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Microgrid Technology With Distributed Energy - A Review

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 6 Issue 3, March-April 2022 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Microgrid Technology with Distributed Energy – A Review

Aman Kumar1, Mamta Sood2, Dr. Manju Gupta3
Student, 2Assistant Professor, 3Associate Professor,
1, 2, 3
Oriental Institute of Science & Technology, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Aman Kumar |

As one of the key technologies to achieve the large- scale application Mamta Sood | Dr. Manju Gupta
of distributed power generation, microgrid can overcome the "Microgrid Technology with Distributed
randomness, intermittence and dispersity caused by distributed Energy – A Review"
energy and promote the development and utilization of new energy Published in
International Journal
and renewable energy to ease the shortage of energy all over the
of Trend in
world. In this paper, the characteristics and key technology of Scientific Research
microgrid and the challenges may exit during development of and Development
microgrid are briefly introduced. Microgrid complies with the (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456- IJTSRD49648
requirements to promote renewable energy power generation and 6470, Volume-6 |
social sustainable development, and will definitely occupy a vital Issue-3, April 2022, pp.925-928, URL:
position in the development of grid construction.

KEYWORDS: Microgrid; Challenge; Distributed energy Copyright © 2022 by author (s) and
International Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research and Development
Journal. This is an
Open Access article
distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)

Due to the limited quantity of conventional fossil efficient application of distributed power generation
fuels and the environmental pollution problem, the technology in medium and low voltage level and
development and utilization of renewable energy has solving the problem when large and diversified
been paid more and more attention all over the word distributed energy operates in distribution network
and the scale is expanding. As the core content of [1]. So the development of microgrid to a certain
energy transformation and the important commitment extent determines the application scale of renewable
to deal with the climate, China has made the objective energy. In this paper, the development of microgrid at
that the proportion of non-petrochemical energy this stage and the problems exits during development
consumption increased to 15% of primary energy are briefly introduced.
consumption and 20% in 2020 and 2030 respectively.
However, with the increase of non-petrochemical
A. The concepts of microgrid
energy consumption proportion, intermittency and
The CERTS, namely Consortium for Electric
volatility of utilization of renewable energy has put
Reliability Technology Solutions first puts forward
forward new challenges to the stable operation of
the concept of microgrid in 2001, microgrid is a
power systems. When the low-voltage distribution
system consisting of load and miniature power
network in the distributed power capacity achieves a
supply, which provides both electric and thermal
high proportion, namely high permeability, the
power. The power supply inside the microgrid is
realization of balance of distribution network power
power electronic devices which are responsible for
and the reliability of highpower supply will be very
energy conversion and provide the necessary control.
Compared to the bulk grid, the microgrid behaves as a
As one of the key technologies to realize the large- single controlled unit and simultaneously meets the
scale application of distributed power generation customer's requirements for power quality and power
system, microgrid aims at realizing the flexible and supply safety [2]. Since then, the European Union and

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Japan give their own definition due to their research. 3. KEY TECHNOLOGY OF MICRO GRID
Our country puts forward the concept of microgrid in A. The operation of the micro grid
a "micro-network technology system research" work As mentioned in this paper, the microgrid can work in
conference held by the State Grid Electric Power isolated network running and grid-connected running.
Research Institute in 2009, microgrid is a small When connected to the bulk gird, the microgrid can
modular, decentralized energy supply network based provide excess power generated by distributed energy
on distributed power generation technology with the to the grid or supplement their own power generation
subject of decentralized resources and small power deficiencies from the grid. When detecting the failure
plants and combined with power quality management of the grid or the power quality does not meet the
and energy utilization technology [3]. Although the requirements, the microgrid will disconnect from the
definition of microgrid are not the same, they do all bulk network and the power supply will be provided
identify that the micro gird is a integrated unit of by the distributed generation system (DGS). The
energy storage devices, control devices and protection isolated network running of the microgrid provides a
devices, which based on distributed power generation higher power supply reliability and irreversible power
technology and can work in isolated network running supply for the system [6]. Through experimental
and grid-connected running [4]. system operation, it turns out that the microgrid can
be connected network or isolated network and switch
B. Characteristics of micro grid
from one state to the other smoothly under reasonable
Flexibility: As defined in the paper, the micro grid
control strategy.
can run both in isolated network and grid-connected.
The grid- connected mode acts as the normal B. The control of microgrid
operation, in which model the system can either As a modular and controllable unit, microgrid need to
absorb power from the grid network or supply power provide power to customer and to achieve these
to the main network. When something happens to the functions, the good management and control within
grid, the micro grid disconnects the link with the main the microgrid is necessary. Through the microgrid
network by turning off the demarcation switch and control, adjusting the feed flow to decoupling control
turned into isolated network state. the active and reactive power independent and make
sure that the operation of each micro- power can be
Interactivity: Operating in isolated network state can micro-response and supply the customer demand.
not only shorten the customer's power outage time,
In the process of operation control, the microgrid can
but also help the reboot of the bulk grid, which is
make a quick and independent response to the
particularly valuable during the unconventional
accident occurred in the bulk grid based on the local
disaster or war. So the micro grid can play a role as
information. When the voltage drops in the connected
own emergency power supply, which should be
network or power failure, the micro-distributed power
considered in the grid black start program.
generation system will be switched to separation of
Compatibility: Micro grid is the most effective way to the main network or parallel or achieve the transition
achieve the connection of distributed energy. It between the two operation model according to the
integrates the original distributed energy and fault condition or the system smoothly. Nowadays,
stabilizes the power supply and balance between there are three main methods to control the microgrid.
supply and demand through energy storage and First is plug and play control and peer-to-peer control
control protection, which effectively overcome the based on power electronics technology [7]. Second is
randomness and intermittent of distributed energy and the control based on power management system [8].
solve the problem when micro grid connects to the Last but not least is microgrid control based on multi-
bulk grid [5]. agent technology [9]. The main control equipment is
Economy: Micro grid access to large amount of distributed generation system controller, controllable
renewable energy, which means we can distribute the load manager, central energy management system and
output of different micro source optimally. Besides, relay protection device.
combining the micro gird with medium-sized heat C. Energy Storage Technology
supply can reduce the conversion of different energy Given the fact that the ability of microgrid to bear the
forms and improve energy efficiency, optimize the disturbance is relatively weak, the application of
energy structure in order to achieve the best economic energy storage system plays an important role in
benefits of micro gird through the realization of stabilizing the fluctuation of renewable energy and
temperature counterparts, cascade utilization and maintaining the stable operation of the system. There
energy matching. are different storage technologies and the main
technologies are mechanical energy storage,
electromagnetic energy storage and electrochemical

