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Review The Double-Torsion Testing Technique For Determination of Fracture Toughness and Slow Crack Growth Behavior of Materials: A Review

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J M A T E R S C I 4 1 (2 0 0 6 ) 4 0 9 3 –4 1 0 4

The double-torsion testing technique for
determination of fracture toughness and slow crack
growth behavior of materials: A review
A . S H YA M , E . L A R A - C U R Z I O ∗
Metals and Ceramics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6069, USA
Published online: 15 June 2006

The double-torsion testing technique for fracture toughness and slow crack growth
determination has been critically reviewed. The analytical compliance and finite element stress
analyses of the double-torsion test specimen are summarized. The fracture toughness and
crack growth testing procedure using this test configuration is described along with the
applicable relationships. The strengths and limitations of this testing technique vis-à-vis other
standardized techniques have been critically evaluated. While the double-torsion test method
has some limiting features it has been demonstrated that its applicability is not limited as long
as these are addressed correctly. Recommendations for conducting double-torsion experiments
have been provided and potential avenues for improvement of this test method have been
identified. It is concluded based on the review that standardization of this test method is
required in order to make it more practicable.  C 2006 Springer Science + Business Media, Inc.

1. Introduction the tip of a growing crack in double-torsion is not nearly

Double-torsion is a powerful testing technique for as dramatic as other testing configurations such as single
fracture mechanics characterization of materials. This edge notch bend (SENB) or compact tension (CT).
testing methodology was introduced in the late 1960s [1, The mechanical properties that are evaluated by double-
2] and since then it has gained considerable popularity torsion testing include fracture toughness and slow crack
due to the relatively simple and inexpensive experimental growth behavior, although cyclic fatigue studies have also
set-up associated with it. The test configuration consists been reported. A wide range of materials have been char-
of symmetric four-point loading around a crack or a acterized by double-torsion testing. These include ceram-
notch, on one end of a rectangular plate; this produces ics (e.g. alumina [3–6], zirconia [7, 8], hydroxyapatite [9],
torsional deformation in the two plate halves. One mullite [10, 11], silicon nitride [12, 13], cordierite [14],
distinguishing feature of this loading configuration silicon carbide [15–17]), glasses [18], composites [19–
is that the stress intensity factor is, at least as a first 22], concrete and cement [23], Ni-base superalloys [24],
approximation, independent of crack length for a range steels [25], polymers [26–30], polycrystalline diamond
of crack lengths in the test specimen. This implies that [31], geological materials (e.g., lava rocks [32–34]), dry
double torsion testing is ideally suited for the evaluation plaster [35], dental materials [36, 37], magnetic ferrites
of opaque and non-reflective materials where crack [38, 39], fuel cell materials [40], contact lens materials
length measurements could be difficult to make. For the [41] and chemical vapor deposited diamond [42].
same reason, the double-torsion set-up is amenable for Good reviews of double-torsion testing are available in
testing in high temperature and controlled environments. the literature and they are focused on the analytical [43],
Another reason for the popularity of the double-torsion experimental [44] and practical aspects [45] of this test
test method, especially for slow crack growth studies, technique. These reviews and several investigators have
is the relative stability of crack extension. This is once stressed the importance of exercising caution when inter-
again due to the fact that the stress intensity change at preting double torsion testing data, particularly because

∗ Author to whom all correspondence should be addressed.

0022-2461  C 2006 Springer Science + Business Media, Inc.
DOI: 10.1007/s10853-005-5553-0 4093
this test method has not been standardized. In recent years,
several corrections have been proposed to the original
analyses of the double-torsion test given by Evans and
co-workers [25, 46]. Additionally, this testing technique
is being applied to new materials and occasionally with
modified configurations (e.g. [41]). In light of the above,
the present review is organized in the following manner.
The linear crack length-compliance analytical relation-
ship that is the cornerstone of this test method and the
expression for stress intensity factor will be discussed in
the next section. This is followed by a review of finite
element studies of this test configuration including re-
cent studies that incorporate three dimensional analyses
[47]. The methodology for fracture toughness and fatigue
(static and cyclic) testing will be explained and the appli-
cable relationships will be presented. The strengths and
limitations of this testing technique have been critically
evaluated. This is followed by a discussion of the relevant
corrections that have been proposed to the conventional
analysis of double-torsion in order to increase the accu-
racy of this test method. The overview is concluded with
recommendations and identification of potential areas for
further development of the double-torsion testing tech-

