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MoTW Reference-Sheets-Consolidated

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Hunter Agenda

• Act like you’re the hero in this

Act Under Pressure
When you act under pressure, roll
Manipulate Someone
Once you have given them a reason, tell
Protect Someone
When you prevent harm to another
+Cool. them what you want them to do and roll character, roll +Tough.
story (because you are).
On a 10+ you do what you set out to. +Charm. On a 7+, you protect them okay, but
• Make your own destiny.
On a 7-9 the Keeper is going to give For a normal person: you’ll suffer some or all of the harm they
• Find the damn monsters and stop
you a worse outcome, hard choice, or • On a 10+, then they’ll do it for were going to get.
price to pay. the reason you gave them. If you On a 10+ choose an extra:
• Play your hunter like they’re a real
advanced: On a 12+ you may asked too much, they’ll tell you the • You suffer little harm (-1 harm).
choose to either do what you wanted minimum it would take for them • All impending danger is now

Basic Moves and something extra, or to do what you

wanted to absolute perfection.
to do it (or if there’s no way they’d
do it).
focused on you.
• You inflict harm on the enemy.
• On a 7-9, they’ll do it, but only if • You hold the enemy back.
Kick Some Ass Help Out you do something for them right Advanced: on a 12+ both you and
When you get into a fight and kick some When you help another hunter, roll now to show that you mean it. If the character you are protecting are
ass, roll +Tough. +Cool. you asked too much, they’ll tell you unharmed and out of danger. If you were
On a 7+, you and whatever you’re On a 10+ your help grants them +1 what, if anything, it would take for protecting a bystander, they also become
fighting inflict harm on each other. The to their roll. them to do it. your ally.
amount of harm is based on the estab- On a 7-9 your help grants them +1 to • Advanced: On a 12+ not only do
lished dangers in the game. That usually their roll, but you also expose yourself they do what you want right now, Read A Bad Situation
means you inflict the harm rating of your to trouble or danger. they also become your ally for the When you look around and read a bad
weapon and your enemy inflicts their advanced: On a 12+ your help rest of the mystery (or, if you do situation, roll +Sharp.
attack’s harm rating on you. lets them act as if they just rolled a 12, enough for them, permanently). On a 10+ hold 3, and on a 7-9, hold 1.
On a 10+, choose one extra effect: regardless of what they actually got. For another hunter: One hold can be spent to ask the
• You gain the advantage: take +1 • On a 10+, if they do what you ask Keeper one of the following questions:
forward, or give +1 forward to Investigate A Mystery they mark experience and get +1 • What’s my best way in?
another hunter. When you investigate a mystery, roll forward. • What’s my best way out?
• You inflict terrible harm (+1 harm). +Sharp. On a 10+ hold 2, and on a 7-9 • On a 7-9, they mark experience if • Are there any dangers we haven’t
• You suffer less harm (-1 harm). hold 1. One hold can be spent to ask the they do what you ask. noticed?
• You force them where you want Keeper one of the following questions: • On a miss, it’s up to that hunter • What’s the biggest threat?
them. • What happened here? to decide how badly you offend or • What’s most vulnerable to me?
advanced: On a 12+ instead pick an • What sort of creature is it? annoy them. They mark experi- • What’s the best way to protect the
enhanced effect: • What can it do? ence if they decide not to do what victims?
• You completely hold the advantage. • What can hurt it? you asked. Monsters and minions If you act on the answers, you get +1
All hunters involved in the fight get • Where did it go? cannot normally be manipulated. ongoing while the information is rele-
+1 forward. • What was it going to do? • Advanced: On a 12+ they must vant.
• You suffer no harm at all. • What is being concealed here? act under pressure to resist your advanced: On a 12+ you may ask
• Your attack inflicts double the advanced: On a 12+, you may ask the request. If they do what you ask, the Keeper any question you want about
normal harm. Keeper any question you want about the they mark one experience and take the situation, not just the listed ones.
