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TSL Playbooks v0.6

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XP [][][][][] The

When you fill your XP track, you gain an Advance from the list. Once you have The Beast lives beyond the edge of civilization, living among the animals, like
taken five Advances from above the break, you may select subsequent Advances an animal. She follows instinct and passion, which puts her in conflict with
from below it. civilization and civilized norms.
£ Take another Move from your Playbook
Her central conflict is living her truth versus gaining the acceptance of civilized
£ Take another Move from your Playbook society.
£ Take a Move from another Playbook
Example Archetypes: Ranger • Bitten • Raised by Beasts
£ Take a Move from another Playbook
£ Add 1 to a Stat (max Stat of 3) NAME/PRONOUNS:
£ Add 1 to a Stat (max Stat of 3)
£ Switch to a new Playbook
£ Live happily ever after
LOOK (circle or invent one for each)
• Wild eyes, hungry eyes, piercing eyes
• Torn clothes, practical clothes, chitinous clothes, raider’s clothes
• A cold-wrought sword, a sword of teeth, a found sword


¢ Smitten Kitten: When you become Smitten with someone, say why, give them
a String, and then answer this question:
• What have you done that you are sure they view as inappropriate?
¢ The Bloody Truth: When you Figure Someone Out in physical conflict, you
may additionally ask one of these questions, even on a 6-:
• What awakens the beast inside you?
• How could I get you to kiss me?
STATS (Choose one column of Stats, then add 1 each to two different Stats.) PLAYBOOK MOVES (choose 2 more)
Skill at arms and forcefulness ¢ Transform: You have a bestial form, which you can assume at will and must
DARING +1 +1 Basic moves: Fight, Defy Danger assume whenever your Feral hits four. When you do, tell everyone what the beast
Elegance and agility in you looks like, increase your Feral to four if it is not there already, and Roll
GRACE +0 +1 Basic moves: Defy Danger +Daring. On 10+: Choose 2. On 7-9: Choose 1.
Emotional awareness and persuasiveness • You are in harmony with your beast and may Clear a Condition.
HEART +1 -1 Basic moves: Entice, Emotional Support, Defy Danger
• You are magnificent and little escapes your notice; you gain leverage or an
Cleverness and knowledge
WIT -1 +0 Basic moves: Figure Out a Person, Defy Danger
opportunity with a monster.
• Pain is nothing to you; ignore the next time you would have to Stagger while
Spiritual potency and prowess
SOUL +0 +0 Basic moves: Emotional Support, Defy Danger
• You can move in ways no ordinary person could.

CONDITIONS You revert to your usual form when your Feral drops below four. While transformed,
£ Angry: -2 to Figure Out A Person you may mark a Condition to avoid reducing your Feral, as often as you like.
(Clear by breaking something important) £ Big Dyke Energy: When you make it clear to your foes that you’re the biggest
£ Frightened: -2 to Fight threat, then for the rest of the scene, whenever you roll a 10+, you may choose
(Clear by running away and leaving something important)
someone present to be impressed or intrigued with you. Once during the scene,
when you gain a String on someone, gain an additional String on someone else
£ Guilty: -2 to Emotional Support who considers you an enemy.
(Clear by sacrificing something important just to hurt yourself for what you’ve done)
£ Shameless: When you say aloud what you want from an NPC, you may give them
£ Hopeless: -2 to Defy Danger a String on you in order to ask a question about them from the Figure Out Move.
(Clear by losing yourself in escapism or pleasure when you should be doing something important)
£ Tracker: When you investigate a person’s living space, camp, or trail, or an object
£ Insecure: -2 to Entice important to them, you can roll +Heart instead of +Wit to Figure Them Out,
(Clear by taking rash action to confront the object of your jealousy or prove your superiority) and may do so even when they are not present. You may also ask the question
“Where did they go?” as if it were an option on the list for that Move.
FERAL £ Tenacious Purpose: When you commit yourself to a specific goal, once per
You may walk in civilized circles, but sooner or later your feral truth will come to scene you may ask the GM how you could advance that goal in a way that violates
the fore. civilized norms. Take +1 Forward to act on the answer. If you refrain, it counts
as an uncomfortable situation that reduces your Feral by one and you must mark
FERAL [0][1][2][3][4] a Condition.
Your Feral score starts at one. If it hits four, you can’t hold back the beast any longer £ Ferocious: When you Fight, you may mark a Condition to choose an additional
and you Transform. option, even on a 6-.
If your Feral drops to zero, you lose access to all of your Beast Playbook Moves until
it increases again. On the plus side, you’re fitting in. You blend. You’ve assimilated.
Increase Feral when:
• You express yourself in a shocking way through your appearance.
• You display more intense emotion than is acceptable in your present company.
Decrease Feral when:
• You feel that your bestial nature has hurt someone you care about.
• You go along with an uncomfortable interaction in order to fit in.
XP [][][][][] The

When you fill your XP track, you gain an Advance from the list. Once you have The Chosen Playbook revolves around special status, relationships across social
taken five Advances from above the break, you may select subsequent Advances strata, and the crushing expectations of fate, family, or the adoring public.
from below it.
£ Take another Move from your Playbook Her central conflict is inner truth versus crushing social expectations.
£ Take another Move from your Playbook Example Archetypes: Aristocrat • Celebrity • Chosen One
£ Take a Move from another Playbook
£ Take a Move from another Playbook
£ Add 1 to a Stat (max Stat of 3)
£ Add 1 to a Stat (max Stat of 3) LOOK (circle or invent one for each)
• Stoic eyes, benevolent eyes, authoritative eyes
£ Switch to a new Playbook • Fancy clothes, holy vestments, clothes denoting status
£ Live happily ever after • A bejeweled sword, an ancestral sword, a holy sword


