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Trends Reviewer (All Lessons from Modules 1-3)

 a form of government in which the “rulers” are elected by the people.
 came from the greek word “demokratia” which means rule of the people. It was coined from two words: “demos” that means
“people” and “kratos” refers to “power” that means in democracy the power is vested in the people.
 Practicing the rights like right to vote and right in decision making
 There is freedom
 The primary source of political power is the common people
There is a social equality and respect for the individuals
 Laws are made for the common good and for the progress of the country.

Preferred democratic practices in the Philippines

1. Voting system - One of the most important democratic activity practiced on how to elect government officials. It is a
legal system where there are rules in how elections will be conducted and how results are determined
2. Citizen participation - Individuals have an opportunity to participate in any public affairs. Citizen participation can
influence government decision making process in making of laws, in economic activities and even in socio-cultural
3. Constitutional Government - A type of government uses constitutions which is known as laws or written document
where it defines how government works and that balances the power in executive, legislative and executive branch
4. Majority rule/minority right - Majority rule is a way of organizing a government where citizens are free to make
decision through votes. The minority rights are the normal individual rights or the rights of the minorities in a certain
place. In a democratic country, votes are important in making decisions where the majority votes will rule but there is
no elimination of minority rights or individual rights. The majority has the power to rule and also responsible to
protect the rights of the minority. It means that whatever the rules will be imposed the rights of the minorities will
still be practiced.
5. Private sectors/enterprise- Establishing of private enterprise or businesses is a product of democracy. Citizens have
the right to put up a business as long private sectors follow the policies imposed by the government. In a democratic
country, citizens have a right to make businesses whether it is small or big enterprise.
6. Civil Society - Establishing of civil organizations are visible in a democratic country. It a type of organization/society
establish by a group of people with one common interest like establishing an association of the drivers and union for

Participatory Democracy vs. Representative Democracy

1. Participatory Democracy - is an individual participation of citizen directly in making policies and concerning political
aspects rather than electing representatives. A kind of democracy in which individual has the power to decide directly
on the policies and politicians are responsible in the implementation of those policies.
2. Representative Democracy - a system of government in which citizens vote for representative to make laws. In
participatory democracy, people involve themselves in making policies or laws where it is voted directly by the

Democratic Intervention
It is a political association being established to empower and protect pro-government ideas that aims to uphold
widely the democratization of the country.

Four Democratic Interventions in Politics:

1. Political Corruption- one of the undemocratic practices that is present in the political system. It can hibernate social
ills that suddenly haunt societies in the world. The reason why people are dissatisfied with their leadership is because
they forgot to provide necessary needs of the people including their safety, protection from fast growing economic
change, and failure to include them in their programs and other project implementations.
2. Basic Needs- poverty and hunger are two of the common complaint by most of the societies if these unable to
undertake and solve. The agony between the rich and poor is continuing to grow and there is a mechanism that leads
to create extra activities like prostitution, robbery, human trafficking, and drug syndicate just to survive from the said
3. Association- this includes democratic biases that weakens the traditional family bond and kinship which were
discouraged to exist by putting pressures of work, migration and urbanization. There is a huge distance of government
in providing assistance and concern to the ordinary citizens that causes low amount of livelihood support and led
leaders to a highly corrupt, self-centered, and inefficient head of a state.
4. Participation- active participation of citizens is imperatively effective in promoting democratic practices in the
country. People’s engagement in various collective actions to execute voluntary services can help tackle and solve
problems. Exercising our responsibility in political processes determines that we work together, collide to each other,
and ensure to one another that we have one common goal to achieve.

Democratic Practices
It is the interpretation on the things that happen every day in communities. Citizens have prior concern to make these
routine or event become open. However, this doesn’t mean that people have to do anything. They just have to do the normal in
different ways. If the routine business of politics is done in ways that are open to citizens, the routines can become democratic
practices. These practices are reflected in the ordinary people asking one another when something threatens their well-being.

