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Item Bag Vol. 1

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Item Bag Vol. 1 02
Throughout the human and animon worlds you’ll find useful items in all
shapes and sizes. Whether strange, mystical artefacts, powerful technologies,
or simply refreshing food and drink, kids and their animon partners are
sure to find something to help them on their adventures.

This Item Bag supplement introduces a variety of items to be discovered,

traded, and put to use during your games of Animon Story. This release
is Vol. 1, as further volumes will be released in the future to expand the
number of items available. You may also wish to use the items presented
in this supplement as inspiration for creating your own.

A note on currency
Animon Story has no default currency, and for the most part you will Items can be obtained in a few different ways, for example as rewards
likely not need to include one in your campaign. In the human world, or discoveries during adventures. Of course, they can also be traded for.
many items can be bought and sold for currency as you’d expect, while Across the two worlds there are various Vendors who will trade items,
in the animon world things may work very differently. Each Vendor is either for other items, some kind of currency, or for the completion of a
listed with things that they will happily trade for, and items are listed job or favour. A few such vendors are presented in this section.
with a rarity to give an idea of their relative value, though this is highly
dependent on where they are found. When determining what items a Vendor has available, refer to the item
type(s) listed in their Stock. By default, you can assume a fully stocked
If you find yourself needing to track currency, you can do so in an Vendor will have 3 Common items, 2 Uncommon items, and 1 Rare
abstract way by counting how many Common items the PCs could item available. If you want a more random assortment, first roll 1D6 to
buy with the amount, e.g. 1c (1 Common item). Using this abstraction, determine the number of items available, then a further 1D6 for each
Uncommon items are worth 2c, while Rare items are worth 4c. item to determine its rarity: 1-3 for Common, 4-5 for Uncommon, and 6
for Rare. If a Vendor has more than one item type in their Stock, choose
which type to use for each item, or decide randomly.
Item Bag Vol. 1 03
ANI Corp. Geosaur Stores
Visit your nearest ANI Corp. Tech Bar™ to get updated with our latest These stores are humble affairs, run by the generally affable Geosaur. They
technological marvels. ANI Corp. is revolutionising animon research and have a strong connection with the earth, and use this ability to discover
development, making excellent use of newly discovered natural resources useful natural resources. Where Geosaur herds live close to other animon
and bringing the results of that work to you, our loyal customers. communities, they will often establish small shops to trade these resources
along with anything else they find beneath the earth.
Stock: Tech.
Accepts: Local currency, Natural items. Stock: Natural, Mystic.
Accepts: Local currency, Motes, crystals, Food & Drink items.
Despite the fact they show up in odd places all over the animon world, no- Vending Machines
one has ever gotten a good look at the ‘real’ Trashley, as their form is almost Throughout the human world vending machines are common, and even in
completely obscured by the piles of junk and garbage bags they carry. What’s the animon world they can appear in unexpected locations. Once upon a
clear is this: Trashley loves trash, and will trade treasures in pursuit of it. time vending machines were used only for food & drink, but these days you
can find anything in them!
Stock: Mystic, Natural, Food & Drink
Accepts: Rusty screws, rotting food, plastic wrappers, other trash, Motes. Stock: Pick 1: Tech, Mystic, Natural, Food & Drink. All available items
belong to this category.
Go Big Accepts: Local currency, Motes.
• Go Big or go home!! • Let’s go chat, it’s your favourite animon streamer
Amy Go here! I wanna tell you all about my new range of amazing merch
that’s perfect for all you animon tamers out there. Be sure to tune in to all
my streams for special drops, and check out my new crossover promo with
your favourite fast food place!

Stock: Tech, Food & Drink.

Accepts: Local currency, promo engagement, tips about rare animon
sightings, Motes.
Item Bag Vol. 1 04
Items Tech
Tech items have been developed to serve a particular purpose through
Items come from many different sources and are used for many different science, engineering, or craft expertise. Digital and electronic gadgets fit
things. To help categorise them, each item has a Rarity and an item type. into this category, along with many modern conveniences found in the
There are four item types presented here: Tech, Mystic, Natural, and human world. Tech also covers tools and specialised analog equipment.
Food & Drink.

