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Ip Practical List 2022-23

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Class XII (IP) (Session 2022-23)

Subject Name with code: (065) Informatics Practices

Details of Practical Examination

Maximum Marks: 30

Sno Area Marks

1 Program using Pandas and Matplotlib 8

2 SQL Queries 7

3 Practical file (minimum of 15 programs based on Pandas, 4 based on 5

Matplotlib and 15 SQL queries must be included)
4 Project Work (using concepts learned in class XI and XII) 5

5 Viva voce 5


Order of the points required in practical file:

1. AIM : means the problem which you are going to solve
2. CODING : actual code in Python (Handwritten or print out of code)
3. OUTPUT : output of the program on sample data (Handwritten or screenshot)
4. VARIABLE AND FUNCTION USED : list of variables and function used in the program

Practical List :

Data Handling
1. Create a panda’s series from a dictionary of values .
2. Given a Series of marks, print all the elements that are above 75 marks.
3. Write a program to create a Data Frame Quarterly Sales where each row contains the Quarterly
Sales of TV, Fridge and AC. Show the DataFrame after deleting details of Fridge.
4. Create a data frame for examination result and display row labels, column labels data types of
each column and the dimensions
5. Filter out rows based on different criteria such as duplicate rows.
6. Importing and exporting data between pandas and CSV file.
7. Write a program to create a Data Frame Quarterly Sales where each row contains the Quarterly
Sales of TV, Fridge and AC. Show the DataFrame after deleting details of Fridge.
8. Given a dataframe (df) as under:

City School
Delhi 7550
Mumbai 8700
Kolkata 9800
Chennai 8600
Write a program to print dataframe. Also display first two rows of city column and last two
rows of school column.
9. Write a program to create a DataFrame to store Roll Number, Name and Marks of five students.
Print the DataFrame and its transpose.
10. Write a program to create a DataFrame which contains RollNumber, Name, Height and weight
of 05 students. Create a CSV file using this DataFrame.

Data Visualization
11. Given the school result data, analyses the performance of the students on different parameters,
e.g subject wise or class wise.
11. For the Data frames created in qstn 9, analyze, and plot appropriate charts with title and
12. Take data of your interest from an open source (e.g., aggregate and summarize it.
Then plot it using different plotting functions of the Matplotlib library.
13. The data for population of India and Pakistan is given. Show them using line chart with title,
label and legends of both axis:
Year 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
India 449.48 553.57 696.35 870.13 1000.42
Pakistan 44.91 58.12 78.75 107.74 138.64

14. Given the school result data. Analyze the performance of the students in IP and English subject
using bar graph.

Data Management
1. Create a student table with the student id, name, and marks as attributes where the
student id is the primary key.
2. Insert the details of any 10 new student in the above table.
(2001, Kamal, Boy, 45)
(2002, Ravi, Boy, 25)
(2003, Nandini, Girl, 43)
(2004, Prashant, Boy, 28)
(2006, Ruchi, Girl, 29)
(2009, Ketaki, Girl, 12)
(2010, Rahul, Boy, 28)
(2011, Ketan, Boy, 21)
(2014, Sajal, Boy, 46)
(2016, Rajni, Boy, 40)
3. Delete the details of a student whose Student id is 2020 in the above table.
4. Use the select command to get the details of the students with marks more than 80.
1. Delete the student whose Student who secured marks less than 22
2. Show the student with marks more than 45.
3. Show the student the record of all Girls students
4. Find the min, max, sum, and average of the marks in a student marks table.
5. Show all Students whose name started with K. (Example Ketaki, Ketan etc)
6. Find the total number of records in the table student
7. Show the records of students in the ascending order of marks.
8. Find the total number of students in each section. in the table (Student id, Student Name, using
group by.
9. Show the number of students secured marks more than 20
10. Find the result of 5 raise to the power 4
11. Round of the value 258.7592 up to two places of decimal
12. Rounded of the value 258.7362 up to two places of decimal
13. Create a database CBSEIP
14. Create an employee table with the columns: ename, id, dob, department
15. Insert the details of a any 10 employees in the above table.
Project Synopsis
The synopsis should cover the brief description about the project along with reasons for
selection of the dataset. The learner should write the source of the dataset whether created or
taken from any reliable source. The learner should write what analytics can be done on the

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