Heroic Fates Tragic Fates ¢ Love is Not My Destiny: When you become Smitten with someone, say why,
give them a String, and then answer this question:
• Self-Sacrifice • Your Death
• Portents & Prophecies • Love that Cannot Be • How do our respective stations make it impossible to be together?
• Spiritual Prowess • End of the Universe ¢ Inescapable Conclusions: When you Figure Out a Person during a physical
• Heir to a Mystic Power • Lose Those You Love conflict, you may ask one additional question from this list, even on a 6-:
• Prominent Suitors • Arch-Nemesis
• Save Your World • Bitter Rival • What do you hope for your future?
• Soother of Monsters • Betrayal • What do you fear is your destiny?
• Help of the Little People • Seduced by Evil
• Chosen by a God • Evil Hordes
• Legendary Skill • The End of Love Itself
STATS (Choose one column of Stats, then add 1 each to two different Stats.) PLAYBOOK MOVES (choose 2 more)
Skill at arms and forcefulness ¢ The Fated Day Approaches: Whenever you miss an opportunity to make progress
DARING -1 +0 Basic moves: Fight, Defy Danger towards your Destiny, choose one:
Elegance and agility • Someone with power over you makes an uncomfortable demand in furtherance
GRACE +1 +1 Basic moves: Defy Danger
of your Destiny, backed by a threat.
Emotional awareness and persuasiveness • Someone you care about is hurt enough to make them Stagger.
HEART +1 +0 Basic moves: Entice, Emotional Support, Defy Danger
The GM will tell you the details, inspired by your Destiny. They may wait until a
Cleverness and knowledge
WIT +0 +1 Basic moves: Figure Out a Person, Defy Danger lull in the action to drop the consequences on you.
Spiritual potency and prowess £ Destined for Battle: When you act in accordance with your Destiny, you may
SOUL +0 -1 Basic moves: Emotional Support, Defy Danger roll +Grace instead of +Daring to Fight.
£ Know Your Place!: When someone dares insult you and you deliver a scathing
CONDITIONS retort, Roll +Wit. On 10+: Take +1 Forward, word spreads of your sharp wit, and
£ Angry: -2 to Figure Out A Person they choose 1 from below. On 7-9: They choose 1.
(Clear by breaking something important)
• Back down
£ Frightened: -2 to Fight • Sputter like a fool
(Clear by running away and leaving something important) • Attack you
£ Guilty: -2 to Emotional Support £ Guidance From Above: When you petition a superior for guidance, they give
(Clear by sacrificing something important just to hurt yourself for what you’ve done) you instructions and useful information. Mark XP or Clear a Condition if you do
£ Hopeless: -2 to Defy Danger as commanded. Your superior gains a String on you if you do otherwise.
(Clear by losing yourself in escapism or pleasure when you should be doing something important) £ Gossip: When you seek insight about a person, spending some time gossiping
£ Insecure: -2 to Entice with those who know them and Roll +Wit:
(Clear by taking rash action to confront the object of your jealousy or prove your superiority) • 10+: You learn a dangerous secret and gain a String on the target. You may
also ask a question from the Figure Out a Person Move.
DESTINY • 7-9: You may ask a question from the Figure Out a Person Move. Someone you
They keep telling you that you have a Destiny, but it’s not what your heart truly desires. speak to who is dangerous to you may ask a question of you from the same list.
Destiny Examples £ Help me~~!: You are a magnet for trouble and hunted by those who would use
• Marry Prince Humperdink you for their own purposes. Others Mark XP when they Defy Danger that would
• Be sacrificed to appease the Horror otherwise befall you. In addition, whenever you are captured, your captor reveals
• Voyage afar to cure the sleeping plague something they hope to achieve and you Mark XP.
• Melt the heart of the Undying One £ Don’t You Know Who I Am?: When you meet someone who knows you
Choose two Heroic Fates and two Tragic Fates from the lists on the reverse side. by reputation, Roll +Heart. On 10+: Say two things they’ve heard about you.
When you act in accordance with one of your Fates, check it off and take +1 Forward. On 7-9: You say one, the GM says one.
If it is a Tragic Fate, also Mark XP. When all four Fates are checked off, describe how £ Entourage: You have a group of loyal attendants. Name three of them who
your Destiny grows ever nearer, then erase the checkmarks and begin again. accompany you and choose a trait for them: Dangerous, Fanatical, Resourceful,
Fates Charming.
£ Heroic: Choose a Basic Move. Your entourage grants you a +1 on rolls for this Move
£ Heroic: when present. When you would Stagger, you may choose instead for one of your
named Entourage to die. Your Entourage gains a String on you.
£ Tragic:
£ Tragic:
XP [][][][][] The