Figure 1 (a) A schematic view of the double-torsion test specimen and

2. Analytical analysis of the double-torsion loading arrangement. (b) A schematic of the deformation in the individual
rectangular bars.
loading geometry
Fig. 1 is a schematic representation of the double-torsion
test specimen while Fig. 2 is a picture of a double-torsion
test specimen and loading fixture. Fig. 1a provides a
schematic view of the test set-up and loading configura-
tion. Early test specimen designs often included a groove
along the length of the test specimen in order to guide
the growth of the crack but recent work has shown that
careful alignment of the test specimen and fixture obviate
the need of the machined groove [45]. Furthermore, the
presence of the groove leads to effects that are still not
fully characterized and it also requires a modified analy-
sis. Fig. 1b is a schematic drawing of a bar with a rectan-
gular cross-section (after [25]) that represents the elastic
torsional deformation in the halves around the cracked
Figure 2 Example of an articulated test fixture and double-torsion test
portion of the test specimen. If it is assumed that the two specimen.
rectangular torsion bars in the test specimen deform in-
dependently and also that all displacements imposed on lar cross-section requires the application of the theory of
the test specimen exclusively generate torsional deforma- elasticity. Williams and Evans [25] have shown that if
tion in the individual bars, an analytical expression for the the width of the test specimen (S) is much larger than its
compliance of the test specimen can be obtained. thickness (t) and if the length of any one of the rectangu-
The total angle of twist (θ) resulting from a torque T on lar bars is represented by the crack length (a), we obtain
a circular bar with polar moment of inertia, Ip and shear by recognizing that T = (P/2)Sm , the torsional strain (θ)
modulus, G is given by the following expression [48] given by
TL  3Sm Pa
θ= (1) θ≈ ≈ (2)
GIp Sm St 3 G

where, L represents the total length of the torsion bar. where,  is the load-point displacement and its value is
Derivation of a similar expression for bars of rectangu- small compared to the moment arm Sm (the symbols have

