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Control System For A Diesel Generator An

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Scientific Journal of Riga Technical University

Power and Electrical Engineering

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Volume 27

Control System for a Diesel Generator and UPS

Based Microgrid
Andriy Palamar, Tallinn University of Technology, Elmo Pettai, Tallinn University of Technology,
Viktor Beldjajev, Tallinn University of Technology

Abstract. In this paper a microgrid composed of a diesel delivery to load customers, while facilitating a more stable
generator and two uninterruptible power supply systems with electrical infrastructure [9]. Consequently, a combination of a
separate battery banks is introduced. The microgrid located in
diesel generator and UPS in a microgrid system is a solution to
three academic buildings of Tallinn University of Technology. A
three-level control and monitoring system for the microgrid guarantee a continuity of power supply with relatively small
based on the EtherNet/IP communication network is developed. expenditures on equipment.
In addition, a control strategy of the microgrid in the grid- Despite many advantages of the microgrid there remain
connected and stand-alone mode of operation is proposed. many technical challenges and difficulties. One of them is the
design, acceptance, and availability of low-cost technologies
Keywords: control system, diesel generator, microgrid, UPS for installing and using microgrids [10]. The increased
deployment of power electronic devices in distributed energy
sources within microgrids requires effective monitoring and
control systems for safe and stable operation [11]. Realization
In recent years demand in the continuity of power supply in of complicated controlling processes in microgrids requires a
the local distributed areas is steadily increasing. Nowadays, specific communication infrastructure and protocols. It is
more and more consumers (e.g. data centers, information required to organize free access to the network and efficient
laboratories, computer servers) require constant availability of allocation of costs.
electrical energy. In such cases the installation of This paper proposes a microgrid system to be located in
uninterruptible power supply (UPS) units with energy storage three academic buildings of Tallinn University of Technology
devices are necessary. Therewith, to achieve opportunities of (TUT). This microgrid includes a diesel generator and two
longer interruptions it needs a large capacity of battery UPS systems, each with separate battery storage. The main
systems which increase the equipment cost. To overcome this goal of this work is to develop an intelligent control system of
problem, UPS units with distributed generation are commonly the microgrid that is efficient enough to manage itself for
used. Distributed generation encompasses a wide range of power balance by making use of state of the art
prime technologies, such as internal combustion engines, gas communication technology. In addition, the aim of this paper
turbines, microturbines, photovoltaic, fuel cells, and is to describe the control strategy of the microgrid in both
windpower [1]. Despite the fact that renewable energy grid-connected and stand-alone mode of operation.
resources are well suited for electricity generation, their The proposed micro-grid system is capable of upgrading the
application involves a major problem of unstable energy power grid of TUT by making it more reliable, secure,
provision due to the fluctuating nature of resources [2]. In efficient, and de-centralized, by providing uninterruptible
addition, they have relatively low efficiency and high cost. power supply functions, and minimizing emissions and system
On the other hand, a diesel powered generator has been losses. The control system of this microgrid will enhance the
extensively used as emergency and standby power, to meet reliability and stability of the power system on the one hand
peak loads and for electricity supply in isolated power systems and will make the microgrid an easy to use product on the
[3]. It still remains popular for a number of compelling other hand.
reasons, such as: low cost, availability, efficiency, reliability,
flexibility, safety [4]. A better way to realize the emerging II. GENERAL OVERVIEW OF A MICROGRID
potential of distributed generation, e.g. a diesel generator, is to
A microgrid is described as a small (several MW or less in
take a system approach which views generation and associated
scale) power system with three primary components:
loads as a microgrid [5].
distributed generators with optional storage devices,
Microgrid is a concept of defining the operation of
autonomous load centers, and system capability to operate
distributed generation, in which different microsources operate
interconnected with or islanded from the larger utility
as a single controllable system that provides power and heat to
electrical grid [9], [12] - [13].
a cluster of loads in the local area [6] - [8]. The most positive
Multiple facility microgrids span multiple buildings or
features of microgrids are the (i) relatively short distances
structures, with loads typically ranging between 2 MW and
between generation and loads, (ii) low generation and
5 MW, such as campuses (medical, academic, municipal, etc),
distribution voltage level. The primary goal of microgrid
military bases, industrial and commercial complexes, and
architectures is to significantly improve energy production and
building residential developments [14].

