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Course Introduction

Sprint 0 - Week 0

INFO 9023 - Machine Learning Systems Design

2024 H1

Thomas Vrancken (

Matthias Pirlet (
What will we talk about today

1. Introduction to the staff

2. Introduction to ML Systems Designs & MLOps
a. What & Why
3. Course organisation
a. Goal
b. Culture / guidelines
c. Roadmap
d. Practicals
Introduction to the
Introduction to the staff

Thomas Vrancken Matthias Pirlet

(Instructor) (Teaching assistant)
ML6 - your partner for AI
We accompany organisations We build bespoke ML solutions
through the entire AI journey Solution tailored to complex client needs
Agile development, accelerated through the use
Use case ideation & assessment
of boiler plates
Designing, building and deploying solutions
Reliable, robust & easily maintainable solutions
Managed services for support and maintenance
Further scaling and evolving solutions

We help remove all barriers We deliver end-to-end solutions

to technology adoption We take a Data labelling
Sourcing of internal and external data
Security holistic Selecting the right hardware (incl. cameras,
Ethics & Regulation
approach to AI sensors, edge devices)
Business case building
Front-end development
Selecting the right tech stack
Integration, with traditional machines and robots
Facilitating user adoption

We cover all AI domains We are open source minded

Machine Vision Tech radar for stack selection
NLP Hybrid cloud - on premise; and edge deployment
Structured Data
Reinforcement Learning & Generative AI
MLOps & Engineering best practices

© 2021
© ML6.
2023 All
All rights
ML6 Confidential
ML6 Public Information | 5
ML6 at a glance.
One of the largest and fastest growing AI business & engineering teams
in Europe since 2013.


110+ experts spread over 3 different EU 17% of time in R&D,

locations. 250+ publications

Multiple awards (AI innovator of the year DataNews

Talent magnet: 12 new applicants each day 2022, finalist scale up of the year EY 2023, among 8
companies to watch in BE Financial Times, …)

Partner with AWS, Microsoft, Google

Security, Legal and Ethical AI experts
Cloud & Cohere.

Copyright © 2023 ML6. All rights reserved. ML6 Public Information | 6

General introduction to
ML Systems Design
& MLOps
AI vs ML vs DL
Ability of a machine to perform cognitive functions we
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE associate with human minds, such as perceiving,
reasoning, learning, problem solving, and even creativity

MACHINE LEARNING AI techniques that give machines the ability to learn from
data without being explicitly programmed, i.e. to
automatically improve through experience


Type of Machine Learning built upon the concept of
interconnected layers known as “neurons” that form a
neural network.
Why now ?

Large Datasets Better Models Lots of Computation

AI is bringing a revolution in many different industries

AI value creation by 2030

13 trillion USD
Most of it will be outside the
consumer internet industry

CS 329S: Machine Learning Systems Design - Stanford (Chip Huey)
Investment in AI ventures is skyrocketing.

Source: Y-Combinator // Shared in:

Investment in AI ventures is skyrocketing.

Source: Y-Combinator // Shared in:

AI is everywhere!
A few example of ML applications.

Facial Product Email spam Autocomplete

recognition recommendation filtering

Finance Healthcare Weather

predictions imaging forecast

Why do we need ML Systems Design?
Building a ML application means implementing much more than just your ML model.

INFO 9023 -
Learning Systems

Sculley, D. et al. (2015). Hidden technical debt in machine learning systems.
Important definitions

ML Application: The final solution or program powered by a Machine Learning model.

ML System: All the components responsible for the implementation and management of the data
and models powering an ML application.

ML Systems Design: The act of designing the architecture and implementing an ML System.

MLOps: Set of practices that aim at implementing and maintaining ML systems in

production reliably and efficiently.
Traditional data science

● Jupyter Notebook
● Single model working on static dataset

Machine Learning in Production / AI Engineering - Carnegie Mellon University (Christian Kästner)
MLOps - Fully automated pipeline

● Deployed model (e.g. API in the Cloud)
● Monitor live model performance
● Directly connected to data source
● Fully automated pipeline to train and deploy new models
● …

Machine Learning in Production / AI Engineering - Carnegie Mellon University (Christian Kästner)
Key concepts of ML
Systems Design
architecture of an
ML system
Key concept: Data preparation
It all starts with data. How to go through all these steps efficiently and effectively.
Key concept: ML model serving
How to efficiently serve ML model to client.

