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Crooked Character Sheet

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Background Moves

, You worked a less-than-legal job before you became a You get all the basic moves, and two Crooked moves:
bb Artifact: You ‘found’ a magical artifact with handy

The Crooked
monster hunter. What did you do?
bb Hoodlum. You can use Tough instead of Charm to powers, and kept it. Pick one: Protective amulet
(1-armour magic recharge), Lucky charm (may be
manipulate someone with threats of violence.
used as a Luck point, once only), Grimoire (studying
bb Burglar. When you break into a secure location,
“Yeah, I’ve been around the block. A bit of this, a the book gives +1 forward to use magic), Skeleton
roll +Sharp. On a 10+ pick three, on a 7-9 pick two: key (opens any magically sealed lock), Imp stone (A
bit of that. When I came across the secret under- you get in undetected, you get out undetected, you weak demon is bound to serve the holder. The imp
world of monsters and magic… well… it wasn’t don’t leave a mess, you find what you were after. must be summoned with the use magic move).
so different from the underworld I already knew. bb Grifter. When you are about to manipulate bb Crew: You have a regular crew, a team of three or
It was easy to find an angle, just like before.” someone, you can ask the Keeper “What will con- four people who will help you out with pretty much
vince this person to do what I want?” The Keeper anything. They count as a team (see page 119).
bb Deal with the Devil: You sold your soul to the Devil.
CHARM • Manipulate Someone must answer honestly, but not necessarily com-
pletely. Pick one or two things you got out of the deal: wealth,
fame, youth, sensual gratification, skill (add +1 to
• Act Under Pressure bb Fixer. If you need to buy something, sell some-
COoL • Help Out thing, or hire someone, roll +Charm. On a 10+ you
know just the person who will be interested. On a
two ratings). Payment is due either when you die, in
six months (if you picked two things) or otherwise
in a year.
• Investigate a Mystery
SHARP • Read a Bad Situation
7-9 you know the only person who can do it, but
there’s a complication. Pick one: you owe them; they
bb Friends on the Force: You know a few cops who
can be persuaded to look the other way, or do you
• Kick Some Ass screwed you over; you screwed them over. On a miss, a favour, for certain considerations. You can act
TOUGH • Protect Someone the only person who can help is someone who abso-
lutely hates you.
under pressure to get in touch with them when you
need to divert any law enforcement attention. There
will be a cost, although maybe not right now.
WEIRD • Use Magic bb Assassin. When you take your first shot at an unsus-
pecting target, do +2 Harm.
bb Made: You’re “made” in a gang. Name the gang and
describe how their operations tie into your back-
bb Charlatan. When you want people to think you are
ground. You can call on gang members to help you
Luck using magic, roll +Cool. On a 10 or more, your audi- out, but they’ll expect to be paid. Your bosses will
Mark luck to change a roll to 12 or avoid all harm from ence is amazed and fooled by your illusion. On a 7-9 have requests for you now and again, but you’ll be
an injury. you tripped up a couple of times, maybe someone paid. Minor trouble will be overlooked, but you
Okay bbbbbbb Doomed will notice. You may also manipulate people with better not screw over any other made gangsters.
fortune telling. When you do that, ask “What are bb Driver: You have +1 ongoing while driving, plus you
Crooked special: Whenever you spend a Luck point, they hoping for right now?” as a free question (even can hotwire anything (the older it is, the fewer tools
someone from your past will re-appear in your life. Soon. on a miss). you need to do it). You also own two handy, wide-
bb Pickpocket. When you steal something small, roll ly-available vehicles (perhaps a sportscar and a van).
Harm bb Home Ground: Your crew made a point of keeping
+Charm. On a 10 or more, you get it and they didn’t
When you reach 4 or more, mark unstable. the locals happy - keeping them safe, ensuring things
notice you taking it. On a 7-9 either you don’t grab always went down okay. When you’re back in your
Okay bbb|bbbb Dying it, you grab the wrong thing, or they remember you old neighbourhood, you can always find people who
Unstable: b later: your choice. will hide you or help you with a minor favour, no
questions asked.
Experience bb Notorious: You have a reputation from your crim-
inal past. When you reveal who you are, your
Experience: bbbbb