Scientific Journal of Riga Technical University
Power and Electrical Engineering
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Volume 27
Main grid C. Interconnection Switch
The interconnection switch is the point of connection
between the microgrid and the rest of the distribution system.
Transformer New technologies in this area consolidate the various power
Microgrid Interconnection and switching functions (power switching, protective relaying,
switch metering, and communications) traditionally provided by
relays, hardware, and other components at the utility interface
Local load into a single system with a digital signal processor. The
system interconnection switches are designed to meet grid
interconnection standards.
Diesel AC
generator DC D. Control System
Distributed A microgrid may operate either connected to the main grid
generation Battery or disconnected from it. Hence, there are two steady states of
operation, grid-connected and islanded. Moreover, there are
system two transient modes of operation of the microgrid: transfer
from grid-connected mode to islanded mode and vice versa
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of a microgrid.
[16]. The control system of a microgrid is designed to safely
operate the system in both of these modes. This system may
A schematic diagram of a microgrid is shown in Fig. 1. A be based on a central controller or embedded as autonomous
microgrid can be a DC or an AC grid. An AC microgrid can parts of each distributed generator. When the utility is
be a single-phase or a three-phase system. It can be connected disconnected, the control system must control the local voltage
to low voltage or medium voltage power distribution networks and frequency, provide (or absorb) the instantaneous real
[15]. This paper considers only an AC microgrid that is power difference between generation and loads, provide the
connected to a city power grid. difference between generated reactive power and the actual
Generally, a microgrid includes four basic technologies for reactive power consumed by the load, and protect the internal
operation [6], [10]: distributed generation units, distributed microgrid.
storage devices, an interconnection switch, and a control
The microgrid is to be located in three buildings of TUT:
A. Distributed Generation Units
Faculty of Power Engineering, TUT Library, School of
Distributed generation units are small sources of energy Economics and Business Administration. Consequently,
located at or near the point of use. There are two basic classes according to the classification given in [14], this power system
of microsources; one is a DC source (fuel cells, photovoltaic can be defined as a multiple facility microgrid. Fig. 2
cells, etc.), the other is a high frequency AC source illustrates the various components of the power system of the
(microturbines, reciprocating engine generators, wind microgrid at TUT.
generators) that needs to be rectified.
B. Distributed Storage Devices
Distributed storage devices are used in microgrid
applications where the generation and loads of the microgrid
cannot be exactly matched. There are several forms of energy
storage, such as the batteries, supercapacitors, and flywheels.
Distributed storage enhances microgrid systems overall
performance in three ways. First, it stabilizes and permits
distributed generation units to run at a constant and stable
output, despite load fluctuations. Second, it provides the ride
through capability when there are dynamic variations of
primary energy (such as those of sun, wind, and hydropower
sources). Third, it permits distributed generation to seamlessly
operate as a dispatchable unit. Moreover, energy storage can
benefit power systems by damping peak surges in electricity
demand, countering momentary power disturbances, providing
outage ride through while backup generators respond, and
reserving energy for future demand.

Fig. 2. Microgrid at Tallinn University of Technology.

Scientific Journal of Riga Technical University
Power and Electrical Engineering
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Volume 27

Main Grid ~ 6 kV

Transformer Transformer
substation 1 substation 2

6 / 0,4 kV 6 / 0,4 kV

P1 computers P8

Load: 3 x ~ 400V Distribution room

160 kVA UPS1 240 kVA UPS2 Diesel

E1 230V, 50 Hz
+ P2 Experim. load 1 + 220 kVA
- ARL1 - 176 kW
P3 Experim. load 2
Battery Experim. load 3 Battery
bank bank
P5 Experim. load 4
230V, 50 Hz

230V, 50 Hz


Faculty of Power Engineering building TUT Library building School of Economics and Business
Administration building
Fig. 3. Structural scheme of the microgrid for Tallinn University of Technology.