• Your attack drives the enemy away mystery, not just the listed ones. +1 ongoing while doing what you
in a rout. asked.
The Keeper may say that...
Use Magic
When you use magic, say what you’re
• The spell requires weird materials.
• The spell will take 10 seconds, 30
Whenever you suffer harm, the Keeper
When you spend a point of Luck, pick
trying to achieve and how you do the seconds, or 1 minute to cast. will tell you what effect it has. one:
spell, then roll +Weird. • The spell requires ritual chanting Injury severity depends on how much • Decrease a wound you have
On a 10+, the magic works without and gestures. harm you have suffered: suffered to 0 harm.
issues: choose your effect. • The spell requires you to draw • 0-harm wounds have only minor, • After you roll, retroactively change
On a 7-9, it works imperfectly: choose arcane symbols. short term effects. the result to a 12.
your effect and a glitch. The Keeper will • You need one or two people to help • 4-7 harm wounds are serious and When you have no luck left, bad things
decide what effect the glitch has. cast the spell. unstable. They will get worse unless will happen to you.
advanced: On a 12+ the Keeper will • You need to refer to a tome of treated. Mark the “Unstable” box.
offer you some added benefit. magic for the details.
Leveling Up
• 8-harm or more will kill a normal
human, including a hunter.
• Inflict harm (1-harm ignore-
Big Magic Armour reduces the harm suffered by Mark an experience point whenever your
Use this when you want more than the the number of points it is rated for. roll totals six or less, or when a move
armour magic obvious). Use Magic effects. Tell the Keeper what Monsters may not be defeated until tells you to.
• Enchant a weapon. It gets +1 harm you want to do. you use their weakness against them, Whenever you mark the fifth experi-
and +magic. The Keeper may require: and this applies to some minions as well. ence box, level up. Erase all five marks
• Do one thing that is beyond human • You need to spend a lot of time and choose an improvement from your
• Bar a place or portal to a specific
(days or weeks) researching the Recovery list.
magic ritual. • 0 harm wounds are considered After you have levelled up five times,
person or a type of creature. • You need to experiment with the healed right away. you may choose from the advanced
• Trap a specific person, minion, or spell – there will be lots of failures • 1-3 harm wounds improve when improvement list as well.
monster. before you get it right. you receive first aid, and later when
• Banish a spirit or curse from the • You need some rare and weird
End of Session
you rest. Heal 1 when you do.
person, object, or place it inhabits. ingredients and supplies. • Unstable wounds require first aid
• Summon a monster into the world. • The spell will take a long time to become stable. While unstable, At the end of each session, the Keeper
• Communicate with something that (hours or days) to cast. they may get worse. will ask the following questions:
you do not share a language with. • You need a lot of people (2, 3, 7, • 4+ harm wounds require a healing • Did we conclude the current
• Observe another place or time. 13, or more) to help. move, time in an infirmary or mystery?
• Heal 1-harm from an injury, or • The spell needs to be cast at a hospital, or magical healing. • Did we save someone from certain
cure a disease, or neutralize a particular place and/or time.
poison. death (or worse)?
• You need to use magic as part of At the end of the mystery, you also have • Did we learn something new and
the ritual, perhaps to summon a a chance to heal. important about the world?
Glitches monster, communicate with some- • If there is no chance to rest, heal • Did we learn something new
• The effect is weakened. thing, or bar the portal you opened. 1 harm. and important about one of the
• The effect is of short duration. • It will have a specific side-effect or • If there is plenty of time, heal all hunters?
• You take 1-harm ignore-armour. danger. harm. If you get one or two “Yes” answers,
• The magic draws immediate, If you meet the requirements, then the
unwelcome attention. mark one experience. If you get three or
magic takes effect. four, mark two.
• It has a problematic side effect.
When you telepathically ask the Secret
Past Lives
When you channel your previous
When you open up your brain to the