Each item description contains the details of its effects. Many items can be
used by Kid characters to aid their Animon partners during battle. This Tech Item List
counts as the Kid using their action, so does not use up the Animon’s action
Item Rarity
unless otherwise stated. If an item is listed as ‘single use,’ it means the item
is consumed upon use and cannot be used again. Well-Oiled Gear Common

Rarity Element Booster Common

Along with a type, items are classified based on Rarity. Common items are
the most abundant and easiest to obtain, followed by Uncommon, and Element Converter Common
then Rare being the hardest to find, and most expensive to buy. Outside
of this tier system there may be rarer, perhaps even unique items, but the Medkit Common
majority of items that PCs will find during their adventures can be put into
these three categories. Focus Charge Uncommon

Mecha Gear Uncommon

Forcefield Rare
Item Bag Vol. 1 05
A set of basic medical supplies including plasters, bandages, and soothing gel.
Effect: When taking the ‘Address Harm’ Rest Activity to remove Harm
related to physical injury, a Medkit can be used to reduce the Difficulty
Rating of the Test by 1. Each Medkit can be used 3 times before running
out of supplies. Multiple uses can be applied during a single attempt to
Well-Oiled Gear Address Harm.
A small metal cogwheel thinly coated with fine black oil. It has no apparent Focus Charge
use but is beloved by a certain kind of animon. Uncommon
Effect: When given to a Machine animon, it will improve relations. PCs A capsule that attracts the attention of animon with a fixating sound. The
gain Boost on social interactions with the Machine animon for the scene. effect is strong enough to overcome a state of confusion.
Effect: Single use. The user immediately recovers from the Stunned
Element Booster condition. If activated outside of battle, the noise will compel nearby
Common animon to investigate.
A small cylinder containing a concentrated spark of pure elemental energy.
When the pin is pulled, the energy is released, temporarily increasing the Mecha Gear
potency of attacks using that element. Uncommon
Effect: Single use. Each Element Booster is listed with the Element it is A multipurpose nano-tech device that can temporarily enhance the abilities of
attuned to, for example: Element Booster (Fire). It grants the user Boost on an animon by equipping it with machine parts.
their next attack that has a matching Element. Effect: Single use. The user gains one of the following Qualities until the
end of the scene: Metal Plating, Sharp Claws, or Mechanical Limbs.
Element Converter
Common Forcefield
A small metallic funnel that converts elemental energy from one type to Rare
another. Developed by a lab with a keen interest in animon battles. A small disc that generates a hard-light dome, protecting the user from attacks
Effect: Single use. Each Element Converter is listed with the Element it is for a short time.
attuned to, for example: Element Converter (Water). It switches the Effect: Single use. Until the start of their next turn, the user rolls 10 dice
Element of the user’s next attack to the attuned Element. on any Dodge rolls they make instead of using their own Dodge score.
Item Bag Vol. 1 06
Mystic Blessed Stone
Mystic items are those that possess some supernatural or otherwise Common
magical qualities. This includes artefacts of unknown power, alchemical A piece of white marble with an angelic aura. It has no apparent use but is
concoctions, enchanted objects, and other such curiosities. Many Mystic beloved by a certain kind of animon.
items have their origins in the animon world, but the human world is not Effect: When given to a Celestial animon, it will improve relations. PCs
entirely without mystery. gain Boost on social interactions with the Celestial animon for the scene.