been identified in Fig. 1). Equation 2 can be rearranged to double-torsion testing. The independence of the stress in-
give the analytical expression for the compliance (C) of a tensity factor value with crack length, however, is valid
double-torsion test specimen only for a range of crack lengths in the double-torsion test
specimen because edge effects lead to a deviation from
 3S 2 a the linear crack length-compliance relationship.
C≈ ≈ 3m (3) Experimentally, it has been found for several materi-
P St G
als that the compliance varies with crack length in the
Fuller [43 ] derived a more exact version of Equation 3 following manner [25, 44, 46]
with a finite beam thickness correction factor ψ(τ ) given
C= = Ba + D (9)
3Sm2 a
C≈ (4) where, B and D are scaling constants. The experimen-
St 3 Gψ (τ ) tal form of the compliance relationship is slightly differ-
ent from the expression in Equation 3. While this does
where, τ = 2t/S is the thinness ratio and for values up to τ not alter the form of the stress intensity relationship, it
= 1, a simplified expression with an accuracy better than does have implications for slow crack growth measure-
0.1 percent is given by [43] ments. The linear compliance-crack length relationship
and other assumptions involved in the derivation of the
ψ = 1 − 0.6302τ + 1.20τ exp (−π/τ ) (5) analytical expression for compliance have been exam-
ined in Section 7. In the next section, these analytical
The validity of this thickness correction factor has been expressions are compared to predictions obtained with fi-
experimentally confirmed with the evaluation of glass ce- nite element stress analyses of the double-torsion testing
ramic test specimens [49]. This factor can be significant configuration.
for thick beams (relative to width) and arises due to con-
tact stresses between the two rectangular bars. If it is
further assumed that the shape of the crack front remains 3. Finite element stress analysis of the
unchanged as the crack propagates, then the following double-torsion loading geometry
expression is obtained for the elastic strain energy release The first comprehensive finite element stress analysis
rate (G) [50] of the double-torsion test specimen was performed by
  Trantina [51]. This analysis concluded that most assump-
P2 dC 3P 2 Sm2 tions inherent in the derivation of the analytical expres-
G= = (6)
2t da 2St 4 Gψ sion are reasonable. The stress intensity factor calculation
from the analytical analysis Equation 8 was shown to be
where the Young’s modulus is E = 2G (1 + ν), nearly equal to the value obtained from the finite element
where ν is Poisson’s ratio. With the application stress analysis. Additionally, it was shown that the stress
of the linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) re- intensity factor remains nearly constant (to within 5%)
lationship [50] in the range of crack lengths; a > 0.55∗ S and unbroken
ligament lengths of (L − a) > 0.65∗ S. This implies that
 1 2 the range of crack lengths for which the stress intensity
K = E G / (7)
factor is independent of the crack length is a function of
the length to width (L/S) ratio of the test specimen. For
where, E = E/(1 − ν 2 ) for plane strain and E = E for L/S = 2, the middle 40% of the test specimen displays
plane stress, the expression for stress intensity factor takes crack length independent stress intensity whereas for L/S
the following form = 3, the middle 60% of the test specimen displays this
  1/ 2 property.
3 More recently, Ciccotti and co-workers [32, 33, 47,
K = P Sm for plane strain (8a)
St (1 − ν) ψ
4 52] performed detailed three-dimensional finite element
stress analyses for “large” double-torsion test specimens
(L > 17 cm and S > 6 cm) and concluded that appre-
 1/2 ciable deviations occurred from the classical analytical
3 (1 + ν) solution predictions of strain energy release rate (G in
K = P Sm for plane stress (8b)
St 4 ψ Equation 6). They provided correction factors to account
for experimental variables such as crack shape, groove
The stress intensity factor given by Equation 8 is a func- width and depth, notch length and test specimen geom-
tion of the applied load, the test specimen geometry and etry and found deviations (up to 40%) in the value of
Poisson’s ratio but independent of crack length. The lat- strain energy release rate (G) from the analytical solution
ter characteristic is one of the most attractive features of [47]. Of all the effects considered, the effect of test spec-
imen geometry on the calculated stress intensity factor [3, 53]. The pre-crack originates from the tensile side of
was found to be the most significant and complex. They the double-torsion specimen and the shape of the result-
provided tables of correction factors for various combina- ing crack evolves before reaching a stable crack front. It is
tions of values of thickness (t): width (S): length (L). No therefore desirable to reach the steady state crack front be-
general conclusions could be obtained from their analy- fore performing fracture toughness or slow crack growth
sis except that the discrepancies in stress intensity values measurements. Depending on the material and specimen
predicted by analytical and numerical solutions decrease geometry, the stable crack front shape may be reached
with decreasing the thickness of the test specimen [52]. after 2–5 mm of pre-crack size ahead of the notch.
Additional finite element studies on smaller sized test The determination of fracture toughness using a pre-
specimens having commonly used length to width ratio cracked test specimen should be carried out at a fast load-
of 2:1 or 3:1 and dimensions representative of experi- ing rate so as to avoid slow crack growth. This is because
mental double-torsion test specimens are necessary. This slow crack growth prior to failure would lead to artifi-
would help in standardized test specimen designs with cially lower values of fracture toughness. For example,
well-defined operational range of constant stress intensity it has been shown that the fracture toughness value of
regions. yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) increases with increas-
ing crosshead displacement rates until a displacement
rate of 4 mm/min and thereafter remains constant [54].
4. Double-torsion testing for fracture toughness The experimental error in measuring the values of vari-
determination ables included in the formula for fracture toughness in
Fracture toughness can be determined in double-torsion double-torsion is comparable to that of six other geome-
testing simply by loading a pre-cracked test specimen tries (chevron notched four-point bend, double cantilever
rapidly and recording the maximum load at failure (PIC ). beam, direct crack measurement, single edge notched ten-
The fracture toughness expression is obtained by substi- sion, single edge notched specimen tested in three-point
tuting the failure load in Equation 8 bend and single edge notched tension, single edge notched
specimen tested in four-point bend) and better than inden-
  1/ 2 tation strength by four-point bending [55]. In summary,
K IC = PIC Sm for plane strain double-torsion testing provides fracture toughness values
St (1 − ν) ψ
comparable to those obtained from other standardized test
(10a) methods provided the above-mentioned experimental re-
quirements are satisfied.
  1/ 2
3 (1 + ν)
K IC = PIC Sm for plane stress (10b)
St 4 ψ
5. Double-torsion testing for crack growth study
There are, however, some experimental aspects that need One of the most important characteristics of the double-
to be considered both during precracking and fracture torsion testing approach is that the rate of slow crack
toughness testing. The tip of the precrack should be in growth can be derived without having to monitor the crack
the region where stress intensity factor is independent of length on a continuous basis. Additionally, the cyclic fa-
crack length. A small precrack leads to an artificially en- tigue crack growth response of a material can be deter-
hanced fracture toughness value and a small remaining mined if crack length is monitored continuously. The ini-
ligament length results in a value lower than the fracture tial analyses for load relaxation and constant displacement
toughness of the material [44]. This can be avoided by rate techniques were given by Evans [46] although several
making a starter notch with a length such that any crack corrections have since then been proposed to refine that
that initiates from it is in the constant stress intensity re- approach (Section 8). We describe in the present section,
gion. It is important to conduct the fracture toughness test four commonly employed procedures for crack propaga-
on a precracked test specimen since a blunt notch (without tion studies with the double-torsion testing configuration.
the precrack) would not allow equivalent stress intensifi-
cation at the notch tip. Precracking is generally done at a
slow crosshead displacement rate until a load drop can be 5.1. Load relaxation technique
discerned or a load plateau is reached where the increase The load relaxation technique [46] is commonly employed
in load is balanced by relaxation of the test specimen from to indirectly obtain the sub-critical crack propagation be-
crack growth. A notch with smaller width and a tapered havior of brittle materials. According to this technique,
end, such that it goes from full thickness to a thin liga- a pre-cracked double-torsion test specimen is loaded to
ment at the tensile surface, facilitates precracking at loads below the expected fracture load (0.90–0.95∗PIC ). The
lower than PIC [45]. Other methods of precracking, such crosshead of the testing machine is then held at a fixed
as indenting the region in front of the notch to generate position and the increase in compliance of the test speci-
sharp pre-cracks contiguous to the machined notch, have men from sub-critical crack growth leads to a relaxation
also been successfully applied in double-torsion testing of the load with time. To illustrate this concept, Fig. 3

