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Q.1. Enlist Characteristics of Good Governance and discuss any for of them.

➢ Characteristic of Good Governance :

1) Participation 2) Transparency 3) rule of law 4) responsiveness 5) consensus period 6)
equity and inclusiveness 7) effectiveness and efficiency 8) accountability
1.Transparency: Transparency means that decisions taken and their enforcement are
done in a manner that follows rules and regulations. It also means that information is
freely available and directly accessible to those who will be affected by such decisions
and their enforcement. It also means that enough information is provided and that it is
provided in easily understandable forms and media. 2.Responsiveness: Good
governance requires that institutions and processes try to serve all stakeholders within a
reasonable timeframe. By being responsive, governmental institutions gain ‗legitimacy‘
in the public realm which will automatically ensure their wider acceptance and thus
effectiveness in governance. 3.Consensus oriented: There are several actors and as
many viewpoints in a given society. Good governance requires mediation of the different
interests in society to reach a broad consensus in society on what is in the best interest
of the whole community and how this can be achieved. It also requires a broad and
long-term perspective on what is needed for sustainable human development and how
to achieve the goals of such development. 4. Equity and inclusiveness:
A society‘s well-being depends on ensuring that all its members feel that they have a
stake in it and do not feel excluded from the mainstream of society. This requires all
groups, but particularly the most vulnerable, have opportunities to improve or maintain
their well-being.
Q. 2. Give fundamental Rights of Indian constitution and Describe them.
➢ 1) Rights of Equity – Equality before law: Article 14 of the constitution guarantees that
all people shall be Equally protected by the laws of the country. 2) Rights of freedom- •
Freedom of speech and expression • Freedom to assemble peacefully without arms 3)
Right of freedom of Religion – • Freedom of conscience and free profession, practice
and propagation of religion – Article 25 • Freedom to manage religious affairs – Article
26 4) Rights against exploitation - • Prohibition of traffic in human beings and forced
labour – Article 23 • Prohibition of employment of children in factories- Article 24 5)
Cultural and educational rights - • Protection of language, script and culture of
minorities – Article 29 • Rights to minorities to established and administer educational
institution – Article 30 6) Rights to Constitutional remedies - Dr. B. R. Ambedkar rightly
declared Right to constitutional remedies as "the heart and soul" of Indian constitution.
When a national or state emergency is declared, this right is suspended by the central
Q. 3. Explain in detail the dimensions of democracy.
➢ Dimensions of Democracy: Social Democracy, Economic and Political Democracy.
1) Social Democracy – • Freedom, Equality and Fraternity • This is also reflected in the legal
foundations of the United Nations. • Fundamental Rights 2) Economic democracy- Is a
socioeconomic Philosophy that proposes to shift decision-making power from corporate Managers
and corporate shareholders to a larger group of public Stakeholders that includes workers, customers,
suppliers, neighbor’s and The broader public. 3) Political Democracy - Is a means for the people to
choose their leaders and To hold their leaders accountable for their policies and their conduct in
Office. The people decide who will represent them in parliament, and who Will head the
government at the national and local levels.
Q. 4. Describe the powers and duties of Gram Panchayat.
➢ 1.Supply of for domestic, industrial and commercial purposes 2.Public health,
sanitation, conservancy and solid waste management. 3.Roads and bridges 4.Vital
statistics including registration of births and deaths. 5.Urban planning including town
planning. 6.Slum improvement and upgradation. 7.Protection of environment. 8.Public
amenities including street lighting, parking lots, bus stops Functions or Power Duties
of Gram Panchayat : a) Representative:- The sarpanch, members & gramsevak
represent the voice of people to the taluka & district level by attending meetings &
sending reports. b) Regulatory & administration :- i) solve the disputes of village
people. ii) programme implementation iii) Conducting regular meetings & maintaining
records. iv) Authentic documentation of birth, death, marriage & other details of the
village people. v) Enforcing measures of safety & sanitation, vi) Collection of house tax.
c) Service or development :- i) to provide education, communication & health facilities.
