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WizardMath: Empowering Mathematical Reasoning

for Large Language Models via

Reinforced Evol-Instruct

Haipeng Luo2∗ Qingfeng Sun1∗ Can Xu1† Pu Zhao1 Jianguang Lou1

Chongyang Tao1 Xiubo Geng1 Qingwei Lin1 Shifeng Chen2† Dongmei Zhang1
Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences


Large language models (LLMs), such as GPT-4, have shown remarkable perfor-
mance in natural language processing (NLP) tasks, including challenging mathe-
matical reasoning. However, most existing open-source models are only pre-trained
on large-scale internet data and without math-related optimization. In this paper,
we present WizardMath, which enhances the mathematical reasoning abilities of
Llama-2, by applying our proposed Reinforcement Learning from Evol-Instruct
Feedback (RLEIF) method to the domain of math. Through extensive experiments
on two mathematical reasoning benchmarks, namely GSM8k and MATH, we reveal
the extraordinary capabilities of our model. WizardMath surpasses all other open-
source LLMs by a substantial margin. Furthermore, our model even outperforms
ChatGPT-3.5, Claude Instant-1, PaLM-2 and Minerva on GSM8k, simultaneously
surpasses Text-davinci-002, PaLM-1 and GPT-3 on MATH. More details and
model weights are public at 3 and

1 Introduction

Recently, Large-scale language models (LLMs) have garnered significant attention and become
the go-to approach for numerous natural language processing (NLP) tasks, including open domain
conversation [1–4], coding [5–13] and math [14–19]. A conspicuous example is ChatGPT, developed
by OpenAI. This model uses extensive pre-training on large-scale internet data and further fine-
tuning with specific instruction data and methods. As a result, it achieves state-of-the-art zero-shot
performance on various benchmarks. Subsequently, Anthropic, Google, and Meta also launched
their competitive products one after another. Notably, Meta’s series of Llama [4, 20] models have
sparked an open-source revolution and quickly narrowed the gap with those closed-source LLMs.
This trend also gradually stimulates the releases of MPT8 , Falcon [21], StarCoder [12], Alpaca [22],
Vicuna [23], and WizardLM [24], etc. However, these open models still struggles with the scenarios
which require complex multi-step quantitative reasoning, such as solving mathematical and science
challenges [25–35].

Equal contribution. Work done during the internship of Luo at Microsoft Research.

Corresponding author: and
We are working with our legal team to review and publicly release the code and data in accordance with
our policy.

Preprint. Under review.

Step 1: Step 2: Step 3:
Supervised fine-tuning. Training Instruction Reward Model (IRM), Active Evol-Instruct,
and Process-supervised Reward Model (PRM). and PPO training.

WizardLM𝛼 Wizard-E ChatGPT Wizard-E



Wizard-E ChatGPT



𝑟𝑘𝐼 𝑟𝑘𝐴

C>A>B=D 𝑟𝑘 = 𝑟𝑘𝐼 ∙ 𝑟𝑘𝐴

Figure 1: A diagram illustrating the three steps of our Reinforcement Learning from Evol-Instruct
Feedback (RLEIF): (1) supervised fine-tuning (SFT), (2) Instruction Reward Model (IRM) training
and Process-supervised Reward Model (PRM) training, and (3) Active Evol-Instruct and reinforce-
ment learning via proximal policy optimization (PPO).

Chain-of-thought (CoT) [31] proposes to design better prompts to generate step-by-step solutions,
which can lead to improved performance. Self-Consistency [34] also achieves remarkable perfor-
mance on many reasoning benchmarks, which generates several possible answers from the model
and selects the correct one based on majority vote [35]. In recent, [36] finds that process supervision
with reinforcement learning significantly outperforms outcome supervision for solving challenging
MATH problems.
Inspired by Evol-Instruct and Process-supervised Reinforcement Learning, this work aims to enhance
the mathematical reasoning abilities of the SOTA open-source LLM, Llama-2 [20]. As shown
in the Figure 1, we propose a new method named Reinforcement Learning from Evol-Instruct
Feedback (RLEIF), which could firstly generate diverse math instructions data by math-specific
Evol-Instruct, then we train an instruction reward model (IRM) and a process-supervised reward
model (PRM) [16, 36–41], the former indicates the quality of the evolved instruction and the later
receives feedback for each step in the solution. The brand-new Evol-Instruct method includes two
downward evolution and upward evolution progress to produce the grade school math and challenging
math respectively. Initially, we re-generate, filter and finetune the original math instruction data from
GSM8k [42] and MATH [43]. Immediately, we train the Llama-2 models to obtain the reward models
and our WizardMath.
We perform experiments on two mathematical reasoning benchmarks, namely GSM8k [42] and
MATH [43], the results demonstrate that our WizardMath outperforms all other open-source LLMs,
achieving state-of-the-art performance. Specifically, WizardMath observe a substantial improvement
in pass@1 with an increase of +24.8 (81.6. vs. 56.8) on GSM8k, and +9.2 (22.7 vs. 13.5) on MATH.
Notably, our model even also significantly surpasses OpenAI’s ChatGPT-3.55 , Anthropic’s Claude
Instant-1 [39], and Google’s PaLM-2 [44] in terms of pass@1 on GSM8k.
The main contributions of this work are as following:

• We introduce WizardMath model, which enhances the mathematical reasoning abilities for
open-source pretrained large language model Llama-2 [20].
• We propose a new method, Reinforcement Learning from Evol-Instruct Feedback (RLEIF),
alongside Evol-Instruct and Reinforcement Learning, for improving LLM reasoning perfor-
• WizardMath surpasses all other open-source LLMs by a substantial margin in terms of math-
ematical reasoning, including Llama-2 70B [20], Llama-1 65B [4], Falcon-40B [21], MPT-
30B8 , Baichuan-13B Chat9 and ChatGLM2 12B [45] on both GSM8k [42] and MATH [43].
• WizardMath significantly outperforms various main closed-source LLMs, such as ChatGPT5 ,
GPT-3.5, Claude Instant [39], PaLM-2 [44], PaLM-1 [7] and Minerva[15] on GSM8k.

2 Method

In this section, we elaborate on the details of our WizardMath. Following WizardLM and PRMs[36],
we propose Reinforcement Learning from Evol-Instruct Feedback (RLEIF), which integrates the
Evol-Instruct and reinforced process supervision method to evolve GSM8k and MATH, and fine-tune
the pre-trained Llama-2 with the evolved data and reward models.
As shown in the Figure 1, our methods apply three steps:

1. Supervised fine-tuning.
2. Training instruction reward model, and process-supervised reward model.
3. Active Evol-Instruct, and PPO training.