load and average velocity, the corresponding stress inten-
sity value can be calculated from Equation 8. In principle,
the entire v-K curve can be obtained from a single load
relaxation experiment. In practice, however, this method-
ology works better at relatively higher crack growth rates
(>10−6 –10−7 m/s [44]) due to temperature fluctuations
affecting load measurements at very low velocities. This
method is also susceptible to spurious factors, such as
load train relaxation, which is discussed further in Sec-
tion 7. It is for this reason that it has been recommended
to generate complementary portions of the v-K curve by
combining the load relaxation technique with one of the
two techniques discussed below [56].
Figure 3 An illustration of temporal load variation obtained from a load
relaxation test in a double-torsion test specimen of 3-YSZ.
5.2. Constant load technique
The earliest application of the double-torsion loading con-
presents a load relaxation curve for a test specimen of figuration to measure slow crack growth was through the
3-YSZ. Mathematically, this can be described by differ- constant load method [57]. The average crack velocity
entiating Equation 9 with respect to time to obtain the corresponding to the stress intensity factor, which is cal-
following relationship culated from the applied constant load, can be obtained
by measuring the crack length before and after the ex-
d dP da periment and the elapsed time. The main disadvantage
= (Ba + D) + PB (11)
dt dt dt of this technique is that only one data point can be ob-
tained per experimental run since crack length measure-
where, the left hand side (LHS) of the equation equals zero ments are required. This technique, however, is suitable
if the crosshead is arrested. Additionally, if  remains for the calculation of very low crack velocities where load
constant, and the tip of the crack remains in the crack relaxation measurements cannot be performed [44]. Ad-
length independent stress intensity region, then ditionally, at elevated temperatures, inelastic deformation
  and machine relaxation render constant load crack growth
P (Ba + D) = Pi (Bai + D) = P f Ba f + D (12) measurements as the most reliable technique to measure
slow crack growth rates [44].
where, the subscripts ‘i’ and ‘f’ denote the initial and
final loads and crack lengths. The physical meaning of
Equation 12 is that the increase in the compliance of the 5.3. Constant displacement rate technique
test specimen due to increase in crack length is exactly Evans [46] introduced another technique for evaluating
compensated by its temporal decrease in load. By setting slow crack growth behavior that involved changing the
the LHS of Equation 11 equal to zero and rearranging displacement rate incrementally. In this technique, the
it with Equation 12, an expression for the crack growth crosshead is moved at a constant rate and the load value
velocity (v = da/dt) can be derived is allowed to reach a plateau where the increase in load
  from crosshead movement is balanced by relaxation of the
−Pi D dP test specimen load from crack growth. If the plateau load
v= 2 ai + (13)
P B dt value is given by P, Equation 11 reduces to the following
form (with dP/dt ∼ 0)
which reduces to the following simplified expression for
the case ai  (D/B), i.e. large crack lengths or high mod- d
= PBv (15)
ulus materials dt
−ai Pi d P The crack velocity can be calculated from the displace-
v= (14) ment rate and the value of the load plateau. The main
P 2 dt
disadvantage of this technique is also that only one data
Even though Equation 14 is popularly applied, it is noted point can be obtained per test run even though crack length
that in many cases the assumption that ai is much larger measurements are not required. By changing the displace-
than (D/B) is not true. Equation 14 should be applied ment rate over a few decades, Evans showed that the slow
when material availability is at a premium and experimen- crack growth exponent can be determined from this test-
tal compliance-crack length curves cannot be generated. ing methodology [46].
However, the slow crack growth exponents calculated us- Weiderhorn [58] and later Quinn and co-workers [3,
ing Equations 13 or 14 will remain identical. For a given 59] successfully combined the constant displacement