When you fill your XP track, you gain an Advance from the list. Once you have The Devoted is a selfless protector, committed to a person or a cause.
taken five Advances from above the break, you may select subsequent Advances
from below it. Her central conflict lies in pitting this devotion against self-care.
£ Take another Move from your Playbook Example Archetypes: Herald • Champion • Guardian
£ Take another Move from your Playbook
£ Take a Move from another Playbook NAME/PRONOUNS:
£ Take a Move from another Playbook
£ Add 1 to a Stat (max Stat of 3) LOOK (circle or invent one for each)
£ Add 1 to a Stat (max Stat of 3) • Hard eyes, affectionate eyes, alert eyes
• Armor, uniform, sturdy clothes
£ Switch to a new Playbook • A bestowed sword, a well-worn sword, a defensive sword
£ Live happily ever after
¢ My Heart is Not Mine to Give: When you become Smitten with someone, say
why, give them a String, and then answer this question:
• How does pursuing them conflict with your Devotion?
¢ What Will You Fight For?: When you Figure Out a Person during a physical
conflict, you may additionally ask one of these questions, even on a 6-:
• What are you willing to risk death for?
• What kind of deeds earn your loyalty?
STATS (Choose one column of Stats, then add 1 each to two different Stats.) PLAYBOOK MOVES (choose 2 more)
Skill at arms and forcefulness ¢ Last Stand: When you face a superior foe on behalf of your Devotion, you may
DARING +1 +1 Basic moves: Fight, Defy Danger Roll +Conditions (the number of Conditions you have marked) instead of the
Elegance and agility normal Stat to Fight or to Defy Danger that is about to befall someone else.
GRACE +0 +1 Basic moves: Defy Danger
¢ What’s Best for Them: When you are Smitten with someone, you may treat
Emotional awareness and persuasiveness them as a subject of your Devotion. Also, when you take action to help them be
HEART +0 -1 Basic moves: Entice, Emotional Support, Defy Danger
romantic with someone other than you, Mark XP.
Cleverness and knowledge
WIT -1 +0 Basic moves: Figure Out a Person, Defy Danger ¢ Fanatical Self-Sacrifice: You may Mark a Condition to prevent a Condition
Spiritual potency and prowess
being inflicted on another. When you do, Mark XP, and you may only Clear that
SOUL +1 +0 Basic moves: Emotional Support, Defy Danger Condition by taking the associated destructive action. Mark it with an asterisk
to remind yourself. Also, your Conditions only cause a -1 instead of a -2 penalty
CONDITIONS to the associated Basic Moves.
£ Angry: -2 to Figure Out A Person £ Gallant Rescue: When you Defy Danger that is about to befall someone else, you
(Clear by breaking something important) may either gain a String on them or ask one of the questions below, even if you
£ Frightened: -2 to Fight roll a 6-. You can only gain one String per scene in this way on any given person.
(Clear by running away and leaving something important) • What, or whom, do you desire?
£ Guilty: -2 to Emotional Support • What secret pain lies in your heart?
(Clear by sacrificing something important just to hurt yourself for what you’ve done) £ Power of Conviction: When you Entice someone while extolling the virtues of
£ Hopeless: -2 to Defy Danger your Devotion or invoking its authority, you may roll +Soul instead of +Heart, and
(Clear by losing yourself in escapism or pleasure when you should be doing something important)
a superior in your Devotion gains a String on you representing your dependence.

£ Insecure: -2 to Entice £ For the Cause!: When you Fight the enemy of your Devotion, you may suffer a
(Clear by taking rash action to confront the object of your jealousy or prove your superiority)
Condition to choose an additional option from the Fight Move, even if you roll
a 6-. Using this Move, you may select the “Inflict a Condition” option a second
time within a single Fight Move.
DEVOTION (choose one or invent your own): £ Toxic Devotion: Once per scene, when you forgive your Devotion for abusing
• To a cause: Freedom, vengeance, justice, love, the gay agenda
you or make excuses for obvious problems with your Devotion, clear a Condition
• To a person: A PC, a liege, an idol
or Mark XP.
• To a higher power: A god, a demon, a dragon
£ Loyal Steed: Name your steed and detail two strengths and two weaknesses from
Mark a Condition if you act contrary to your Devotion. This might mean you disobey
the list below. When riding your steed, you may roll +Grace to Fight and may
a superior, or that you behave in a way that violates specific tenets of your Devotion.
take a person with you whenever you Defy Danger.
What three tenets of your Devotion have you found yourself tempted to violate?
Strengths: Unthreatening • Fast and Agile • Dangerous attack • Hardy • Stealthy
1. • Mental bond • Flying (counts as both choices of Strength)
Weaknesses: Unusual diet • Vulnerable to ___________ • Conspicuous • Plodding
2. • Harmless • Stubborn • Collateral damage

3. £ Lay on Hands: When you touch someone as part of Emotional Support, you heal
their physical ailments. Tell them how your Devotion sustains you; they gain an
XP if they validate your Devotion, and you gain a String on them if they criticize it.
When you Defy Danger, you may bring a subject of your Devotion along with you
XP [][][][][] The

When you fill your XP track, you gain an Advance from the list. Once you have The Infamous has a wicked past, and she’s trying to do better.
taken five Advances from above the break, you may select subsequent Advances
from below it. Her central conflict lies in doubting that the world and its heroes really are as
£ Take another Move from your Playbook good as they demand she become. Will she seek forgiveness or despair at the
world’s hypocrisy? Will she find a new place to belong?
£ Take another Move from your Playbook
Example Archetypes: Onetime Villain • Turncoat • Veteran of Dishonor
£ Take a Move from another Playbook
£ Take a Move from another Playbook NAME/PRONOUNS:
£ Add 1 to a Stat (max Stat of 3)
£ Add 1 to a Stat (max Stat of 3)
LOOK (circle or invent one for each)
£ Switch to a new Playbook • Haunted eyes, challenging eyes, disdainful eyes
£ Live happily ever after • Dangerous clothes, leather clothes, transgressive clothes
• A broken sword, a wicked sword, an enemy’s sword


¢ Undeserving: When you become Smitten with someone, say why, give them a
String, and then answer this question:
• How have your actions deeply harmed them?
¢ Your Wicked Heart: When you Figure Out a Person during physical conflict,
you may additionally ask one of these questions, even on a 6-:
• What are you most ashamed of?
• How could I get you to betray your ideals?
STATS (Choose one column of Stats, then add 1 each to two different Stats.) PLAYBOOK MOVES (choose 1 more)
Skill at arms and forcefulness ¢ Shadowy Past: When you hear about a villain for the first time, you may decide
DARING +1 +1 Basic moves: Fight, Defy Danger that you know them from your past. If so, give them a String on you to ask a
Elegance and agility question from the Figure Out list and take +1 Forward against them.
GRACE -1 +0 Basic moves: Defy Danger
¢ Make it Right: When you allow yourself to be vulnerable to someone you have
Emotional awareness and persuasiveness hurt while one of you is Emotionally Supporting the other, ask if they forgive you.
HEART +0 +0 Basic moves: Entice, Emotional Support, Defy Danger
If they say “No,” mark a Condition and Stagger. If they say “Yes,” you each may
Cleverness and knowledge
WIT +0 +1 Basic moves: Figure Out a Person, Defy Danger
Clear a Condition, and this Move will not trigger again with that person.