2.1 Supervised fine-tuning

Following InstructGPT[2], we also firstly fine tune the base with supervised instruction-response
pairs, which contains:

1. To make the parsing of each step easier, we few-shot re-generate 15k answers for GSM8k
and MATH with an Alpha version of WizardLM 70B model to produce solutions in a
step-by-step format, then find out those with a correct answer, and use this data to finetune
base Llama model.
2. To enhance the model’s ability to adhere to the neural and diverse instructions, we also
sample 1.5k open-domain conversations from WizardLM’s training data, then merge it with
above math corpus as the final SFT training data.

2.2 Evol-Instruct principles for math

Motivated by the Evol-Instruct [24] method proposed by WiazrdLM and its effective application
on WizardCoder [13], this work attempts to make math instructions with various complexities and
diversity to enhance the pre-trained LLMs. Specifically, we adapt Evol-Instruct to a new paradigm
including two evolution lines:

1. Downward evolution: It enhances instructions by making the questions easier. For example
i): revising high difficulty questions to lower difficulty, or ii) producing a new and easier
question with another different topic.
2. Upward evolution: Derived from original Evol-Instruct method, it deepens and generates
new and harder questions by i) adding more constraints, ii) concretizing, iii) increasing

2.3 Reinforcement Learning from Evol-Instruct Feedback (RLEIF)

Inspired by InstructGPT[2] and PRMs[36], we train two reward models to predict the quality of the
instructions and the correctness of each step in the answer respectively:

Figure 2: The pass@1 performance of main LLM models on the GSM8k benchmark, our model is
currently ranked in the top five, slightly outperforming some close-source models such as ChatGPT-
3.55 , Claude Instant-16 , PaLM 2 [44], and substantially surpassing all open-source models.

1. Instruction Reward Model (IRM): This model aims to judge the quality of the evolved
instructions on three aspects: i) Definition, ii) Precision, and iii) Integrity. To produce
the ranking list training data of IRM, for each instruction, we firstly use ChatGPT and
Wizard-E 4 to generate 2~4 evolved instructions respectively. Then we leverage Wizard-E to
rank the quality of those 4~8 instructions.
2. Process-supervised Reward Model (PRM): As there is no powerful open-source math
reasoning LLMs before this work, there is no simple way to support highly precise process
supervision without professional human-labelers and close-source ChatGPT. Therefore, we
depend on ChatGPT to provide process supervision, and ask it to assess the correctness of
each step in the solutions generated by our model.
3. PPO training. We evolve the original math (GSM8k + MATH) instructions by 8 turns,
increasing the data size from 15k to 96k. We use IRM and PRM to generate the instruction
reward (rI ) and the answer reward (rA ). Then apply a product as the final reward r = rI ·rA .

3 Experiment
This section provides a comprehensive overview of the baseline models in our experiments. Subse-
quently, we mainly elucidate the performance metrics of our models on two prevalent mathematical
benchmarks: GSM8k [42] and MATH [43].

3.1 Baselines

Close-Source Models. Numerous technology companies have effectively created exceptionally

proficient Large Language Models (LLMs) [3, 4, 7, 20, 44, 45, 47, 51–53], but have opted against
Wizard-E named Wizard-Evol-Generator, which is an Alpha version fine-tuned Llama model specifically
used to execute Evol-Instruct without APIs.

Table 1: Results of pass@1 (%) on GSM8k and MATH. In this study, to ensure equitable and cohesive
evaluations, we report the socres of all models within the settings of greedy decoding and CoT [31].
We report the improvement between WizardMath and baseline model with similar parameter size.
Model Params GSM8k MATH
Closed-source models
GPT-4 [3] - 92.0 42.5
Claude 27 - 88.0 -
Claude 1.37 - 85.2 -
Flan-PaLM 2 [44] 540B 84.7 33.2
Claude Instant7 - 80.9 -
ChatGPT [46] - 80.8 34.1
PaLM 2 [44] 540B 80.7 34.3
8B 16.2 14.1
Minerva [15] 62B 52.4 27.6
540B 58.8 33.6
GPT-3.5 [3] - 57.1 -
8B 4.1 1.5
PaLM [7] 62B 33.0 4.4
540B 56.5 8.8
RFT-13B [16] 13B 55.4 -
Chinchilla [47] 70B 43.7 -
ChatGLM 2 [45] 12B 40.9 -
Text-davinci-002 [15] 175B 40.7 19.1
GPT-3 [1] 175B 34.0 5.2
GPT-2 [43] 1.5B - 6.9
Open-source models
30B - 12.7
GAL [14]
120B - 20.4
7B 14.6 2.5
13B 28.7 3.9
LLaMA 2 [20]
34B 42.2 6.24
70B 56.8 13.5
Qwen 10 7B 51.6 -
7B 11.0 2.9
13B 17.8 3.9
LLaMA 1 [4]
33B 35.6 7.1
65B 50.9 10.6
RFT-7B [16] 7B 50.3 -
GPT-J-6B [48] 6B 34.9 -
ChatGLM 2 [45] 6B 32.4 -
InternLM-7B [49] 7B 31.2 -
Vicuna v1.3 [23] 13B 27.6 -
Baichuan-chat 9 13B 23.9 -
7B 6.8 2.3
Falcon [21]
40B 19.6 2.5
GPT-Neo-2.7B [50] 2.7B 19.5 -
7B 6.8 3.0
30B 15.2 3.1
WizardMath 7B 54.9 (+3.3) 10.7 (+7.7)
WizardMath 13B 63.9 (+35.2) 14.0 (+10.1)
WizardMath 70B 81.6 (+24.8) 22.7 (+9.2)

Table 2: Results of pass@1 (%) on MATH Subtopics with WizardMath 70B model.
MATH subtopics WizardMath 70B
Intermediate Algebra 7.1
Precalculus 12.6
Geometry 15.7
Number Theory 16.3
Counting & Probability 17.3
Prealgebra 41.7
Algebra 33.3
Overall 22.7

making them publicly available, so they are referred to as close-source models. In our research, we
extensively integrate a significant number of close-source models as the foundational benchmarks.
Specifically, our baselines encompass the following models: (i) OpenAI’s GPT-3 [51], GPT-3.5,
ChatGPT5 , GPT-4 [3]; (ii) Google’s PaLM 2 [44], PaLM [7], and Minerva [15]; (iii) Anthropic’s
Claude Instant [39], Claude 1.36 , Claude 27 , DeepMind’s Chinchilla [47].