rate technique with the load relaxation technique to ob- Chevalier and co-workers [53, 61, 63–69] have exten-
tain slow crack growth information without having to sively studied the static and cyclic crack growth behavior
make any crack length measurements. In this method, of zirconia using the double-torsion configuration. Using
the crosshead is moved at a slow, constant rate un- this testing approach they found the existence of thresh-
til the load decrease due to slow crack growth exactly olds for crack growth (in both static and cyclic conditions)
offsets the load increase due to crosshead movement. and the presence of environmentally-assisted degradation
The peak load (Pi ) and the crosshead displacement rate mechanisms [61]. It has also been demonstrated that a
(d/dt) can now be used to obtain the crack veloc- cyclic effect exists in several materials in terms of faster
ity (vi ) according to Equation 15. In this version of crack growth at equivalent value of stress intensity fac-
the test method, the crosshead is arrested at the peak tor when compared to stress corrosion alone [61, 62]. A
load and a load relaxation experiment is subsequently cyclic effect may also exist in that the crack propagation
carried out. The initial crack velocity (vi ) from the threshold values are lower under cyclic fatigue loading
load relaxation experiment can be obtained by substi- [61].
tuting P = Pi in Equation 13. Assuming that the ini-
tial velocity obtained by application of Equations 13
and 15 is the same, the following relationship is 6. Advantages of the double-torsion testing
obtained: technique
  Some of the advantageous characteristics of the double-
(d/dt) d Pi (Bai + D) torsion testing configuration for fracture toughness and
vi = =− (16)
Pi B dt Pi B slow crack growth characterization have already been
identified in the previous sections. The simple test speci-
This relationship allows the expression of the compliance men geometry and loading configuration involving four-
of the specimen at the beginning of the load relaxation point loading of a rectangular bar results in a low-cost
experiment as [58] setup [43]. Even the rear supports of the test specimen
(Fig. 1) are not critical since they are designed only for
(d/dt) convenience in mounting and aligning the test specimen
Bai + D = − (17)
(d Pi /dt) [25]. The most important characteristic of this testing con-
figuration, as mentioned earlier, is that the stress intensity
The initial compliance is related to the compliance at any factor resulting from it is independent of (or has a weak
other instant in the load relaxation experiment according dependence on) the crack length in the mid-section of the
to Equation 12. Substitution of Equation 17 in Equation 13 test specimen. The above factors are responsible for the
therefore, allows the calculation of crack velocity accord- fact that the application of this test method is commonly
ing to extended to elevated temperatures and controlled envi-
ronments, e.g. [15]. In addition, it has been noted that a
d/dt Pi d p/dt low compliance loading system is not required to apply
v= (18) the compressive loads required for double torsion testing
B d Pi /dt P2
[34]. Although the tapered width double cantilever beam
Since Equation 18 does not involve any crack length test specimen also has the property of the stress intensity
term, it is ideally suitable for applications such as factor being independent of crack length, these test speci-
elevated temperature and/or controlled environment mens require a lot more material for machining compared
testing. to a flat double-torsion test specimen [70]. The double-
torsion test specimen geometry is also ideally suited for
material manufactured in a planar configuration such as
5.4. Cyclic fatigue crack growth polycrystalline diamond compacts [31]. This testing con-
measurements figuration is also uniquely suitable for determining the
There have been few reports of cyclic fatigue studies us- fracture toughness of rocks [33], adhesive joints [71] and
ing the double-torsion testing methodology [45, 60–62]. diffusion bonds [72].
This is due to the fact that cyclic fatigue studies typically In double-torsion test specimens, precracking is
require continuous monitoring of crack length with load- achieved in a controlled manner and can be detected from
ing cycles, e.g. [61]. In principle, the crack length in a deviations from linearity in the load versus displacement
double-torsion test specimen can be estimated from the curve [43]. Unlike double-torsion, some other geometries
compliance of the test specimen. However, it has been for measuring fracture toughness involve separate fixtur-
reported that accurate determination of the crack length ing for precracking test specimens (e.g. the precracked
from the compliance of the test specimen can be difficult beam method).
in practice, especially for brittle materials [45]. This is at- Some researchers have claimed that values of the frac-
tributed to the small load point displacements associated ture surface energy calculated from double-torsion (DT)
with the deformation of stiff materials and the inherent testing are more accurate when compared with other con-
noise associated with thermal fluctuations, for example. figurations such as double cantilever beam (DCB) or sin-
gle edge notch bend (SENB) testing [73]. Others have re-
ported comparable values of fracture energy release rates
obtained by DT and DCB test specimens [74] whereas
others have reported that the DCB test specimen geom-
etry has the highest tendency for slow crack growth and
yields higher values of fracture toughness compared to
SENB or DT test specimen geometries [75]. For hot-
pressed SiC, for example, comparable KIC values were
reported from Hertzian indentation and double-torsion
techniques [76]. However, uncertainties in the fracture
toughness determination from indentation techniques are
well documented and therefore fracture toughness values
from double-torsion are deemed more reliable than those
attempted from indentation methods [54]. Figure 4 The experimental variation of compliance with crack length in a
As mentioned in Section 5, slow crack growth can be double-torsion test specimen leads to the mid-region in the test specimen
investigated in three complementary modes using dou- with stress intensity values independent of crack length. The theoretically
ble torsion without the use of crack opening displace- predicted compliance variation with crack length has also been illustrated
in this figure.
ment gages. Evans and Williams [25] have demonstrated
that slow crack growth characteristics are extremely com-
parable for several materials using the DT and DCB
test specimen configurations. Bhaduri [18] reported that e.g. [40]. The justification for the former is that plane
the slow crack growth exponent calculated from inden- strain fracture toughness is suitable for brittle materials.
tation techniques is comparable to that calculated from Fracture modality selection (plane stress/strain) can in-
double-torsion. While studying stress corrosion cracking duce errors in the calculation of the stress intensity factor
in steels, Briggs et al. [77] found that an optical method according to Equation 8. The other assumption is that the
for measuring crack growth rates and the load relaxation loading at the tip of the crack is purely mode I with a
version of the double-torsion test method gave similar negligible mode III component [43]. This was shown to
results. Quinn and Quinn [59] carried out a compari- be a reasonable assumption by Evans and co-workers [25,
son of the published slow crack growth exponent val- 46], who demonstrated the experimental critical strain en-
ues in hot pressed silicon nitride between room tem- ergy release rate (Gc ) compared well with mode I values
perature and 1400◦ C. They demonstrated that in some calculated from Equation 7.
instances, the slow crack exponent values were similar The most important characteristic of the double-torsion
between double-torsion and other test methods such as test specimen is the lack of dependence of the stress inten-
static and dynamic fatigue. Quinn [3] also demonstrated sity factor on crack length in approximately the mid-range
the coincidence of the slow crack growth exponent be- of crack lengths in the test specimen. Outside this region,
tween double torsion and static fatigue testing for alumina the compliance-crack length relationship becomes non-
at 1000◦ C. Slow crack growth characteristics calculated linear due to end effects and this has been schematically
from static/dynamic fatigue experiments are indirect cal- illustrated in Fig. 4 [43]. One assumption in the analyti-
culations whereas in the double-torsion test the slow crack cal derivation of this relationship is that the torsion bars
growth behavior of long cracks can be deduced directly deform independently with no contact stresses and negli-
[9]. It has been shown by Sudreau et al. [78] that indi- gible deflection beyond the crack tip. The reason for the
rect methods can induce large errors in interpretation of slopes of compliance versus crack length curve (Fig. 4)
slow crack growth characteristics. Double torsion has also becoming lower than that of the constant slope region
been successfully applied to investigate the time depen- at smaller crack lengths is due to interaction between
dant fracture of composite materials [19, 20] and tough the two torsion bars in the test specimen contributing
polymers [21]. significantly to the total deformation of the torsion bars
[25]. At small remaining ligament lengths, the elastic de-
flection of the uncracked portion of the test specimen
7. Limitations of the double-torsion testing does not remain negligible thus increasing the slope of
technique the compliance-crack length curve in Fig. 4. Even for
It is important to be aware of the major assumptions in- the so called region of constant driving force, a number
volved in double-torsion testing that could limit its valid- of researchers have found that the stress intensity fac-
ity under certain circumstances. One assumption involves tor could be a function of the crack length [4, 5, 14,
the choice of state of plane strain or stress to describe the 44, 56, 63, 64, 79, 80]. Very often, a hysteresis in the
stress intensity at the crack tip according to Equation 8a v-K curve calculated from load relaxation is shown as
or 8b. While earlier researchers favored the plane strain indication of the dependence of stress intensity factor on
expression for fracture toughness calculation [43,45] re- crack length [44, 56, 63, 64, 79, 80]. The dependency of
cent calculations are based on the plane stress expression, stress intensity factor on crack length has been attributed
to several factors which can be broadly classified as