Spiritual potency and prowess

¢ Who’s the Monster?: When you call someone supposedly virtuous on their
SOUL +1 -1 Basic moves: Emotional Support, Defy Danger hypocrisy, Roll +Daring. On 10+: Gain a String on them and Choose 1. 7-9:
Choose 1
CONDITIONS • The wrongness of their act is exposed to all; if they are a PC, they Mark XP if
£ Angry: -2 to Figure Out A Person they change their mind and take a Condition if they do not
(Clear by breaking something important) • Your words sting; they mark a Condition
£ Frightened: -2 to Fight • You impress an onlooker; gain a String on them
(Clear by running away and leaving something important) £ Good is Too Weak: When you Stagger, you may always lash out in a terrible way
£ Guilty: -2 to Emotional Support to avoid all other consequences. Make it hurt.
(Clear by sacrificing something important just to hurt yourself for what you’ve done) £ Talons of the Past: When you gain a String on someone associated with your
£ Hopeless: -2 to Defy Danger villainous past, or vice versa, Mark XP. The first time this happens for a given
(Clear by losing yourself in escapism or pleasure when you should be doing something important)
person, you each explain what secret or vulnerability you know about the other.

£ Insecure: -2 to Entice £ Used to Disappointment: When you rely upon or trust someone else with
(Clear by taking rash action to confront the object of your jealousy or prove your superiority)
something important, say how you expect to be let down by the other person.
• If they pleasantly surprise you, they gain a String on you.
• If they do as you expect, choose 1: they lose a String on you or you gain a
String on them.
• If they are somehow even worse than you expected, you have a choice: berate
them and inflict a Condition, or swallow your loneliness and take a Condition
£ Always Suspect: When you pretend to be a villain to win a villain’s trust, they
trust you enough to offer you an opportunity and you gain a String on them. You
must choose one of the following options:
• Someone watching comes to the worst possible conclusion
• The villain requires an act of villainy to prove your intentions first
• The villain is only pretending to trust you and the opportunity is a trap
£ They Can Change, Too: When you give up an advantage on someone dangerous
because you believe they can mend their wicked ways, you gain an insight into
why they act the way they do. The character’s player will tell you what it is.
£ What Makes a Home: If every other PC in a scene has a String on you, your
Conditions cause you only a -1 penalty instead of a -2 to the associated Basic
Moves, and if you Stagger you count as if you had one fewer Condition.
Nature Witch
XP [][][][][] The

When you fill your XP track, you gain an Advance from the list. Once you have The Nature Witch is deeply connected to her environment and less experienced
taken five Advances from above the break, you may select subsequent Advances when it comes to people. She is learning that the world is wider and more
from below it. wondrous than she imagined.
£ Take another Move from your Playbook
Her central conflict revolves around choosing to maintain or abandon her ways
£ Take another Move from your Playbook as naivete gives way to experience.
£ Take a Move from another Playbook
Example Archetypes: Oblivious Druid • Beacon of Kindness • Empath
£ Take a Move from another Playbook
£ Add 1 to a Stat (max Stat of 3) NAME/PRONOUNS:
£ Add 1 to a Stat (max Stat of 3)
£ Switch to a new Playbook LOOK (circle or invent one for each)
£ Live happily ever after • Innocent eyes, wise eyes, sad eyes
• Modest clothes, rough clothes, simple clothes
• A wooden sword, a harmless sword, an elemental sword
• Ride a fantastical creature
• Go somewhere no person has tread before ¢ Love Conquers All: When you become Smitten with someone, say why, give
• Fall in love them a String, and then answer this question:
• Stick up for yourself, though it breaks someone’s heart • What is the clear challenge to being with them that you are overlooking
• Lose someone you care about because of your naivete?
• Befriend someone very different from you ¢ Clear-Hearted Insight: When you Figure Out a Person during a physical conflict,
• Liberate something dangerous you may additionally ask one of these questions, even on a 6-:
• Receive a rare gift from someone you respect • What makes you feel loved?
• Experience an altered state with a friend • What do you hope for the future?
• Fail at something that means the world to you
• Reject a conviction you once held
• Extend kindness to someone who doesn’t deserve it
• Achieve a lost cause
• Throw away something comfortable to pursue a dream
• Kiss someone dangerous
• Forgive someone who deserves forgiveness
• Trust someone with your secrets only to be betrayed
• Shock someone with an unwelcome truth
• Earn forgiveness for a misdeed
STATS (Choose one column of Stats, then add 1 each to two different Stats.) PLAYBOOK MOVES (choose two more)
Skill at arms and forcefulness ¢ Wild Friends: You may speak with animals and plants and may Influence them
DARING -1 -1 Basic moves: Fight, Defy Danger with Strings just like other NPCs. Near your home, or anywhere you have spent
Elegance and agility a long period of time, there are always animal and plant friends nearby when
GRACE +0 +1 Basic moves: Defy Danger you want them.
Emotional awareness and persuasiveness £ Awaken the Wild: When you have time and the necessary peace of mind to
HEART +1 +0 Basic moves: Entice, Emotional Support, Defy Danger
attempt to commune with a natural place or non-sentient creature, Roll +Soul.
Cleverness and knowledge On 10+: Choose 1. On 7-9: Choose 1, but the GM will offer you a hard choice
WIT +0 +0 Basic moves: Figure Out a Person, Defy Danger
or success at a cost.
Spiritual potency and prowess
SOUL +1 +1 Basic moves: Emotional Support, Defy Danger • You cleanse it of hurt, corruption, or sickness
• You alter its behavior, ecosystem, or atmosphere to one of your choosing
CONDITIONS • You make it dangerous to a certain person or creature, or a type of person
£ Angry: -2 to Figure Out A Person or creature
(Clear by breaking something important) If you attempt this Move while rushed or distressed, it works as above, briefly,
£ Frightened: -2 to Fight but afterwards the place or creature will fall dead and barren.
(Clear by running away and leaving something important) £ Familiar: You have a cute animal that is your loyal familiar. You can perceive the
£ Guilty: -2 to Emotional Support world through its senses whenever you choose and communicate with it at any
(Clear by sacrificing something important just to hurt yourself for what you’ve done)
distance. In addition, choose a Basic Move. When the familiar helps with that
Basic Move or with Emotional Support, take +1 to your roll.
£ Hopeless: -2 to Defy Danger
(Clear by losing yourself in escapism or pleasure when you should be doing something important)
£ The Magic of Love: When you are Smitten with someone and proudly extol the
power of love, either of you may spend a String on the other to gain the use of
£ Insecure: -2 to Entice one of the other’s Playbook Moves for one scene.
(Clear by taking rash action to confront the object of your jealousy or prove your superiority)
£ Nature’s Touch: When you touch someone and let the power of the natural world
flow into them, Roll +Soul. On 10+: Choose 2. On 7-9: Choose 1.
CURIOSITY • They may give you a String on them to Clear a Condition
Dealing with people is new to you and you might be awkward, but you want to learn.
• They gain the ability to speak with plants and animals for the rest of the scene
What better way to learn than by doing? Circle four Trials from the list on the back
• They must answer one of the Figure Someone Out questions of your choice
of the playbook. When you complete a circled Trial, cross it out and choose one:
or else they take a Condition
Mark XP, Clear a Condition, or Take a String on someone involved. When your four
chosen Trials are all fulfilled, reflect on what you’ve learned about yourself and pick £ I Ship It: When you want to make a match between two other people and talk
four more. If you ever complete the entire list, choose the ones that meant the most up one to the other, Roll +Heart. On 10+: You may give the listener a String on
to you and then evolve into a new form of life inspired by those experiences. the other person or give the other person a String on the listener. On 7-9: As
above, and the listener can either take a String on you or give the other person
a String on you.
Anyone involved may Mark XP if they become Smitten with anyone else involved,
including the Witch (immediately or later this session, maximum of one XP
per PC).
XP [][][][][] The

