduced Young’s modulus of the homog-
method, Eext+sg . Further in this paper, for most of the exper-
imental results the correction coefficient is derived with the enized strain gauge, which characterizes the strain gauge
second method due to conveniences in experimental testing. sensitivity to the reinforcement effect and depends on
This is underestimating the correction coefficient which is the strain gauge stiffness, thickness and length [10]. The
needed for actual test sample stiffness determination. reduced Young’s modulus for the strain gauges with
Furthermore, numerically the effect of the reference Lgauge = 3 mm and Lgauge = 10 mm is given by Ajovalasit
strain measurement method on the correction coefficient et al. [11] as 265 MPa and 175 MPa, respectively. Compar-
isons indicate deviations around 2.7 % for the strain gauges
with Lgauge = 10 mm and increase up to 10 % reducing the
1.4 gauge length to 3 mm.
3D Espec
3D Eext+sg Further study revealed that the correction coefficient
1.3 dependency on the strain gauge length is related to the strain
2D Espec
2D Eext+sg distortions inside the gauge. In Fig. 2(b) results show that
C = Esg/Eref

the strain distribution in the gauge sections has a curved

1.2 Experiments
shape with higher strains in the middle section, which tend

Extensometer Table 1 Geometrical dimensions of HBM strain gauges (LY11-

1.1 Lgauge /350)[1]

Lgauge Bgauge tgauge LP I tP I

(mm) (mm) (μm) (mm) (μm)
1 10 100 1.5 1.2 5.0 5.7 45.0
Eref, GPa 3.0 1.5 5.0 8.5 45.0
6.0 2.9 5.0 13.0 45.0
Fig. 3 Comparison between the 2D and the 3D models introducing 10.0 5.0 5.0 18.5 45.0
different reference values (Lgauge = 10 mm, tspec = 4 mm)
Exp Mech (2014) 54:393–403 399

L = 1.5 mm 2.2
1.5 gauge
3.0 mm tspec = 1 mm
6.0 mm 2 1.5 mm
10.0 mm 2.5 mm
C0 = E /Espec

Ajovalasit 1.8
(- 10.4 %) 4 mm

C = Esg/Espec
1.3 30 mm

(- 10 %) 1.6
1.1 (+ 2.7 %) (- 5.6 %)

(- 11.6 %)
1 10 100 1
Espec, GPa 1 10 100
Espec, GPa
Fig. 4 The 2D simulation results presenting correction coefficient
variations with strain gauge length (tspec = 30 mm) (b)
t = 1 mm
P1 (4 mm)
to approach the actual strain values of the test sample, and L = 10 mm

lower strains at the ends of the gauge. Analysing the strain P2 (20 mm)
C = Esg/Eext+sg

distortions in the test samples, which are attached to the t = 4 mm
strain gauges with different lengths, it is observed that for
shorter strain gauges the strains close to the ends reduce
C5 (20 mm)
an average strain of the gauge more significantly. The rea-
1.05 tspec = 15 mm
son is that for the shorter strain gauges the middle part of C2 (2.5 mm)
C1 (7.5 mm)
the gauge, which is unaffected by the edges, is narrower
tspec = 30 mm C4 (3 mm)
than is observed for the longer strain gauges. Therefore
C3 (1.5 mm)
increasing the length of the strain gauge, the section of the
gauge, which is unaffected by the edge effects, increases and 1
1 10 100
contribute to higher accuracy of strain gauge measurements.
Eext+sg, GPa