WEIRD Basic Moves

Hunters who do not have use magic as
Masters for aid, roll +Weird:
• On a 10+, the Secret Masters reveal
incarnations to discover something,
pose your question and roll +Weird:
psychic environment, roll +Weird:
• On a 10+, you gain a definite
a key fact, clue, or technique that will • On a 10+, a past life has something impression (a vision, tangible
their Weirdness move must treat any
help you. useful to offer. Ask the Keeper two aura, overheard thought, etc) about
spell as big magic. The Keeper may wish
• On a 7-9, the Secret Masters need you of the questions below. something important.
to pick requirements towards the lighter
to complete a task for them. Once it • On a 7-9, a past life has a little • On a 7-9, you gain a hazy impres-
end of the spectrum if the spell’s effects
is done, they reveal a key fact, clue, or experience with this. Ask the sion about something important.
will be at the level of use magic.
technique that will help you. Keeper one of the questions below. • On a miss, your brain makes
Big magic still works the same for
• On a miss, the Secret Masters’ reply is • On a miss, a past life takes over contact with something dangerous.
everyone, but you may adjust the
terrible, garbled, or somehow danger- for a while. • Advanced: On a 12+, you get an
requirements so they have a more ‘weird
ously wrong. • Advanced: On a 12+, a past life impression as for 10 or more, plus
science’ style when appropriate.
• Advanced: On a 12+, the Secret knows exactly what you were after. you may ask one follow-up ques-

Empath Masters reveal a key fact, clue, or tech-

nique that will help you. You may ask
Ask the Keeper one of the ques-
tions below, and one free-form
tion that the Keeper will answer
When you open up your brain to feel one follow-up question that the Keeper question. Gain +1 ongoing while
the emotions of something right there
in front of you, roll +Weird:
will answer honestly. acting on the answers. Trust Your Gut
Past Lives questions: When you consult your instincts about
• On a 10+, you gain a clear impres-
sion of their current emotional
No Limits • What did a past life discover about what to do next, roll +Weird:
When you push your physical body past ___________? • On a 10+, the Keeper will tell
state and intentions. Take +1 • How did a past life deal with
its limits, roll +Weird: where you should go. Wherever
forward when acting on this __________?
• On a 10+, your body obeys your will, that is, it will be important. You
knowledge. • What important hidden secret can
to the limits of physical possibility (see get +1 ongoing on the way to this
• On a 7-9, you gain a hazy impres- a past life show me the way to?
below), for a moment. place.
sion of their current emotional • What did a past life learn too late
• On a 7-9, you do it but choose one • On a 7-9, the Keeper will tell you
state and intentions. to help them?
consequence: suffer 1-harm, take –1 a general direction to go. Take +1
• On a miss, your brain is over- • What does a past life advise me to
forward, or you need to rest right now. forward as you explore that.
whelmed with emotion. do now?
• On a miss, something goes horribly • On a miss, your instincts lead you
• Advanced: On a 12+, you get an
wrong. into danger.
impression (as for 10 or more), and
• Advanced: On a 12+, you can • Advanced: On a 12+, in addition
you may ask one follow-up ques-
continue acting at your body’s limits to the usual 10+ result, the Keeper
tion that the Keeper will answer
for 30 seconds. will tell you about one important
For the purposes of this move, “physical thing you should investigate
You can use empath on anything with
possibility” means “conceivably possible further.
emotions, but the less human they are,
for a human.” For example:
the less it’s safe for you. If the emotions
• Physically Possible: Lift an SUV, Jump
are especially strong or alien, you might
over a truck, Punch through a wall.
need to act under pressure.
• Not Physically Possible: Lift a
building, Fly, Punch a blast of energy
at a foe.
When you fling something with your
Weird Science
When you create or adapt a device to
Phenomena Phenomenon Types
These are the possible phenomenon types:
mind, roll +Weird:
• On a 10+, you move it. Choose
analyse or deal with strangeness, say
what it will do and roll +Weird:
Investigating Phenomena • Alien (motivation: to be unfath-
Hunters dealing with phenomena may
two options and mark 1-harm. • On a 10+, you pick two require- • Artifact (motivation: to grant
ask the following as part of the standard
• On a 7-9, you move it but it hurts. ments. someone more power than they
investigate a mystery list of questions:
Choose one option and mark • On a 7-9, you pick one require- can handle)
• How is this phenomenon doing
2-harm. ment and the Keeper picks a • Biohazard (motivation: to infect,
• On a miss, something goes second one. harm, and spread)
• What could fix it, cure it, or slow
horribly wrong. • On a miss, something goes • Bubble (motivation: to keep inside
it down?
By default you can move something horribly wrong. You are still able to things inside, and outside things
• How far does the effect reach?
smaller than a person. You don’t have create your device, but the Keeper outside)
• What will be affected next?
much control, and you can’t move it picks three requirements. • Conspiracy (motivation: to gather
strongly enough to hurt anything. • advanced: On a 12+, you gain
+1  ongoing when operating the Phenomena Threat Moves power, keep secrets, and create
Telekinesis options (anything not device. These are the threat moves a phenom- • Corruption (motivation: to change
picked is not true): enon can use during the mystery: the laws of the universe)
• Something is held fast. Weird science requirements: • Hint at its effects. • Experiment (motivation: to unleash
• Something is hurt (2-harm smash). • It needs a rare and/or weird mate- • Show its effects directly and unde- dangers)
• Something catches fire. rial. niably. • Mutagen (motivation: to transform
• You can fling something bigger • It won’t be very reliable. • Break the world’s laws. creatures and people)
than a person. • It requires huge amounts of power • Increase or decrease in size or • Panic (motivation: to make people
• You keep it basically under your or fuel. intensity. act irrationally)
control. • It will take a long time to get it • Create some new weirdness. • Portal (motivation: to draw things
• You suffer 1 less harm. working. • Harm or destroy someone or from one world to another)
• It won’t work exactly as you something. • Teratogen (motivation: to turn crea-
advanced: When you advance your intended. • React unexpectedly. tures and people into monsters)
telekinesis move, add this: • You’ll need help (beyond the • Escape from containment. • Zone (motivation: to harm all that
• On a 12+, choose three options. hunters on your team) to finish it. • Hold something in place. venture within)
You may also choose from these • Grant an unnatural ability.
advanced options: • Hinder movement.
• Something explodes (3-harm • Subvert a bystander’s motivation.
close fire area messy)
• Something implodes (3-harm
close crush)
• Lots of stuff is flying under your
• You have perfect and precise
control over exactly what
Keeper Agenda Basic Keeper Moves Monster Moves Bystander Moves
• Make the world seem real • Separate them • Hint at its presence • Go off alone
• Play to see what happens • Reveal future badness • Display its full might • Argue with the hunters
• Get in the way
• Make hunters' lives dangerous • Reveal off-screen badness • Appear suddenly • Reveal something
& scary • Inflict harm, as established • Attack with great force and fury • Confess their fears
• Make them investigate • Seize someone or something • Freak out in terror
Principles • Make them acquire stuff • Attack with stealth and calcu- •