Open-Source Models. Massive open-source LLMs [4, 20–23, 45, 52, 53] have been accessible to
the AI community. Nonetheless, their performance consistently tends to significantly lag behind the
close-source models. As part of our research, we incorporate a significant number of these open-
source models as our baselines, which mainly contain the following: Llama 1 [4] & Llama 2 [20],
GAL [14], GPT-J [48], GPT-Neo [50], Vicuna [23], MPT8 , Falcon[21], Baichuan9 , ChatGLM [45],
Qwen10 and RFT [16].

3.2 Evaluate Benchmarks

We mainly evaluate WizardMath on two benchmarks (GSM8k [42] and MATH [43]). The
GSM8k [42] dataset contains approximately 7500 training data and 1319 test data, mainly on
grade school level math problems, each of which consists of basic arithmetic operations (addition,
subtraction, multiplication, and division), and generally requires 2 to 8 steps to solve. The MATH [43]
dataset collects math problems from prestigious math competitions such as AMC 10, AMC 12, and
AIME. It contains 7500 training data and 5,000 challenging test data in seven academic areas: Preal-
gebra, Algebra, Number Theory, Counting and Probability, Geometry, Intermediate Algebra, and
Precalculus. Furthermore, these problems are divided into five levels of difficulty, with ‘1’ denoting
the relatively lower difficulty level and ‘5’ indicating the highest level.

3.3 Train and Evaluation prompt

The Llama 2 [20] base serves as our foundation model.

We undertake the training of our WizardMath by employing the prompt from Alpaca [22]:

Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a

response that appropriately completes the request.\n\n###
Instruction:\n{instruction}\n\n### Response:

We evaluate GSM8k [42] and MATH benchmarks [43] by employing the following CoT [31] prompt:


Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a
response that appropriately completes the request.\n\n###
Instruction:\n{instruction}\n\n### Response: Let’s think step by step.

3.4 Evaluation on GSM8k and MATH

Notably, in the Figure 2 and Table 1, we cite the metrics of GPT-4 and GPT-3.5 from [3]. The
evaluation of the ChatGPT model’s scores are from [46]. For the assessment of Claude Instant,
Claude 1.3, and Claude 2, the scores are extracted from 7 . The scores of PaLM 1, PaLM 2, and
Minerva are garnered from [7, 15, 44]. Finally, the scores associated with Text-davinci-002, GPT-3
and GPT-2 are garnered from [15, 43]. On the open-source models, most scores are retrieved from the
paper of Llama 2 [20] or their self-reports. Additionally, we evaluate the Baichuan-chat, Vicuna v1.3
by ourselves. In the Table 2, we show the detailed results of MATH subtopics with our WizardMath
70B model.

Comparing with the Close-Source Models. In Table 1, our WizardMath 70B slightly outper-
forms some close-source LLMs on GSM8k, including ChatGPT, Claude Instant and PaLM 2 540B.
And as shown in Figure 2, our model is currently ranked in the top five on all models. Simultane-
ously,WizardMath 70B also surpasses the Text-davinci-002 on MATH. The detailed results are as

1. WizardMath 13B outperforms PaLM 1 540B (63.9 vs 56.5), Minerva 540B (63.9 vs 58.8),
and GPT-3.5 (63.9 vs 57.1) on GSM8k. Meanwhile,it surpasses PaLM 1 540B (14.0 vs.
8.8), GPT-3 175B (14.0 vs. 5.2) on MATH.
2. WizardMath 70B, our largest model, achieves the superior or comparable performance
with Claude Instant (81.6 vs 80.9), ChatGPT (81.6 vs 80.8) and PaLM 2 (81.6 vs 80.7) on
GSM8k. Concurrently, WizardMath 70B also exceeds Text-davinci-002 (22.7 vs. 19.1) by a
margin of 3.6% on the MATH benchmarks.

Comparing with the Open-Source Models. The findings illustrated in the table 1 explicitly
demonstrate that our WizardMath 70B, distinctly manifest a substantial performance advantage over
all the open-source models across both the GSM8k and MATH benchmarks. The detailed results are
as follows:

1. WizardMath 7B surpasses most open-source models with parameter counts ranging approx-
imately from 7B to 40B, including MPT, Falcon, Baichuan-chat, Vicuna v1.3, ChatGLM
2, Qwen, Llama 1 and Llama 2 on the GSM8k and MATH benchmarks. Even though its
parameter counts are significantly lower.
2. WizardMath 13B is significantly superior to Llama 1 65B (63.9 vs. 50.9) and Llama 2 70B
(63.9 vs. 56.8) on GSM8k. Additionly, it substantially outperforms both Llama 1 65B (14.0
vs. 10.6) and Llama 2 70B (14.0 vs. 13.5) on MATH.
3. WizardMath 70B, our most extensive model, exemplifies a substantial advancement in
performance, surpassing Llama 2 70B (81.6 vs. 56.8) by a significant margin of 24.8% on
GSM8k. Concurrently, it also outperforms Llama 2 70B (22.7 vs. 13.5) by a margin of 9.2%
on MATH.

3.5 Case Study

Appendix A shows some examples generated by our WizardMath. The examples demonstrate that
our model consistently generates accurate response answers accompanied by clear explanations.

4 Related Work
Large Language Models. LLMs have achieved substantial advancements within the realm of Nat-
ural Language Processing (NLP), providing a valuable and task-agnostic foundation for widespread
applications. These models typically encompass parameter counts reaching into the hundreds of
billions, which are trained on extensive large-scale corpuses of textual data. The prominent instances

entail OpenAI’s GPT3&4 [3, 51], Anthropic’s Claude7 , Google’s PaLM [7, 44], Bard11 , DeepMind’s
Chinchilla [47], and Gopher [52]. However none of them have been open-sourced so far, and some
of them can only be exclusively accessible through APIs.
Recently, the AI landscape has borne witness to the emergence of numerous open-source LLMs,
characterized by publicly accessible model codes and weight parameters. EleutherAI has contributed
GPT-NeoX-20B [54] and GPT-J-6B [48]. BigScience has introduced BLOOM [55]. Similarly,
Meta has made strides by releasing OPT [53], Llama 1 [4], Llama 2 [20], and GAL [14]. Tsinghua
University has unveiled GLM-130B and ChatGLM [45]. TII has facilitated the release of Falcon [21].
Additionally, LLMs such as Baichuan9 and Qwen10 have also surfaced. Presently, Llama assumes a
pivotal role as the foundational model for supervised fine-tuning, ushering in the emergence of several
extremely remarkable models, including Alpaca [22], Vicuna [23], Guanaco [56], WizardLM [24],
and Orca [57], RFT [16] etc.