The structure of the microgrid for TUT campuses is shown Main consumers of the microgrid are the computers and
in Fig. 3. Microgrid system targeted in this study is servers located in the laboratories and office rooms in three
autonomous areas with the power demand of several kilowatts TUT buildings. The clients in the Library building
including a diesel generator, two UPS units with battery (computers) are connected to the electrical network using
storages, and loads. They are connected to the power network ARL1. In addition, four experimental non-critical loads may
via power electronic switches forming the local three-phase be connected to the power system. Nine intelligent sensors
400 V AC microgrid with a frequency of 50 Hz. (P1..P9) monitor the consumption of electrical energy by all
The diesel generator is used as the main distributed energy these loads. Their task is to measure electrical parameters of
resource in this microgrid. It has a nominal power of the network, such as voltage, current, power, energy, power
176 kW / 220 kVA, a voltage of 230 V / 400 V and a factor and transmit this information to a central controller.
maximum current of 318 A. This generator is connected to the The microgrid is connected to the general city power grid
AC network via the automatic relay logic (ARL2). The ARL2 using two two-section transformer substations
is continuously observing both sides: the main grid and the (6000 V / 400 V) located in the Faculty of Power Engineering
microgrid. If there is a fault in the general grid, the ARL2 will and the School of Economics and Business Administration
disconnect the microgrid, creating this way an independent buildings.
energetic island. Consequently, ARL2 is used as an
interconnection switch for this microgrid. IV. DESCRIPTION OF THE CONTROL SYSTEM
The battery banks (E1 and E2) are used as the distributed Taking advantage of multiagent technologies [17], [18] the
energy storage devices in the microgrid to ensure continuous control system for the microgrid of TUT is developed with the
supply of the local load. They are connected to the electrical following specifications:
network through the two UPS systems: UPS1 (160 kVA) and balance of electric demand and supply of power network
UPS2 (240 kVA). Hence, we can conclude that the microgrid are provided;
has two main possible operation modes: grid-connected and both the steady state mode of operation and the transient
islanded mode. sequences of the microgrid are achieved.

Scientific Journal of Riga Technical University
Power and Electrical Engineering
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Volume 27
Operator B. Central Controller
console server
The central controller provides the main interface between
the operator console and others communication nodes of the
microgrid control system. It manages all the operations of the
microgrid. The central controller operates in real time. Its
Central controller main functions: collecting information from the measuring
devices, transferring data from the operator console and the
application server, managing the power supply switches, and
transmitting the control commands to the local controllers.
Local Microsource Local
controller 1 controller controller 2 C. Local Controllers
The group of the local controllers is related to the third
hierarchical control level. They include a microsource
UPS1 UPS2 controller that is located at the diesel generator. It manages
Battery Diesel Battery active and reactive power production levels of the
bank 1 generator bank 2 microsource. Moreover, the microsource controller is
responsible for maintaining the desired steady-state and
Fig. 4. Block diagram of the hierarchical control system of the microgrid.
dynamic performance of the microgrid in the islanded mode.
The other local controllers are located in the two UPS systems.
A block diagram of the hierarchical control system is Their main goals are to provide management of charge of the
demonstrated in Fig. 4. The control structure of the microgrid batteries storage.
has three levels:
1) operator console with an application server; D. Measuring Process
2) central controller (CC); The measured data required for the proposed monitoring
3) local controllers (LC). and control system are voltage, current, power, energy, and
A. Operator Console power factor. Real-time information is collected through the
intelligent measuring devices located at the output of the
The operator console heads the hierarchical control system. energy source, at the input of each load, and at both of the
It is a computerized workstation with special software. Its UPS systems. In this system, Allen-Bradley Powermonitor
main goals are: to keep track of the whole system by 3000 [19] is used to measure these instantaneous values. Such
monitoring the status of the communication nodes, switches operating information is displayed in real-time for monitoring
and microgrid components; to collect data from the measuring and energy management purposes.
devices; to calculate supply and demand of power; to visualize
information received; to display the basic modes of the E. Communication Network
microgrid; and to transfer control commands to the central A communication infrastructure is necessary between the
controller. The function block diagram of the software is components of the control system (operator console,
shown in Fig. 5. It comprises a supply and demand calculation application server, central controller, and local controllers). It
unit, a monitoring and display unit, a control scheme, and a has to provide three services: control, configuration, and
dispatching unit. An application server is designed for collection of data. The availability of communication
archiving data received from the measuring devices. infrastructure introduces automation of the management
process with minimum human influence.
System Operators The Ethernet/IP industrial protocol has been chosen in this
Command microgrid as a communication network for data transfer for all
those control units. Ethernet is quickly becoming the effective
local area network (LAN) for electronic communication. It
now delivers highly reliable, low-cost 10/100/1000 Mbps
Units performance over long distances [20]. The adoption of the
standard protocol allows designing and developing modular
Information Controller Comand to each solutions using off-the-shelf, low-cost, widely available, and
Supply & Units controllable units
(P, Q, I, V)
fully supported hardware and software components. The main
Calculation Monitoring advantages of using Ethernet/IP protocol are: the transition
Units & Display from a centralized control to a distributed control; wiring
reduction – no need for point to point connections. This
solution provides flexibility and scalability for low-cost
Data process,
report & storage

Fig. 5. Functional blocks of software units of the control system.