Correction coefficient influenced by specimen geometry Fig. 5 The 2D model results presenting the correction coefficient vari-
ations with the specimen thickness and elastic modulus, if Lgauge =
In the following subsection, the reinforcement effect sensi- 10 mm
tivity to the specimen dimensions such as width [10] and
thickness [14] is discussed.
In Fig. 5(a), the 2D model results present the correction and thickness of the test sample is 10 GPa and 1 mm,
coefficient variations with the elastic modulus and the thick- respectively.
ness of test sample, which is attached to the strain gauges Additionally, in Fig. 5(b) a comparison between numer-
with a gauge length 10 mm. Data obtained reveal a high ical and experimental results is given. The experimen-
sensitivity of the correction coefficient to the test sample tal data are shown for the test samples with different
thickness. Results show that for a 30 mm thick sample the thicknesses and material stiffnesses, which are attached
correction coefficient is around 1.15 and it increases up to to the strain gauges with a gauge length 10 mm. The
2.18, i.e., obtaining 118 % of the strain gauge measure- largest correction coefficient values are obtained for the
ment error, when the test sample thickness is reduced to neat polymer materials noted as P1 and P2, which
1 mm. From Fig. 5(a) it is seen that the effect of the test are also the most compliant materials used in this
sample thickness is larger for more compliant test samples. study. In addition, these experimental results demonstrate
However, the reinforcement can still be significantly large the influence of the test sample thickness, i.e., even though
even for relatively stiff, but thin test samples. For instance, P2 is softer than P1 it has the same correction coefficient
the correction coefficient is as high as 1.15, which corre- value due to the thicker test sample. Further the correction
sponds to a 15 % measurement error, if the elastic modulus coefficient descend for multi-axial glass fibre and polymer
400 Exp Mech (2014) 54:393–403

matrix composites, noted as C1, C2, C3, C4 and C5, which The critical thickness obtained is found to be dependent
are around ten times stiffer than the neat polymer material on the strain gauge length, i.e., implementing shorter strain
test samples. From Fig. 5(b) it is seen that the correla- gauges the critical thickness is reduced.
tion between the experimental correction coefficient and the In addition, the effect of the specimen width is evaluated
test sample material stiffness follows the same tendency as by a 3D model, where tspec = 10 mm and Espec = 1 GPa.
it is numerically predicted. Nevertheless, the effect of the Increasing the specimen width from 10 mm to 20 mm the
test sample thickness is not captured for composite mate- correction coefficient is reduced from 1.141 to 1.127, thus
rials. The authors suggest this is due to the substantially it is 2.5 % lower. The simulation results obtained agree well
inhomogeneous structure of composites. with the similar study done by Ajovalasit and Zuccarello
Numerical results are also verified with the analytical [10], who also found that the width effect is negligible,
model proposed by Swan [13]. This model is intended for when the width ratio of the specimen and strain gauge
the correction coefficient determination, if a global rein- (Bspec /Bsg ) exceeds 3.
forcement effect is present, and it can be calculated as
follows: Correction coefficient influenced by plastic deformation
2Esg tsg
CSwan = 1 + , (7) The elastic-plastic material definition of the test sample is
Espec tspec
included to evaluate the correction coefficient changes at
with Esg and tsg as the elastic modulus and the thickness deformation levels exceeding the elastic region. In Fig. 7
of an homogenized strain gauge, respectively. The elas- the experimentally and in 2D correction coefficient obtained
tic modulus of an homogenized strain gauge is taken from is presented for the specimen with dimensions 85 x 10 x
Ajovalasit et al. study [11]. Results, presented in Fig. 5(a), 4 mm3 and E = 2.1 GPa mounted on the strain gauge LY11-
show that the analytically determined correction coeffi- 10/350. The correction coefficient is determined from the
cients deviate from the numerical results by 5 % to 12 % ratio of the strain measured by the extensometer and strain
depending on the test sample thickness. gauge according to equation (4).
Furthermore, the study shows that the impact of the test The experimental results, shown in Fig. 7, indicate non-
sample thickness on the correction coefficient determina- uniform correction coefficient values in the strain region of
tion is limited. In Fig. 6, the 2D predictions indicate the 0.05 % - 0.25 %, which is used for elastic modulus determi-
presence of a transition point at certain critical thickness, nation of polymers accordingly to the standard ISO 527-1
tcr , after which the correction coefficient tends to satu- [7]. The observed non-uniformity of the experimentally
rate and retain permanent value, C0 . The critical thickness determined correction coefficient is not known. Comparing
is attributed to the transition between the local and the averaged experimental correction coefficient values with
global reinforcement by the strain gauge. The difference numerical results the difference is below 5 %, which is
between these two reinforcement effects are described in considered as small.
subsection “Strain gauge introduced strain disturbances”.