When you fill your XP track, you gain an Advance from the list. Once you have The Scoundrel is a woman of action and intense physicality. Her sword fights
taken five Advances from above the break, you may select subsequent Advances are punctuated by banter and flirtation and end in kisses as often as they end
from below it. in bloodshed.
£ Take another Move from your Playbook
Her central conflict lies in her urge to explore new horizons versus committing
£ Take another Move from your Playbook to purpose or security.
£ Take a Move from another Playbook
Example Archetypes: Pirate • Performer • Rogue
£ Take a Move from another Playbook
£ Add 1 to a Stat (max Stat of 3) NAME/PRONOUNS:
£ Add 1 to a Stat (max Stat of 3)
£ Switch to a new Playbook LOOK (circle or invent one for each)
£ Live happily ever after • Playful eyes, suggestive eyes, eyes only for you
• Revealing clothes, flowing clothes, tight clothes, gaudy costume
• A flashy sword, a famous sword, a delicate sword


¢ To Love and Lose: When you become Smitten with someone, say why, give them
a String, and then answer this question:
• Why would your romance never last?
¢ Repartée: When you Figure Out a Person during a physical conflict, you may
additionally ask one of these questions, even on a 6-:
• What would make you run away with me?
• Where did you learn to fight?
STATS (Choose one column of Stats, then add 1 each to two different Stats.) £ Fools Rush In: When you vault into a situation without forethought and wind
Skill at arms and forcefulness
up way over your head, give someone dangerous to you a String, Mark XP, and
DARING +1 +1 Basic moves: Fight, Defy Danger take +1 Forward to Defy Danger.
Elegance and agility £ Show Off: When you make a dramatic entrance, Roll +Grace. On 10+: Choose
GRACE +1 +0 Basic moves: Defy Danger 2 of the options below. On 7-9: Choose 1 of the options below.
Emotional awareness and persuasiveness
HEART +0 -1 Basic moves: Entice, Emotional Support, Defy Danger
• All attention is focused on you for a moment
• You hold the attention of one person for as long as you deliver a dramatic speech
Cleverness and knowledge
WIT -1 +1 Basic moves: Figure Out a Person, Defy Danger
• Take a String on someone present
• You take +1 Forward
Spiritual potency and prowess
SOUL +0 +0 Basic moves: Emotional Support, Defy Danger £ Better to Seek Forgiveness: When you apologize to someone for your outrageous
conduct and put yourself at their mercy, Roll +Daring. On 10+: You find out
CONDITIONS what it will take for them to forgive you and you each gain a String on the other.
£ Angry: -2 to Figure Out A Person If they forgive you, you each Clear a Condition. On 7-9: You find out what it will
(Clear by breaking something important) take for them to forgive you. If you do it, you either take Strings on each other
or they may Clear a Condition, your choice.
£ Frightened: -2 to Fight
(Clear by running away and leaving something important) £ Lust at First Sight: When you become Smitten with someone you barely know,
declare your undying love and give them a String on you. Lose your Smitten
£ Guilty: -2 to Emotional Support status with anyone who has no Strings on you. Take +1 Forward to any act you
(Clear by sacrificing something important just to hurt yourself for what you’ve done)
think might impress your new interest.
£ Hopeless: -2 to Defy Danger £ One in Every Port: When you return to a civilized place you’ve been to before,
(Clear by losing yourself in escapism or pleasure when you should be doing something important)
name a person with whom you shared intimacy here and say how you left things.
£ Insecure: -2 to Entice If you left on bad terms, Mark XP and the GM will tell you something interesting
(Clear by taking rash action to confront the object of your jealousy or prove your superiority) that has changed since you were last here.
£ Rrrip!: When you take or narrowly evade a physical blow from someone dangerous
PLAYBOOK MOVES (choose two more) to you, you may declare that your clothes were damaged and are now practically
¢ Heat of the Moment: When you taunt someone into a course of action, Roll indecent. For the remainder of the scene, when you roll a 10+ on any Move against
+Daring. an NPC, you may declare that they have become Smitten with you (up to one
NPC per roll). Additionally, any PC who becomes Smitten with you during the
If the target is an NPC: On 10+: They’ll do it in exchange for a small concession.
remainder of the scene may Mark XP.
On 7-9: They Choose 1:
£ Impressive Swordplay: Whenever you roll a 7+ on a Fight Move, you may gain
• Create an opportunity for you or your allies
a String on someone who is present and ask the GM (or their player if they are a
• They give you a String on them
PC) what it is about you that has impressed or intrigued them.
If the target is a PC: On 10+: They Mark XP if they do it, and must take a
Condition if they don’t. On 7-9: You Choose 1:
• They Mark XP if they do it.
• They take a Condition if they don’t.
For either a PC or an NPC, if you are not already Smitten with them, you may
choose to treat a 7-9 result as a 10+ by choosing to become Smitten with the target.
¢ Gets Around: When you give or receive Emotional Support via an intimate
moment with someone new, you each Mark XP or Clear a Condition.
XP [][][][][] The