Large Language Models For Mathematical reasoning. It’s well known that complex reasoning
problems are challenging for NLP models, which include mathematical reasoning [25–30], common-
sense reasoning [58, 59], and logical reasoning [31]. A substantial body of current research is centered
around the intricate task reasoning of the Mathematical Word Problems(MWP) [30, 42, 60–64], which
requires the ability to understand mathematical concepts, computation and multi-step reasoning [16–
19, 36, 40, 46]. Addtitionly, models are evaluated across different levels of MWP benchmarks
on some mathematical reasoning datasets such as AddSub [65], MultiArith [66], SingleEQ [67],
SVAMP [60], GSM8K [42], AQuA [29] and MATH [43].
To enhance the reasoning ability of LLMs, [31] proposed Chain-of-Thought Prompting, which
attaches multiple reasoning steps before obtaining the answer for a question. By employing the
simple few-shot reasoning strategy, LLMs are able to perform better in complex reasoning problems.
Least-to-Most [68] prompting decomposes the problem into sub-problems that are then solved
incrementally. Additionally each step has a more detailed reasoning process. Similarly, the Complex
CoT [35] underscores the pivotal role of prompt complexity by strategically choosing the most
intricate problems and their corresponding solutions to function as prompts. To alleviate the burden
of manual efforts, [33] introduced Auto-CoT, an approach that automates the process of acquiring k
samples through the application of clustering techniques on a provided dataset. With the objective
of mitigating manual intervention, [32] proposed Zero-shot-CoT, which entails the straightforward
practice of appending the phrase "Let’s think step by step" to each answer, eliciting the inference
steps without examples. Moreover, [34] expanded upon this notion by suggesting the exploration
of diverse inference paths throughout the reasoning process. Consequently, the ultimate outcome
is determined through either the aggregation of answers using majority voting or by leveraging a
validation mechanism, as posited by [69]. [16] employs a straightforward approach for generating
augmented samples, focusing on probing the correlation between LLMs and math reasoning ability.

Large Language Models For Reinforcement Learning. Nevertheless, even state-of-the-art models
frequently manifest logical errors and a range of illusions [70, 71]. These anomalies become especially
challenging within domains necessitating multi-step reasoning, where a singular logical misstep
maybe precipitate the unraveling of an entire solution. An effective strategy involves the training
of reward models aimed at discriminating between favorable and unfavorable outputs [36]. Early
outcome-based approaches were mainly performed on algorithmic tasks [72–75]. [42] demonstrated
the significant benefits of reward models or validators, and [76] proposed a heuristic-based step-
size-aware RM. [2, 77–79] proposed the use of reward models for a reinforcement learning pipeline.
[20, 37–39, 42, 80–82] employed rejection sampling for searching to achieve alignment of LLMs
with human preferences.
The differences between outcome-based and process-based reward modelling are further discussed
by [40]. Outcome-supervised reward models (ORMs) undergo training exclusively utilizing the
ultimate outcomes derived from the model’s chain-of-thought process. Conversely, process-supervised
reward models (PRMs) are designed to solicit feedback for each individual step within the chain-
of-thought progression. In the domain of logical reasoning, ORMs frequently employ incorrect
reasoning pathways yet yield the correct final answer [41, 83]. Notably, PRMs has been demonstrated
to effectively alleviate this phenomenon of inconsistent behavior [40]. [36, 84, 85] amassed an
expansive corpus of process-based supervised signals through meticulous manual annotation, which

verified that PRMs and supervision with manual annotation yielded more pronounced advantages for
LLMs as compared to ORMs.

Large Language Models For Instruction Fine-Tuning. The initial endeavors in instruction-
following training work primarily focused on enhancing the language model’s capacity for generaliza-
tion across diverse tasks. This often involves the process of fine-tuning across substantially available
Natural Language Processing datasets, and evaluates on the different NLP tasks. T5 [86] undertake
the earliest attempts to train a range of NLP tasks, including Question and Answer, Document Sum-
marization, and Sentiment Classification, by employing a consistent prompt format across all the data.
Subsequently, instruction fine-tuning work such as FLAN [87], ExT5 [88], T0 [89], UnifiedQA [90],
ZeroPrompt [91], and FLAN-T5 [92] emerged to adapt for a large number of downstream tasks. To
address the challenge of misalignment between model outputs and human requirements, OpenAI
manually annotates the instruction library to construct a diverse range of tasks. Simultaneously,
Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback technology is employed, which facilitate the rapid
development of LLMs such as InstructGPT [2], ChatGPT5 , GPT-4 [3]. To reduce manual involvement,
self-instruct [93] improves instruction-following through self-generated instructions. Alpaca [22]
used a dataset of 50k instructions generated from a limited (e.g., 175 samples) seed set of manually-
written instructions. Vicuna [23] used 70k user-shared conversations with ChatGPT collected from Meanwhile, WizardLM [24] introduces the evol-instruct approach, which seeks to
refine the existing instruction data by enhancing both its complexity and diversity.

5 Conclusion and Future Work

This paper introduces WizardMath, a mathematics model fine-tuned with RLEIF. The experimental
results demonstrate that WizardMath achieves SOTA performance surpassing all existing open-
source LLMs on two widely recognized mathematical reasoning benchmarks: GSM8k and MATH.
Furthermore, WizardMath exhibits superior performance compared to some of the largest close-source
LLMs, including ChatGPT, GPT-3.5, Claude Instant, PaLM-2, PaLM-1 and Minerva on the GSM8k

Future Work. Although our WizardMath achieves impressive mathematics performance, as de-
picted in Figure 2, our model still falls significantly behind the SOTA LLM, GPT-4 and Claude-2.
Therefore, future work will prioritize the enhancement of the RLEIF or better method to further
augment the performance of our model.

Broader Impact. Similar to the other LLMs, our WizardMath could also generate unethical,
harmful, or misleading information sometimes. Therefore, future research to address the ethical and
societal implications is needed.