ii) To provide drinking water facilities. iii) to look after general welfare e.g. roads, lights,
market etc. iv) To promote agriculture & irrigation development
Q. 5. Enlist Principles of democracy In India and explain any two of them.
➢ 1. Citizen participation 2. Equality 3. Political tolerance 4. Accountability
5. Transparency 6. Regular free and fair elections 7. Economic freedom 8. Control of the
abuse of power 9. Bill of rights 10. Accepting the results of elections 11. Human rights
12. Multi party system 13. Rule of law
1. Citizen Participation :- One of the most basic signposts of a democracy is citizen
participation in government. Participation is the key role of citizens in democracy. It is
not only their right, but it is their duty. Citizen participation may take many forms
including standing for election, voting in elections, becoming informed, debating issues,
attending community or civic meetings, being members of private voluntary
organizations, paying taxes, and even protesting. Participation builds a better
democracy. 2. Equality:-Democratic societies emphasize the principle that all people are
equal. Equality means that all individuals are valued equally, have equal opportunities,
and may not be discriminated against because of their race, religion, ethnic group,
gender or sexual orientation. In a democracy, individuals and groups still maintain their
right to have different cultures, personalities, languages and beliefs. 3. Accountability:-
In a democracy, elected and appointed officials have to be accountable to the people.
They are responsible for their actions. Officials must make decisions and perform their
duties according to the will and wishes of the people, not for themselves.
4. Transparency:-For government to be accountable the people must be aware of what
is happening in the country. This is referred to as transparency in government. A
transparent government holds public meetings and allows citizens to attend. In a
democracy, the press and the people are able to get information about what decisions
are being made, by whom and why. 5. Economic Freedom:-People in a democracy must
have some form of economic freedom. This means that the government allows some
private ownership of property and businesses, and that the people are allowed to choose
their own work and labor unions. The role the government should play in the economy is
open to debate, but it is generally accepted that free markets should exist in a
democracy and the state should not totally control the economy. Some argue that the
state should play a stronger role in countries where great inequality of wealth exists due
to past discrimination or other unfair practices.
Q. 6. Enlist different types of democracy and explain any two of them.
➢ Types of democracy – 1) Direct Democracy (Participatory) 2) Indirect (representative
or limited) Democracy 3) Parliamentary Form of democracy / Government 4)The
presidential form of democracy / Government. 1) Direct Democracy is also called as
participatory democracy this was The first ever model of democracy introduced in the
Greek city state of Athens in 3rd century BC. In this form of democracy, citizens
participated In the affairs of the state directly and had a say in the governance of the City
state. Every citizen had a political right in theism state. (women and Slaves were not
allowed to participate). Direct democracy thus obliterates the distinction between
Government and the governed and between the state and civil society.
Features – 1) It heightens the control that citizens can exercise over their own destinies
As it is the only pure form of government. 2) It creates a better informed and more
politically sophisticated citizens 3) Indirect Democracy It is also called limited or
indirect democracy. The narrow meaning of Representative democracy as understood by
many is periodic voting after a Stipulated time (in case of India it is every five years).
However the larger Meaning of democracy is full participation in the day to day affairs of
Governance. The process of election is essentially to establish a link Between the
government and the governed. Features – 1) It is a practicable form of democracy. 2) It
relieves ordinary citizens the burden of decision making thus possible a Division of
labour in politics.
Q. 7. Define democracy decentralization and explain the features.
➢ Definition - Decentralization is the process of distributing or dispersing functions,
powers, peoples or things away from a central location or authority. 1) transparency:
When the power to make decisions is transferred to elected lower-level authori- ties,
both decisions and the decision making process become more visible and intelli- gible to
people at the grass roots. The proceedings of decentralized authorities are often
publicized, and when they are not, discontented members of those bodies often publi-
cized, and when they are not, discontented members of those bodies often criticise them
publicly. 2) responsiveness: Democratic decentralization lends strongly to increase the
speed, quantity and qualify of responses to citizens and groups at the grass roots.
Decentralized institutions deliver response with greater speed, because they can act
without seeking approval from higher authority. 3) Openness : Increased transparency
and responsiveness also make government more open in the sense that citizens and
groups at the local level find it easier to gain access and influence. That is true not only
when the previous system was undemocratic, but also when it was democratic but
centralized. 4) Accountability: The elected councillors worry not only about the next
election, but also about displays of discontent between elections. Their (and
government's) accountability is thus enhanced, so is accountability of bureaucrats to
citizens and group. Citizens apply more direct pressure on bureaucrats, whose
accountability is thereby enhanced. 5) Reducing absenteeism by government
employees: The tendency of government employees at and near the local level to fail to
turn up for work is oftenly observed. Elected councillors often hear complaints from
citizens about absenteeism. 6) Encouraging greater probity in democracy:
After, decentralization, in each sub-district, hundreds of elected councillors (and many citizens) knew
the total development budget, so big theft becomes impossible. 7) Easing political alienation:
Democratic decentralization can ease potentially dangerous political alienation in two ways. First,
activists at lower levels who were once frustrated because they had little hope of gaining elected
posts at the national level can realistically aspire to the many new seats on decentralized bodies.