(Labeled images:
Captcha, …)

= Latency
Key concept: ML model deployment
How to efficiently deploy your model for serving.
Key concept: Containerisation

Containers encapsulate an application as a single executable package that

contains all the information to run it on any hardware:

● Application code
● configuration files
● libraries
● dependencies

Abstracts the application from its host operating system.

Containers can be easily transported from a desktop computer to a virtual

machine (VM) or from a Linux to a Windows operating system, and they will
run consistently on virtualized infrastructures or on traditional “bare
metal” servers, either on-premise or in the cloud.
Key concept: APIs
Allow other services to call your model or application.

An Application Programming Interface (API) is a

set of protocols that enable different software
components to communicate and transfer data.

Developers use APIs to bridge the gaps between

small, discrete chunks of code in order to create
applications that are powerful, resilient, secure,
and able to meet user needs.
Key concept: Cloud infrastructure
Cloud infrastructure allow for data storage, compute allocation, training and deploying
model, monitoring, …
Key concept: ML Pipeline
Orchestrates components to prepare data, train, evaluate and deploy ML models
(among other things)
Key concept: Monitoring
Ensuring that models in production are performing well.

Resource level (performance and usage of resources used by the model


● How much is it being used by users?

● Are the CPU, RAM, network usage, and disk space as expected?
● What are the Cloud costs?
● Are requests being processed at the expected rate?
● What is the system uptime? Some maintenance contract depend on it.

Performance level (performance/accuracy of the model over time)

● Is the model still doing accurate predictions with the new data coming in?
● Is the data distribution changing?
● Is the target variable changing?
● Are concepts around the model changing?

Prof. Filippo Lanubile - University of Bari -

Key concept: CICD
Allows you to continuously work on your application and efficiently deploy new
changes to it.
Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery.
Key concept: Ethical AI 1. Human
agency &
Guidelines & legislation on building trustworthy AI. oversight

7. 2. Technical
Accountabil robustness
ity & safety

Ethical + Robust
6. Societal & Trustworthy AI 3. Privacy &
environment data
al well-being governance

5. Diversity,
non-discrim 4.
ination, Transparen
fairness cy
Roles &
organisation of
ML projects
Typical ML project lifecycle

CS 329S: Machine Learning Systems Design - Stanford (Chip Huey)
Roles around a ML system implementation.
set of skills
per roles
In reality it’s
a bit blurry
In reality it’s
a bit blurry
ML Engineering skills are in high demand
Teams can adopt different MLOps maturity levels
Level Highlights Technology

Level 0 ● Difficult to manage full ML model lifecycle ● Manual training, builds and deployments
No MLOps ● Teams are disparate and releases are painful ● Manual testing of model and application
● "black boxes," little feedback during/post deployment ● No centralized tracking of model performance

Level 1 ● Releases are less painful than No MLOps ● Automated builds

DevOps but ● Limited feedback on how well a model performs in ● Automated tests for application cod
no MLOps production
● Difficult to trace/reproduce results

Level 2 ● Training environment is fully managed and traceable ● Automated model training
Automated ● Easy to reproduce model ● Centralized tracking of model training performance
Training ● Releases are manual, but low friction ● Model management

Level 3 ● Releases are low friction and automatic ● Integrated A/B testing of model performance
Automated ● Full traceability from deployment back to original data ● Automated tests for all code
Deployment ● Entire environment managed: dev > test > production ● Centralized tracking of model training performance

Level 4 ● Full system automated and easily monitored ● Automated model training and testing
Full MLOps ● Automated feedback collection and retraining ● Verbose, centralized metrics from deployed model
● Close to zero-downtime
Study on demanded skills for MLOps engineers.
Looking at 310 job offers on MLOps in Q4 2023.

Top 3 highest demanded skills:

Covered in this course.

1. Docker
Already known. 2. Python
3. Cloud
Going from standard ML Engineer to MLOps master…
Real-life example
of a MLOps system

Linkedin case study

Linkedin integrates many ML applications
Viral spam content detection
… Using boosted tree algorithm
Detecting spam content… on the following features:

Post features

Member features

Engagement features
Linkedin integrates many ML applications
Personalised LinkedIn News Feed
… Using boosted tree algorithm
Select personalised content for on the following features:

Identity: Who are you? Where do you work? What are your
skills? Who are you connected with?

