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Embedding Generative AI and

Advanced Search into your Apps

with MongoDB
Building AI-Powered Applications

December 2023
US 866-237-8815 • INTL +1-650-440-4474 •
2023 MongoDB, Inc. All rights reserved
Table of Content
Introduction 3

Context is everything 3

The rise of vectors and similarity search 4

Vector search and the LLM workflow 5

The promise and reality of a vibrant AI ecosystem 6

A developer data platform: the smart way to build intelligent applications 7

Show, don’t tell. Generative AI-enhanced apps on a developer data platform 9

Chatbot and Q-A for customer self service 9

Advanced ecommerce search and recommendations 12

Rich media (multimodal) analysis and generation 14

MongoDB Vector Search in Action 14

Getting started 16

Never before has the introduction of a new technology so rapidly captured the
attention of enterprises, governments, and consumers alike. The arrival of ChatGPT in
November 2022 showcased the potential of Generative AI powered by Large
Language Models (LLMs) in addressing a vast array of new use cases. These use cases
were previously unimaginable with conventional computing and analytical AI (now
sometimes described as “traditional” or “classic” AI).

All it seems to take is a few well crafted prompts to automate a whole range of things.
Generate professional quality text, images, audio, video and programming code.
Better support customers. All the way through to modeling climate change, discovering
new drugs or designing new materials, predicting the movements of financial markets,
and many, many more.

Overnight one question appeared at the top of every boardroom agenda – “how can
we use Generative AI to disrupt our markets while not being disrupted ourselves”?

However technology leaders have quickly recognized that alongside the potential
benefits of GenAI, there are also risks from the technology’s immaturity. They can’t just
discard years of operational best practices and institutional knowledge. Instead they
need to make sure both their existing systems as well as new applications in
development are capable of harnessing Generative AI in ways that are safe, reliable,
and accurate.

In this paper, we will discuss how MongoDB can put you on the path to achieving those
goals while using your own data to power compelling new GenAI-powered applications
and experiences.

Context is everything
When everyone has access to GenAI models, your “superpower” differentiation comes
from giving those models access to one of your most important enterprise assets –
your data. Some of this data will be proprietary to the organization and some will be
public – but fresher – than that used to train the original base foundation models.
Together this data provides responses that better reflect today’s “ground truth”.

Providing models with your own data is accomplished by a new architectural pattern
called Retrieval-Augmented Generation or RAG. Using RAG presents your developers
with a potent combination. They can take the incredible knowledge and reasoning

capabilities of pre-trained, general purpose GenAI models and feed them with
accurate and up-to-date company-specific data.

The results are GenAI outputs that are accurate, up-to-date, relevant, and harness all
of your data, no matter its structure. Your GenAI-powered apps better serve your
customers, boost employee productivity, and out innovate competitors. Your
developers can unlock all of these outcomes without having to turn to specialized data
science teams to train or fine tune models — a complex, time-consuming, and
expensive process.

Using your own data sources are one important piece to making generative AI work
for the business. But on its own, it's not enough. As we discuss later in the paper,
developers also need to consider how to deploy their application around an informed
large language model with the right security controls in place, and at the scale and
performance users expect.

The rise of vectors and similarity search

To feed AI models with our own data, we need to first turn it into vector embeddings.
These vectors provide multi-dimensional numerical encodings of our data that
captures its patterns, relationships and structures. Vector embeddings give our data
semantic meaning; calculating the distance between vectors makes it easy for our
applications to understand the relationships and similarities between different data
objects. This opens our data up to a whole new range of applications that we discuss

Data in any digital format and of any structure – i.e., text, video, audio, images, code,
tables – can be transformed into a vector by processing it with a suitable vector
embedding model. For example, OpenAI’s text-embedding-ada-002 is one of the
most popular models for vectorizing textual content. The beauty of vector embeddings
is that data that is unstructured and therefore completely opaque to a computer can
now have its meaning and structure inferred and represented via these embeddings.
This means we can start to search and compute unstructured data in the same way
we’ve always been able to with structured business data. Considering that 80%+ of the
data we create everyday is unstructured, then we start to appreciate how
transformational vector search combined with GenAI really is.