• Intrinsic effects—These effects arise from the mate-

rial microstructure or the interaction of the material
with the environment. Example of such effects would
be the presence of a glassy phase on the grain bound- Figure 5 A schematic of the cross section of a crack in a double torsion test
aries [79], transformation toughening at the crack-tip specimen showing the curved crack front. Geometric corrections associated
[53, 81], time dependant deformation in the process with the curved profile have been proposed [46, 84]. The intersection angle
zone [56] and R-curve effects such as friction in- of the crack with the tensile surface has been exaggerated in this figure.
duced bridging of grains, reinforcements from fibers
or phase transformations [5, 6, 56].
partially circumvented by subtracting the background re-
• Extrinsic effects—These effects are due to the me-
laxation of the system or alternately by using the constant
chanical evolution of the stress intensity factor with
load technique [44]. The errors due to end effects can arti-
crack growth. Use of Equation 8 to calculate the stress
ficially decrease the slope of the v-K plot or the slow crack
intensity factor may, therefore lead to errors. In such growth exponent by as much as 30% [52, 86]. If extrinsic
situations, finite element stress analysis or alterna-
effects are significant, even in the so called “constant driv-
tive approaches (see Equation 20 in Section 8) are
ing force regime”, a systematic error in the slope of the
required to calculate the stress intensity factor. An v-K plot up to 50% can be observed [63]. Additional cor-
extrinsic effect could arise from the uncracked com-
rections in the slow crack growth rates need to be applied
pressive portion of the double-torsion test specimen
in the presence of crack bridging [12], blunting, branching
[63]. and deflection [87]. We discuss in the following section,
corrections that have been proposed to the conventional
In addition, the crack profile in double torsion is curvilin-
analysis of double torsion in order to address some of the
ear and therefore, the stress intensity factor is expected to problems discussed in this section and thereby increasing
vary along the crack front. It has been contended that the
the precision of this testing method.
crack front geometry is material specific [82] and depen-
dent on the slow crack growth exponent [83]. Researchers
have argued that the shape of the crack front does not
8. Corrections proposed to the conventional
change in the constant stress intensity region [25, 29, 84]
analysis of double-torsion
and therefore a crack shape correction factor can be used
Several corrections have been proposed for the quantita-
to correct for these effects (see Section 8).
tive analysis of data obtained by the double-torsion test
The geometry of the double-torsion test specimen has
method. One of the most relevant corrections, for slow
not been standardized and in some cases this might lead to
crack growth studies, has been for the curvilinear crack
the crack propagation characteristics influenced by the test
profile schematically illustrated in Fig. 5. Since the crack
specimen dimensions [44, 60]. For example, it is known
extends further along the face of the test specimen with
that a test specimen with thickness greater than (S/6) can
the maximum tensile stress, Evans [46] proposed the fol-
lead to an interaction between the two moment arms that
lowing first order correction for the effect of crack profile
can not be neglected [44, 85]. It is also known that the
on velocity given by Equation 14
region of constant stress intensity decreases in size if the
length to width ratio of the test specimen decreases [85, −ai Pi d P
86]. Large deflections or big roller pins also change the v=φ (19)
effective moment arm length of the test specimen as dis- P 2 dt
cussed in the next section [30]. Quinn and Quinn [59] 
demonstrated that surface finish had an effect on the re- where, φ = t/ (t 2 + a 2 ) with t representing the thick-
sults of double-torsion experiments on a large Plexiglas ness of the test specimen and a the difference in crack
test specimen. Most of the recent applications of double- lengths between the two faces (Fig. 5). This correction
torsion testing have been carried-out using test specimens approximates the curved crack front with a straight line.
without a guiding groove, and rightly so, since the ad- Shetty, Virkar and Harward [88] pointed out that since
ditional stress concentration due to the groove leads to the crack front is curved and the crack velocity is defined
effects that are not well understood [45]. The crack is orthogonal to the crack front, the velocity must decrease
likely to not remain straight and wander if the loading continuously along the front starting from a maximum
system is not well aligned and balanced. value at the leading edge. Based on the curved crack pro-
As mentioned earlier, the load relaxation method can file, they derived an expression for the average crack ve-
be affected by spurious effects [44, 56, 79]. This is es- locity as a weighted average of the components of the
pecially true in situations involving substantial machine local velocities along the average direction [88]. Pollet
relaxation, very low crack velocities [44], high temper- and Burns [84] provided the most accurate expression to
ature and crack-tip plasticity [11]. The problem can be correct crack velocity values due to the crack front curva-
ture. If the angle between the test specimen surface and the case of plane stress, was given by
the normal to the crack front is locally given by α (Fig. 5),
then the crack velocity correction (φ in Equation 19 can   1/ 2
3 (1 + ν)
be shown to be [84] K IC = PIC Sm (22)
(r 2 − a 2 )t 4

