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Challenges in Integration of RES and Control Techniques in Microgrid: A Review

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Volume 9, Issue 6, June – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Challenges in Integration of RES and Control

Techniques in Microgrid: A Review
SINDHU M, Dr. Madhusudhana J,
Research Scholar, Department of Electrical Engineering, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering,
University of Visvesvaraya College of Engineering, University of Visvesvaraya College of Engineering,
Bangalore. Bangalore.

Abstract:- Microgrids have gained extensive attention Microgrids are small-scale regional electric power
over the prior 20 years and are alleged to be a systems within distribution networks [1]. Microgrids are
substantial compound of impending power systems. The gaining popularity because of their capacity to (a) diminish
main objective is to essence the carbon footmark and to the impact on the environment; (b) enhance energy
enhance the utilisation of Renewable Energy Sources reliability; (c) provide ride-through capacity through
(RES). Integrating distributed energy resources to create electrical power storage, and (d) mitigate the adverse effects
a microgrid will be tremendously vital. The development of sudden interruptions in the grid.
of modern and future electricity networks, like the smart
grid, is influenced by MGs because they can provide a Renewable energy sources like wind, solar, and
variety of benefits to the increasingly complex and hydropower are low-cost to meet the requirement. In terms
growing power system, like better power quality, of power supply, microgrid technology offers rural areas
increased efficiency, enhanced system integration of substantial opportunities for increased local energy security
energy sources that are renewable and clean, and [5]. Frequency regulation can be achieved without extra
improved network stability and reliability. Microgrid effort by connecting the microgrid powered by renewable
implementation has difficulties controlling, operating, energy to the power grid. To provide a sufficient supply of
and protecting since integrating RES into the system is energy while meeting local demand, Microgrids are small-
more difficult. This paper comprehensively presents the scale energy systems that incorporate technologies for
different novelties in integrating RES, control, and storing and producing renewable energy [6]. Microgrids
optimization. have generated a lot of interest in the electric power industry
on account of their low cost, capacity to boost the power
Keywords:- Control and Optimization Techniques., system's resilience and dependability, and impact on the use
Integration Challenges, Microgrid Renewable Energy of renewable energy sources [7]. These are the most
Sources. essential microgrid obstacles, such as modelling, low inertia,
bidirectional power flows, stability, the impact of load
I. INTRODUCTION perturbation, and unpredictability. However, ongoing
advancements in technology and increased investment in the
Massive amounts of electricity, mostly from fossil sector are helping to overcome these challenges [8].
fuels, produced by large power plants are distributed to Microgrid application, operation, and control systems are
distant load centers via the conventional grid. The grid is reviewed. The following is the outline for this paper. The
currently dealing with security concerns, a limited supply of microgrid's structure and operation are described in Section
fossil fuels, growing challenges in extracting fuels, and 2. In Section 3, the difficult process of integrating or
volatile fuel prices, which have raised global concerns and connecting a microgrid is covered. Section 4 is about
jeopardized the global economy [1]. Using alternative microgrid configuration and the components that influence
energy sources to decentralize the production of electricity it. The overview of microgrid control occurs in Section 5.
can help with some of these issues. A rise in renewable Section 6 concludes the paper.
energy sources makes it possible to share the production of
electricity globally [2]. The trend towards the distribution II. MICROGRID'S STRUCTURE AND OPERATION
network in the interconnection of renewable energy sources
results from both industrial advancements and Microgrids are distribution networks that have
environmental concerns [3]. A rise in renewable energy distributed energy resources—distributed generation,
sources makes it possible to share the production of storage, and controlled load—that operate in a coordinated
electricity globally. The trend towards the distribution and regulated way. Fig.1 shows a typical structure microgrid
network in the interconnection of renewable energy sources [2]. Microgrids have gained much attention in the electric
is a result of both industrial advancements and power industry due to their capacity for improving power
environmental concerns [4]. system trustworthiness and resiliency, their impact on
increasing the use of RES, and their reduced cost [9].