As shown in Figure 1 below, once our data has been transformed into vector
embeddings, it is persisted and indexed in a vector store such as MongoDB Atlas
Vector Search. To retrieve similar vectors, the store is queried with an Approximate
Nearest Neighbor (ANN) algorithm to perform a K Nearest Neighbor (KNN) search
using an algorithm such as 'Hierarchical Navigable Small Worlds' (HNSW).

Querying these vectors allows us to do things with data that we could only previously
accomplish with expensive data science skills and infrastructure. Firstly, we can extend
information search and discovery beyond keyword matching to context-aware
semantic search which is capable of inferring meaning and intent from a user’s search
term. Secondly, we can retrieve our own data – encoded as vectors – to provide the
GenAI model with the context necessary to generate more reliable and accurate
outputs. These outputs can include:

● Natural Language Processing (NLP) for tasks such as chatbots and

Question-Answering to text summarization and sentiment analysis.
● Computer vision and audio processing for image classification and object
detection through to speech recognition and translation.
● Content generation, including creating text-based documentation and
SEO-optimized web pages, computer code, or converting text to an image or

Vector search and the LLM workflow

Figure 1 brings together the workflow enabling “Retrieval Augmented Generation” for a

Figure 1: Dynamically combining your custom data with the LLM to generate reliable and
relevant outputs

Ahead of time, our data is transformed by a vector embedding model and stored in a
vector store. Ideally the vectors’ metadata and raw “chunked” data are stored
alongside the vectors themselves in a flexible document database which also stores
our regular application data. This allows our application to query data in multiple ways,

improve relevance (e.g. score more recent data higher) and provides long term
memory for the LLM. Prompts to the LLM are intercepted by logic that retrieves similar
vectors from the vector store. These are then used to reengineer the initial prompt. The
new prompt is sent to the LLM which is able to use the provided context to generate
higher quality and accurate responses using fresher data.

Later in this paper you will find examples that demonstrate the workflow above and
show how the resulting capabilities can be applied to different classes of applications.

The promise and reality of a vibrant AI

Vector stores are one part of a rapidly evolving ecosystem of AI-enabling technologies
extending from creation of embeddings, to prompt engineering, LLMs, model
fine-tuning, orchestration, logging, infrastructure automation, and more.

Within this ecosystem there are no end of interesting and promising projects and
vendors to work with. Some show the “art of the possible” through demos and
prototypes. But the fear enterprise decision makers and developers face is how easily
these prototypes can be adapted for their specific business needs. And whether some
of the newer technologies can really sustain production load with reliability, scalability,
and security, day in and day out, under any operational environment. A further
consideration is how to integrate the organization's own databases to feed real,
ground truth business data into the model.

The AI ecosystem does not exist in isolation. All of these technologies need to be
embedded into real world applications to be truly useful to the business. For example,
vector stores are essential to enabling context-aware generative AI and semantic
search. But these are just one part of a broader application that also has to manage
regular, non-vectorized business data.

This data can be anything – customer records, orders and inventory, trades and
transactions, quotations, geospatial coordinates, product details and pricing, time
series measurements and sensor readings, clickstreams and social feeds, text
descriptions, and more.

All of this data needs to be queried to power application functionality. Not just to
retrieve approximate nearest neighbors between vectors, but also to accomplish
regular operations such as retrieving specific records, handling a firehose of updates
to the data, and running sophisticated aggregations and transformations supporting
analytics processing. These queries power application features outside of any
generative AI use cases. But they become even more important when we can use them

alongside in-context prompts to our models, improving accuracy and relevance of the
GenAI model’s outputs.

Beyond working with our application data and vector embeddings, we need to do the
non-functional things – meeting uptime, performance and scalability SLAs, integrating
new features, securing and backing data up, and auditing it. Some of this stuff can
sound boring. That is until it fails. Then suddenly it isn't boring any more…..