Try to help the hunters
Try to protect people
• Put horror in everyday situations • Tell the possible consequences lation
• Display inability or incompetence
• Address the hunters, not the and ask if they want to go ahead • Order underlings to do terrible
• Seek help or comfort
players • Turn their move back on them acts
• Use the Keeper moves, without • Offer an opportunity, & maybe • Destroy something
names a cost • Escape, no matter how well con- Location Moves
• Be a fan of the hunters • Take away some of the hunters' tained • Present a hazard
• Build a coherent mythology in stuff • Give chase • Reveal something
play • Put someone in trouble • Return to home ground • Hide something
• Close a way
• Nothing is safe • Make a threat move, from one of • Boast and gloat, maybe revealing
• Open a way
• Name everyone they meet, make your mystery or arc threats a secret • Reshape itself
them seem like normal folks • After every move, ask what they • Return from seeming destruction • Trap someone
• Ask questions and build on the do next • Use an unnatural power • Offer a guide
answers • Present a guardian
• Sometimes give them exactly Harm Moves Minion Moves •

Something doesn't work properly
Create a particular feeling
what they earned, rather than Every time anyone gets hurt, use one. • A burst of sudden, uncontrolled
all they wanted 0-harm or more: violence
• What's happening off-screen? • Momentarily inhibited • Make a coordinated attack Hunter Basic Moves
• Don't always decide what hap- • Drop something • Capture someone, or steal some- • Act Under Pressure (Cool)
pens • Take -1 forward thing • Help Out (Cool)
• Everything is a threat 1-harm or more: • Reveal a secret • Investigate A Mystery (Sharp)
• Kick Some Ass (Tough)
• Fall down • Deliver someone or something
Always Say... • Take -1 ongoing to the master