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A Appendix
A.1 GSM8k Case Study

Table 3: A comparison case on different scale size models

Instruction: Meredith is a freelance blogger who writes about health topics and submits to clients each
day as her permanent job. A blog article takes an average of 4 hours to research and write about. Last week,
she wrote 5 articles on Monday and 2/5 times more articles on Tuesday than on Monday. On Wednesday,
she wrote twice the number of articles she wrote on Tuesday. Calculate the total number of hours she spent
writing articles in the three days.
Ground Truth Answer: 104
Note: WizardMath 7B, 13B and 70B answer correctly.
Step 1: Calculate the number of articles Meredith wrote on Monday.
Meredith wrote 5 articles on Monday.
Step 2: Calculate the number of articles Meredith wrote on Tuesday.
Meredith wrote 2/5 times more articles on Tuesday than on Monday. So, she wrote
2/5 * 5 = 2 articles more on Tuesday than on Monday. Therefore, she wrote 5 + 2 =
7 articles on Tuesday.
Step 3: Calculate the total number of articles Meredith wrote in the two days.
In the two days, she wrote 5 + 7 = 12 articles.
Step 4: Calculate the number of articles Meredith wrote on Wednesday.
Meredith wrote twice the number of articles she wrote on Tuesday on Wednesday.
So, she wrote 2 * 7 = 14 articles on Wednesday.
Step 5: Calculate the total number of articles Meredith wrote in the three days.
In the three days, she wrote 12 + 14 = 26 articles.
Step 6: Calculate the total number of hours Meredith spent writing articles in the
three days.
Each article takes 4 hours to research and write. So, she spent 4 hours * 26 = 104
hours writing articles in the three days.
Therefore, Meredith spent 104 hours writing articles in the three days.
The answer is: 104.

Step 1: Find the number of articles Meredith wrote on Tuesday.
We know that Meredith wrote 5 articles on Monday and 2/5 times more articles on
Tuesday than on Monday. To find the number of articles she wrote on Tuesday, we
can multiply the number of articles she wrote on Monday by 2/5:
5 articles * 2/5 = 2 articles
So, Meredith wrote 2 more articles on Tuesday than on Monday. To find the total
number of articles she wrote on Tuesday, we can add the 2 articles to the 5 articles
she wrote on Monday:
5 articles + 2 articles = 7 articles
Step 2: Find the number of articles Meredith wrote on Wednesday.
We know that Meredith wrote twice the number of articles she wrote on Tuesday on
Wednesday. So, we can multiply the number of articles she wrote on Tuesday by 2:
7 articles * 2 = 14 articles
Step 3: Find the total number of articles Meredith wrote in the three days.
Now, we can add the number of articles she wrote on each day to find the total
number of articles:
5 articles (Monday) + 7 articles (Tuesday) + 14 articles (Wednesday) = 26 articles
Step 4: Calculate the total number of hours Meredith spent writing articles in the
three days.
We know that each article takes an average of 4 hours to research and write about.
So, to find the total number of hours Meredith spent writing articles in the three
days, we can multiply the total number of articles by the number of hours per article:
26 articles * 4 hours/article = 104 hours

Therefore, Meredith spent a total of 104 hours writing articles in the three days.
The answer is: 104.

1. On Monday, Meredith wrote 5 articles.
2. On Tuesday, she wrote 2/5 times more articles than on Monday. To find out how
many articles she wrote on Tuesday, we need to multiply the number of articles she
wrote on Monday by 2/5. So, 5 articles * 2/5 = 2 articles. Therefore, she wrote 7
articles on Tuesday (5 articles + 2 articles).
3. On Wednesday, she wrote twice the number of articles she wrote on Tuesday.
To find out how many articles she wrote on Wednesday, we need to multiply the
number of articles she wrote on Tuesday by 2. So, 7 articles * 2 = 14 articles.
Now, let’s calculate the total number of articles she wrote in the three days:
Total articles = Monday’s articles + Tuesday’s articles + Wednesday’s articles
Total articles = 5 articles + 7 articles + 14 articles = 26 articles
Since each article takes an average of 4 hours to research and write about, we can
calculate the total number of hours she spent writing articles in the three days:
Total hours = Total articles * Time per article
Total hours = 26 articles * 4 hours/article = 104 hours
So, Meredith spent a total of 104 hours writing articles in the three days.
The answer is: 104.

Table 4: A comparison case on different scale size models

Instruction: A mechanic charges different rates to repair the tires of trucks and cars. For each truck tire
that is repaired, the mechanic will charge $60 and for each car tire that is repaired, the mechanic will charge
$40. On Thursday, the mechanic repairs 6 truck tires and 4 car tires. On Friday, the mechanic repairs 12
car tries and doesn’t repair any truck tires. How much more revenue did the mechanic earn on the day with
higher revenue?
Ground Truth Answer: 40
Note: WizardMath 7B answers incorrectly, while 13B and 70B answer correctly.
On Thursday, the mechanic repaired 6 truck tires and 4 car tires. Therefore, the
revenue from repairing truck tires on Thursday was 6 * $60 = $360, and the revenue
from repairing car tires on Thursday was 4 * $40 = $160. On Friday, the mechanic
repaired 12 car tires, but did not repair any truck tires. Therefore, the revenue from
repairing car tires on Friday was 12 * $40 = $480.
To calculate the total revenue from repairing truck tires and car tires on Thursday
and Friday, we need to add up the revenue from each day. Therefore, the total
revenue from repairing truck tires and car tires on Thursday and Friday was $360 +
$160 + $480 = $900.
To calculate the revenue from repairing truck tires on Friday, we need to know how
many truck tires the mechanic repaired on Friday. However, this information is not
given in the question. Therefore, we cannot calculate the revenue from repairing
truck tires on Friday.
To calculate the revenue from repairing car tires on Thursday and Friday, we need
to add up the revenue from each day. Therefore, the total revenue from repairing car
tires on Thursday and Friday was $160 + $480 = $640.
To calculate the difference between the revenue from repairing truck tires and car
tires on Thursday and Friday, we need to subtract the revenue from repairing car
tires on Thursday and Friday from the total revenue from repairing truck tires and
car tires on Thursday and Friday. Therefore, the difference between the revenue
from repairing truck tires and car tires on Thursday and Friday was $900 - $640 =
Therefore, the mechanic earned $260 more on the day with higher revenue. The
answer is: 260.
The answer is: 260.