When you fill your XP track, you gain an Advance from the list. Once you have The Seeker comes from a toxic society and has found a new community in which
taken five Advances from above the break, you may select subsequent Advances to belong and grow.
from below it.
£ Take another Move from your Playbook Her central conflict pits tradition and upbringing against justice and her personal
£ Take another Move from your Playbook
Example Archetypes: Immigrant from Heteronormia • Enclave-Raised • Privileged
£ Take a Move from another Playbook
£ Take a Move from another Playbook
£ Add 1 to a Stat (max Stat of 3) NAME/PRONOUNS:
£ Add 1 to a Stat (max Stat of 3)
£ Switch to a new Playbook LOOK (circle or invent one for each)
£ Live happily ever after • Guarded eyes, wide eyes, stranger eyes
• Foreigner’s clothes, basic clothes, elaborate getup
• An ancient sword, a brand-new sword, “That’s not a sword!”


¢ I Don’t Belong: When you become Smitten with someone, say why, give them
a String, and then answer this question:
• Which of your values do they openly violate or decry?
¢ Not So Different: When you Figure Out a Person during a physical conflict,
you may additionally ask one of these questions, even on a 6-:
• What prejudice do you hold?
• What tradition do you most value?
STATS (Choose one column of Stats, then add 1 each to two different Stats.) CONVICTIONS
Skill at arms and forcefulness When you break a Commandment and repudiate it forever, cross it off and Mark XP.
DARING +1 +0 Basic moves: Fight, Defy Danger Write a Conviction expressing your new beliefs.
Elegance and agility Each time you live up to a Conviction despite temptation or cost, reduce your Tradi-
GRACE +0 +1 Basic moves: Defy Danger
tion by 1 and ask an onlooker if they agree with that Conviction. If they say yes, take
Emotional awareness and persuasiveness a String on them and learn what holds them back from living up to it, if anything. If
HEART -1 +0 Basic moves: Entice, Emotional Support, Defy Danger
they say no, mark a Condition.
Cleverness and knowledge
WIT +1 -1 Basic moves: Figure Out a Person, Defy Danger
PLAYBOOK MOVES (Choose two more):
Spiritual potency and prowess
SOUL +0 +1 Basic moves: Emotional Support, Defy Danger
¢ People Are People: When you talk about your home, Roll +Heart. On 10+:
Choose 2. On 7-9: Choose 1.
CONDITIONS • Admit a flaw about your home; gain +1 Forward
£ Angry: -2 to Figure Out A Person • Share something good about your home; clear a Condition
(Clear by breaking something important) • Lie about your home to impress a listener; take a String on them
£ Frightened: -2 to Fight £ Local Guide: When you ask someone what you should do in an unfamiliar
(Clear by running away and leaving something important) situation: If you follow their advice, take +1 Forward and Clear a Condition. If
you follow their advice and it goes poorly, Mark XP.
£ Guilty: -2 to Emotional Support
(Clear by sacrificing something important just to hurt yourself for what you’ve done) £ Silly Tourist: When you Figure Out a Person by playing the fool, you may ask
an extra question, even on a 6-. Additionally, if you Defy Danger by playing the
£ Hopeless: -2 to Defy Danger fool, you may ask a question from the following list, even on a 6-.
(Clear by losing yourself in escapism or pleasure when you should be doing something important)
• What could I use to _____?
£ Insecure: -2 to Entice • What is the biggest threat?
(Clear by taking rash action to confront the object of your jealousy or prove your superiority) • What is in the most danger?
• How is _____ vulnerable to me?
COMMANDMENTS • How could I end this peacefully?
Describe the Authority that governed your upbringing and choose at least six £ It Wasn’t All Bad: When you encounter someone whose perspective is different
Commandments the Authority has issued: from that of your companions, share a relevant story from your home culture and
• Always answer an insult with a drawn • Never let a weaker person fight their Roll +Soul. On 10+: Gain a String on them and grant +1 Forward for rolls involving
sword own battles them to yourself and each of your companions. On 7-9: Gain a String on them.
• Never admit to your weak emotions • Never fight a weaker person’s battles
• Always cover your sinful body • Always obey the Authority In either case, they also tell you something interesting or useful about their
• No intimacy until after a monogamous • Always obey a certain type of person upbringing.
marriage (gender, race, class, belief, elders) £ Hear Me!: When you shout one of your Convictions aloud in confrontation
• Never give when you can sell • Never go unchaperoned (or at all) with with those who hold a contrary belief, Roll +Daring. On 10+: Ask 2 of the below.
a certain type of person On 7-9: Ask 1 of the below.
• Why do you think you have to follow that belief?
TRADITION [0][1][2][3][4] • What does it cost you to follow that belief?
Your Tradition starts at 1. Gain a point of Tradition whenever you make a personal • What do you wish for that is contrary to that belief?
sacrifice to act in accordance with your Commandments, to a maximum of 4. When
you are at 4 Tradition, you incur a Condition each time you act contrary to your
Commandments. Spend Tradition at any time to temper the wrath of the Authority,
to take +1 Forward to follow your Commandments, or to Call on a Toxic Power.
Spooky Witch
XP [][][][][] The