Fiend Horn
Mystic Item List Common
Item Rarity
A chipped piece of a demon’s horn with a sinister aura. It has no apparent use
but is beloved by a certain kind of animon.
Blessed Stone Common Effect: When given to an Infernal animon, it will improve relations. PCs
gain Boost on social interactions with the Infernal animon for the scene.
Fiend Horn Common
Shimmering Scale
Shimmering Scale Common Common
A scale that shines with many colours in the light. It has no apparent use but
Sylphic Charm Common
is beloved by a certain kind of animon.
Bubblehead Potion Common Effect: When given to a Dragon animon, it will improve relations. PCs
gain Boost on social interactions with the Dragon animon for the scene.
Elemental Shield Common
Sylphic Charm
Phoenix Feather Common Common
A small wooden talisman wrapped in twine. It has no apparent use but is
Attack Spell Uncommon beloved by a certain kind of animon.
Effect: When given to an Fairy animon, it will improve relations. PCs
Prismaxim Rune Uncommon gain Boost on social interactions with the Fairy animon for the scene.
Invisibility Potion Rare
Item Bag Vol. 1 07
Bubblehead Potion Attack Spell
Common Uncommon
A potion made from shore nettle leaves, rubbershrub sap, and elemental The power of an animon’s Signature Attack woven into the form of a spell. It is
wind. Very useful for out of place landlubbers. usually contained within a crystal or scroll.
Effect: Single use. A replenishing bubble of air forms around the user’s Effect: Single use. Each Attack Spell is listed with the properties of a
head, allowing them to breathe underwater. This also protects the user Signature Attack, including its Name, Element, Rank, and Effects. The
from gas clouds etc. The effect lasts until it is safe to remove. GM determines these when creating an Attack Spell item. The user can
make one attack with the properties of the Attack Spell as an action. This
Elemental Shield does not consume a Signature Attack Use.
An enchantment bound to a scroll or trinket. It bears a potent defensive spell. Prismaxim Rune
Effect: Single use. Each Elemental Shield is listed with the Element it is Uncommon
attuned to, for example: Elemental Shield (Nature). It imposes Setback on A glowing rune left by a Prismaxim. These magic symbols shift and change
the next attack with that Element that targets the user. until they absorb meaning from their surroundings.
Effect: When used, the rune absorbs meaning from the user’s current
Phoenix Feather surroundings. This meaning is then fixed and cannot be changed. This
Common might be the password to a nearby door, or information about the history
A feather lit with an inner flame. It comes from a mighty animon that’s said or hidden secrets of the area.
to resemble the mythical phoenix.
Effect: Single use. The Phoenix Feather can be instantly used when a Invisibility Potion
character is reduced to 0HP. That character adds 1 to the Critical Gauge Rare
and gains a Harm as if they had dropped to 0HP, but instead they remain A potion prepared by an experienced alchemist using rare ingredients. It is
at 1HP. That character cannot gain Harm from being reduced to 0HP colourless, but light shines through it in prismatic colour.
again until the end of the Combat Encounter. Effect: Single use. The user and their animon partner become invisible
until the end of the scene. Grants Boost on Tests related to hiding.
Anyone trying to detect or attack the user has Double Setback on their
rolls if they rely primarily on sight.
Item Bag Vol. 1 08
Natural items are raw materials, resources, or naturally occurring
products that can be found in the human and animon worlds. While
they are often used in the development of other products, many natural
resources have their own inherent qualities that may be of use.

Natural Item List

Item Rarity

Crystal Nectar Common

Marine Jewel Common

Rainbow Petal Common

Silver Egg Common

Crystal Nectar
Antidote Common Common
Crystallised nectar formed in the animon world. It has an intense sweet
Capyrene Steam Common aroma. It has no apparent use, but is beloved by a certain kind of animon.
Effect: When given to an Insect animon, it will improve relations. PCs
Mote Common gain Boost on social interactions with the Insect animon for the scene.

Super Mote Uncommon Marine Jewel

Whipvine Seed Uncommon A blue jewel formed at the bottom of the ocean in the animon world. It has no
apparent use, but is beloved by a certain kind of animon.
Ultra Mote Rare
Effect: When given to an Aquatic animon, it will improve relations. PCs
gain Boost on social interactions with the Aquatic animon for the scene.
Item Bag Vol. 1 09
Rainbow Petal Super Mote
Common Uncommon
A petal from a beautiful multi-coloured flower. It has no apparent use, but is An orb of pure energy from the animon world. The energy contained within
beloved by a certain kind of animon. could power machinery, or have a powerful rejuvenating effect on an animon.
Effect: When given to a Plant animon, it will improve relations. PCs gain Effect: Single use. The user instantly regains 2D6+2HP. Can also be used
Boost on social interactions with the Plant animon for the scene. as a significant source of energy.