Step 1: Calculate the revenue earned on Thursday.
On Thursday, the mechanic repaired 6 truck tires and 4 car tires. The mechanic
charges $60 for each truck tire and $40 for each car tire. Therefore, the revenue
earned on Thursday can be calculated as follows:
Revenue on Thursday = (Number of truck tires) * (Price per truck tire) + (Number
of car tires) * (Price per car tire)
Revenue on Thursday = 6 * $60 + 4 * $40
Revenue on Thursday = $360 + $160
Revenue on Thursday = $520
Step 2: Calculate the revenue earned on Friday.
On Friday, the mechanic repaired 12 car tires and didn’t repair any truck tires.
Therefore, the revenue earned on Friday can be calculated as follows:
Revenue on Friday = (Number of car tires) * (Price per car tire)
Revenue on Friday = 12 * $40
Revenue on Friday = $480
Step 3: Compare the revenue earned on both days.
Now, we need to compare the revenue earned on Thursday and Friday to find out
which day earned more revenue.
Difference in revenue = Revenue on Thursday - Revenue on Friday
Difference in revenue = $520 - $480
Difference in revenue = $40

Therefore, the mechanic earned $40 more in revenue on the day with higher revenue,
which is Thursday. The final answer is $40.
The answer is: 40.

Step 1: Calculate the revenue from repairing truck tires on Thursday.
The mechanic repaired 6 truck tires on Thursday, and each truck tire repair costs
So, the revenue from repairing truck tires on Thursday is 6 * $60 = $360.
Step 2: Calculate the revenue from repairing car tires on Thursday.
The mechanic repaired 4 car tires on Thursday, and each car tire repair costs $40.
So, the revenue from repairing car tires on Thursday is 4 * $40 = $160.
Step 3: Calculate the total revenue on Thursday.
The total revenue on Thursday is the sum of the revenue from repairing truck tires
and car tires.
So, the total revenue on Thursday is $360 + $160 = $520.
Step 4: Calculate the revenue from repairing car tires on Friday.
The mechanic repaired 12 car tires on Friday, and each car tire repair costs $40.
So, the revenue from repairing car tires on Friday is 12 * $40 = $480.
Step 5: Calculate the total revenue on Friday.
The mechanic didn’t repair any truck tires on Friday, so the total revenue on Friday
is the revenue from repairing car tires.
So, the total revenue on Friday is $480.
Step 6: Calculate the difference in revenue between the two days.
The difference in revenue is the difference between the total revenue on the day with
higher revenue and the total revenue on the day with lower revenue.
So, the difference in revenue is $520 - $480 = $40.
Therefore, the mechanic earned $40 more revenue on the day with higher revenue.
The final answer is $40.
The answer is: 40.

Table 5: A comparison case on different scale size models

Instruction: Adrien’s total salary was 30 percent higher than Lylah’s. Four years later, his salary had
increased, and he was earning 40% more than what he was making four years ago. If Adrien’s and Lylah’s
salary increased simultaneously, and Adrien earned $40000 four years ago, calculate the total salary the
two were receiving four years later?
Ground Truth Answer: 95200
Note: WizardMath 7B and 13B answer incorrectly, while 70B answers correctly.
Step 1: Calculate Adrien’s salary four years ago.
Since Adrien earned $40000 four years ago, his total salary four years ago was
Step 2: Calculate the increase in Adrien’s salary four years later.
Four years later, Adrien’s salary had increased by 40% of his salary four years ago.
Therefore, the increase in Adrien’s salary was 40/100*$40000 = $16000.
Step 3: Calculate Adrien’s total salary four years later.
Adrien’s total salary four years later was the sum of his salary four years ago and
the increase in his salary. Therefore, Adrien’s total salary four years later was
$40000+$16000 = $56000.
Step 4: Calculate the increase in Lylah’s salary four years later.
Since Adrien’s total salary was 30% higher than Lylah’s, the increase in Lylah’s
salary four years later was 30/100*$56000 = $16800.
Step 5: Calculate Lylah’s total salary four years later.
Lylah’s total salary four years later was the sum of her salary four years ago and
the increase in her salary. Therefore, Lylah’s total salary four years later was
$56000+$16800 = $72800.
Step 6: Calculate the total salary the two were receiving four years later.
The total salary the two were receiving four years later was the sum of Adrien’s
and Lylah’s total salary four years later. Therefore, the total salary the two were
receiving four years later was $72800+$56000 = $128800.
Therefore, the total salary the two were receiving four years later was $128800.
The answer is: 128800.

Step 1: Calculate Adrien’s total salary four years ago.
We know that Adrien’s total salary was 30 percent higher than Lylah’s. If Adrien was
earning $40000 four years ago, then Lylah was earning $40000/30/100 = $12000.
Step 2: Calculate Adrien’s total salary four years later.
Four years later, Adrien’s salary had increased, and he was earning 40% more than
what he was making four years ago. Therefore, Adrien’s total salary four years later
is $40000 + $40000*40/100 = $56000.
Step 3: Calculate Lylah’s total salary four years later.
If Adrien’s salary increased by 40%, then Lylah’s salary also increased by 40%.
Therefore, Lylah’s total salary four years later is $12000 + $12000*40/100 = $16800.
Step 4: Calculate the total salary the two were receiving four years later.
The total salary the two were receiving four years later is the sum of Adrien’s and
Lylah’s total salaries. Therefore, the total salary the two were receiving four years
later is $56000 + $16800 = $72800.
Therefore, the total salary the two were receiving four years later is $72800.
The answer is: 72800.

Step 1: Determine Lylah’s salary four years ago.
Since Adrien’s total salary was 30 percent higher than Lylah’s, and Adrien earned
$40000 four years ago, we can find Lylah’s salary by subtracting 30% of $40000
from Adrien’s salary.
Lylah’s salary = $40000 - (30/100)*$40000 = $40000 - $12000 = $28000
Step 2: Calculate Adrien’s salary four years later.

Four years later, Adrien’s salary had increased by 40% of what he was making four
years ago. So, we need to add 40% of $40000 to his salary from four years ago.
Adrien’s salary four years later = $40000 + (40/100)*$40000 = $40000 + $16000 =
Step 3: Calculate Lylah’s salary four years later.
Since their salaries increased simultaneously, Lylah’s salary also increased by 40%
of what she was making four years ago. So, we need to add 40% of $28000 to her
salary from four years ago.
Lylah’s salary four years later = $28000 + (40/100)*$28000 = $28000 + $11200 =
Step 4: Calculate the total salary the two were receiving four years later.
Now, we just need to add Adrien’s and Lylah’s salaries from four years later to find
their total salary.
Total salary = Adrien’s salary four years later + Lylah’s salary four years later =
$56000 + $39200 = $95200
So, the total salary the two were receiving four years later was $95200.
The answer is: 95200.