Manipulate Someone (Charm)
Protect Someone (Tough)
• What the principles demand • Pass out • Give chase • Read A Bad Situation (Sharp)
• What the rules demand • Intense pain • Make a threat or demand for the • Use Magic (Weird)
• What your preparation demands Unstable wounds: master
• +1 harm • Run away
• What honesty demands
8-harm or more: • Use an unnatural power End of Session Experience
1-2 “yes”: 1 mark; 3-4 “yes”: 2 marks
• Dying or dead. • Display a hint of conscience or
• Did they conclude the current mystery?
humanity • Did they save someone from certain death
• Disobey the master, in some (or worse)?
petty way • Did we learn something new and important
about the world?
• Did we learn something new and important
about one of the hunters?
Bystanders (motivation) Minions (motivation)
Mystery Creation Creating Threats • Busybody (to interfere in other • Assassin (to kill the hunters)
Pick a type and then create the details people’s plans) • Brute (to intimidate and attack)
1. Basic Concept listed underneath. • Detective (to rule out explanations) • Cultist (to save their own skin at
• A cool monster from urban legend • Gossip (to pass on rumours) any cost)
or folklore. Monsters (motivation) • Helper (to join the hunt) • Guardian (to bar a way or protect
• A loose end from a previous • Beast (to run wild, destroying and • Innocent (to do the right thing) something)
mystery. killing) • Official (to be suspicious) • Right hand (to back up the
• A problem from one of your arcs. • Breeder (to give birth to, bring • Skeptic (to deny supernatural monster)
• Take a plot from somewhere else forth, or create evil) explanations) • Plague (to swarm and destroy)
and change some details. • Collector (to steal specific sorts of • Victim (to put themselves in • Renfield (to push victims towards
• A place you know that would make things) danger) the monster)
a good place for a monster to lurk. • Destroyer (to bring about the end • Witness (to reveal information) • Scout (to stalk, watch, and report)
• Is there something the hunters of the world) • Thief (to steal and deliver to the
Name the bystander.
want to check out? • Devourer (to consume people) monster)
• What do they know about the situ-
• Return of a monster, bystander, or • Executioner (to punish the guilty) • Traitor (to betray people)
location from a previous mystery. • Parasite (to infest, control and
• What do they do?
devour) What is it called? What does it look like?
• What do they look like?
2. Hook • Queen (to possess and control) How loyal to the master is it?
• What do they want from the
The clue that caught the hunters' atten- • Sorcerer (to usurp unnatural Powers: What supernatural abilities
tion. power) does it have?
• Any custom moves for this
• Tempter (to tempt people into evil Weakness: Is this minion especially
3. Threats deeds) vulnerable to anything?
Create your monsters, minions, bystand- • Torturer (to hurt and terrify) Attacks: Description, how much
ers and locations. • Trickster (to create chaos) Locations (motivation)
• Crossroads (to bring people, and harm (usually 2-4), range, other tags
things, together) Armour: Normally 0- to 1-armour.
4. Countdown Name, how it looks, what does it want Harm capacity: Normally 5-10
• Deathtrap (to harm intruders)
What would happen if the hunters never to achieve? harm to kill it.
• Den (to harbour monsters)
came here? Break it into six key events: Powers: What supernatural abilities Any custom moves for this minion
• Fortress (to deny entry)
1. Day does it have? (e.g. for its powers)?
• Hellgate (to create evil)
2. Shadows Weakness: What is the monster
• Hub (to reveal information)
3. Sunset
4. Dusk
vulnerable to?
Attacks: Description, how much
• Lab (to create weirdness) Custom Moves
• Maze (to confuse and separate) • What's the basic concept for the
5. Nightfall harm it does (usually 3 to 5), range, move?
• Prison (to constrain and prevent
6. Midnight other tags. • When is it triggered?
Armour: Normally 1- or 2-armour. • What effect does it have?
• Wilds (to contain hidden things)
Harm capacity: Normally 8-12
harm to kill it. Name the location.
Any custom moves for the monster • What is it like? Optionally, draw
(e.g. for its powers)? a map.
• Any custom moves for this loca-

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