This lessens the chances that their frustation will incline them to act destructively.
Q. 8. Describe the power election commision in India. ➢ Powers of Election commission 1.
Delimitation of Constituencies:- To facilitate the process of elections, a country has to be divided
into several constituencies. Constituency It is territorial area from where a candidate contests
elections. The task of delimiting constituencies is generally performed by the Delimitation Commission
consisting of five serving or retired judges of the Supreme Court and the Chief Election Commissioner
who is its ex-officio member. 2. Preparation of Electoral Rolls :- Each constituency has a
comprehensive list of voters. It is known as the Electoral Roll, or the Voters’ List. The Commission
prepares the Electoral Roll for Parliament as well as Legislative Assembly elections. The Electoral Roll
of every constituency contains the names of all the persons who have right to vote in that
constituency. General Election:- Election to constitute a new Lok Sabha or Assembly is called General
Election. By-Election :- If at any time there is a mid-term vacancy due to the death or resignation of a
member either in Lok Sabha or Legislative Assembly only one seat falls vacant. Mid-term Election :- If
the Lok Sabha or State Assembly is dissolved before completion of five years and the election is held
to constitute new Lok Sabha or new State Assembly, etc. is called midterm election.
3. Recognition of Political Parties : One of the important functions of the Election Commission is to
recognise political parties as all India (National) or State (Regional) Political Parties. If in a general
election, a particular party gets four percent of the total valid votes polled in any four states it is
recognised as an all India (National) Party. If a party gets four percent of the total valid votes in a state,
it is recognized as a State or regional party. 4. Allotment of Symbol : Political Parties have symbols
which are allotted by the Election Commission.For example, Hand is the symbol of the Indian National
Congress, Lotus is the symbol of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Elephant is the symbol of
Bahujan Samaj Party.
These symbols are significant for the following reasons:
1. They are a help for the illiterate voters who cannot read the names of the candidates. 2. They help in
differentiating between two candidates having the same name. 6) Encouraging greater probity in
democracy: After, decentralization, in each sub-district, hundreds of elected councillors (and many
citizens) knew the total development budget, so big theft becomes impossible. 7) Easing political
alienation: Democratic decentralization can ease potentially dangerous political alienation in two ways.
First, activists at lower levels who were once frustrated because they had little hope of gaining elected
posts at the national level can realistically aspire to the many new seats on decentralized bodies. This
lessens the chances that their frustation will incline them to act destructively.
Q. 9. Functions of election commission in India.➢ Functions of Election commission of
India :1. To determine the territorial areas of the electoral constituencies throughout the
country on the basis of the Delimitation act of Parliament.2. To prepare and periodically
revise electoral rolls and to register all eligible voters.3. To notify the dates and schedules
of elections and to scrutinize nomination papers.4. To grant recognition to political
parties and allot political symbol to them.5. To act as a court for setting disputes related
to granting recognition to political parties and allot political symbol to them.6. To
appoint officers for enquiring into disputes related to electoral arrangements.7. To
determine the code of conduct to be observed by the parties and candidates at the time
of elections.8. To prepare a roster for publicity of the policies of the political parties on
radio and TV at the time of elections.
Q.10. Describe the functions of Zilla Parishad.➢ Powers and Functions :
i) Functions as Advisory body over the Panchayat Samits with powers to prove their
budget, Co-ordinate their plans & distribute funds.ii) To prepare plans for all items of
development.iii) Execution of development plans in the all blocks in district.
iv) Performing all Functions related to all subject Committees, education
management, roads, bridges.v) Establishment & maintenance of Agricultural Training
Centers (ATC), breeding Supervise the work of Panchayat Samiti.
vii) Promotion of soil & water conservation practices,viii) Maintain documents &
record of office.