A.2 MATH Case Study

Table 6: A comparison case on different scale size models

Instruction: The midpoint of the line segment between (x, y) and (−9, 1) is (3, −5). Find (x, y).
Ground Truth Answer: (15,-11).
Note: WizardMath 7B, 13B and 70B answer correctly.
Step 1: Understand the problem
We are given the midpoint of the line segment between (x, y) and (−9, 1) as (3, −5).
We need to find the coordinates of (x, y).
Step 2: Recall the formula for the midpoint
The midpoint of a line segment with endpoints (x1 , y1 ) and (x2 , y2 ) can be found
using the midpoint formula:
x1 + x2 y1 + y2
2 2
Step 3: Apply the midpoint formula
In this case, the endpoints are (x, y) and (−9, 1). So, we can plug these values into
the midpoint formula:
x + (−9) y + 1
2 2
Step 4: Simplify the expression
Now, we can simplify the expression by performing the arithmetic operations:
x−9 y+1
2 2
Step 5: Compare the coordinates
We are given that the midpoint is (3, −5). So, we can compare the coordinates of
the simplified expression with the given midpoint:

= −5
Step 6: Solve for the coordinates
Now, we can solve for the coordinates of (x, y) by multiplying both sides of the
equations by 2:


y + 1 = −10

Step 7: Write the final answer

Now, we can write the final answer by adding the results of the equations:


y = −10 − 1

x = 15

y = −11

So, the coordinates of (x, y) are (15, −11) .

The answer is: (15,-11).

Step 1: Understand the problem
We are given that the midpoint of the line segment between (x, y) and (−9, 1) is
(3, −5). We need to find the coordinates of the point (x, y).
Step 2: Recall the midpoint formula
The midpoint of a line segment with endpoints (x1 , y1 ) and (x2 , y2 ) can be found
using the midpoint formula:
2 y1 +y2
Midpoint = x1 +x

2 , 2
Step 3: Apply the midpoint formula
In our case, the endpoints are (x, y) and (−9, 1). So, we can plug these values into
the midpointformula: 
Midpoint = x+(−9) 2 , y+1
Step 4: Simplify the midpoint
Now, we can simplify the  midpoint by performing the arithmetic operations:
Midpoint = x−9 2 , 2
Step 5: Set up an equation
Since the midpoint is given as (3, −5), we can set up an equation using the simplified
midpoint formula:
x−9 y+1
2 = 3 and 2 = −5
Step 6: Solve the equations
Now, we need to solve these two equations to find the values of x and y. Let’s start
with the first equation:
2 =3
Multiply both sides by 2 to get rid of the fraction:
Now, add 9 to both sides:
x = 15
Next, let’s solve the second equation:
2 = −5
Multiply both sides by 2 to get rid of the fraction:
y + 1 = −10
Now, subtract 1 from both sides:
y = −11
Step 7: Write the final answer
We have found the values of x and y. So, the coordinates of the point (x, y) are
(15, −11). Therefore, the final answer is:
(x, y) = (15, −11)
The answer is: (15,-11).

Step 1: Understand the problem
We are given the midpoint of a line segment and the coordinates of one of its
endpoints. We need to find the coordinates of the other endpoint, which is (x, y).

Step 2: Recall the midpoint formula
The midpoint of a line segment with endpoints (x1 , y1 ) and (x2 , y2 ) is given by the
2 y1 +y2
Midpoint = x1 +x

2 , 2
Step 3: Plug in the given information
We know the midpoint is (3, −5) and one endpoint is (−9, 1). So, we can plug these
values into the midpoint formula:
(3, −5) = −9+x 2 , 2
Step 4: Solve for x and y
Now, we need to solve the system of equations:
1) −9+x
2 =3
2) 1+y
2 = −5
Step 5: Solve equation 1 for x
Multiply both sides by 2:
−9 + x = 6
Add 9 to both sides:
x = 15
Step 6: Solve equation 2 for y
Multiply both sides by 2:
1 + y = −10
Subtract 1 from both sides:
y = −11
Step 7: Write the final answer
Now that we have found the values of x and y, we can write the final answer as:
(x, y) = (15, −11)
So, the coordinates of the other endpoint are (15, −11).
The answer is: (15,-11).

Table 7: A comparison case on different scale size models

Instruction: Evaluate tan 10◦ tan 20◦ tan 30◦ tan 40◦ tan 50◦ tan 60◦ tan 70◦ tan 80◦ .
Ground Truth Answer: 1
Note: WizardMath 7B answers incorrectly, while 13B and 70B answer correctly.
First, we can rewrite the given expression using the identity tan(90◦ − x) = 1
tan x :

tan 10◦ tan 20◦ tan 30◦ tan 40◦ tan 50◦ tan 60◦ tan 70◦ tan 80◦ =
tan 80◦
2 tan x
Now, we can use the double-angle formula for tangent, which is tan 2x = 1−tan2 x :

1 2 2 1 − tan2 80◦
= = 1−tan2 80◦
tan 80◦ tan 160◦ 2 tan 80◦
2 tan 80◦

Next, we can use the double-angle formula for tangent again:

1 − tan2 80◦ 1 − 21 tan2 80◦ 1 − 12 tan2 80◦ 2 tan 80◦

= = ·
2 tan 80 ◦ 2 tan 80 ◦ 2 tan 80 ◦ 1 − tan2 80◦
Now, we can multiply the fractions:

1 − 12 tan2 80◦ 2 tan 80◦ 1 − 21 tan2 80◦

· =
2 tan 80◦ 1 − tan2 80◦ 1 − tan2 80◦
Finally, we can simplify the expression:

1 − 12 tan2 80◦ 1
2 ◦
= 1 − tan2 80◦
1 − tan 80 2
So, the rewritten answer is:

tan 10◦ tan 20◦ tan 30◦ tan 40◦ tan 50◦ tan 60◦ tan 70◦ tan 80◦ = 1 − tan2 80◦

The answer is: 1 − 1

2 tan2 80◦ .

Step 1: Recall the angle addition formula for tangent:
tan A+tan B
tan(A + B) = 1−tan A tan B
Step 2: Use the formula to find tan 110◦ :
tan 10◦ +tan 100◦
tan 110◦ = tan(10◦ + 100◦ ) = 1−tan 1+0
10◦ tan 100◦ = 1−1·0 = 1

Step 3: Observe that tan 110 is the only term in the given expression that is not
equal to 0.
Step 4: Multiply both sides of the equation by tan 110◦ :
tan 10◦ tan 20◦ tan 30◦ tan 40◦ tan 50◦ tan 60◦ tan 70◦ tan 80◦ tan 110◦ = 1 ·
tan 110◦
Step 5: Simplify the equation:
tan 10◦ tan 20◦ tan 30◦ tan 40◦ tan 50◦ tan 60◦ tan 70◦ tan 80◦ = tan 110◦
Step 6: Since tan 110◦ = 1, the final answer is:
tan 10◦ tan 20◦ tan 30◦ tan 40◦ tan 50◦ tan 60◦ tan 70◦ tan 80◦ = 1 .
The answer is: 1.