When you fill your XP track, you gain an Advance from the list. Once you have
taken five Advances from above the break, you may select subsequent Advances The Spooky Witch is a weirdo who does her own thing while craving connection.
from below it. Many monsters are quite friendly if you give them a chance, but befriend them
£ Take another Move from your Playbook and you’ll be seen as a monster, as well.
£ Take another Move from your Playbook Her central conflict lies in navigating pressures to conform versus her own
£ Take a Move from another Playbook desires or those of her monstrous friends.
£ Take a Move from another Playbook Example Archetypes: Ghost Dancer • Nerdy Alchemist • Speaker for the Unseen
£ Add 1 to a Stat (max Stat of 3)
£ Add 1 to a Stat (max Stat of 3)
£ Switch to a new Playbook
£ Live happily ever after LOOK (circle or invent one for each)
• Evasive eyes, suspicious eyes, distant eyes
• Wispy clothes, darker-than-black clothes, enticing clothes
• An eldritch sword, a bone sword, a thirsty sword


¢ Why Did I Bring Up the Snails?: When you become Smitten with someone,
say why, give them a String, and then answer this question:
• What obvious thing about you are you sure would make them reject you?
¢ Whispered Secrets: When you Figure Out a Person during a physical conflict,
you may additionally ask one of these questions, even on a 6-:
• What makes you insecure?
• What haunts you?
STATS (Choose one column of Stats, then add 1 each to two different Stats.) ¢ I Like Snails!: When you are Smitten with someone and Figure Them Out,
Skill at arms and forcefulness
blurt out something weird and let them ask you a question from the list. Then
DARING +0 -1 Basic moves: Fight, Defy Danger ask them another question from the list, even on a 6-.
Elegance and agility £ Witchfire: You may roll +Soul instead of +Daring to Fight, but you are very
GRACE +0 +1 Basic moves: Defy Danger conspicuous when you do and the consequences of a 6- will be severe.
Emotional awareness and persuasiveness
HEART -1 +0 Basic moves: Entice, Emotional Support, Defy Danger
£ Eerie Companion: You have a little pet monster or spirit. Choose two basic
Moves. The companion grants you +1 to these Moves when it assists you, but its
Cleverness and knowledge
WIT +1 +0 Basic moves: Figure Out a Person, Defy Danger
assistance is always obvious and alarming to ordinary people. In addition, you
can speak with monsters.
Spiritual potency and prowess
SOUL +1 +1 Basic moves: Emotional Support, Defy Danger £ Talk Nerdy to Me: You may Roll +Wit instead of +Heart to Entice Someone.
£ Witchsight: You can see perfectly well in darkness, and you can see magical
CONDITIONS auras. When you encounter a magical effect, item, or creature for the first time,
£ Angry: -2 to Figure Out A Person you may ask the GM a question about it.
(Clear by breaking something important)
£ Astral Dance: When you dance across the boundary into the realm beyond, Roll
£ Frightened: -2 to Fight +Grace. On 10+: You and a small number of others who dance with you arrive at
(Clear by running away and leaving something important) a distant destination of your choice. On 7-9: You don’t arrive where you intend,
£ Guilty: -2 to Emotional Support you arrive almost too late, or you lose something important in the process. The
(Clear by sacrificing something important just to hurt yourself for what you’ve done) GM will tell you which.
£ Hopeless: -2 to Defy Danger £ Divination: When you have time and safety to read the soul of someone present,
(Clear by losing yourself in escapism or pleasure when you should be doing something important) the GM will tell you something interesting about them or the obstacles they face
that they don’t know. In addition, Roll +Soul. On 10+: If you tell the truth, they
£ Insecure: -2 to Entice Clear a Condition. If you lie, gain a String on them. On 7-9: They learn the truth
(Clear by taking rash action to confront the object of your jealousy or prove your superiority)
and Clear a Condition.
£ Dreamwalk: When you touch an unconscious, sleeping, or willing subject, you
PLAYBOOK MOVES (choose 2 more) can see an impression of their thoughts and alter their dreams. You may Roll
¢ Commune with the Unseen: When you perform a ritual to commune with the +Soul to Figure Out or Entice them in this state.
Unseen, mysterious beings most cannot perceive, give a dangerous Unseen a
String on you and Roll +Soul. £ Friends in Weird Places: You are friends with some odd people. Folx that others
might not consider people at all…
On 10+: Choose 2.
Name three of them. For each one, write down one thing they’re good at, and
• You hide something in the Unseen world one reason why everyone else is afraid of them.
• You learn something important from the Unseen
• You temporarily alter the metaphysical nature of a place When you call on them for help, the GM will tell you what they provide. Give
• You may Figure Out a Person without interacting with them if you can name them a String on you and mark the Favor blank next to their name. Whenever
one of their deceased loved ones; take +1 Forward to do so significant time passes, one of your friends with their Favor marked will need
• Learn the recent history of an object you hold help from you. Clear their Favor if you help, mark a Condition if you do not.