terrifying reputation counts as a reason for people
Whenever you roll and get a total of 6 or less, or when a to do what you ask, for the manipulate someone
move. Revealing your identity to someone can create
move tells you to, mark an experience box.
other problems later, of course.
This playbook is ©2015 by Michael Sands and Evil Hat Productions, LLC. All rights reserved. Permission to copy for personal use granted!
Gear Getting Started Leveling Up
Effective weapons, pick three: To make your Crooked, pick a name. Then follow the When you have filled all five experience boxes, you level
bb .22 revolver (1-harm close reload small) instructions in this playbook to decide your look, ratings, up. Erase the marks and pick an improvement from the
bb .38 revolver (2-harm close reload loud) background, heat, underworld, moves, and gear. Finally, list below.
bb 9mm (2-harm close loud) introduce yourself and pick history.
bb Shotgun (3-harm close messy)
Look, pick one from each List: bb Get +1 Sharp, max +3
bb Hunting rifle (2-harm far loud)
• Man, woman, concealed. bb Get +1 Tough, max +2
bb Big knife (1-harm hand)
• Hard eyes, friendly eyes, watchful eyes, smiling eyes, bb Get +1 Cool, max +2
bb Baseball bat (1-harm hand)
calculating eyes. bb Get +1 Charm, max +2
bb Submachinegun (2-harm close reload auto)
• Street wear, tailored suit, cheap suit, tracksuit, non- bb Take another Crooked move
bb Assault rifle (3-harm close/far auto)
descript clothes. bb Take another Crooked move
Heat Ratings, pick one line: bb Gain an ally: one of your old crew.
You didn’t get here without making enemies. Pick at least bb Recover a stash of money from the old days, enough
bb Charm +1, Cool +1, Sharp +2, Tough 0, Weird -1
two of these and name the people involved: to live without care... for a year or two.
bb Charm -1, Cool +1, Sharp +1, Tough +2, Weird 0
bb A police detective, , has made it a bb Take a move from another playbook
bb Charm -1, Cool +2, Sharp +2, Tough 0, Weird -1
personal goal to put you away. bb Take a move from another playbook
bb Charm +2, Cool +1, Sharp +1, Tough 0, Weird -1
bb You have a rival from your background,
bb Charm +2, Cool 0, Sharp +1, Tough -1, Weird +1 After you have leveled up five times, you qualify for
, who never misses a chance to
screw you over. Introductions advanced improvements in addition to these, from the
bb You pissed off a well-connected criminal, When you get here, wait for everyone to catch up so you list below.
, and they’ll do whatever they can to can do your introductions together. Advanced Improvements
destroy you. Go around the group. On your turn, introduce your bb Get +1 to any rating, max +3.
bb is someone with special powers, a Crooked by name and look, and tell the group what they bb Change this hunter to a new type.
person or monster, who you took advantage of. know about you. bb Create a second hunter to play as well as this one.
bb is an old partner you betrayed in the History bb Mark two of the basic moves as advanced.
middle of a job. Go around the group again. When it’s your turn, pick one bb Mark another two of the basic moves as advanced.
Underworld for each of the other hunters: bb Retire this hunter to safety.
Pick how you discovered about the real underworld. • This hunter knows about your criminal past. Tell bb Erase one used luck mark from your playbook.
Keep this in mind when you select your moves in the next them what crimes they saw you commit.
section, so that everything fits together. • This hunter was there when you decided to give
up the life and hunt monsters instead. Work out
bb The target of a job was a dangerous creature. Pick
together what happened.
one: vampire, werewolf, troll, reptiloid.
• This hunter is your younger sibling or child (possibly
bb You worked with someone who was more than they adopted). You look out for them.
seemed. Pick one: sorcerer, demon, faerie, psychic. • This hunter is a cousin or more distant relative.
bb You were hired by something weird. Pick one: • This hunter saved your life when a monster had the
immortal, god, outsider, witch. drop on you. Now you owe them one.
bb Things went south on a job—including, but not • This hunter worked with you on a semi-legal or
limited to, running into (choose one): a horde of illegal job. Work out what it was.
goblins, a hunger of ghouls, a dream-eater, a sala- • This hunter is your moral compass. When you talk
mander. over things with them, their advice keeps you on the
straight and narrow.
• You’re powerfully attracted to this hunter. Maybe
someday you’ll deserve them.

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