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AWS-IDC Executive Summary Final

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Developing AI-enabled applications that use machine learning and deep learning
is increasingly popular across both the enterprise software market and the
application development market.

Streamlining the Development of Deep

Learning Applications in an AI-Enabled World
January 2019
Written by: David Schubmehl, Research Director, Cognitive/Artificial Intelligence Systems
Adapted from the Whitepaper: Streamlining the Development of Deep Learning Applications in an AI-Enabled World
(February 2018, IDC #US43529118)

Developing artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled applications across machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) has become
increasingly popular across both the enterprise software market and the application development market. Organizations are
seeing AI/ML/DL algorithms as being better ways to get closer to their customers, improve business processes, and reduce costs.
Organizations, data scientists and developers are feeling the pressure from their management teams, boards and even
customers to grab on to this new wave of computing.

However, as with many emerging technologies, critical success factors around ML/DL implementations are related to the
people, process and technologies involved. Emerging technical solutions have traditionally required sharp and motivated
developers who like to live on the cutting-edge of technology. This takes significant time and energy, as well as experienced
developers to really build and deploy meaningful ML/DL solutions.

This IDC Executive Summary looks at some of the trends around this nascent technology and how vendors like Amazon Web
Services (AWS) have developed services and tools for DL, which allow data scientists and developers to deploy DL models more
quickly and easily.

Situation Overview
The market for ML and DL–based AI applications has grown rapidly and continues to surge. IDC estimates that worldwide
spending on AI, ML, and DL solutions will exceed US$77 billion by 2022. And by 2026, IDC predicts 75% of all enterprise software
will include some aspect of ML/DL for predictions, recommendations or advice.

Interest in AI has not escaped the Asia/Pacific region. IDC believes that Asian businesses are ready to invest in the technology to
stay ahead of their competition. And in doing so, many are planning to adopt open source standards.

» In Asia, IDC estimates that spending on ML and DL solutions will rise from US$3.6 billion in 2018 to over
US$15.5 billion in 2022 with a compound annual growth of over 49%.

» In a recent IDC Asia survey, 40% of respondents indicated that they are using or planning to use open source cognitive/AI
or ML technology.
Streamlining the Development of Deep Learning Applications in an AI-Enabled World

However, there are significant challenges faced by enterprises wanting to adopt these new technologies:

» Disparate tools and technologies are freely available but knowing where to start and which tools or technologies to use
can be confusing to organizations and their data scientists and developers.

» Lack of integrated development environments for ML slows down the cycle of experimentation, development, testing and

» Absence of suitable developer skills in ML and data science to use these tools makes this more difficult for organizations.
» Application programming interface (API) and/or template-based solutions designed for use with prebuilt domains do exist
but locating them and making use of them for a project can be problematic at best. The question for enterprises is how
best to develop these ML models while minimizing the amount of effort and time needed to develop accurate predictive
and prescriptive models.

Considering Amazon SageMaker: A Fully Managed Service for Machine Learning

To ease and expedite the deployment of these models, AWS created Amazon SageMaker, a fully managed ML platform that
enables data scientists and developers to quickly and easily build, train and deploy ML models at any scale, removing all the
barriers that typically slow down developers who want to use ML today.

Amazon SageMaker provides high-performance and scalable ML algorithms optimized for speed, scale and accuracy. Data
scientists and developers can choose from supervised algorithms where the correct answers are known during training and the
model can be corrected where it made mistakes. Amazon SageMaker also includes support for unsupervised learning (i.e., the
algorithms must discover the correct answers on their own), such as with k-means clustering and principal component analysis
(PCA), to solve problems like identifying customer groupings based on purchasing behavior. For organizations trying to build
sophisticated ML-enabled solutions, Amazon SageMaker also provides a fully managed environment for reinforcement

SageMaker can be used to solve a wide range of challenges difficult to work out with traditional coding methods ranging from
traditional algorithm development to using other forms of ML that may not be as flexible or dynamic as DL. SageMaker allows
data scientists and developers to quickly set up, test and iterate DL/ML solutions at a speed that is not possible with standard
ML/DL frameworks and languages and then deploy those solutions into production quickly and easily.