Bringing together the technologies to power new AI-driven experiences and fusing
them into your applications risks creating a sprawl of point products and complexity
that places enormous overhead on your teams. All of these challenges add up to
fragmented and inefficient developer experiences, a multitude of operational and
security models to deal with, a ton of data wrangling and integration work, and lots of
data duplication. All of this slows the speed of bringing your new AI-driven experiences
to market, while increasing your costs and risk.

Using a developer data platform built on MongoDB Atlas gives you a better way.

A developer data platform: the smart way to

build intelligent applications
MongoDB's developer data platform, built on MongoDB Atlas, unifies operational,
analytical, and generative AI data services to streamline building intelligent
applications. However you are harnessing AI – from training and serving your own
machine learning models to embedding the latest generative AI in your apps – Atlas is
a critical part of your stack. From prototype to production, with Atlas you can ensure
your apps are grounded in truth with the most up-to-date operational data, while
meeting the scale, security, and performance users expect.

At the core of MongoDB Atlas is its flexible document data model and developer-
native query API. Together, they enable your developers to dramatically accelerate the
speed of innovation, outpacing competitors and capitalizing on new market
opportunities presented by generative AI.

Documents are the best way for developers to work with data because they map to
objects in code making them intuitive and easy to reason about. Documents can
model data of any structure – from the vast diversity of regular application data we
discussed earlier to vector embeddings composed of several thousands of dimensions.
Any of these structures can be modified at any time to support the addition of new
data types and application features. Documents give you the flexibility to rationalize
and harness that data in ways that traditional tabular data models of relational
databases simply can’t.

Figure 2: MongoDB Atlas integrates the data services needed to bring AI into your applications

In conjunction with the document model, the MongoDB Query API gives developers a
unified and consistent way of working with data across any data service. From simple
CRUD operations to keyword and vector similarity search through to sophisticated
aggregation pipelines for analytics and stream processing, the MongoDB Query API
provides developers the flexibility to query and compute data anyway the application
needs. In the context of GenAI, this provides extremely flexible and powerful ways of
defining additional filters on vector-based queries, for example:

● Combining with metadata for filtering: "Find me content matching the user's
query but only content published in years X, Y, and Z".
● Combining with aggregations: "Find me all images that are similar to the query
image and group them by photographer id".
● Combining with geo-spatial search: "Find me real-estate listings for houses that
are similar to the house in this photograph that is within N miles of my location".

No other database is able to offer such a breadth of query functionality in a single,

unified, query experience. This allows developers to build end-user functionality with
greater ease and less complexity. Developers no longer have to manually stitch
together query results from multiple databases, which is a process that is complex,
error prone, costly, and slow. At the same time, it also keeps your technology footprint
compact and agile.

“MongoDB was already storing metadata about artifacts in our system.
With the introduction of Atlas Vector Search, we now have a
comprehensive vector-metadata database that’s been battle-tested over
a decade and that solves our dense retrieval needs. No need to deploy a
new database we'd have to manage and learn. Our vectors and artifact
metadata can be stored right next to each other.”

Pierce Lamb, Senior Software Engineer on the Data and Machine Learning team at

Show, don’t tell. Generative AI-enhanced apps

on a developer data platform
We will focus on three popular use cases to showcase how developers are using
MongoDB Atlas to build AI-enriched apps:

● Chatbot and Question-Answering (Q-A) for customer self-service.

● Advanced ecommerce search and user recommendations.
● Rich media (multimodal) analysis and generation.

Each of these examples rely on Generative AI and advanced semantic search to create
amazing user experiences and unlock capabilities that were previously out of the reach
of most organizations. To be truly transformative however, these AI enhancements
need to be delivered as part of a larger application that itself is powering critical
business functionality.

We will step through each use case in turn, showing an architectural design pattern
that supports it, along with the relevant capabilities provided by MongoDB Atlas.