 n where r is the radius of the test specimen and a is the

1 crack length and the thickness correction factor has been
φ= {sin α (x)}1/n d x  (20)
t ignored. As might be expected, material specific consid-
0 erations are commonly applied to modify the analytical
expressions for double-torsion outlined in the previous
sections. For example, Donners and co-workers [38 , 39]
where, t is thickness of the specimen, n is the slow while studying the fracture of MnZn ferrites demonstrated
crack growth exponent and the expression for φ re- that the expression for fracture toughness is a function of
duces to the correction proposed by Evans [46 ] if the the environmental conditions and determined by the ad-
crack front is approximated as a straight line with α sorption or reactive species on the crack tip. Radovic and
remaining constant. The value of φ can be obtained Lara-Curzio [40] have demonstrated a clear relationship
from experimental measurements of the crack profile. between porosity of materials for solid oxide fuel cell ap-
Ciccotti and co-workers [32, 33, 47, 52] performed fi- plications and their fracture toughness. The variation in
nite element simulations incorporating geometric features the local crack-tip driving force based on deflection of
such as the relative test specimen dimensions and the the crack tip during a double-torsion experiment has also
curved crack front to provide tables from which a linear been addressed [87].
corrective factor could be obtained. This factor could be Chevalier and co-workers have reported in a series of
applied to conventional analysis [46] of slow crack growth papers [61, 63–68, 92] a crack length dependence of stress
with the double-torsion testing method. intensity factor while studying the behavior of zirconia
The correction to the stress intensity factor based on and alumina. According to them, the corrected expres-
the thickness of the beam relative to its width has already sion for stress intensity factor (Kcorr ) in the double-torsion
been discussed Equation 8. Hine, Duckett and Ward [89] testing configuration can be given by
extended this thickness effect by correcting for large de-
flections and the size of the moment arm in case of finite  m /k
radii of the loading points. Their analysis yielded the fol- a
K corr = K (23)
lowing expression for stress intensity factor, for the case ao
of plane stress
where K is given by Equation 8, ao is the notch length,
m = 6 and k = 32 are constants for the test specimen
3 (1 + ν) geometry and material considered. They have attributed
K =P the minor crack length dependence of stress intensity fac-
St 4 ψ
tor to the unbroken ligament on the compressive side of
Sm − (R + r + t)(sin θ + θ cos θ) the test specimen and therefore the stress intensity cor-
× (21) rection proposed in Equation 23 could be a function of
the dimensions of the test specimen and its loading con-
figuration [63 ]. In addition, Ebrahimi et al. [5, 6] have
where the terms have the same meaning as in Equation 8. demonstrated that a non-linear compliance-crack length
In addition,  represents the crosshead displacement, R relationship exists for alumina because of crack bridg-
and r are the radii of supporting and loading balls and θ ing and R-curve phenomena. They demonstrated that by
is the angle the torsional arm makes with the horizontal subtracting the R-curve effect, a unique v-K curve could
surface of the undeformed test specimen. Equation 21 be obtained for alumina with average grain size varying
reduces to Equation 8b for the case of small values of between 2 and 13 µm. Based on the corrections proposed
radii R and r with small deflections where  ∼ Sm θ. and other results presented in the literature, we make prac-
The issue of large deflection in double-torsion has been tical recommendations for double torsion testing and sug-
theoretically [90,91] and experimentally [30] addressed gest work that could lead to the standardization of this test
by researchers investigating the behavior and properties technique.
of polymers and polymer based composites.
The standard rectangular double-torsion test speci-
men configuration and analysis has been reported to be 9. Recommendations for double-torsion testing
modified by investigators for specialized applications. and future work
McAuliffe and Truss [41] tested semi-circular test speci- Researchers experienced with the practical aspects of dou-
mens made from polymeric ophthalmic contact lens ma- ble torsion testing recognize that good alignment is the key
terial and demonstrated that the fracture toughness, for to successful application of this test method [3, 45]. A well
aligned loading fixture distributes torsion symmetrically ance versus crack length calibration of double-torsion test
in the two bars. A misaligned system, evidenced by cracks specimens to become non-linear [5]. If accurate R-curve
that do not run straight from the notch has uneven torsion behavior is obtained, the slow crack growth behavior of
in the bars resulting in mixed-mode loading of the crack, micro-cracks can be indirectly estimated with the double-
and results in artificially enhanced KIC values. As men- torsion testing technique by subtracting the possible ef-
tioned earlier, the presence of a guiding groove modifies fect of the reinforcements on macro-cracks. The infor-
the real stress intensity factor at the crack tip and leads to mation generated by the double-torsion testing procedure
uncertainty and inaccuracy in fracture toughness and slow can therefore, be applied to component life prediction.
