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Monofthe Week Vol 2

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Mon of Two Adventures

the week vol. 2 by ZAK BAROUH

The worlds of Animon Story can be very different places. A vast wilderness Flight of the Phytocopter
into which unassuming kids are thrown, a rapidly changing human world
adapting to the discovery of animon, or anything in between. What doesn’t Whistlewind Woods is a home for many kinds of forest-dwelling animon, but
change is that the animon themselves are full of mystery and wonder. the usually cheerful land has fallen into a dark time. A powerful and ruthless
Wherever they are, adventure is sure to be found! animon known as ‘Crimson Copter,’ along with his squadrons of Phytocopters,
has laid claim to all of Whistlewind. He has set to task all the animon who
This collection presents the returning adventure format, ‘Mon of the Week,’ live within his domain in pursuit of his grand ambition—an empire built on
for use in your games of Animon Story. They can be used either as quick aerial superiority, spanning far beyond the borders of the forest.
one-shots or episodic entries into an ongoing campaign. Mon of the Week
adventures are inspired by the episodic stories from classic cartoons. They Phytocopter are flying animon in the shape of propeller planes with a body
focus on one type of animon in particular, whether that is an individual or like an acorn, and various leafy appendages acting as wings and blades. The
a group of animon of a shared type. Throughout the adventures PCs will figure within the plane seems to have a head and body, but no-one knows if
have the opportunity to learn more about the animon, help them out with a the exterior is in fact Phytocopter’s body, something like a shell, or a fully
problem they’re facing, or in some cases stop a problem they are causing. separate object, like a vehicle. If they ever withdraw from the plane section,
they never do so in the company of other animon or humans.
Each Mon of the Week scenario is broken down into four sections:

1. Character details about the animon whom the adventure

focuses on, and a statblock.

2. Hooks to draw the PCs into the adventure.

3. Problems that the PCs will face, related to the trouble or conflict
at the heart of the adventure.

4. Scenes with any additional information needed, including

locations and NPCs that may appear in the adventure.
Though they are classified as Plant animon, Phytocopter don’t have
permanent roots, instead spending almost all their time in the air, gliding
on leafy wings or zooming between the trees under propeller power. They
often act as guardians of the canopy, patrolling the upper boughs of their
forest homes for danger, occasionally alighting at outposts high in the
trees, to rest and resupply.
The Crimson Copter
In Whistlewind Woods, the Phytocopter squadrons have turned from Crimson Copter is a particularly large, powerful Phytocopter with a
guardians to an occupation force, enforcing their leader’s claim on all the unique colouration. His leaves are red and orange like those of autumn
lands beneath them, and hunting down and punishing anyone who trees, and the leafy scarf around his neck is bright crimson red. He has,
refuses to follow his orders. Crimson Copter has become a tyrant of the through strength, coercion, and force of will, convinced many other
forest, watching and striking from his ‘cloud castle,’ in the boughs of the Phytocopters to follow him, giving him command of a full squadron of
tallest tree around. aerial fighters.

Stats for Phytocopter can be found on p.149 of the Animon Story rulebook. The master plan for which Crimson Copter has enacted his tyrannical
scheme is a vision of ultimate freedom. While Phytocopters are able to fly
Hook free through the forests, the need to rest and resupply keeps them from
Should the PCs be travelling through Whistlewind Wood, unaware of spreading out far beyond the borders of their forested homes. Crimson
the current situation, they’ll come under attack from a pair of patrolling Copter once flew out into the wide expanse, soared around a mountain’s
Phytocopter scouts. Otherwise, they might come across an escapee near peak, and returned exhausted and withered, half-dead but filled with
the border of the woods, attempting to avoid pursuing guards, who could burning ambition that the world beyond the woods must be his to roam.
tell them what’s going on. To do this, he plans to build a network of outpost towers covering the
land far and wide, but Phytocopters are not well-suited for construction
Problem work, and so he requires the assistance of other animon who live in the
The Crimson Copter’s conquest of Whistlewind Wood has left all the forest, whether they are willing or not.
other animon who live there afraid and vulnerable, forced to work for this
tyrannical leader, and restricted from leaving or communicating with the From his cloud castle, a central supply base that sits in the boughs of the
outside world. Though there are some who rebel against the regime, it tallest tree is Whistlewind Woods, Crimson Copter sends out his patrols
would take a coordinated effort to dethrone the Crimson Copter and free to catch any rebels or deserters, and to dominate yet more of the animon
Whistlewind Woods. who live there.
Routes of Resistance
There are a number of ways the PCs can gather strength, and hinder
Crimson Copter’s forces. Each one of them will create an advantage for
their ultimate confrontation with the boss. Of course, there are plenty of
other plans the PCs might come up with, but for those investigation the
current situation in Whistlewind Woods, these are the most obvious:

• Gathering Allies. There are some dwellers of Whistlewind Woods

who want to fight back against Crimson Copter. With some help,
they could be formed into a proper resistance force, as long as
they’re convinced they have a chance to succeed. They’ll also need
a secret HQ to gather in and make plans. The animon living in the
woods include Woodwyrm (p.162), Shruboar (p.156), and Orpix
Crimson Copter Type: (p.148). There are also Phytocopters who see how wrong Crimson
Tyrant of Whistlewind Woods, Crimson Copter will crush any Other Copter’s plan is and could be convinced to defect.
resistance in pursuit of his ultimate ambition.
Personality: Tyrannical Motivation: Create a wide open domain • Setting Traps. The patrols of flying Phytocopters through the forest
where he can fly free. are generally regular, and if someone were to spend time recording
Level: 7 Skill Score: 5 HP: 48 Initiative: 6 Damage: 8 Dodge: 5 and analysing their patrol paths, they could accurately predict when
and where the Phytocopters will be. This makes them easier to
Stage: Upgrades: Classification: Element: avoid, and also allows for the setting of traps to capture them.
BASIC Swift 1 Plant Wind
Strengths: Weaknesses: Signature Attack: • Phytocopter Outposts. The project of constructing a network
• Hotshot Pilot, Rank 3 Bad weather Crimson Salvo (Nature), of supply towers beyond the borders of the forest requires a lot of
• Keen Eyes, Rank 2 Rank 2 labour and resources. Interrupting this flow of resources is a sure
• Rule by Fear, Rank 2 fire way to hurt Crimson Copters plans, and get the attention of his
Special: squadrons. In addition, existing supply outposts built into tree-tops
• Crimson Copter has command over a squadron of Phytocopters. throughout the woods could be sabotaged to cut the Phytocopters
off from much needed supplies, such as the seed bullets they use.
Whalava Time
For as long as any of the animon who live nearby know, the mountain has
always been hot, filled with magma tunnels and lava pools. Its heat washes
out into the surrounding lands, warming the region and making it a perfect
home for many kinds of animon. Now, Lava Mountain is cooling, and the
Whalava who live within are in peril. Can their home, and the lands
surrounding Lava Mountain, be saved?

Whalava are aquatic animon split between two worlds—fire and water.
They are just as happy swimming in lava as they are in the deep ocean Hook
waters, and their homes tend to be volcanoes or deep magma chambers, If the PCs are travelling in the region of Lava Mountain, they might
connected with the ocean by underground tunnels. They swim through notice the conspicuous lack of white smoke which usually rises from the
volcanically heated water, clearing the cooling rocks with their fireball crater. They might also hear from animon in local villages that the
attacks, until they break through to the lava filled inner pools. They migrate mountain is cooling. Some are worried about how this could affect the
from volcanoes to deep hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor, and back region, and will ask the PCs to investigate.
again, leaving a trail of warm water in their wake.
The Whalava of Lava Mountain, having been away from the volcano on a The Lava Mountain volcano is cooling, which has formed solid rock walls
deep sea migration, have returned to find the submerged tunnels blocked, out of the usually free flowing magma tunnels that Whalava use to travel
filled in with cooling rock, too thick for them to fireball their way between the volcano’s lava pools and the ocean, trapping them outside.
through. With no way of reaching the inner pools of the mountain, some Inside Lava Mountain, the evolved Whalcano has come to the end of his
Whalava have swum up to the coastline to seek news, and aid. natural life, and is passing on—Whalcano’s now waning power was all
that was keeping Lava Mountain hot.
Stats for Whalava can be found on p.161 of the Animon Story rulebook.
Journey to Lava Mountain
The best route up Lava Mountain will take the PCs near the coast, where
they’ll see a gathering of Whalava in the water. The whale animon will
explain their problem and ask for help figuring out what’s wrong, telling
the PCs to seek out Whalcano inside the mountain. To reach the inner
lava pools, there are challenges the PCs must overcome:

• Finding a cave entrance and climbing the mountain to reach it is

a difficult and tiring task. PCs can use relevant characteristics for
Tests, with failure resulting in Stamina loss, and more time spent
climbing, perhaps requiring the group to camp out overnight.

• Inside the mountain caves, the temperature rises to extreme levels,

even as the land outside is cooling. Heat resistant clothes, or a
special potion made from herbs that grow on the mountain, allow
PCs to endure the heat. Fire Element animon need no such help.

• A pack of Emberuff (p.130) that live on the mountain slopes are

panicking because of the cooling temperatures. In their current Whalcano explains that Lava Mountain has long been sustained by
mood, they’re prone to attack trespassers without asking questions himself, even as the deep magma channels beneath the earth cooled.
first, and will need calming down before conversations can be had. If at least one Whalava can make it back inside, he can transfer the last
of his energy to cause them to evolve—a new Whalcano will be able to
maintain the heat. A cooled wall of solid rock now blocks the tunnel that
The Last Embers would allow the Whalava access. They are trying to melt it back from the
The mountain’s inner lava pool is home to an elder Whalcano, who after other side but it’s too thick. Aid from the inside by the Emberuff pack
many long years has come to the end of his life. Soon his energy will would be enough to melt through. Alternatively, if the PCs can find a way
return to the animon world as reform into an animon egg. For now, his to transfer energy to Whalcano, he’d be able to do it before passing. The
body solidifies into rock, and his waning power is the cause behind the PCs might also come up with an unconventional plan, such as carrying a
mountain’s cooling temperatures. Whalava from the coast overland to reach the inner lava pools that way.

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