Silver Egg Whipvine Seed

Common Uncommon
An unusual egg with a silvery surface. It doesn’t appear to have anything A dormant seed that blooms explosively into a tangling web of strong vines.
inside. It has no apparent use, but is beloved by a certain kind of animon. Though they have a powerful constricting effect, the vines soon wither.
Effect: When given to an Avian animon, it will improve relations. PCs Effect: Single use. The user picks a target for the Whipvine Seed. The
gain Boost on social interactions with the Avian animon for the scene. target is Immobilised, and may attempt a Test (Difficulty 3) on their turn
to escape. On each subsequent turn, the Difficulty of this Test is reduced
Antidote by 1. If the Difficulty would drop to 0, the target is released.
A universal antidote created with natural ingredients from the animon world. Ultra Mote
Effect: Single use. The user instantly recovers from the Poisoned Rare
Condition. If used outside of battle, it can cure or lessen the effects of A large orb of pure energy. It is rare for the energy of the animon world to
many types of poison-related sickness. concentrate in such a way.
Effect: Single use. The user instantly regains 4D6+4HP. Can also be used
Mote as a large source of energy.
A mote of pure energy. The animon world seems to be suffused with this type
of energy, and occasionally it coalesces into this concentrated form.
Effect: Single use. The user instantly regains 1D6+1 HP. Motes can also
be used as a small source of energy.
Item Bag Vol. 1 10
Food & Drink Hunk of Meetroot
Everyone, human and animon, needs some form of sustenance! For most Uncommon
that comes in the form of tasty food and refreshing drinks, though of A peculiar root vegetable that tastes exactly like a perfectly cooked hunk of
course preferences for these things vary dramatically depending on who meat. It is beloved by a certain kind of animon.
you’re talking to. Effect: When given to a Beast animon, it will improve relations. PCs gain
Boost on social interactions with the Beast animon for the scene.

“Go Big” Burger

Food & Drink Item List A promotional item from a popular fast food chain’s collaboration with the
influencer Amy Go.
Item Rarity
Effect: Single use. The user’s current and max. HP is temporarily
Hunk of Meetroot Common increased by 5. At the end of the Combat Encounter the user’s max. HP
returns to normal. This effect cannot be applied more than once at a time.
“Go Big” Burger Common
Power-up Pizza
Power-up Pizza Common Common
There’s a special ingredient added to the tomato sauce on these pizzas. The
ingredient is a closely guarded secret.
Speedy Sub Common
Effect: Single use. The user’s Damage score is temporarily increased by 2.
At the end of the Combat Encounter the user’s Damage score returns to
Leafpig Ice Tea Uncommon normal. This effect cannot be applied more than once at a time.

Prismini Ice Cream Uncommon Speedy Sub

Cerberurn’s Crème Brûlée Rare A veggie sandwich bursting with flavour thanks to fresh ingredients, and the
well-balanced addition of herbs.
Effect: Single use. The user adds 2 automatic successes to the result of
the next Initiative roll they make. This effect cannot be applied more than
once at a time.
Item Bag Vol. 1 11
Leafpig Ice Tea
A popular beverage with animon tamers. It has a delicious floral taste and
comes in an adorable can.
Effect: Single use. The user instantly regains 1 lost Bond Point.

Prismini Ice Cream

Colourful ice cream in a waffle cone. It looks just like Prismini, and tastes like
a birthday cake.
Effect: Single use. When taking the ‘De-stress’ Rest Activity, Prismini Ice
Cream can be used to automatically succeed on the D6 roll.

Cerberurn’s Crème Brûlée

A rare delicacy: smooth vanilla custard with a crisp top layer that has been
caramelised by a Cerberurn’s flame.
Effect: Single use. Up to 3 times until the end of the Combat Encounter,
the user may replace a dice they have rolled as part of an Attack roll with
a result of 6. They can replace multiple dice in a single roll if they wish.

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