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Volume 9, Issue 6, June – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

The five main components of a microgrid structure are manner in both the islanded and connected to the utility grid
micro sources, also referred to as distributed generators, states. They are connected to a low-voltage distribution
flexible loads, distributed energy storage devices, control network. A microgrid uses a variety of renewable energy
systems, and point of common coupling components [1]. sources as its power generators [10].
These elements can function in a controlled and coordinated

Fig1. Microgrid with Solar PV and wind as RES

Regarding the functioning of microgrids, various III. CHALLENGES IN INTEGRATION OF

methods exist. A microgrid can increase the reliability of its MICROGRID
energy supply by disconnecting from the grid in the event of
a network outage or declining power quality. This is known Numerous variables affect how well renewable energy
as reconnection, transited or island, and grid-connected sources perform, and these variables change over time.
modes [11]. The PCC (point of common coupling) connects Consequently, the microgrid's performance is also altered,
microgrids to the main grid; when the load is higher, the as it is dependent on how these resources operate [17]. A
microgrid sends the energy to the grid; when the load is microgrid is a dependable and more practical method of
lower, the microgrid absorbs the excess generation through producing electricity while using less non-renewable energy.
the ESS (energy storage system). [12]. When a problem It can enhance the stability, reliability, quality, and security
occurs, the microgrid instantly disconnects from the grid and of conventional distribution systems. However, there are a
limits the demand for electricity via control methods; this is variety of technical and financial difficulties that could occur
known as microgrid islanded operation. A microgrid with microgrid integration or connotation into the main grid.
operating in an islanded (standalone) state lacks an infinite Some disadvantages of the grid-connected microgrid are
bus, so it must independently maintain the reactive power high transmission loss, low power quality, large investment,
balance [13]. Large-scale renewable energy sources, mostly and voltage collapse [18].
solar and wind, are expected to be successfully integrated
into the grid more frequently with the aid of ESS. By While renewable energy systems offer many
connecting to the AC power grid through a power electronic advantages, it is important to acknowledge that challenges
interface, microgrids (PV, wind, and ESS) can draw energy such as intermittency, energy storage, and initial capital
from the electrical grid and feed it back when it generates costs still need to be addressed for widespread adoption [19].
excess energy [14]. Extracting as much power as possible The uncertainties with the solar PV system are the availability
from sources while protecting it from load dynamics is the of light, seasonal variation, and the characteristics of the area.
main purpose of power electronics. [15] The solar panel's ability to produce electricity is essentially
predictable and DC varies in the solar system because of
Power systems are typically designed larger than variations in sunshine intensity [20]. Controlling the main
necessary to accommodate unexpected loads and peak grid is difficult due to these solar systems' uncertainties and
demand to take into consideration unanticipated outages and changes. Wind power generation is less predictable than
weather variations [1]. Systems with a high - RES solar power. Any variation in wind production fluctuates the
penetration will probably have larger generation capacity output voltage of the wind generator, which impacts grid
because of the changeable nature of the resources. Due to stability [21]. Due to these voltage variations and flickers,
significant cost reductions and rising consumer demand for instability is introduced in the microgrid, which adversely
clean energy, wind and solar energy generation has affects t h e stability and resilience and affect the dynamic
increased dramatically over the past few decades. [4]. India and transient responses of the system [22-23]. In wind
currently has an installed capacity for 70.61 GW of solar generation transmission losses are more due to the turbine's
power and 42.80 GW of wind power. As of August 31, installation away from the main grid [24]. Inverters used in
2023, India has 172.00 GW of installed renewable energy converting DC to AC are responsible for harmonic issues;
capacity [16]. these harmonics affect the system [25]. Table 1 briefly
explains the different integration issues and possible

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Volume 9, Issue 6, June – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Table 1. Integration Challenges

Grid integration Wide-ranging challenges Conceivable resolution

Solar Output dependent on solar irradiation and temperature, Need a proper

integration partial shading forecasting tool which can give an
problems accurate prediction.
Variability of insolation. The amount of solar energy Development of proper DC-AC interface,
generated depends on the amount of insolation or with voltage a n d p o w e r
irradiance at any given location. Excess or less control including MPPT.
g e n e r a t i o n leads to grid instability
An inertia-less system and no reactive power Reliable design. And Online health
support led to be challenging problem in large-scale monitoring of inverter components.
grid integration.
Inverter components which result in harmonics. Need to use compensators and proper
VSC for voltage support and energy
storage systems.
Wind Synchronous operation with t h e grid. The effect of Selection of proper power electronic
integration power imbalance results in energy loss. P-Q issues and interface and controls. Active and
problems Voltage Ride Through Capability Reactive power (P&Q) control
Wind speed prediction. Accurate forecasting tool and integration
to power management.