Examples of Democratic Practices

1. Freedom of Speech- the ability to express thoughts, opinions, ideas, and perceptions freely.
2. Inclusiveness and Equality- the practice of embracing and accepting all types of people in the society and treating
them with fair and just.
3. Suffrage- this is the right of a citizen to exercise the process of voting to any political elections. The foundation of
every healthy democracy, ensuring that government authority derives from the will of the people.
4. Citizen Participation- is a process that gives person a chance to make positive effects to public decisions and can take
initiative to improve quality of life, work, and relationship between society and government.
5. Right to Life- the right to live harmoniously in the society, that no one has the right to punish, kill, or destroy the
sanctity of living.
6. Minority Rights- the rights subject to members of ethnic groups, religious groups, gender and sexual circles.
7. Constitutional Government - is defined by the existence of a constitution which may be a legal instrument or merely
a set of fixed norms or principles generally accepted as the fundamental law of the polity that effectively controls the
exercise of political power.

Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

1. Technology - a manner of accomplishing a task especially using technical processes, methods, or knowledge.
2. Information and Communication Technology (ICT)– the tools and the processes to access, retrieve, store, organized,
manipulate, produced, present and exchange information by electronic and other automated means (Marquez,
3. Communication - a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of
symbols, signs, or behavior Information - knowledge obtained from investigation, study, or instruction
4. Digital Divide – the natural consequence of advancements in ICT. It refers to the discrepancy in people’s access and
skill related to ICT.


1. Data Capture – Data capturing, storage and transmission is important function of ICT. With the aid of computer
devices such as hardware and software, usually data is captured by key board, bar codes, video camera, mouse etc.
2. Data storage – is an issue of covering space, which depends on following factors such as disk space availability and
flexibility of ICT in terms of making the data available for use.
3. Data transmission – data can be transmitted from one place to another place or from one computer to another
computer. For this purpose various devices like modem, cables are used. For transmitting data, various types of
networks like Local Area Network (LAN), Wide Area Network (WAN), Metropolitan Area Network (MAN), internet,
intranet, extranet etc. are used.
4. Data Processing – is the method of conversion of data into meaningful information. The processing is done in
sequence of operations which translates inputs such as geographical maps, images, satellite imageries, aerial
photographs or in the form tabular data collected from in-site survey, government records or personal observations
into output in the form of dimensional model or in other visual forms.
5. Data Manipulation – is the process of summarizing, re-arranging, improving or scientific designs achieved either
physically or by processor software. ICT helps in operating the information and makes new information from present
6. Data Retrieval – is the process of discovering required information. ICT supports the recovery of information’s either
in the form of features or characteristic or both in a computer-generated form. Data can be retrieved from one source
to another source with the help of computer software.
7. Data Display – Data display includes presenting of information in the form of text, graphics, audio, and video. Display
can be made through computer screen, speakers and printers. (Prasad & Prasad, 2009).


1. ICT in Agriculture -E-Agriculture is an emerging field focusing on the enhancement of agricultural and rural
development through improved information and communication processes.
2. ICT in Education -Teaching learning process can be made more interactive and hence resulting in more efficient. With
the help of presentations, designing and simulation several tough topics can be taught and learned in easier way.
3. ICT in Society -With the help of ICT people are spending considerable time on social networks on the virtual world
through e-mail, mobile, blogs, downloading etc. This has changed the social behavior which is the emergence of a
society of digital age – the Information Society.
4. ICT in Balanced Regional Growth -ICT sector can give employment and generate revenue for smaller cities by
spreading its business operations to those cities. It can assist in improving the supply of talent pool and development
of physical and social infrastructure.
5. ICT in Corporate -Governance Global exposure has created good corporate governance practices with the IT
companies. This encourages other industries to follow better governance and embrace higher standards of disclosure.
6. ICT in Healthcare -Health area can have several critical and important ICT solutions like tele-medicine consultation in
rural areas, consultation from expert doctors through teleconferencing or video conferencing, reports can be send to
the doctor through email etc.
7. ICT in Banking and Insurance -Banks and insurance agents have diversified into Mutual funds, retail banking, and
merchant banking and so on. This has in turn led to computerization of information related to all the banking
transaction such as e-banking in order to save time and to have effective utilization of available information.
8. ICT in Business Communication -Invention of computers, the miniaturization of electronics and the development of
wireless communication have all altered the business world. Business communication, in particular, has seen some of
the greatest advancements due to technological developments.

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