On 7-9: Choose 2 from the above list, but something goes awry. Choose 1: Weird Friends:

• The Unseen are restless; you cause a haunting £

• The Unseen are hungry; you destroy all non-sentient life in a small but notice- £
able area £
• The Unseen judge you; you suffer a Condition
XP [][][][][] The

When you fill your XP track, you gain an Advance from the list. Once you have The Trickster is manipulative and calculating. She fears closeness, sincerity,
taken five Advances from above the break, you may select subsequent Advances and vulnerability. If she shows you the truth of her heart, she’ll be wearing a
from below it. mask to do it.
£ Take another Move from your Playbook
Her central conflict lies in desiring closeness while fearing vulnerability.
£ Take another Move from your Playbook
Example Archetypes: Spy • Charlatan • Thief
£ Take a Move from another Playbook
£ Take a Move from another Playbook NAME/PRONOUNS:
£ Add 1 to a Stat (max Stat of 3)
£ Add 1 to a Stat (max Stat of 3)
LOOK (circle or invent one for each)
£ Switch to a new Playbook • Gentle eyes, darting eyes, carefree eyes, mercurial eyes
£ Live happily ever after • Hooded clothes, nondescript clothes, simple mask
• A concealed sword, a venomous sword, a quick sword


¢ A Beautiful Lie: When you become Smitten with someone, say why, give them
a String, and then answer this question:
• What secret do you have that you think would make them reject you if they
¢ I See Through You: When you Figure Out a Person during a physical conflict,
you may additionally ask one of these questions, even on a 6-:
• Who do you want me to be?
• What are you most afraid of right now?
STATS (Choose one column of Stats, then add 1 each to two different Stats.) PLAYBOOK MOVES (choose 1 more)
Skill at arms and forcefulness ¢ The Mask: When you seek to persuade someone of a lie about yourself, Roll +Wit.
DARING +1 +0 Basic moves: Fight, Defy Danger On 10+: Choose 2. On 7-9: Choose 1.
Elegance and agility • They believe a big lie
GRACE +0 +1 Basic moves: Defy Danger
• The lie you have chosen is unexpectedly perfect, creating a new opportunity
Emotional awareness and persuasiveness • They will give you the benefit of the doubt and remain convinced even if there
HEART -1 -1 Basic moves: Entice, Emotional Support, Defy Danger
is some evidence of your lie
Cleverness and knowledge
WIT +1 +1 Basic moves: Figure Out a Person, Defy Danger ¢ Ew, Feelings: When someone offers you Emotional Support and you refuse to
Spiritual potency and prowess
open up, increase your Feelings by 1 and choose 1 from the listed options for that
SOUL +0 +0 Basic moves: Emotional Support, Defy Danger Move as if they rolled 7-9. If they rolled 10+, they know they got through to you;
they gain the benefits of a 10+ result as if you had opened up.
CONDITIONS £ Devious Scheme: When others go along with your cunning plan, Roll +Wit. On
£ Angry: -2 to Figure Out A Person 10+: Twice during your plan, you may choose one of the following options. On
(Clear by breaking something important) 7-9: As above, but only once.
£ Frightened: -2 to Fight • Produce just the right object
(Clear by running away and leaving something important) • Describe an unexpected weakness in an obstacle
£ Guilty: -2 to Emotional Support • Appear right behind someone at a crucial moment
(Clear by sacrificing something important just to hurt yourself for what you’ve done) £ Sticky Fingers: When you filch something from a person, Roll +Grace. On 10+:
£ Hopeless: -2 to Defy Danger Choose 2. On 7-9: Choose 1.
(Clear by losing yourself in escapism or pleasure when you should be doing something important) • The item reveals a secret love or vulnerability
£ Insecure: -2 to Entice • The item creates an opportunity (e.g. a map, key, or note)
(Clear by taking rash action to confront the object of your jealousy or prove your superiority)
• The person does not know you took it
£ Disguise: When you use someone else’s personal item or clothing to disguise
yourself as them, Roll +Daring. On 10+: While you remain so dressed, your
TOO MANY FEELINGS disguise is perfect; only your words or deeds may expose you. On 7-9: Someone
Your heart is as passionate as any other, but you bury it deeply beneath layers of
sees through your disguise, but they don’t give you away just now. Give them a
deception -- until you can’t keep your feelings in any longer.
FEELINGS [0][1][2][3][4] £ Center of the Web: When someone approaches you to get something from you
Your Feelings start at 1. Increase your Feelings by 1 each time: you gain a String, or threaten you, Choose 1:
someone gains a String on you, or you mark a Condition. You may also choose to • Gain a String on them AND they lose a String on you
increase your Feelings any time you find yourself gasping or swooning over someone. • Figure Them Out as if you had rolled 10+
Strings assigned during character creation do not increase your Feelings. • +1 Ongoing against them for the scene
When you open up to someone whose regard matters to you, reduce your Feelings £ Knives Behind the Mask: When someone reveals a secret about you in your
by 2. When you secretly perform a loving act for someone, reduce your Feelings by 1. presence, you are prepared with a damaging secret about them. If you reveal
If your Feelings reaches 4, you can’t hold it in anymore. Tear off the mask and scream it now in retaliation, they mark a Condition. If you keep the secret for the time
what you’ve been holding in, do what you’ve been afraid to do, and damn the conse- being, gain a String on them.
quences. You can give anyone present a String on you to gain a String on them. Stop
when the consequences catch up with you, for good or ill.
Afterwards, reduce your Feelings to 0 and Clear a Condition. It feels good to get it
out, at least in the moment.

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