SageMaker provides the tools and capabilities for organizations to solve challenges from pricing optimization and offer
management to predictive maintenance and even intelligent process automation. Organizations like GE Healthcare are using
SageMaker to improve patient outcomes via the development of DL algorithms that provide predictive and prescriptive
diagnoses to their clients and customers. Digital Globe is using SageMaker to train geospatial models against petabytes of Earth
observation imagery datasets so that its customers can just push a button, create a model and deploy it.

AWS has continued to develop and improve SageMaker. In 2018, it introduced over 100 new features and capabilities, including
Workflows, Experiment Management and Version Control. These new features and capabilities make it even easier to develop
and deploy ML and DL models more quickly. In addition, AWS also announced many new ML-based compute initiatives such as
AWS Inferentia and Amazon Elastic Inference which SageMaker can take full advantage of. Finally, AWS is also offering an ML
category of products offered by AWS Marketplace that includes over 150+ algorithms and model packages, which can be used
and customized with SageMaker. As organizations begin to develop AI-enabled applications using ML and DL models, they
should evaluate tools and services like SageMaker.

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Streamlining the Development of Deep Learning Applications in an AI-Enabled World

Challenges and Opportunities

The AI market is already crowded and getting more competitive with every passing day. The need and desire for better (and
simpler) tools, quicker time to market and efficiency are key concerns in the AI-enabled applications market. There are
numerous established and emerging vendors addressing and providing services and solutions within this space at a very wide
range of capabilities. As such, AWS faces the challenge of continuing as a leader in this market and will need to maintain an
aggressive pace of engineering and innovation. Although AWS is productizing open source DL/ML services as the foundation of
their solutions, this approach is also not new to this market. What is new is that managed services like Amazon SageMaker and
the AWS Deep Learning AMIs (Amazon Machine Image) combine numerous DL tools, frameworks and technologies into a single
integrated platform that provides significant productivity enhancements for organizations, data scientists and developers. AWS
needs to keep providing this level of innovation and expertise in this emerging market.

Great AI-enabled applications require both advanced technology and solid design judgement. Organizations should make sure
the AI-enabled solution they are building will be able to help achieve the desired business outcome and/or address the issues
that it is planned to be overcome by utilizing DL. Engage in-house subject matter experts, the right stakeholders and consulting
partners to help develop the right use cases to align with the desired business outcome. Make sure to include past project
experiences in the organization’s design thinking approach and, if available, include predefined use cases that have been
developed for peers within the organization’s industry to help develop the optimal use cases for the desired outcome. This
process should involve continuous innovation and prototyping until the right use cases have been developed.

There are a wide variety of tools and libraries available, but it is not always clear which libraries are best for the use cases or jobs
that data scientists and developers should accomplish to successfully develop AI-enabled applications. Offerings such as Amazon
SageMaker and the AWS Deep Learning AMIs provide the ways and means for data scientists and developers to become more
productive and deploy DL models, as well as supporting services such as data curation, integration and management to solve a
wide range of challenges that are difficult to work out with traditional coding methods and address the organization’s business
needs. Organizations should be evaluating tools and services like these as they begin to develop and deploy AI-enabled
applications using DL models.

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Streamlining the Development of Deep Learning Applications in an AI-Enabled World


Visit to read the full White Paper and join AWS experts as
we cover a broad range of AI, ML and DL topics and provide technical depth on architecture and codes.

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced user, you can learn something new at AWS Innovate Online Conference – ML and
AI Edition. You can also hear from customers who are partnering with AWS for innovative AI and learn how to build, train and
deploy sophisticated models with any framework and unlock an intelligent tomorrow, today.

About the analyst:

David Schubmehl, Research Director, Cognitive/Artificial Intelligence Systems

Dave Schubmehl is Research Director for IDC’s Cognitive/Artificial Intelligent Systems and
Content Analytics research. His research covers information access and artificial intelligence
technologies including content analytics, search systems, unstructured information representation,
cognitive computing, deep learning, machine learning, unified access to structured and unstructured
information, Big Data, visualization, and rich media search in SaaS, cloud and installed
software environments.

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