Chatbot and Q-A for customer self service

MongoDB sits at the heart of many customer support applications. This is because
MongoDB’s flexible data model makes it easy to build a single, 360-degree view of the
customer. It does this by dynamically ingesting diverse and rapidly changing customer
data from the myriad of siloed backend source systems typical in most organizations.
The single, consolidated real-time customer view powered by MongoDB is therefore the
ideal platform against which we can train and deliver chatbot and Q-A assistance
features for customer self-service.

In our example shown in Figure 2, the customer database stored in MongoDB is

exported as a JSON file to an embedding model that chunks the data (using tools like
LangChain or LlamaIndex) and creates vector embeddings from it. Other internal data

sources such as knowledge bases and documentation can also be vectorized for use in
the app. The data is then imported back into the MongoDB database.

We need to make sure our vectors are constantly updated with the freshest customer
data, so we use Atlas Triggers to watch for any data changes in our single view. As
soon as new customer records are inserted or existing records updated in the
database, Atlas Triggers calls the embedding model’s API to generate the
corresponding vectors and load them back into Atlas.

Figure 3: Chatbot & Q-A generative AI features built into a customer self-service application
powered by MongoDB Atlas

By using Atlas, developers take advantage of MongoDB’s flexible data model. They
can store the source customer data, metadata, and chunks alongside the vector
embeddings, all synchronized and sitting side by side in a single storage layer, and
accessed by a single query API and driver.

Queries can efficiently filter data using the indexed vectors alongside keyword indexes
of regular fields in your documents. This integration means the app can support a
much broader range of user functionality with lower developer overhead:
● Atlas Vector Search returns matching documents by performing a similarity
search on its indexed embeddings data. To reduce the risk of returning
outdated data, our queries can use a vector’s metadata – such as “date
created” stored in the Atlas database – to filter out older content.
● Atlas Search returns results based on matching keywords in the source and
chunked customer data. It uses features such as fuzzy search to correct for

typos in user input and autocomplete to provide suggested search terms. It also
uses index intersection to efficiently service complex ad-hoc queries against the
customer data.

Queries to the Atlas database, Vector Search, and Atlas Search all use the same query
interface and driver, massively simplifying the developer workflow. The data retrieved
from MongoDB Atlas is supplied as context augmenting the prompt to the LLM,
allowing it to generate relevant responses to chats and questions. Context and
prompts, along with any associated reasoning steps used to answer complex
questions are persisted to Atlas, providing the LLM with long term memory and
continually improving its outputs.

Customer data is some of the most valuable any organization manages. While
generative AI helps us innovate in how we serve our customers, protecting their data
remains paramount. Atlas provides a range of capabilities to help us do this, freeing
developers to focus on AI-driven functionality:

● Converged infrastructure powering data storage, query and analytics, keyword

search, and vector search. This unification behind a single API and data model
dramatically reduces the number of moving parts developers have to integrate
and build against.
● Queryable Encryption is an industry first in securing customer data. MongoDB
drivers encrypt sensitive data fields client-side with the database only ever
working with them as fully randomized encrypted data. Even with the data
encrypted, applications can still run expressive queries against it without ever
having to decrypt data in the database. Note that typically only those fields
that contain the most sensitive data uniquely identifying an individual, such as
an SSN, are protected with Queryable Encryption. Searching can therefore be
performed on the remaining clear text fields.
● Multi-document ACID transactions in the Atlas database guarantee the
integrity of our customer data whenever it is accessed and modified by the
● With Atlas Global Clusters, customer data can be pinned to its region of
residence, complying with modern data sovereignty regulations.
● Complete data lifecycle management is provided by Atlas Online Archive. The
service automatically tiers aged customer data out of active databases into
lower cost cloud object storage, while keeping the data accessible for querying.
This is important for customer data managed within apps operating in
regulated industries where it must be retained and accessible for multiple years.
● Customer data is protected from corruption and ransomware with backups and
point-in-time restore.

Atlas is fully managed for you on the major hyperscale clouds, backed by a 99.995%
uptime SLA.