Step 1: Recall the definitions of tangent and cotangent.

sin x cos x
We know that tan x = cos x and cot x = sin x .
Step 2: Find the tangent and cotangent of each angle.
We need to find the tangent and cotangent of each angle in the given expression:
sin 10◦
tan 10◦ = cos 10◦
sin 20◦
tan 20◦ = cos 20◦
sin 30◦
tan 30◦ = cos 30◦
sin 40◦
tan 40◦ = cos 40◦
sin 50◦
tan 50◦ = cos 50◦
sin 60◦
tan 60◦ = cos 60◦
sin 70◦
tan 70◦ = cos 70◦
sin 80◦
tan 80◦ = cos 80◦
Step 3: Find the cotangent of each angle.
Now, we need to find the cotangent of each angle:
cot 10◦ = cos sin 10◦◦
cot 20◦ = cos 20
sin 20◦
◦ cos 30◦
cot 30 = sin 30◦
cot 40◦ = cos sin 40◦◦
cot 50◦ = cos 50
sin 50◦
◦ cos 60◦
cot 60 = sin 60◦
cot 70◦ = cos sin 70◦◦
cot 80◦ = cos 80
sin 80◦
Step 4: Use the identity tan x cot x = 1.
We know that tan x cot x = 1. So, we can rewrite the given expression as:
sin 10◦ sin 20◦
tan 10◦ tan 20◦ tan 30◦ tan 40◦ tan 50◦ tan 60◦ tan 70◦ tan 80◦ = cos 10◦ · cos 20◦ ·
sin 30◦ sin 40◦ sin 50◦ sin 60◦ sin 70◦ sin 80◦
· · · ·
cos 30◦ cos 40◦ cos 50◦ cos 60◦ cos 70◦ cos 80◦ ·
Step 5: Simplify the expression.
Now, we can simplify the expression by canceling out the terms:
sin 10◦ sin 20◦ sin 30◦ sin 40◦ sin 50◦ sin 60◦ sin 70◦ sin 80◦
cos 10◦ cos 20◦ cos 30◦ cos 40◦ cos 50◦ cos 60◦ cos 70◦ cos 80◦
Step 6: Calculate the final answer.
Now, we can calculate the final answer:
tan 10◦ tan 20◦ tan 30◦ tan 40◦ tan 50◦ tan 60◦ tan 70◦ tan 80◦ = 1
So, the final answer is 1 .
The answer is: 1.

Table 8: A comparison case on different scale size models

Instruction: Let f (x) be an odd function, and let g(x) be an even function. Is f (f (g(f (g(f (x)))))) even,
odd, or neither?
Enter "odd", "even", or "neither".
Ground Truth Answer: even
Note: WizardMath 7B and 13B answer incorrectly, while 70B answers correctly.
1. We know that f (x) is an odd function, which means that f (−x) = −f (x) for all
x in its domain.
2. We also know that g(x) is an even function, which means that g(−x) = g(x) for
all x in its domain.
3. Now, let’s find the value of f (g(−x)) and f (−g(x)). Since g(−x) = g(x) and
f (−x) = −f (x), we can conclude that:
f (g(−x)) = f (−g(x))
4. Next, let’s find the value of f (f (g(−x))) and f (f (−g(x))). Since f (−x) =
−f (x) and f (g(−x)) = f (g(x)), we can conclude that:
f (f (g(−x))) = f (f (−g(x)))
5. Now, let’s find the value of f (f (f (g(−x)))) and f (f (f (−g(x)))). Since
f (f (−x)) = −f (f (x)) and f (f (g(−x))) = f (f (−g(x))), we can conclude that:
f (f (f (g(−x)))) = −f (f (f (−g(x))))
6. Finally, let’s find the value of f (f (f (f (g(−x))))) and f (f (f (f (−g(x))))).
Since f (f (−x)) = −f (f (x)) and f (f (f (g(−x)))) = −f (f (f (−g(x)))), we can
conclude that:
f (f (f (f (g(−x)))))) = −f (f (f (f (−g(x)))))
Therefore, the final answer is odd .
The answer is: odd.

1. We know that f (x) is an odd function, which means that f (−x) = −f (x).
2. We also know that g(x) is an even function, which means that g(−x) = g(x).
Now, let’s analyze the given expression: f (f (g(f (g(f (x)))))).
3. Replace x with −x in the expression: f (f (g(f (g(f (−x)))))). Since f is odd,
we have f (−x) = −f (x), so the expression becomes −f (f (g(f (g(−x))))).
4. Since g is even, we have g(−x) = g(x). So, we can rewrite the expression as
−f (f (g(f (g(x))))).
5. Now, we have another instance of f and g. Since f is odd and g is even, their
product is an odd function. So, we can rewrite the expression as −[f (g(f (x)))].
6. We have another instance of f and g. Since f is odd and g is even, their product
is an odd function. So, we can rewrite the expression as −f (g(f (x))).
7. Now, we have another instance of f . Since f is odd, we have f (−x) = −f (x).
So, we can rewrite the expression as −f (f (x)).
8. Finally, we have another instance of f . Since f is odd, we have f (−x) = −f (x).
So, we can rewrite the expression as −f (f (x)).
Now, we can see that the expression is equal to −f (f (x)), which is an odd function.
Therefore, the answer is odd .
The answer is: odd.

1. We are given that f (x) is an odd function and g(x) is an even function.
2. Recall the definitions of odd and even functions:
- A function f (x) is odd if f (−x) = −f (x) for all x in its domain.
- A function g(x) is even if g(−x) = g(x) for all x in its domain.
3. Now, let’s analyze the given function: f (f (g(f (g(f (x)))))).
4. We can rewrite this function as: f (f (g(f (g(f (x)))))) = h(x), where h(x) =
f (f (g(f (g(f (x)))))).
5. Now, let’s find h(−x):

- h(−x) = f (f (g(f (g(f (−x)))))).
6. Since g(x) is even, we have g(−x) = g(x). So, we can rewrite the expression as:
- h(−x) = f (f (g(f (g(f (x)))))).
7. Now, we can see that h(−x) = h(x). This means that the function h(x) satisfies
the definition of an even function.
8. Therefore, the given function f (f (g(f (g(f (x)))))) is even .
The answer is: even.


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