Lgauge = 1.5 mm
3.0 mm
6.0 mm
10.0 mm 1.15
sg spec

C = εext+sg/εsg
C = E /E

1.6 1.1

Region for E determination (ISO 527-1)

1.3 1.05
2D model
3D model
1 Experiments
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 1
tspec, mm 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
ε ,%
Fig. 6 The 2D model results presenting the effect of the specimen
thickness on the correction coefficient applying different length strain Fig. 7 Correction coefficient changes with plastic deformation
gauges, if Espec = 1 GPa (tspec = 4 mm; Lgauge = 10 mm and Espec = 2.3 GPa)
Exp Mech (2014) 54:393–403 401

Beyond this deformation region the correction coeffi- test sample stiffness. In subsection “Correction coefficient
cient descends both for experimental and 2D results. In the influenced by specimen geometry”, the 2D results demon-
2D model, the correction coefficient starts to decrease at strate the importance of strain gauge geometry. The strain
a strain of 0.24 %, whereas for some of the experimental gauge length is found as a dominating parameter affecting
results it is observed with even smaller values. The change the measurement accuracy of commercially available strain
of the correction coefficient is attributed to initiation of plas- gauges used in this study. The correction coefficient needed
tic deformation in constantan, which is the main component to adjust the strain gauge measurements is larger imple-
of the metallic parts in the strain gauge [2]. Continuing to menting shorter strain gauges, even though longer strain
deform the test sample above 1 % strain, the correction gauges contributed to a larger volume of total strain field
coefficient values again begin to rise. The ascending part is disturbances. This phenomenon is explained with uneven
explained with more pronounced stiffness reduction by the strain distribution in the gauge, which is caused by the strain
test sample material during plastic deformation than it is in transition between materials with mismatching stiffness.
constantan. For more details see subsection“ Strain gauge introduced
strain disturbances” and “Correction coefficient influenced
by strain gauge geometrical properties”.
Discussion on correction coefficient determination

Results revealed that the strain gauge measurement pre-

cision significantly alters with specimen stiffness and is (a)
considerably influenced by test sample and strain gauge 2.2
geometry. The specimen thickness and the gauge length are tspec = 1 mm
found to be the most crucial geometrical dimensions. Gener- 2 1.5 mm
alizing results, the largest strain gauge measurement errors 2.5 mm
are expected for short strain gauges bonded to thin and 1.8 4 mm
C = Esg/Espec

compliant specimens. 6 mm
30 mm
In subsection “Correction coefficient influenced by 1.6
specimen geometry”, it is shown that the correction coef- Lgauge = 10 mm
ficient gradually decreases for thicker specimens, however 1.4
the effect of thickness is limited. The numerical results pre-
dict that an increase of test sample thickness improves the 1.2
strain gauge measurement precision only up to some critical
value, i.e., tcr - critical thickness. Further the enlargement
of thickness has no impact on strain gauge measurements, 1 10 100
and it is explained with a transition from a global to only Esg, GPa
local reinforcement effect. The critical thickness is depen-
dent on strain gauge length and independent of specimen (b)
stiffness. Hence for each type of strain gauge the optimal
tspec = 1 mm
test sample thickness can be determined to minimize the
2 1.5 mm
gauge measurement errors. In addition, if the optimal thick-
2.5 mm
ness is known then the effect of test sample thinning can be
1.8 4 mm
C = Esg/Espec

sufficiently well predicted by mathematical model provided

30 mm
by Swan [13]. The drawback of this model is that it does not
provide any information about the transition between local 1.6
Lgauge = 3 mm
and global reinforcement, and the optimal geometry of a
specimen. 1.4
Furthermore, when the strain gauge is bonded on the test
samples with a thickness above the critical one, the global 1.2
reinforcement, i.e., strain distortions through the whole
thickness, can be neglected. Therefore for thick test sam-
1 10 100
ples the reinforcement by the strain gauge is localized and
Esg, GPa
the effect of the specimen geometry can be excluded. In
the local reinforcement the strain gauge measurement accu- Fig. 8 Curves for strain gauge measurement correction, when
racy depends mainly on the strain gauge geometry and the Lgauge = 10 mm (a) and 3 mm (b)
402 Exp Mech (2014) 54:393–403