Management of the Manage wind generation by

wind generation with other sources. Connecting energy storage systems.

IV. MICROGRID CONFIGURATION AND Power electronic devices constitute the microgrid's
COMPONENTS critical circuit [30]. Most Microsources must be power-
electronic based to ensure the flexibility required to ensure
A microgrid is a small-scale collection of electrical controlled functioning as a single aggregated system.
sources and loads that can work either alone or in tandem Studies that will quantify the consequences of discrepancies
with the larger power grid. Usually, it consists of several in all the power systems' restrictions and describe their
components that cooperate to generate, store, distribute, and performance must be carried out. The findings from such
regulate the flow of electricity [26]. A microgrid's specific investigations will aid in determining the precise need for
components can change based on its intended use, design, the inverter [31-34]. A power electronic interface, or
and local energy resources [27]. These are a few typical inverter, which are DC-AC converter, is used to connect
microgrid parts. Energy Sources, Energy Storage, Power RES to the AC power system. There are inverters available
Electronics-Inverters and converters, Microgrid Controllers, in two and three phases. While single-phase inverters are
Distributed Energy Resources (DERs), Grid Connection employed in low-power (15 kW) applications, three-phase
Equipment, Load Control, and Monitoring and inverters are employed in generating power sources [35].
Communication Systems [28]. Together, these parts form a However, these inverters have higher Total Harmonic
robust and adaptable energy infrastructure that can adjust to Distortion (THD) and restrictions for high-power
shifting circumstances, maximize energy use, and offer the applications. recently Multilevel Inverters (MIL) have
neighbourhood a dependable power source [29]. The played a significant role in Microgrid applications, due to
specific configuration of a microgrid depends on factors such their high efficiency, and reduced cost, and the multilevel
as the energy resources available, the local energy demand, inverter output waveform is sinusoidal, which exhibits low
and the goals of the microgrid implementation. THD without increasing the switching frequency and
reduces voltage stress on the switches [33].

Table 2: Summary of Different Mil Topologies

Topology Aids Recommended application Weaknesses

Neutral point clamped MIL Low voltage stress in Low-frequencyapplications. Unequal blocking voltage
switches. across diodes.
Flying capacitor MIL Fault lenient capability, High-frequency applications. Voltage unbalancing among
Modularity. the capacitors.
Cascades H-bridge MIL High modularity, symmetry, Suitable for grid applications. Complexity, cost.
high reliability, and fault

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Volume 9, Issue 6, June – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

By connecting appropriately built parallel multilevel and imbalanced operating situations [35]. From the
inverters for transfer from the grid and vice versa, the perspective of the customer, a microgrid is a grid system that
uncertainty in RES can be eliminated. The Microgrid requires provides dependable, self-sufficient, and high-quality
high-quality power inverters with low harmonic distortion to electricity. Coordinating various micropower types to create
connect various power supply devices. Multilevel inverters a stable microgrid system that controls voltage and
offer the opportunity to combine hybrid systems that generate frequency is a difficult task [36]. The primary objectives of
higher output power and voltage with renewable energy microgrid control are to: (a) independently control active
sources like solar and wind [32]. DC sources, control logic, and reactive power; (b) voltage sag and imbalances in the
symmetrical and asymmetrical topologies, THD, and system; and (c) meet load dynamics specifications of the
switches are considered in the comparative examination of the grid. In a microgrid, the three control levels are, when there
different topologies. Asymmetric multilevel inverter is a communication breakdown, primary control is used to
proposed in application in Microgrid with high-frequency ensure dependable operation. Secondary is employed to
magnetic connecting circuits, which resolves voltage level control frequency and voltage based on how it reacts to
problems and THD [34]. Different MIL topologies are variations in supply and load. The power transfer from the
summarized in Table 2. microgrid to the main grid is managed by the tertiary control
level [1],[37]. Table 3 shows different control methods for
The intermittent nature of the power generated by grid- control of the microgrid grid Additionally, a brief
connected RES is one of its most significant problems. The n- explanation or feature of every technique is given. Despite
level cascaded H-Bridge multilevel inverter (n = 2k ±1) is this, some studies review control techniques[38].
one of many topologies that researchers have developed
because of its quick switching and superior performance A well-designed microgrid control method considers
over other topologies. It is most suitable for grid integration the specific characteristics of the microgrid, the objectives
due to its control complexity, redundancy, modularity, fault of the operators, and the prevailing environmental and grid
tolerance, and low cost. conditions [39]. It should strike a balance between
maximizing the utilization of renewable energy sources,
V. MICROGRID CONTROL ensuring stability, and providing a reliable energy supply to
the connected loads [40]. The development of a reliable
For the prolific integration of RES, controlling the decentralized control—a second-order sliding mode
Microgrid is much more important. Inverter-based control—for voltage regulation in boost-based DC
distributed generation units are becoming more prevalent in microgrids [41]. This control generates continuous control
microgrid applications, necessitating the use of control inputs that apply to the power converters' duty cycles,
techniques that deliver good performance both in balanced thereby constraining the microgrid state.