Q. 11. Write down the important salient features of 73 and 74th Constitutional Act.
1) Gram Sabha or Ward Sabha (Meetings) : It is a deliberative body at The grassroots
level. It comprises of all the registers voters in a village in Rural areas or a ward in an
urban area. It is the foundation of local Democracy and process of decentralization of
powers in India.2) Reservation of seats for SC/ St and Women: In order to provide fair
and equal representation to all the sections of the society, seats are reserved for SC,
ST in proportion to their population. Along with this, one third seats are also reserved
for women candidates3) Provision of State Election Commission: This amendment
provides for the Establishment of the State Election Commission for conduct of
elections to The urbanand rural local self-government. This consist of Municipal
Corporations, Municipal Councils, Nagar Panchayats in urban areas and Zilla
Parishads, Panchayat Samitis, Village Panchayats in rural areas.4) Elections – Seats at
all levels to be filled by direct elections.5) Three Tier System – Three tier system of
Panchayats at village, intermediate block /taluka/mandal and district level Except in
states with population below 20 lakhs.6) Provision of state finance commission – It is
made to determine the principles on the basis of which adequate financial resources
would be ensured For Panchayat & Municipalties.7) Fund allocation – It includes
budgetary allocation from state governments, share of revenue of certain taxes,
collections & retention of the revenue it raises, central government programmes &
grants, Union Finance Commision grants.8) Provision of districts planning
commission - 74th Amendment Provides for a district planning committee to
consolidate the plans prepared by Panchayats & Municipalties.
9) Transfer of Subjects.
Q. 12. Explain the concept of Good Governance.➢ Meaning of Good Governance:
In 1989, the concept of ‗governance‘ was for the first time highlighted in a World Bank
study ‗Sub-Saharan Africa-from Crisis to Sustainable Growth‘ to describe the need for
institutional reform and a better and more Efficient public sector in Sub-Saharan
countries.• Public sector management• Accountability• Legal framework for
development• Information and transparency
For a country like India where democracy forms the base of all the Governing systems,
governance needs to be inclusive and is largely Determined by the participation of its
people. In a democracy like ours, a System of governance which is accountable and
transparent demands the Participation of people at every level. People‘s participation on
one hand Can help the government formulate better policies which can be
Communicated to the society again through participation and also Implemented well
Q. 13. Explain the elections of Local Self-Government at state level.
➢ Elections to Local Self Government Bodies: India is considered as one of the largest
functional democracy in the world. This democratic Experiment has withstood the test of
the time. It has been possible because We have been able to conduct free and fair
elections at regular interval (Except during 1976 Emergency). The constitution of India
guarantees its People right to choose their representatives and people who govern
them. This takes place through elections at following three levels: State Level: The
parliamentary form of government has been adopted at The state level as well. At this
level people of a particular state directly Elect their representatives to the state legislative
Assembly i.e. Vidhan Sabha for a period of five years. The person elected thus is a
representative Of particular area or constituency from a state in the state legislature. E.g.
State legislature of Maharashtra has 288 members in the Vidhan Sabha Which are
directly elected by the people of the state of Maharashtra.
Q. 14. Write in detail about three tier structure of panchayat raj. ➢ 1) Gram
Panchayat at village level: The gram panchayat is executive of Gram Sabha. The members
of the Gram Panchayat are elected by the Gram Sabha. Every adult member of the village
has the right to vote in the panchayat elections. 2) Panchayat Samiti at block level: The
members of Panchayat Samiti or Block Development Committee are elected directly by
the people through universal adult franchise. The ex-officio member of Panchayat Samiti
is MLAs, MPs, SDMs and BDOS of the areas. Besides ex- officio members, the others is
elected members. Some seats are kept reserved for SC and ST members. 30% of seats
are kept reserved for women candidates. 3) Zilla Parishad at district level: The Chairman
of Zilla Parishad is elected by the Chairman of Panchayat Samities in the district. The ex-
officio members are MLAs, MPs, SDMs, Collector and Deputy Collector. For every state
government, there is a financial commission to review the financial condition of these
institutions and to review the allocation of funds and grant-in-aid
Q. 15. Write short notes.
1) Challenge of democracy –➢ Foundational Challenge: Different countries face different kinds of
challenges. At least one fourth of the globe is still not under democratic government. The challenge
for democracy in these parts of the world is very stark. These countries face the foundational
challenge of making the transition to democracy and theninstituting democratic government. This
involves bringing down the existing non-democratic regime keeping military away from controlling
government and establishing a sovereign and functional state. For example Nepal was under
Monarchy till recent times. Now Nepal has changed to a democratic system.
2) Composition of panchayat raj➢ A local self-governing assembly for the development of rural
communities is essential to address the problems that arise in remote locations to the State
Government. This will check and repair the loopholes in the existing budget and policies. The latest
layout of the Public Raj Institution has been laid out in the 73 rd amendment of the Indian Constitution.