In subsection“ Correction coefficient influenced by plas-

tic deformation”, it is shown that plastically deforming the
test sample the correction coefficient tends to decrease due
to the plastic deformation of constantan. Nevertheless, it is
expected that the resultant correction coefficient depends on
the competition between plastic deformation of specimen
and constantan. More pronounced stiffness reduction by the
test sample will lead to an increase of the correction coeffi-
cient, and it will descent with larger stiffness reduction by

Practical determination of correction coefficient

The results reveal that the strain gauge measurement preci-

sion significantly depends on the specimen thickness, strain Fig. 9 The effect of specimen thickness and grid length on correction
gauge length and amount of total deformation. Experimen- coefficient
tally obtained strain gauge measurements can be modified
by the correction coefficient considering the effect of these
critical parameters. Otherwise calibration of the strain gauge is extracted. In Fig. 10, conversion of the parameter A and
on the specific test sample has to be performed. This study the permanent correction coefficient with the test sample
is focused on the adjustment of experimental results using elastic modulus is demonstrated. It is found that the param-
numerically obtained correction coefficients accounting for eter A and the permanent correction coefficient both depend
the dominating local or global reinforcement effect. on the gauge length and elastic modulus of the specimen -
In Fig. 8 the correction coefficient variations with elas- tending to reduce with stiffer specimens. The critical thick-
tic modulus determined by the strain gauge are presented ness is found to be independent of the elastic modulus of the
for different specimen thicknesses. Therefore, the actual specimen, thus the critical thickness is estimated to be 3.3,
specimen’s elastic modulus can be extracted using experi- 4.4, 6.5 and 9.5 mm for strain gauges with gauge lengths
mentally obtained strain gauge measurements and applying 1.5, 3.0, 6.0 and 10.0 mm, respectively.
equation (5). The correction coefficient values are pre- Figure 11 presents the 2D model prediction of the correc-
sented for specimens with attached strain gauges of type tion coefficient variations for strains up to 5 % by including
LY11-10/350 (Fig. 8(a)) and LY11-3/350 (Fig. 8(b)). only the elastic-plastic material properties of the strain
Figure 9 summarizes the results shown in Fig. 6 for the gauge metallic part. Simulation results are presented for
strain gauges with different lengths mounted on a 1 GPa the specimens with elastic modulus 1, 1.5, 3 and 10 GPa.
stiff test sample. From this, a bi-linear correlation between
the correction coefficient and the aspect ratio of the gauge
length and the specimen thickness can be observed. A
bi-linear correlation indicates a transition between locally 10 mm
and globally dominating reinforcement. Therefore above 0.6
6 mm
the critical thickness, i.e., lower values of Lgauge /tspec , the
correction coefficient is constant and indicates the local 0.9

reinforcement dominating region. Decreasing the specimen

1/C0 = Espec/Esg

3 mm
thickness, i.e., increasing the values of Lgauge /tspec , the Lgauge = 1.5 mm

correction coefficient tends to increase linearly and this is 0.8

1.5 mm
attributed to the global reinforcement dominating region.
Depending on the current reinforcement effect the correc- 3 mm 0.2
tion coefficient can be expressed as follows:
0.7 6 mm
 t −tspec
C0 + ALgauge crtcr tspec , tspec < tcr 10 mm
C= (8) 1 10
C0 , tspec > tcr
Espec, GPa

By fitting a linear relation between the correction coeffi- Fig. 10 Variations of parameters A and C0 with material stiffness for
cient and Lgauge /tspec for thinner specimens, a parameter A strain gauges with different length (Lgauge = 1.5, 3.0, 6.0 and 10.0 mm)
Exp Mech (2014) 54:393–403 403

1.2 tant correction coefficient depends also on the test sample

Espec = 1 GPa material deformation.
1.5 GPa
1.15 3 GPa Acknowledgments This research was supported by the Danish
Centre for Composite Structure and Materials for Wind Turbines
10 GPa (DCCSM), grant no. 09-067212, from the Danish Strategic Research
Council (DSF).
ave sg


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