Scientific Journal of Riga Technical University
Power and Electrical Engineering
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Volume 27
Remote C. Islanded Mode
console Operator Application
console server When the islanded operation mode is detected, the ARL2
disconnects the electrical network of the microgrid from the
Central main grid and connects it to the diesel generator. Then diesel
Extranet controller
generator will start to produce electrical power. During the
time it takes to detect the outage, disconnect the main grid,
Redundant LAN (Ethernet / IP) and start the diesel generator, the sensitive loads are supplied
from the battery bank E2 with UPS2. When the diesel
Firewall P1 P2 P9 generator has reached normal operation mode, the UPS2 starts
LC 1 LC 2 MC to charge the battery.
In the islanded mode, two requirements have to be fulfilled:
Fig. 6. Block diagram of the microgrid communication network of the control the power balance between the generation and the
system. consumption and the control of the primary electrical
parameters of the microgrid, such as voltage and frequency.
The block diagram of the microgrid communication Moreover, the battery storage E1 with UPS1 is responsible
network is illustrated in Fig. 6. Every communication node has for ensuring the power balance of the microgrid by means of
to get a registered IP address to the application server. The absorbing and injecting the power deviation between the
amount of data to be exchanged between network control units diesel generator and the local consumers. If all the available
includes mainly commands to the central controller and the power provided by the diesel generator is not sufficient to feed
local controllers, measured data from intelligent sensors to the the local loads, the control system will detach non-critical
CC and operator console, and messages to control microgrid loads (experimental loads 1..4).
switches. Furthermore, this topology provides an opportunity The central controller is responsible for monitoring the
for immediate control center access via remote consoles and operation of the microgrid and coordinating the local
web based laptops for necessary actions to be taken. controllers. The control system provides voltage control to
ensure all consumers voltages are within their normal ranges.
V. MANAGEMENT OF THE MICROGRID The main aim of the control system in the islanded mode is to
Tasks of the control system depend on the mode in which increase the microgrid reliability by guaranteeing local load
the microgrid operates. supply.
A. Grid-Connected Mode D. Transition from Islanded to Grid-Connected Mode
In this operation mode, the microgrid is connected to the When the microgrid is working in the islanded mode and
main grid through the two transformer substations. The main the measuring devices P1 and P8 have detected that the
grid produces power to the local loads of TUT. Hence, the voltage in the main grid is stable and fault-free, the central
balance between the generation and consumption as well as controller has to resynchronize the microgrid to the frequency,
the control of the electrical parameters of the system is set by amplitude and phase of the grid, in order to reconnect
the city grid. seamlessly the microgrid. Once the voltage in the microgrid is
The aim of the UPS1 and UPS2 is to obtain energy backup synchronized with the utility voltage, the microgrid can be
as much as possible. Consequently, during grid-connected reconnected to the grid and the central controller will pass
operation, the microgrid must charge the battery banks E1 and from a voltage control mode to a power control mode. In the
E2. Concerning the central controller, the purpose is to same way if non-critical loads are detached, they are also
optimize the microgrid performance. reconnected. After that, switches will close, interconnecting
the microgrid to the main grid. After the grid restoration,
B. Transition from Grid-Connected to Islanded Mode diesel generator stops to produce the power.
The instant at which the islanding occurs must be detected
immediately in order to guarantee a continuity of power VI. CONCLUSIONS
supply to the microgrid. There are various islanding detection
In this paper the architecture of the microgrid for three
methods proposed for microgrid systems [21]. In this case
academic buildings of Tallinn University of Technology has
study, the detection is achieved using an algorithm described
been introduced. This microgrid includes a diesel generator
in [22].
and two UPS systems with battery storages. The three-level
When the fault of the main grid occurs, the central
control and monitoring system for the microgrid based on the
controller disconnects the microgrid from the main grid, and
EtherNet/IP communication network was developed.
keeps the uninterrupted power supply of the important loads.
Furthermore, the control strategy of the microgrid in the grid-
For this purpose, the intelligent sensors P1 and P8 have to
connected and islanded mode was proposed. This control
detect that the voltage is below the normal level and the
system will enable the microgrid system to balance the electric
central controller must send the command to open the
power demand and supply and to simultaneously control the
interconnection switches.
state of the power network of TUT.

Scientific Journal of Riga Technical University
Power and Electrical Engineering
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Volume 27
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT [20] J. C. Warren, "Ethernet/IP Applications for Electrical Industrial
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This paper was supported by the Project DAR8130 TX, 2009, pp. 1-5.
“Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology II”. [21] P. Mahat, Z. Chen, and B. Bak-Jensen, "A Hybrid Islanding Detection
Technique Using Average Rate of Voltage Change and Real Power
Shift," Power Delivery, vol. 24, no. 2, 2009, pp. 764-771.
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