Table 3: Different Control Methods Of The Microgrid.

Microgrid Control method Characteristics’
Centralized Control [42] A centralized control strategy involves a single master controller making decisions for the entire
microgrid. The central controller gathers information from sensors distributed across the microgrid
and issues commands to optimize the operation of DERs, energy storage, and
Decentralized Control [43] Decentralized control distributes decision-making to multiple controllers, with each responsible
for a subset of DERs or loads. Each decentralized controller operates autonomously based on local
information and communicates with neighbouring controllers as needed. Decentralized control can
enhance system resilience and scalability.
Hierarchical Control [44] Hierarchical control combines elements of both centralized and decentralized approaches. There
may be a master controller responsible for high-level decisions, with lower-level controllers
managing specific components or subsystems. This structure allows for a balance between global
optimization and local autonomy.
Model Predictive Control MPC uses a dynamic model of the microgrid to predict its future behaviour and optimize control
(MPC) [45],[46] actions accordingly. It considers constraints and objectives over a specified prediction horizon,
allowing for optimal decision-making while considering system dynamics.
Droop Control [47], Commonly used in the control of inverters in AC microgrids, droop control adjusts the output of
DERs based on frequency or voltage deviations. As the frequency or voltage deviates from the
nominal value, the output of the DER is adjusted proportionally, helping to maintain system
Voltage and Frequency Implement control methods, such as droop control or proportional-integral-derivative (PID)
Regulation control, for maintaining voltage and frequency within acceptable. Ensure that distributed energy
[48] resources respond appropriately to deviations in voltage and frequency.
Fuzzy Logic Control [49],[50] Utilizes fuzzy logic to handle uncertainties and imprecise information in the microgrid's operation.
Fuzzy logic controllers can adapt to changing conditions and make decisions based on linguistic

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Volume 9, Issue 6, June – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

An intelligent agent that interacts with other agents in a sources, and microgrid control techniques. An important
computerized system is called a multiagent system (MAS) conduit between distributed generation and renewable
[54]. When using a microgrid, multiagent technology energy sources is the microgrid. Microgrids can function in
focuses on controlling variables like voltage and frequency. two modes: grid-connected and islanded (self-sufficient).
The microgrid load changes, the grid runs out of power, and Compared to a regular grid, a microgrid is erratic and
islanding is detected in the master-slave control mode sporadic. Here are some illustrations of various microgrid
sequence. The varying time scales of distinct control structures along with comparative analyses of them. There is
requirements form the foundation of the hierarchical control a discussion of various control schemes, includingmultilevel
structure [55]. control schemes like hierarchical control and basic control
schemes like centralized, decentralized, and distributed
A common illustration of a centralized control scheme controls, by using different control methodologies and
is the master-slave control mode [56]. To control the DC bus optimization approaches to increase the enforceability and
voltage, ESS units are regarded as the master and the other reliability of the systems. This review study emphasizes the
units, such as loads and renewable energy sources, are need for further research into the viability of microgrids and
regarded as the slaves. This is known as a master-slave the development of environmentally friendly solutions.
coordinated control mode. To ensure a seamless transition
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2023 IEEE PES Grid Edge Technologies Conference
& Exposition (Grid Edge) | 978-1-6654-6012-
5/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE | DOI:

IJISRT24JUN019 1723

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