crack growth measurement. Based on the present survey, In the absence of standardized guidelines, double-
it is recommended that machined grooves be avoided in torsion test specimens of different dimensions have
all situations. Other experimental aspects that increase the been used for fracture investigations. Tait, Fry and
repeatability of double-torsion testing are a stiff machine, Garrett [45] surveyed the test specimen dimensions for
test specimens machined to tight tolerances and with well published data in the literature and concluded that a length
finished surfaces, good environmental control, ball bear- to width ratio of two to three has been a popular choice. A
ing loads, homogeneous material along crack extension length to width ratio of two gives less material in the mid-
region and a data acquisition system with high accuracy dle for slow crack growth experiments. Longer length to
[33, 45, 81]. For slow crack growth studies via load re- width ratios may be applied for slow crack growth studies
laxation, a high throughput data acquisition system may in order to increase the size of the region with nearly con-
be necessary to accurately capture the rapid initial relax- stant stress intensity. That survey [45] also found that the
ation in loads resulting from high growth rates. There thickness values of the test specimen typically lie between
is agreement among researchers on machining a tapered 1/6 and 1/15 of the test specimen width. Test specimens
notch on the test specimen in order to facilitate precrack- thicker than S/6 should be avoided since it leads to exper-
ing at loads lower than the fracture load. As mentioned imental complications such as those arising from an in-
in Section 4, an important practical consideration in pre- teraction between the torsion bars. It is the opinion of the
cracking is to allow the crack to reach the steady state authors that detailed finite element studies on ungrooved
front before conducting fracture toughness or slow crack test specimens with sizes typical of double-torsion test
growth measurements [63]. specimens in practice are required to design a standard-
It is important to use high loading/displacement rates ized test specimen with well-defined constant stress in-
during fracture toughness determination [54]. This is es- tensity region. The fracture modality, i.e., whether plane
pecially important for materials which are susceptible to stress or plane strain expression for stress intensity fac-
slow crack growth. For slow crack growth studies, it is tor in Equation 8 is applicable, should also be addressed
helpful to know the fast fracture load of a test before- for the standard specimen design. Efforts to compare the
hand so that load relaxation tests can be carried out by fracture toughness results from double-torsion and other
arresting the crosshead at a load such that K > 0.9 KIC standardized test methods (e.g., ASTM’s C1421) are un-
[33, 60]. Caution should be exercised when interpreting der way. These studies coupled with round-robin testing
crack growth data obtained from load relaxation alone among laboratories are important steps towards standard-
especially at elevated temperatures and/or at very low ve- ization of this test procedure.
locities (<10−7 m/s) [44]. It is advised that the slow crack
growth behavior of a material can be evaluated by us-
ing a combination of the load relaxation and the constant 10. Concluding remarks
load or the constant displacement rate techniques [56]. The double-torsion testing methodology is a simple, yet
It is also helpful to obtain an experimental compliance- powerful test method to characterize the fracture behavior
crack length curve from at least six to eight test specimens of materials and the applicability of this test method is not
with different initial crack lengths [25, 85]. Apart from limited as long as its limitations are addressed appropri-
providing scaling constants for accurate crack velocity de- ately. The authors believe that because of its attributes and
termination, these results also provide an estimate of the popularity, efforts should be focused on the standardiza-
deviation between the theoretical compliance and its ex- tion of this test method.
perimental value based on the load train and test specimen
It is to be noted that the double-torsion testing procedure Acknowledgements
only gives information for the crack propagation behav- This work was sponsored by the U.S. Department of
ior of macro-flaws. This test method therefore, can not Energy, Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and
be directly applied to lifetime prediction in cases where Renewable Energy, Office of FreedomCAR and Vehi-
the growth of micro-flaws constitutes a significant portion cle Technology Program, as part of the Heavy Vehicle
of the total lifetime. One area where the potential of the Propulsion Materials Program, under contract DE-AC05-
double-torsion method has not been fully utilized is to ob- 00OR22725 with UT-Battelle, LLC. The authors would
tain R-curve behavior and bridging stresses of materials like to thank the anonymous reviewers and their colleague
[4–6]. As noted earlier, bridging stresses cause the compli- Donald Erdman (ORNL) for many insightful comments.
The authors are indebted to George D. Quinn (NIST) for 37. D . J . I N D R A N I , W . D . C O O K , F . T E L E VA N T O S , M . J . T YA S
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38. M . A . H . D O N N E R S , L . J . M . G . D O RT M A N S and G . D E
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