Advanced ecommerce search and recommendations
Ecommerce product catalogs are a common use case for MongoDB:

● The diversity of different products and their attributes naturally map to

MongoDB’s flexible document data model.
● Atlas’ distributed architecture with elastic scale out allows developers to size
and dynamically adjust database capacity in response to application demand
(i.e. for shopping seasonality and sales promotions).
● With Atlas Search, keyword matching features like fuzzy search, autocomplete,
faceting, highlighting and custom scoring allow shoppers to quickly browse and
navigate the product catalog, driving clickthrough rates (CTRs) and buying

However, keyword search relies on matching specific words in indexed text fields in
order to return relevant results. Without extensive and laborious synonym mapping (for
example, mapping bikes to cycling or sneakers to trainers) users will quickly get
frustrated when their search queries fail to return relevant products. This frustration
translates to lost sales and damaged brand reputation.

An additional challenge is providing recommendations to users. Developers either have

to write complex rules-based engines or turn to specialized and scarce data science
resources. Typically data first has to be ETLed (Extract, Transform, Load) from the
operational database into an offline data warehouse or data lake. Only then can
traditional analytical AI models generate a set of recommendations that then have to
be loaded back into the operational database. The process is complex, expensive, and
generates recommendations that are instantly stale as they don’t reflect the user’s
latest browsing behavior or purchases.

Enhancing our product catalog with vector embeddings eliminates these challenges.
Vectors provide semantic meaning to the products in our catalog, making it easy to
understand similarities and the relationships between products. This allows
merchandisers to surface relevant and related products to users with way lower effort,
complexity, and cost. Common search terms can be cached in MongoDB Atlas, serving
relevant results to users, faster.

Extending vectorization to customer data – as demonstrated in the customer

self-service app earlier – allows us to build even more sophisticated recommendations
by combining product and customer similarity search to fine tune suggestions.

Figure 4 shows a high level design pattern for advanced search and recommendations.
Creating and maintaining our vector embeddings follows the same workflow described
earlier for chatbots and Q-A in our customer self-service application.

Figure 4: Advanced semantic search on our product catalog drives higher sales conversions
and upsell

It is easy to see how vector search dramatically improves product search and
recommendations. Integrating an LLM takes this experience even further. Now
customers can ask live questions and get instant answers about the products they are
evaluating, helping accelerate the purchase cycle.

Merchandisers can also use the LLM for a range of tasks that previously would have
been laborious, freeing them up to develop even more creative ways to engage
customers. For example, the LLM can be used to generate different variations of
product copy and SEO keywords which can then be A/B tested to quantify which
drives higher conversions. The LLM could be used to summarize multiple user reviews
and infer sentiment, helping synthesize feedback that informs product roadmaps.

Organizations can use Atlas to manage the complete ecommerce lifecycle. Beyond
using AI to make our search experience more intelligent and predictive, business
owners can track user clickthrough rates and sales conversions from search results.
Time series collections can efficiently ingest and store high velocity and voluminous
clickstreams from user sessions, making that data available for analytics to measure
search performance, including live visualizations of results using Atlas Charts. With
these insights, merchandisers can continuously tune and optimize product data and
relevance scoring to maximize sales from the ecommerce site.

Rich media (multimodal) analysis and generation
Regular text search is well served with conventional keyword search. However, working
with richer media (sometimes called multimodal) assets such as images, speech, and
video requires highly complex data science technology and skills. Up until now.

As noted earlier, any piece of digital content can be vectorized with the appropriate
vector embedding model. AI hubs such as Hugging Face and those from the cloud
hyperscalers provide a wealth of models tuned for different content modalities. The
embeddings from these models can be stored in Atlas Vector Search to power a whole
range of new functionality. As discussed earlier, generating images from text,
transcribing videos for speech recognition and sentiment analysis, classifying images
and detecting objects are just some examples of what’s possible. Vectors from
different media can be combined – for example comparing a text and image
embedding to check whether a given sentence accurately describes an image.