3) Features of Diversity Decentralization➢
1.Transparency2.Responsiveness3.Openness4.Accountability5.Enhancing the flaw of information
6.Curbing absenteeism by government employees 7.Encouraging greater probity Democratic 8.Easing
political alienation9.Promoting political legitimacy.
4) Constitution Provision Of 73 and 74 Constitutional Amendment Act➢ The 73 rd and 74 th
Amendment to the Constitution of India has given legal sanctity to the panchayat Raj System in rural
arrears and Municipal Governance in Urban areas. India has a chequered history of local self
governing bodies working at the local level. The council of five elderly members from a village i.e.
Panchayat existed in India since, time immemorial. After independence through the recommendations
of various committees like - Balwant Rai Mehta committee. Ashok Mehta committee and others.
Q. 16. Describe in brief Steps taken for Good Governance in India
➢ Steps for Good Governance in India : 1. Passing of 73 and 74" Constitutional
Amendment Act (December 1992) Strengthening the democratic decentralization
2. The Right of Information Act (15 June 2005) 3. National Rural Employment Guarantee
Act (NREGA) 2005 renamed Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
(MGNREGA) for provision of right to work 4. Passing of Right to Education Act (RTE)-
2009 5. Launching of the National Rural Health Mission (NRHN)-2005, to provide
effective rural health care 6. Passing of National Food Security Bill, 2013, also known as
Right to Food Act 7. Launching of a Web portal namely Governance Knowledge Centres
(GKC)- 2005 8. Administrative Reforms, Public Grievances for good governance ie Code
of Governance 9. Powerful tool of good governance ie E-governance
Q. 17. Describe attributes of poor governance.
➢ The poor governance could adversely affect the development process. 1) Poor
management of economies, persisting fiscal imbalances, disparities in the pace and level
of development across regions and across districts. 2) Denial of basic needs of food,
water and shelter to a substantial proportion of the population. 3) Threat to life and
personal security in the face of inadequate State control on law and order. 4)
Marginalization, exclusion or even persecution of people on account of social, religious,
cast or ever gender affiliations. 5) Lack of sensitivity, transparency and accountability in
many facets of the working of state machinery. 6) Lack of credibility. 7) inadequate
system of incentive/disincentive for people. 8) Deterioration of physical environment,
particularly in urban areas.
Q. 18. Discuss in detail challenges before Indian democracy.
➢ Challenges of Indian Democracy a) Overpopulation: •Indian population has
reached upto an estimated 1.27 billion. •This is one of the greatest challenges that
have hindered the possible progress of our country to some extent. •Government of
India which is already facing challenges from various angles has
failed to control the population growth.
b) Poverty: •Though India is approaching towards becoming an economic super
power, it hasequally great challenges towards tackling the poverty. •According to the
World Bank's estimates on poverty based on 2005 data, India has456 million people,
ie. 41.6% of its population, living below the new international poverty line of
$1.25(PPP) per day. •The world Bank further estimates that 33% of the global poor
now reside in India.Moreover, India also has 828 million people, or 75.6% of the
population living below $2 a day, compared to 72.2% for Sub-Saharan Africa.
•The major reason for poor population in India is due to its uneven distribution of
wealth with 10% of income groups earning 33% of the income.
c) Sanitation: •Statistics conducted by United Nations International Children's
Emergency Fund(UNICEF) have shown that only 31% of India‘s population is able to
utilise proper sanitation facilities as of 2008. •Studies by UNICEF have also shown
that diseases resulting from poor sanitation affect children in their cognitive
Q. 19. Define.
• 1) Constitution – The constitution is a document that sets limits on the power of
government and ensures a democratic system in which persons enjoy certain rights.
• 2) Democracy - Democracy is government of the people, by the people and for
the people.
• 3) Government: Government refers to the machinery and institutional
arrangement of the political community.
• 4) Good Governance - Good governance means the government should ensure
that the values of good governance like accountability and transparency are taken care
of while framing policies and people should participate in the process of governance to
make it better.
• 5) Election - A formal and organized choice by vote of a person for a political
office or other position.
• 6) Governance - Governance means making policies for the development of
organizations as well as people.
• 7) Fundamental rights - The Fundamental rights are defined ng basic human
freedoms that every Indian citizen has the right to enjoy for a proper and harmonious
development of personality.

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