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49648 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2022 Page 926
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
energy storage etc. Among all these storage and designing, such as distributed power supply,
technologies, batteries become the best option for microgrid structure, the location of micronet access
renewable energy grid and intelligent micro-network and integrated optimization of distribution grid. The
because of its easy installment and manufacture. demand of cold and thermal load in the grid should
Lithium-ion batteries, nickel- metal hydride batteries, also be considered to reflect the scientific and
sodium sulphur batteries, liquid batteries, lead-acid forward-looking of programming.
battery technology are relatively mature in a variety Controlling: The distributed power supply mostly
of chemical batteries and the comprehensive connects the grid through electronic inverter because
performance of lithium battery is the best while liquid there is no self-synchronization. The load fluctuation
batteries has a wild application in the field of large- in microgrid and distribution grid has a great impact
scale. The best energy storage technology works for on the power output. The diversity, intermittent and
the microgrid is those with high system efficiency, randomness also increase the difficulty of voltage and
long cycle life and high economy. frequency control in distributed power supply and the
D. Economics of microgrid control of coordination between multi- micro-grid is
The economics is the important foundation for more difficult. Besides, the power quality is also a
promotion and development of microgrid technology. concern that we should pay attention to.
Microgrid can refer the knowledge and experience Protection: Because of the bidirectional trend of
obtained from the operation of grid in scheduling microgrid, it is our primary task to ensure the safety
principles, power transactions, resource optimization and stability of the entire system when some failure
and other aspects to optimize the design and provide happened and when there is something wrong with
different levels of power quality and reliability the distribution network or the distribution network
services for different customers and even provide operates under abnormal condition, it’s necessary to
black start and other auxiliary services. At the same protect the distributed power and microgrid, response
time, the economic optimization of microgrid is also when it’s required, don’t operate when there is no
different from the traditional grid and the biggest need, response rapidly. In addition, different
difference is that distributed generation can supply distributed generation technologies may have
electricity and heat in the form of CHP. In addition, different protection criteria when system fails and
the unique design of the microgrid can provide higher network reconstruction also requires protection
reliability than traditional distribution network and device with adaptive tuning function.
meet the special requirements of customers, improve
the added value of electricity. Scheduling Operation: Due to its complexity, the
4. THE CHALLENGES IN THE effective scheduling and management of microgrid
DEVELOPMENT OFMICROGRID must be achieved by using auxiliary tools. First of all,
The ultimate goal of microgrid is to achieve seamless we need to model and simulate the microgrid to
incorporation of a variety of distributed power supply. achieve rapid protection for isolated network state
In general, a large amount of distributed power and grid reconstruction algorithm, overcome the
supply connected to the microgrid will obviously unfavorable factors of intermittent and randomness
have a profound impact, therefore we need to address brought by renewable energy under the high
the operating characteristics and the interaction permeability to ensure the safety and stability of the
mechanism between traditional grid and microgrid, system under extreme weather conditions and failure
grasp energy optimization management and other condition [10].
aspects of a series of complex issues. 5. DEVELOPMENT DIRECTION
Reliability and Stability: Microgrid is distributed in Microgrid technology has been vigorously researched
the distribution grid as a special power source which recently with its high reliability, environmental
can both import and export energy, the interaction protection, flexibility and other characteristics in
between the microgrid will further affect the developed countries, such as Europe and the United
reliability of the distribution grid. The mechanism of States. Our country also began some National High-
the interaction between the microgrid and the tech R&D Program (863 Program), National Key
distribution grid is the prerequisite for improving the Basic Research and Development Program (973
safety and stability of the distribution grid, and it is Program), and other national key research and
necessary to discuss the new theory and method to development plan to encourage and support the
analysis stability and reliability. various universities and research institutes in the
microgrid technology research. The next few years,
Programming and Designing: It is necessary to microgrid theory and related technology will be
consider a series of problems during the programming certificated through demonstration engineering and

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49648 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2022 Page 927
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
get widely practiced and promoted. In the future, the distributed power supply, which provides a new path
main research direction of microgrid will be as for the large-scale application of new and renewable
follows: energy in connected grid. Microgrid complies with
the requirements to promote renewable energy power
The different ways to connect microgrid to traditional
generation and social sustainable development, and
grid and operate isolated network, the coordinated
will occupy a vital position in the development of
control of the microgrid and energy storage
construction of grid.
components make the energy flow in microgrid multi-
path and multi-channel, therefore we need to establish REFERENCES
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@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49648 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2022 Page 928

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