This multimodal functionality can be used across a range of use cases. For example
enriching product catalogs such as those described above, or enhancing discovery
from analysis of images and videos. They could be used for streamlining design,
manufacturing, and publishing processes, or to create completely new classes of
applications in domains such as security and surveillance or augmented reality (AR).

The architectural design pattern and MongoDB Atlas capabilities described for the
advanced ecommerce search and recommendations above equally apply to
multimodal content generation.

MongoDB Vector Search in Action

MongoDB has already seen widespread adoption for traditional AI use cases.
Continental selected MongoDB for the feature engineering platform in its Vision Zero
autonomous driving initiative. Both Bosch and Telefonica use MongoDB in their
AI-enhanced IoT platforms. Kronos trades billions of dollars of cryptocurrency every
day using ML models configured and built with data from MongoDB. Iguazio uses
MongoDB as the persistence layer for its data science and MLOps platform, while and Featureform support MongoDB as feature stores in their respective

Building on this foundation, MongoDB Atlas is already used today in a range of

applications that are pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with GenAI. Take a
look at our case studies page to learn more about the breadth of use cases served by
MongoDB Atlas. A selection of specific examples include:

● Ada: helps companies like Meta, ATT, and Verizon better support their customers
through AI-driven automation and conversational AI.
● ExTrac: identifies and classifies emerging physical and digital risks from the
analysis of real-time data streams.
● Eni: unlocks geological data and makes it actionable for better decision-making
and accelerating the company’s path to net zero.
● Inovaare: continuously monitors, extracts, and classifies data across the
healthcare lifecycle for regulatory compliance reporting, auditing, and risk
● Source Digital: achieves 7x cost reduction after migrating from PostgreSQL to
MongDB Atlas for its video detection platform.
● Catylex: automatically extracts, classifies and analyzes contract terms to
identify rights, obligations, and risks
● Robust Intelligence: protects large language models (LLMs) in production by
validating inputs and outputs in real-time with its AI Firewall offering.
● Potion: regenerates video and audio streams using custom vision and audio

Figure 5: Retool State of AI Survey – the industry’s top vector databases

Reflecting MongoDB’s popularity among AI developers, software tools vendor Retool
concluded from its State of AI Survey that MongoDB Atlas Vector Search:
1. Commands the highest Net Promoter Score (NPS) of all surveyed vector
2. Had risen to the second most widely used vector database within just months of
its release, placing it ahead of alternative solutions that have been around for

“Atlas Vector Search is robust, cost-effective, and blazingly fast!”

Saravana Kumar, CEO, Kovai discussing the development of his company’s AI

Getting started
Whether you are building the next big thing at a startup or enterprise, with MongoDB
Atlas you can:
● Accelerate building your generative AI-enriched applications that are grounded
in the truth of operational data.
● Simplify your technology stack by leveraging a single platform that allows your
app to store operational data and vector embeddings in the same place, react
to changes in source data with serverless functions, and search across multiple
data modalities – improving relevance and accuracy in responses that the apps
● Easily evolve your generative AI-enriched apps with the flexibility of the
document model while maintaining a simple, elegant developer experience.
● Seamlessly integrate leading AI services and systems such as the hyperscalers
and open source LLMs and frameworks to stay competitive in dynamic markets.
● Build GenAI-enriched applications on a high performance, highly scalable
operational database that's had a decade of validation over a wide variety of
AI use cases.

You can learn more about building AI-powered apps with MongoDB by visiting our
AI/ML resource center.

The best way for developers to get started is to sign up for an account on MongoDB
Atlas. From there, they can create a free MongoDB instance with the Atlas database,
Atlas Vector Search and Atlas Search, load their own data or our sample data sets, and
explore what’s possible within the platform.

Safe Harbor
The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described for our
products remains at our sole discretion. This information is merely intended to outline our
general product direction and it should not be relied on in making a purchasing decision nor is
this a commitment, promise or legal obligation to deliver any material, code, or functionality.

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© 2023 MongoDB, Inc. MongoDB and the MongoDB leaf logo are registered trademarks of MongoDB, Inc.


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