Content: How many times was the update viewed? How

many times was it “liked”? What is the update about? How old
is it? What language is it written in? What companies, people,
or topics are mentioned in the update?

Behavior: What have you liked and shared in the past? Who
do you interact with most frequently? Where do you spend
the most time in your news feed?
Linkedin’s Productivity Machine Learning
(Pro-ML) platform.

Teams of
data scientists
Linkedin Pro-ML platform.
Step: Model authoring, creation, and evaluation

Model tracking and experimentation platform

Similar to MLFlow or Weights & Biases (which we will cover in
this course).
Linkedin Pro-ML platform.
Step: Model productionisation

Workflows to publish or deprecate models.
Linkedin Pro-ML
Step: “Health insurance”
(aka monitoring)
Course organisation
Objective for this course.

We want to enable you with practical skills to go make positive impact with ML 🚀

We’ll cover key concepts of MLSD during our classes. We will also host Labs to show how to use key tools to
develop ML applications.

We’re happy if you learn useful things and can go apply your own ideas.
Structure of the course
Learning streams and pillars
Learning streams



Group Project

Relevant Practical Engaging

Focused on core Interactive class session.

Concrete Labs,
concepts of building ML resources, real life Healthy tempo (break
applications. Tailored examples, time to out exercises, QA, …).
choice of current best experiment, support line,
practices. … … lots of memes.
We’re making history
This is the first version of this class

● Quick feedback cycles

● Open communication
● Enthusiasm for trying new things 🧪
● Active support from teaching staff
Another view on typical steps in an ML project
Course outline
Overview of sprints & classes
Overall organisation & communication

Class organisation

● We meet every Monday from 9:00 to 12:30 in B28 R.75 (0/75) [Liège Sart-Tilman - Polytech].
● Typically you’ll have about 2h of lecture + labs. Remaining of the time can be spent working on your project.

Useful links:

● All info on the Github page:

○ Project info
○ Sample exam
○ Lecture & labs (before the class)
● Discord:
● Open office hours on Monday afternoons (office Number I 77 B in Montefiore)
Exam & Project

1. Oral exam (30% of the final grade)

○ Find practice exam on Github
2. Project (70% of the final grade)
Project All information is on Github.

Build one ML system throughout the course. The application is picked by yourself.
● Teams: 3 - 5 students
○ Try to form group by next week!
○ Let the teaching staff know if you don’t have a group and you’ll be assigned one
● Structure
○ The building blocks to be implemented in the project follow the course’s 5 sprints.
● Handovers
○ There will be 3 milestone meetings where you can present your results
○ Code submission - make sure to document anything you want the teaching staff to read
● Support
○ Often lectures/labs will be shorter than the time slot for this course. You can spend the extra time working with your team.
Teaching staff will be in the room to provide support.
○ Open office hours on Monday afternoon in office Number I 77 B in Montefiore
○ Feel free to reach out by email if you have any question/struggle
● You’re in the driving seat!
○ Many building blocks are optional. You are free to choose the overall design and tools used for your project. Experiment and ask
questions if you have any.
Guiding principles

● Learn, learn and learn!

● Find a fun project to work on - ideally with a real world usage
● Come up with your own design and toolstack
● Motivate your design choices

● … And pick a cool name for it


Similar courses Interesting resources

● University of Bari ● Machine Learning Engineering for Production (MLOps)

○ Paper: "Teaching MLOps in Higher Specialization (Coursera, Andrew Ng)
Education through Project-Based ○ GitHub, Youtube
Learning." arXiv preprint ● Made with ML (link)
arXiv:2302.01048 (2023) ● Marvelous MLOps (link)
○ Lanubile, Filippo, Silverio
Martínez-Fernández, and Luigi Quaranta
● Stanford University Books
○ CS 329S: Machine Learning Systems
Design (link) ● Designing Machine Learning Systems: An Iterative Process for
○ Chip Huyen Production-Ready Applications (Chip Huyen)
● Building Machine Learning Powered Applications: Going from Idea to
● Carnegie-Mellon University Product (Emmanuel Ameisen)
○ Machine Learning in Production / AI ● Introducing MLOps (Mark Treveil, Nicolas Omont, Clément Stenac et al.)
Engineering (link) ● Machine Learning Design Patterns (Valliappa Lakshmanan, Sara
○ Christian Kästner Robinson, Michael Munn)

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